Normandale Hamline Transfer Guide

Normandale AFA/Hamline BFA Transfer Course Guide
When completing the “generals” for the AFA, students can maximize their credits by choosing courses
that meet the requirements of the AFA AND transfer well to Hamline. This guide is intended to help
students choose courses that maximize their transferability into Hamline’s BFA in Creative Writing.
General Advice
1. Use the Hamline Plan Transfer Sheet (attached) to keep track of your courses and how you are
meeting the Hamline requirements. Use your student e-services account at Normandale to
track your progress in the AFA, by declaring your major as an AFA and using your DARS report
(for help doing this, see a counselor or stop by Ms Bigalk’s office for a demonstration).
2. You can maximize the power of your credits here and at Hamline by strongly considering
courses marked with SC at the beginning; these are “super courses”, which apply to more than
one goal in the Normandale requirements AND apply to one or more Hamline requirement.
Students only need 60 credits to graduate from Normandale, but may transfer up to 68 credits
to Hamline.
3. Normandale’s requirements do not line up perfectly with Hamline’s, so it’s a good idea to
choose electives that apply to requirements at Hamline. Students who have been through the
transfer process have recommended these electives:
CAPL 1250 Intro to Project Management Software (transfers as Computer Intensive
Any course in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, or Spanish (fulfills the “L”
category of Cultural Breadth – no other Normandale course does)
Two Courses in Art, Music, and Theatre listed under Goal 8 as SC’s, and/or on this
o ART 1101, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1109, 1110, 1112, 1113, 1121, 1122, 1123,
1124, 1125, 1126, 1127, 2201, 2203, 2204, 2205, 2206, 2222, 2224, 2251, 2252
o MUSC 1120, 1121, 1122, 1123, 1124, 1131, 1132, 2231, 2245, 2246, 2247
o THTR 1111, 1116, 1118, 1151, 1152, 1160
Goal 1 (AFA Students must have taken Freshman Composition to be enrolled in the AFA, so it is assumed
this course has already been taken; Freshman Comp transfers as Hamline’s First Year Writing Course).
Hamline requires TWO speaking intensive courses, but Normandale only requires one. Take TWO of
these courses to maximize transfer to Hamline:
Communication 1100 (3 cr): Intro to Communication
Communication 1101 (3 cr): Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Communication 1111 (3 cr): Interpersonal Communication
Communication 1121 (3 cr): Small Group Communication
Goal 2 is earned through the AFA curriculum.
Goal 3: Students must take TWO Goal 3 courses in different disciplines/acronyms, and at least one
must be a lab science course. These Normandale Goal 3 Courses transfer to Hamline as the two
required Natural Science courses:
Goals 3 & 8, transfers to Hamline as one Natural Science requirement AND Cultural Breadth,
“I” category
SC: Biology 1103 (4 cr): Introduction to Emerging Diseases (lab)
Goals 3 & 10, transfers to Hamline as Natural Science requirement
SC: Biology 1104 (4 cr): Minnesota Natural History and Field Biology (lab)
SC: Chemistry 1010 (4 cr): Environmental Chemistry (lab)
SC: Geography 1101 (4 cr): Physical Geography (lab)
SC: Geography 1172 (4 cr): Introductory Meteorology (lab)
SC: Geology 1101 (4 cr): Physical Geology (lab)
Goal 3, transfers to Hamline as Natural Science requirement
Biology 1007 (4 cr): Contemporary Biology (lab)
Biology 1101 (4 cr): Introduction to Human Genetics (lab)
Biology 1102 (4 cr): Human Biology (lab)
Biology 1105 (4 cr): General Biology: Cells to Organisms (lab)
Biology 1106 (4 cr): General Biology: Ecology and Evolution (lab)
Biology 1141 (4 cr): Human Anatomy (lab) *prerequisites/permission required
Biology 1142 (4 cr): Human Physiology (lab) *prerequisites/permission required
Biology 2202 (4 cr): Zoology (lab) *prerequisites/permission required
Biology 2203 (4 cr): Botany (lab) *prerequisites/permission required
Biology 2204 (4 cr): Microbiology (lab) *prerequisites/permission required
Biology 2205 (4 cr): Genetics (lab) *prerequisites/permission required
Chemistry 1020 (4 cr): Survey of Chemistry (lab)
Chemistry 1050 (3 cr): Found. of Organic/Biochemistry (lab)*prerequisites/permission
