V. CANIDATE’S STATEMENT BAGROUND INFORMATION My extension faculty position is assigned to the Oregon State University Extension Service in Umatilla and Morrow Counties. My responsibilities are to provide educational programs (100%) and applied research in irrigated crops management. Agronomic crops for which I have responsibility include wheat, peas, canola, alfalfa, watermelons, potatoes, onions, carrots, triticale, sweet corn, grass seed and field corn. The Lower Umatilla Basin (LUB) has approximately 200,000 irrigated acres in Umatilla and Morrow counties. Potatoes are grown on approximately 30,000 acres and account for over 6.5 million farm gate dollars to the LUB. Value added products such as French fries, chips, double baked potatoes and dehydrated potatoes increase the value of potatoes to the community. I offer expertise on a wide range of topics to the general public, growers and fieldmen in the area. I do this over the telephone, personal meetings, public presentations and on sight visitations. I also represent agriculture’s interests on committees. I am responsible for providing educational pesticide and CCA licensing opportunities for local growers and fieldmen. I cooperate with other extension personal throughout the state providing education to a variety of clientele. My primary concerns are profitability and environmental sustainability of local cropping systems. My educational and research program are driven by clientele needs both expressed and perceived. For example three field days were held this year, one for sweet corn, grass seed and cereal production. I frequently visit farms and network with fieldmen and growers that did not receive a visit to help set priorities for both educational programs and research. Program direction and interaction with collaborators is as follows: Re-use consortium Held second annual meeting Discuss soil and plant monitoring information with stakeholders Grass seed production Completed first year research on N trial Received funding from Oregon grass seed commission, Washington bluegrass commission and Tri-state grass Potato production Worked with local grower on the use of different seed pieces on yield Presented poster at national meeting on K nutrition Working on potato pilot study with Lamb-Weston for DEQ Watermelon production Working with compost from the new dairies PAGE 30 Compost/manure management Part of an 80,000 grant from WSARE on nutrient education. Onion production Committee member for hosting “2002 national allium conference” Presented two papers, abstracts and articles Co-chair for the tour and tour guide Alfalfa production Worked with hay conditioners and there affect on dry-down and forage quality Assembled and facilitated forage session at farm fair Alternate Systems Worked with several cereals inter-planted into an alfalfa field General Host a weekly radio show with Phil Hamm, “The lawn and garden show” on KOHU Hermiston AM station. Organic vegetable production PAGE 30 A. EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION: Donald A. Horneck, Ph.D., CPAg, CPSSc, CCA Extension Agronomist – Umatilla/Morrow Counties HAREC 2121 S 1st Street P. O. Box 105 Hermiston, OR 97838 Phone: 541/567-8312 (wk) 541/564-9312 (hm) e-mail: don.horneck@oregonstate.edu EDUCATION: Ph.D. 1993 Oregon State University, Soil Science with Chemistry and Environmental Engineering minors M.S. 1984 University of Illinois, Agronomy/Soils B.S. 1980 Monmouth College, Biology/Geology CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: 6/05/-present Associate Professor, Extension Agronomist for Morrow and Umatilla Counties, Irrigated crops, Department of Crop and Soil Science, Oregon State University, Hermiston, Oregon. Appointment 12 month FTE 1.0 College of Agriculture, Department of Crop and Soil Science PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 10/00-605 Assistant Professor, Extension Agronomist for Morrow and Umatilla Counties, Irrigated crops, Department of Crop and Soil Science, Oregon State University, Hermiston, Oregon. 7/1/94 – 10/00 Soil Chemist and Agronomic Consultant, Soil Testing Laboratory Manager, Agri-Check, Inc.; Umatilla, OR 7/7/92 – 6/30/94 Sr. Research Assistant (promotional) – Soil Testing Laboratory Manager, Oregon State University. 8/1/86 – 1/7/92 Research Assistant/Extension – Soil Testing Laboratory Manager, OSU. 1/1/83 – 8/1/86 Research Assoc., Agronomy Dept., Soil Conservation, Mississippi State Univ. 8/1/80 – 1/1/83 Graduate Research Assistant, Agronomy Dept., University of Illinois. PAGE 30 1982 Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Agronomy, University of Illinois B. TEACHING, ADVISIING AND OTHER ASSIGNMENTS 1. Instructional Summary Credit Courses Crop and Soil Science CSS410, Internship director for Jeddie Aylett. 2003. Crop and Soil Science 475/575. touring IRZ, Madison’s and Walchli Farm’s. Spring term, 2003. Interpreting soil tests, CSS Spring conclave. 2003. Crop and Soil Science 475/575. touring IRZ, Madison’s and Walchli Farm’s. Spring term, 2001. Crop and Soil Science 475/575. touring Madison Farms. Spring term, 2000. Hosted two faculty from Kenya via OSU-CSS. Instructed on soil testing. May and June 1999. Crop & Soil Science 315. Nutrient management & cycling. Spring, 1993. 4-hour class including lecture and a laboratory. Fall and winter quarter – laboratory tours/soil testing instruction to soils 305 classes Crop & Soil Science 315 Lecture. Senior level fertility course. Spring, 1993. Crop & Soil Science 315 Laboratory. Spring, 1993. Horticulture 516. Soil Testing. 1/93. Winter, 1989.Soils 315. Soil Nitrogen. 1/11/91 and 1/14/91. Horticulture 516. Soil Testing. 1/30/91. Annually – give laboratory tours/soil testing instruction to L.B.C.C. classes. 1986-1994. Non-Credit Courses and workshops 2. Graduate Committees Bird-Ph.D., Joan Davenport, IRAC-WSU Prossor. 2007 Kyle-Ph.D., Joan Davenport, IRAC-WSU Prossor. 2007 Carole-Ph.D., Marshall English, OSU Professor. 2007 Gabriella-M.S, Jim Altland, N. Wllamette. Major Professor, 2005 3. Graduate Students Jess Holcomb, M.S. Soil Science, OSU 2008Jennifer Snyder, M.S. Entomology, OSU 2008INVITED PRESENTATIONS A major part of my extension program involves education through presentations to growers, other agricultural professionals, regulators, NRCS, high school students and the general public. Below is a summary of invited presentations. Invited and Volunteered Presentations Summary PAGE 30 Year Agriculture Audiences Number of Presentation Participants Regional, State… Presentations No. Participants Non-Ag Audiences Number of Presentations Participants 2004 Number of Presentations Participants 24 2003 37 2002 2001 2000 37 18 12 67 6 101 20 6148 835 673 7 4 3 123 205 160 17 10 5584 655 7656 14 488 27 6239 Total Total number of presentations given in 2002 was 44 a. Invited International International Soil and Plant Analysis Council. Variability of soil and plant analyses. Cancun, Mexico, 2-3-05. Pacific Northwest Forage Workers Conference and Tour. Hay conditioners. Lethbridge. Canada. 9-11-02. 21 participants. b. Invited National Horneck, D.A. Western Nutrient management Conference. Ammonia volatilization. 3-4-09. Salt Lake City Utah. 90 participants. Horneck, D.A. American Society of Horticultural Science. Fertilization of vegetables. 7-1707. Scottsdale, AZ. Horneck D. A. MAP training. Quality and the lab client. Champaign, IL 5-11-06. 20 participants. Horneck D. Maine Soil fertility workshop. Columbia Basin potato procedures. Presque Isle ME. 11-2-06. 60 participants Horneck D. Maine Soil fertility workshop. Plant anaysis interpretation. Presque Isle ME. 112-06. 60 participants PAGE 30 Horneck D. Maine Soil fertility workshop. Phosphorous in potato procedures. Presque Isle ME. 11-2-06. 60 participants Horneck D. Soil and plant analysis variability. NAPT training. Prosser WA. 11-16-06 Horneck, D.A., Use of soil and plant analysis to determine N needs. A-9. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting. November 2005. Salt Lake City, UT. 150 participants. Horneck, D.A., PAP where we are headed American Society of Agronomy annual meeting. November 2005. Salt Lake City, UT. 50 participants. Horneck D.A. K, Ca and Mg basics for potato production. RDO crop training session. December 2004. Colorado Springs, CO. 35 participants Horneck D.A. N basics for potato production. RDO crop training session. December 2004. Colorado Springs, CO. 35 participants Horneck, D.A., North American Proficiency Testing-PAP-where we are and where we are heading. Featured breakfast speaker for the soil and plant analysis breakfast. