CURRICULUM VITAE - University of Colorado Denver

August, 2012
Susan Beth Rifkin
Date of Birth
25th June, 1942
Marital Status
3498 E. Ellsworth Ave Unit 606
Denver, Colorado 80209
303 884 2016
Email Address:
Mandarin Chinese, French
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Social
Science. Thesis entitled "Planners Approaches to
Community Participation in Community Health
Programs: Case Studies in South East Asia".
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK
Received Certificate
Community Health.
School of International Affairs and the East Asian
Columbia University, New York
Received Masters degree in International affairs and
certificate from the East Asian Institute in June 1969.
Essay topic:"The Development and Use of Atomic
Energy in the People`s Republic of China". Received
Alice Stetten Fellowship, 1967.
Susan Beth Rifkin
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
Received Bachelor's degree in June 1964.
Majored in Asian Studies with courses in the
Chinese language (3 years) and comparative politics (2
years). Dean's list (5 semesters), Members Honors
Program and Pi Sigma Alpha, Political Science
Honorary. Received National Defense Education Act
Fellowship for Chinese language study, Summer 1963.
Colorado School of Public Health, Adjunct
Established courses on Global Health Policy and Health
Policy Analysis
Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Professor, established a course on current issues of
health policy for the new Master in Health Policy and
Senior Research Fellow (2005), Visiting Teacher,
London School of Economics
Started new course on health policies and systems in
developing countries, Department of Social Policy
(2005-present); teaching on core course of Health,
Development and Community, Senior Research
Fellow Department of Social Psychology (2009present), also teaching in the department
1993- Present
Attachment to London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine
Honorary Senior Research Fellow (1983-2003)
Module Organizer for Primary Health Care study unit
since 2002; qualitative teaching for Short Course on
Reproductive Health (1997-2005)
Susan Beth Rifkin
Professor and Co-Director of Tropical Institute of
Community Health and Development in Africa
Kisumu Kenya
Responsibility for academic affairs in assisting to
establish a new course for Masters degree, Diploma
and Certificate for students in Sub-Saharan Africa;
innovative course combining classroom teaching with
field practice
Part Time Lecturer, London School of Economics
and Political Science
Undertaking tutorials at both institutions and convening
the Rural Development seminar for the MSc. in Social
Policy and Planning in Developing Countries at the
London School of Economics ;responsible for the
developing country section of Foundations of Health
Guest Professor, Institute of Tropical Hygiene and
Public Health, University of Heidelberg
First Convener of the MSc. in Community Health and
Health Management in Developing Countries; duties
included establishing both the conceptual and
administrative framework for this new course as well as
"backstopping" the course until the end of its first pilot
Honorary Senior Lecturer, Department of Public
Health Policy, London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine
Team Leader for an evaluation of WHO's Essential
Drug Policy
Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Public
Health, Boston University
1986 - 1989
Visiting Senior Lecturer in International Community
Health, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Susan Beth Rifkin
1984 - 1986
Visiting Senior Lecturer, Department of Human
London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine
Consultant on Health Planning and Community
Participation, Asian Community Health Action Network
1980 - 1984
Asian Community Health Action Network (ACHAN),
Hong Kong
Coordinator - Based in Hong Kong with extensive
travel in the region to help make more systematic the
exchanges of information, materials and personnel
among non-government community health programs in
Asia focusing particularly on the training of organizing
appropriate meetings, seminars, training programs and
evaluations and editing the newsletter LINK. (ACHAN
was founded in June 1980 in response to the need of a
community health exchange network for NGO's in the
Asian region.)
1977 - 1984
Hong Kong Christian Council/Center for Asian
Studies, University of Hong Kong
Researcher - Research on three case studies of
Church related community health programs in South
East Asia (Hong Kong, Philippines and Indonesia) to
analyze issues which affect community participation in
health programs and the process by which
communities get involved in their own health care.
Summer of 1978 includes - Visiting Fellow
at the Institute of Development Studies, University
of Sussex, Brighton, Sussex, UK.