Chemistry 1061 (5 cr): Principles of Chemistry 1 (lab) *prerequisites/permission required
Chemistry 1062 (5 cr): Principles of Chemistry 2 (lab) *prerequisites/permission required
Chemistry 2041 (4 cr): Quantitative Analysis (lab) *prerequisites/permission required
Chemistry 2058 (4 cr): Organic Chemistry Essentials 1 (lab) *prerequisites/permission required
Chemistry 2059 (4 cr): Organic Chemistry Essentials 2 (lab) *prerequisites/permission required
Chemistry 2061 (5 cr): Organic Chemistry 1 (lab) *prerequisites/permission required
Chemistry 2062 (5 cr): Organic Chemistry 2 (lab) *prerequisites/permission required
Geology 1102 (4 cr): Historical Geology (lab)
Physics 1050 (4 cr): Survey of Classical Physics (lab) *prerequisites/permission required
Physics 1060 (4 cr): Physics of Health Technology (lab)
Physics 1103 (4 cr): Natural Science Physics (lab)
Physics 1110 (4 cr): College Physics 1 (lab) *prerequisites/permission required
Physics 1111 (4 cr): College Physics 2 (lab) *prerequisites/permission required
Physics 1114 (4 cr): Introductory Astronomy (lab)
Physics 1121 (5 cr): Physics with Calculus (lab) *prerequisites/permission required
Physics 1122 (5 cr): Physics with Calculus 2 (lab) *prerequisites/permission required
Physics 1201 (4 cr): Physics with Biomedical Applications 1 (lab) *prerequisites/permission
Physics 1202 (4 cr): Physics with Biomedical Applications 2 (lab) *prerequisites/permission
Goal 4 is earned by taking Philosophy 1102 (3 cr): Logic or by taking the appropriate mathematics
course(s) at Normandale. These Normandale Goal 4 courses transfer to Hamline, and fulfill Hamline’s
Formal Reasoning Goal (ONE course required):
MATH 1020, 1080, 1100, 1200, 1400, 1500, 1510, 2400, 2510, AND 2520
PHIL 1102
Goal 5 is earned by taking TWO courses in different disciplines/acronyms; the courses listed below
fulfill Hamline’s Social Sciences requirement (2 courses), and sometimes more.
Goals 5 & 8, transfer as Hamline’s Social Science requirements, AND fulfill Hamline’s Cultural
Breadth “I” Category (one course)
SC: Anthropology 1101 (3 cr): Cultural Diversity
SC: Anthropology 1121 (3 cr): Women Across Cultures
SC: Anthropology 1127 (3 cr): Cultural Anthropology
SC: Anthropology 1188 (3 cr): Magic, Witchcraft & Religion: The Anthropology of Religion
SC: Economics 2202 (3 cr): Principles of Macroeconomics
SC: Geography 1102 (3 cr): Human Geography (non-lab)
SC: Geography 1121 (3 cr): World Regional Geography (non-lab)
SC: Geography 1122 (3 cr): Geography of Europe (non-lab)
SC: Geography 1124 (3 cr): Geography of Latin America (non-lab)
SC: History 1101 (4 cr): History of World Civilizations 1
SC: History 1102 (4 cr): History of World Civilizations 2
SC: History 1103 (4 cr): History of World Civilizations 3
SC: History 1131 (3 cr): History of the Family: A Cross-cultural Perspective
SC: History 2101 (3 cr): History of East Asia
SC: Political Science 1132 (3 cr): Introduction to Comparative Politics
SC: Political Science 1133 (3 cr): Middle East Politics
SC: Political Science 1136 (3 cr): City Politics
SC: Political Science 1150 (3 cr): Introduction to World Politics
SC: Sociology 1101 (3 cr): Social Diversity
SC: Sociology 1106 (3 cr): Social Problems in a Changing World
Goals 5 & 10, AND transfer as Hamline’s Social Science requirement
SC: Anthropology 1125 (4 cr): Physical Anthropology
SC: Anthropology 1126 (4 cr): Archaeology and Prehistory: Discovering the Human Cultural
SC: Geography 1123 (3 cr): Geography of Minnesota (non-lab)
SC: History 1133 (3 cr): Minnesota History
Goal 5 courses, AND transfer as Hamline’s Social Science requirement
Anthropology 1150 (3 cr): Native Americans: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Communication 1106 (3 cr): Introduction to Mass Communication
Communication 1113 (3 cr): Public Relations
Communication 2111 (3 cr): Family Communication
Economics 1200 (3 cr): Consumer Economics
Economics 1400 (3 cr): Survey of Economics
Economics 2201 (3 cr): Principles of Microeconomics
History 1111 (4 cr): United States History 1
History 1112 (4 cr): United States History 2
Political Science 1130 (3 cr): Introduction to US Politics
Political Science 1134 (3 cr): Introduction to Political Thought through the Classic Thinkers
Political Science 1135 (3 cr): Introduction to Modern Political Thought