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting. November 2004. Seattle, WA Horneck, D.A., Irrigation water quality. A-9. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting. November 2004. Seattle, WA. Horneck, D.A., Managing nutrient using crop uptake curves. A-9. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting. November 2004. Seattle, WA Horneck, D.A. Making a recommendation from a manure analysis. University of Delaware. 9-13-04. Horneck, D.A. Analyzing soil C. Western Weed Science annual meeting. 3-10-04. Colorado Springs, CO. 80 participants. Manure analysis workshop. How to interpret a manure analysis. Newark Delaware. 9-13-04 Cornell Seminar. Managing a soil and plant analysis laboratory. Ithica NY. 4-10-03 18 participants. NAPT Workshop. Laboratory performance issues in the PNW. Processor WA. 4-24-03. 28 participants NAPT workshop. “What a client wants from a soil testing laboratory”. Charlotte, NC. 10-2301. 30 people Horneck, D.A., L. Lutcher 2001. A practitioner’s perspective of HRSW protein management. Invited presentation in wheat protein enhancement with N intervention symposium. Agronomy abstracts-oral presentation, ASA annual meeting October 24, Charlotte, NC. 45 people NAPT Laboratory Training Course. “Analyzing for soil organic matter”. Denver, CO. 3-398. NAPT Laboratory Training Course. “Analyzing for soil bicarbonate phosphorous”. Denver, CO. 3-4-98. NAPT Laboratory Training Course. Soil organic matter analysis. Baltimore, Maryland. October 18, 1998. Eastern Soil testing workshop. “A private laboratories perspective on the W. States proficiency testing program”. Raleigh, NC. 9-23-96 ALPKEM workshop. “Soil testing in the USA”. Portland, OR 9/1/92. c. Invited Regional 2009 PAGE 30 Columbia basin crop consultants. Fertilizer update. 1-21-09. Moses Lake WA. 85 participants Columbia basin crop consultants. Slow release N in potatoes. 1-21-09. Moses Lake WA. 85 participants Wilbur Ellis grower meeting. Soil test forms. 1-22-09. Pasco. WA. 25 participants Wilbur Ellis Annual meeting. Wheat straw removal. 1-23-09. Walla Walla, WA. 150 participants Washington annual wine grower meeting. Fertilizing wine grapes. 2-6-09 Kennewick, WA 250 participants Agri-northwest annual meeting. Nutrient uptake for spuds. 2-25-09. Pasco, WA. 55 participants Tri-city Herb growers. Preparing your soil. 3-18-09. Kennewick, WA. 15 participants Flower power. Growing sunflowers. 3-26-09. Sunnyside, WA. 10 participants PNVA annual meeting. Fertilizer update. 11-11-09. Kennewick, WA. 150 participants Prosser extension meeting. LUB extension program. Prosser, WA. 12-16-09 25 participants 2008 Far West annual meeting. Opening speaker “fertilizer update”. 12-9-08. Kennewick, WA. 200 participants. Far West annual meeting. Fertilizer efficiency in dryland systems. 12-9-08. Kennewick, WA. 80 participants. Far West annual meeting. Fertilizer efficiency in irrigated systems. 12-9-08. Kennewick, WA. 85 participants. PNVA Annual Meeting. Onion P nutrition. Kennewick, WA. 150 participants. PNVA Annual Meeting. Fertilizer update. Kennewick, WA. 100 participants. Washington state annual hay growers meeting. Seeding rate with triticale. Kennewick, WA. 1-16-08. 90 participants Washington state annual hay growers meeting. Nitrate levels in alfalfa. Kennewick, WA. 116-08. 90 participants Washington state crop consultant’s breakfast. Soil testing laboratories. 1-22-08 Kennewick, WA. 20 participants Simplot crop consultant training. Soil pH. 1-22-08. Vancouver, WA. 25 participants. Simplot crop consultant training. Soil Amendments. Vancouver, WA. 25 participants. Washington State Annual potato conf. slow release fertilizers for potatoes. Moses Lake, WA. 2-6-08. 200 participants. Wilbur Ellis crop consultant training. Irrigation water quality. Kennewick, WA. 50 participants Agri-Northwest crop workshop. N, P, and K in potatoes. Pasco, WA. 45 participants. 2007 PNVA Convention. Sweet fertilization and tissue tests. 11-13-07. Kennewick, WA. PNVA Convention. Soil and plant analysis workshop. 11-12-07. Kennewick, WA Washing State Crop Consultants beakfast. Lime and soil amendments. Moses Lake, WA. 45-07. 21 participants. Agri-Northwest crop consultant training. N, P, K in potato production. 1-31-07. 28 participants. PAGE 30 Simplot crop consultant training. Soil acidity. Othello WA. 1-12-07. 26 participants Simplot crop consultant training. Soil amendments and reclamation. Othello WA. 1-12-07. 26 participants 2006 Washington State Horticulture Society Meeeting. Drip irrigation for vegetable production. Seattle Wa. 1-4-06. 30 people. PNW regulators meeting. Oregon Wastewater regulations. Boise ID. 3-8-06. 40 participants Oregon water users. Effluent re-use methods. Sunriver, OR. 3-9-06. 25 participants. California giant pumpking grower meeting. Fertilizing giant pumpkins. Sacremento,CA. 311-06. 75 participants. 2005 Washington Crop protection Assoc. Liming Columbia Basin soil. Moses Lake. WA. 1-1305. 65 participants Washington Crop protection Assoc. Alternate fertilizers. Moses Lake. WA. 1-13-04. 65 participants. Washington Hay growers. Seeding a cereal into a declining alfalfa stand. Pasco. WA. 1-1905. 150 participants Washington Hay growers. Fertilizing alfalfa.. Pasco. WA. 1-19-05. 150 participants 2004 Washington Crop protection Assoc. N movement in soils. Moses Lake. WA. 1-15-04. 61 participants. Washington Crop protection Assoc. Irrigation water quality. Moses Lake. WA. 1-15-04. 61 participants. Idaho potato school. Potassium in potato production. Pocatello, ID. 1-21-04. 125 participants Idaho potato school. Petiole P in potato production. Pocatello, ID. 1-21-04. 105 participants Idaho potato school. Daily nutrient requirements of potatoes. Pocatello, ID. 1-22-04. 165 participants Wilbur Ellis grower meeting. Foliar nutrients – macro vs. micro. Walla Walla, WA. 1-30-04. 84 participants. Pasco farm fair. The great pumpkin contest. Pasco WA – Trac. 150 children. Crop consultants breakfast. Irrigation water quality. Pasco WA. 4-29-04. 19 participants. Waste water training. Value of re-use nutrients. Ontario, OR 9-20-04 Waste Water training. Forms and transformations of nitrogen. Ontario OR. 9-20-04 Pacific Northwest forage workers conference-field tour. Reclamation of a sodic site. Prineville OR 10-14-04 PNVA annual meeting. Onion nutrient needs and timing. Pasco, WA. 11-17-04. 175 participants. 2003 Simplot Grower solutions grower annual meeting. Soil pH and gypsum, high pH soil. Yakima WA. 1-7-03. 250 participants. Washington Hay Growers annual meeting. Hay conditioners. Pasco WA Doubletree. 1-2203. 125 participants. Western Laboratories Training School. Daily nutrient requirement of potatoes. Aberdeen ID. 225 participants. PAGE 30 Wilbur Ellis Grower annual meeting. Fertilization of cereals. Walla Walla WA. 1-31-03 150 participants. Wilbur Ellis Grower annual meeting. Fertilization of lentils and garbonzo beans. Walla Walla WA. 1-31-03 126 participants. Walla Walla Farmers Coop annual meeting. Fertilization of cereals and alfalfa. Walla Walla WA. 2-4-03. 186 participants. Western Laboratories potato school. Daily nutrient requirements of potatoes. Moses Lake WA. 2-7-03. 76 participants. Simplot Grower Solutions Fieldmen dinner. Soils and soil tests. Yakima WA. 3-3-03. 16 participants. WSU Seminar. Managing protein content in wheat. Pullman WA. 4-21-03. 37 participants. Agrium crop consultant meeting. High pH soils and their management. Hood River OR. 1022-03. 27 participants. 10th Annual GSCSSA Review. Managing grass seed crops in the Columbia Basin to maintain productivity. Spokane WA. 11-13-03. 2002 Washington Crop protection Assoc. Grass seed fertilization. TRAC. Pasco WA. 1-7-02. 80 participants. Washington Crop protection Assoc. Micronutrient basics for Columbia Basin crops. Moses Lake. WA. 1-11-02. 54 participants. Washington Crop protection Assoc. Acid Soils and Liming for Onions. Moses Lake. WA. 111-02. 54 participants. Simplot Fieldmen training. Soil amendments-use and function. Pasco. WA. 1-16-02. 61 participants. Mid-Columbia Soil Fertility & Nutrient Management Workshop. Soil analysis. The Dalles. OR. 2-14-02. 45 participants. Organic nutrient NRCS and SWCD training. How P and K differ from N. Prossor. WA. 226-02. 34 participants. Organic nutrient NRCS and SWCD training. Use of soil and plant analysis in nutrient planning. Prossor. WA. 2-26-02. 34 participants. Washington potato information exchange. Potasium and chloride in potato production. Kennewick. WA. 3-27-02. 32 participants. Washington potato information exchange. Potasium and chloride in potato production. Moses Lake. WA. 3-28-02. 