
Earth’s Environmental Systems—pp 62-96
Before you read the chapter, answer each question with information you know. After
you complete the chapter, re-answer the questions using information you learned.
How Do the Nonliving Parts of Earth’s
Systems Provide the Basic Materials to Support Life?
What I Know
3.1 What properties
of matter are most
important to environmental systems?
3.2 What types of
systems play roles
in environmental
3.3 What are the
characteristics of
Earth’s geosphere,
biosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere?
3.4 How do nutrients cycle through
the environment?
What I Learned
biogeochemical cycles: cycles by which
nutirents circulate through an ecosystem
using biotic and abiotic components
carbon cycle: the circulation and
reutilization of carbon atoms especially via
the process of photosynthesis and
cellular respiration: the process by
which cells produce energy from
carbohydrates; atmospheric oxygen
combines with glucose to form water and
carbon dioxide
condensation: the process by which
molecules of water vapor in the air become
liquid water
consumers: organisms, mainly animals,
that must eat other organisms to obtain
de-nitrifying bacteria: the process in
the soil when "fixed" nitrogen turns back
into free nitrogen and get released back into
the air
decomposers: organisms, such as
bacteria and fungi, that break down wastes
and dead organisms
emissions: pollutants/greenhouse gases
that are released into the atmosphere by
burning of fossil fuels
eutrophication: addition of phosphorus
to bodies of water in the amount that can
lead to the overgrowth of producers, usually
10. evaporation: the process by which
water changes from liquid form to an
atmospheric gas
11. groundwater: water that fills the cracks
and spaces in underground soil and rock
12. law of conservation of matter: matter
may be transformed from one type to
another, but it cannot be created or
13. nitrogen cycle: the circulation and
reutilization of nitrogen in both inorganic
and organic phases
14. nitrogen fixing bacteria: bacteria that
lives in roots of legumes and convert
atmosphere nitrogen into ammonia
nutrients: matter that organisms
require for their life processes
phosphorus cycle: The movement of
phosphorus atoms from rocks through the
biosphere and hydrosphere and back to
photosynthesis: process by which
plants use the sun's energy to convert water
and carbon dioxide into sugars
precipitation: the falling to earth of
any form of water (rain or snow or hail or
sleet or mist)
primary producers: organisms,
including plants and algae, that produce
their own food
respiration: a breathing process in
which plants and animals consume oxygen
and release carbon dioxide
run-Off: water that flows over the
ground surface rather than soaking into the
transpiration: the emission of water
vapor from the leaves of plants
water cycle (hydrologic cycle): the
continuous cycle of the transfer of water
through an ecosystem, which involves
evaporation, transpiration, condensation,
and precipitation
The Changing Size of the Dead Zone
The hypoxic zone, or area of low oxygen, in
the Gulf of Mexico varies in size from year to
year. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) supports research
that measures and monitors the size of the
dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico annually.
The graph below shows the results of such
research. This data help scientists determine
which factors cause the dead zone to grow or
Most analyses show that the biggest factor
in the size of the dead zone is the amount of
nitrogen and other nutrients that reaches the
Gulf from the Mississippi River watershed
each spring. The U.S. Geological Survey
(USGS) measures the amount of nitrogen
that reaches the Gulf each year and correlates
that amount with the size of the dead zone.
Its scientists have found that when the
amount of nitrogen increases, the size of
the dead zone increases. Currently there are
several plans to reduce the size of the dead
zone to an acceptable level, indicated by the
Action Plan Goal line on the graph.
Although the dead zone is fueled by
nitrogen runoff, scientists know that shortterm weather patterns can also have an
effect on the size of the hypoxic region.
For example, when the region experiences
periods of extreme weather, the heavy winds
and wave activity cause more oxygen to
infuse into the waters—counteracting the
effects of nitrogen runoff and slowing the
growth of the dead zone. Scientists feel it
is important to track and account for these
short-term effects, in the model they are
developing to study the dead zone as well.
This way, they will be able to establish a link
between fertilizer runoff and size of the dead
zone without having the data skewed due to
weather effects. Establishing a good model
with all the data available can help achieve
the goals needed to reach acceptable levels.
With the dead zone reduced in size, the Gulf
of Mexico can then be restored for fishing
and recreation.
Use the information from The Changing Size of the Dead Zone to answer the questions
1. According to the bar graph, when did scientists begin taking measurements of the dead zone?
2. What is the largest area that the dead zone has covered? In which year did it occur?
3. Why is it useful to represent this information in a bar graph?
4. What is the acceptable size of the dead zone area according to the Action Plan Goal?
5. What information from the USGS has been used to determine the factors that affect the
size of the dead zone? What information was learned?
