A Note on Optimum Allocation with Non-Linear Cost Function Mohd. Vaseem Ismail*, M. K. Sharma** & E. A. Khan* *Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India **Mewar University,Chhitorghar, Rajasthan,India Abstract In this paper we consider the optimum allocation for multivariate sampling with non-linear cost function –travel cost. The problem of determining the optimum allocations are formulated as Nonlinear Programming Problems , in which each NLPP has a convex objective function and a non-linear cost constraint. The NLLP’s are then solved using Lagrange Multiplier technique and the explicit formula for variance is obtained. Keywords: Multivariate sampling, Travel Cost, Optimum Allocation, Nonlinear programming problem. 1. Introduction Stratified sampling is the most popular among various sampling designs that are extensively used in sample survey. When a stratified sampling is to be used a sampler has to deal with three basic problems such as (i) the problem of determining the number of strata, (ii) the problem of cutting the stratum boundaries and (iii) the problem of optimum allocation of sample sizes to various strata. In stratified sampling the values of the sample sizes nh in the respective strata are chosen by the sampler. They may be selected to minimize V y st for a specified cost of taking the sample or to minimize the cost for a specified value of V y st . The general cost function is of the form L Cost C co ch nh h 1 Within any stratum the cost is proportional to the size of sample, but the cost per unit ch may vary from stratum to stratum. The term co represents an overhead cost. If travel costs between units are substantial, empirical and mathematical studies suggest that travel costs are better represented by the L expression t h 1 h nh if 1 and ch is replaced by t h where t h is the travel cost 2 per unit (Beardwood et al., 1959). In this paper a method of optimum allocation for multivariate stratified sampling is developed for the non-linear cost function. The problem of determining the optimum allocations are formulated as Nonlinear Programming Problems , in which each NLPP has a convex objective function and a nonlinear cost constraint. Several techniques are available for solving these NLPP’s , we used Lagrange Multiplier technique to solve the optimum allocation of the value of sample size nh . L 2. Formulation of the Problem when C co th nh ( 1 2 ) h 1 In stratified random sampling with a linear cost function, the variance of the estimated mean y st is a minimum for a specified cost C , and the cost is a minimum for specified variance V y st when nh Wh Sh ch Suppose that p characteristics are measured on each unit of a population which is partitioned into L strata. Let nh be the number of units to be drawn with out replacement from the h th stratum h 1,2,..., L . For the j th character an unbiased estimate of the population mean Y j is y jst whose variance is given by V y jst Wh2 S hj2 X h , L j 1,2,...., p (2.1) h 1 N 1 Nh where Wh h , S hj2 y hji Y j N N h 1 i 1 notations. 2 1 1 , in usual and X h n N h h Let t h be the travel cost of enumerating all the p characters on a single unit in the h th stratum . The total cost of survey may be given as L L h 1 h 1 C co ch nh th nh (2.2) where c0 is the overhead cost. If we consider that each sample has constant measurement cost then L L h 1 h 1 ch nh c nh nc which can be merged in c0 then the equation(2.2) reduces to L C co th nh (2.3) h 1 For a fixed budget Co , the problem of determining an optimum allocation may be expressed as the following NLPP: L Z Wh2 S hj2 X h Minimize h 1 L t Subject to h 1 nh C0 1 nh Nh ; and where h (2.4) h 1, 2,........, L Co C co . The optimum choice of nh for an individual characteristic can be determined by minimizing the variance in (2.1) for the given cost in (2.3), or by minimizing the cost for fixed variance. We can use Lagrange multipliers technique to determine the optimum value of nh . The Lagrange function is defined as 1 1 2 2 L W S th nh Co h h Nh h 1 nh h1 L nh , (2.5) where is a Lagrange multiplier. The necessary conditions for the solution of the problem are L 1 1 L t 2 Wh2 Sh2 h 0 nh 2 h 1 nh h 1 nh (2.6) L th nh Co 0 h 1 (2.7) Solving (2.6) we get 2Wh2 Sh2 nh th L n h 1 h 2 3 (2.8) n (2.9) (2.9) gives 2 2 L Wh2 S h2 3 3 n 2 h 1 th 3 2 (2.10) Putting the value of in (2.8) we get W 2S 2 nh n h h th 2 3 th 2 2 h 1 Wh S h L 2 3 (2.11) This gives V y st L 2 W 2S 2 1 L Wh Shth 3 h h n h 1 th h 1 Ignoring the term 2 3 (2.12) 1 Nh L 3. Formulation of the Problem when C co ch nh2 ( 1 ) h 1 Using Lagrange function we get W 2S 2 nh h h Ch 1 2 1/2 1 L Wh2 Sh2 2 n h1 Ch V y st (3.1) 2 (3.2) 1/2 2 2 1/2 L W S 1 L 2 2 h h Wh S h Ch n h 1 h 1 Ch (3.3) L 4. Formulation of the Problem when C co ch nh2 ( 2 ) h 1 Using Lagrange function we get Wh2 Sh2 nh n ch 1 3 ch 2 2 h 1 Wh S h L 1 3 (4.1) 1/3 1/3 1 L Wh2 Sh2 3 2n h 1 ch V y st (4.2) 1 L W 2S 2 1 L 4 4 Wh Sh ch 3 h h n h 1 ch h 1 1 3 (4.3) L 5. Formulation of the Problem when C co ch nh3 3 h 1 Using Lagrange function we get W 2S 2 nh n h h ch 1 4 ch 2 2 h 1 Wh S h L 1 4 (5.1) 1/4 1/4 1 L Wh2 Sh2 4 3n h 1 ch V y st 1 L W 2S 2 1 L 6 6 Wh Sh ch 4 h h n h 1 ch h 1 (5.2) 1 4 (5.3) 6. Numerical Example Consider a population divided in two strata with single characteristic under study for which the values of Wh , Sh , ch are given in the following table: Table 1.1 Stratum h Wi Sh Ch 1 0.40 4 1 2 0.30 5 2 Let us fix the budget at 100 units Solving variance for ( 1 2 , 1, 2, 3 ) , taking the value of n 1000 , we get 2 V y st , 1/ 0.010182 V y st , 1 0.00939 V y st , 2 0.013947 V y st , 3 0.004745 References 1. Cochran, W.G., Sampling Techniques. John Wiley & Sons, New York.(1977) 2. Kokan, A.R and Khan, S.U.,Optimum Allocation in Multivariate Surveys-An analytical Solution. Jour. Roy. Stat. Soc. Ser. B.29, 115-125 (1967). 3. 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