Cyclone Komen Early Recovery Assessment: Village Administrator Questionnaire (paper) Informed Consent Statement Hello, my name is ____ My role is _____ and I work for REACH Initiative, a research NGO which is based in Geneva. We are conducting an assessment to understand how communities in Rakhine are recovering from Cyclone Komen. This assessment is not linked to any aid for any particular village community. Instead, its aim is to help aid agencies and the government plan activities to help communities recover from the cyclone. We therefore cannot offer you any direct aid or incentives as a result of this interview. However, your opinions and experiences will make a very important contribution to our understanding of the problems you face. This will in turn support planning and policies that aim to benefit all cyclone-affected communities. Everything you say us will be kept confidential. We are interested to hear all your opinions, both positive and negative. At the end of this interview we will make a report and share it with all actors involved in disaster management planning, but we will not mention your names, or who said what. You can decide whether you want to take part to take the interview or not. Once my questions have started, you have the right to refuse to answer any question, or to leave the interview at any time. If you choose not to take part or to skip any questions, it will have no negative impacts on your ability to access services from REACH or any other agency. Please feel free to ask me any questions now, or at any point during the interview. Do you consent to participate in this interview? Module I: Demographics 1.1 Total village population (households) 1.2 Total village population (individuals) Female: Male: Total: 1.3 Total population currently displaced from their original houses (households) 1.4 Total population currently displaced from their original houses (individuals) Female: Male: Total: Module II: Cyclone impacts 2.1 Shelter 2.1.1 Total number of houses in village before cyclone 2.1.2 Total number of houses in village damaged by cyclone 2.1.3 Total number of houses in village destroyed by cyclone 2.2 Livelihoods 2.2.1 Total area of paddy fields owned by village before cyclone (acres) 2.2.2 Total area of paddy fields owned by village damaged by cyclone (acres) 2.2.3 Total amount of paddy embankment before the cyclone (feet) 2.2.4 Total amount of paddy embankment damaged by the cyclone (feet) 2.2.5 Total area of paddy fields owned by village available for planting now (acres) 2.2.6 Total number of shops in village before cyclone 2.2.7 Total number of shops in village damaged by cyclone 2.2.8 Are shops in the village currently open for business? 2.2.9 Why not? Wash 2.3.1 Number of water storage ponds in village before cyclone 2.3.2 Number of water storage ponds in village damaged/destroyed by cyclone Specify damage 2.3.3 Number of public latrines in village before cyclone 2.3.4 Number of public latrines in village damaged/destroyed by cyclone Education 2.4.1 Number of schools in village before cyclone 2.4.2 Number of schools in village damaged/destroyed by cyclone Specify damage 2.4.3 Are children in the village currently going to school? 2.4.4 Why not? Yes No Health 2.5.1 Number of clinics in village before cyclone 2.5.2 Number of clinics in village damaged/destroyed by cyclone Specify damage 2.5.3 Are people in the village able to access medical care? Yes No 2.5.4 Why not? Transport/access 2.6.1 Does the main access route to the village require repair? 2.6.2 Specify repair requirements 2.6.3 What proportion (%) of paths/roads within the village require repair? 2.6.4 Specify repair requirements Vulnerability 2.7.1 Are there any especially vulnerable people (e.g. female-headed HHs, older people, people with disabilities) who have special requirements after the cyclone? 2.7.2 Please describe in as much detail as possible Yes No Module III: Recovery context Aid and assistance 3.1.1 Since the cyclone, has the village received any aid support from outside? Yes No [If yes] What support, from whom? 3.1.2 Since the cyclone, have there been any organised efforts in the village to rebuild damaged infrastructure, paddy fields etc? [If yes] Please describe Yes 3.1.3 Since the cyclone, have there been any organised efforts in the village to support badly affected people? [If yes] Please describe Yes 3.1.4 Do any permanent committees or organisations exist in your village? Yes For example: village committee, youth group, women’s group, etc. [If yes] Please describe No No No 3.1.5 Since the cyclone, has this village had any interactions with the other villages in the village tract during the recovery effort? [if yes] Please describe Yes No Environmental context 3.2.1 Has the cyclone had any long-term damage on the village natural environment? Please describe: For example: damage to forests/mangroves, blockage of channels, greater risk of landslides, etc. 3.2.2 Are people relying more on the natural environment as a result of the cyclone? Please describe: For example: collecting more firewood, catching more fish Protection context 3.3.1 Have there been any safety concerns in the community since the cyclone happened? Yes No 3.3.2 [If yes] please describe Are there any concerns specific to women and girls? 