RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE 1ST MEETING OF THE EXPERT COMMITTEE ON PROMOTION AND POPULARIZATION OF BIOTECHNOLOGY ( ECPPB) HELD ON 14th July, 2014 (Proposals received from 01-06-2014 to 08-07-2014 by DBT - CTEP Management Cell - TERI - New Delhi) A. Conference Proposals for Financial Assistance to hold National/International Conference/ Seminar/ Symposium/ Workshop S.N o C1 C2 Amount Requested/Rece ived/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Remarks Recommendati on of the committee Recommended Rs 50,000 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assista nce request ed from DBT DBT/CTEP /01/201400 005 Conference on National Conference on Applications of Radio Active Isotopes in Modern Healthcare and Energy Demand in India - A Biotechnological view of Future Challenges 11-09-2014 12-09-2014 , at Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology Palayanoor PO, Maduranthagam (Tk), Kancheepuram- 603308, Tamil Nadu. Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology Palayanoor PO, Maduranthagam (Tk), Kancheepuram- 603308, Tamil Nadu. -603308 Mr.S.MohanaSundar am, Lecturer sbmohan2007@gma ;ksivakumar76@gma 125500 102000 None Yes Submit ted - DBT/CTEP /01/201400 012 Workshop on National Workshop on Stereotactic Apparatus: An Emerging Tool in Neuroscience Research. 16-092014 - 16-09-2014 , at Opposite J L Nahru Agriculture Research Centre,Bhopal Road Sagar Madhya Pradesh ADINA INSTITUTE OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Opposite J L Nahru Agriculture Research Centre,Bhopal Road , Sagar , Madhya Pradesh -470002 ; Dr., Professor ashishceutics@gmail .com ;ashish_ceutics@red 75000 75000 None Yes Submit ted PC008 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 1 S.N o C3 C4 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assista nce request ed from DBT DBT/CTEP /01/201400 016 Conference on NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION - STATUS, FUTURE AND WAY FORWARD• 19-09-2014 - 2009-2014 , at K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode - 637 215, Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu. Tiruchengode Tamil Nadu K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode - 637 215, Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu. -637215 Dr.S.Anita, Associate Professor ;anita.sundar@gmail .com 650000 300000 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 025 Workshop on Global Biodiversity Meet on parasites and aquatic ecosystem health 12-15th December, 2014 International Satellite Workshop on Biotechnological approaches for Environmental sustenance 13-14th December, 2014 12-12-2014 - 15-122014 , at Department of Zoology, University of Allahabad, Allahabad211002 Allahabad Uttar Pradesh University of Allahabad, Allahabad , Uttar Pradesh -211002 ; PROF SANDEEP K MALHOTRA, PROFESSOR, ZOOLOGY ;sandyversity@gmail .com 675000 368750 Amount Requested/Rece ived/Committed from organizations other than DBT "ICMR, New Delhi" : Rs 100000; "DST, New Delhi" : Rs 100000; "TNSCST, Chennai" : Rs 50000; "CSIR, New Delhi" : Rs 100000; "University of Allahabad" : Rs 40000; "Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi" : Rs 100000; "Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi" : Rs 100000; Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Remarks Yes Submit ted PC008 Yes Submit ted - Recommendati on of the committee Not Recommended Recommended Rs 75,000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 2 S.N o C5 C6 C7 C8 Amount Requested/Rece ived/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Remarks Recommendati on of the committee Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assista nce request ed from DBT DBT/CTEP /01/201400 027 Conference on FAD 2014, 6th International summit cum exhibition on Food Processing, Agribusiness and Dairy Technology 30-09-2014 - 30-092014 , at YMCA Hall, Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Gujarat The Associated Chambers of Commerce & Industry of India 1, Community Center, Zamrudpur, Kailash Colony , New Delhi , Delhi -110048 ; Mr.D.S.Rawat, Secretary General d.s.rawat@assocha ;nakul.prakash@ass 1015000 300000 None Yes Submit ted - Recommended Rs 25,000 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 034 Conference on Bioactive peptidesApplication in Veterinary, Medical and Food Science 18-09-2014 - 19-09-2014 , at Madras Veterinary College, Vepery High Road, Vepery Chennai Tamil Nadu Madras Veterinary College, Vepery High Road, Vepery , Chennai , Tamil Nadu -600007 ; Dr.S.Meignanalaksh mi, Associate Professor smeignanalakshmi@ ;s.meignanalakshmi 295000 295000 None No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 50,000 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 037 Conference on Advances in Drug Design Discovery and Development 24-07-2014 - 25-07-2014 , at Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Anna University - BIT Campus, Tiruchirappalli 620 024 Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu Anna University - BIT Campus, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024 , Tamil Nadu -620024 ; Dr.P.Selvamani, Assistant Professor pselvamani@hotmail .com ;lathasuba2010@gm 260000 110000 "ICMR" : Rs 25000; "CSIR" : Rs 100000; No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 50,000 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 039 Workshop on Research Workshop on Diagnostic & Therapeutic Immunology 19-09-2014 - 20-09-2014 , at College of Medicine & JNM Hospital, WBUHS, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal; Kalyani West Bengal College of Medicine & JNM Hospital, WBUHS, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal; -741235 principal.comjnmh.kalyani@gmail. com Dr Tanmay Saha, Assistant Professor dr.tanmaysaha@yah ;drtanmaysaha01@g 200000 "CSIR" : Rs 30000; "SERB" : Rs 50000; "ICMR" : Rs 30000; "DAEBRNS" : Rs 50000; "DRDO" : Yes Submit ted - Recommended Rs 50,000 450000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 3 S.N o C9 C10 Amount Requested/Rece ived/Committed from organizations other than DBT Rs 50000; Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Remarks Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assista nce request ed from DBT DBT/CTEP /01/201400 042 Conference on 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and its Interdisciplinary Areas (ICAMEI-2015) 02-01-2015 - 04-01-2015 , at College of Engg. & Management, Kolaghat, P.O: K.T.P.P. Township, Midnapore (E) 721 171, West Bengal, India, kolaghat West Bengal College of Engg. and Management, Kolaghat College of Engg. & Management, Kolaghat, P.O: K.T.P.P. Township, Midnapore (E) 721 171, West Bengal, India, -721171 Dr. Dipak Kumar Mandal, Associate Prof., and HeadMechanical m ; 985000 415000 "AICTE" : Rs 570000; Yes Submit ted PC008 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 043 Conference on International Conference on Recent Advances on the Role of Basic Sciences in Ayurvedic Medicine 18-10-2014 - 19-102014 , at Prof. K.N. Udupa Auditorium, IMS, BHU Varanasi Uttar Pradesh Mahima Research Foundation and Social Welfare, 194, Susuwahi , Varanasi , Uttar Pradesh -221005 ; Mr. Ratnesh Kumar Rao, Secretary mrfsw_kvns@yahoo. com ;rmahima@rediffmail .com 250000 "ICMR" : Rs 200000; "AYUSH" : Rs 200000; "CSIR" : Rs 200000; "DRDO" : Rs 200000; "DST" : Rs 200000; Yes Submit ted - 1250000 Recommendati on of the committee Not Recommended Recommended Rs 50,000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 4 Amount Requested/Rece ived/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Remarks Recommendati on of the committee Recommended Rs 50,000 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assista nce request ed from DBT C11 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 060 Symposium | Conference on XXIII Annual Conference Society of Animal Physiologists of India (SAPI) and National Symposium on Physiological Determinants of Climate Resilient Sustainable Animal Production 27-112014 - 28-11-2014 , at Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes Hisar Haryana Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes Hisar Haryana Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes , Hisar , Haryana -125001, ; Dr. Prem SIngh Yadav, Organizing Secretary psyadav@scientist.c om ; 565000 200000 None No Not Applica ble - C12 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 064 Conference on Students’ Chemical Engineering Congress (SCHEMCON 2014) 19-09-2014 - 20-09-2014 , at Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Haldia Institute of Technology Haldia West Bengal Haldia Regional Centre, IIChE Dept. of chemical Engineering, Haldia Institute of Technology , West Bengal -721657 Dr. R. N. Jana, Hony. Secretary rabindrajana@yahoo .com 1400000 300000 "CSIR" : Rs 300000; "DST" : Rs 500000; Yes Submit ted PC012 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 066 Symposium on CME Programme: Recent Advances in Immunology 1707-2014 - 18-07-2014 , at Miranda House, University of Delhi Delhi Delhi Miranda House, University of Delhi -110007 Dr. Pratibha Jolly, Principal medbio.miranda@g ; 305000 160000 "ICMR" : Rs 40000; "INSA" : Rs 20000; No Not Applica ble - S.N o C13 Not Recommended Recommended Rs 50,000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 5 S.N o C14 C15 C16 Amount Requested/Rece ived/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Remarks Recommendati on of the committee Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assista nce request ed from DBT DBT/CTEP /01/201400 068 Seminar on National seminar on immunomolecualr techniques and its applications 12-09-2014 - 13-09-2014 , at ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY CENTRE OF ADVANCED STUDY IN MARINE BIOLOGY, FACULTY OF MARINE SCIENCES, ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY, PARANGIPETTAI Parangipettai Tamil Nadu ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY CENTRE OF ADVANCED STUDY IN MARINE BIOLOGY, FACULTY OF MARINE SCIENCES, ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY, PARANGIPETTAI , Tamil Nadu 608502 ; Dr. B. Deivasigamani, Assistant Professor b.deivasigamani@g ;sigamani_bd@rediff 550000 550000 None Yes Submit ted - Recommended Rs 50,000 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 076 Seminar on Research Approaches and Contemporary Issues of Functional Genomics, Proteomics &Micro array biological Modelling using machine learning in Bioinformatics Applications 23-10-2014 - 24-10-2014 , at Department of Information Technology National Engineering College, (An Autonomous Institution) K.R Nagar, Kovilpatti Kovilpatti Tamil Nadu National Engineering College, K.R Nagar, Kovilpatti , Tamil Nadu 628503 ; Dr.D.Manimegalai, Professor & Head megalai_nec@yahoo ; .in 72000 72000 None Yes Submit ted - Recommended Rs 40,000 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 080 Workshop on BIOPROSPECTING OF MARINE BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS AND NATURAL PRODUCTS 22-09-2014 - 24-09-2014 , at Vikrama Simhapuri University VRC grounds Nellore Andhra Pradesh Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh Vikrama Simhapuri University, Dargamitta, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh -524003 ; 150000 "DST" : Rs 100000; "COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH" : Rs 100000; Yes Submit ted - Recommended Rs 50,000 Dr. CH. VIJAYA, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR 390000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 6 S.N o C17 C18 C19 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place DBT/CTEP /01/201400 081 Symposium | Conference on National Congress on Veterinary Public Health and the Symposium on 24-11-2014 25-11-2014 , at Auditorium of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Govt. of India,NASC Complex, D.P.S. Marg, Pusa, New Delhi-110012 New Delhi Delhi DBT/CTEP /01/201400 087 Conference on International Confrence on Biomaterials, Bioengineering & Biodiagnostics 27-10-2014 - 30-10-2014 , at Hotel Radisson Blu Dwarka New Delhi Delhi DBT/CTEP /01/201400 090 Workshop on XIIIth WORKSHOP on DIAGNOSTIC METHODS IN CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY 08-10-2014 - 11-102014 , at Dept. of Microbiology, JIPMER Puducherry Tamil Nadu Organization Name, Address, Email ID Association of Public Health Veterinarians Department of Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology, West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, 37 K.B. Sarani, Belgachia, Kolkata-700037. 700037 ; Asian Polymer Association c/o Department of Textile Technology Indian Institute of Technology Delhi , New Delhi -110016 ; Dept. of Microbiology, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research Dept. of Microbiology, JIPMER , Puducherry , Tamil Nadu -605006 ; Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Dr.A.K.Srivastava, President ak.srivastava55@gm ;aphvconf.2014@gm Bhuvanesh Gupta, Professor bhuvanesh.universe ;bgupta@textile.iitd.e B N Harish, HOD, Microbiology drapurbasastry@gm ;rahuldhodapkar@g Assista nce request ed from DBT Amount Requested/Rece ived/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Remarks Recommendati on of the committee 1175000 100000 "CSIR" : Rs 100000; "ICAR" : Rs 280000; "ICMR" : Rs 125000; "DST" : Rs 150000; No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 50,000 4000000 145000 0 "DRDO" : Rs 500000; "DST" : Rs 650000; No Not Applica ble No detailed Technical program Not recommended 350000 "ICMR" : Rs 100000; "CSIR" : Rs 160000; "NAMS" : Rs 75000; No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 75,000 Total Budget 861421 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 7 S.N o C20 C21 C22 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assista nce request ed from DBT DBT/CTEP /01/201400 092 Symposium on Indo-US Symposium on Genomic insights into Human Morphogenesis: Prenatal, Postnatal and Molecular Dysmorphology 07-112014 - 09-11-2014 , at Bhaskara Auditorium, B M Birla Science Centre City: Hyderabad Pin: 500063 HYDERABAD Andhra Pradesh centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics CDFD, Bldg.7, Gruhakalpa Complex, 5-4-399 / B, Nampally, , Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh -500001 ; Dr Ashwin Dalal, Head, Diagnostics Division ;ashwindalal@gmail. com 2975000 400000 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 095 Conference on Biodiversity & Climate change adaptations Current status, trends & policy responses 03-12-2014 04-12-2014 , at ST. ANDREW'S COLLEGE (PG), GORAKHPUR -273001, UP GORAKHPUR Uttar Pradesh St. Andrew's College, Gorakhpur ST. ANDREW'S COLLEGE (PG), GORAKHPUR -273001, UP , Uttar Pradesh -273001 ; Dr DOMINIC RAJKUMAR S, Senior Lecturer dominicrajkumar1@ ;dominicraj_in@yaho Seminar on National Seminar on Biofuels and Bioenergy 03-09-2014 04-09-2014 , at St.Joseph's College of Enggineering, Old Mahabalipuram Road, Chennai Tamil Nadu St.Joseph\'s College of Engineering St.Joseph\'s College of Engg., Old Mamallapuram Road, Solinganallur , Chennai , Tamil Nadu -600119 ;researchdevelopment@stjosephs Dr. G. Baskar, Professor m ; m DBT/CTEP /01/201400 098 355000 125500 330000 112000 Amount Requested/Rece ived/Committed from organizations other than DBT "ICMR" : Rs 400000; "CSIR" : Rs 400000; "INDO US SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FORUM" : Rs 1325000; None None Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Remarks Recommendati on of the committee No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 1,00,000 Yes Submit ted No detailed Technical program Not recommended No Not Applica ble No detailed Technical program Not recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 8 S.N o C23 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /01/201400 099 Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Symposium on Pasteur memorial Symposium on Momentous Microbes from Menace to Marvel PSMM 2014 2008-2014 - 20-08-2014 , at Dr.N.G.P.Arts and Science College,An Institution of Kovai Medical center Research & Educational Trust,(KMCRET), Coimbatore Tamil Nadu Conference on National Conference cum FDP on Entrepreneurship as a carrier in Biotechnology 09-12-2014 22-12-2014 , at Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology Palayanoor PO, Maduranthagam (Tk), Kancheepuram- 603308, Tamil Nadu. Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assista nce request ed from DBT Dr.N.G.P.Arts and Science College,An Institution of Kovai Medical center Research & Educational Trust,(KMCRET), , Coimbator , Tamil Nadu -641048 ; Dr.S.S.Sudha, Professor and Head drsudhakrish@gmail. com ; m 125000 125000 Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology Palayanoor PO, Maduranthagam (Tk), Kancheepuram- 603308, Tamil Nadu. -603308 Dr.V.Karthikeyan, Professor karthimicro2006@g ;karthimicro2006@y C24 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 100 C25 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 108 Conference on 4th Annual conference of Indian Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics. 16-10-2014 - 1810-2014 , at Soura Srinagar srinagar Jammu and Kashmir Sheri kashmir institute of medical sciences soura srinagar Soura Srinagar , Jammu and Kashmir 190011 ; Prof. Zafar A. Shah, Prof & Head m ;roohi DBT/CTEP /01/201400 109 Workshop on National Workshop on Advances in PGPR Research 07-102014 - 08-10-2014 , at Department of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University Varanasi Uttar Pradesh Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221 005 , Uttar Pradesh -221005 ; Prof. H.B. Singh, Professor C26 Amount Requested/Rece ived/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Remarks Recommendati on of the committee None Yes Submit ted - Recommended Rs 25,000 Not recommended 95000 None Yes Submit ted Already supporte d for another event at C-1 1550000 450000 "SERB" : Rs 300000; "ICMR" : Rs 300000; "CsIR" : Rs 500000; No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 1,00,000 405000 175000 None No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 50,000 195000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 9 S.N o C27 C28 C29 C30 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assista nce request ed from DBT 553625 300000 115000 115000 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 111 Seminar on CME:IMMUNOLOGY 08-082014 - 09-08-2014 , at Institute of Science, Nirma University Ahmedabad Gujarat Institute of Science, Nirma University , Ahmedabad , Gujarat 382481 ; Dr. Sarat Dalai, Professor, Director (I/c) ;sarat.dalai@nirmau DBT/CTEP /01/201400 117 Seminar on Algae for sustainable agricultural production 29-08-2014 30-08-2014 , at Agriculture College and Research Institute, Madurai -625104 Madurai Tamil Nadu TamilNadu Agricultural University Agriculture College and Research Institute, Madurai -625104 , Tamil Nadu -625104 ; Prof.K. Sujatha, Professor sujathakvk@gmail.c om ; Conference on Application of the Derivatives of Chitin and Chitosan (ADCC) -2014 22-08-2014 - 23-08-2014 , at The Gandhigram Rural InstituteDeemed University, Gandhigram Dindigul Tamil Nadu The Gandhigram Rural InstituteDeemed University, Gandhigram , Dindigul , Tamil Nadu -624302 ; Amount Requested/Rece ived/Committed from organizations other than DBT "Indian Council of Medical Research" : Rs 40000; "Indian Immunology Society" Rs 20000; "Immunology Foundation" : Rs 25000; None Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Remarks Recommendati on of the committee No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 50,000 No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 50,000 Dr. S. Meenakshi, Professor drsmeenakshi@gmai ;drs_meena@yahoo. "Ministry of Earth Sciences" : Rs No DBT/CTEP Not 100000; "Indian detailed Not /01/201400 525000 200000 No Applica chitin and Technical recommended 131 ble Chitosan Society" program : Rs 50000; School of Environmental Sciences "Jawaharlal Conference on International Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Prof. I.S.Thakur, Nehru University, Conference on Emerging Trends in Delhi, India School of Professor New Delhi" : Rs DBT/CTEP Not Biotechnology 06-11-2014 - 09-11-2014 Environmental Sciences 100000; "Indian Recommended /01/201400 990000 290000 No Applica , at Convention Centre, Jawaharlal Nehru Jawaharlal Nehru University New m Council of Rs 1,00,000 136 ble University, New Delhi-110067 New Delhi Delhi -110067 ;indushekhart@gmail Medical Delhi .com Research" : Rs ; 50000; PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 10 S.N o C31 C32 C33 Amount Requested/Rece ived/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Remarks Recommendati on of the committee Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assista nce request ed from DBT DBT/CTEP /01/201400 141 Conference on XXXI Annual Conference of Indian Poultry Science Association (IASACON 2014) and National Symposium on " Poultry Production for Global Trade" 16-10-2014 - 18-102014 , at Veterinary College and Research Institute, Department of Poultry Science Namakkal Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Veterinary College and Research Institute, Department of Poultry Science , Namakkal , Tamil Nadu -637002 Dr K Mani, Professor cum Director ipsacon2014@gmail. com 1800000 450000 None No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 50,000 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 144 Conference on International conference on host-pathogen interaction (ICHPI) 12-07-2014 - 15-07-2014 , at C.R.Rao Advanced Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science (AIMSCS) University of Hyderabad Campus, Central University Post Office, Prof.CR Rao Road, Hyderabad – 500 046, (A.P) India. Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh National Institute of Animal Biotechnology D.No. 1-121-/1, 4th and 5th Floors, Axis Clinical Building, Miyapur , Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh -500049 Dr. Paresh Sharma, Scientist C ; 1000000 500000 "Zoetis India Pvt Litd" : Rs 100000; "Wipro GE Health Care Pvt Ltd" : Rs 200000; "Biovet Pvt Ltd" : Rs 100000; "Indian Immunologicals Ltd" : Rs 100000; No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 1,00,000 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 145 Workshop on Research Methodology, Data Management and Biostatistics using Web-based Statistical Software 26-07-2014 - 27-07-2014 , at ChanRe Diagnostic Laboratory #121, 3rd Main, Bet. 10th and 11th Cross, Margosa Road, Malleshwaram, Bangalore 560003 Bangalore Karnataka ChanRe Rheumatology & Immunology Center & Research (A Unit of ChanRe Health Care & Research Pvt. Ltd.) #149, 15th Main Road, NHCL, Water Tank Road, 4th Block, 3rd Stage, Basaveshwaranagar , Bangalore , Karnataka -560079 Dr. S. CHANDRASHEKAR A, Medical Director chandrashekara_s@ 62800 62800 None No Not Applica ble PC008 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 11 S.N o C34 C35 C36 Amount Requested/Rece ived/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Remarks Recommendati on of the committee Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assista nce request ed from DBT DBT/CTEP /01/201400 147 Workshop on NATIONAL WORKSHOP CUM HANDS-ON-TRAINING ON LATEST TECHNIQUES IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, GENETIC ENGINEERING AND COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY 13-10-2014 - 17-10-2014 , at Amity University Madhya Pradesh Maharjpura Gwalior Madhya Pradesh Amity University Madhya Pradesh Maharjpura , Gwalior -474005 ; Prof. Rajesh Singh Tomar, Professor 214000 214000 None Yes Submit ted - Recommended Rs 50,000 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 151 Conference on Neuromodulation of Behaviour 29-10-2014 - 30-10-2014 , at National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, GKVK, Bellary Road Bangalore Karnataka National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Bangalore National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, GKVK, Bellary Road , Bangalore , Karnataka 560065 Prof.Gaiti Hasan, Senior Professor 1091535 500000 "SERB, DST" : Rs 291500; "Company of Biologists" : Rs 150000; "CEFIPRA" : Rs 150000; No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 1,00,000 Conference | Workshop on Making Endoscopy Practices Safer 03-08-2014 - 04-08-2014 , at India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 Delhi Delhi Delhi Gynaecological Endoscopists\' Society DGES Office, Deptt. