GGR 390F - Field Camp - University of Toronto

GGR 390H1F - Field Camp 2014 - Information
GGR390 is an introduction to field methods in vegetation mapping/analysis, soils, hydrology,
climatology and geomorphology. The course includes exercises and a project during a oneweek field camp just before the start of classes, a little preparation during the preceding
summer, and complementary practical work and/or seminars during the Fall Term.
 Each student is required to pay the costs of transportation and accommodation ($550
per student, in addition to the regular course fee).
 Course may be limited by size.
 Prerequisite: GGR100H1 and 1.0 from GGR201H1, GGR203H1, GGR205H1,
GGR206H1, GGR305H1
 Recommended Preparation: 8.0 FCE’s
 Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Science course
The location of field camp this year will be in the Appalachians of southwestern Quebec
working out of the town of Sutton. This is one of the few opportunities we have in Physical
Geography for a concentrated period in which to conduct field work. It is usually a very
positive learning experience for students and instructors alike.
To apply for the course, please submit the application to Kathy Giesbrecht, Undergraduate
Geography Counsellor (SS5044;
The dates for field camp are:
Saturday August 23th , 2014
meet at 07:45 AM (no later) at the Physical Geography Building
45 St. George St. (meet in parking lot NE corner of bldg.)
Friday August 29th , 2014
around 17:30 (but will very much depend on traffic coming back into Toronto
on a Friday before the long weekend)
Travel will be in a convoy of 7-passenger minivans going via Montreal. Lunch is your
responsibility on the way there and the way back - you may wish to pack one. We will be
stopping somewhere on the way if you prefer to purchase lunch (fast food type).
Accommodation is motel style and does not require a sleeping bag or bedding. Three
meals a day will be provided (breakfast, bag lunch for the field, and dinner). If you have
special diet requirements (e.g., vegetarian, allergy related, etc.), they can be accommodated
in most cases.
Required Gear
Strong footwear (ie. hiking boots with good soles) for hiking in wet, slippery, muddy and
steep terrain (note: if you do not have the appropriate footwear you will not be
permitted to participate)
Pencils, pens and marker, metric ruler, pocket calculator
Many students bring along a laptop (although not required) as there is WiFi access in
a “conference room” where plotting, calculations and some reading can be done in the
Water resistant field note book (clip boards are okay in good weather, but not in rainy
If you already own a pair of rubber boots consider bringing them along for work around
stream edges. If you do not own rubber boots, we do bring along spares in a variety of
Complete rain gear
A leak-proof water bottle or two (1 L minimum capacity) as we will be doing a lot of hiking
Clothing, tuque and gloves for cold and rainy days; hiking shorts, hat, sunscreen for warm
days. Over the years, we have had weather anywhere from +2 C to +30 C, so come
prepared with layers that you can take off and put on to adjust to changing conditions.
A camera is useful for documenting field evidence (if your hands are muddy your favorite
cell phone camera can get messy or be dropped in water)
If you own a head lamp/flashlight, bring it along for evening measurements. If not, we
bring spares.
If it is not windy, an umbrella makes ideal cover for writing and recording observations in
your field note book.
You will need a day pack to lug this and your lunch around. Come prepared to spend
each day outdoors regardless of weather!
There are 3 things you must do to register for the course.
1) You cannot register for GGR 390H1F using ROSI. The enrolment indicator for GGR
390H1F is “E”, meaning that the department will enrol only those people whose
applications were successful. Once you are enrolled by the department, you must pay
your tuition fees as you would any other fall course.
2) If you’re application is successful, we will ask you to provde your payment of $550, please
make cheques payable to “University of Toronto” and send to:
Kathy Giesbrecht
Dept. of Geography
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON M5S 3G3
(Attn. GGR390H1F)
or bring it in person to the department (5th floor SSH Rm 5044).
Please note: A $250 non-refundable deposit is required by May 9th, the $300
balance is due June 27th . If you do not pay the deposit by May 9th we will assume
you are choosing not to attend in 2014 and will not book a spot for you.
You can pay the full $550 fee May 9th if you wish.
3) Complete the attached form and return with your payment.
Field work can be an enjoyable experience if you are adequately prepared. Part of this
preparation is being aware of risks involved. Since we will be hiking in a mountain park it is
important to be aware of your limitations and to make these known to an instructor at any
time. Please read the list of responsibilities in conducting field work prior to our departure.
If you have any questions please contact us during the summer.
Prof. Joe Desloges,
Prof. Sarah Finkelstein,
GGR 390H1F - Field Camp (return with your payment by May 9th )
Full Name (print):
U. of T. Student Number:
Summer Phone:
Other Phone:
Email: ___________________________________________
Under FIPPA regulation we need your permaisison to share your email address with other
successful GGR390 students, do you agree to share your email address? YES NO
Mailing Address
Permanent Home
Postal Code
OHIP Number or other medical insurability:
Name, Address, Phone Number of person to contact in case of emergency
Postal Code:
Do you have any medical condition(s), and/or are you under any medication that we should
be aware of? yes____
If yes, please describe:
Do you have any dietary restrictions?
If yes, please describe:
Course fee (1st installment or full fee of $550) is due with this form. (Send to: Kathy
Giesbrecht, Dept. of Geography University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3G3 - Cheques
payable to the University of Toronto)
Signature of Student:
If you are 23 years of age or older and would be willing to help drive please
indicate here YES or NO
If you are over the age of 21 years and would be willing to help drive please
indicate here: Yes or NO