3.3.3 Have there been any problems related to competing land ownership claims since the cyclone? 3.3.3 [If yes] please describe Yes No Needs What are the three main short-term priority needs for the village? 1. 2. 3. What are the three medium-term (three month) main priority needs for the village 1. 2. 3. Additional information Please record any relevant additional information in the box below: Cyclone Komen Early Recovery Assessment: Household Questionnaire Informed Consent Statement Hello, my name is ____ My role is _____ and I work for REACH Initiative, a research NGO which is based in Geneva. We are conducting an assessment to understand how communities in Rakhine are recovering from Cyclone Komen. This assessment is not linked to any aid for any particular village community. Instead, its aim is to help aid agencies and the government plan activities to help communities recover from the cyclone. We therefore cannot offer you any direct aid or incentives as a result of this interview. However, your opinions and experiences will make a very important contribution to our understanding of the problems you face. This will in turn support planning and policies that aim to benefit all cyclone-affected communities. Everything you say us will be kept confidential. We are interested to hear all your opinions, both positive and negative. At the end of this interview we will make a report and share it with all actors involved in disaster management planning, but we will not mention your names, or who said what. You can decide whether you want to take part to take the interview or not. Once my questions have started, you have the right to refuse to answer any question, or to leave the interview at any time. If you choose not to take part or to skip any questions, it will have no negative impacts on your ability to access services from REACH or any other agency. Please feel free to ask me any questions now, or at any point during the interview. Do you consent to participate in this interview? Section 1: Geographic information Township Village Tract Village Section 2: Demographics 2.1 Respondent sex Female Male 2.2 Respondent age 2.3 Number of individuals in household Section 3: Household productive assets pre/post-crisis 3.1 Paddy 3.1.1 Does your household own any paddy Yes land? No 3.1.2 How many acres do you own? 3.1.3 How many acres of your crop were destroyed during the cyclone? 3.1.4 How much of your paddy embankments All were destroyed during the cyclone? Around three quarters Around half 3.1.5 Have you begun repairing your embankments? 3.1.6 How much of your farming equipment (tools, ploughs etc.) was damaged/destroyed during the cyclone? 3.1.7 How many acres of your paddy fields are available for re-planting now? 3.1.8 Do you have any paddy seed available for re-planting? How much? BASKETS 3.1.9 Have you begun re-planting your paddy land? 3.2 Gardens/plantations 3.2.1 Does your household own a vegetable garden or plantation? 3.2.2 What proportion of your garden/plantation was damaged/destroyed during the cyclone? 3.2.3 Have you started re-planting your garden/plantation? 3.3 Livestock Did you own any chickens before the cyclone? How many? Did you lose any chickens during the cyclone? How many? Did you own any pigs before the cyclone? How many? Did you lose any pigs during the cyclone? How many? Did you own any goats before the cyclone? How many? Did you lose any goats before the cyclone? How many? Did you own any cows/buffalo before Around one-quarter None Yes No All Around three quarters Around half Around one-quarter None Yes No Yes No Yes No All Around three quarters Around half Around one-quarter None Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes the cyclone? How many? Did you lose any cows/buffalo before the cyclone? How many? 3.4 Fisheries 3.4.1 Did your household engage in any fishing activities before the cyclone? 3.4.2 Did your household own any boats before the cyclone? 3.4.3 How many? 3.4.4 Were any of these boats damaged or destroyed during the cyclone? 