Greater Naples Branch AAUW Branch Meeting – Saturday, January 5, 2013 Unitarian-Universalist Church The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by President Ellen Granger. Ellen thanked everyone for coming and commented that the January meeting is usually the largest meeting of the year. She read a thank-you from The Shelter for Abused Women and Children for the many Christmas gifts donated by AAUW members. Ellen announced that the board had discussed the pros and cons of the 50/50 raffle that raises money for Local Scholarships and was concerned that the winners might feel pressured to donate their winnings back to AAUW. From now on the winnings will be given to Treasurer Michele Martin who will give them privately to the winner. Minutes. The December minutes were approved as written. Treasurer/Finance. Treasurer Michele Martin reported that that the checking account balance is $8303 and the Money Market balance $12,047. Income to date is $6137 and expenses are $1455, leaving a positive balance of $4681. The branch received $2775 from Adopt-A-Precinct, which 20 people participated in. The August election brought in $1155 and the November election brought in $1620. These earnings will be reported in the newsletter. Michele was asked how this money will be used. She explained that we need to help the foundation with its administrative expenses and also that last year the branch contributed to the foundation for both Local Scholarships and Educational Opportunities. Women of Achievement. Ellen distributed a list of the 2013 Women of Achievement honorees. She said that some of them were very humble and felt completely undeserving of the recognition. The honorees are: Carole Beauregard, Debra Frenkel, Jeanne Nealon, Dee Pearlmutter (posthumously), Pat Smart, Lois Bolin and Dianne Mayberry-Hatt. Co-chair Susie Mehas praised her and co-chair Donna Walker’s committee of Laura Scott and Nadine Wells, saying they are very talented. She showed a picture of a dusty rose hibiscus that they are using as the logo and theme throughout the event. Lois Thome of WINK News will be the commentator at the event, which will be held at Grey Oaks Country Club on March 7. Tickets are $85/person. Soon there will be a PayPal button on our website that people can use to buy tickets and make donations, as well as renew memberships. A save-the-date notice is ready to be sent to the media. A sponsorship letter is almost ready and will be posted on the web site. Chuck Johns, our December speaker, has agreed to be a $1000 sponsor. The valet parking has been underwritten by Grey Oaks Realty for $500. Susie and Donna hope to also obtain underwriting for the flowers and printing. Susie thanked Mollie Ottina for her work in starting the Scholarship Initiative Council. The goal is to get 10 women to be the first members of the council and for each to contribute $1000. Adria Starkey is having a council meeting on Monday that Susie will attend. Susie said her committee is very open to suggestions of other places to solicit sponsorships from and she encouraged people with sponsor ideas to call or email her. There will be ads in the program book: $50 for a business card size ad, $100 for a half page and $200 for a full page. She thanked her committee again, calling it small but mighty. One person commented that she had already given Chuck Johns’ phone number to several people in need of his company’s services and she told those people to be sure to say they got his number from her. Membership. Co-chair Karen Clegg introduced two guests and reported that we have several new members, with total membership at about 131. She reminded that the annual new and prospective member tea is coming up on January 11 from 4:00 until 5:30 pm. She encouraged people to let her know if they have prospective members they would like invited. She and cochair Nancy Palvino will send an invitation and also call them. Karen reported that we have 15 – 16 new members since the beginning of the program year. Name badges are available for $11. Let her know if you want one. She reported that a glass bowl that had dip in it was left at her house after the Christmas party. Ellen announced that a gold bracelet had been found after our December branch meeting. Communications. Vi Steffans reiterated that PayPay will soon be up and running on the web site. Susie said that WOA reservations aren’t limited to on-line; reservations with checks will go to Pat Croker. Educational Opportunities. Donna Walker reported that she went to a local fundraising workshop this past fall and took away some very useful information. One is the importance of using technology as a fundraising tool. We’ll be doing that soon with PayPal and by improving our databases. Second is that membership is the basis of fundraising in any organization. She wants to build on this and bring it into the WOA event. The event is going from a silent auction fundraising format to more direct fundraising appeals. People can donate on line and also at the event as there will be pledge cards at each place explaining all we do. She and Susie will emphasize that not only are people at the event to honor these outstanding women but that it is our major fundraising event. There will be a membership table there. Donna said everyone can help by coming prepared. Attendees should bring their checkbooks or Michele can process credit card donations. She and Susie want to help guests understand there will be this fundraising aspect to the event. Donna also learned from the workshop that organizations should stay with their long-term events but should freshen them up. Groups should rely on their membership to be the basis of their fundraising efforts. Someone asked if the honorees are aware that they are expected to be sources of revenue and said it is important that we make sure they understand that the event is a fundraiser. Ellen said she made it clear in the letter to nominees that the event is a fundraiser. She said some nominees are uncomfortable with this and that she said we would call their friends and colleagues if they don’t want to. Ellen urged everyone present to attend the event and to invite a friend. Contact Susie or Donna for ad forms. Donna asked people to help by soliciting ads from places where they do business. The ad deadline will be approximately mid-February. Checks should be made payable to the foundation [Greater Naples AAUW Charitable Foundation, Inc.]