42 participants. Far West agrichemical and fertilizer assoc annual meeting. Nutrient management problem with organic fertilizers. Spokane, WA. 12-11-02. 145 participants. Far West agrichemical and fertilizer assoc annual meeting. Difference between N vs. P and K in organic feritilizers. Spokane, WA. 12-11-02. 145 participants. participants. 2001 WCPA meeting. The new PNW onion nutrient management guide. Moses Lake, WA. 1-1901. 50 people Youth Farm Forum. “Vegetables”. TRAC-Pasco WA - 150 kids PAGE 30 Re-use water consortium meeting. “Value of re-use nutrients”. September 27. Port of Morrow, Boardman OR. 65 people. Re-use water consortium meeting. “The TDS- non volatile solids dilemma”. September 27. Port of Morrow, Boardman OR. 65 people Western Laboratory. “daily nutrient requirement of onions. Ontario, OR. 12-18-01. 150 people 2000 Western Farm Service grower meeting. “Soil pH management”. Pasco, WA. 1-21-00. WSU Precision Ag Conference. “Prioritizing your soil tests”. Pasco, WA. 1-15-00. Northwest Giant Pumpkin Growers annual meeting. “Giant pumpkin nutrition”. Clackamas, OR 4-1-00. Pro-Farmer Tour. “Agriculture in the LUB”. Umatilla OR. 7-21-00. Potato Nutrition Fieldmen Seminars. “Nutrient uptake of full season potatoes”. Pasco WA. 7-26-00 Potato Nutrition Fieldmen Seminars. “Nutrient uptake of full season potatoes”. Moses Lake, WA. 7-26-00 1999 CENEX. CCA training. “Potatoes in the NW”. Twin Falls ID. 1-7 & 8-99.Washington Crop protection. CCA training. “Nutrient uptake by Columbia Basin Onions”. Moses Lake, WA 1-22-99. CENEX. CCA training/grower meeting. “ Soil pH”. Moses Lake, WA 2-9-99. Walla Walla Coop. Grower meeting/ CCA workshop. “Fertility management and groundwater” Walla Walla, WA. 2-11-99. Walla Walla Extension Service. “N management and groundwater”. Walla Walla, WA. 212-99. PNVA. “ micronutrient and secondary nutrient us in onions” Pasco, WA. 11-18-99. 1998 Washington Crop Advisors Training. “Fertilization of onions”. Moses Lake, WA. 1-16-98. Wilbur Ellis Grower Meeting. “Fertilization for alfalfa”. Walla Walla, WA. 2-13-98. Washington Horticulture Meeting. “Managing soil pH in fruit trees”. Yakima, WA. 1998. UNOCAL CCA Training. “Soil pH” Kennewick, WA. 2-19-98 Petoseed Field Day. Lunch speaker. “Managing N in onions”. Treasure Valley, ID. 8-25-98. PNVA, “Nutrient uptake by onions”. Pasco, WA. 11-19-98. Far West. “wheat in the PNW”. Spokane, WA 12-16 & 17-98. Pre 1998 Wilbur Ellis Grower meeting. “Chloride and N for winter wheat, disease interactions. Walla Walla, WA. 2-7-97 CCA workshop, ten hours. Wilbur Ellis. Pasco, WA. 6-17 &18-96. AOAC W. meeting. “DTPA extractable metals” Bellingham, WA. 6-27-96. Farm Fair. “Fluctuations in potato petiole analysis”. Hermiston, OR. 12-5-96. Northwest Vegetable Growers Association. “Managing N for Columbia Basin onions”. Pasco, WA 12-5-96. Far West Fertilizer Assoc. “Water movement in soils”. Spokane, WA. 12-9-96. Far West Fertilizer Assoc. “Interpreting soil tests”. Spokane, WA. 12-12-96. Olympia Extension Office. “Soil Testing”. Olympia, WA 6/24/91. PAGE 30 AOAC Pacific Northwest Regional Meeting. “Universal extractants”. Olympia, WA 6/23/88. d. Invited State 2009 CHS annual meeting, Fertilizer update. 1-20-09. Madras OR. 65 participants CHS annual meeting, K removal by wheat. 1-20-09. Madras OR. 65 participants Pendleton meeting. Fertilizer update. 1-26-09 Morrow County Dryland meeting. Fertilizer update. 1-27-09. 65 participants Central Oregon hay grower meeting. Fertilizer update. 1-31-09. 66 participants Central Oregon hay grower meeting. Soil fertility for hay growers. 1-31-09. 66 participants Treasue valley onion growers meeting. Onion uptake and fertility. 2-3-09 150 participants Union county grass seed growers. Fertilizing Kentucky bluegrass. 2-17-09. 60 participants Klamath potato field day. Increasing fertilizer efficiency. 3-3-09. Klamath OR. 80 participants Union County cattlemans meeting. Fertilizer update. 4-1-09 45 participants Union County cattlemans meeting. Soil fertility for hay growers. 4-1-09 45 participants Madras crop consultant luch meeting. Ammonia volatilization. 4-3-09. 15 participants Wilbur Ellis Crop consultant meeting. Lime. 4-19-09. Albany OR. 25 participants Wilbur ellis grower meeting. Soil tests. 4-20-09. Albany OR. 100 paricipants Oregon nursery assotiation meting. Soil quality. 8-20-09. Portland OR 150 participants Oregon nursery assotiation meting. Lime. 8-20-09. Portland OR 150 participants W. Oregon Hay growers meeting. Fertilizer update and forage production. 10-16-09 Junction City, OR. 100 participants Klamath hay growers assotiation. Fertilizer update. 11-13-09. Klamath OR. 55 participants 2008 PGG Spring spectacular. Controlling Bermuda and nutsedge in your lawn. Pendleton, OR. 80 participants. Oregon Seed League annual meeting. Fertilizing for P. Salem, OR. 150 participants. Oregon Weed Society annual meeting. Round-up carry over. Hood River, OR. 59 participants. Central Oregon Farm Fair. Crop prices where do we go from here. 2-7-08. Madras, OR, 45 participants. Fossil fertilizer workshop for pastures. Soil testing and fertilization for N, p and K. Fossil, OR. 4-17-08. 15 participants. Fossil fertilizer workshop for pastures. Fertilization for other nutrients. Fossil, OR. 4-17-08. 15 participants. NRCS Training. Three day workshop for NRCS conservationists. 9-15,16,17-08. Salem, OR. 20 participants 2007 OSPUD annual meeting. Potato equipment for small farms. 12-17-07. Silver Falls. OR Gillim County Cattle Growers. Biofuels. Condon OR. 4-24-07. Blue Mountain fruit grower luncheon. Soil tests for fruit production. 3-13-07. Milton Freewater, OR 16 participants. PAGE 30 Madras Farm Fair. Impacts of forages on soil fertility. Madras, OR. 1-7-07. 34 participants Wheat meeting. Pesticide labels, rules and formulation. Pendleton, OR, 1-23-07. 65 participants Central Oregon cropconsultants luncheon. Kentucky bluegrass nitrogen volatilization. Madras, OR. 1-18-07. 15 participants Morrow county SWCD meeting. Biofuels, Hepner OR 1-11-07, 35 participants 2006 Milton Freewater annual pea meeting. Role of minor elements in pea production. Milton Freewater, OR. 2-8-06. 75 participants. Round Butte Seed Growers meeting. The use of urea for fertilization. Redmond,OR. 60 participants. Spring Conclave. Sharing positions between states. Carvallis OR. 3-22-06. 35 participants. Dryland work group. Making protein in wheat. Pendleton OR. 9-7-06 Pesticide training. How things move through soils. Pendleton OR. 11-7-06. 100 participants iSNAP training. Manageing nutrients and salt. Corvallis OR. 45 participants iSNAP training. What is new in nutrient management. Corvallis OR. 45 participants WASCO grower meeting. How to get the best bang for you soil test buck. Moro, OR. 12-506 WASCO grower meeting. How to get the best bang for you soil test buck. Dufur, OR. 12-506 2005 Madras Farm Fair. Soil, tests, pH and liming, , OR. 1-26-05. 40 participants. iSNAP training. What to expect from a laboratory. Corvallis. OR. 2-15-05. 35 participants 2004 Nutrient management training (WINME). Laboratories. Corvallis OR. 2-4-04. 28 participants. Nutrient management training (WINME). What makes a fertilizer guide? Corvallis OR. 24-04. 28 participants. Nutrient management training (WINME). Potasium in grass seed production Corvallis OR. 2-5-04. 28 participants. Biosolids workshop. Biosolids application in dry climates. Aurora (N. Willammette). 5-1104. 65 participants. iSNAP training. What to expect from a laboratory. Corvallis OR. 11-10-04. 38 participants. President Ray Hosting. Local area needs, highlights and concerns 6-16&17-04 2003 Central Oregon Hay Growers. Hay conditioners. Madras. OR. 2-5-02. 28 participants. Grass seed review. N uptake in Kentucky bluegrass. Corvallis OR. 2-6-03. 30 participants. Union County Grower meeting. P use in potatoes. LaGrande OR. 2-25-03. 12 participants. Union County Grower meeting. Hay condioners. LaGrande OR. 2-25-03. 12 participants Union County Grower meeting. Nutrient uptake in potatoes. LaGrande OR. 2-25-03. 12 participants Soil Sampling and Testing Workshop for Cereal Crop Production. Interpreting soil tests. The Dalles OR. 3-10-03. 