3.4.5 How many? 3.4.6 How much of your other fishing equipment (apart from boats) was damaged/destroyed during the cyclone? 3.5 Transport assets 3.5.1 Did your household own any vehicles such as bicycles, scooters or trishaws before the cyclone? Does not include fishing boats 3.5.2 Specify vehicle type(s) 3.5.3 Were any of these vehicles damaged or destroyed during the cyclone? 3.5.4 Specify vehicle type(s) 3.6 Business assets 3.6.1 Did your household own a shop or business before the cyclone? 3.6.2 How much of your stock was damaged/destroyed during the cyclone? 3.6.3 Was your business premises damaged/destroyed during the cyclone? 3.7 Other productive assets 3.7.1 Apart from the things we have discussed, were any other items used by your household for income-generating activities damaged/destroyed during the cyclone? For example: tools for carpentry, materials for tailoring No Yes No Yes No Yes No All Around three quarters Around half Around one-quarter None Yes No Yes No Yes No All Around three quarters Around half Around one-quarter None Destroyed Damaged No damage Yes No 3.7.2 Specify 4. Shelter/WASH/NFIs 4.1 Shelter 4.1.1 Was your house damaged/destroyed during the cyclone? 4.1.2 Have you begun repairing your house yet? 4.2 WASH 4.2.1 What was your primary source of drinking water before the cyclone? 4.2.2 What is your current source of drinking water? 4.2.3 What type of toilet facilities did your household have access to before the cyclone? 4.2.4 Did these belong to your own household, or were they shared? [If shared] How many families did you share it with? 4.2.5 Were these toilets damaged/destroyed by the cyclone? 4.2.6 Have you begun repairing this damage? 4.2.7 What type of toilet facilities do you have access to now? Destroyed Heavily damaged Lightly damaged Not damaged Yes No Public tap/standpipe Tube well or borehole Protected dug well Protected spring Rainwater Unprotected dug well Unprotected spring Bottled water Collected from outside village Other Public tap/standpipe Tube well or borehole Protected dug well Protected spring Rainwater Unprotected dug well Unprotected spring Bottled water Collected from outside village Other None Pit latrine with open pit Pit latrine with concrete slab Latrine with septic tank Other Shared Own household Destroyed Heavily damaged Lightly damaged Not damaged None Pit latrine with open pit Pit latrine with concrete slab Latrine with septic tank 4.2.8 Do these belong to your own household, or are they shared? 4.2.9 [If shared] How many families do you share it with? 4.3 Non-food items 4.3.1 What proportion of your household items were damaged or destroyed during the cyclone? For example: furniture, cooking equipment, clothing 4.3.2 Did your household lose any identity papers or other important documents during the cyclone? 4.3.3 Specify Section 5: Education 5.1.1 Did you have any children attending primary school before the cyclone? 5.1.2 Are they currently attending school? 5.1.3 If not, why not? Specify other 5.2.1 Did you have any children attending middle school before the cyclone? 5.2.2 Are they currently attending school? 5.2.3 If not, why not? Specify other 5.3.1 Did you have any children attending secondary school before the cyclone? 5.3.2 Are they currently attending school? 5.3.3 If not, why not? Other Shared Own household All Around three quarters Around half Around one-quarter None Yes No Yes No Yes No School damaged No teachers Unable to physically access Economic reasons Safety reasons Other Yes No Yes No School damaged No teachers Unable to physically access Economic reasons Safety reasons Other Yes No Yes No School damaged No teachers Unable to physically access Economic reasons Safety reasons Other Specify other Section 6: Income, savings and debts 6.1 Income generating activities 6.1.1 Before the cyclone, what was your household’s main source of income Specify other 6.1.2 Before the cyclone, what was your household’s second source of income? Specify other 6.1.3 Before the cyclone, what was your household’s third source of income? Specify other 6.1.4 How many male members of your household were engaged in incomegenerating activities before the cyclone? 6.1.5 How many female members of your household were engaged in income generating activities before the cyclone? 