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Lady Hardinge Medical College & SSK Hospital, New Delhi -110001 ; Dr.S.S.Trivedi, President/ Former Director Professor & HOD, Obst & Gynae, LHMC m ;dges2012 900000 200000 "ICMR" : Rs 40000; No Not Applica ble PC008 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 152 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 12 S.N o C37 C38 C39 C40 Amount Requested/Rece ived/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Remarks Recommendati on of the committee No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 25,000 Not recommended Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assista nce request ed from DBT DBT/CTEP /01/201400 153 Seminar on Emerging trends and innovations in Pharmaceutical biotechnology 27-09-2014 - 27-09-2014 , at Rishiraj College of Pharmacy, Bhavrasala, Behind SAIMS Hospital,Sanwer Road INDORE Madhya Pradesh RISHIRAJ COLLEGE OF PHARMACY,INDORE Rishiraj College of Pharmacy, Bhavrasala, Behind SAIMS Hospital,Sanwer Road , INDORE , Madhya Pradesh -453331 ; MR ASHISH KUMAR PARASHAR, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR ashish.parashar1@g ;director.rcp 650000 325000 None DBT/CTEP /01/201400 155 Workshop on Hands-on Training in Molecular Techniques 16-09-2014 - 1909-2014 , at Vikrama Simhapuri University, Dargamitta, Nellore,SPSR Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh Nellore Andhra Pradesh Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh Vikrama Simhapuri University, Dargamitta, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh -524003 ; Dr.Uday Sankar Allam, assistant Professor ;allamnaveenreddy 475000 100000 "CSIR" : Rs 100000; "DST" : Rs 100000; "APSCHE, Hyderabad" : Rs 75000; "ICMR" : Rs 100000; No Not Applica ble Already supporte d for another event at C-16 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 159 Seminar on Research focus on Big Data in Bio informatics 25-12-2014 26-12-2014 , at Department of Mathematics School of Science and Humanities Kongu Engineering College Perundurai, Erode-638052 Tamil Nadu Erode Tamil Nadu Kongu Engineering College School of Communication and Computer Sciences Department of ECE Perundurai, Erode-638052 Tamil Nadu -638052 Dr.M.Dhavamani, Assistant Professor (Sr.G) dhavamanim@gmail. com ; 90000 90000 None Yes Submit ted - Recommended Rs 25,000 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 163 Conference on Modern Approaches to Pteridophyte: Biology, Biodiversity and Bioresource 13-10-2014 - 14-102014 , at IHBT CSIR P.O Box-6 Palampur Himachal Pradesh Institute of institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology IHBT CSIR P.O Box-6 , Palampur , Himachal Pradesh -176061 ; Dr. Alka Kumari, Scientist Fellow ;kumarialkasanjay@ 200000 "CSIR" : Rs 250000; "DST" : Rs 200000; "INSA" : Rs 100000; No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs. 50,000 750000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 13 S.N o C41 Amount Requested/Rece ived/Committed from organizations other than DBT "Indian Council of medical Research" : Rs 155000; "Department of Science and Technology" : Rs 250000; "National Institute of Miners Health, Nagpur" : Rs 20000; "Councils of Scientific and Industrial Research" : Rs 250000; "Regis tration" : Rs 60000; Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Remarks Recommendati on of the committee Yes Submit ted - Recommended Rs 25,000 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assista nce request ed from DBT DBT/CTEP /01/201400 174 Conference on Research methodology and avenues for grants 07-01-2015 09-01-2015 , at National Institute of Miners' Health, JNARDDC Campus Opp. Wadi Police Station, Amravati Road, Wadi Nagpur Maharashtra National Institute of Miners health National Institute of Miners' Health, JNARDDC Campus Opp. Wadi Police Station, Amravati Road, Wadi , Nagpur , Maharashtra -440023 ; Dr.Shubhangi Pingle, Sr.Research Officer moti_gore@yahoo.c ;pingle.shubhangi@g 1200000 465000 Dr. K.K. Pandey, Scientist G ;kkpandey.iwst@gm 1700000 650000 None No Not Applica ble PC008 Not Recommended Dr. Vivek Kumar, 1900000 475000 "CSIR" : Rs Yes Submit PC 012 Not C42 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 179 Conference on International Conference on ˜Wood is Good: Current Trends and Future Prospects in Wood Utilization 21-11-2014 - 23-112014 , at JN Tata Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science Campus, Bangalore Bangalore Karnataka C43 DBT/CTEP Conference on Afro-Asian Congress on Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Malleswaram 18th Cross, Bangalore - 560 003 Institute of Wood Science and Technology (Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education), 18th Cross,Malleswaram P.O., Bangalore - 560 003 , Karnataka 560003 ; Amity Institute of Microbial PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 14 S.N o Proposal Code /01/201400 181 C44 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 188 Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Microbes for Human and Environmental Health (MicroBioTech2014) 24-09-2014 - 26-09-2014 , at FBlock Auditorium, AMity University Uttar Pradesh, Sector-125, Noida-201303 (NCR) India Noida Uttar Pradesh Workshop on National Workshop on Computational Systems Biotechnology Tools for Identification, Simulation and Enhancement of Stem Cell Differentiation 19-09-2014 - 20-092014 , at Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Post Bag No 3, Pennalur, Irungattukottai, Sriperumbudur Chennai Tamil Nadu Technology Amity University Uttar Pradesh E-3, Fourth Floor, Sector125, Noida- 201303 -201303 Assistant Professor (Grade-III) vkumar51@amity.ed u ;ajitvarma@amity.ed u Amount Requested/Rece ived/Committed from organizations other than DBT 325000; "ICMR" : Rs 200000; "DST" : Rs 200000; "Biosync Technology, Bhanu Biotech Pvt Ltd, Genetix Biotech Asia (P) Ltd, Wockhardt Research Centre," : Rs 50000; Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Post Bag No 3, Pennalur, Irungattukottai, Sriperumbudur , Chennai , Tamil Nadu -602117 Dr. Nalinkanth V. Ghone, Associate Professor in ; "Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering" : Rs 46000; Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget 176000 Assista nce request ed from DBT 130000 Previo us grant from DBT Yes UC/SE status for previo us grant ted Submit ted Remarks Recommendati on of the committee Recommended No detailed Technical program Not recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 15 Assista nce request ed from DBT Amount Requested/Rece ived/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Remarks Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID C45 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 189 Seminar | Workshop on 3rd National Level Seminar cum Workshop on Bioinformatics and System Biology 2409-2014 - 26-09-2014 , at Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology Palayanoor PO, Maduranthagam (Tk), Kancheepuram603308, Tamil Nadu. Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology Palayanoor PO, Maduranthagam (Tk), Kancheepuram- 603308, Tamil Nadu. -603308 Dr. K. Sivakumar, Associate Professor ksivakumar76@gmai ;ksivakumar_76@ya 120600 89000 None Yes Submit ted Already supporte d for another event at C-1 C46 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 191 Conference on NATIVE CHICKEN PRODUCTION: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES 21-08-2014 - 22-082014 , at Madras Veterinary College, Chennai- 600 007 Chennai Tamil Nadu Poultry Research Station, Madhavaram Milk Colony, Chennai 600 051 , Tamil Nadu 600051 ; Dr.A.V.Omprakash, Professor and Head arcotomprakash@g 950000 410000 "CSIR" : Rs 50000; No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs.50,000 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 200 Workshop on Workshop on Advances in Biotechnology and its Applications in Conservation Biology 16-10-2014 17-10-2014 , at Hari Singh Memorial Auditorium’ Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, Forest Research Institute, New Forest Dehra Dun 248 006 Uttarakhand Dolphin PG institute of biomedical and natural sciences V.P.OManduwala Chakrata road , dehradun , Uttarakhand -248007 ; Dr. Sovan Bagchi, Head Department of Biotechnology –cum-Organising Secretary Workshop workshopbiotech@g ;bagchisovan 685000 530000 None No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 50,000 S.N o C47 Total Budget Recommendati on of the committee Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 16 S.N o C48 C49 C50 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place DBT/CTEP /01/201400 201 Workshop on ‘Hands-on’ Training on DNA Barcoding and its Applications 13-10-2014 - 15-10-2014 , at Labs of: 1. Dept. of Biotechnology, Dolphin (PG) Institute of Biomedical & Natural Sciences, Dehra Dun. 2. Molecular Systematic Laboratory, Northern Regional Circle, Zoological Survey of India, Dehra Dun. 3. Molecular Genetics Lab, Wildlife Institute o Dehra Dun 248 007 Uttarakhand Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Dolphin PG institute of biomedical and natural sciences V.P.OManduwala Chakrata road , dehradun , Uttarakhand -248007 ; Dr. Sovan Bagchi, Head Department of Biotechnology –cum-Organising Secretary Workshop workshopbiotech@g ;bagchisovan2828@ Total Budget 212500 Assista nce request ed from DBT Amount Requested/Rece ived/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Remarks Recommendati on of the committee Not recommended Recommended Rs 1,00,000 192500 None No Not Applica ble Already supporte d for another event at C-47 No Not Applica ble - Yes Submit ted PC008 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 211 Conference on Student Conference on Conservation Science-Bangalore 2509-2014 - 28-09-2014 , at J.N.TATA AUDITORIUM INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE BANGALORE Karnataka National Centre for Biological Sciences, GKVK campus,Bellary Road , Bangalore , Karnataka 560065 Dr.Uma Ramakrishnan, Reader F uramakri@ncbs.res.i n 3290000 400000 "MoEF, Govt. of India1" : Rs 400000; "Indian National Science Academy2" : Rs 40000; "Connexios Life Sciences1" : Rs 50000; "Wildlife Conservation Trust4" : Rs 500000; DBT/CTEP /01/201400 212 Conference on Progress and Advances in Human Heath Management and Healthcare Reforms 11-10-2014 - 1210-2014 , at Opposite J L Nehru Agriculture Research Centre,Bhopal Road Sagar Madhya Pradesh ADINA INSTITUTE OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Opposite J L Nahru Agriculture Research Centre,Bhopal Road , Sagar , Madhya Pradesh -470002 ; Dr. Aviral Jain, Associate Professor & Principal draviraljain@gmail.c om ; 220000 140000 "MPCST" : Rs 60000; Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 17 S.N o C51 C52 C53 Amount Requested/Rece ived/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Remarks Recommendati on of the committee Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assista nce request ed from DBT DBT/CTEP /01/201400 214 Workshop on QUALITY CONTROL AND STANDARDIZATION OF HERBAL DRUG FORMULATION 08-12-2014 - 2212-2014 , at VNS GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, FACULTY OF PHARMACY, VNS CAMPUS, VIDYA VIHAR, NEELBUD, BHOPAL BHOPAL Madhya Pradesh VIDHYA NIKETAN SAMITI VNS GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, FACULTY OF PHARMACY, VNS CAMPUS, VIDYA VIHAR, NEELBUD, BHOPAL , Madhya Pradesh -462044 ; Ashish Singhai, Assistant Professor singhai_ashish12@r ;singhai.ashish12@g 489850 489850 None Yes Submit ted Refer to HRD division - DBT/CTEP /01/201400 216 Conference on 3rd Kawasaki Disease Summit and 12th National Conference of Pediatric Rheumatology Society 3110-2014 - 02-11-2014 , at Advanced Pediatric Centre PGIMER Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh PGIMER chandigarh Depat of Nephrology,Block-C,nehru Hospital,PGIMER Sector-12 , Chandigarh -160012 Prof Surjit Singh, Professor and head, Division of Allergy Immunology surjitsinghpgi@rediff ;prhescon 800000 "MCI" : Rs 100000; "ICMR" : Rs 100000; "CSIR" : Rs 50000; No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 75,000 435000 "Indo US Science and Technology Forum" : Rs 150000; "Bangalore Development : Rs 300000; "Center for Urban Green Spaces" : Rs 150000; "SM Suri Sehgal Foundation" : Rs 100000; Yes Submit ted PC008 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 221 Conference on BEST PRACTICES AND TECHNOLOGY PACKAGES FOR ENHANCING FUNCTIONAL QUALITY OF URBAN LANDSCAPES 03-11-2014 07-11-2014 , at Hotel The LaLiT Ashok Kumarakrupa Road Bangalore-560001 Bangalore Karnataka Aravali Foundation for Education Aravali House, 431/D-22, Chhattarpur Hills, , New Delhi , Delhi -110074 ; Mr. Manoj Dabas, Executive Director mdabas@aravalifou ; 1605000 1225000 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 18 S.N o C54 C55 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /01/201400 222 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 225 C56 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 226 C57 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 228 Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Seminar on Challenges in Formulation and Development of Biopharmaceuticals 01-10-2014 - 0210-2014 , at VNS GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, FACULTY OF PHARMACY, VNS CAMPUS, VIDYA VIHAR, NEELBUD, BHOPAL BHOPAL Madhya Pradesh Workshop on Water Quality Monitoring and Application of Molecular Techniques in Aquaculture 03-09-2014 - 06-09-2014 , at Department of Biotechnology Vikrama Simhapuri University College Nellore-524001 SPSR Nellore District Andhra Pradesh Nellore Andhra Pradesh Conference on 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGIES “ BEST2015" 28-012015 - 31-01-2015 , at Arunai Engineering College, Velu Nagar, Mathur, Tiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai Tamil Nadu Conference on 25th National Congress of Parasitology 16-10-2014 - 18-102014 , at CSIR-CDRI, sector 10, Jankipuram Extension Sitapur Road, Lucknow Lucknow Uttar Pradesh Assista nce request ed from DBT Amount Requested/Rece ived/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Remarks Recommendati on of the committee Yes Submit ted No detailed technical program Not recommended Not recommended Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID VIDHYA NIKETAN SAMITI VNS GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, FACULTY OF PHARMACY, VNS CAMPUS, VIDYA VIHAR, NEELBUD, BHOPAL , Madhya Pradesh -462044 ; Dr. M.S. Sudheesh, Associate Professor mssudheesh@rediff ;sudheeshdops@gm Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh Vikrama Simhapuri University, Dargamitta, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh -524003 ; Dr.Chadipiralla Kiranmai, Assistant Professor cdpkiranmai@yahoo. ;kiranmaicdp@yahoo .com 470000 100000 None No Not Applica ble Already supporte d for another event at C-16 Arunai Engineering College, Velu Nagar, Then Mathur, Tiruvannamalai , Tamil Nadu 606603 ; Mr. R. Praveen Kumar, Head praveenramanujam ;praveenramanujam 402000 218000 None Yes submitt ed - Recommended Rs 50,000 Central Drug Research Institute Lucknow Chattar Manzil Palace , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh -226001 Dr J K Saxena, Chief Scientist ;jk_saxena@cdri.res. in 150000 "DST" : Rs 150000; "ICMR" : Rs 200000; "CSIR" : Rs 150000; No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 1,00,000 Total Budget 100000 1650000 95000 None PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 19 Amount Requested/Rece ived/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Remarks Recommendati on of the committee Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assista nce request ed from DBT C58 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 241 Seminar on Current approaches in discovery of novel immunomodulatory constituents from herbal origin 10-102014 - 10-11-2014 , at Bansal College of Pharmacy, Kokta, Anand Nagar, Bhopal Bhopal Madhya Pradesh Bansal College of Pharamacy Bansal College of Pharmacy, Kokta, Anand Nagar, Bhopal , Madhya Pradesh -462021 Mr. Sushil Mhaske, Assistant Professor sushilmhaske@gmai 128000 100000 None No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 25,000 C59 DBT/CTEP /01/201400 286 Conference on RAJASTHAN CONCLAVE-2 21-09-2014 - 23-09-2014 , at NEW PALI ROAD JODHPUR Rajasthan Desert Medicine Research Centre, Jodhpur NEW PALI ROAD , JODHPUR , Rajasthan -342005 ; Dr Karam V Singh, Scientist F ;director@dmrcjodhp 2258000 400000 None No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 50,000 S.N o PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 20 RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE 1ST MEETING OF THE EXPERT COMMITTEE ON PROMOTION AND POPULARIZATION OF BIOTECHNOLOGY ( ECPPB) HELD ON 14th July, 2014 (Proposals received from 01-06-2014 to 08-07-2014 by DBT - CTEP Management Cell - TERI - New Delhi) B. Travel Support Proposals for Travel Support for attending International Seminars/ Symposium/ Conference / Workshop SI.No T1 T2 Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation DBT/CTEP /02/201400 282 Dr Beenish Rahat , 32 years, Ph.D scholar beenish.rahat4 m ;beenuaviation DBT/CTEP /02/201400 280 Mr. Manjul Singh , 30 years, Ph.D. Student manjul1902@ ;manjul@nipgr Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event PGIMER chandigarh Depat of Nephrology,BlockC,nehru Hospital,PGIMER Sector-12 , Chandigarh 160012 National Institute of Plant Genome Research NIPGR, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, JNU Campus, New Delhi - 110067 110067 18th International conference on prenatal diagnosis and therapy 2014 Brisbane convention and exhibition centre, Australia Brisbane Queensland Australia 20-07-2014 - 23-072014 7th International Symposium on Root Development: Adventitious, lateral and primary roots2014 Leibniz-Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Oral "Lead author" "Temporal expression and promoter region methylation of c-myc during normal and pathological pregnancies." Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 104902 Registration fee 0 Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None DST - Rs. 85000.00 Requested CICS - Rs. 85000.00 Requested Yes - Recommended Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 104902.00 Oral "Lead author" "Glucose-phytohormone interaction in modulation of root directional growth of Arabidopsis seedling" Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 46451 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 21 SI.No T3 T4 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 279 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 271 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event (IGZ) Kuehnhaeuser Str. 101 99090 Erfurt Germany Weimar Thuringia Germany 15-09-2014 - 19-092014 Sumith Kumar , 26 years, Ph.D student sumith@bioch em.iisc.ernet.i n ;h.sumit.kumar Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka 560012 diroff@admin.iisc. Ms. Aditi Gupta , 28 years, Ph.D. Student aditi0225@gm ;aditi@nipgr.a National Institute of Plant Genome Research NIPGR, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, JNU Campus, New Delhi - 110067 110067 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None DST - Rs. 85000.00 Requested CICS - Rs. 85000.00 Requested Yes Presentat ion of same paper at T-2 Not Recommended Total 46451.00 FEBS-EMBO conference Palais des Congrès, Paris, France Paris Palais des Congrès, Paris, France France 3008-2014 - 04-092014 Poster "Lead author" "Characterization of a Novel Phase Variable Type IIS Restriction Endonuclease from H. pylori strain 26695" 7th International Symposium on Root Development: Adventitious, lateral and primary roots2014 Leibniz-Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ) Kuehnhaeuser Str. 101 99090 Erfurt Oral "Lead author" "Interaction between glucose and brassinosteroid signalling pathways during early seedling root growth and development in Arabidopsis" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 90420 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Yes Total 90420.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 46451 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 46451.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 22 SI.No Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development Rs. 1.00 Committed Science and Engineering Research board Rs. 71068.00 Requested Centre for International Cooperation in Science - Rs. 67368.00 – Requested Yes - Recommended None None Yes - Recommended Subject to NOC from supervisor Germany Weimar Thuringia Germany 15-09-2014 - 19-092014 T5 T6 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 276 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 270 Mr Santosh Keisam , 26 years, PhD student santosh.keisa Ms. Priya Jayprakash Ghumatkar , 27 years, Institute of Biotechnology and Bioresources Development Takyelpat Imphal795001 Manipur, India -795001 nctalukdar@yahoo .com; 15th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology Coex Convention Center 159, Samseong-dong Gangnam-gu Seoul South Korea 24-082014 - 29-08-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Culture-independent studies on microbial ecology of Indian traditional fermented foods are critically biased by the DNA extraction methods used" Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Neuroscience 2014 Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Poster "Single author" "Nootropic, neuroprotective and neurotrophic effects of Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 67368 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 No Airport fee 0 Total 67368.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 130220 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 23 SI.No T7 T8 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 274 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 269 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Research Scholar priyajg1987@ Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400019 gdyadav@yahoo.c om Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Sector12 , Chandigarh 160012 mspgimer@yahoo. com; anil1031@hotmail. com Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400019 gdyadav@yahoo.c om 1121 14th Street NW, Suite 1010 Washington, DC USA 15-11-2014 19-11-2014 Ms SUSHMA TANWAR , 32 years, PhD Student/Resea rch Scholar panwar.sushm ;surupnr@gma Mr. Sachin Prakash Patil , 29 years, Senior Research Fellow sachinpatil85 ;patil.13s@gm International Pigmenr Cell Conference 2014(IPCC 2014) Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore Singapore 04-09-2014 - 07-092014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Phloretin in Scopolamine induced amnesia in mice" Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None CSIR, ICMR, DST - Rs. 99289.19 Requested Yes - Recommended None None Yes PC015 Not Recommended Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 130220.00 Poster "Lead author" "Altered gene expression, oxidative stress and melanocytorrhagy in vitiligo pathogenesis" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 24583 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 24583.00 Neuroscience 2014 Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 1121 14th Street NW, Suite 1010 Washington, DC USA 15-11-2014 19-11-2014 Poster "Single author" "Neuroprotective and neurotrophic effects of Apigenin in MPTP induced Parkinson’s disease in mice" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 130220 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 130220.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 24 SI.No T9 T10 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 277 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 267 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Dr. Amrita Kumari Panda , 32 years, Fast Track Scientist itu.linu@gmail. com ;amritamolbio1 m Department of Zoology, DSB Campus, Kumaun University, Nainital-263002, Uttarakhand 263002 drhsdhami@gmail. com; n Amol Arunrao Pohane , 28 years, PhD student amol@iiserb.a ;pohane.amol Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Bhopal, ITI (Gas Rahat) Building, Govindpura , Madhya Pradesh 462023 in; in Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Extremophiles 2014 Saint Petersburg, Russia Saint Petersburg Russia 07-09-2014 - 11-092014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Lead author" "Bacterial and Archaeal diversity of few alkaline hot springs in the North Eastern India" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 60000 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee - Recommended - Recommended Yes None FEMS - Rs. 28000.00 Requested None None Airport fee 0 Total 60000.00 5th ASM Conference on Beneficial Microbes American Society for Microbiology 1752 N Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Washington DC USA 27-09-2014 - 30-09-2014 Oral,Poster "Lead author" "The Mycobacterium phage D29 lysin attains its bacteria-specific killing property by means of an intramolecular crosstalk" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 95444 Registration fee 0 Yes Visa fee 0 Yes Airport fee 0 Total 95444.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 25 SI.No T11 T12 T13 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 266 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 264 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 263 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Mr. Pankaj D.Jain , 28 years, Senior Research Fellow pdjain23@gm Mrs Mehar Fatma , 29 years, Ph.D. Student meharfatma30 ;fatmamehar@ Ms DEEPTHI DAS , 27 years, PhD STUDENT Organization Name, Address, Email ID Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400019 gdyadav@yahoo.c om Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University , Uttar Pradesh 202002 usmanikamil94@g; ncids2013@gmail. com Birla Institute of Technology and Science , Pilani , Rajasthan - Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Neuroscience 2014 Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 1121 14th Street NW, Suite 1010 Washington, DC USA 15-11-2014 19-11-2014 Eurotox 2014 Edinburgh International Conference centre (EICC) Edinburgh Scotland 07-09-2014 - 10-09-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Single author" "Antiepileptogenic and neuroprotective effects of α-pinene in Pentylenetetrazol induced kindling model of Epilepsy" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 130220 Registration fee 0 Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC015 Not Recommended None None Yes - Recommended None DST - Rs. 111803.00 Requested CSIR - Rs. 74000.00 - Yes PC007 Not Recommended Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 130220.00 Poster "Lead author" "The inhibitory effect of salinity on the photosynthetic machinery of mustard plant and the alleviation of this effect by ethylene." No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 82566 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 82566.00 10th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON EXTREMOPHILES, Poster "Lead author" "Extremozymes from Halophilic Archaea" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 74000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 26 SI.No T14 T15 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 257 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 256 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event deepthimcet@ ;p2010008@g 333031 2014 Park Inn Pulkovskaya, Pobedy Square 1, 196240 Saint Petersburg, Russia Saint Petersburg Russia 07-09-2014 - 11-092014 ECCB'14, the 13th European Conference on Computational Biology STRASBOURG CONVENTION CENTRE Avenue Schutzenberger 67000 Strasbourg Strasbourg Bas-Rhin France 07-09-2014 10-09-2014 FEBS-EMBO Paris 2014 Palais des Congrès de Paris 2 place de la Porte Prachi Mehrotra , 26 years, PhD Student prachim@mbu ;zenithant@g Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka 560012 diroff@admin.iisc. Mrs. Indu Jose T. , 29 years, Research Scholar Indian Institute of Technology Madras IIT Madras , Chennai , Tamil Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee Requested Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 74000.00 Poster "Lead author" "Classification of multidomain proteins using CLAP server: case studies on proteins containing tyrosine phosphatases and SH3 domains" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 86070 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 None None Yes - Recommended None IIT-M - Rs. 150000.00 Sanctioned Yes - Recommended Airport fee 0 Total 86070.00 Poster "Lead author" "GNL3L is NucleoCytoplasmic Shuttling Protein: Role in Cell No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 73800 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 27 SI.No Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event indujose@gm Nadu -600036; Maillot Paris Paris France 30-08-2014 01-09-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Division Cycle Regulation" Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC008 Not Recommended None None Yes - Recommended Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 73800.00 T16 T17 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 278 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 254 Dr Ruby Stella R , 29 years, Junior Resident rubystella08@ Mr Mahammed Moniruzzaman , 30 years, Research Scholar Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, University of Delhi,Delhi 110007 Deptartment of Zoology, Visva Bharati University Birbhum, Santiniketan731235 , West European Respiratory Congress ICM Internationales Congress Center München Messegelände 81823 München Germany Munich Bavaria Germany 0609-2014 - 10-092014 Poster "Lead author" "\"Gait characteristics and energy expenditure during 6-minute walk test (6MWT) in phenotypes of COPD― and “Psychosocial burden of caregivers is a hurdle for adherence to pulmonary rehabilitation program in a resourcescarce setting―" 27th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Rennes (France) Université de Poster "Lead author" "Influence of melatonin on ovaprim induced oocyte maturation and ovulation in Indian major carp Catla catla" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 77678 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 77678.