1975 - 1977
Christian Conference of Asia, Hong Kong
Consultant on Health Concerns - Duties include
visiting Protestant Church related programs throughout
Susan Beth Rifkin
Asia to discover how various community health
programs operate, organizing two workshops (one in
Philippines and one in India) to bring together doctors,
community development people and village health
workers to exchange experiences on community
participation on health care programs, beginning to
build a network among rural workers in
Asia who are involved in community health.
1974 - 1975
Ministry of Health, Government of Zambia
Provincial Health Education Officer in Southern
Province - Duties include planning health education
programs for province. Planning and implementing
programs for community health programs with district
medical officers.
1970 - 1974
Science Policy Research Unit,
Sussex, Brighton, Sussex, UK
Research Fellow - Research on rural health strategies
in the People's Republic of China.
1970 - 1974
University of Sussex, Sussex, UK
Lecturer in International Affairs.
1969 - 1970
Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Fellow - Research on health programs and science
policy in the People`s Republic of China.
1969 - 1970
National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC
Consultant - Duties included editing first four volumes
of China Science Notes - quarterly newsletter reporting
current affairs.
1969 - 1971
Office of the Foreign Secretary
Professional Assistant for the Committee on
Scholarly Communication with Mainland China. Duties
included responsibility of administration and planning
Susan Beth Rifkin
for all Committee meetings and activities. Organizing
staff work, background materials and meetings for the
investigation of Committee sponsorship of a conference
on bio-medicine and public health in the People's
Republic of China. Directing staff activities. Reading
and analyzing most current political and scientific
1969 - 1971
International Research and Technology Corporation,
Washington DC
Consultant - Duties included research and analysis on
development and general Asian studies.
1965 - 1966
Library of Congress, Washington DC
Reference Assistant for Legislative Reference
Service, Foreign Affairs - Duties included collecting and
confirming information
Congressmen, their staff and constituents. Occasional
speech writing and analytical
assessment in the Far East.
Jobs held throughout college years included :
professional model, secretary and language laboratory
director for Chinese-Japanese Summer Language
Institute at the University of Colorado.
examination reader for Asian political science course
during academic year and summer 1963-64.
Susan Beth Rifkin
IBRD (World Bank)
Indian Population Project II - portfolio for community
participation and role of women. Work in Uttar Pradesh
and Andra Pradesh.
Ecumenical Committee of the Lutheran Church of
Travel in Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka to meet
members of non-governmental organizations involved
in community health to see the feasibility of creating an
Asian network of groups to support regional training
efforts and information and personnel exchanges.
Asian Health Institute, Nagoya, Japan
to assist in the planning of a curriculum to train middle
community workers to community health programs in
voluntary agency programs throughout Asia with
emphasis on health within the context of community
and national development plans.
WHO (World Health Organization)
Task force on community participation for Division of
Strengthening Health Services - wrote paper
"Community Involvement in PHC among the Urban
WHO - Temporary Adviser, MCH/FP - wrote paper
"Using Community Diagnosis for Development
Community Participation in MCH/FP services".
Consultant on community participation to review files on
MCH/FP programs with community participation and
write an analysis for publication.
Susan Beth Rifkin
Contract to develop a simulation game on rural health
service interventions to help sensitize health workers in
the third world to the potential and limitations of
introducing programs based on community participation
and selected health technologies.
Consultant to Health Strategy Co-ordination for a
Consultation on the Leadership Development Initiative
to develop a series of learning approaches and
exercises to stimulate discussions among top leaders
about Health For All.
Consultant to visit two WHO financed community
participation projects in India and Sri Lanka to report on
progress and to define lessons in research and
Temporary Adviser to meeting on Community
Participation and Government policies in MCH/FP,
Consultant to meeting on Urban Primary Health Care in
African Cities, Ethiopia.
Consultant to the Municipal Officer, Tanga Tanzania to
Susan Beth Rifkin
help develop a project for health care for the urban
poor. Preparation for the document on the Global
Program on Urban Primary Health Care.
Preparation of guidelines to enable managers to make
a rapid appraisal of urban health and health care
especially in low income areas. These guidelines were
field tested in Tanzania, November.