6.2 Income and savings 6.2.1 In the 6 months before the cyclone, what Paddy farming Fishing Livestock rearing Casual labour Vegetable garden/plantation Shop/business Remittances Salaried job (teacher, office worker etc.) None Other Paddy farming Fishing Livestock rearing Casual labour Vegetable garden/plantation Shop/business Remittances Salaried job (teacher, office worker etc.) None Other Paddy farming Fishing Livestock rearing Casual labour Vegetable garden/plantation Shop/business Remittances Salaried job (teacher, office worker etc.) None Other was your household’s average monthly income? (Myanmar Kyat) 6.2.2 In the 6 months before the cyclone, what was your household’s average monthly expenditure (Myanmar Kyat) 6.2.3 Before the cyclone, what proportion (%) of your household’s food did you have to buy (instead of growing)? 6.2.4 Does your household currently have any savings? 6.2.5 Approximately how much? (Myanmar Kyat) 6.2.6 Did your household lose any of its savings during the cyclone (destroyed, stolen etc.)? 6.2.7 Does your household currently have any food stored? 6.2.8 How long do you expect this food will last? 6.3 Debt 6.3.1 Does your household currently have any debts? 6.3.2 Approximately how much? (Myanmar Kyat) 6.3.3 Who is the main lender for these debts? 6.3.4 Specify other Section 7: Coping strategies 7.1 Is your household currently using any of the following strategies to deal with the effects of the storm? Yes No All Around three quarters Around half Around one-quarter None Yes No Less than 1 week 1-2 weeks 3-4 weeks more than 4 weeks Friends/relatives Local shops/businesses Local money lenders Government banks Other Reducing spending on food or other essential items Buying food on credit Spending from savings Taking loans Selling livestock Selling or mortgaging land Removing children from school for economic reasons Migration of family members to look for work Engaging in dangerous or demeaning work Yes No 7.2 Specify other 7.3 If your household receives no support in the next three months, do you anticipate that you will have to use any of these coping strategies? Cutting more firewood to sell Other None Reducing spending on food or other essential items Buying food on credit Spending from savings Taking loans Selling livestock Selling or mortgaging land Removing children from school for economic reasons Migration of family members to look for work Engaging in dangerous or demeaning work Cutting more firewood to sell Other None 7.4 Specify other Section 8: Protection 8.1 Since the start of the cyclone, has your feeling of safety changed? 8.2 [If got worse] what are the reasons for this? Improved Stayed the same Got worse Increased crime/violence More safety incidents when looking for firewood/food/ More safety incidents when travelling to private places for hygiene Less privacy Food prices increasing (unable to feed family) Disputes over land ownership Don’t know Other At emergency shelter points At water collection points At bathing spaces At health facilities At school At home Collecting firewood At latrines (if applicable?) None Don’t know Other 8.2.1 Specify other 8.3 Since the cyclone, are there any areas where women and children are at greater risk of violence? 8.3.1 Specify other Section 9: Needs 9.1.1 Apart from cash, what is your household’s main priority need right now? Specify other 9.1.2 Apart from cash, what is your household’s second priority need right now? Specify other 9.1.3 Apart from cash, what is your household’s third priority need right now? Specify other 9.2.1 Apart from cash, what is your household’s main priority need in the medium term (next three months?) Food Water Sanitation and hygiene Shelter Health Education Repair of damaged farmland Replacement of lost productive assets Replacement of lost household items Vocational training Other Food Water Sanitation and hygiene Shelter Health Education Repair of damaged farmland Replacement of lost productive assets Replacement of lost household items Vocational training Other Food Water Sanitation and hygiene Shelter Health Education Repair of damaged farmland Replacement of lost productive assets Replacement of lost household items Vocational training Other Food Water Sanitation and hygiene Shelter Health Education Specify other 9.2.2 Apart from cash, what is your household’s second priority need in the medium term (next three months?) Specify other 9.2.3 Apart from cash, what is your household’s third priority need in the medium term (next three months?) Specify other Repair of damaged farmland Replacement of lost productive assets Replacement of lost household items Vocational training Other Food Water Sanitation and hygiene Shelter Health Education Repair of damaged farmland Replacement of lost productive assets Replacement of lost household items Vocational training Other Food Water Sanitation and hygiene Shelter Health Education Repair of damaged farmland Replacement of lost productive assets Replacement of lost household items Vocational training Other