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 79750 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 28 SI.No T18 T19 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 258 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 275 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event moni.vbu@gm Bengal -731235 sandipmukherjee0 Rennes 1 Campus de Beaulieu 35 042 Rennes cedex, France Rennes Cedex France 25-082014 - 29-08-2014 Dr. Megha Kadam Bedekar , 40 years, Senior Scientist meghakadamb edekar@gmail .com ;megha.bedek Dr Anugya Bhatt , 36 years, Scientist D anugyabhatt@ ;anugyabhatt Central Institute of Fisheries Education Panch Marg, Off Yari Road, Andheri(W), , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400061 lakraws@hotmail.c om; m Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology, Trivandrum, Kerala, India 695011 -695011 director@sctimst.a Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks None Central Institute of Fisheries Education - Rs. 39000.00 Requested Organizers of conference - Rs. 19484.00 Committed INSA - Rs. 76000.00 Yes - None SERB - Rs. 80000.00 Requested CICS - Rs. 100000.00 Requested Yes - Recommendatio n of the committee Airport fee 0 Total 79750.00 4th International Conference on Vaccines & Vaccination Hotel Sercotel Sorolla Palace Avda. De Las Cortes Valencianas, Valencia Provinces of Velencia Spain 2409-2014 - 26-092014 Oral "Lead author" "Role of Interferon gamma as immune adjuvant in Labeo rohita" 13th Human Proteome Organization World Congress Centro de Convenciones Norte IFEMA – Feria de Madrid Avenida del Partenón, 28042 Poster "Lead author" "Profiling of platelet protein in circulation of diabetic patients: in vitro effect of isolated plateletspecific protein mixture on endothelial cells" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 99000 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 99000.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 67950 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Recommended Recommended Airport fee 0 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 29 SI.No T20 T21 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 260 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 255 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Madrid Madrid Spain 05-10-2014 - 08-102014 26th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB) UK centre for tissue engineering,Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, University of Liverpool Liverpool United Kingdom 3108-2014 - 03-092014 Mr Prabhash Dadhich , 29 years, PhD Student prabhashd11 ;prabhashd@s mst.iitkgp.erne Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302. West Bengal -721302 amitk@hijli.iitkgp.e Bhushan Munjal , 30 years, PhD Scholar bhushanmunja ;bhushanmunj m National Institute of Pharmceutical Education and Research Sector67, S.A.S.Nagar, , Mohali , Punjab 160062 n Globalization of Pharmaceutics Education Network (GPEN) 2014 University of Helsinki Helsinki Uusimaa Finland 27-08-2014 30-08-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None None Yes PC008 Not Recommended Total 67950.00 Poster "Lead author" "Development of hybrid composite for bone tissue engineering" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 67028 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 67028.00 Poster "Lead author" "Differential effect of buffering agents on the crystallization of gemcitabine hydrochloride in frozen solutions" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 85495 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 85495.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 30 SI.No T22 T23 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 251 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 250 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Ms ARPITA SAHA , 29 years, RESEARCH SCHOLAR arpitalively@g Mr. ZAIGHAM ABBAS RIZVI , 28 years, Ph.D. Student zaigham.abba m ;zenithawaits1 Organization Name, Address, Email ID SLS JNU 433, School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University , New Delhi , Delhi 110067 manishskd@gmail .com; manish96_sls@st in School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University , , New Delhi , Delhi 110067 dean_sls@mail.jn; dean_sls@yahoo. com Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event FEBS-EMBO CONFERENCE 2014 Palais des Congrès de Paris 2 place de la Porte Maillot 75017 Paris PARIS FRANCE 30-08-2014 - 04-09-2014 Eurotox 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC), In Conference Ltd., Quality Street, Edinburgh Scotland 07-09-2014 - 10-092014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Lead author" "Regulation of EhTMKB19 gene is through Lipid(s) via PI3 kinase signaling pathway in protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None DST - Rs. 67508.00 Requested EMBO - Rs. 64000.00 Sanctioned Yes - Recommended None EUROTOX organizing committee - Rs. 27000.00 Committed Yes - Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 59508 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 59508.00 Poster "Lead author" "Inhibition of CD1d pathway of antigen presentation by acid functionalized singlewalled carbon nanotubes (AF-SWCNTs) in professional and nonprofessional antigen presenting cells" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 82566 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 82566.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 31 SI.No T24 T25 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 247 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 249 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Ms Astha Nigam , 33 years, Senior Research Fellow ashnigamin@ ;astha.nigam Stanley Browne Research Laboratory The Leprosy Mission Community Hospital, Nand Nagri, Shahdara , New Delhi , Delhi 110093 mallikalavania@g; sundeep chaitanya@gmail. com Mr. Sourav Mukherjee , 30 years, Research Fellow sourav16@gm Visava-Bharati, Santiniketan Animal Science Dept. of ASEPAN, PSB, VisvaBharati, Sriniketan , West Bengal 731236 sarojpyne@yahoo. com; kalipada.pramanik Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event ICAAC 2014 ICAAC 2014 54th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy September 5 -9, 2014 | Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC District of Columbia USA 05-09-2014 09-09-2014 27th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists Université de Rennes 1 Campus de Beaulieu 35 042 Rennes cedex France Rennes Rennes cedex France 25-08-2014 - Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Co-author" "Characterization and Molecular analysis of Drug resistant Mycobacterium leprae isolates from the relapsed leprosy patients from The Leprosy Mission (TLM) Hospitals in India" Poster "Lead author" "Food, in contrast to environmental light-dark cycle, is the synchronizer of gut melatonergic system in carp Catla catla" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC006 Not Recommended None None Yes PC008 Not Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 125428 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 No Airport fee 0 Total 125428.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 79750 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 79750.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 32 SI.No T26 T27 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 261 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 245 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event 29-08-2014 Dr Vijesh Sreedhar K , 37 years, Program Scientist vijesh@rgcb.r ;vijeshsreedha Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Thycaud PO, Poojappura Thiruvananthapura m - 695 014 Kerala, India 695014 director@rgcb.res. in; mrpillai@rgcb.res.i n Mr Habibur Rahman , 33 years, Associate Professor hablet1@gmai ;habirubi@gm PSG College of Pharmacy PSG Hospital Campus Avinashi Road, Peelamedu , Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu 641004 principalpsgcp@g; 19th International Bioinformatics Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology SGM Conference Center ROME Via Portuense, 741 00148 Roma Tel. +39 06.65686561 info@fondazionesgm .it Rome Italy 07-092014 - 12-09-2014 5th World Congress on Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Pharmaceutical R & D Summit, Baltimore, USA DoubleTree by Hilton Baltimore BWI Airport, 890 Elkridge Landing Rd, Linthicum Heights, Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Oral "Single author" "19th International Bioinformatics Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Rs. 68000.00 Sanctioned DST - Rs. 30000.00 Requested Yes PC002 Not Recommended None None Yes - Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 65000 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 65000.00 Oral "Lead author" "Development of Curcumin Solid Lipid Nanoparticle and Assessment of Pharmacokinetics and Brain Availability in Wistar Rats" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 109465 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 109465.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 33 SI.No T28 T29 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 246 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 243 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Dr. A. Venkateshwari , 44 years, Assistant Professor venkateshwari ;venkateshwar i.18670@gmai Dr. Suparna Dutta Sinha , 48 years, Principal Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event com MD 21090, USA Baltimore MD USA 29-09-2014 - 01-102014 Fifth International Conference of the Organization of Women in Science on “Women Scientists in a Quest for Sustainability and Development Hotel Holiday InnCuernavaca, Blvd. Diaz Ordaz 86, Col. Acapanzingo, Cuernavaca, phone number +52 (777) 362 0203 Cuernavaca Morelos Mexico 17-09-2014 20-09-2014 FIRM SYMPOSIUM 2014 Hotel Cap Roig Av de Andorra 18 17251 Calonge Institute of Genetics and Hospital for Genetic Diseases, Osmania University, Begumpet Intitute of Genetics and Hospital for Genetic Diseases, Osmania University, Begumpet , Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh 500016 venkateshwari@y Department of Pharmaceutical Technology188, S.C. Mulliclk Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 150000 Oral "Lead author" "Association of Interleukin10 A-1082G gene Promoter Polymorphism with Breast Cancer in South Indian Population from Andhra Pradesh" Registration fee 0 Yes Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 150000.00 Oral,Poster "Single author" "Substrate Protein interaction plays key role in microbial adhesion" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 66073 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 34 SI.No T30 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 242 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Investigator ju.research@g ;sdsinha@phy Road, Jadavpur University, Jadavpur, Kolkata700032 , West Bengal -700032 miltu.pharm@gmai; payal96.pharm@g Girona Spain GIRONA SPAIN 0809-2014 - 11-092014 Mr. SIRAM KARTHIK , 25 years, RESEARCH SCHOLAR karthiksiram@ PSG College of Pharmacy PSG Hospital Campus Avinashi Road, Peelamedu , Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu 641004 principalpsgcp@g; com Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 66073.00 5th WORLD CONGRESS ON BIOAVAILABILITY AND BIOEQUIVALANCE: PHARMACEUTICAL R&D SUMMIT DoubleTree by Hilton Baltimore-BWI Airport 890 Elkridge Landing Rd., Linthicum Heights MD 21090, Maryland, USA BALTIMORE MARYLAND UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 29-09- Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 99970 Registration fee 0 Oral "Lead author" "Targeted delivery of Diethylcarbamazine citrate to the lymphatics using solid lipid nanoparticles" Visa fee 0 No Airport fee 0 Total 99970.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 35 SI.No Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None None Yes - Recommended 2014 - 01-10-2014 T31 T32 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 244 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 253 Mr. Abhishek Jauhari , 26 years, Senior Research Fellow abhijauhari@g ;abhishekjauh ari1@yahoo.c om CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow CSIRIndian Institute of Toxicology Research, M.G. Marg, Post Box 80 , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh -226001; Ms. DEEPSHIKHA VERMA , 26 years, RESEARCH SCHOLAR deepshikha@ti Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400005, India , Maharashtra 400005 6th ISN Special Conference 201420-22 September 2014, Tokyo, Japan Yayoi Auditorium, Ichijo Hall/ Annex, The University of Tokyo. Location: The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Japan, 113-8654 Japan Tokyo Japan 20-09-2014 - 22-092014 XXVI ICMRBS-2014 HYATT REGENCY, 300 Reunion Boulevard DALLAS TEXAS USA 24-082014 - 29-08-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Role of MicroRNAs in rotenone induced neurodegeneration in rat brain" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 78943 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 No Airport fee 0 Total 78943.00 Poster "Lead author" "Post-traslational Modifications in an UVinducible Protein UVI31+ from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 145000 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 145000.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 36 SI.No T33 T34 T35 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 239 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 233 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 234 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Arttrika , 27 years, Research Scholar arttrika1408@ Ms. Harshada Hemant Sant , 27 years, Senior Research Fellow harshadas@n ;harshi1987@ SIMA kUMARI , 38 years, Ph. D Student Organization Name, Address, Email ID Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University Institute of Medical sciences Banaras Hindu University varanasi-221005 , Uttar Pradesh 221005 shardasingh06@y National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Bangalore National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, GKVK, Bellary Road , Bangalore , Karnataka 560065 The Energy and Resources Institute Darbari Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Interscience Congress of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Walter E Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC Washington USA 0509-2014 - 09-092014 11th International Congress of Neuroethology (ICN) and JSCPB (2014 ICN/JSCPB) Sapporo Convention Center 1-1-1 HigashiSapporo 6-jo, Shiroishi-ku, Sapporo Sapporo Hokkaido Japan 28-07-2014 01-08-2014 10th International Mycological Congress Bangkok, Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Lead author" "Host Immune Response of Chemokines IP-10 and Rantes Expression in Patients Suffering from Viral Hepatitis" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 111848 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None None Yes - Recommended None None Yes PC008 Not Recommended Airport fee 0 Total 111848.00 Poster "Lead author" "Neural circuitry of insect antennal mechanosensors" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 62000 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 62000.00 Poster "Lead author" "Acaulospora foveata: A new species under in vitro No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 37 SI.No Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event sima.kumari@ ;simaphd@gm Seth Block, IHC Complex, Lodhi Road , New Delhi , Delhi -110003 Thailand Bangkok Thailand 03-08-2014 - 08-08-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme culture on hairy roots" Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None CSIR - Rs. 84774.00 Requested DST Rs. 114944.00 Requested Yes - Recommended None None Yes - Recommended class 20196 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 T36 T37 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 273 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 252 Mr Sanjay Kumar Dey , 28 years, Senior Research Fellow sanjaydey@so ;sanjaydey23 University of Delhi South Campus Benito Juarez Road , New Delhi , Delhi -110021 indranil58@yahoo. Ashish Kumar Agrawal , 33 years, Ph.D Schoalr ashishagrawal pharma@gmai National Institute of Pharmceutical Education and Research Sector67, S.A.S.Nagar, , Mohali , Punjab - High Blood Pressure Research 2014 Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association Hilton San Francisco Union Square, 333 O'Farrell Street San Francisco California USA 0909-2014 - 12-092014 Oral,Poster "Lead author" "Identification and validation of new inhibitors based on rational design against Dopamine-betahydroxylase to combat hypertension" 10th Globalization of Pharmaceutics Education Network (GPEN) 2014 University of Helsinki Helsinki Finland 27- Poster "Lead author" "Folic Acid Functionalized Insulin Loaded Stable Chitosan Nanoparticles: Influence on Stability, Cellular Uptake, Yes Total 20196.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 84774 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 84774.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 85495 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 38 SI.No T38 T39 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 268 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 227 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper ;ashishagrawa lpharma@redif 160062 n 08-2014 - 30-082014 Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None ICRISAT - Rs. 18000.00 Sanctioned Yes PC007 Not Recommended None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended Airport fee 0 Total 85495.00 Dr Vijayabharathi Rajendran , 30 years, Research Associate r.vijayabharath ;bharathienviro International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ICRISAT Headquarters, Patancheru , Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh 502324; INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOPESTICIDES 7 Side Antalya, Turkey Side Antalya Antalya Turkey 19-10-2014 25-10-2014 Mr. SATIESH KUMAR , 30 years, SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW ramsatiesh@g CENTRAL LEATHER RESEARCH INSTITUTE ADYAR CHENNAI , Tamil Nadu 600020; 26th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials BT Convention Centre (Within ACC, Liverpool) Kings Dock Liverpool Waterfront L3 4FP Liverpool UK 31-08- Oral "Lead author" "Evaluation of insecticidal compound from Streptomyces griseoplanus SAI-25 against Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner)" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 169584 Registration fee 0 Yes Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 169584.00 Poster "Lead author" "Solgel assisted preparation of collagen hydrolysate scaffold: A Novel biomaterial for the treatment of chronic wounds" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 114500 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 114500.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 39 SI.No Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Arunkumar R , 29 years, Senior Research Fellow arustar@gmail .com ;arunr_125@r Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore 570 020, (CSIR) India , Karnataka 570020 ; NANOSMAT - 2014 Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland Dublin Leinster Ireland 0809-2014 - 11-092014 Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Uppal Road Habshiguda , Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh 500007 director@ccmb.res .in; mohan@ccmb.res. in International Conference on Antimicrobial Research Facultad de Medicina (Faculty of Medicine) Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Complutense University of Madrid) Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 - Madrid (University City, 28040 - Madrid) Spain Madrid Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None ICMR - Rs. 140000.00 Requested CSIR - Rs. 140000.00 Requested CICS - Rs. 140000.00 Requested DST Rs. 140000.00 Requested Yes - Recommended None Centre for International Cooperation in Science (CICS) Rs. 47000.00 Requested Institute of Scientific research on Vedas, I-SERVE, Hyderabad - Rs. 40000.00 Requested Yes - Recommended 50% of airfare 2014 - 03-09-2014 T40 T41 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 262 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 223 Dr M V Jagannadham , 55 years, Senior Principal Scientist jagan@ccmb.r ;medicharlavj Poster "Lead author" "Poly (D, L-lactide-co-glycolic acid), an Efficient Nano Carrier, for Improved Solubility, Bioavailability and Anticancer Property of Lutein" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 80400 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 80400.00 Oral "Lead author" "Proteomics and functional analysis of outer membrane vesicles from E. coli" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 72000 No Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 72000.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 40 SI.No Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None DST - Rs. 100098.00 Requested ICMR - Rs. 100098.00 Requested IndiaBioscience Rs. 40000.00 Requested Yes - Recommended Complutense University in Madrid Spain 01-10-2014 03-10-2014 T42 T43 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 218 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 217 Ms. Mala Singh , 25 years, Ph.D. student malasingh99 ;malasingh999 Mr. P. A. Boopathi , 31 years, Research Scholar boopathiaruna chalam@gmail .com ;pa.boopathi@ pilani.bits- Prof. Arun Arya, Head Dept. of Botany, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Vadodara39002 , Gujarat 390002 aryaarunarya@red XXII International Pigment Cell Conference 2014 Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore, 22 Orange Grove Road, 258350, Singapore Singapore 04-092014 - 07-09-2014 Birla Institute of Technology and Science , Pilani , Rajasthan 333031 FEBS EMBO 2014 Conference Palais des Congrès de Paris 2 place de la Porte Maillot 75017 Paris Paris 2 place de la Porte Maillot France 30-08-2014 04-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Association of Interleukin 6 -572 G/C And -174 G/C Promoter Polymorphisms With Vitiligo Susceptibility In Gujarat Population" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 26000 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 26000.00 Poster "Lead author" "Discovery of Natural Antisense Transcripts in Plasmodium vivax clinical isolates" Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 60044 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 60044.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 41 SI.No Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None None Yes - Recommended T44 T45 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 215 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 219 Mr. Shahnawaz Jadeja , 26 years, Ph.D. student jadeja.shahna m ;jadeja_shahn awaz@yahoo. com Mr Prasun Kumar , 28 years, Student pk@mbu.iisc.e ;prasun30@g Prof. Arun Arya, Head Dept. of Botany, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Vadodara39002 , Gujarat 390002 aryaarunarya@red XXII International Pigment Cell Conference 2014 Shangri-La Hotel, 22 Orange Grove Road, 258350, Singapore Singapore 04-092014 - 07-09-2014 Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka 560012 diroff@admin.iisc. Modeling of Biomolecular Systems Interactions, Dynamics, and Allostery: Bridging Experiments and Computations Koc University (School of Medicine and College of Engineering) American Hospital, Poster "Lead author" "Association Of LMP7 And TAP1 Polymorphisms with Vitiligo Susceptibility in Gujarat Population" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 26000 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 26000.00 Poster "Lead author" "Do Not Call Me α, I Am Ï€helix" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 77440 No Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 77440.