Lesson Plan - Languages.dk

This unit focuses on knowing farm animals and their characteristics
Content - Subject
Communication Language
Vocabulary related to the topic
Adjectives: small, big, fat, ...
Singular and plurals
Simple present
Questions structures: What is it? How many ...? What’s your
favourite....? Do you like ... ?
Approx. time overall
4 hours
Stage 1
Short Description
Students visit a local farm,
observe the animals and take
photos (or students watch a
video about the farm)
Students watch a PP: ”Farm
Students listen to a short story ”The little Red Hen and her
Students sing the song ”Old
McDonald had a farm”)
Teacher shows a PP: ”Body
parts” and students observe the
body parts of farm animals
Students play a game
Teacher shows some animal
products (milk, egg, meat, ham,
cheese, wool).
Students talk about them and
match the animals to their
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Links to Activities
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 1
Students visit a local farm, observe which animals are there and take
pictures of the animals
Or students watch a video: “Farm animals for children”
http://youtu.be/Izl0vz4Km7w (short version) or
http://youtu.be/D5nTxIf6Jhs (extended version) .
Teacher shows a PP: ”Farm animals”, using IWB or PC and help
students to recognise them
Children do individual work on worksheet1.
Students draw their favourite farm animal, after which the pictures can
be stuck on a wall display
Students do individual work on worksheet2.
Approx. time
1 ½ /2 hours
Learning outcome
Students will be able to:
 use the animals' names
 be aware of the English key words for farm animals and
recognize them
 answer questions (What’s your favourite animal? What colour
is this?...)
Choose only 2 or 3
Choose only 2-4
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 use the five senses
 recognize the key words
 memorise the animals' names
 speak about their preferences (I like cows....)
PP: Farm animals
Wall display
Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Camera, computer, IWB
Paper, pencil and crayons or felt pens, glue stick, scissors.
Activity 2
Teacher reads the story ”The little red Hen and her friends” and
exaggerates the key words. The the students then act out the story worksheet3
Teacher shows a video about different farm animals and their babies
(http://youtu.be/O4tzweWNDgE), then repeats the new vocabulary
(hen- chick, duck-ducking, cow- calf, sheep- lamb, horse- foal) and asks
”Which animal is this? Which animal is its mother?”.
Students match animals and offspring - worksheet4
Students listen to the famous song:”Old McDonald had a farm” and
then sing (see Nursery Rhymes for Children
http://youtu.be/1EK4SE3ou8w - Lyrics: worksheet5) .
Students repeat animal sounds (for example: teacher says: ”The cat
says ...”and pupils shout ”meow!”)
Approx. time
Learning outcome
45 minutes
Students will be able to:
 memorize and use the animals' names
 recognize key words for farm animals
 take part in a role play
 answer questions
 pay attention to the story
 recognize the key words
 follow instructions
 answer questions
 compare different farm animals and their offspring
Worksheet 3
Worksheet 4
Worksheet 5
Computer or CD player
Pencil and crayons
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Activity 3
Teacher shows a PP ”Body parts” and helps students to focus on the
body parts of different animals.
(”Which animals have wings?” or ”How many legs does a horse have?”)
Students do individual work on worksheet6 and colour it in.
Students play a memory game(worksheet7), divided in groups (5/6
Each group will combine the picture of an animal's body part with its
correct name.
Approx. time
45 minutes
Learning outcome
Students will be able to:
 use the correct name for some animal body parts
 compare some characteristics of farm animals
 follow instructions
 give a simple reply
 use the vocabulary related to the topic
 answer questions
 use their knowledge in a game
PP: ”Body parts”
Worksheet 6
Worksheet 7
IWB or computer
Pencil and crayons
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Activity 4
Teacher shows some animal products (milk, eggs, cheese, wool, ham,
butter). Students look at, touch, smell and taste the animal products.
Teacher asks if the students know the origin of these products.
Students do individual work on woorksheet8
Approx. time
45 minutes
Learning outcome
Students will be able to:
 classify the animal products
 use the 5 senses
 follow instructions
 understand that animals are important for human life
 compare different natural products
Students :
 learn and use new words related to the topic: butter, ham,
 answer questions
 make hypotheses
Animal products: milk, eggs, cheese, a ball of wool, ham, butter...
Worksheet 8
Pencil and crayons
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