. Vi explained that one very effective way to market the event is through announcements of it in the newspaper. That is how many people will find out about it and about the women who are being honored. Those who are connected on the Internet through Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., are encouraged to use those sites to let people know about the event. Sharon Hood of `eBella Magazine has donated $1000 to the event and will be doing some advertising for us. Ellen announced that `eBella is putting on a women’s conference called “Living a Beautiful Life” on January 19 that several members are planning to attend. Anyone signing up is encouraged to ask to be seated at the AAUW table. The Shelter for Abused Women and Children. Nadine Wells said that donated books that were not needed to fill Christmas wish lists at the Shelter were donated to RIF. She announced that the annual Shelter from the Storm luncheon, which is a major fundraiser for the Shelter, will be held on April 3 at the Naples Beach and Golf Club. There is no cost to attend, with guests encouraged to make a donation at the end of the event. There will be three AAUW tables, grouped together, and AAUW will be recognized at the event. She said attendees will learn much about the Shelter and that the event will provide a good networking opportunity. RIF (Reading is Fundamental). Karen Clegg said she still needs help with some of the book distribution shifts and passed around a sign-up sheet. She also passed around a sign-up sheet for those interested in joining a non-fiction book group. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). Mary Schell reported that all of the speakers are lined up for the conference and that now she needs help from the membership. She is especially in need of a photographer. Caroline Crew said she met with a staffer from the Collier County Schools who told her the STEM conference is one of the best things that happens each year. Arthrax has donated $1000. National AAUW may publicize our STEM conference nationally. Public Policy. Florence Chandler reported that thanks to Robin Birnhak, AAUW will be represented at the Martin Luther King, Jr., Day festivities at Cambier Park. Florence said that her update and forecast regarding Public Policy is for “more of the same,” with continued issues about gender paycheck equity and violence against women. She pointed out that AAUW has been fighting for pay equity for women since 1913. Congress did not enact the Equal Pay Act until 1963. The purpose of the proposed Paycheck Fairness Act, which did not pass, was to update that earlier act in many ways. The Violence Against Women Act was not reauthorized. Florence’s impassioned report concluded with the statement that members should be angry about the lack of progress on women’s issues in our country. An audience member commented that every time Florence gives a report she gives her goosebumps and inspires us to act. LAF. Janet Welch said that AAUW is angry and is acting on the legal front to improve safety and security and obtain equal pay for women. She distributed an LAF handout update. She said the nationally significant, high-profile cases that AAUW supports now concern alleged discrimination against women by WalMart and sexual abuse in the military. Part of our dues money goes to support these very important cases. AAUW also supports other cases that are not so well-known, such as the case described on the handout of Sun v. UMass Dartmouth, which involves discrimination on the basis of sex and race. She pointed out that progress is being made. The Senate now has 20 women. In the whole history of the Senate, only 16 women have served. AAUW is helping women break barriers. Bylaws. Jackie Pierce announced that at the recommendation of the nominating committee the board of directors had approved a change in our bylaws to merge the positions of Vice President and Director for Program, with the new position to be elected into office in the even years. She said the full text of the necessary bylaw changes to combine these positions was published in the newsletter. She reported that current Vice President Susie Mehas has agreed to add the duties of Director for Program to her job next year. Jackie asked members with questions about the proposed bylaw changes to call her. She said members should be ready to vote on this issue at the next branch meeting. Named Scholarship. Ellen Granger announced that we have a new named-scholarship opportunity. A donation of $1000 or more entitles the donor to name a scholarship after a person of the donor’s choice. Program. Kathy Ryan commented on the incredible growth in the Collier County area since she arrived here 42 years ago. She introduced speaker Maureen Sullivan-Hartung, a local writer, who spoke about the history of Everglades City and nearby areas. Miscellaneous. Ellen announced the winning ticket number for the day’s 50/50 raffle. Karen Clegg said that all of the work shifts for RIF on the sign-up sheet had been filled. The meeting was adjourned at 11:52 am. Glenda Struthers, Recording Secretary