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 42 SI.No Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MADRAS - Rs. 150000.00 Committed Yes - Recommended Nisantasi Campus Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul Turkey 1009-2014 - 14-092014 T46 T47 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 220 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 248 Mr Shiladitya Mitra , 28 years, PhD Student shiladitya.mitr ;smitra@ccmb Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Uppal Road Habshiguda , Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh 500007 director@ccmb.res .in; mohan@ccmb.res. in FEBS EMBO 2014 Palais des Congrès de Paris, 2 place de la Porte Maillot, 75017 Paris PARIS FRANCE 30-08-2014 - 04-09-2014 Ms. Debduti Datta , 31 years, PhD student debduti.datta Indian Institute of Technology Madras IIT Madras , Chennai , Tamil Nadu -600036; The FEBS EMBO 2014 Conference Palais des Congrès de Paris 2 place de la Porte Maillot Paris ÃŽle-de-France France 30-08-2014 04-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Wdr13 knockout mice shows marginally better memory but impaired ability to withstand social isolation stress" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 72000 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 72000.00 Poster "Lead author" "Nucleolar GTP binding protein (NGP) promotes cell cycle progression through activation of p53p21 pathway" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 73500 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 73500.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 43 SI.No T48 T49 T50 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 209 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 208 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 224 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mr. Subal Dey , 29 years, SRF-CSIR icsd@iacs.res. in ;skdey85@gm Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science 2A & 2B RAJA S. C. MULLICK ROAD, JADAVPUR , Kolkata , West Bengal -700032 director@iacs.res.i n 248th ACS NAtional Meeting & Exposition 728, Folsom Street San Francisco California United State of America 1008-2014 - 14-082014 Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka 560012 diroff@admin.iisc. Febs-Embo conference-2014 Palais des Congrès de Paris 2 place de la Porte Maillot 75017 Paris Paris ÃŽle-de-France France 30-08-2014 04-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Malaria parasite responds to unfolded protein stress using a novel mechanism" 10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Poster "Co-author" "Biodiesel production from oil cakes catalyzed by alkalithermostable lipase Ms Shweta Chaubey , 28 years, Senior Reseach Fellow shwetac@bioc hem.iisc.ernet. in ;shwetacbioch m Dr. Sharmili S Jagtap , 36 years, Assistant Pondicherry University Kalapet ,Puducherry , Tamil Nadu - Oral,Poster "Single author" "Electrocatalytic H2 generation by synthetic Fe-Fe hydrogenase mimics in water and their oxygen reactivities" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 103598 Registration fee 0 Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended Subject to NOC from supervisor None None Yes - Recommended None Centre for International Cooperation in Science (CICS) - Yes PC006 Not Recommended Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 103598.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 90420 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 90420.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 64956 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 44 SI.No T51 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 206 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Professor sharmilijagtap ;sharmili.pumi m 605014 m; Sciences (10th ESBES) and the 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses (6th IFIBiop) Lille Grand Palais, 1 Boulevard des Cités Unies Lille Nord-Pas-deCalais France 07-092014 - 10-09-2014 Mani Bhargava , 25 years, Jr Scientist agr.mani@gm ;idealchemical works@gmail. com Ideal Chemical Works Ltd. 110/79 Ram Krishna Nagar , Kanpur , Uttar Pradesh 208012 idealchemicalwork; agr.mani@gmail.c om The FEBS EMBO 2014 Conference Palais des Congrès de Paris 2 place de la Porte Maillot 75017 Paris France 30-08-2014 - 04-092014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme of microbial origin" Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee Yes PC007 Not Recommended Rs. 100000.00 Requested Department of Sceicne and Technology - Rs. 64956.00 – Requested Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 64956.00 Poster "Lead author" "Liposomes for photodynamic therapy of vitiligo via pilosebaceous route" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 84692 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 None DST - Rs. 100000.00 Requested Airport fee 0 Total 84692.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 45 SI.No T52 T53 Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Ms Sneha Vishwanath , 23 years, Graduate Student snehav@mbu. ;snehavishwan ath09@gmail. com Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka 560012 diroff@admin.iisc. Advances in Protein Protein Interaction Analysis and Modulation Presqu'ile de Giens 406 av Estérel Hyeres 83400 Hyères-lesPalmiers France 0909-2014 - 09-122014 Poster "Lead author" "Structural comparison and normal mode analysis of protease-inhibitor complexes suggest high retention of interface structure and flexibility of inhibitor proteins. And Computational design of peptide inhibitors for disruption of interaction of sigma facto" Mr. MOHMMAD SHOAB MANSURI , 27 years, Ph.D. student msm_udr@red ;msm.udr@gm Prof. Arun Arya, Head Dept. of Botany, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Vadodara39002 , Gujarat 390002 aryaarunarya@red Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation DBT/CTEP /02/201400 205 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 213 XXII International Pigment Cell Conference 2014 Shangri-La Hotel, 22 Orange Grove Road, 258350, Singapore Singapore 04-092014 - 07-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Identification of Potential microRNAs Responsible for Pathogenesis of Vitiligo" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None None Yes PC008 Not Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 104396 No Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 104396.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 26000 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 26000.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 46 SI.No T54 T55 Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID DBT/CTEP /02/201400 203 Mr. Ajoy Roy , 31 years, Institute Research Scholar ajoyroybiotech nology@gmail. com ;ajo_yro_y@y National Institute of Technology, Durgapur Mahatma Gandhi Avenue Durgapur - 713209 West Bengal -713209 director@admin.nit; swapan.bhattacha .in 15th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology Coex Convention Center 159, Samseong-dong Gangnam-gu Seoul Korea 24-08-2014 29-08-2014 Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302. West Bengal -721302 amitk@hijli.iitkgp.e International Conference on Algal Biorefinery 2014 (ICAB 2014) Technical University of Denmark, Department of Environmental Engineering, Bygninstorvet Bg 113, 2800 Lyngby Copenhagen Denmark 27-08-2014 - 29-08-2014 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 210 Mr. Supratim Ghosh , 27 years, JRF supratim4737 ;ghosh_suprati m Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Co-author" "Microbial community analysis of petroleum refinery wastes through deep sequencing of 16S rRNA genes" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC006 Not Recommended None None Yes - Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 49887 Registration fee 0 Yes Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 49887.00 Oral "Single author" "Improvement of biodiesel production from the spent medium of dark fermentation process by Chlorella sp. MJ 11/11" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 64482 Registration fee 0 Yes Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 64482.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 47 SI.No T56 T57 T58 Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper DBT/CTEP /02/201400 197 Dr. K. Kovendan , 31 years, Young Scientist gokulloyo@ya ;gokulsuryah Bharathiar University Coimbatore - 641 046 Tamil Nadu, India -641046 gokulloyo@yahoo.; gokulloyola83@ya 13th International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA) 2014 Hotel Camino Real, Mexico City, Mexico Mexico City Mexican Mexico 1008-2014 - 15-082014 Poster "Lead author" "In vitro antiplasmodial activity of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles using Morinda citrifolia (Noni) leaf extract against Plasmodium falciparum" Department of Zoology, University of Delhi110007 Registrar University of Delhi Delhi University New Delhi-110007 -110007 10th International Conference on Recirculating Aquaculture (ICRA ROANOKE HOTEL Roanoke Virginia 2208-2014 - 24-082014 Oral "Lead author" "Use of an Eco-friendly and CostEffective Filter Bed Material in Recirculating System for the Removal of Nitrogenous Wastes," International Centre for Genetic Engineering an Biotechnology Aruna Asaf ali FEBS EMBO 2014 Conference Palais des Congrès de Paris 2 place de la Porte Maillot Paris Poster "Lead author" "The spatiotemporal expression patterns of microRNA in response to High temperature Stress in DBT/CTEP /02/201400 195 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 194 Ms KHANGEMBA M CHERITA DEVI , 28 years, Ph.D SCHOLAR chery.angom ;cheritakhange mbam@yahoo .com Shikha Goel , 29 years, Senior Research Fellow Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 213549 Registration fee 0 Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended None None Yes - Recommended Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 No Total 213549.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 82918 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 82918.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 60000 Registration fee 0 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 48 SI.No T59 T60 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 193 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 196 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event goels16@gma ;goels16@redi Marg Vasant Kunj New Delhi 110067 France 30-08-2014 04-09-2014 Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Sanyal , 31 years, Ph.D. student skskumar731 ;sanyalsanjeev m Punjabi University , Patiala -147002 Mrs Mudra Kapoor , 26 years, PhD Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme rice." Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC008 Not Recommended None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 60000.00 FOREST BIODIVERSITY AND ECOSYSTEMS IN FINLAND AND RUSSIA: ECOLOGY AND TAXONOMY OF LIGNICOLOUS BASIDIOMYCETE FUNGI University of Helsinki, Finland and Komarov Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow State University, Russia Moscow Russia 2408-2014 - 30-08-14 Challenges in Nanoscience (ISACS15) Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 93755 Poster "Single author" "NEW AGARICOMYCETEOUS FUNGI FROM INDIA: EXPLORATION AND TAXONOMY" Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 No Airport fee 0 Total 93755.00 Poster "Lead author" "Transdermal Nutricosmetics the Way of No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 49 SI.No T61 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 190 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event scholar mudrathod@g ;mudra.r@iitb. Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, IIT B, Powai , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400076 n UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO California USA 17-08-2014 21-08-2014 Ms Devapriya Sinha , 29 years, Ph.D Student devapriya0208 Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi University Of Delhi -110007 vinod28tiwari@gm Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Future: Folic acid liposomes loaded in Fuller’s earth\\\\\\\'" Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended Subject to NOC from supervisor class 100000 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 III International Conference on Antimicrobial Research 2014 Facultad de Medicina (Faculty of Medicine) Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Complutense University of Madrid) Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 Madrid Spain 01-10-2014 - 03-102014 Oral "Single author" "Novel bis-benzimidazole exhibits selective inhibition of E. coli topoisomerase IA through metal chelation based mechanism: A way to overcome multiresistant strains" Total 100000.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 65994 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 65994.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 50 SI.No T62 T63 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 198 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 183 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Ms Saumya Dhup , 26 years, PhD Student saumya.dhup. m Richa Kapoor , 26 years, PhD Student richakapoor@ ;richakp8@gm Organization Name, Address, Email ID TERI University The Registrar Plot No. 10 Institutional Area Vasant Kunj New Delhi - 110 070 / India Tel. +91 11 26122222, 26139110, 26139011 Fax +91 11 26122874 Email registrar Web www.teriuniversity. -110070 krajag; NTIONAL INSTITUTE OF IMMUNOLOGY Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, JNU Compus , New Delhi , Delhi 110067 Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event 2nd International Symposium on Energy Challenges & Mechanics (ISECM) Hilton Aberdeen Treetops (161 Springfield Gardens, Aberdeen, AB15 7AQ, Scotland, United Kingdom Aberdeen Scotland United Kingdom 1908-2014 - 21-082014 Regulatory and Non Coding RNAs Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory PO Box 100, 1 Bungtown Road Cold Spring Harbor New York USA 26-08-2014 30-08-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None None Yes - Recommended Subject to NOC from supervisor Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 60000 Registration fee 0 Oral "Lead author" "Efficient Cultivation of microalgae for lipid production" Visa fee 0 Yes Airport fee 0 Total 60000.00 Poster "Single author" "Host microRNA34a enhances HIV-1 replication" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 88842 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 88842.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 51 SI.No T64 T65 Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation DBT/CTEP /02/201400 180 Mr. Ali Asger Bhojiya , 30 years, Research Scholar aliasger786in ;aliasger786in DBT/CTEP /02/201400 187 Dr. HayaT M. MUKHTAR , 44 years, Director cum Principal hayat18@redif ;hayatmukhtar m Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Mohanlal sukhadia University , Udaipur , Rajasthan 313001 15th World Lake Conference Facoltà di Giurisprudenza (Law School),University of Perugia,Perugia,Italy Perugia Umbria Italy 01-09-2014 - 05-092014 Oral "Lead author" "Plasmid-Mediated Transfer of Heavy metal tolerance gene to Escherichia coli isolated from Fatehsagar lake, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India" SBS COLLEGE OF PHARMACY CHUSLEWAR MORE, PATTI , TARN TARAN , Punjab -143416 hayat18@rediffmai; hayat_mukhtar@y Comparative Neuroprotective Activity of Benincasa hispida Seeds and Mesocarp Against Neurodegenarative Disorder, Dementia Kulliyyah of Pharmacy, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, 2500 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur 26100 kuantan kUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA 16-08-2014 - 17-08- Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 41075 Registration fee 0 Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None Local Organizers - Rs. 20000.00 Requested Yes - Recommended None ICMR, New Delhi - Rs. 31000.00 Requested CICS, Chennai - Rs. 20000.00 Requested Yes PC007 Not Recommended Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 41075.00 Oral "Lead author" "Comparative Neuroprotective Activity of Benincasa hispida Seeds and Mesocarp Against Neurodegenarative Disorder, Dementia" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 31000 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 31000.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 52 SI.No Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC008 Not Recommended None organizers - Rs. 20000.00 Requested Yes PC007 Not Recommended 2014 T66 T67 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 177 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 178 Mr. Saravanakum ar .A , 27 years, Lecturer & Medical Physicist sarava87@gm ;saravanamed phy@yahoo.c Mrs. Deepti Khandelwal , 27 years, Rese arch Scholar Deepti .khand elwal87@gmai ;hjbiotech PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Avanashi Road,Peelamedu Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu 641004 drrampsg@gmail.c om; psgmedschool@g 8th European Conference on Medical Physics ROYAL OLYMPIC HOTEL 28-34 ATHANASIOU DIAKOU STR. 117 43, ATHENS, GREECE TEL.: +30 210 92.88.400 FAX. +30 210 92.33.317 Athens Greece 1109-2014 - 13-092014 Mohanlal sukhadia University , Udaipur , Rajasthan 313001 15th World Lake Conference Facoltà di Giurisprudenza (Law School), University of perugia,Perugia Perugia Umbria Italy 01-09-2014 - 05-092014 Oral "Lead author" "Development of Indigenous cost effective pediatric head and body Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDI) Phantom for pediatric CT dose measurement" Oral "Lead author" "Antibacterial activity of lactobacilli against Aeromonas veronii isolated from Pichola lake, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India." Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 78017 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 78017.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 41075 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 41075.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 53 SI.No T68 T69 T70 Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation DBT/CTEP /02/201400 175 Ms. Inu Rawal , 27 years, Research Scholar rawalinu@gm ;hjbiotech@g DBT/CTEP /02/201400 185 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 186 Mr. Kumarkrishna , 32 years, Ph.D. Scholar (SRF) kraychaudhuri n ;kumarkr.raych Ms Shweta Mendiratta , 28 years, Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Mohanlal sukhadia University , Udaipur , Rajasthan 313001 15th World Lake Conference Facoltà di Giurisprudenza (Law School), University of Perugia, Perugia Perugia Umbria Italy 01-092014 - 05-09-2014 Oral "Lead author" "ANALYSIS OF PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND BACTERIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF PICHHOLA LAKE OF UDAIPUR DISTRICT (RAJASTHAN), INDIA." Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer Tata Memorial Centre, Sector 22, Kharghar , Navi Mumbai , Maharashtra 410210 in Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical FEBS EMBO Paris 2014 Palais des Congrès de Paris,2 place de la Porte Maillot, 75017 Paris. Paris France 30-082014 - 04-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "143-3 σ regulates Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition through c-JUNslug axis" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 41075 Registration fee 0 Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None organizers - Rs. 20000.00 Requested Yes PC007 Not Recommended None SAM MISTRY FUND - Rs. 75000.00 Sanctioned HBNI - Rs. 274000.00 Requested CSIR - Rs. 274000.00 Requested India Bioscience - Rs. 95000.00 Requested Yes - Recommended None None Yes - Recommended Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 41075.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 76890 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 76890.00 11th EMBL conference: Transcription and Poster "Lead author" "Functional analysis of hINO80, a chromatin No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 54 SI.No T71 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 170 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Ph.D. Student shwetamendir atta29@gmail. com Research, University of Delhi (North Campus) Delhil - 110007 Delhi -110007 bcdas48; directoracbr@gma Supercomputing Facility for Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, IIT Delhi Supercomputing Facility for Bioinformatics, 3rd floor, Synergy Building, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas , New Delhi -110016; bjayaram .in Chromatin EMBL Heidelberg Heidelberg Germany 23-08-2015 - 26-082015 Mr. Avinash Mishra , 30 years, PhD Student avish2k@gmai ;avinash@scfb Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme remodelling protein: Can INO80 be a recruiter of regulatory complex at target site?" Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended class 58624 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 58624.00 International Conference on Bioinformatics 2014 Novotel Sydney Brighton Beach Cnr. Grand Parade & Princess Street Brighton-le-Sands NSW 2216 Australia Phone: +61 2 9556 5111 Sydney New South Wales Australia 31-07-2014 - 02-08-2014 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 56735 Oral "Co-author" "Bhageerath-H: A homology/ ab initio hybrid server for predicting tertiary structures of monomeric soluble proteins" Registration fee 0 Yes Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 56735.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 55 SI.No T72 T73 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 184 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 169 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Mr Souvik Ghosh , 31 years, Research Assistant souvik1983@g saurabh bhargava , 30 years, Scientist drsaurabhbhar gava@yahoo. com ;signapharma Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Indian Institute of Chemical Biology 4, Raja S C Mullick Road, Jadavpur , Kolkata , West Bengal 700032 director@iicb.res.i n; siddhartharoy@iic Regulatory & NonCoding RNAs Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meetings & Courses Program PO Box 100, 1 Bungtown Road Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724-2213 Phone (516) 367-8346 Fax: (516) 367-8845 NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK USA 26-082014 - 30-08-2014 Signa Pharma 123/452 Factory Area, Fazalganj , Kanpur , Uttar Pradesh -208012 signapharma@gm; drsaurabhbhargav The FEBS EMBO 2014 Conference Palais des Congrès de Paris 2 place de la Porte Maillot 75017 Paris France 30-08-2014 - 04-092014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Single author" "Cell-Cell Contacts affects polysome association of miRNA thereby regulating its stability and activity in mammalian cells" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None DST and ICMR Rs. 185048.00 Requested Yes - Recommended None DST - Rs. 100000.00 Requested CSIR - Rs. 100000.00 Requested Yes PC007 Not Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 104138 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 104138.00 Poster "Lead author" "Mitochondriotropic Carbon Nanotubes For Efficient Tumour Targeting" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 84692 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 84692.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 56 SI.No T74 T75 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 172 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 162 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Dr. Aneek Das Bhowmik , 34 years, Research Associate aneekbiotech ;aneek@cdfd. centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics CDFD, Bldg.7, Gruhakalpa Complex, 5-4-399 / B, Nampally, , Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh 500001 in; FEBS-EMBO 2014 Palais des Congrès de Paris, 2 place de la Porte Maillot, 75017 Paris Paris ÃŽle-de-France region France 30-082014 - 04-09-2014 Institute of Pathology, ICMR, new delhi-110029 -110029 sunita_saxena@y; sunita_saxena@y 3rd International Conference on Clinical Microbiology and Microbial Genomics Valecia conference centre,Avda. De Las Cortes Valencianas,60 46015 Valencia Spain 24-09-2014 26-09-2014 Dr Poonam Salotra , 59 years, Scientist F poonamsalotra ;salotra@vsnl. com Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Lead author" "Identification of novel disease genes/mutations for Mendelian disorders through homozygosity mapping and nextgeneration sequencing" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None IndiaBioscience.o rg - Rs. 40917.00 - Requested Yes - Recommended None National Institute of Pathology (ICMR) - Rs. 53940.00 Requested Yes - Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 80112 Registration fee 0 Yes Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 80112.00 Oral "Lead author" "Development of genetically modified live attenuated parasites as potential vaccines against visceral leishmaniasis" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 64849 Registration fee 0 Yes Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 64849.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 57 SI.No T76 T77 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 165 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 204 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Dr.Nandakum ar DN , 40 years, Assistant Professor drnandn@gma Miss Edna George , 29 years, Ph.D ednag2000@g Organization Name, Address, Email ID National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (Deemed University) Hosur road , Bangalore , Karnataka 560029 dirstaff@nimhans.; psatish @nimhans.kar.nic. in Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, IIT B, Powai , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400076 n Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event 12th meeting of Asian-Pacific Society for Neurochemistry 2014 Howard Plaza Hotel Kaohsiung, Taiwan Kaohsiung Taiwan 23-08-2014 26-08-2014 26th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB) ACC Liverpool (the Liverpool Echo Arena and Convention Centre) Liverpool England UK 31-082014 - 03-09-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Oral "Lead author" "Glioblastoma cells exploit glutamate mediated pathway for promotion of growth and its protection" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None DST - Rs. 187242.00 Requested APSN - Rs. 30000.00 Committed Yes - Recommended None IITB - Rs. 90000.00 Requested CSIR - Rs. 103200.00 Requested DST Rs. 158715.00 Requested Yes - Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 187242 Registration fee 0 Yes Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 187242.00 Oral "Lead author" "Effect of Kassinin and Collagen Fibrils on Cell Spreading and De-adhesion Dynamics" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 103200 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 103200.