University of Washington Group 1 Safety Committee Minutes Meeting Date: 13 July, 2011 Location and Time: 5th Floor Conference Room, Suzzallo Library, 9 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Attending Members: Leslie Anderson – University Advancement (Co-chair) Suzanne Anderson – Intercollegiate Athletics Heidi Barta – UW Information Technology Ruth Beardsley- School of Law Gretchen Bennett – Human Resources Linda Braziel- Information Management Laura Davenport – SEIU 925 Ryan Hawkinson – Foster School of Business Mark Mihok – Foster School of Business John Morehart – College of Education Harry Murphy- University Libraries Mary Parker-Hale- Human Resources Theresa Valverde – UW Information Technology Paula Walker – Libraries Absent Members: Connie Bartlett – University Advancement (Co-chair) Brent Barker – Office of Global Affairs Ann Corboy- Information School Kathy Crothers – School of Law Dian Gay- Applied Physics Lab Jan Kendle – Minority Affairs Kimberly Matsune – Applied Physics Lab Marty Nolan – University Libraries Stephanie Shandera – External Affairs/KUOW Darla Van Winkle- Intercollegiate Athletics Guests in Attendance: Scott Preston – UW Emergency Management Welcome and Introductions: This was Paula Walker’s last meeting. We all wish Paula the very best in a welldeserved retirement. Prepared By: Laura Davenport Page 1 2/8/2016 University of Washington Group 1 Safety Committee Minutes Approval of the Minutes: Minutes of June 2011 were approved as written. For future minutes, the secretary will provide a section titled “Actions Pending” to allow committee members to better track agreed-to actions. Special Presentation: Scott Preston, Business Continuity Manager with UW Emergency Management, presented the pilot program, Husky Ready. This on-line, easily accessible program is designed to help programs create and maintain their mandatory Business, Academic and Research Continuity (BARC) plans. Scott led the group through the various components of the program that capture the information necessary to create a well-structured plan. Emergency Management is on track for a fall roll-out of this fabulous tool. U-Wide Meeting Highlights: At the last U-Wide meeting, held at the EOC, Steve Charvat gave a fascinating presentation about the EOC. The group said goodbye to Dennis Sapiro as well. July’s meeting will focus on the EH&S reorganization and safety group elections. Incident Report Backs: Incident 2011-04-026: Suzanne has attempted to contact the responsible supervisor without success. She will continue her efforts. Incident 2011-04-030: Joseph Kwok is on vacation. Leslie will try to contact him regarding the uneven sidewalk repair. Incident 2011-04-044: Per an email from Joseph Kwok, a guide has been created and training is scheduled for appropriate personnel involved with fluorescent bulb replacement. Incident 2011-04-45 and 2011-04-64: Follow-up from Dian or Kimberly is pending. Both were absent at this meeting. Incident 2011-05-007/019/020: Joseph has provided the group with the Health and Safety Plan appendix that addresses golf cart training. That appendix is included with these minutes. Incident 2011-05-047: Laura contacted Hall Health about availability to UW staff. The Employee Health Clinic mainly exists to provide mandatory immunizations and screening for employees but they can provide some first aid, blood pressure screenings, and are available for consult by phone. Employees may also be seen in the primary Hall Health program on a space-available basis. You can call 5-1026 for phone screenings of medical situations. Prepared By: Laura Davenport Page 2 2/8/2016 University of Washington Group 1 Safety Committee Minutes Current Incident Report Reviews: The committee reviewed the June accident and incident reports. Incident 2011-06-040: UWIT. Incident started in Liberty Lake, WA and ended in Post Falls, ID. Employee w/Type 1 Diabetes misestimated an insulin dosage. When employee got into vehicle to drive, the individual somehow ended up in an unplanned location. Employee sustained some injury, vehicle sustained some damage and a house sustained some damage. Resolution: This was an issue of a medical condition. Employee asked to pay closer attention to monitoring symptoms. Employee will procure a watch with timer to remind self to perform appropriate checks. UW Fleet Services notified of incident and appropriate reports filed. The committee accepted this resolution. Incident 2011-06-042: Minority Affairs. Ergonomic issue from December 2010 and with duplicate reports. Resolution: Leslie will follow up with Joseph Kwok about the duplication of reports and the timeliness of this one. To be revisited. Actions Pending: Incident 2011-04-026: Suzanne to continue to attempt to contact supervisor. Incident 2011-04-030: Leslie will contact Joseph Kwok about sidewalk repair. Incident 2011-04-45 and 2011-04-64: Follow-up from Dian or Kimberly. Incident 2011-06-042: Leslie will follow up. See above discussion. Good of the Order: Please let Leslie know about any training or