Consultant to WHO in Bangladesh to review progress
district health and urban primary health care
South African Advisory Committee, Kellogg
Foundation Community Partnerships in Health
Personnel Education
Consultancy to facilitate and advised groups involved in
initiative to link university medical institutions will
poor black and colored communities in order to
improve access to health care. Work consisting of
advising several groups and facilitating a workshop for
all groups focusing on community participation and
Primary Health Care
Save the Children Fund, UK
Researcher for a case study on the Socialist Republic
of Viet Nam as a contribution to the global study
concerning the Sustainability of policies and their
implementation in the health
sector in low income
countries with focus on the contribution of external
donor aid
Independent Consultant to develop teaching
module on application qualitative research for
health training programs
Susan Beth Rifkin
developing a teaching module for MSc. and short
courses in health
care in the United Kingdom and
the Netherlands focusing on rapid appraisal and
participatory appraisal skills and methods
Kreditanstalt fur Wideraufbau (KFW), Germany
Consultant and team member of a World Bank preappraisal mission to develop a community based health
program for the Northern Areas in Pakistan; shared
responsibility for area of community participation
Consultant to rewrite Rapid Appraisal Guidelines and to
prepare a meeting for a study of the patterns of poor
health in low income urban areas
ODA/British Council
Consultant on community participation for the WB/ODA
Second Family Health Project in Pakistan
ODA/British Council
Follow up consultancy as above working with local
consultants to write an analysis on the National Lady
Health Worker Program; provided training for key
facilitators to undertake Rapid Participatory Appraisal
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Organized a 3 week course on Rapid and Participatory
Appraisals for health, nutrition and family planning
managers focusing on skills and practice for qualitative
research methods as well as appraisals
British Council
Organized a 2 week course on Rapid and Participatory
Appraisals for health, nutrition and family planning
Susan Beth Rifkin
managers for the Community Health Department,
Vellore Medical College, India
Keele University
Organized a 2 week course on Rapid and Participatory
Appraisals for health, nutrition and family planning
managers focusing on skills and practice for qualitative
research methods as well as needs assessments
Consultant on participatory approaches and social
development for an appraisal mission on a community
based nutrition program in Kenya
Designer and Chief Facilitator of a Participatory Needs
Assessment for the Ministry of Health, Coast Province,
Kenya--work included training health staff to undertake
the assessment and supporting the collection of data by
staff for each District for planning yearly health activities
European Commission
Assessment of the role Indian Institute of Health and
Family Welfare in Hyderabad, India as a training and
research institution and identification of ways to
strengthen this role
WHO Iran
Consultant on community participation for the Ministry
of Health and Medical Education assessing the
contribution of community participation to health
Susan Beth Rifkin
services utilization and working with staff at the National
Public Health and Management Center to develop a
pilot project for training Health Volunteers as facilitators
for participatory needs assessments and plans of action
Comic Relief United Kingdom
Mid term reviewer for the Comic Relief Investment
Grant to the Child to Child Trust covering the work of
the Trust in London and its four Partners, Heath Action
Schools at the Aga Khan University Pakistan;
CHETNA, India; Arab Resource Collective, Beirut;
Kenya NGO AIDS Consortium, Nairobi.
WHO Iran
Consultant to follow up work described above
USAID A2Z Micronutrient Global Leadership Project
Literature review of effectiveness of community participation
approaches to nutrition programs with colleagues from the
University of Westminster
GTZ (Germany)
Conducted a one month training course for mid-level
managers in the Ministry of Health in Cambodia on health
system reforms
World Health Organization,
Resources Geneva
Wrote background paper on Human Resources for Health and
Primary Health Care as a contribution to the World Health
Report 2008
Susan Beth Rifkin
University of Trinidad and Tobago
Established a module on Primary Health Care for the new
Master of Health Administration; help discussions about the
development of the entire Masters with suggestions
specifically on research and preparation for dissertations
London School of Economics and Captain Consultancy
Designed and facilitated a course on participatory approaches
to rural development for senior government officers from Niger
and Edo State in Nigeria for 3 days and in London for 3 days
XI International Dengue Course Pedro Kouri Tropical
Medicine Institute Havana Cuba
Presented Keynote Paper on Methods of Assessing
Community Participation in health and facilitate a 1 day
workshop on teaching tools to assess participation
World Health Organization, Sudan
Organized and presented a 10 day training course on qualitative
methods for Research Unit, Ministry of Health, Khartoum
including using participatory research tools
World Health Organization, Sudan
Organized and presented a 7 day training course on analyzing
qualitative data for Research Unit, Ministry of Health Khartom
European Commission
Evaluator for Research Projects under the call FP7 on
innovative approaches for health improvements in Africa
School of Oriental and African Studies London
Lead academic for a residential course on Health and
Governance sponsored by the Moi Ibriham Foundation
Susan Beth Rifkin
World Health Organization, Sudan
Organized and lead a course on Training for Qualitatitive
Research Methodology and Methods for the National Human
Resources for Health Observatory
Academic Appointments
1977 - 1985
Research Fellow, Center of Asian Studies, University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Visiting Fellow, Institute of Development Studies,
University of Sussex , UK
1980 - 1984
Honorary Lecturer, Department of Community
Medicine, Medical School, University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong.