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 58 SI.No T78 T79 Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper DBT/CTEP /02/201400 160 Mr. Shantanu Lale , 29 years, PhD Student shantanulale ;shantanu714 Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi IIT Delhi Hauz Khas , New Delhi -110016 sundar@dbeb.iitd.; 5th International NanoMedicine Conference Crowne Plaza Hotel, Coogee Beach Sydney New South Wales Australia 30-06-2014 - 02-07-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Folic Acid and Trastuzumab Functionalized pH Responsive ATRP Based Polymeric Nanoparticles for Targeted Drug Delivery in Cancer" No Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302. West Bengal -721302 amitk@hijli.iitkgp.e International Association of Plant Biotechnology Congress 2014 Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre 1 Convention Centre Place South Wharf, Victoria 3006 Australia Melbourne Victoria Australia 1008-2014 - 15-082014 Poster "Lead author" "Functional characterization of the OsMATE1 gene putatively involved in arsenic transport or accumulation in indica rice" Yes DBT/CTEP /02/201400 158 Ms. Natasha Das , 31 years, Senior Resaerch Fellow (SRF) riminatasha20 m Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 90000 Registration fee 0 Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC013 Not Recommended None IAPB - Rs. 28266.34 Sanctioned Yes - Recommended Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 90000.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 70016 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 70016.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 59 SI.No T80 T81 Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation DBT/CTEP /02/201400 161 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 156 Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event VINEET PRAKASH SINGH , 31 years, Research Scholar vineet22bhu@ ;vineetpsinghb m Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, U.P. Banaras Hindu University , Varanasi , Uttar Pradesh -221005 m 27th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists The meeting will be held on the Campus de Beaulieu of the University of Rennes. Rennes France 2508-2014 - 29-082014 Dr. B. Anjaneya Reddy , 36 years, Asst.Professor (Pl. Pathology) arb_agri@yah ;ajreddyb007 College of Horticulture, Kolar, UHS, Bagalkot College of Horticulture, Under UHS Bagalkot, NH4, Tamaka, Kolar-563102 , Karnataka 563102 cohkolar@gmail.c om; dean.cohkolar@g North American Late Blight Symposium Dept. of Plant Pathology & Microbiology University of California Riverside, CA 92521 Minneapolis Minnesota USA 0808-2014 - 08-092014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Lead author" "Sex and age dependent variation in gonadal nitric oxide of laboratory mouse, Mus musculus" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded None CSIR - Rs. 44000.00 Requested DST Rs. 96134.00 Requested Yes None DST - Rs. 137670.00 Requested Ratan Tata Trust - Rs. 137670.00 Requested Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 86134 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Remarks PC007 Recommendatio n of the committee Not Recommended Total 86134.00 Oral "Lead author" "Evaluation of new fungicide molecules against late blight of potato in South India." Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 137670 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 PC007 Not Recommended Total 137670.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 60 SI.No T82 T83 Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper DBT/CTEP /02/201400 154 Nehul Saxena , 29 years, Final year Ph.D. student saxenansx1@ ;tenextutorials International Centre for Genetic Engineering an Biotechnology Aruna Asaf ali Marg Vasant Kunj New Delhi 110067 Mechanisms and models of cancer COLD SPRING HARBOR LABORATORY COLD SPRING HARBOR NEW YORK USA 12-082014 - 16-08-2014 Poster "Lead author" "The HBx oncoprotein of hepatitis B virus deregulates the cell cycle by promoting the intracellular accumulation and distribution of deubiquitinase USP37" Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302. West Bengal -721302 amitk@hijli.iitkgp.e International Association of Plant Biotechnology Congress 2014 Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre 1 Convention Centre Place South Wharf, Victoria 3006 Australia Melbourne Victoria Australia 1008-2014 - 15-082014 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 157 Surajit Bhattacharya , 31 years, Senior Resaerch Fellow (SRF) Poster "Lead author" "Nutritional enhancement of rice bran oil: Metabolic engineering using Brassica juncea microsomal ω-3 desaturase gene (BjFad3)" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 89674 Registration fee 0 Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None IAPB - Rs. 28266.34 Sanctioned Yes - Recommended Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 89674.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 70016 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 70016.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 61 SI.No T84 T85 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 149 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 146 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Ms. Reena Patel , 24 years, Research Scholar (Ph.D Student) patelreena90 ;reenapatel@a Prof. Anand Shanker Dixit , 56 years, Professor asdixitnehu@r ;asdixitnehu@ Organization Name, Address, Email ID Charutar Vidya Mandal\'s Ashok & Rita Patel Institute of Integrated Study and Research in Biotechnology and Allied Sciences C.V.M. Colleague Campus, B/H G.I.D.C. , New Vallabh Vidyanagar , Gujarat -388121 nilanjanroy@ariba North Eastern Hill University, Mawlai Campus,East Khasi Hills, Shillong-793022 , Meghalaya 793022 m; tandonveena@gm Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event XIVth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology Palais des congrès de Montréal (Montréal’s Convention Centre). Montreal Canada 2707-2014 - 01-082014 The 26th International Ornithological Congress (IOC) Rikkyo University,Tokyo, Japan Tokyo Ikebukuro, Toshima ku Japan 18-08-2014 - 24-08-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Oral "Lead author" "Metagenomic approach to Study the taxonomic diversity of bacterial community in Clinical and Subclinical bovine Mastitis" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None NEHU - Rs. 72000.00 Sanctioned Yes - Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 118373 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 118373.00 Oral "Lead author" "Seasonal changes in responsiveness of the photoperiodic response system to long day length in the subtropical tree sparrow" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 40738 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 40738.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 62 SI.No Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None CSIR - Rs. 139400.00 Requested Yes - Recommended None DST - Rs. 50000.00 Requested TNCST - Rs. 30000.00 Requested Yes - Recommended None AICTE - Rs. 30000.00 Requested - Recommended 50% airfare subject to DSIR recognition to the T86 T87 T88 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 140 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 143 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 137 Dr. Santosh Kumar Singh , 32 years, Post-doctoral fellow sksingh@ccm ;bhu.santosh Professor Anilkumar Gopinathan , 63 years, Senior Professor gopianilkumar ;ganilkumar@ Dr. Ashish Kumar Jain , 39 years, Associate Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Uppal Road Habshiguda , Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh 500007 director@ccmb.res .in;mohan@ccmb.r Molecular Genetics of Bacteria and Phages Meeting 2014 University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA Madison Wisconsin USA 0508-2014 - 09-082014 VIT University Vellore Campus Vellore - 632 014 Tamil nadu, India 632014; 8th International Crustacean Congress Campus Westend of the Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany Frankfurt Germany 18-08-2014 - 23-082014 ADINA INSTITUTE OF PHARMACEUTIC AL SCIENCES 74th FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Oral "Lead author" "An outer membrane lipoprotein modulates cell elongation by regulating a space-maker hydrolase required for murein synthesis" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 139400 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 139400.00 Oral "Lead author" "Significant fluctuations in the ecdysteroid receptor (EcR) gene expression in relation to seasons of molt and reproduction in the grapsid crab, Metopograpsus messor (Brachyura: Decapoda), from the Indian peninsula" Oral "Single author" "Development and characterization of nanolipobeads-based dual No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 50000 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 50000.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 25149 Yes PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 63 SI.No T89 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 134 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Professor ashishceutics ;ashish_ceutic s@rediffmail.c om Opposite J L Nahru Agriculture Research Centre,Bhopal Road , Sagar , Madhya Pradesh 470002 prateek.jain246@g; pawa m Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh Postgraduate Institue of Medical Education and Research, sector12 , Chandigarh 160012 nehapgi2010@gm Sciences 2014. Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre, 88th Bangna - Trad Road, Bangna, Bangkok 10260, Thailand. â€Å½ Bangkok Thailand 31-08-2014 - 04-092014 Ms.Mamta , 29 years, PhD mamta17pgi@ International Biophysics Congress 2014 Brisbane Convention And Exhibition Centre, Brisbane Brisbane Queensland Australia 03-08-2014 - 07-082014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme drug delivery system for H. Pylori Targeting." Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee Institute Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 25149.00 Poster "Lead author" "Cellular Characteristics and Phenotypic Changes During Epithelial To Mesenchymal Transition In Renal Carcinoma Cells" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 79110 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 None None Yes - Recommended Airport fee 0 Total 79110.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 64 SI.No T90 T91 T92 Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID DBT/CTEP /02/201400 132 Dr. PRADIP PAIK , 37 years, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR pradip.paik@g ;ppse@uohyd. University of Hyderabad, Prof. C. R. Rao Road, Gachibowli, , Andhra Pradesh 500046 registrar@uohyd.e; brsms ; b_rajashekhar@ya European Society for Biomaterials (ESB)2014, (ESB -2014) Echo Areana and Convention Centre, Liverpool, UK. Liverpool UK 31-082014 - 03-09-2014 Dr. Kaustuv Datta , 40 years, Assistant Professor kaustuv.datta ;kdatta@south University of Delhi South Campus Benito Juarez Road , New Delhi , Delhi -110021 indranil58@yahoo. Yeast Genetics Meeting Universoty of Washington, Seattle, USA Seattle Washington USA 2907-2014 - 03-082014 Mrs. Sajna Kuttuvan Peedikayil Valappil , 29 years, Senior National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Industrial Estate DBT/CTEP /02/201400 148 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 128 Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event 10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences and 6th Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Oral "Lead author" "Mesoporous SiOZO-plex: Mechanistic approach, Complex of Nanoparticles of SiO2-ZnO with DNA for therapeutic applications" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 85778 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None CSIR - Rs. 40000.00 Requested Yes - Recommended None None Yes - Recommended None IFIBiop - Rs. 30000.00 Committed Yes PC007 Not Recommended Airport fee 0 Total 85778.00 Poster "Lead author" "Mitochondrial ribosome function/assembly: Regulation by accessory factors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae" Oral "Lead author" "Effect of Pseudozyma Biosurfactants on Crude Oil Degradation by Pseudomonas putida" Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 146944 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 No Total 146944.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 89186 Registration fee 0 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 65 SI.No T93 T94 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 127 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 125 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Research Fellow (UGC) desperadojas ;sajna.scie@g PO Pappanamcode , Trivandrum , Kerala -695019 pandey@niist.res.i n; director@niist.res.i n International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses LILLE GRAND PALAIS, 1 Boulevard des Cités Unies Lille city centre, Lille, France Lille France 07-09-2014 - 10-092014 3rd International Conference on Clinical Microbiology and Microbial Genomics Valencia Convention Center, 60 46015, Valencia,Spain Valencia Spain 2409-2014 - 26-092014 FEBS EMBO 2014 Conference Palais des Congrès de Paris 2 place de la Dr Poonam Salotra , 59 years, Scientist F poonamsalotra ;salotra@vsnl. com Institute of Pathology, ICMR, new delhi-110029 -110029 sunita_saxena@y; sunita_saxena@y Amit Kumar , 31 years, Scientist-I amits52003@ Neurobiochemistry Neuroscience Centre All India Institute of Medical Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None National Institute of Pathology (ICMR) - Rs. 53940.00 Requested Yes - Repetition of T75 None None Yes - Recommended Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 89186.00 Oral "Lead author" "Development of genetically modified live attenuated parasites as potential vaccines against visceral leishmaniasis" Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 64849 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 64849.00 Poster "Lead author" "“Association between angiotensin converting enzyme gene No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 34575 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 66 SI.No T95 T96 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 138 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 126 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event ;amits52003@ Sciences New Delhi -110029 svivek_aiims@yah Porte Maillot 75017 Paris Paris France 30-08-2014 - 04-102014 Dr. S. Winkins Santosh , 38 years, Asst. professor (Selection Grade) santoshmcc@ ;santosh.sw@ SRM University Kattankulathur (Near Chennai), Kancheepuram District. Tamil Nadu - 603 203 603203 Ms. SHAMBHAVI MISHRA , 26 years, STATISTICAL FELLOW chicksm19@g Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Raebareli Road , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh -226014 27th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists Université de Rennes 1 Campus de Beaulieu 35 042 Rennes cedex France Rennes Rennes Cedex France 25-08-2014 29-08-2014 20th IEA World Congress of Epidemiology Dena’ina Civic and Convention Center 600 West 7th Avenue Anchorage Alaska USA 17-08- Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme insertion/deletion polymorphism and intracerebral haemorrhage in North Indian Population: A case control study and meta-analysis" Poster "Lead author" "Comparative analysis and effects of 17αEthinylestradiol, Butylparaben and Genistein on goandalsex steroid levels and ovarian histology in Cyprinuscarpio." Poster "Lead author" "Determinants and trends of anaemia among children in Empowered Action Group states of India." Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended None Science and Engineering Board(SERB), DST - Rs. 208057.00 Requested Yes PC008 Not Recommended Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 34575.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 67480 Registration fee 0 Yes Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 67480.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 173337 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 67 SI.No T97 T98 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 129 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 171 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event ; in 2014 - 21-08-2014 Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400019 gdyadav@yahoo.c om 1st International Conference on Industrial Pharmacy (ICIP) 2014 SwissGarden Resort & Spa Kuantan 2656-2657, Mukim Sungai Karang, Balok Beach, 26100 Berserah, Kuantan Pahang Darul Makmur Malaysia 1608-2014 - 17-082014 Oral "Lead author" "Green Approach TowardsBioenhanced Curcumin: Process Analytical Technology (PAT) Enabled Scale Up Studies of Curcumin Solid Solution Using Hot Melt Extrusion" Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology Old Mahabalipuram Road Paiyanoor 603104 , Chennai , Tamil Nadu 603104 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHEMICAL, ENVIRONMENT & BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (CEBS2014) Grand Seasons Hotel KL Oral "Lead author" "Docking Studies of Aegle Marmelos Plant Compounds Against Gastric Cancer Cell Surface Receptor Proteins– CD340 and FGFR2b" MS PRESHITA PRAFULLA DESAI , 26 years, INSPIRE FELLOW PURSUING INTEGRATED Ph.D. (TECH.) preshita1712 ;ph10pp.desai @pg.ictmumb Dr Rekha Govindan , 38 years, Associate professor rekhagovindan 2000@yahoo. com Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended Total 173337.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 55500 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 No Airport fee 0 Total 55500.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 17350 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 68 SI.No T99 T100 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 122 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 120 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event ;rekhagovinda nra@vinayakamis 72, Jalan Pahang, 53000 Kuala Lumpur Tel : +60326978888 Fax : +60326975888 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 17-09-2014 - 18-09-2014 Dr. Manzoor Ahmad Shah , 39 years, Sr. Assistant Professor mashah75@y ;pzmashah@g Dr.Larisha M.Lyndem , 44 years, Associate Professor lyndemlarisha ;lyndemlarisha Department of Biotechnology, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal Srinagar , Jammu and Kashmir -190006 fazili@kashmiruniv; fazilikhalid@gmail. com Visava-Bharati, Santiniketan Animal Science Dept. of ASEPAN, PSB, VisvaBharati, Sriniketan , West Bengal 731236 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC008 Not Recommended None DST - Rs. 119781.00 Requested 13th ICOPA (Host) Rs. 35000.00 Sanctioned Yes PC004 Not Recommended Total 17350.00 New Phytologist next generation scientists’ John Innes Conference Centre in Norwich, UK Norwich U.K 2907-2014 - 30-072014 Oral "Lead author" "New insights into plant invasion dynamics under climate change through global coordinated studies" 13 th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PARASITOLOGY HOTEL CAMINO REAL - MEXICO CITY Mexico city Mexico 10-08-2014 - Poster "Single author" "Phytochemical constituents and bioactivities of the extracts of Cassia alata Linn.: A review" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 75500 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 75500.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 119781 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 69 SI.No T101 T102 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 121 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 118 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event sarojpyne@yahoo. com; kalipada.pramanik King George's Medical University King George's Medical University, (Erstwhile Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University), Chowk, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA - 226003 226003 profdkgupta@gma; mahdiaa INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY INDORE, 15-08-2014 Ms Indu Jaiswal , 30 years, Ph.D. Student indukgmc@g ;jaiswal_i@ya Mrs PRAGYA AGAR PALOD , 31 years, Ph.D. student Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - Yes - Recommended Total 119781.00 3rd International Conference on Clinical Microbiology and Microbial Genomics Palacio de Congresos de Valencia (Valencia Conference Centre) Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas, Valencia Spain 2409-2014 - 26-092014 Poster "Lead author" "Contribution of KatG and inhA gene mutation in isoniazid drug resistance: a study on clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberulosis from North India" 65TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF Poster "Lead author" "Development of High Sensitivity Biosensor: Enhancement of Surface- Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 71318 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 No Airport fee 0 Total 71318.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 62878 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 70 SI.No T103 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 116 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event agarpragya@g ;phd11110207 SURVEY NO. 113/2-B, PACL CAMPUS, OPPOSITE VETERINARY COLLEGE, MHOW ROAD, VILLAGE HERNIA KHEDI , Madhya Pradesh -453441 ELECTROCHEMIST RY SWISS TECH CONVENTION CENTER (STCC), ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FÉDÉRALE DE LAUSANNE (EPFL) LAUSANNE VAUD SWITZERLAND 3108-2014 - 05-092014 Mr. UJJWAL RATHORE , 30 years, Senior Research Fellow ujjwalrathore1 ;ujjwal@mbu.ii Molecular Bio Physics Unit Molecular Biophysics Unit Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka 560012 chairman@mbu.iis; shiv@mbu.iisc.ern et.i The 28th Symposium of The Protein Society The Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA, USA. San Diego California USA 2707-2014 - 30-072014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme To-Volume Ratio by Controlling Electrosynthesis Parameters" Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 112875 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee Yes PC 007 Not Recommended Rs. 87178.00 Requested COUNSIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Rs. 67978.00 Requested Registration fee 0 Total 62878.00 Poster "Lead author" "Nlinked glycosylation of HIV-1 core gp120 is not required for native trimer formation or viral infectivity" Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources None Indian Institute of Science - Rs. 50000.00 Sanctioned Total 112875.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 71 SI.No T104 T105 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 114 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 113 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Putul Banerjee , 27 years, CSIR SRF putulbanerjeez m ;parulputul@re Mr. Pradeep Kumar , 30 years, Ph.D Student pradeep_sant in ;pradeepgupta neuro@gmail. com Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221 005 , Uttar Pradesh 221005 .inconvener@crsi2 27th Congress of European Comparative Endocrinologists University of Rennes 1, in Rennes (Bretagne, France) Rennes Bretagne France 25-08-2014 29-08-2014 All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar , New Delhi , Delhi -110029 m 9th World Stroke Congress 2014 1-3 Rue de Chantepoulet, P.O. Box 1726 CH-1211, Geneva 1, Switzerland Tel: +41 22 908 0488 Fax: +41 22 906 9140 Email: Isantbul Istanbul Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Lead author" "Neurohypophyseal nonapeptide precursors in vertebrates: A story of recurrent duplications and gene conversions in the background of stringent ligand- receptor selectivity" Poster "Lead author" "Relationship of Seasonal Variation with Stroke Occurrence in North India Population: A Hospital Based Study" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None CSIR - Rs. 40476.00 Requested ICMR - Rs. 50000.00 Requested DST Rs. 40476.00 Requested CICS - Rs. 50000.00 Requested Organizing committee(CECE 2014) - Rs. 65000.00 Committed Yes - Recommended None None Yes PC008 Not Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 40476 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 40476.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 65316 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 65316.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 72 SI.No Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended None None Yes - Recommended Turkey 22-10-2014 25-10-2014 T106 T107 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 123 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 106 Dr SONAM GROVER , 30 years, Project Fellow sonamgbt@g Ms Tanushree , 30 years, PhD Student dangi.tanu@g ;tanu_micro20 in SLS JNU 433, School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University , New Delhi , Delhi 110067 manishskd@gmail .com; manish96_sls@st in King George's Medical University King George's Medical University, (Erstwhile Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University), Chowk, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA - 226003 - International Conference on Bioinformatics 2014 Novotel Sydney Brighton Beach Sydney New South Wales Australia 3107-2014 - 02-082014 Influenza 2014 St Hilda’s College, Cowley Place Oxford, OX4 1DY, England, United Kingdom (UK) Oxford England United Kingdom 09-09-2014 - 11-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Computational identification of novel natural inhibitors of glucagon receptor for checking type II diabetes mellitus" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 61887 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 61887.00 Poster "Lead author" "Identification of antiviral drug (Oseltamivir) resistant influenza virus strains circulating during 2011-2013 in India (Northern Region)" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 65000 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 65000.