20 participants. Nutrient Management Considerations in Conservation Planning Module 7 NEDC Training. OR NRCS. How is N management different from P and K management? March 10-13, PAGE 30 2003 Redmond OR, 25 participants. Nutrient Management Considerations in Conservation Planning Module 7 NEDC Training. OR NRCS. What does a soil test tell you? March 10-13, 2003 Redmond OR, 25 participants. Nutrient Management Considerations in Conservation Planning Module 7 NEDC Training. OR NRCS Introduction to the Phosphorus Index and the philosophy of why it is important. March 10-13, 2003 Redmond OR, 25 participants. Nutrient Management Considerations in Conservation Planning Module 7 NEDC Training. OR NRCS. N recommendations for dryland crops. March 10-13, 2003 Redmond OR, 25 participants Nutrient Management Considerations in Conservation Planning Module 7 NEDC Training. OR NRCS. Compost vs. manure exercise vs. cover crop. March 10-13, 2003 Redmond OR, 25 participants Real estate appraisers annual meeting. Hermiston area soils. Pendleton OR. 4-8-03. 35 participants. Real estate appraisers annual meeting. One half day tour of local soils. Pendleton OR. 4-8-03. 35 participants. Cenex harvest States crop consultants meeting. Managing N for fall grass seed production. Madras OR. 8-14-03. 8 participants. Round Butte Seed Company crop consultants meeting. Managing nutrients and lime. Culver OR. 10-24-03. 11 participants. 2002 Central Oregon Hay Growers. Micronutrients for hay production. Madras. OR. 1-17-02. 28 participants. UAP Grower meeting. Soil amendments-use and effect. Burns. OR 1-30-02. 47 participants. UAP Grower meeting. Fertilizing alfalfa. Burns. OR 1-30-02. 47 participants. Central Oregon Farm Fair. Nitrate accumulation in plants. Madras. OR. 2-06-02. 45 participants. Farm income seminar. Trends in irrigated agriculture. Pendleton. OR. 3-12-02. 25 participants. NRCS nutrient planning training, NEDC module 7. Soil sampling. Pendleton. OR. 3-19-02. 33 participants. NRCS nutrient planning training, NEDC module 7. Timing N applications. Pendleton. OR. 3-19-02. 33 participants. NRCS nutrient planning training, NEDC module 7. How fertilizer recommendations are developed. Pendleton. OR. 3-20-02. 33 participants. NRCS nutrient planning training, NEDC module 7. Composts and manures. Pendleton. OR. 3-20-02. 33 participants. 2001 Cenex grower meeting. Soil pH and nutrient management in hay production. Madras OR 1-901. 60 participants. participants. 2001 PAGE 30 Western Oregon fertilizer dealers. “Salts in the valley”. N Willamette Exp Sta. 3-1-01. 60 people Central Oregon Master gardener training. “Soils and fertilizers”. Redmand Or. 3-20-01. 30 people Farm appraisers meeting, “Status of the farm economy of irrigated ag” Pendleton OR. 4-301. 35 people. Cenex grass seed physiology meeting. “Nutrient uptake in grass seed crops”. Tangent OR. 11-15-01. 30 people Ontario potato growers. “N cycling and fate of N” Ontario OR. 12-17-01. 50 people Ontario potato growers. “P use and uptake in potato production” Ontario OR. 12-17-01. 50 people Western Laboratory. “daily nutrient requirement of onions. Ontario, OR. 12-18-01. 150 people 2000 Central Oregon Hay Growers. “Forage analysis and hay nutrition”. Redmond, OR. 1-28-00. Central Oregon Hay Growers. “Nitrates in forages”. Redmond, OR, 1-29-00. Northwest Giant Pumpkin Growers annual meeting. “Giant pumpkin nutrition”. Clackamas, OR 4-1-00. Pro-Farmer Tour. “Agriculture in the LUB”. Umatilla OR. 7-21-00. Oregon Hay Growers Association. “Soil pH management”. Redmond, OR. 12-2-00. NRCS nutrient management training workshop. “Manure as a resource”. Salem, OR. 12-500. 1999 Oregon Potato Commission. “Daily variability in potato petioles”. Portland, OR. 1-28-99. Western Oregon Fertilizer Dealers. “Water Quality”. Portland, OR 1-27-99. 1998 Woodburn Fertilizer Grower Meeting. “Nitrogen management for vegetables”. Woodburn, OR. 2-17-98. Pre 1998 Western Horticulture Meeting, “Soil and Plant analysis for ginseng”. Portland, OR 1-28-97. Western Oregon Fertilizer Dealer Meeting. “Interpreting soil tests” Portland, OR. 1-29-97. Western Oregon Fertilizer Dealer Meeting. “Interpreting tissue tests” Portland, OR. 1-30-97. Hood River Experiment Station. “Soil Basics, liming”. Hood River, OR. 12-17-96. Western Oregon Fertilizer Dealers. “Soil Testing, Lime Ramifications”. Albany, OR 1/21/93. Woodburn Fertilizer raspberry workshop. “Soil and plant analysis for raspberries.” Woodburn, OR 10/28/92. 1991 Western Oregon Fertilizer Dealers Meeting. “Response of grass seed to lime and P”. Albany, OR 1/24/91. Eugene Fieldmen. “Soil testing, pH, SMP, salts”. Eugene, OR 11/7/89. Organically Grown Coop Education Forum. “Soil Testing”. Eugene, OR 11/14/89. Eugene Fertilizer Coop. “Phosphorus”. Eugene, OR 1/23/90. 1990 Western Oregon Fertilizer Dealers Meeting. “Promises and pitfalls – soil testing for boron”. Albany, OR 1/25/90. Organically Grown Coop Education Forum. “Determining fertilizer rates”. Eugene, OR 11/14/89. PAGE 30 Dryland Fertilizer Conference. “Variability between laboratories”. Pendleton, OR 1/88. Western Oregon Fertilizer Dealers Meeting. “Grass seed survey”. Salem, OR 1/21/88. Soil Acidity and Liming Symposium. “Ca, Mg, and pH status of local soils”. Corvallis, OR 2/16/88. Master Gardener Training Session. “Soils”. Lane County 6/87. e. Invited Local 2009 Master gardeners. Soils and soil amendments. 2-10-09. Pendleton, OR. 20 participants. RDO annual meeting. Leaching nutrients from straw. 2-11-09. Hermiston, OR 20 participants RDO annual meeting. Water movement in soil. 2-11-09. Hermiston, OR. 20 participants Master gardeners. Fertilizing lawns and gardens. 3-10-09. 20 particiapants Boardman Chanber of commerce lunch. Growing a garden. 4-15-09. Boardman OR. 65 participants Grass seed field day. Fertilizers for grass seed production. 5-4-09. Hermiston OR. 100 participants. Summer Ag institute. Hermiston Ag. 7-14-09. 20 participants League of Womens voters. Columbia Basin Water. 8-4-09. Hermiston Oregon. 3 participants 2008 UECOOP efficiency meeting. Fertilizer efficiency. Hermiston, OR. 10-21-08. 40 participants. SWCD meeting. Soil fertility. 10-16-08. 40 participants. Leadership Hermiston. Hermiston Ag. 10-14-08. Hermiston, OR. 25 participants Dryland workgroup. Leaching P and K from straw. 9-4-08. Pendleton, OR. 25 participants. Morrow county crop tour. Slow release fertilizers. Ione, OR. 6-6-08. 30 participants. Rotary meeting. Hermiston Agriculture. 1-11-08. Hermiston, OR. 35 participants Master Gardener training. Carbonates and texture. Morning of 1-23-08. Hermiston. 19 participants Master Gardener training. Good things for your soil. Afternoon of 1-23-08. Hermiston. 19 participants Master Gardener training. Fertilization. 2-20-08. Hermiston. 19 participants Hydromania for teachers, LUB agriculture. 6-24-08 Hermiston OR Hydromania for students, LUB agriculture. 7-3-08, 7-8-07, 7-22-08, 8-5-08 Hermiston OR. 100 participant’s total 2007 Greenwood resources-poplar tree meeting. Soil, fertilizera and polar/cottonwood trees. 1115-07. Boardman, OR, 20 participants. Leadership Hermiston, Ag-day. Hermiston Agriculture. 10-9-07. Hermiston, OR. 15 participants. Fredrickson Farming. Australian hay grower tour. 8-23-07. Boardman OR. 26 paricipants. PAGE 30 Fredrickson farms. Nitrates in hay. 8-28-07. Boardman, OR. 12 participants. Hydromania for teachers, LUB agriculture. 6-19-07 Hermiston OR Hydromania for students, LUB agriculture. 6-28-07, 7-5-07, 7-12-07, 7-26-07 Hermiston OR. 100 participants total Rocky heights 3rd grades. Hobbies and careers. 6-4-07. Hermiston, OR 63 participants. Bio-solid open house at Madison farms. Bio-solids and pasture productivity. 4-30-07. Echo, OR, 15 participants. Altrusa. Your lawn and Garden. 4-26-07. Hermiston OR. 24 participants. Good Shepard Child Care. Rocks. 3-20-07. 30 participants. Master gardener training. Lawns – fertilization and irrigation. 3-1-07. 19 participants NRCS training, Soil sampling. Hermiston, OR 2-28-07 NRCS training, Irrigated wheat. Hermiston OR 2-28-07. Master gardener training. Soils and fertilizers. Pendleton, OR. 1-30-07. 18 participants. 2006 Desert bloomers. “Global Warming”. Hermiston OR. 1-12-06. 10 participants. Master Gardeners. Link between irrigation and nutrient management. Hermiston OR. 2-7-06. 10 participants. RDO crop consultant training. Monitoring soil water. Boardman OR. 2-24-06. 25 participants RDO crop consultant training. Wheat phsiology. Boardman OR. 2-24-06. 25 participants Womens convention. Lawns and gardens. Hermiston, OR. 4-1-06. 30 participants. Career day at rocky heights elementary school. What I do for a life. Hermiston, OR. 4-1406. 60 participants Altrusa lunch meeting. Gardens. Hermiston OR. 4-27-06. 20 participants Cub Scouts. Local Ag. 6-6-06 10 participants. State legislature tour. Local Ag issues. 6-15-06. 40 participants Hydromania. Local Ag. 7-6-06 25 participants. Teacher workshop. Hermiston Ag and extension. Pendleton OR. 7-11-06 25 participants. Tour of Hermiston AG. N. Willamette grad students. Hermiston OR. 7-12-07 10 participants. Hydromania. Local Ag. 7-20-06. 