1984 - 1986
Senior Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Human
Nutrition, London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Honorary Lecturer, Institute of Child Health, University
of London.
1984 -1990
1989 -1991
Honorary Senior Lecturer, Department
Human Nutrition, London School and Tropical Medicine
1993- present
Honorary Visiting Research Fellow, London School of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Honorary Senior Lecturer, Centre for International
Health Studies, Queen Margaret College, Edinburgh
Visiting Research Fellow, London School of Hygiene
and Tropical Medicine
2001- present
Senior Research Fellow and Part time lecturer, London
School of Economics and Political Science
Susan Beth Rifkin
Visiting Professor, Center for Food, Nutrition and Public
Health, University of Westminster, London
Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Social Psychology,
London School of Economics
Visiting Professor, Tata Institute of Social Sciences,
Mumbai, India
Susan Beth Rifkin
Book Reviews and Notes
Review of Wu, Y L and Robert B Sheeks "The organisation and support of scientific
research and development in mainland China", The China Quarterly, No 45,
January-March, 1971.
Note on Dr Gibson's article "China medical practice and the thoughts of Chairman
Mao", Social Science and Medicine, Vol 6, 1972.
Review of Oskenberg, Michel ed "China's development experience", The China
Quarterly, Vol 58, 1974.
Review of Sidel, Victor and Ruth "Serve the People : observations on medicine in
the People's Republic of China", The China Quarterly, Vol 59, 1974.
Review of Lampton, David "The politics of medicine in China" and Charles Leslie,
ed "Asian Medical Systems". The Far Eastern Economic Review, July 14, 1978.
Review of Halstead, S B, Walsh, J A and Warren, K S "Good health at low cost",
World Health Forum, vol 7, No 4, 1986.
Review of Banerji, D "Health and family planning services in India", Health Policy
and Planning, Vol 2, No 3, September 1987.
Review of Cohen, P. and Purcal, J. "The political economy of primary health care in
Southeast Asia" in Social Science and Medicine Vol 31, 1990.
Review of Carr-Hill, R. "Social Conditions in Sub-Saharan Africa in Social Science
and Medicine Vol.37, No. 8, 1993.
Review of Brunel, P. “Foreign Aid in a Changing World” and Melakou, T.
“Development and Patronage” in International Journal of Health Planning and
Management Vol. 14 No.3, 1999 p. 249-50.
Review of Smithies J. and G. Webster “Community Involvement in Health: From
Passive Recipients to Active Participants” and Eade, D. “Capacity-building: an
Approach in People-centered Development” in International Journal of Health
Planning and Management Vol. 14 No. 4, 1999 p. 336-338.
Susan Beth Rifkin
Chapters in Books
"Health Care for the Rural Areas", Public Health and Medicine in the People's
Republic of China, National Institutes of Health, Washington DC, 1972.
"Technical Education", China Handbook, Hamburg : Im Institut fur Asienkunde,
-with Hugh Annett, "Using Rapid Appraisal for Data Collection in Poor Urban
Areas", in Yesudian, C.A.K. Yesudian, ed. Primary Health Care, Bombay:Tata
Institute of Social Sciences, 1991.