Does the existence of a dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico change what you
think about the Big Question: “How do the nonliving parts of Earth’s systems provide the
basic materials to support life?”
Find out more about the changing size of the dead zone. Work in small groups and use the
Internet and other resources to research plans to reduce the size of the dead zone in the Gulf
of Mexico. Think about the plans you investigate and determine which one or ones are most
likely to work. Present your findings to the class.
The 21st Century Skills used in this activity include Critical Thinking and Problem Solving,
Communication and Collaboration, and Information Literacy.
Log on for more information and activities on the Central
Case, The Gulf of Mexico’s Dead Zone.
3.2 Systems in Environmental Science—PP 72-75
Key Concepts
An output of one of Earth’s systems is often also an input to that or another system.
Earth’s geosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere are defined according to
their functions in Earth’s systems.
Reading StrategyAs you read the lesson, complete each statement by writing
in the correct word or words.
1. A
is a network of parts, elements, or components that interact
with and influence one another.
2. Systems receive and process
produce of energy, matter, or information.
of energy, matter, or information, and
3. Systems do not have well-defined
decide where one system ends and another begins.
4. Systems may exchange energy,
, which makes it difficult to
, and/or information with other
5. Inputs into Earth’s systems can include both
geothermal energy.
energy and
6. An event that is both a cause and an effect is a cyclical process known as a
, and can be either positive or negative.
7. A predator-prey relationship in which the two populations rise and fall in response to each
other is an example of a
feedback loop.
feedback loops enhance stability by canceling an action once it
reaches an extreme.
9. Erosion is an example of a
feedback loop.
10. Positive feedback loops are relatively
in nature but
in environmental systems that people have changed.
11. Scientists divide Earth into spheres, which are often described by their
rather than by their location.
12. Earth’s geosphere is made up of all the
at and below the surface of
13. The sphere of the Earth that consists of all the planet’s living or once-living
things and the nonliving parts of the environment with which they interact is the
14. The outermost layer of Earth and the geosphere is known as the
15. The hydrosphere includes all water on Earth, including all forms of liquid, solid, and
16. Earth’s spheres both overlap and
17. An earthworm tunneling through the soil is an example of the biosphere interacting with
Interacting Systems
18. Use the concept of a computer system to explain why it is difficult to determine clear
distinct boundaries to a system. Include sample descriptions in your answer.
19. Give an example of each type of input into Earth’s systems.
20. Explain how a negative feedback loop works. Use a thermostat as an example.
21. Describe the effects of a positive feedback loop.
22. Contrast the two different types of feedback loops in terms of how they affect the stability
of a system.
Write in the boxes to complete the following on how the human body
relies on a negative feedback loop to respond to heat and cold.
Earth’s “Spheres”
For Questions 24–26, write True if the statement is true. If the statement is false, replace
the underlined word to make the statement true. Write your changes on the line.
24. The lithosphere is part of the geosphere.
25. A human being is part of Earth’s lithosphere.
26. The hydrosphere includes water in Earth’s atmosphere.
27. How are Earth’s spheres defined?
28. What are the components of Earth’s geosphere?
29. What materials make up Earth’s biosphere?
30. Give an example of how two of Earth’s spheres overlap or interact.
Answer the questions to test your knowledge of lesson concepts. You can check your
work using the answers on the bottom of the page.
31. Compare negative feedback and positive feedback loops.
32. Give examples of each of Earth’s spheres from the environment in which you live.
3.3—Hydrosphere—PP 80-82
Key Concepts
Water cycles through the lithosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere endlessly.
The Hydrosphere
For Questions 7–12, match each term with the statement that best describes it.
7. evaporation
8. transpiration
9. precipitation
10. condensation
11. aquifer
12. water table
a. the process by which water in a lake
becomes water vapor
b. the upper limit of fresh water stored
c. the process by which water vapor in the
air becomes dew
d. the process by which blades of grass
release water vapor
e. rain or snow
f. the place where fresh water collects
13. On the lines below, write a paragraph that describes the distribution of salt water and fresh
water on Earth.
14. Describe two human activities that can affect the water cycle.
17. Give an example of how water moves through the water cycle in liquid, gaseous, and solid
3.4 Biogeochemical Cycles—PP 83-89
Key Concepts
Nutrients cycle through the environment endlessly.
