
1. The portion of Earth’s surface permanently occupied by human
settlement is known as…
a. Ecumene
b. Demographic Transition
c. Population Density
d. Exothermic Reaction
2. A NON example of Ecumene is…
a. The coastal zones of Australia
b. New York City
c. Charlotte, NC
d. The Frozen Tundras of Alaska
3. Arithmetic Density is…
a. The surface of Earth permanently occupied by humans
b. Pythagorean revenge on the world for Greek collapse
c. The total number of people divided by total land area
d. Math teachers’ favorite book to read in the summer.
4. Which do you think would have the highest Arithmetic Density?
a. Anchorage, Alaska
b. New York City, New York
c. Matthews, NC
d. Antarctica
5. Physiological Density is…
a. The number of people supported by an area unit of
arable land
b. The surface of the Earth permanently settled by humans
c. The total number of people divided by total land area
d. Only measured by the study of Physics
6. The ratio of the number of farmers to the amount of arable land
a. Arithmetic Density
b. Ecumene
c. Physiological Density
d. Agricultural Density
7. In class we have been using CBR to stand for…
a. Collective Breath Resuscitation
b. Controlled Birth Ratio
c. Crude Birth Rate
d. Center for Birth Resources
8. In class we have been using CDR to stand for…
a. Collection of Death Records
b. Crude Death Rate
c. Center for Death Resources
d. Circumvented Diaphragm Routine
9. In class we have been using NIR to stand for…
a. Non Intentional Reconstruction
b. Natural Increase Rate
c. National India Registration
d. Natural Infection Rate
10. What is the formula for NIR?
a. CDR - CBR / 10
b. CBR/CDR - 10
c. CDR/CBR - 10
d. CBR - CDR / 10
11. This measures the number of births in a society. It is the
average number of children a women will have throughout her
childbearing years.
a. TFR (Total Fertility Rate)
b. MFR (Meant Fertility Rate)
c. TRF (Terminal Fertility Rate)
d. FRT (Frequency Rate of the Total)
12. The annual number of deaths of infants under 1 year of age,
compared with total live births.
a. Infant Dieing Rate
b. Infant Birth Rate
c. Infant Survival Rate
d. Infant Mortality Rate
13. Measures the average number of years a newborn infant can
expect to live at current mortality levels
a. Life Expectancy
b. Infant Mortality Rate
c. Total Fertility Rate
d. More Developed Countries
14. In India, the issue with population growth is that it is…
a. Negative, resulting in more older people than younger.
b. Positive, resulting in more younger people than older.
c. Stable, Birth and Death rates are very similar.
d. A non issue
15. In Japan, the issue with population growth is that it is…
a. Negative, resulting in more older people than younger.
b. Positive, resulting in more younger people than older.
c. Stable, Birth and Death rates are very similar.
d. A non issue
16. How many stages does the demographic transition model have?
a. 1 but should have 2
b. 2 but should have 1
c. 4 but should have 5
d. 6 but should have 12
17. Look at the Demographic Transition Model Chart on the last page of
this assessment to answer the following question. What stage typically
has High CBR, High CDR, and stable or slow increase in NIR?
a. Stage 4
b. Stage 3
c. Stage 1
d. Stage 2
18. Look at the Demographic Transition Model Chart on the last page of
this assessment to answer the following question. What stage typically
has High CBR, CDR that falls rapidly, and a very rapid increase in
a. Stage 4
b. Stage 3
c. Stage 1
d. Stage 2
19. Look at the Demographic Transition Model Chart on the last page of
this assessment to answer the following question. What stage typically
has Low CBR, Low CDR, and a stable or slow increase in NIR?
a. Stage 4
b. Stage 3
c. Stage 1
d. Stage 2
20. Basic Assumptions of the Demographic Transition Model…
a. Include backwards styles of living creating degradation
b. Goes along with increased industrialization
c. Does take in to account legal immigration
d. Does not take in to account illegal immigration
21. Why was Western Europe and the U.S. able to go through the
stages of the Demographic Transition Model?
a. They enjoyed prosperity from gambling ventures
b. They practiced Isolationism and xenophobia
c. They exploited Human and natural resources from other
d. The reliance on various stock portfolios
22. Which of the following are NOT terms used to describe trends in
a population pyramid chart.
a. Anthropological or archeological
b. Stationary or Stable
c. Expansive or Expanding
d. Contractive or Contracting
How would you describe this
population pyramid for the Philippines in 2005?
a. Anthropological or archeological
b. Stationary or Stable
c. Expansive or Expanding
d. Contractive or Contracting
How would you describe this population pyramid
for the France in 2010?
a. Anthropological or archeological
b. Stationary or Stable
c. Expansive or Expanding
d. Contractive or Contracting
How would you describe this
population pyramid for the France in 2010?
a. Anthropological or archeological
b. Stationary or Stable
c. Expansive or Expanding
d. Contractive or Contracting
26. Figure out the Natural Increase Rate (NIR) using the following
information. CBR=12, CDR =6
a. 12-6 / 10 = 0.6
b. 6-12 /10 = -0.6
c. 12/6 - 10 = -8.0
d. 6/12 - 10 = 0.05
27. Figure out the Natural Increase Rate (NIR) using the following
information. CBR=27, CDR =19
a. 12-27 / 10 = 0.6
b. 19-27 /10 = -0.6
c. 27-19 /10 = 0.8
d. 27/19 - 10 = 0.05
28. The U.S. has more foreign born residents than any other
a. True
b. False
29. Three main areas of immigration for the U.S. were…
a. Middle Eastern during the early 1900s
b. Colonization, European Immigration, and Latin America
c. Falkland Islander during the 1980s
d. Mass Polar relocation and migration
30. Approximately how many of the earth’s people are international
a. 50%
b. 90%
c. 99%
d. 9%
31. Currently net out migration is occurring in…
a. United States and Western Europe
b. Australia and New Zealand
c. Asia, Latin America, Africa, Middle East
d. Antarctica and the North Pole
32. Currently net in migration is occurring in…
a. United States, Western Europe, and Oceania
b. Australia and New Zealand
c. Asia, Latin America, Africa, Middle East
d. Antarctica and the North Pole
33. Traveling from Syria to Germany is an example of…
a. Intra-national travel
b. International travel
c. Nuclear Holocaust
d. Germanic Diaspora
34. Traveling from New York to North Carolina is an example of
a. Intra-state travel
b. International travel
c. Inter-galactic travel
d. Inter-state travel
35. Mobility is a most generalized term that refers to all types of
movements and includes…
a. Annual trips to visit relatives in different states
b. Having a “stay-cation”
c. Being unable to afford plane tickets to other countries
d. Catching up on your home remodeling
36) For your short response question choose either India or Japan. Then discuss what their current problem relating to population size, growth, and
overall demographics is and what stage they are currently in on the Demographic Transition model. Secondly discuss why your chosen country is in
this position (Economic, Social, Cultural, Political). Thirdly discuss what possible solutions need to take place in order to alleviate the current
problem. (5 Points)