-with Hugh Annett and I. Tabibzedeh, "Rapid Appraisal to Assess Community
Health Needs: A Focus on the Urban Poor in Scrimshaw, N.
and Gleason, G., eds. Rapid Assessment Methodologies for
Planning and Evaluation Health Related Programs Boston:
INFDC, 1992
"The dynamics of China's health care model" in Rohde, J., Chatterjee, M., Morley,
D. Reaching Health for All New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1993.
"Vietnam's health system in transition: critical issues for development and
sustainability" in Wolffers, I. And Naterop, E. Health and
Health Care in transition: the example of Vietnam
Amsterdam: Free University Press 1995.
-with Peter Oakley and Wolfgang Bichmann “CIH: developing a methodology” in
Kahassay, H.M. and Peter Oakley, eds. Community involvement in health
development: a review of the concept and practice Geneva: World Health
Organization, 1999.
MullerMundt,G.Qualitative Guseudnheits-und Pflegeforschung Bern: Verlag Hans Huber,
-with Maria Kangere “What is Participation?" in Hartley, S., ed. CBR: a participatory
strategy in Africa London: University College London, 2002
“Patient Empowerment” in Porzolt, F. and Kaplan, R., eds. Optomizing Health:
Improving the value of health care delivery Frankfurt: Springer, 2006
“The Report of the Commission on the Social Determinants of Health: a SWOT
(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis in Bhattacharya, S.,
Susan Beth Rifkin
Messenger, S. and Overy, C.eds. Social Determinants of Health : Assessing
theory, policy and practice London: Orient BlackSwan, 2010.
Books and Monographs
Health Care in China - An Introduction. Geneva: Christian Medical Commission,
Editor, Community Health in Asia: Issues and Perspectives Christian Conference of
Asia, 1977.
Editor, Health the Human Factor: Readings in Health, Development and
Community Participation. Contact, Special Issue, No 3. Geneva : Christian
Medical Commission, June 1980.
Editor, Hong Kong Runners Diary, 1982. Hong Kong : South China Morning Post,
Health Planning and Community Participation: Case Studies in Southeast Asia,
Croom Helm, 1985.
- with Trudy Harpham and Patrick Vaughan, Health and the Urban Poor in
Developing Countries: A Review and Selected Bibliography. London: EPC
Publication, No 5, Spring 1985.
The Primary Health Care Exercise Handbook, Department of Human Nutrition,
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 1986.
Editor with Mary Johnston Health Care Together: Training Exercises for Health
Workers in Community Based Programs, Macmillan, 1987.
Community participation in MCH/FP programs: an analysis based on case study
materials, Geneva: WHO, 1990
-with Hugh Annett Improving Urban Health: Guidelines for Rapid Appraisal to
Assess Community Health Needs: A Focus on Health Improvements for Low
Income Urban Areas Geneva: WHO/SHS/NHP/88. (revised WHO/SHS/DHS/95.8)
with A. Draper and G. Lewando-Hundt Participatory Approaches in Health
Promotion and Health Planning: a literature review London: Health Development
Agency, 2000.
Susan Beth Rifkin
-with Pat Pridmore Partners
empowerment Macmillian (2001)
participation and
-with G. Hewitt and AK Draper Community participation in nutrition programs for
child survival and anemia. Washington, D.C: USAID A2Z 2007
-with Sandrine Motamed Community Participation and Health Policy: comparison,
capacity building, contributions Geneva: Universite de Geneve 2011.
"Tibet : The Question of Political Integrity" and "The Sino-Indian Border Conflict : A
Brief Survey", US Policy with Respect to Mainland China, Hearings before the
Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 89th Congress, 2nd
Session, 1966.
The Development and Use of Atomic Energy in the People's Republic of China" - a
series of two articles : 1) "The Foundations of Nuclear Research", 2) "Soviet
Assistance and the Chinese Nuclear Weapons Program", in International Research
and Technology Journal, Vol 1, No 4 and 5, 1969.
"Doctors in the Fields", Far Eastern Economic Review, 19 March, 1972.
Health Services in China", IDS Bulletin, June 1972.
"On 'Contradictions' among Academics" (A commentary on a workshop), Science
Studies, Vol 2, 1972.
"Public Health in China - is the experience relevant to other less developed
nations?", Social Science and Medicine, Vol 7, 1973 and Contact, No 12,
December 1972.