Producers play vital roles in the cycling of carbon through the environment.
The phosphorus cycle keeps phosphorus availability naturally low.
The nitrogen cycle relies on bacteria that make nitrogen useful to organisms and
bacteria that can return it to the atmosphere.
Nutrient Cycling
1. What is the law of conservation of matter?
2. Which four nutrients cycle through all of Earth’s spheres and organisms?
The Carbon Cycle
For Questions 3–5, write True if the statement is true. If the statement is false, replace the
underlined word or words to make the statement true. Write your changes on the line.
3. Only a producer can use the sun’s energy or chemical energy to
make food.
4. The products of photosynthesis are oxygen and carbon dioxide.
5. Bacteria, fungi, and other organisms that break down waste are
called consumers.
6. Why is cellular respiration important for life on Earth?
7. What impact do humans have on the carbon cycle?
8. Why do scientists think there is an undiscovered carbon sink somewhere?
The Phosphorus Cycle
9. Why is phosphorus important to living things?
10. Where is phosphorus stored?
11. How do people obtain phosphorus?
12. How does the release of large amounts of phosphorus by humans cause problems?
The Nitrogen Cycle
For Questions 13–17, circle the letter of the correct answer.
13. Most of the nitrogen on Earth is located in the
A. biosphere.
C. atmosphere.
B. geosphere.
D. hydrosphere.
14. Which of the following crops increases the amount of usable nitrogen in soil?
A. corn
C. legumes
B. wheat
D. tomatoes
15. The Haber-Bosch process enabled people to
A. fix nitrogen artificially.
C. clean up nitrogen pollution.
B. create natural nitrogen.
D. acquire nitrogen from plants.
16. Name two ways nitrogen can be fixed naturally for plant use.
17. What happens to nitrogen during the process of denitrification?
Organize Information
18. Fill in the compare/contrast table with information about the different biogeochemical cycles.
Carbon Cycle
Phosphorus Cycle
Nitrogen Cycle
Role as
of Cycle
EXTENSION Explain how water plays a role in each of these biogeochemical cycles.
Answer the questions to test your knowledge of lesson concepts. You can check your
work using the answers on the bottom of the page.
19. Describe how photosynthesis and cellular respiration help drive the carbon cycle.
20. Explain how the hydrosphere and geosphere participate in the phosphorus cycle.
Chapter Vocabulary Review
Match each term with its definition.
1. tectonic plate
2. macromolecule
3. aquifer
4. primary producer
5. feedback loop
6. hydrocarbon
7. landform
a. soil removal by water, wind, ice, or
b. an organism that must eat other
organisms to obtain nutrients
c. a protein, nucleic acid, carbohydrate, or
d. an overgrowth of producers often caused
by the release of phosphorus
e. an organism that can produce its own
8. atom
f. an organic compound that contains only
hydrogen and carbon
9. nutrient
g. a large section of lithosphere that moves
across Earth’s surface
10. eutrophication
h. the basic unit of matter
11. law of conservation of matter
12. erosion
i. a mountain, island, or continent that
forms above and below an ocean’s surface
13. consumer
j. a cyclical process that can be either
positive or negative
k. an underground water reservoir
l. matter needed by an organism to live
m. that matter can be transformed but
not created or destroyed
Using Lawn Fertilizer
Approximately 60 million lawns are fertilized each year in the United States. About 15 pounds
of nitrogen are used to fertilize each lawn. In this activity, you will learn how to calculate the
total amount of nitrogen used to fertilize various numbers of lawns.
Calculating Total Amounts of Nitrogen Applied
1. Determine the number of lawns for your classmates, town, and state. Record your results
in the second column of the table. (Hint: Assume that each household in your town and
state has a lawn and that each lawn is one-third acre.)
Fertilizer Application
Number of
Pounds of
Your 1/3-acre lawn
The lawns of your classmates
The lawns in your town
All the lawns in your state
All the lawns in the United States
You can find the total amount of nitrogen applied to lawns by multiplying the number of
lawns by the amount of nitrogen applied per lawn, 15 pounds.
The calculation of the total
amount of nitrogen used in
fertilizing the lawns of a class
of 25 students is modeled at the
total amount
of nitrogen =
number of
× pounds per
25 lawns
× 15 lb/lawn
= 375 lb
The total amount of nitrogen applied to the lawns of
students in a class of 25 students is 375 pounds.
2. Use the model above to calculate the total amount of nitrogen applied to lawns by each
group in the table. Write your answers in the third column.