25 participants. Hydromania. Local Ag. 8-3-06. 25 participants. Leadership Hermiston. Hermiston Ag. 10-10-06. 20 participants 2004 Hydromania for teachers “Hermiston Agriculture” Herminston OR. 6- 24-04. 10 participants Hydromania for kids “Hermiston Agriculture” Hermiston OR 7-15-04 25 kids Hydromania for kids “Hermiston Agriculture” Hermiston OR 7-29-04. 27 kids Agri-Northwest crop managers luncheon. N and P applications for potatoes. Umatilla OR. 29-04. 18 participants. SWCD breakfast meeting - Wheat growers. Nutrient management.. Weston OR. 2-11-04. 11 paricipants. Hermiston irrigation district annual meeting. Water basics. Hermiston OR. 2-17-04. 95 participants. PAGE 30 RDO crop managers luncheon. Nutrient deficiencies in Columbia Basin crops. Boardman OR. 24 participants. Annual re-use consortium meeting. Nitrogen balance for a rotation. Boardman, OR 9-22-04. 55 participants Cub Scouts. Columbia Basin Geology. Hermiston OR. 6 kids Hermiston Farm Fair. Compost, fumigation and tea in potato production. 12-1-04. 125 participants 2003 Fredrickson farming hay group. Hay conditioners. Boardman OR. 1-17-03. 11 paricipants. Simplot grower solutions. Potato production think tank. HAREC. 1-17-03. 3 participants. Morrow County Grain Growers annual meeting. The use of manures and composts. Ione OR. 1-14-2003. 73 participants. Morrow County Grain Growers annual meeting. Nutrient availability in manures and composts. Ione OR. 1-14-2003. 73 participants. City of Portland field day at Madison Farms. Response of dryland range to bio-solids. Echo OR. 4-16-03. 33 participants Leadership Hermiston. Value of local agriculture. Hermiston OR. 10-14-03. 21 participants. Re-use water consortium annual DEQ meeting. N uptake of alfalfa. HAREC. 10-15-03. 32 participants. Hermiston Farm Fair, Ag issue forum. Water Basics. Hermiston OR 12-4-03. 70 participants. Hermiston Kiwanis Club. Farm Fair. 12-03-03. Hermiston OR. Homeowner groundwater management workshop. Basics of water. Stanfield OR. 12-15-03. 29 participants Homeowner groundwater management workshop. Basics of water. Hermiston OR. 12-16-03. 60 participants 2002 Umatilla soil-water. Interpreting soil tests. Pendleton. OR. 1-24-02. 36 participants. Umatilla County pesticide training. Toxicity of pesticides. Hermiston. OR. 2-7-02. 62 participants. Umatilla County pesticide training. IPM. Hermiston. OR. 2-7-02. 62 participants. Grandview farms. Potasium in potato production. Pasco. WA. 2-11-02. 11 participants. Simplot growers. Postasium in potato production. Boardman. OR. 2-13.02. 5 participants. LUB grass seed grower meeting. Nitrogen use in Kentucky Bluegrass seed production. Hermiston.OR. 2-20-02. 90 participants. Umatilla SWCD small acreage meeting. Growing local crops. Hermiston. OR. 2-20-02. 58 participants. Umatilla SWCD small acreage meeting. Growing local crops. Pendleton. OR. 2-21-02. 64 participants. Stanfield H.S. career development. Extension-what is required and how to get there. Stanfield.OR 4-25-02. 22 participants. Cub Scouts. Soil erosion. Hermiston. OR. 5-28-02. 8 participants. Cub Scouts. Soils of the area. Hermiston. OR. 6-4-02. 7 participants. Hermiston H.S. class. Tom Spoo. Soils of the area. Hermiston .OR 9-30-02. 25 participants. Hermiston H.S. class. Tom Spoo. Tour soils of the area. Echo. OR 10-30-02. 26 participants. PAGE 30 Stanfield H.S. class, Larry Newman. Tour of soils. Stanfield. OR. 10-16-02 a.m 18 participants. Stanfield H.S. class, Larry Newman. Tour of soils. Stanfield. OR. 10-16-02 p.m 17 participants. 2001 Morrow County grain growers –OSU grower meeting. Nitrogen to make protein in dryland wheat. Ione, OR. 1-9-01. 90 people. Grass seed growers meeting. Nitrogen fertilization for grass seed crops. Hermiston Or. 1-2001. 90 people. Cub scouts. “Soils in the PNW”. Hermiston OR. 4-9-01. 10 kids. Cub scouts. Soils along the Umatilla River. 4-16-01. 10 kids. Guest lecturer in Hermiston H.S. Ag class. “Local soils”. 10-1-01. 30 students Guest lecturer in Hermiston H.S. Ag class. “Local soils field trip”. 30 students. 2000 Morrow County Grain Growers annual grower meeting. “Fertility management in wheat”. Ione, OR. 1-16-00. Umatilla Hay growers. “Alfalfa nutrition”. HAREC, Hermiston, OR. 1-25-00. 1999 Wilbur Ellis. “N, S & Cl in winter wheat” Adams, OR. 2-17-99. Hermiston Farm Faiir. “Nutrient uptake in potatoes”. Hermiston, OR. 12-1-99. Hermiston Farm Fair. “Soil pH and liming”. Hermiston, OR. 12-2-99. 1998 Oregon State Univ. CCA Training Course. “Nitrogen management for grass seed in the Columbia Basin”. Hermiston, OR. 2-24-98. NW Biosolids workgroup. “The use of Biosolids at Madison Farms”. Echo, OR. 4-30-98. Grass Seed Field Day. “Growing grass seed in the Columbia Basin”. Hermiston, OR. 5-2298. Pre 1998 Oregon St. Univ. Onion meeting. “Onion N nutrition and monitoring”, Hermiston, OR 1-1796. Farm Fair. “Fluctuations in potato petiole analysis”. Hermiston, OR. 12-5-96. Oregon St. Univ.- Farm Fair. “Petiole analysis for potatoes”, Hermiston, OR 11-17-95. Farming for profit and stewardship workshop. “Soil Testing”. Corvallis, OR 2/28/92. Highland Middle School 6th Grade. “Essential plant nutrients”. Corvallis, OR 10/92. Philomath High School. Spoke to 4 classes. “Water, quality and testing”. Philomath, OR 6/8/89. VOLUNTEERED PRESENTATIONS f. Volunteered International g. Volunteered National McQueen, J. D. Sullivan and D. Horneck. 2008 Monitoring nitrogen availability in organic potatoes. American Society of Agronomy national meeting. Houston TX. 10-7-08 Kotuby-Amacher J., D. Horneck, K. Reid, V. Normandin and J. Lawley. 2008. The NAPT program and its use for monitoring laboratory proficiency. 10-9-08 PAGE 30 American society of agronomy annual meeting. Effect of K and Cl on potatoes. Poster. Inianapolis. IN. 11-13-02. 4000 participants. National Allium research conference. Nutrient requirements on onions in the Columbia Basin. Pasco. WA. 12-12-02. 140 participants. National Allium research conference. Lime and pH requirements of onions in the Columbia Basin. Pasco. WA. 12-12-02 140 participants. National Allium research conference. Geology and crop tour of the Columbia Basin onions. Pasco. WA. 12-14-02.42 participants. Horneck, D. A. 2001. N, P, Ca, Cl and K uptake rate in high yielding potatoes. Agronomy abstracts-poster presentation, ASA annual meeting October 22, Charlotte, NC h. Volunteered Regional Re-use water consortiun, 3nd annual meeting. Nutrient management. Boardman. OR. 9-2403. 55 participants. Re-use water consortiun, 2nd annual meeting. Uptake of TDS by alfalfa. Boardman. OR. 925-02. 69 participants. Re-use water consortiun, 2nd annual meeting. What is TDS. Boardman. OR. 9-25-02. 69 participants. Grass seed cropping systems for sustainable agriculture, GSCSSA-USDA-ARS meeting. Maintaining profitability of grass seed production in the Columbia Basin through improved fertilization, weed and disease control practices. Poster. Portland. OR. 12-1102. Co-author. 100 participants. i. Volunteered State Crop diagnostic workshop. Crop diagnostic workshop. Crop diagnostic workshop. Crop diagnostic workshop. 2-25-08 Ontario, OR 10 participants 2-26-08 Hermiston, OR 50 participants 2-28-08 Madras, OR 25 participants 2-29-08 Klamath Falls, OR 20 participants j. Examples of Volunteered Local Presentations (most reoccur) Hermiston Farm Fair. Fertilizer efficiency. 12-03-08. 75 participants. Potato field day 6-23-08 Grass seed field day 6-3-08 Pesticide math. 2-14-08 Pesticide training. 2-15-08 Madras crop luncheon. Ammonia volatilization. 12-21-07. Madras OR. 13 participants. OSU 8 hr CCA soil-water and nutrient management training. Broadcast via polycom to Madras. 12-20-07. Hermiston, OR 20 participants. Pesticide training, the label. Hermiston OR, 2-13-07. 40 participants Pesticide training, safety and toxicity. Hermiston OR, 2-13-07. 40 participants Pesticide training, math. Hermiston, OR. 2-12-07. 40 participants Grass seed field day. N and ergot in grass seed. Hermiston OR. 5-31-07. 95 participants. Potato field day. Slow release N. 6-28-06. Hermiston farm fair. Slow release N in wheat. 11- -07. 75 participants PAGE 30 Mater Gardeners. Compost and soil amendments. 1-20-05. Pendleton, OR. 8 participants. Hermiston Farm Fair. Nitrogen in potatoes. 11-30-04 127 participants Hermiston Farm Fair. Compost and compost tea on potatoes. 12-1-04 125 participants Hermiston Farm Fair. Water Basics. 12-2-04 125 participants Hermiston Farm Fair. P nutrition in potatoes. Hermiston OR. 12-3-03. 115 participants. Grass seed field day. Nutrition of Kentucky bluegrass. Hermiston. OR. 5-30-02. 