- with Raphael Kaplinsky "Health strategy and development planning : Lessons
from the People's Republic of China", Journal of Development Studies, January
"Maternal and child care in China: put prevention first", Assignment Children, July
"The church and health care in Asia", Asian Journal of Medicine, September 1973.
"Hong Kong - Imperial Relic", The New Internationalist, March 1974.
"The Chinese model for science and technology: its relevance for other developing
countries", Development and Change, Vol 6, No 1, January 1975.
Susan Beth Rifkin
"Health care in China: the experience is relevant to other developing countries",
Impact, April 1977.
"Community Health" in Modern Medicine in Asia, August 1977.
"Health is politics on a social scale", Far Eastern Economic Review, November 25,
"Modern teaching is based on outdated curriculums", Far Eastern Economic
Review, October 5, 1979.
"Health care in China: the experts take command", Tropical Doctor, April, 1980.
"The role of the public in the planning, management and evaluation of health
activities and programs, including self-care", Social Science and Medicine, Vol 15a,
No 3, (part II), May 1981.
"Health, political will and participation", UNICEF News, 108/1981/2.
"Primary health care in Asia", editor, Special Issue, Social Science and Medicine,
Vol 17, No 19, 1983.
"Attitudes toward community participation in community health programs" in Special
issue on Primary Health Care in Asia, Social Science and Medicine, vol 17, No 19,
"Planners approaches to community participation in health programs theory and
reality", Contact, No 75, October 1983.
"Lessons from community participation in health programs: Health Policy and
Planning", Vol 1, No 3, 1986.
"A note on research design for the study of community participation on health care
programs" Indian Journal of Community Medicine Vol 11, No 3, July-September,
- with Gill Walt "Process v Program" Reports (World Education, Inc) Summer 1986.
- with Gill Walt "How health improves: defining the issues concerning
"comprehensive primary health care" and "selective primary health care". Social
Science and Medicine Vol 23, No 6, 1986.
Susan Beth Rifkin
"Health planning and Community Participation" World Health Forum,Vol 7, No 2,
"The Primary Health Care Exercise" Health Policy and Planning, Vol 2, No 1, March
"Primary Health Care, Community Participation and Urban Poor, a review of
and solutions", Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, Vol 1, No 2, 1987.
-with Gill Walt, eds. "Selective or Comprehensive Primary Health Care?" Special
Issue, Social Science and Medicine Vol. 26, No. 9, 1988. 559-566.
-with Frits Muller and Wolfgang Bichmann, "Primary Health Care: On Measuring
Participation", Social Science and Medicine Vol. 26, No. 9, 1988: 931-940.
"Improving Urban Health: A Program for Action" Geneva: WHO/SHS/NHP/88.2.
-with Gill Walt, "Health Priorities and the Developing World", The Lancet,
September 24, l988.
"Has Community Participation Opened the Door to Better Health?" Africa Health
PHC Supplement, November, 1988
-with Wolfgang Bichmann and M. Shestra "Can We Measure Participation?" World
Health Forum Vol. 3/4, 1989
-with Andrew Cassels "Training managers for primary health care: teaching about
community involvement" Medical Teacher, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1990.
with Gill Walt, "The Political context of primary health care", in Streefland, P. and
Chabot, J. Implementing Primary Health Care Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute,
"Blue, red and green research" Annales de la Societe Belge de Medecine
Tropicale, Vol. 70, Supplement 1, 1990.
-with G. Bjaras, B. Haglund, "A new approach to community participation
assessment" in Health Promotion International Vol. 6, No.3, 1991
Susan Beth Rifkin
-with Bie Nio Ong, Gerry Humphris and Hugh Annett, "Rapid Appraisal in an Urban
setting, an example from the Developed World, in Social Science and Medicine Vol.
32, No. 8, 1991.
-with W. Bichmann, "Assessing Community Involvement in District Health Systems:
a field in Primary Health Care policies which need more specific attention" Tropical
Medicine and Parasitology, Supplement II, Vol. 42 September, 1991
"The Origins and Future of Primary Health Care" in Primary Health Care and Drugs,
Amsterdam: BUKO and HAI Europe, 1991
"Rapid Appraisals for Health: An Overview" RRA Notes No. 16, July, 1992.