presentations you would like to see. Topics might include issues like the EH&S food approval process for barbeques, etc. Elections are coming up. Mary Parker-Hale has volunteered to work on the elections. Ruth will work with her. We’d like to see one more person volunteer to help the process along. Leslie will contact Liz McFarland to discuss last year’s process and the timeline for the elections process is included with these minutes. Prepared By: Laura Davenport Page 3 2/8/2016 University of Washington Group 1 Safety Committee Minutes Required Elements for Department Small Utility Vehicle and Golf Cart Procedures The following are minimum elements that are required to be included in department specific procedures for operation of small utility vehicles and/or golf carts. All drivers of utility vehicles or golf carts must attend a training session prior to operating any such vehicles, and must be a trained staff member or under the supervision of a trained staff member while operating vehicles. The training program should include: The contents of this procedure, especially including all safety rules. Safe operating rules of the road. Precautions for operating in low-light or dark conditions. Designated paths and routes for vehicle operation. Procedures for unusual operating conditions, for example, while using an attached snow plow or towing, as applicable. Limitations and restrictions on the use of the golf cart. The difference between street legal and non-street legal golf cart/small utility vehicle. Steps to be taken in an emergency. All drivers must be 18 years of age or older and must have a valid driver’s license. A copy of the current valid driver’s license should be on file with the responsible department prior to operating the vehicle. Each department should designate an HR representative to keep this confidential information on file. Utility vehicles and golf carts shall observe all vehicle traffic laws (e.g. stopping at stop signs, yielding to pedestrians, etc.). Vehicles shall not be operated in a manner that may endanger passengers, other members of the campus community, or property. Drivers must not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Drivers should not use radios or cell phones while the vehicle is moving. Absolutely no horseplay while operating vehicles. Prepared By: Laura Davenport Page 4 2/8/2016 University of Washington Group 1 Safety Committee Minutes The number of passengers and load capacity shall not exceed the manufacturer’s rated limit. Passengers must be in seats. Seatbelts must be worn, if installed. Safety equipment, especially including seatbelts, may not be removed from the vehicle. Driver and passengers must hold on to the utility vehicle or golf cart at all times while the vehicle is in motion unless securely seat-belted in place. Luggage, packages, cargo, and/or equipment must be adequately secured for safety. Operators must operate vehicles at a safe speed for conditions, and should not operate vehicles at maximum speed. Utility vehicles and golf cart-type vehicles that are not licensed for street usage are restricted to sidewalks and paths on the University campus. Street-legal vehicles may be operated on streets with prior approval of responsible department. Small utility vehicles and golf carts must be operated in accordance with all applicable traffic laws, particularly regarding usage of seat-belts and prohibitions against use of cell phones or texting while driving. Check path of utility vehicles or golf carts and identify areas of caution or reduced speeds over designated paths. Drivers should slow when approaching such areas, or if traveling over paths which have not been assessed. Included in training session will be instructions on which paths to use. Operators must reduce speed to match other users on all streets, sidewalks, and paths. In congested pedestrian areas, operators must either park or proceed at a slow walking pace. Vehicles can only be parked in a safe manner and location and must not block any entrances to buildings, stairways, ramps, or thoroughfares. Passengers who are not UW employees should be embarked and disembarked only when the vehicle is parked on a hard, level surface. Prepared By: Laura Davenport Page 5 2/8/2016 University of Washington Group 1 Safety Committee Minutes Charging stations for electric golf carts and utility vehicles shall be located in a safe location that has adequate ventilation to prevent potential build-up of explosive hydrogen gas, and which is adequately protected from weather. Report all work-related injuries or near miss incidents to supervisor as soon as possible. Incident report instructions: Traffic and vehicle accidents may also require additional reporting to UWPD, Washington State Patrol, and/or Washington Department of Transportation. Prepared By: Laura Davenport Page 6 2/8/2016 University of Washington Group 1 Safety Committee Minutes Prepared By: Laura Davenport Page 7 2/8/2016 University of Washington Group 1 Safety Committee Minutes Prepared By: Laura Davenport Page 8 2/8/2016