95 participants. Cereal field day. Cereal production in the LUB. 6-25-02. 19 participants. Hermiston Farm Fair. Hay conditioners. Hermiston. OR. 12-4-02. 62 participants. Hermiston Farm fair. “Potasium in potatoes”. Presented at Hermiston Farm. 11-28-01. 90 people. Hermiston Farm Fair – Potato Day. “Nutrient uptake by long and full season potatoes”. He rmiston, OR 11-29-00 Eastern Oregon University. “ Soil testing”. Umatilla, OR. 5-23-00 PROGRAM FACILITATION Another major part of my program is organization of meetings and tours. These programs are designed to provide needed information to my clientele for decision making. I utilize local, regional and national experts in these programs. Ongoing facilitated programs and tours Re-use consortium/DEQ work meetings. Meet once to twice a year. Meetings to discuss items of contention and foster communication between the two groups. Re-use water consortium meetings. Monthly meetings to discuss waste water issues. Program organizer. 2000-. 6-20 participants. Re-use water consortium annual conference. 2000-. 75 participants. Hermiston Farm fair. Coordinate program for annul three day meeting. Press release. 2000-. 990 participants. Columbia basin grass seed growers annual meeting. Organize program, meeting, present. 100 participants Pacific Northwest Vegetable assoc. Annual two day meeting. Organize meeting and program. Moderate two sessions. 840 participants. Private pesticide applicators core program. Press release. 2000-. 94 participants. Commercial and private applicators training and licensing. Organize and schedule program and exam. Press release. 2000-. 65 participants Pesticide application to canals and right of ways. Organize and moderate program. Press release. 2001-. 47 participants Grass seed field day. Organize, schedule, moderate and present program. Press release. 120 participants. Cereal field day. Organize and schedule program. Press release. 2000-. 18 participants. Sweet corn field day. Organize and schedule program. Press release. 2001-. 78 participants. Individual programs and tours. International symposium on soil and plant analysis, Budapest Hungary, June 2007. Umatilla crop tour. 5-24-07 PAGE 30 National allium research conference (NARC). Program organization, conference planning. Pasco. WA. 12-11 to 14-2002. 150 participants. National allium research conference (NARC) tour. Tour organization. Moderated the tour on local geology and agriculture. Pasco. WA. 12-14-2002. 42 participants. NRCS training meeting in Pendleton. 2002 Western alfalfa and forage conference. Reno. NV. Program organization and conference planning. 12-10 to 13-2002. 600 participants. Web Sites http://www.css.orst.edu/nm/ A joint collaboration OSU, UI and WSU on nutrient management education. Part of SARE grant. 4. Program Impact Statements The following are impact statements for two of my education programs. They demonstrate how I approach my job and the impact of my activities. VEGETABLES SITUATION Potato, onion and other vegetables nutrition has been worked on in a variety of ways in the past. Little documentation of how these vegetables utilize nutrients on a daily basis has been completed even though most growers fertilize on a daily or weekly basis. There has also been some misconception of the quantities of nutrient that a potato plant uses and what is removed in the tuber and what is left behind for the next crop in potato vine and roots. Soil pH has become an increasing problem with vegetable production in the last ten years. Onions, peas and alfalfa are two of the more sensitive crops in the area. Decreasing soil potassium levels are also a concern on some soils. ACTION A potassium trial was set up at Terra Poma farms. The shepody and russet Burbank field were monitored for drymatter production, yield, quality and nutrient uptake. A lime trial was set up at Walchli farms in an onion field where soil pH was below 6.0. A pea trial in cooperation with Smith frozen foods and the Pendleton experiment station was established in the green house as a pH and molybdenum experiment. I am a committee member of PNVA a regional vegetable association. I am co-chair for tours for the upcoming national allium meeting to be held in Pasco, WA. A soil acidification publication is being worked on. I cooperate with Russ Ingham on cover crops and ways to control nematodes in vegetable production IMPACT The potato information has been an important education tool for use in my extension program. Data generated from this study has been used to show growers and fieldmen the futility of late season fertilization for many nutrients. The impact of K on potato production and economical ways to tackle its fertilization. The rate of potassium uptake for example approaches 15 pounds of K per acre per day during the peak uptake period. Total K uptake was 400-800 pounds of K per acre depending on year and potato variety. Little K is utilized during the later stages of bulking and approximately 50% of the K is in the tuber. Conversely, phosphorous is utilized PAGE 30 where 90% is in the tuber with only 10% in the vine at the final harvest. Potato P uptake rate peaks at about one pound per acre per day but persists throughout the bulking period. The onion lime trial was designed to use a variety of products as well as lime rates to determine the need onions have for lime and what products are suitable. Regrettably this field was damaged due to the misapplication of a herbicide. The peas from the seed lot in question had a molybdenum seed coat applied. EXAMPLES OF RELATED SCHOLARLY ACCOMPLISHMENTS Horneck, D.A., J McMorran. 1998. Nutrient uptake in full season potatoes, Presented at Hermiston Farm Fair, Potato day. 12-1999. Potato Nutrition Fieldmen Seminars. “Nutrient uptake of full season potatoes”. Pasco WA. 7-2600 Potato Nutrition Fieldmen Seminars. “Nutrient uptake of full season potatoes”. Moses Lake, WA. 7-26-00 Hermiston Farm Fair“Nutient uptake in full and short season potatoes”. Presented at Hermiston Farm Fair, Potato day. 12-1-2000. Horneck, D. A. 2001. N, P, Ca, Cl and K uptake rate in high yielding potatoes. Agronomy abstracts-poster presentation, ASA annual meeting October 22, Charlotte, NC D.M. Sullivan, B.D. Brown, C.C. Shock, D.A. Horneck, R.G. Stevens, G.Q. Pelter, and E.B.G. Feibert. 2001. Nutrient Management for Onions in the Pacific Northwest. 28 pages. PNW 546. Orecon State University. Corvallis Oregon. Hermiston Farm fair. “Potasium in potatoes”. Presented at Hermiston Farm. 11-28-01 ENVIRONMENTAL SITUATION Simplot, Lamb Weston, Smith Frozen Foods, Hermiston Generating, Port of Morrow as well as others have wastewater fields that are currently located in Umatilla and Morrow counties. Many other environmental factors are impacting growers and possessors whether it be HB 2156, salmon and water flows, The NRCS’s phosphorous index or functioning in the Ground water management area. New dairies are also moving into the area where agronomic application of nutrients is expected. There is still need for reclamation grasses that can survive in our climate. ACTION A workgroup called the Re-use water consortium was established to address agronomic and regulatory issues relating to the land application of food possessor waters . A meeting was held at the Port of Morrow for interested parties including DEQ, possessors and consultants. I sit on the HB2156 technical advisory committee and the NRCS committee for establishing the phosphous index for Oregon and Washington. I am also involved with the LUB-GWMA. A probe truck is maintained by me to assist with deep sampling. A new truck was purchased for the probe to reside on. PAGE 30 A reclamation grass trial was established at Madison Farms and at HAREC. IMPACT DEQ, growers and prosessors are working together more harmoniously to more closely monitor agronomic use of re-use nutrients. A system is set up that is relatively non-confrontational where all sides can address their concerns. A new OM&M guideline is being released by DEQ that was modified due to re-use consortium comments. There will be a minimum of 1100 new re-use irrigated acres added to the Umatilla/Morrow area. The waste will be applied by pivot irrigation. The PI index is now accepted by the NRCS in both Washington and Oregon. The probe truck has seen more use in 2001 than ever in the past. The only reclamation grass that survived was tetraploid perennial ryegrass. EXAMPLES OF RELATED SCHOLARLY ACCOMPLISHMENTS NRCS nutrient management training workshop. “Manure as a resource”. Salem, OR. 12-5-00. V.E. Oksendahl, R.G.Stevens, S. B. Campbell, T.M. Gohlke, D. Sullivan, J. Hart, R.D. Roe and D. Horneck. 