"Rapid Appraisal: Qualitative versus Quantitative Methodologies? Tropical Medicine
and Parisitology, Vol. 43, 1992.
-with Matthias Gueldner, "Reflections on postgraduate training for health care in
developing countries in Europe. Past successes and future uncertainties" Curare ,
Vol. 15, 1992.
"Keynote address: Participation and research in health" in de Koning Korrie,
complier, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Participatory Research in
Health Promotion, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, 1994
-with Nguyen Tran Hien, Le Thi Thu and Pamela Wright "The pursuit of equity: a
health sector case study from Vietnam" Health Policy 33, 1995 pp. 191-204.
-Collator and Introduction for "The Use of Qualitative Methods" Social Science and
Medicine Vol 41, No. 12, 1995.
"Rapid Rural Appraisal: its use and value for health planners and managers" Public
Administration, Vol. 74 Autumn, 1996 pp. 502-518.
-with D.H. Schmidt “Measuring participation: its use as a managerial tool for district
health planners based on a case study in Tanzania” International Journal of Health
Planning and Management Vol. 11 October-December, 1996 pp.345-358
“Transforming community health care: the use and value of qualitative methods and
rapid appraisals” News on Health Care in Developing Countries (Nytt om Ulandshalsovard) Vol. 10, 3-4, 1996 pp.13-41.
Susan Beth Rifkin
-Paradigms Lost: Toward a new understanding of community participation in health
programs Acta Tropica 61, 1996 pp.79-92.
"Toward a new understanding of poverty alleviation" Tropical Doctor, April, 1997,
-with Sally Hartley “Teaching qualitative methods for disability research”, Saudi
Journal for Disability Research, 5:1, 1999, pp. 7-15.
With Sally Hartley “Learning by doing: teaching qualitative methods to health
care personnel Education for Health: Change in learning and practice 2001 14:1,
"Ten best reading in: community participation and health” African Health
Sciences Vol. 1 No.1 August, 2001 pp.42-45.
-with Charles Oyaya “Health sector reforms in Kenya: an examination of district
level planning” Health Policy, 2003 Vol. 64 (1) pp.113-127.
"A Framework Linking Community Empowerment and Health Equity: It is a
Matter of Choice" Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 2003 21(3):168180.
-with M.R. Bhatia "Reframing Primary Health Care: Lessons from health sector
reforms in 5 Asian Countries" in Proceedings of the 6th Health Research for
Action National Forum, Department of Health, Manila Philippines, 2005
-with Jalpa Ratna " Equity and Choice: from Theory to Practice in Public Health"
to be published in Proceedings of the Global Forum for Health Research, 9,
World Health Organization, 2005
-with Jalpa Ratna “Equity, Empowerment and Choice: from Theory to Practice in
Public Health Journal of Health Psychology Vol 12(3): 517-530. (2007)
-“Community Health Workers” “ In Heggenhougen, K. and Quah, S. International
Encyclopedia of Public Health Vol. 1: 773-782. San Diego: Academic Press,
-with J., Lawn,J., Rohde, M. Were, V. Paul. And M. Chopra “Alma Ata 30 years
on: revolutionary, relevant, and time to revitalize” The Lancet Vol. 372: 917927.2008
-with M.Rosato, G.Laverack, L. Howard-Grabman, P.Tripathy, N. Nair, C.
Mwansambo, K. Azad, J.Morrison, Z. Bhutta, H. Perry “Community
Susan Beth Rifkin
participation:lessons for maternal, newborn, and child health “ The Lancet Vol.
372: 962-971 2008
-with H. Bedjhat, E. Tarin and M. Sheikh “A new role for women health volunteers
in urban Iran in Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 15:5: 1164-1173 2009.
-Lessons from community participation in health programs: A review of the post
Alma Ata experience International Health) 1:31-36, 2009.
-with A. Draper and G. Hewlitt Chasing the Dragon: developing indicators for the
assessment of community participation in health programmes Social
Science & Medicine 71 (6) :1102-1109 2010.
-with M.R. Bhatia “A renewed focus on primary health care: revitalize or
reframe?” Globalization and Health 6:13 2010
-with M.R. Bhatia “Primary Health Care: Now and Forever?: a case study of a
paradigm change (in press)