Political Science 2253 (3 cr): Constitutional Law 1 *prerequisites/permission required
Political Science 2254 (3 cr): Constitutional Law 2 *prerequisites/permission required
Psychology 1100 (3 cr): The Psychology of Adjustment
Psychology 1109 (3 cr): Child Development
Psychology 1110 (4 cr): General Psychology
Psychology 1120 (3 cr): Psychology of Human Sexuality
Psychology 2200 (3 cr): Abnormal Psychology
Psychology 2210 (4 cr): Developmental Psychology: Life Span *prerequisites/permission
Psychology 2300 (3 cr): Psychology of Personality *prerequisites/permission required
Psychology 2400 (3 cr): Psychology of Religion and Spirituality *prerequisites/permission
Sociology 1100 (3cr): Modern US Society
Sociology 1102 (3 cr): Love, Sex, and Family
Sociology 1104 (3 cr): Intro to Sociology
Sociology 1115 (3 cr): Sociology of Sex and Gender Roles
Sociology 1121 (3 cr): Women Across Cultures
Sociology 2108 (3 cr): Social Psychology *prerequisites/permission required
Sociology 2110 (3 cr): American Minority Relations *prerequisites/permission required
Sociology 2112 (3 cr): Criminology *prerequisites/permission required
Sociology 2125 (3 cr): Social Deviance *prerequisites/permission required
Goal 6 is fulfilled at Normandale with the AFA creative writing and literature courses; these courses
transfer to Hamline as both AFA/BFA courses AND the two required Humanities credits. Take these AFA
courses to fulfill both Normandale’s requirements and maximize transfer to Hamline:
ENGW 1111 (3 cr)Creative Writing
ENGW 2112 (3 cr)Poetry Writing
ENGW 2113 (3 cr) Fiction Writing
ENGW 2115 (3 cr) Memoir/Creative Nonfiction Writing
ENGL 1130 (3 cr) Literature of Diversity
ENGL 2151 (4 cr) American Literature 2
ENGL 2120 (3 cr) Shakespeare OR ENGL 2151 American Lit 1 OR ENGL 2160 (4 cr) Brit Lit 1 OR
ENGL 2161 Brit Lit 2
ENGW 2900 (1-3 cr) AFA Capstone Course
*ENGW 2114 (3 cr) Play and Screenwriting, is accepted for elective credits, but does not count
towards BFA requirements, as Hamline does not have a play/screenwriting track in the BFA.
Goal 7 requires students to take one course, which is completed by taking the AFA-required course,
Literature of Diversity. This course also fulfills one of Hamline’s three required Cultural Breadth courses
in the “G” Category.
Goal 8 at Normandale is fulfilled by taking ONE course.
*See the Super courses for Goals 3 and 5 to find courses that fulfill both goals at the same time for the
Normandale AFA and note how they transfer to Hamline, and see below.
These Goal 8 courses also fulfill Hamline’s Fine Art requirement (2 courses are required – see
complete list of accepted courses at the end of this sheet) AND count towards Hamline’s
Cultural Breadth Goal in the “I” Category (one course required):
SC: ART 1101 (3 cr): The Visual Arts
SC: ART 1102 (3 cr): Art History Survey 1: Prehistory through 16th Century Europe
SC: ART 1103 (3 cr): Art History Survey 2: 16th Cent. Europe to 1945
SC: ART 1104 (3 cr): Contemporary Art Survey
SC: ART 1105 (3 cr): Non-Western Art Survey
SC: Music 1121 (3 cr): Introduction to World Music
These Goal 8 Courses transfer to Hamline as Cultural Breadth, in the “I” Category; also see Goals
3 & 8 for more courses that transfer as Cultural Breadth, “I” Category.
SC: Philosophy 1150 (3 cr): Introduction to World Religions
These Goal 8 courses also fulfill Hamline’s Cultural Breadth requirement in the “L” Category (one
course required – these are the only courses at Normandale that fulfill this requirement at
SC: All courses in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish
Goal 9 is fulfilled by taking the AFA-required course, American Literature 2
Goal 10 requires students to take one course. All Goal 10 transferable courses are listed as Super
courses under Goals 3 and 5; look there to find courses that fulfill both goals at the same time for the
Normandale AFA AND transfer to Hamline in the Goal 10 category.
Final AFA Considerations
 AFA students are NOT required to take health or exercise science courses.
 AFA students must earn a total of 60 credits in order to graduate, but may transfer up to 68
credits into Hamline’s BFA program.
 In order to graduate from Normandale, AFA students must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher, and
must have completed the AFA Capstone Course