2000 Nutrient Nutrient management programs in Washington and Oregon. Agronomy abstracts-poster presentation. ASA annual meeting. November 8, Minneapolis, MN S. B. Campbell, T.M. Gohlke, B. Wilson, D. Sullivan, J. Hart and D. Horneck. 2001 Nutrient management in Oregon, Agronomy abstracts-poster presentation, ASA annual meeting October 25, Charlotte, NC S. B. Campbell, T.M. Gohlke, B. Wilson, and D. Horneck. 2001. Nutrient management plan: Oregon example. Agronomy abstracts-poster presentation, ASA annual meeting October 25, Charlotte, NC “Manure as a resource” interview by agri-times. 1/04/01 Re-use water consortium meeting. “Value of re-use nutrients”. September 27. Port of Morrow, Boardman OR. Re-use water consortium meeting. “The TDS- non volatile solids dilemma”. September 27. Port of Morrow, Boardman OR. D.M. Sullivan, S. Seiter, J.M. Hart, D. Horneck, R.G. Stevens (WSU), and B.D Brown (U of Idaho). Western SARE Professional Development Program. Pacific Northwest collaborative nutrient management education program. $84,750. 2001. 2 yr. GRASS SEED SITUATION Grass seed is a relatively new crop to the LUB. Diseases, fertility and weed control issues are all relatively new and unresearched. A LUB grass seed growers organization has been formed with an education and research objective. Jane Pope is the local seed certification technician which I supervise. ACTION Farm fair had a grass seed session. A grass seed field day was held on May 31. A Kentucky bluegrass nitrogen trial was established in the fall of 2001. New grass seed fertilizer guides for fine fescue, annual ryegrass, tall fescue and perennial ryegrass are being worked on. PAGE 30 IMPACT Over 100 growers, fieldmen and industry representatives attend the annual grass seed field day which focused on disease and weed issues. Grass seed crops continue to be an increasing important crop in the LUB. EXAMPLES OF RELATED SCHOLARLY ACCOMPLISHMENTS Gingrich, G.A., J. Hart, D. Horneck, W. Young and T. Silberstein. 2003. Fine fescue fertilizer guide. FG 6-E. OSU Extension Service. Corvallis OR. Web address http://eesc.orst.edu/agcomwebfile/edmat/FG6-E.pdf Grass seed growers meeting. “Nitrogen fertilization for grass seed crops”. Hermiston OR. 1-2001 Horneck, D. and J. Hart. 2001. Spring Potassium application on grass grown for seed. Crop & Soil News/Notes 15(8). Corvallis OR Cenex grass seed physiology meeting. “Nutrient uptake in grass seed crops”. Tangent OR. 1115-01 Grass seed field day held at HAREC Being worked on Nutrient management guide for tall fescue Nutrient management guide for perennial ryegrass Nutrient management guide for annual ryegrass FORAGES AND CEREALS SITUATION Forage, particularly alfalfa, is grown on a large amount of acreage in the LUB. Cereals including corn, wheat oats and triticale are grown for both forage and grain production. Sometimes there is a need for a summer annual clover especially in years where forage is scarce and valuable. There is also a need for dryland forages that will survive our summers. A need exists to demonstrate that HRSW can make protein with out leaving excessive amounts of nitrogen in the soil. ACTION Farm fair had a forage and livestock session. Planted a trial with berseem clover a summer clover that is suited to warm climates. Established a dryland grass evaluation trial at both Madison Farms and HAREC. Hay King contest at Umatilla fair Worked with simplot at Grandview farms and Terra Poma farms to work out nitrogen applications such that 14% protein could be made and minimize impact to environment. PAGE 30 IMPACT Awarded a Hay King buckle to Chris Aylett. Over twenty fields in excess of 2000 acres at Grandview Farms made 14% protein on their HRSW. EXAMPLES OF RELATED SCHOLARLY ACCOMPLISHMENTS Cenex grower meeting. Soil pH and nutrient management in hay production. Madras OR 1-9-01 (60) Cereal Field day 6-06-01 Horneck, D.A., L. Lutcher 2001. A practitioner’s perspective of HRSW protein management. Invited presentation in wheat protein enhancement with N intervention symposium. Agronomy abstracts-oral presentation, ASA annual meeting October 24, Charlotte, NC MISCELLANEOUS SITUATION This position is considered a resource position for everything in the area from “bugs” to water application and quality to ? Homeowners, teachers, nursery owners, bankers, real estate agents, detectives all use this position as a resource. This position is responsible for providing training and credits for pesticide certification. This requires a significant amount of time approximately 5-10% depending on the season. The secretary is becoming more proficient at dealing with these issues. ACTION Farm Fair had two sessions of core training. Participate on national Committees for NAPT as budget chair and AOAC-ASA committee for joint soil method evaluation. IMPACT Hopefully questions are answered in a agronomic and environmentally friendly manner. EXAMPLES OF RELATED SCHOLARLY ACCOMPLISHMENTS Robert O. Miller and Donald Horneck. Preparation of QC Materials for Soil Analysis Laboratories. NAPT publication that went out to 160+ laboratories 2. Teaching Evaluations Clientele evaluation summary Year number Average rating 2008 3-4 sent in the computer forms and never heard back 2007 4 3.74 of 4.0 2006 4 Making up for last year 3.56 of 4.0 2005 2 2004 PAGE 30 2003 2002 2001 2 3 3 Peer Evaluation 2008 John hart 2001 peer review 3.89 of 4.0 3.38 of 4.0 4.58 0f 5.0 4.78 of 5.0 a. Examples of Facilitated Programs and tours Hermiston Farm Fair – A three day event located at the Hermiston Community Center. Attendance is 200-350 people per day and consists of growers, fieldmen, industry representatives, high school students and the interested general public. This meeting consists of a potato day where the potato industry is provided information to keep it state of the art. There are two general sessions that cover a wide variety of issues from soil pH to weed control. Annually there is and agriculture issue forum that deals with water issues and any other issue that is pertinent for the time. This year (2000) we had discussions on salmon recovery in the first half and Oregon Lein laws in the second have of the session. I also chaired two sessions for this meeting. One on potato day and one of the general sessions. PNVA Winter Meeting – The Pacific Northwest Vegetable Association (PNVA) holds an annual meeting that attracts approximately 600 of growers, fieldmen and industry representatives. I have spoken several times at this meeting regarding onion nutrition. I am currently a board member. I help put the program together, called vendors, and chaired a session for this meeting. Sessions on onions, carrots, asparagus, sweet corn beans and peas are generally offered. 4. Non-Refereed Publication Summary/media contacts Year Newspaper/press Quit keeping track 2003 8 2002 5 2001 4 2000 3 Total 12 press releases Misc. 11 10 1 1 2 3 2 11 7 PAGE 30 These contacts result in a wide variety of articles and interviews in a variety of newspapers including the Tri-city Herald, Hermiston Herald, Capital Press, East Oregonian, Agri-times and others. These contacts also result in radio announcements and radio shows that I participate in. There has also been occasional television contacts made. C. SCHOLARSHIP AND CREATIVE ACTIVITY 1. Refereed Publications/Extension/Books Shewmaker, G.E., R. Koenig, D. Horneck, M. Bohle, G. Cardon, and S. Jensen. 2010 (In press). Chapter 3: Soils, Fertility, and Nutrient Management for Pastures. p. 21-30. In G.E. Shewmaker and M.G. Bohle (eds.) Pasture and Grazing Management in the Northwest, PNW 614, University of Idaho Extension, Moscow. Koenig, Horneck, Platt, Petersen, Stevens, Fransen, Brown. 2009. Nutrient Management Guide: Dryland and Irrigated Alfalfa in Inland Washington-Oregon-Idaho. PNW 0611. WSU, Pullman. WA. Larry K. Lutcher, Donald J. Wysocki, Mary K. Corp, and Donald A. Horneck. 2009.Agronomic Guidelines for Flexible Cropping Systems in Dryland Areas of Oregon. EM 8999-E. Oregon State University. Corvallis. OR Koenig, R. D. Horneck, et al. 2009. PNW inland alfalfa fertilization guide. In Review Horneck, D and C. Rosen. 2008. Measuring nutrient accumulation rate of potatoes-tools for better management. Better Crops. 92:1 pp 4-6. Buamscha, G., J. Altland, D. Sullivan and D. Horneck. 2007. Micronutreint availability in fresh and aged doulas fir bark. HortScience 42:1 pp152-156. Altland, J. M. Buamscha and D Horneck. 2008. Substrate pH affects nutrient availability in fertilized douglas fir bark substrates. Hortscience 43: pp2171-2178. Buamscha, G., J. Altland, D. Sullivan, D. Horneck and J. McQueen. 