SEQUENCE : THE 2012 AMERICAN ELECTIONS Niveau : A2 + / B1 Domaine : S’informer et comprendre Tâche : Following the example of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, create your own poster with a photo of yourself telling about your 7 most important issues. ( imagine you’re a candidate for the French presidency, candidate as a chef advisor for better eating habits , candidate as a sustainable development advisor , …..) I) ANTICIPATING / THE CARTOON ( annex 1) A) The cartoon without the flag : - What ? 2 men - Who ? Obama / Romney - How do they look ? angry / cross / tired / they are sweating…….. - What are they doing ? they look as if they were fighting……………….. - What do you know about these men : One is president of the USA and the other one is candidate. - Barack Obama was first elected in 2008. He is the first black president of the USA…. - Which political parties do they belong to ? the emblems of these parties ? B. O is a Democrat ( Democratic Party / the DONKEY) and M. R is a Republican ( Republican party/ the ELEPHANT ) Malika SAIDI The 2012 American elections 2012 To know more about these two candidates : go to or B) With the flag - What ? fighting for a flag / the American flag. - What does the American flag stand for ? It stands for the American presidency/ it represents the American presidency ………………….. C) Mind map : American presidency - Duration of a term - Number of parties - How many times can a candidate be elected - ……….. HMWK : Obama’s biography ( match the photos and the captions ) ( annex 2) Rebrassage preterit Malika SAIDI The 2012 American elections 2012 II) The American Electoral system A) How to become president of the USA ( annex 3 or annexes 3 and 4 ) a) Using annex 3, fill in the document concerning the requirements needed to be president of the USA: REQUIREMENTS - Malika SAIDI The 2012 American elections 2012 How many steps are there in the process ? b) Pour les élèves qui ont besoin d’être accompagnés :Make sure you understand : Match the different steps of the American Electoral system with the explanations in French. ( donner les différentes étapes dans le désordre ) LE SYSTÈME ÉLECTORAL AMÉRICAIN 1) les Primaires Au sein de chaque parti, plusieurs candidats font campagne pour l’investiture , Etat par Etat. 2) les Conventions Lors d’une convention nationale, chaque parti désigne un « ticket » composé d’un candidat à la présidence et d’un candidat à la vice présidence. 3) Le scrutin présidentiel L’élection se déroule le 1er mardi de novembre tous les 4 ans. Les électeurs de chaque état désignent des Grands Electeurs et le candidat de leur choix. Le « ticket » obtenant le plus de voix dans l’Etat obtient les suffrages de l’ensemble des Grands Electeurs de l’Etat. 4) Inauguration Day Elle a lieu le 20 janvier. Le nouveau président prête serment sur la constitution. c) Pour les élèves ayant un bon niveau : can you rephrase the different steps . Malika SAIDI The 2012 American elections 2012 d) Focus on the 2008 Electoral map/ analyzing the pro democratic/ republican states How about watching and listening to a video fixing the information you have learnt about the American political system Malika SAIDI The 2012 American elections 2012 III) On the issues Malika SAIDI The 2012 American elections 2012 Ce document peut permettre un travail oral intéressant : A) Activité GUESS WHO ? Justify. Exemple : - who supports same sex marriage ? - Who thinks that military troops should stay where needed . - Who thinks that it was important to support the American stock exchange. - ……………………………………….. Pour les élèves de CAP ou les élèves en difficulté, proposer un tableau simplifié ( qui permettra également un travail de reformulation : Issues B. Obama for B. Obama against M. Romney for M. Romney Against Same sex marriage Cutdown on government spending Malika SAIDI The 2012 American elections 2012 B) Let’s compare : using expressions of contrast , compare the 2 candidates : - Contrary to B. Obama, Mitt Romney wants to preserve traditional marriage. - Barack Obama wants every American citizen to benefit from a health care system whereas Mitt Romney …………….. - - B. Obama………………………………but Mitt Romney ………………………. What can we say if they share the same point of view ? : both / just like B. Obama, Mitt Romney thinks that………/ …………….. IV ) Comparing the French and American electoral system Find out the information concerning : The USA - To be a candidate : - FRANCE - To be a candidate: minimum age :35 born American citizen rich -............................................................................................. -............................................................................................. Grants from the state - Indirect universal suffrage - ................................................................................................. ( not directly elected by the people ) ( directly elected by the people ) - President elected for 4 years - ..................................................................................................... - 2 main parties ( Republicans /Democrats ) - .................................................................................................. - The Electors choose the president. - A two-ballot system to choose the president Malika SAIDI The 2012 American elections 2012