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 73 SI.No T108 T109 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 105 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 139 Appicant Name, Age, Designation MS PRACHI AGARWALA , 31 years, SRF agarwala.prac ;prachi.agarwa Ms. Kalpana Devi C , 29 years, Senior Research Fellow devikachml@g Organization Name, Address, Email ID 226003 profdkgupta@gma; mahdiaa@rediffm Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, Mall Road, Near Delhi University North Campus Delhi 110 007 INDIA 110007 sudipta.das@igib.i n; blossoms84@gma CSIR-CFTRI , Mysore , Karnataka 570020 jayadeep@cftri.res .in; Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper POST TRANSCRIPTIONAL GENE REGULATION SALVE REGINA UNIVERSITY NEWPORT, RHODE ISLAND, USA NEWPORT RHODE ISLAND USA 12-072014 - 18-07-2014 Poster "Lead author" "5′ UTR localized Gquadruplexes synergistically modulate TGFβ2 expression" 17th World Congress of Food Science and Technology and Expo (IUFoST), 2014 International Union of Food Science and Poster "Lead author" "Extraction of albumins and globulins from rice bran" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC013 Not Recommended None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 95622 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 95622.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 136720 Registration fee 0 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 74 SI.No T110 T111 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 176 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 150 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event n Technology (IUFoST), 2014 Palais des congrès de Montréal 159 Saint-Antoine St. West Montréal, Quebec H2Z 1H2 Canada Montreal Quebec Canada 1708-2014 - 21-082014 Mr Sunil Biala , 30 years, Senior Research Fellow sunil_biala@y ;sunilbiala@g Dr. Praveen Balabaskaran Nina , 34 XXX Annual Meeting of Indian Academy of Neurosciences Guru Nanak Dev University , Amritsar , Punjab 143005 kgurcharan.neuro; ian2012gndu@gm REGIONAL MEDICAL RESEARCH Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None Molecular Parasitology Meeting - Rs. Yes - Recommended Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 136720.00 XVI International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium Al.Polytechniki 4 Lodz Lodzkie Poland 03-09-2014 - 05-092014 Poster "Lead author" "Bioremediation of industrial effluents using sequential anoxic-aerobic bioreactor and its validation by genotoxic analysis" 25th Annual Molecular Parasitology Meeting Poster "Lead author" "Bxb1 integrase and a hidden attB site enable Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 63275 Registration fee 0 Yes Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 63275.00 Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 75 SI.No T112 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 119 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event years, INSPIRE Faculty bn.praveen@g CENTRE (ICMR) REGIONAL MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTRE(ICMR), OPP. KLES HOSPITAL, NEHRU NAGAR, BELGAUM , Karnataka 590010 oicrmrcblm@yaho National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Bangalore National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, GKVK, Bellary Road , Bangalore , Karnataka 560065 Marine Biological Laboratory 7 MBL Street Woods Hole Massachusetts USA 14-09-2014 - 18-092014 Ms Roumita Moulick , 28 years, PhD Student roumita@gmai ;roumitam@nc Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme rapid site-specific changes in P. falciparum genes" Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs class 86000 Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee Yes PC006 Not Recommended 48000.00 Sanctioned Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 86000.00 The 28th Symposium of the Protein Society The Manchester Grand Hyatt hotel, located at 1 Market Place, San Diego, California, USA, 92101, San Diego California USA 2707-2014 - 30-072014 Poster "Co-author" "NATIVE STATE DYNAMICS OF THE PRION PROTEIN PROBED BY HYDROGEN EXCHANGE AND MASS SPECTROMETRY" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 120791 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 None Department of Science and Technology - Rs. 144121.00 Requested CSIR - Rs. 120791.00 Requested Total 120791.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 76 SI.No T113 T114 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 102 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 096 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Abhishek Kumar Singh , 30 years, Research Scholar abhishek.nbu ;abhishek.dnd Dr. Ashish Kumar Srivastava , 31 years, Scientific Officer-E ashishbarc@g ;ashish@barc. Organization Name, Address, Email ID Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University Dr Nadeem A. Ansari (PostDoctoral Fellow)Dept. of Biochemistry, IMS, Banaras Hindu University , Varanasi , Uttar Pradesh -221005 anadeem1@rediff mail.c Bhabha Atomic reserach Centre Molecular Biology Division, Bhabha Atomic Reserach Center , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400085 .in Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event FEBS EMBO 2014 Palais des Congrès de Paris 2 place de la Porte Maillot 75017 Paris Paris France 30-08-2014 04-09-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Single author" "Higher Parasite Burden in Asymptomatic Individuals in Endemic Areas of Visceral Leishmaniasis" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended None New Phytologist Rs. 22500.00 Committed Yes PC004 Not Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 62000 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 62000.00 John Innes Centre Norwich UK 29-072014 - 30-07-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Redox mediated regulation of microRNA, hormone homeostasis and its significance for regulating salt tolerance in Brassica juncea" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 94080 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 94080.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 77 SI.No T115 T116 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 110 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 094 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Mr Arup Acharjee , 29 years, CSIRSRF arupacharjee ;arup.neuro@ PROF SANDEEP K MALHOTRA , 61 years, PROFESSOR, ZOOLOGY sandvyp@gm ;sandyversity Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221 005 , Uttar Pradesh 221005 .in; convener@crsi201 27th Congress of European Comparative Endocrinologists Campus de Beaulieu University of Rennes 1 Rennes, Brittany, France Rennes Brittany France 2508-2014 - 29-082014 Poster "Lead author" "Steroid regulation of catfish Heteropneustes fossilis gonadotropin subunits (GPα, FSHβ, LHβ) in sexually quiescent and breeding phases" University of Allahabad, Allahabad , Uttar Pradesh -211002 registraraualld@g; raviaualld@gmail. com 13th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PARASITOLOGY, 2014 Hotel Camino Real Polanco, MEXICO CITY MEXICO CITY MEXICO 10-08-2014 - 15-08-2014 Poster "Co-author" "Phylogenetic analysis based on 18S rDNA, coi, ITS1 and ITS2 genes of Scyphophyllidium sp. and Rhinebothrium maccallumi and population distribution pattern in Indian sting rays and sharks with SEM infrastructure" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None The Organizing Committee 27th Congress of European Comparative Endocrinologists - Rs. 65000.00 Committed CSIR - Rs. 41000.00 Requested DST Rs. 51000.00 Requested CICS - Rs. 52000.00 Requested ICMR - Rs. 51000.00 - Yes - Recommended None University of Allahabad - Rs. 177000.00 Requested Yes PC004 Not Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 41000 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 41000.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 355721 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 355721.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 78 SI.No T117 T118 T119 Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/CTEP /02/201400 107 Mr ANKAN KUMAR BHADRA , 30 years, PhD Scholar ankan.dicor@ ;ankankumarb hadra@gmail. com National Institute of Pharmceutical Education and Research Sector67, S.A.S.Nagar, , Mohali , Punjab 160062 n The FEBS-EMBO CONFERENCE 2014 The Congress office, FEBS EMBO 2014 c/o MCI France, 24 rue Chauchat Paris France 30-08-2014 04-09-2014 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 133 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 101 Tanu Priya , 30 years, PhD student technotanu@g ;vtmittal@gmai Mr. Surya Nandan Meena , 32 years, Senior Research University of Delhi South Campus Benito Juarez Road , New Delhi , Delhi -110021 indranil58@yahoo. Goa University , Taleigao Plateau 403206; Santa Cruz Develpmental Biology Meeting, 2014 University of California, Santa Cruz Santa Cruz California United States of America 20-08-2014 - 23-082014 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry & Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Lead author" "Solubilization of huntingtin aggregates: Success lies with a combinatorial effort, rather than a singular target" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 72169 Registration fee 0 Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 72169.00 Poster "Lead author" "Identification and analysis of putative basic leucine zipper transcription factor bzpG in Dictyostelium discoideum." No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 106016 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 106016.00 Oral "Lead author" "Evaluation of Medicinal Properties of Grewia nervosa (LOUR.) Panigrahi" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 61000 Registration fee 0 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 79 SI.No T120 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 142 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Fellow (PhD Student) nandansurya ;nandansurya in Natural Products DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing 168 Guang An Men Wai Avenue, Beijing Xi Cheng District China 25-082014 - 27-08-2014 Mr.Sandeep Goswami , 32 years, Ph.D Student goswamiisand m Dept. of Laboratory Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi Department of Laboratory Medicine. Post Box No: 4938. All India Institute of Medical Sciences. New Delhi-110029 -110029 mukhoak53@yaho; mukhoak55@hotm Advances in Melanoma: From Biology to Therapy Loews Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, United States Philadelphia PA United States 20-092014 - 23-09-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 61000.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 96042 Registration fee 0 Poster "Lead author" "Induction of apoptosis by resveratrol in human uveal melanoma cells" Visa fee 0 No Airport fee 0 Total 96042.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 80 SI.No T121 T122 T123 Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/CTEP /02/201400 088 Dr. Neena Goyal , 52 years, Sr. Principal Scientist neenacdri@ya ;neena_goyal Central Drug Research Institute Lucknow Chattar Manzil Palace , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh -226001 neeloo888@yahoo .com Thirteenth International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA) Hotel Camino Real Mexico city, Mexico Mexico 10-08-2014 15-08-2014 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 089 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 085 Dr NEESHMA JAISWAL , 35 years, POST DOCTOROL FELLOW neeshversity@ ;philonym@g University of Allahabad, Allahabad , Uttar Pradesh -211002 registraraualld@g; raviaualld@gmail. com Dr Anirban Ash , 33 years, DBTRA fellow (co ordinate by Indian Institute of Chemical Biology 4, Raja S C Mullick Road, Jadavpur , Kolkata 13th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PARASITOLOGY, 2014 Hotel Camino Real Polanco, MEXICO CITY MEXICO CITY MEXICO 10-08-2014 - 15-08-2014 8th International Workshop for Cestode Systematics and Phylogeny Centro de Biologia Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Oral "Single author" "Dipeptidylcarboxypeptida se of L eishmania donovani: A novel drug target" Poster "Lead author" "Barcode structure and Principal Component Analysis of host and habitat specific camallanid populations in Indian carps and catfish off the Central West Coast and riverine ecosystems" Poster "Lead author" "Revision of Gangesia (Cestoda: Proteocephalidea), Parasites of Catfishes in Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 152971 Registration fee 0 Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None Organizers - Rs. 35400.00 Sanctioned INSA - Rs. 40000.00 Requested ICMR - Rs. 50000.00 Requested Yes PC 007 Not Recommended None University of Allahabad - Rs. 170000.00 Requested Yes - Recommended None None Yes - Recommended Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 No Total 152971.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 355721 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 355721.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 97878 Registration fee 0 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 81 SI.No T124 T125 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 086 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 083 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Prof. Muniyappa) anirbanash@g ;anirban_ash Mr ABDULLAH SULTAN , 31 years, SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW abdullahsultan amu@gmail.c om ;abdullah@cc Saurabh Bhargava , 30 years, Scientist drsaurabhbhar gava@yahoo. com ;signapharma , West Bengal 700032 director@iicb.res.i n; siddhartharoy@iic Marinha da Universidade de São Paulo São Sebastião São Paulo Brazil 18-082014 - 22-08-2014 Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Uppal Road Habshiguda , Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh 500007 director@ccmb.res .in; mohan@ccmb.res. in The 28th Annual Symposium of the Protein Society Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego California United States of America 27-07-2014 - 30-072014 Signa Pharma 123/452 Factory Area, Fazalganj , Kanpur , Uttar Pradesh -208012 signapharma@gm; drsaurabhbhargav International Union of Microbiological Societies Congresses The Palais des congrès de Montréal (Montréal’s Convention Centre), Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Asia: Species Composition and Distribution" Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None icmr - Rs. 150398.00 Requested dst Rs. 150398.00 Requested Yes - Recommended None Signa Pharma Rs. 30000.00 Requested - Recommended 50% airfare subject to DSIR recognition to the Institution Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 97878.00 Poster "Lead author" "Extracellular clusterin suppresses the formation of cytotoxic α-synuclein species by interacting with prefibrillar species and facilitates their lysosomal degradation: Implications in Parkinson’s disease" Poster "Lead author" "Combining Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) with Anthrax (rPA) for a single oral vaccine" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 150398 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 150398.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 95810 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Yes Airport fee 0 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 82 SI.No T126 T127 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 079 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 135 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Montréal, Canada. Montreal Quebec Canada 27-07-2014 01-08-2014 Abhishek Dey , 37 years, Associate Professor icad@iacs.res. in Dr. Anand R , 29 years, Assistant Professor griffindoc@gm ;anandr@cmc Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science 2A & 2B RAJA S. C. MULLICK ROAD, JADAVPUR , Kolkata , West Bengal -700032 director@iacs.res.i n 248th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition Moscone Centre San Fransisco CA USA 10-08-2014 - 14-082014 Christian Medical College, Vellore Christian Medical College , Vellore , Tamil Nadu 632002 research@cmcvell; princi@cmcvellore 23rd annual meeting of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society Imperial Riding School Renaissance Hotel Ungargasse 60 1030 Vienna, Austria Vienna Austria 2808-2014 - 30-082014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended None CSIR - Rs. 46600.00 Requested ICMR - Rs. 110000.00 Requested INSA - Rs. 86300.00 Requested CICS - Rs. 130000.00 Requested Yes Total 95810.00 Oral "Single author" "Bioinspired electrodes modelling the active site of cytochrome P450: Electronic structure → λ → reactivity" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 103000 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 103000.00 Poster "Lead author" "Association between Apolipoprotein E genotype and cancer susceptibility: a meta-analysis." No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 46600 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 46600.00 PC008 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 83 SI.No T128 T129 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 130 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 202 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Ms. Anupriya Mazumder , 30 years, Senior Research Fellow anupriya.mazu mder@gmail.c om ;anupriya@agf e.iitkgp.ernet.i n Mr. Amit Kumar Subudhi , 32 years, Research Scholar amit 4help@gmail.c om ;amit. subudhi@pilan i.bits- Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur , West Bengal -721302 rsingh@agfe.iitkgp 2nd International Conference on Algal Biorefinery: A potential source of food, feed, biochemicals, biofuels and biofertilizers Date: Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Anker Engelunds Vej 1 - Building 101A 2800 - Kgs. Lyngby Copenhagen Lyngby Denmark 27-08-2014 - 29-08-2014 Birla Institute of Technology and Science , Pilani , Rajasthan 333031 FEBS-EMBO 2014 Palais des Congrès de Paris 2 place de la Porte Maillot Paris France 30-08-2014 04-09-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended None Federation of European Biochemical Societies - Rs. 56250.00 Committed Yes - Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 65986 Oral "Lead author" "Effect of different procees parameters on extraction yield of crude Sargassum muticum" Registration fee 0 Yes Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 65986.00 Poster "Lead author" "Genome Wide Identification of Natural Antisense Transcripts in Plasmodium falciparum clinical isolates" Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 60044 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 60044.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 84 SI.No Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None Indian Institute of Technology Bombay - Rs. 100000.00 Sanctioned Yes - Recommended None IIT Delhi - Rs. 20000.00 Committed IIT Delhi - Rs. 80000.00 Requested Yes PC006 Not Recommended None None Yes PC006 Not Recommended T130 T131 T132 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 072 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 168 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 Ms. Jaswandi Dandekar , 28 years, PhD Student jasudandekar ;jasudandekar Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, IIT B, Powai , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400076 n Yeast Genetics Meeting 2014 University of Washington Seattle Washington USA 2907-2014 - 03-082014 Mr. Saurabh Gautam , 28 years, PhD student gautamsaurab m ;cyz108794@c hemistry.iitd.a Department of Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Hauz Khas , NEW DELHI -110016 in Soft-Inter 2014: Soft Interactions in Biological and Biominetic Self Assembly 1, quai Duguay-Trouin - B.P. 109 35407 SaintMalo Brittany France 07-09-2014 - 13-092014 Poster "Co-author" "The Soft-Inter 2014 course is a summer course/workshop and no paper presentations are being held there. But this course will consist of lectures from the most prominent scientists working on or at the interface of Biological self assembly." No Mr. Sandeep Kumar Thakur B.V. Patel Pharmaceutical 4th International Conference on Poster "Co-author" "Protein alterations in liver No Poster "Lead author" "Elucidating the metabolic basis of cancer using yeast as a surrogate system: A model for tumorigenesis" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 133100 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 133100.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 70000 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 70000.00 Total air fare by shortest route in PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 85 SI.No Proposal Code 069 T133 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 167 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event , 29 years, Research Scholar sandeepkthak ;sandeepkthak m Education Research and Development centre B.V. Patel PERD centre, ThalejGandhinagar Highway Thaltej , Ahmedabad , Gujarat -380054 director@perdcent; preetindesai@yah Proteomics and Bioinformatics Hilton Chicago/Northbrook 2855 N. Milwaukee Ave, Northbrook, Chicago, USA Chicago Chicago, USA USA 04-082014 - 06-08-2014 Dr. Anil Kumar Tomar , 32 years, Research Officer aniltomar@aii ;anilbioinfo@g Neurobiochemistry Neuroscience Centre All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi -110029 svivek_aiims@yah Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme after paroxetine exposure in mice" Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None ICMR - Rs. 97401.00 Requested Yes - Recommended excursion/economy class 109148 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 109148.00 20th International Symposium on Separation Sciences Hotel DAP, VÃtÄ›zné námÄ›stà 4/684, Prague 6 Prague Czech Republic 30-08-2014 - 02-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "PROLACTIN INDUCIBLE PROTEIN AND SEMENOGELIN I FRAGMENT COMPLEX IN HUMAN SEMINAL PLASMA: A POSSIBLE ROLE IN SPERM MOTILITY ASSISTANCE" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 64495 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 64495.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 86 SI.No T134 T135 T136 Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID DBT/CTEP /02/201400 103 Ms Anila Chaturvedi , 28 years, PhD Research Scholar anilachaturved m ;anila.parashar Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400019 gdyadav@yahoo.c om Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune Pashan Road , Maharashtra 411021 ls.shashidhara@iis; lsshashidhara@g St.Johns Research Institute ( Unit of CBCI Society for DBT/CTEP /02/201400 074 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 067 Mr. Shreeharsha T T , 30 years, PhD Student harsha@stude nts.iiserpune.a ;harsha.tts@g Mr. BOBY MATHEW , 28 years, Senior Research Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper 41st Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society The Hilton Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA Chicago Illinois USA 13-072014 - 16-07-2014 Poster "Co-author" "ENHANCED ANTICANCER EFFICACY OF FOLATE ANCHORED STEALTH POLYASPARTIC ACID DOXORUBICIN NANOCOMPLEXES" 9th International Workshop on Molecular Biology and Genetics of the Lepidoptera. The Orthodox Academy of Crete, Kolympari, Chania, Crete, Greece. Kolympari Crete Greece 17-082014 - 23-08-2014 13th World Congress of the Human Proteome Organization Centro Poster "Lead author" "Evolution of Insect wings: Role of Ultrabithorax in the development of hind wings in Bombyx." Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 119700 Registration fee 0 Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None CSIR - Rs. 151580.00 Requested Yes PC006 Not Recommended None DST - Rs. 62000.00 Requested Yes - Recommended None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 119700.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 85913 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 85913.00 Poster "Lead author" "Down regulation of Plasma Apolipoprotein AIV in Suicidal Attempters: No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 93000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 87 SI.No T137 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 075 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Fellow bobymathew8 ;bobym@sjri.r Medical Education) St.Johns Research Institute Unit of CBCI Society for Medical Education, Sarjapura Road, , Bangalore , Karnataka 560034 deansoffice@sjri.r; grantsoffice@sjri.r de Convenciones Norte IFEMA – Feria de Madrid Avenida del Partenón, 28042 Madrid Tel. +34 902 22 15 15 Madrid Spain 05-10-2014 08-10-2014 Dr Nihar Ranjan Sahoo , 39 years, Scientist vet.nihar@gm ;nihar59@redif Indian Veterinary Research Institute , Bareilly , Uttar Pradesh -243122 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme A Mass Spectrometry Based Approach" Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None Department of Science & Technology - Rs. 73000.00 Requested Self Rs. 39136.00 Requested Yes - Recommended Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 93000.00 34th Biannual Conference of International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG) Qujiang International Conference Center 15, Huixin Road, Qujiang New District X'ian city Shaanxi Poster "Lead author" "Genetic diversity of native Indian pigs by microsatellite markers" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 65000 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 65000.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 88 SI.No Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None None Yes - Recommended China 28-07-2014 01-08-2014 T138 T139 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 071 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 063 Ms Himani Nailwal , 26 years, Junior Reserch Fellow nailwalhimani ;nehanailwal@ International Centre for Genetic Engineering an Biotechnology Aruna Asaf ali Marg Vasant Kunj New Delhi 110067 XVIth International Congress of Virology. Convention Centre Montreal Quebec Canada 27-07-2014 01-08-2014 Ms Jyoti Batra , 26 years, PhD student jyoti2111@gm ;jyoti_batra_19 in International Centre for Genetic Engineering an Biotechnology Aruna Asaf ali Marg Vasant Kunj New Delhi 110067 XVIth International Congress of Virology Palais des congrès de Montréal (Montréal’s Convention Centre), 159 St Antoine St W Montreal Quebec Canada 27-07-2014 01-08-2014 Poster "Lead author" "RING finger protein 43(RNF43), a novel interactor of Influenza A virus Nucleoprotein, abates NP driven P53 mediated apoptosis and increases cell survival." Yes Poster "Lead author" "Human Heat shock protein 40 promotes influenza A virus replication by assisting nuclear import of viral ribonucleoprotein" Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 76511 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 76511.