A N N O U N C E M E N T S The Colorado Springs Christian Church www.theCSCC.org 5080 List Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 www.disciplestoday.org www.HOPEww.org/coloradosprings March 30, 2014 www.icochotnews.com SUNDAY WORSHIP 10:30 am Reminder: If you have not been meeting with a Bible Talk, please start meeting with one! The expectation is that we are all in a Bible Talk by the April 6th Leaders Meeting. Specifically, the Bible Talk leaders (and the day they meet) are: Leader’s Meeting 6 April @ 12:30 p.m. Men’s Midweek 9 April @ 7:00 p.m. Annual HOPE Bowl-a-thon! Brunswick Zone XL 1180 InterQuest Pkwy, 80921 April 26/ 8:30-10:30 Joel and Renie Sebalds (Thursdays) - jdsebald@hotmail.com Jason and Christina Wells (Mondays except the week of the HOPE Board meeting) - jasonjwells@gmail.com Matt and Shelly Riviere (Thursdays) - riviere10@hotmail.com Rich and Karen Bartels (Working on determining a new night) - richkarenbartels@msn.com Chris and Alicia Humlicek (Thursdays) chrisandalicia.humlicek@gmail.com JJ and Trinity Griffin (Campus - Wednesdays) jjgriffin26@gmail.com Tim and Kristin Richards (Singles - Fridays) timrichard73@gmail.com Cary and Donna Smith (Sundays) cary.coloradosprings@gmail.com Lastly, we have a real need for Bible Talk leaders! If you feel like you would like to lead or co-lead a Bible Talk, please let any of the leaders above know and come to our April 6th Leaders Meeting. We are excited to start getting the training the Umaguings will bring and see where God takes us! HOPE Packs are being collected and prepped to go out to kids in need. Please return your completed backpacks to the HOPE corner. Thank you for helping kids. HOPE for the Homeless: Please sign up for a Saturday to come out and make burritos and share them with the homeless in Colorado Springs. We always need coats, socks, gloves and candles as well. See Reggie and Rose for details. Do you have a heart to serve people that are devastated by disasters; a background in social work, psychology or case management; and a minimum of 2 weeks to serve? Please apply for a position with HOPE worldwide's Disaster Case Management program and get paid to serve people. For more information or to apply please send your resume to Neffertina.German@hopeww.org or fax to 484-5863646. For any questions please call Neffertina at 484-586-3654 LIKE us on Facebook &Follow us @HOPEwwCS CSCC CONTACT INFORMATION: Evangelist: Ministry Intern: JJ Griffin (432) 238-3986 jjgriffin26@gmail.com Administration: Steve Smith stevesmith.uc@gmail.com Submit reimbursements Fax (888) 882-4815 Board President: Joel Sebald (719) 355-9104 Deacons: Married Ministry: Rich (& Karen) Bartels (719) 321-9585 Joel (& Renie) Sebald (719) 355-9104 Single’s Ministry: Tim (& Kristin) Richard (310) 850-5087 Middle-School Ministry: Matt (& Shelly) Riviere (719) 481-6121 HOPE Colorado Springs: Jason (& Christina) Wells (719) 210-1595 Service Teams: Benevolence: Randy Silva (719) 650-0064 & Geoff Haradon (719) 963-1388 Coffee Service & Potlucks: Compassion Ministry: Angie & Lindsay Pierce (719) 244-1961 Move-Ins: Cary & Donna Smith (719) 465-4679 New Christians: Scott & April Beckel (719) 660-0564 Ushers: Don Warner (719) 576-3734 Greeters: Dan & Michelle Lapierre (719) 231-8694 Welcome Station: TBA Sarah’s Daughters: Patrice Meyer (719) 310-9863 Children’s Ministry: John & Alicia Mooberry (719) 244-3068 Pre-Teen Ministry: Chris & Alicia Humlicek (719) 964-4565 Middle School: Matt & Shelly Riviere (719) 761-3277 Teens: Ryan & Kate Rondorf (610) 724-9764 College Ministry: JJ Griffin (432) 238-3986 & Trinity Griffin (760) 469-7816 Campus Shepherds: Donald & Kelly Niko (479) 409-6935 Singles Bible Talk: Karl Schlierf (719) 229-7725 Single Parents: Kim Crum (719) 271-0474 Community Outreach/Benevolent Ministries: HOPE worldwide: Jason & Christina Wells (719) 481-5728 HOPE for the Homeless: Reggie & Rose Henry (719) 6409070/(719) 290-8028 HOPE Reads: Paul Wunder (719) 306-2286 Music Ministry: Ken Polke (719) 522-1963 Band: Trevor Priday Sound: Tim Richard, Mike Webster, &Ryan Stahl Book Ministry: www.dpibooks.org www.ipibooks.org Church Reservations: Contact Rich Bartels 321-9585 to book a date/time to use the church building or to borrow any items. Webmaster: Sean Zebrowski (719) 351-7942 Content Manager: Jason Wells (719) 210-1595 To add/update announcements to this sheet, contact Olivia Zebrowski at (719) 235-1750 or odthoui@yahoo.com MARCH 2014 Tue, Mar 18 Wed, Mar 19 Fri, Mar 21 Mar 21-23 Sun, Mar 23 Wed, Mar 26 Sun, Mar 30 Hope Board Meeting 7-8 p.m. CSCC Board Meeting Men’s Prayer Night HOPE Pack Sorting 9-10 a.m. Campus Serving the Needy Retreat The Gospel Foretold in the Old Testament @ the CSCC bldg from 9-10 a.m. Women’s Midweek No Children’s Ministry APRIL 2014 Sat, Apr 5 Sun, Apr 6 Tue, Apr 8 Wed, Apr 9 Feed the Homeless Leader’s Meeting @ 1230 pm HOPE Board Meeting @ 7 pm CSCC bldg Men’s Midweek @ 7 pm Computer needing repair? Need instruction? Contact Sean Zebrowski at (719) 351-7942 Discount to church members Prayer Requests: (March) Les Freeman (Leslie Johnson's dad), he is recovering from surgery & Leroy Silva (Randy's dad), to heal from an infection. Also, Jim Woodring had eye surgery, HOPE Worldwide; Special Missions Contribution. All our deployed military members. Singles Bible Talk Weekly Bible Talks For info contact Karl Schlierf (719) 229-7725 Sarah’s Daughters Women’s Group This group is for women married to non-Christian men; or, any woman desiring more fellowship, friendship and bible study. Nemo’s Coffee Shop @ 10:00 am 2114 E. Pikes Peak Ave. COS 80909 Call for meeting dates Patrice Meyer (719) 310-9863