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 76511 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 76511.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 89 SI.No T140 T141 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 084 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 062 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Dr V Ganesan , 42 years, Assistant Professor velganesh@ya Ms Taru Singh , 29 years, Senior Research Fellow taru9458@gm ;tarus75@gma Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221 005 , Uttar Pradesh 221005 .in; convener@crsi201 65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry: Ubiquitous Electrochemistry Swiss Tech Convention Center, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland Lausanne Geneva Switzerland 31-082014 - 05-09-2014 University College of Medical Sciences, University College of Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital, University of Delhi -110095 opkalra1@yahoo.c International Union of Microbiological Societies congress MONTREAL CONVENTION CENTRE Montreal Quebec Canada 2707-2014 - 01-082014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None CSIR - Rs. 0.00 Requested INSA - Rs. 0.00 Requested DST Rs. 0.00 Requested Banaras Hindu University - Rs. 20000.00 Requested Yes - Recommended None CSIR - Rs. 130000.00 Requested ICMR - Rs. 100000.00 Requested DST Rs. 150000.00 Requested Yes PC007 Not Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 187220 Poster "Lead author" "Silver Nanoparticles Based Efficient Electrochemical Sensing Platform for Isoniazid Determination" Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 187220.00 Poster "Lead author" "Identification of NDM-1 and IMP Metallo βLactamase Genes Using Real-Time PCR" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 91000 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 91000.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 90 SI.No Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Central Drug Research Institute Lucknow Chattar Manzil Palace , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh -226001 neeloo888@yahoo .com 13th International Congress of Parasitology Hotel Camino Real Mexico city, Mexico Mexico city Mexico 10-08-2014 - 15-082014 Oral "Lead author" "FEASIBILITY OF TH1 STIMULATORY PROTEINS AS POTENTIAL POLY VACCINE AGAINST VISCERAL LEISHMANIASIS" university of rajasthan , jaipur 302004 sharmakp_in@yah International Association of Plant Biotechnology Congress, 2014 melbourne convention and exhibition center Melbourne victoria Australia 10-08-2014 - 15-08-2014 Organization Name, Address, Email ID Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended 50% airfare None DST - Rs. 148960.00 Requested STATE DST Rs. 148960.00 Requested INSA - Rs. 148960.00 Requested host institute - Rs. 148960.00 Requested Yes PC006 Not Recommended om; principalucms@ac .in T142 T143 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 059 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 057 Dr Anuradha Dube , 59 years, Chief Scientist a_dube@cdri.r ;anuradhadub Prof. Padma Kuamar , 59 years, Professor godgift1955@ Poster "Co-author" "Isolation, quantification and antimicrobial screening of flavonoids from callus of Vitex negundo." Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 152971 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 No Total 152971.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 610000 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 610000.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 91 SI.No T144 T145 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 115 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 055 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event ROHIT UPADHYAY , 27 years, SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW ruv.16jy@gma ;rohit.upadhya Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur , West Bengal -721302 rsingh@agfe.iitkgp 2nd International Conference on Algal Biorefinery: A potential source of food, feed, biochemicals, biofuels and biofertlizers Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Denmark Denmark Lyngby Copenhagen Denmark 27-08-2014 - 29-08-2014 Ms. Indu sharma , 29 years, Ph.D student indu.sharma@ chemical.iitd.a ;12.indu@gma Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi IIT Delhi Hauz Khas , New Delhi -110016 sundar@dbeb.iitd.; Biological and Pharmaceutical Complex Fluids II: Novel Trends in Characterizing Interactions, Microstructure and Rheology Washington Duke Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Oral "Lead author" "Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction of β-carotene from Spirulina platensis using sunflower oil by response surface methodology" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended None Department of Science and Technology - Rs. 161697.00 Requested CSIR - Rs. 115817.00 Requested Yes - Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 64971 Registration fee 0 Yes Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 64971.00 Oral "Lead author" "Effect of Shear and Surface on aggregation of Proteins" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 115817 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 92 SI.No T146 T147 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 058 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 056 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Mr. Sharad Vashisht , 28 years, Senior research fellow sharadvashish m NTIONAL INSTITUTE OF IMMUNOLOGY Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, JNU Compus , New Delhi , Delhi 110067 Dr. Dev Mani Pandey , 42 years, Associate Professor dmpandey@bi ;pandeydm@g Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra , Ranchi , Jharkhand 835215 Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Inn: Located on the campus of Duke University,Durham, North Carolina, USA Durham North Carolina USA 10-082014 - 14-08-2014 Diffraction methods in structural biology Bates College 2 Andrews Road Lewiston, ME 04240 United States lewiston maine United States of America 27-07-2014 - 01-08-2014 2nd qPCR and Digital PCR Congress London Heathrow Marriott Hotel, Bath Road, Harlington, Hayes UB3 5AN, United Kingdom London Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None 2nd qPCR & Digital PCR Congress Organiser - Rs. 50000.00 Committed Yes - Recommended Total 115817.00 Poster "Lead author" "structural basis of degenerate specificity in an anti-sugar antibody" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 92240 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 92240.00 Oral "Lead author" "Molecular Beacon Probe–Based Real Time PCR Assay for the Identification of Promoter Motifs in Rice" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 66000 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 93 SI.No T148 T149 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 207 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 112 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event registrar@bitmesr United Kingdom 2010-2014 - 21-102014 Mr. Pruthvi Raj Bejugam , 27 years, Junior Research Fellow pruthvi@nccs. ;raj.pruthvi@g Dr. Ranadhir Chakraborty , 52 years, Associate Professor & Head rcnbusiliguri@ National centre for cell science NCCS,pune university complex,Ganeshk hind road, , Maharashtra 411007 University of North Bengal Rajarammohunpur , Siliguri , West Bengal -734013; a_basumajumdar Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None DST-ITS - Rs. 31973.00 Requested CICS Travel fellowship - Rs. 18391.00 Requested Yes - Recommended None University of North Bengal Rs. 30000.00 Requested Yes PC004 Not Recommended Total 66000.00 FEBS-EMBO Paris,2014 The Palais des Congrès de Paris, 2 place de la Porte Maillot, Paris ÃŽle-de-France France 30-08-2014 04-09-2014 Oral,Poster "Lead author" "Exploring Synthetic Biology in Leishmania through auto regulatory RNA Elements: A Mechanistic Perspective" FEBS-EMBO 2014 Conference Paris, France at the Palais des Congres-2, Place de la Porte Mailot PARIS Paris PARIS 30-08-2014 04-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Swings in cell morphology, and expression of genes essential to cell adhesion, secretion, iron-chelation and transport, multi-drug resistance, and twocomponent signal transduction mechanism, from copiotrophic to oligotrophic lifestyle in a No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 86495 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 86495.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 45000 No Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 45000.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 94 SI.No T150 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 053 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Dr. ABHINAV GROVER , 29 years, Assistant Professor abhinavgr@g ;agrover@mail JAWAHARLAL NEHRU UNIVERSITY, SCHOOL OF INFORMAITON TECHNOLOGY School of Information Technology, Centre of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, Hall No.6, Lecture Hall Complex, Jawaharlal Nehru University , New Delhi , Delhi 110067 dean_sit@mail.jnu; indirag@mail.jnu.a Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 61887 International Conference on Bioinformatics 2014 NOVOTEL SYDNEY BRIGHTON BEACH Cnr. Grand Parade & Princess Street Brighton-le-Sands NSW Australia 3107-2014 - 02-082014 Oral "Co-author" "Mechanistic analysis elucidating the relationship between Lys96 mutation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis pyrazinamidase enzyme and pyrazinamide susceptibility" Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 No Total 61887.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 95 SI.No T151 T152 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 052 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 050 Appicant Name, Age, Designation DR. SURYA KANTA MISHRA , 49 years, PRINCIPAL SCIENTIST & HEAD suryakmishra ;suryakant.mis m Mr. Khirod Deori , 29 years, Ph.D. Student khirod.deori@ Organization Name, Address, Email ID CENTRAL AVIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE REGIONAL CENTRE CARI REGIONAL CENTRE (ICAR) BARAMUNDA, BHARATPUR SQUARE , BHUBANESWAR , Orissa -751003 suryakmishra@gm; suryakmishra North Eastern Hill University, Mawlai Campus,East Khasi Hills, Shillong-793022 , Meghalaya 793022 m; tandonveena@gm Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event 14TH EUROPEAN POULTRY CONFERENCE STRAVANGER FORUM Gunnar Warebergsgate STRAVANGER NORWAY 23-062014 - 27-06-2014 International Congress of Parasitology Hotel Camino Real Polanco Mexico City Mecico City Mexico 10-08-2014 - 15-082014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None BV RAO FOUNDATION PUNE - Rs. 75000.00 Committed Yes PC007 Not Recommended None Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi - Rs. 136569.00 Requested Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Yes - Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 100000 Registration fee 0 Oral "Lead author" "TMA induced Fishy flavour- the major reason behind Offodour of duck eggs" Visa fee 0 No Airport fee 0 Total 100000.00 Oral "Lead author" "Assessment of safety and anthelmintic efficacy of Oroxylum indicum, a medicinal plant of Northeast India" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 113380 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 113380.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 96 SI.No Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None ICOPA Mexico Rs. 40000.00 Sanctioned ICOPA Mexico Rs. 40000.00 Sanctioned Yes - Recommended 50% airfare None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended None CSIR - Rs. 90000.00 Requested ICMR Yes - Recommended T153 T154 T155 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 051 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 047 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 046 Dr Neeloo Singh , 54 years, Senior Principal Scientist neeloo888@y Ms Meghna Banerjee , 25 years, JRF meghna000@ Mr K V Abhinav , 28 years, CSIR Central Drug Research Institute Lucknow Chattar Manzil Palace , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh -226001 neeloo888@yahoo .com Indian Institute of Chemical Biology 4, Raja S C Mullick Road, Jadavpur , Kolkata , West Bengal 700032 director@iicb.res.i n;siddhartharoy@ii cb.r Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Delhi - Rs. 136569.00 Requested XIII International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA XIII) The Hotel Camino Real Polanco México Mexico City Mexico 10-08-2014 - 15-082014 Oral "Single author" "Signaling the genome of ancestral Leishmania: A look into Ras family GTPases." The 12th Meeting of The Asian-Pacific Society for Neurochemistry Howard Plaza Hotel, Kaohsiung Kaohsiung Taiwan 23-08-2014 - 26-082014 Poster "Lead author" "A polyherbal formulation, Liv.52® protects striosomal neurons in subacute thioacetamide induced hepatic encephalopathy in rats: mechanisms" No International Biophysics Congress 2014 Brisbane Poster "Lead author" "Effect of glycosidic linkage on the sugar No Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 186000 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 186000.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class 63187 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 63187.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 97 SI.No T156 T157 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 041 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 061 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Senior Research Fellow akv@mbu.iisc. ;abhinavsct@g Karnataka 560012 diroff@admin.iisc. Convention and Exhibition Centre, CNR Merivale and Glenelg Streets, South Bank, Brisbane Queensland Australia 03-08-2014 - 07-082014 Dr. Maruthi Krishna Mohan Poluri , 35 years, Assistant Professor mohanpmk@g ;krishfbt@iitr.a Dr Chirag Goel , 29 years, Research Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee+ Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee-247667 (U.K) , Uttarakhand 247667 vinodfcy@iitr.ernet .in Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research (ICAR), Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme specificity of Jacalin" Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs class 90000 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 90000.00 Oral,Poster "Single author" "Unraveling the Glycosaminoglycan Regulated Structural Integrity of a Dimeric Chemokine" 2nd ICE-Binding Protein Conference Conference Hall, Hokkaido University. Oral "Lead author" "A STUDY ON COLD TEMPERATURE ACCLIMATION OF Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 64087 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee - Rs. 90000.00 Requested INSA - Rs. 90000.00 Requested IIScGARP - Rs. 50000.00 Committed IUPAB - Rs. 50000.00 Requested Registration fee 0 2014 International Biophysics Congress Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia Brisbane queensland Australia 03-08-2014 - 07-082014 Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources None IIT-Roorkee - Rs. 60000.00 Committed Yes - Recommended None None Yes - Recommended Airport fee 0 Total 64087.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 115000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 98 SI.No T158 T159 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 040 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 036 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Associate g.chirag@hot ;g.chirag@redi Bhimtal DCFR (ICAR) , Bhimtal , Uttarakhand 263136 director@dcfr.res.i n; dsarma_sh@yaho INDIAN INSTITUTE OF PULSES RESEARCH KANPUR INDIAN INSTITUTE OF PULSES RESEARCH KALYANPUR , KANPUR , Uttar Pradesh -208024 cspraharaj@gmail. com; cspraharaj@hotm Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical 2-17-2-1 TsukisamuHigashi, Toyohira, Sapporo 062-8517, JAPAN. Toyohira Sapporo JAPAN 0408-2014 - 07-082014 Dr Neelu Mishra , 30 years, Senior Research Fellow nlmishra9@g ;neelumishra1 m Ms SHRUTI JAIN , 28 years, 6th International Food Legumes Research Conference & 7th International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics University of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada 07-07-2014 11-07-2014 Cell Symposia: Transcriptional Regulation in Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Cyprinus carpio (COMMON CARP) IN UPLAND REGIONS OF HIMALAYAS" Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC013 Not Recommended None None Yes PC013 Not Recommended Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 115000.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 106757 Registration fee 0 Poster "Lead author" "Exploiting potential of wildCicer species for improving chickpea" Visa fee 0 No Airport fee 0 Total 106757.00 Poster "Lead author" "Does dINO80, a chromatin remodeling No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 99 SI.No T160 T161 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 035 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 031 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event STUDENT shrutijain.25@ Research, University of Delhi (North Campus) Delhil - 110007 Delhi -110007 bcdas48@hotmail. com; directoracbr@gma Development 2014 Robert H Lurie Medical Research Center of Northwestern University CHICAGO ILLINOIS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 13-072014 - 16-07-2014 12th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference Department of Chemistry University of Zurich Winterthurerstrasse 190 CH-8057 Zurich Switzerland Zurich Switzerland 24-082014 - 28-08-2014 International Horticultural Congress (IHC-2014) Brisbane, Australia Ms. Koushambi Mitra , 26 years, Senior Research Fellow kmitra@ipc.iis ;kmitrachem@ Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka 560012 diroff@admin.iisc. Dr SANDEEP SINGH , 40 years, Assistant PUNJAB AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, LUDHIANA Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme protein, regulates developmental genes in Drosophila?" Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None Indian Institute of Science - Rs. 50000.00 Sanctioned Yes - Recommended None SRTT - Rs. 100000.00 Requested SERC DST - Rs. Yes PC008 Not Recommended class 86743 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 86743.00 Oral,Poster "Lead author" "Remarkable anticancer activity of ferrocenylterpyridine platinum(II) complexes in visible light with low dark toxicity" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 63000 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 63000.00 Oral,Poster "Lead author" "Biodiversity of Insect and Mite Pests Infesting Indian Jujube (ber) in Plains of No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 50000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 100 SI.No T162 T163 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 029 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 028 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Entomologist sandeep_pau. 1974@pau.ed u ;sandeep_pau. 1974@yahoo. com DEPARTMENT OF ENTOMOLOGY PUNJAB AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY , Ludhiana -141002; pathaniapc@yaho Burdwan University Department of Environmental Science, The University, PostRajbati, DistBurdwan , West Bengal -713104 nkmenvbu@gmail. com Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Brisbane Queensland Australia 17-08-2014 - 22-082014 Dr Naba Kumar Mondal , 40 years, Assistant Professor nkmenvbu@g ;nababandana _jico@yahoo.c Ms.HEENA VINODKUMA R MAITHANIA , 24 years, Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme North India" Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 50000.00 International Venue Details Philadelphia, USA Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA 25-08-2014 - 27-082014 41st Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society THE HILTON Oral "Single author" "Effective utilization of agricultural and vegetable waste and aquatic macrophyte for defluridation from aqueous medium through batch and column study" Poster "Lead author" "HEPATOCYTE TARGETTED DELIVERY OF PRIMAQUINE No Visa fee 0 Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee 100000.00 Requested PSCST, Chandigarh - Rs. 10000.00 Requested CICS, Chennai - Rs. 10000.00 Requested Registration fee 0 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 80000 Registration fee 0 Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended None None Yes PC013 Not Recommended Airport fee 0 Total 80000.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 119700 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 101 SI.No T164 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 026 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOW heena_maitha nia2@yahoo.c om ;heena. maithaniaict@ Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400019 gdyadav@yahoo.c om CHICAGO HOTEL 720 MICHIGAN AVENUE Chicago, Illinois 60605, USA CHICAGO ILLINOIS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 13-072014 - 16-07-2014 Anwesha Biswas , 28 years, PhD student biswas.anwes m ;anwesha@ch Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay[IITB],Mu mbai,Maharashtra400076 Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,Powai ,Mumbai-400076 , Maharashtra 400076 in Gordon Research conferences Waterville Valley Resort, Waterville Valley, Waterville Valley New Hampshire United States of America 13-07-2014 - 18-072014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme PHOSPHATE NANOCARBOPLEX USING A CARBOHYDRATE LIGAND" Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC013 Not Recommended Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 119700.00 Poster "Lead author" "Ligand identification and receptor-ligand system characterization of gamma-butyrolactone binding protein CprB from Streptomyces coelicolor using fluorescence quenching studies" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 116523 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 No Airport fee 0 Total 116523.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 102 SI.No T165 T166 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/CTEP /02/201400 033 Ms Anindita Sarkar , 28 years, Research Scholar anin.sar@gma ;aninsar@tifr.r Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400005, India , Maharashtra 400005 248th ACS National Meeting and Exposition Moscone Center 747 Howard St SAN FRANCISCO California United States of America 10-08-2014 - 14-082014 Oral "Lead author" "Turnon optical probes for Mn2+" BIKASH RANJAN GIRI , 29 years, RESEARCH SCHOLAR giribikash@re ;bikashgr30@ North-Eastern Hill University North Eastern Hill University, Mawlai permanent campus, East Khasi Hills, Shillong, Meghalaya 793022 profptandon@gma; m 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PARASITOLOGY HOTEL CAMINO REAL - MEXICO CITY MEXICO CITY FEDERAL DISTRICT MEXICO 10-08-2014 - 15-08-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Praziquantel induced ROS generation leads to apoptosis in Raillietina echinobothrida" DBT/CTEP /02/201400 048 Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 136474 Registration fee 0 Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 136474.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 113380 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 113380.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 103 SI.No T167 T168 T169 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 019 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 021 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 022 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Ms Saumya Gupta , 28 years, Research Scholar saumya@tifr.r ;saumya.sourir Organization Name, Address, Email ID Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400005, India , Maharashtra 400005 Ms Ankita Thakur , 27 years, Ph.D student atthakur27@g ;harpreetgill3 Panjab University, Chandigarh Panjab University, Sector 14, Chandigarh 160014 Aswathy A K , 26 years, Integrated PhD student National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Bangalore Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Yeast Genetics Meeting university of washington, Box 357350 Seattle Washington USA 2907-2014 - 03-082014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Lead author" "MKT1 interacts with nitrogen metabolism and mitochondrial signaling pathways to modulate sporulation efficiency variation" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None Tata Institute of Fundamental Research - Rs. 30000.00 Sanctioned Genetics Society of America - Rs. 17760.00 Committed Ratan Tata Trust - Rs. 30000.00 Requested Yes - Recommended None DST, ICMR - Rs. 195000.00 Requested Yes - None DST - Rs. 161000.00 Requested India Network Yes - Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 133020 Registration fee 0 Yes Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 133020.00 13th International Congress of Parasitology Hotel Camino Real, Mexico city Mexico 10-082014 - 15-08-2014 29th International Papillomavirus Conference Washington State Poster "Lead author" "Subcutaneous immunization with freeze thawed promastigotes against Leishmania donovani infection along with different adjuvants against experimental murine visceral leishmaniasis" Oral,Poster "Lead author" "TGF-β DEPENDENT FUNCTIONAL HETEROGENEITY OF No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 162905 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Recommended Airport fee 0 Total 162905.00 Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 132992 Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 104 SI.No T170 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 024 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event aswathyak88 ;aswathyak@n National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, GKVK, Bellary Road , Bangalore , Karnataka 560065 CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,Lucknow CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,P.O. CIMAP, Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh 226015 r.pandey@cimap.r Convention Center 800 Convention Place Seattle, Washington 98101 United States seattle washington USA 2108-2014 - 25-082014 Prof. LaxmiNarain Misra , 59 years, Chief Scientist laxmisra@hot ;lnmisra@cima 14th International Congress of Ethnopharmacology ISE 2014 Hotel Patagonico, Puerto Varas, Chile Puerto Varas Chile 23-092014 - 26-09-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme CD66+ CELLS IN HUMAN CERVICAL CANCER" Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee Yes - Recommended 50% airfare foundation - Rs. 132992.00 Requested Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 132992.00 Oral "Lead author" "Phytochemical investigation on biologically active components from Saraca asoca bark" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 380580 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Yes Airport fee 0 None None Total 380580.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 105 SI.No T171 T172 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 091 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 104 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Ms Vinny Negi , 26 years, SRF vinny.negi@igi ;vinnynegi@g Ms. Sharmishtha Shyamal , 29 years, Ph. D/Research Associate shyamal.shar mishtha@gma ;sharmishtha Organization Name, Address, Email ID Institute of Genomice and Integrative Biology Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology Near Jubilee Hall, Mall Road, Delhi110007 -110007 VIT University Vellore Campus Vellore - 632 014 Tamil nadu, India 632014; Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Regulatory and Noncoding RNAs Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meetings & Courses Program PO Box 100, 1 Bungtown Road Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724-2213 Phone (516) 367-8346 Fax: (516) 367-8845 Cold Spring Harbor New York United States 26-08-2014 - 30-082014 8th International Crustacean Congress (ICC-8) SENCKENBERG RESEARCH INSTITUTE, FRANKFURT A. M., GERMANY SENCKENBERG FRANKFURT am Main GERMANY 18- Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None None Yes - Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 83354 Poster "Lead author" "MicroRNA editing in CD4+ T cell subsets" Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 83354.00 Oral "Lead author" "Significant fluctuations in the ecdysteroid receptor (EcR) gene expression in relation to seasons of molt and reproduction in the grapsid crab, Metopograpsus messor (Brachyura: Decapoda), from the Indian peninsula" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 55000 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 55000.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 106 SI.No T173 T174 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 045 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 018 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Ms. Sarika Shiven Nair , 28 years, Research Associate sarika.shiven ;sarika.shiven VIT University Vellore Campus Vellore - 632 014 Tamil nadu, India 632014; Mr Sudipta Chatterjee , 26 years, CSIRSenior Research Fellow ;tukaichem@g Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science 2A & 2B RAJA S. C. MULLICK ROAD, JADAVPUR , Kolkata , West Bengal -700032 director@iacs.res.i n Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event 08-2014 - 23-082014 International Crustacean Congress Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Senckenberganlage 25 Senckenberg Frankfurt am Main Germany 18-08-2014 - 23-08-2014 41st International Conference on Coordination Chemistry Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre 1 Raffles Boulevard Suntec Singapore 21-07-2014 - 25-072014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Oral "Lead author" "\"Season-dependent secretory activity of Mandibular organ of a field crab (Brachyura; Decapoda): An Ultrastructural Study―" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes PC007 Not recommended None None Yes PC008 Not Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 54704 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 54704.00 Oral,Poster "Lead author" "AMMONIUM TETRATHIOMOLYBDATE ADLAYERS ON GOLD ELECTRODE: A VERSATILE CATALYST FOR HYDROGEN EVOLUTION REACTION FROM WATER UNDER AMBIENT AND HOSTILE CONDITIONS" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 23731 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 23731.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 107 SI.No T175 T176 T177 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 030 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 023 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 015 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mr.A.Muthuku mar , 37 years, PhD Research Scholar muthukumar.a mirthalingam Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal University Campus , Karnataka 576104 info.mcops@mani; office.cops@mani AAIC 2014Alzheimer's Association International Conference Bella Center A/S Center Boulevard 5 DK-2300 Copenhagen S Copenhagen Denmark 12-07-2014 - 17-07-2014 Poster "Lead author" "A Novel 3D Cell Culture Model Scaffold for Evaluation of Curcumin in Alzheimer’s Disease" Ms. Harpreet Kaur , 27 years, Ph.D. student harpreetgill3@ ;harpreetgill30 Panjab University, Chandigarh Panjab University, Sector 14, Chandigarh 160014 13th International Congress of Parasitology Hotel Camino Real Mexico City Mexico 10-082014 - 15-08-2014 Oral "Lead author" "Immunization with protein cocktail antigens along with different adjuvants induces protection against murine visceral leishmaniasis." Mr. KAUSTUV MITTRA , 28 years, CSIRSENIOR RESEARCH Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science 2A & 2B RAJA S. C. MULLICK ROAD, EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PORPHYRINS & PHTHALOCYANINE Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 77086 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None Alzheimer\'s Association - Rs. 66000.00 Sanctioned Yes PC013 Not Recommended None DST, ICMR - Rs. 196000.00 Requested Yes - Recommended None Centre for International Cooperation in Science(CICS) Rs. 20000.00 - Yes PC013 Not Recommended Airport fee 0 Total 77086.00 Poster "Lead author" "Second Sphere Effects on Structure and Function of Iron Porphyrins" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 162905 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 No Total 162905.00 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 55322 Registration fee 0 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 108 SI.No T178 T179 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 010 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 009 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event FELLOW ( PhD) kaustuv.mittra ; JADAVPUR , Kolkata , West Bengal -700032 director@iacs.res.i n S-ICPP8 LUTFI KIRDAR CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION CENTRE-RUMELI BUILDING ISTANBUL MARMARA TURKEY 22-06-2014 - 27-062014 Dr. Nainita Roy , 32 years, Post Doctoral Fellow nainitar@inste ;nainita.roy@g Mr. Sajeevan R S , 33 years, Senior Institute for Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine NCBSTIFR Campus,GKVK Post,Bellary Road , Bangalore , Karnataka 560065 vijayoffice@ncbs.r; University of Agricultural Sciences, Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None ICMR - Rs. 200000.00 Requested INSA - Rs. 100000.00 Requested ICMR - Rs. 100000.00 Sanctioned Yes - Recommended None DST, New Delhi Rs. 163328.00 – Requested Yes PC013 Not Recommended Committed Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 55322.00 Skeletal Muscle Satellite and Stem Cells Steamboat Springs, COLORADO, USA Steamboat Springs Colorado USA 20-072014 - 25-07-2014 Poster "Lead author" "mRNP granules in muscle cells: a role in quiescence" Plant Biology 2014 Oregon Convention Center in Portland, Poster "Lead author" "Expression of AtSHN1, an upstream regulatory Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 114000 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 114000.00 Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 109 SI.No T180 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 011 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Research Fellow rssajeevan81 m ;sajeevanbiote Bangalore DEPARTMENT OF CROP PHYSIOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, GKVK CAMPUS , BANGALORE , Karnataka 560065 msheshshayee@h Oregon, United States of America (USA) Portland Portland, Oregon United States of America 12-07-2014 - 16-07-2014 Dr Bidyadhar Das , 44 years, Assistant Professor dasbidyadhar ;dasbidyadhar m North Eastern Hill University, Mawlai Campus,East Khasi Hills, Shillong-793022 , Meghalaya 793022 m; tandonveena@gm Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme gene of wax biosynthesis in Indian mulberry (Morus indica L.) reduces postharvest water loss" Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None Organising Committee ICOPA 2014 Rs. 40000.00 Sanctioned NEHU - Rs. 70000.00 Committed DST Rs. 150000.00 Requested ICMR - Rs. 190000.00 Requested ICMR - Rs. 190000.00 - Yes - Recommended class 135253 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 135253.00 13 th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PARASITOLOGY HOTEL CAMINO REAL MEXICO CITY Mexico 10-08-2014 15-08-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Cloning and characterization of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase in Raillietina echinobothrida (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea)" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 70000 Yes Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 70000.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 110 SI.No Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (Organisers) Rs. 35000.00 Committed Yes PC006 Not Recommended None G.G.S. Indpraprastha University - Rs. 133910.00 Requested Genetics Society of America - Rs. 18000.00 Sanctioned Yes PC007 Not Recommended Requested CSIR - Rs. 70000.00 Requested INSA - Rs. 210000.00 Requested T181 T182 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 020 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 065 Ms. Rakhi Sharma , 27 years, PhDSRF rakhi@ccmb.r ;shravi19aug Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Uppal Road Habshiguda , Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh 500007 director@ccmb.res .in; mohan@ccmb.res. in Mr. Deepak Kumar , 26 years, Ph.D. Scholar deepakkumar2 m ;deepakkumar 2588h@yahoo Guru Gonind Singh Indraprastha University, Kashmere Gate , Delhi -110403 bpjoshi09@gmail. com Conference on Regulatory & NonCoding RNAs Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Cold Spring Harbor New York United States 26-08-2014 - 30-082014 Poster "Co-author" "Structure-Function Relationship of Crc, a Global Regulator in Pseudomonas" Yeast Genetics meeting University of Washington Seattle Washington United States 29-07-2014 03-08-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Effect of Modulating the Level of the Seventh Largest Subunit of RNA Polymerase II in Schizosaccharomyces pombe" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 92800 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 92800.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 59910 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 59910.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 111 SI.No T183 T184 T185 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 044 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 007 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 014 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Ms. Poonam Verma , 29 years, Senior Research Fellow pv1585@gmai Ms. Ranjeet Kaur , 29 years, SRF ranjeetkaur10 m ;rk.qwert12321 Dr Geetanjali Sachdeva , 47 years, Scientist E Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Indian Institute of Chemical Biology 4, Raja S C Mullick Road, Jadavpur , Kolkata , West Bengal 700032 director@iicb.res.i n; siddhartharoy@iic Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302. West Bengal -721302 amitk@hijli.iitkgp.e National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, J M Street, The 12th Meeting of The Asian-Pacific Society for Neurochemistry Howard Plaza Hotel,311, Chi-Hsien 1st Road, Taiwan 800, R.O.C Kaohsiung Taiwan 23-08-2014 - 26-082014 Poster "Lead author" "‘Mitochondrial defects in ASD and ADHD: Evidence from Cybrid Neurons’" Gordon Research Conference on Salt and Water Stress in Plants Sunday River Resort, Newry, ME, USA Newry Maine USA 03-08-2014 08-08-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Evaluation of Late Embryogenesis Abundant group of proteins as potential candidate for genetic manipulation of elite rice cultivars to confer enhanced soil water stress response and crop yield" “47th SSR (Society for Study in Reproduction) Annual Meeting on Oral "Lead author" "HMGB1 Protein (High Mobility Group Binding Protein-1) – A Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 63187 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None None Yes - Recommended None ICMR - Rs. 100000.00 Requested Yes - Recommended Airport fee 0 Total 63187.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 93642 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 93642.00 Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 116980 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 112 SI.No T186 T187 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 229 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 006 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event sachdevag@ni ;geetanjali_sa chdeva@yaho Parel, Mumbai 400012 , Maharashtra 400012 sankhol@yahoo.c om; Fertility: A Global Challenge. Grand Rapids,Michigan,US A Grand Rapids Michigan USA 19-072014 - 23-07-2014 Ms R. Hema malini , 37 years, Resarch Scholar hihemahere Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi IIT Delhi Hauz Khas , New Delhi 110016 sundar; Extremophiles 2014 Park Inn by Radisson Pulkovskaya Pobedy Square 1 - 196240 St. Petersburg – Russia Saint Petersburg Petersburg Russia 0709-2014 - 11-09-2014 Ms. Shilpa Thakur , 26 years, Ph.D Student shilpachd88@ ;sudhanshu.ab hishek@gmail. com Post Graduate Institute of Medical education & Research, Chandigarh Dept of experiemental medicne& biotech, research block-b, Sector-12 , chandigarh - Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 and One-Carbon Metabolism. Steamboat Springs, Colorado, USA Steamboat Springs Colorado USA 03-082014 - 08-08-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Component of Human Uterine Secretome and its Functional Relevance" Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None SERB DST - Rs. 80000.00 Requested Yes PC006 Not Recommended None ICMR - Rs. 100000.00 Sanctioned Yes - Recommended Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 116980.00 Poster "Co-author" "A proteomic approach to understand the role of the outer membrane porins in the organic solventtolerance of Poster "Lead author" "Regulation of folate transporters in human kidney cells under conditions of folate deficiency and ethanol exposure." Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 50000 No Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Total 50000.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 100189 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 100189.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 113 SI.No Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None None Yes - Recommended None None Yes PC007 Not Recommended 160012 superoxide@sify.c om T188 T189 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 124 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 082 Dr. Amit Kumar , 31 years, Scientist-I amits52003@ ;amits52003@ All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar , New Delhi , Delhi -110029 m Mr Krishna Gokul , 29 years, Senior Research fellow gokul2411@g Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore 570 020, (CSIR) India , Karnataka 570020 9th World Stroke Congress to be held in Istanbul, Turkey Haliç Congress Centre Sütlüce Mah. Eski KaraaÄŸaç Cad 34445 BeyoÄŸlu Ä°stanbul Turkey Eski KaraaÄŸaç Cad Ä°stanbul Turkey 22-10-2014 25-10-2014 Development, Functions and Disorders of the Nervous System 2014 Hilton Montreal Bonaventure Montreal Quebec Canada 19-07-2014 - Poster "Lead author" "ASSOCIATION BETWEEN BETA -1 ADRENERGIC RECEPTOR GENE POLYMORPHISM AND ISCHEMIC STROKE IN NORTH INDIAN POPULATION: A CASE CONTROL STUDY" Poster "Lead author" "Inulin (a nondigestible oligosaccharide) supplements during pregnancy attenuates acrylamide-induced maternal and fetal brain oxidative dysfunctions, Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 65316 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 65316.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 136720 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 114 SI.No T190 T191 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 013 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 003 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event ; 24-07-2014 Dr. Rup Kumar Roy , 58 years, Sr. Principal Scientist roynbri@rediff ; National Botanical Research Institute, Ran Pratap Marg , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh -226001 director@nbri.res.i n Dr Brijesh Pandey , 38 years, Assistant Professor brij_pandeyji@ ;bpandey1@a Amity Institute of Biotechnology,Ami ty University Uttar Pradesh Lucknow Campus, Mallhour, Near Mallhour RailwayStation,Go mtinagr Extension -226028 kkohri@lko.amity. edu 29th International Horticultural Congress 2014 Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane Queensland, Australia Brisbane Queensland Australia 17-08-2014 - 22-082014 16th European Congress on Biotechnology Edinburgh International Convention Centre, Edinburgh, Scotland Edinburgh Scotland Great Britain 12-072014 - 16-07-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme anxiety and neurotoxicity in rats" Oral "Lead author" "Breeding and development of new cultivars of ornamentals in India - status, potentiality and commercialization" Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources None DST - Rs. 40000.00 Requested None Organizers - Rs. 0.00 - Committed Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee PC007 Not Recommended PC013 Not Recommended Total 136720.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 50000 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Yes Airport fee 0 Total 50000.00 Oral "Lead author" "Characterization of thermostable peroxidase from Aegle marmelos and its immobilization" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 87923 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Yes Airport fee 0 Total 87923.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 115 SI.No T192 T193 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /02/201400 097 DBT/CTEP /02/201400 093 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Dr Sandeep Kaur , 37 years, Assistant Professor sandeepkaur.d ;skaur@chemi Dr. P. Venkatesu, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi Department of Chemistry University of Delhi Delhi - 110 007 INDIA -110007 pannuruv@yahoo. com; venkatesup@hotm 41st International Conference on Coordination Chemistry Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre 1 Raffles Boulevard Suntec City Singapore 21-072014 - 25-07-2014 National Institute of Pharmceutical Education and Research Sector67, S.A.S.Nagar, , Mohali , Punjab 160062 n The Biological and Biomedical Consequences of Protein Moonlighting― Charles Darwin House, 12 Roger Street, London WC1N 2JU, United Kingdom London United Kingdom 2907-2014 - 30-072014 Mr. Vishant Boradia , 27 years, Ph.D. Scholar vmboradia_btp in ;vishantboradi Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Oral "Single author" "Models for the [FeFe] Hydrogenase Active Site : Aromatic versus aliphatic dithiolate linkers" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Amount requested from DBT Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None CSIR - Rs. 30000.00 Requested Centre for International Science and Cooperation - Rs. 145000.00 Requested DST Rs. 35000.00 Requested INSA - Rs. 40000.00 Requested Yes PC007 Not Recommended None Biochemical Society - Rs. 29888.00 – Committed Yes - Recommended Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 33443 Registration fee 0 No Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 33443.00 Oral "Lead author" "Mycobacterial Glyceraldehyde-3phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is involved in the siderophore independent acquisition of transferrin iron" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 72547 Registration fee 0 Yes Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Total 72547.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 116 SI.No T194 Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/CTEP /02/201400 038 Ms Savithri Purayannur , 28 years, PhD Student savikrshna@g ;savipurayann n National Institute of Plant Genome Research NIPGR, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, JNU Campus, New Delhi - 110067 110067 XVI International Congress on Molecular PlantMicrobe Interactions Rodos Palace Hotel, Trianton Ave,Ixia Rhodes South Aegean Greece 0607-2014 - 10-072014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Lead author" "DEFINING THE RESISTANCE OF CHICKPEA AGAINST ASCOCHYTA BLIGHT: FROM MARKERS TO GENES" Whether the findings being presented are results of DBT project/prog ramme Yes Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/economy class 70044 Registration fee 0 Visa fee 0 Airport fee 0 Travel assista nce receive d during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Remarks Recommendatio n of the committee None CSIR - Rs. 70044.00 Requested ICMR - Rs. 106079.00 Requested Yes PC013 Not Recommended Total 70044.00 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 117 RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE 1ST MEETING OF THE EXPERT COMMITTEE ON PROMOTION AND POPULARIZATION OF BIOTECHNOLOGY ( ECPPB) HELD ON 14th July, 2014 (Proposals received f rom 01-06-2014 to 08-07-2014 by DBT - CTEP Management Cell - TERI - New Delhi) Exhibition Sl. No. E1 E2 E3 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the exhibition Stall Rate Per Square meter (In Rs.) Ms. Mani Vashisht 32 years Project Head Friendz Exhibitions & Promotions pvt ltd 508, Pearls Best Heights, Tower-2, Netaji Subhash Place New Delhi - 110034 -110034 ; 12th Infra Educa 2014 508, Pearls Best Heights, Tower-2, Netaji Subhash Place New Delhi - 110034 New Delhi Delhi 110034 -01145141895 91-0-9891360367 12-072014 - 13-07-2014 10000 DBT/CTE P/03/201 400182 Mr. Nemai Chandra Pramanik 55 years Chief General Secretary Central Calcutta Science and Culture Organisation for Youth G1, 10D, Ananda Palit Road, , Kolkata , West Bengal -700014 ; 18th National Exhibition G-1, 10D, Ananda Palit Road, Kolkata West Bengal 700014 -033-2592 1128 91-0-9831109386 03-09-2014 07-09-2014 6000 DBT/CTE P/03/201 413852 NNS Events & Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi NNS Events & Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 10th Govt. Achievements & schemes Expo-2014 , Pragati Maidan, New Delhi 25-27 July, 2014 - Proposal Code DBT/CTE P/03/201 400077 Stall Space Options Remarks 12 sqmtrs Not Recommended PC013 18 sqmtrs 100 sq. mt. - Recommended 18 sq. mtr. - Recommended 18 sq. mtr. 50 sq. mt. - Recommendation of the committee PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 118 C. Popular Lectures S.No PL1 PL2 ProposalCode DBT/CTEP/04 /201400259 DBT/CTEP/04 /201400192 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Prof. Autade Rishikesh Haribhau 28 years Assistant Professor Pravara Rural Education Society, Pravaranagar (Loni) Pravara Rural Education Society, Loni Bk , Rahata , Maharashtra -413736 m ;rishiz.autade@gmail.c om Dr RAJESH KUMAR NEMA 50 years DIRECTOR RISHIRAJ COLLEGE OF PHARMACY,INDORE Rishiraj College of Pharmacy, Bhavrasala, Behind SAIMS Hospital,Sanwer Road , INDORE , Madhya Pradesh -453331 nema_pharmacy@yah Title & Date of Lecture(s) Title/Topic Current trends and biotechnological tools for crop improvement. APPLICATIONS OF FUNGI IN BIOTECHNOLOGY Applications of Biopesticides for sustainable agriculture. Title/Topic Nanobiotechnologica l approaches for the prevention and treatment of Severe diseases Malaria Vaccine- its development, performance and future applications Expect ed No. of Audie nce Previous grants received from DBT Amount Requeste d from DBT Remarks Recommendation of the committee 400 No 150000 - Recommended 500 No 280000 - Date 8/1/2015 9/1/2015 7/1/2015 Date 18-10-2014 Recommended 22-11-2014 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 119 S.No ProposalCode Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID ; m PL3 PL4 DBT/CTEP/04 /201400073 DBT/CTEP/04 /201400054 Prof. Rajesh Singh Tomar 45 years Professor Dr. Jayvadan Patel 40 years Professor Amity University Madhya Pradesh Maharjpura , Gwalior 474005 spbajpai@gwa.amity.e du ; Nootan Pharmacy College S.K.Campus, Kamana Crossing , Visnagar , Gujarat 384315 Title & Date of Lecture(s) Plant tissue culture based drug development Title/Topic Biotechnological applications for agricultural development and food security in India Role of Biotechnology & Nanobiotechnology for cleaner environment Biotechnological applications for biodiversity conservation Title/Topic Bio-inspired nanomaterials Applications of bioinspired nanosystems Expect ed No. of Audie nce Previous grants received from DBT Amount Requeste d from DBT Remarks Recommendation of the committee 280 Yes 34000 - Recommended 697 No 75000 - Recommended 12/12/2014 Date 23-09-2014 30-09-2014 1/10/2014 Date 6/9/2014 6/9/2014 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 120 S.No ProposalCode Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title & Date of Lecture(s) m ;nootanpharmacy@yah Bio-inspired nanotechnologies: future perspective Expect ed No. of Audie nce Previous grants received from DBT Amount Requeste d from DBT Remarks Recommendation of the committee 6/9/2014 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 121