2008. Nitrogen availability in fresh and aged douglas fir bark. Hort. Technology 18:4 pp619. Sullivan, D.M., JP McQueen and DA Horneck. 2008. Estimating nitrogen mineralization in organic potato production. EM 8949-e Oregon State University. Buamscha1, G, J E. Altland, D. Sullivan, D. Horneck and J. Cassidy, 2007. Chemical and Physical Properties of Douglas Fir Bark Relevant to the Production of Container Plants Hortscience 42(5):1281–1286. Horneck, D.A., D. Wysocki, B. Hopkins, J. Hart, R. Stevens, 2007. Acidifying Soil for Crop Production: Inland Pacific Northwest PNW 599-E Oregon State University. 15 pages Horneck,, D.A., J.W. Ellsworth, B.G. Hopkins, D.M. Sullivan, and R.G. Stevens. Managing Saltaffected Soils for Crop Production. PNW 601-E. Oregon State University. 24 pages Sullivan, D., J. McQueen, and D. Horneck, 2008. Estimating Nitrogen Mineralization in Organic Potato Production. EM 8949-E. Oregon State University Extension Service Wysocki, D. M. Corp, D.A. Horneck, and L.K. Lutcher. 2007. Irrigated and Dryland Canola. Nutrient Management guide. EM 8943-E. Oregon State University Extension Service. Hopkins,B.G.,D. A. Horneck,R. G. Stevens, J. W. Ellsworth, D. M. Sullivan, 2007. Managing Irrigation Water Quality for crop production in the Pacific Northwest. PNW 597-E. Oregon State University. 29 pages. Hopkins, B.G., D.A. Horneck, M.J. Pavek, B.D. Geary, N.L. Olsen, J.W. Ellsworth, G.D. Newberry, J.S. Miller, R.E. Thornton, and G.W. Harding. Evaluation of Potato Production PAGE 30 Best Management Practices. Amer J of Potato Res (2007) 84:19-27 19 Lutcher, L.K., D.A. Horneck, D.J. Wysocki, J.M. Hart, S.E. Petrie, and N.W. Christensen. 2007. FG 80: Winter wheat in summer-fallow systems (low precipitation zone). Revised (April). Wysocki, D.J., L.K. Lutcher, D.A. Horneck, J.M. Hart, and S.E. Petrie. 2007. FG 81: Winter wheat and spring grains in continuous cropping systems (low precipitation zone). Revised (April). Lutcher, L.K., D.A. Horneck, D.J. Wysocki, J.M. Hart, S.E. Petrie, and N.W. Christensen. 2007. FG 82: Winter wheat in summer-fallow systems (intermediate precipitation zone). Revised (April) Wysocki, D.J., D.A. Horneck, L.K. Lutcher, J.M. Hart, S.E. Petrie, and M.K. Corp. 2007. FG 83: Winter wheat in continuous cropping systems (intermediate precipitation zone). Revised (April). Petrie, S.E., D.J. Wysocki, D.A. Horneck, L.K. Lutcher, J.M. Hart, and M.K. Corp. 2007. FG 84: Winter wheat in continuous cropping systems (high precipitation zone). Revised (April). Hopkins, B.G., D.A. Horneck, M.J. Pavek, B.D. Geary, N.L. Olsen, J.W. Ellsworth, G.D. Newberry, J.S. Miller, R.E. Thornton, and G.W. Harding. 2006. Potato Production Best Management Practices. Amer. J. Potato Res. Orono, Maine (In Press.) Sexton P. J. and D. A. Horneck. 2007-submitted and through review. Accumulation of Nutrients by Russet Burbank Potato in Irrigated and Rainfed Production Environments. J of plant nutrition. Buamscha M. G.. J. E. Altland. D. M. Sullivan and D. A. Horneck. 2007. Micronutrient Availability in Fresh and Aged Douglas Fir Bark. Submitted to Hort-science Buamscha M. G., J. E. Altland, D. M. Sullivan, D. A. Horneck and J. Cassidy. Chemical and physical properties of Douglas fir bark relevant to the production of container plants Watson M., J. Kotuby-Amacher; P. Chu; C. Focht; W. Greig; M. Nathan; T. Provin; K. Reid and D. Horneck. 2006. QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL MODEL PLAN FOR SOIL TESTING LABORATORIES. Soil Science Society of America. Madison. WI Horneck, D.A., D. Wysocki, B. Hopkins, J. Hart and R. Stevens. 2006. Acidifying soil for crop production east of the cascades. EM 8917-E, OSU. October 2006. Locke, K., D. Horneck, J. Hart and R. Stevens. 2006. Acidifying soil in landscapes and gardens east of the Cascades. EC 1585-E. OSU. September 2006 Horneck, D., J. Hart, R. Stevens, S. Petrie and J. Altland.2004. Acidifying soil for crop production west of the Cascade Mountains. Horneck, D.A., D. Wysocki, B. Hopkins, J. Hart and R. Stevens. 2006. Acidifying soil for crop production in the Inland Pacific Northwest. PNW- in press EM 8857-E. OSU. February 2004. Corp, M., D. Horneck, D. Wysocki and L. Lutcher. 2006. Monitoring soil nutrients in dryland systems using management units. EM 8920-E. OSU November 2006. http://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalog/pdf/em/em8920-e.pdf Horneck D.A., B.G. Hopkins, J.W. Ellsworth, R.G. Stevens, and D.M. Sullivan 2007. MANAGING SALT-AFFECTED SOILS For Crop Production. PNW- Submitted Hopkins B. G., D. A. Horneck, R. G. Stevens, J. W. Ellsworth, and D. M. Sullivan 2007. Managing Irrigation Water Quality for Crop Production in the Pacific Northwest. PNWsubmitted Rondon, S.I., M.K. Corp, D.A. Horneck and P.B. Hamm. 2006, Using Home remedies to control garden pests. OSU. EC1586. December 2006. PAGE 30 Lutcher, Horneck, Wysocki, Hart, Petrie, Christensen. 2005. Winter Wheat in Summer Fallow Systems (Low Precipitation Zone. http://eesc.orst.edu/agcomwebfile/edmat/FG80-E.pdf Wysocki, Lutcher, Horneck, Hart, Petrie. 2005. Winter Wheat and Spring Grains in Continuous Cropping Systems. http://eesc.orst.edu/agcomwebfile/edmat/FG81-E.pdf Lutcher, Horneck, Wysocki, Hart, Petrie, Christensen 2005. Winter Wheat in Summer Fallow Systems (Intermediate Precipitation Zone). http://eesc.orst.edu/agcomwebfile/edmat/FG82E.pdf Wysocki, Horneck, Lutcher, Hart, Petrie, Corp. 2005. Winter Wheat in Continuous Cropping Systems (Intermediate Precipitation Zone). http://eesc.orst.edu/agcomwebfile/edmat/FG83E.pdf Petrie, Wysocki, Horneck, Lutcher, Hart, Corp. 2005. Winter Wheat in Continuous Cropping Systems (High Precipitation Zone). http://eesc.orst.edu/agcomwebfile/edmat/FG84-E.pdf Staben, M.L., J. Ellsworth, D. Sullivan. D. Horneck, B. Brown and R. Stevens. 2003. Monitoring soil nutrients using a management approach. PNW 570-E. OSU Extension Service. Corvallis OR. Web Address - http://eesc.oregonstate.edu/agcomwebfile/EdMat/pnw570E.pdf Hart, J. D. Horneck, R. Stevens, N. Bell and C. Cogger. 2003. Acidifying soil for blueberries and ornamental plants in the yard and garden. EC1560-E. OSU Extension Service, Corvallis OR. Webb address - http://eesc.orst.edu/agcomwebfile/edmat/EC1560-E.pdf Gingrich, G.A., J. Hart, D. Horneck, W. Young and T. Silberstein. 2003. Fine fescue fertilizer guide. FG 6-E. OSU Extension Service. Corvallis OR. Web address http://eesc.orst.edu/agcomwebfile/edmat/FG6-E.pdf Hart, J.M., D.A. Horneck, M.E. Mellbye, and R.L. Mikkelsen. 2003. Meeting Potassium Needs for Pacific Northwest Grass Seed Production. Better Crops with Plant Food 87(3):18-23. D.M. Sullivan, B.D. Brown, C.C. Shock, D.A. Horneck, R.G. Stevens, G.Q. Pelter, and E.B.G. Feibert. 2001. Nutrient Management for Onions in the Pacific Northwest. 28 pages. PNW 546. Orecon State University. Corvallis Oregon. Gavlak, R.G., D.A. Horneck, and R.O. Miller. 2001. Soil and plant tissue reference methods for the western region. W. regional publication. In review. Horneck, D.A. and D. Hanson. 1998. Determination of potassium and sodium by flame emision. In Y.P. Kalra, D.A. Horneck, J.B. Jones, R.O. Miller, M.E. Watson and A.M. Wolf (eds.). Handbook of reference methods for plant analysis. Soil and Plant Analysis Council, Athens, GA. p 153-156. CRC Press. Horneck, D.A. and R.O. Miller. 1998. Determination of total nitrogen. In Y.P. Kalra, D.A. Horneck, J.B. Jones, R.O. Miller, M.E. Watson and A.M. Wolf (eds.). Handbook of reference methods for plant analysis. Soil and Plant Analysis Council, Athens, GA. pp. 7584. CRC Press. Gavlak, R.G., D.A. Horneck, and R.O. Miller. 1994. Soil and plant tissue reference methods for the western region. W. regional publication. U. Alaska, Fairbanks. May 1994. WREP 125. Horneck, D.A., J.M. Hart, and D.C. Peek. 1990. The influence of sampling intensity, liming, P rate and method of P application on P soil test values. Communication of Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 21:13-16 pp 1079-1090. PAGE 30 Horneck, D.A., J.M. Hart, K. Topper, and B. Koepsell. 1989. Methods of soil analysis used in the Soil Testing Laboratory at Oregon State University. SM 89:4 Agric. Expt. Sta., 21 pgs. OSU, Corvallis, OR. Hairston, J.E., J.O. Sanford, D.F. Pope, and D.A. Horneck. 1987. Soybean-wheat double cropping: Implications from straw management and supplemental nitrogen. Agron. J. 79:281-286. 2. Other publications Hart, J.M., D.A. Horneck, M.E. Mellbye, G.A. Gingrich, W.C. Young, and T.B. Silberstein. 2003. Potassium nutrition of perennial ryegrass. In: Proc. of the 5th International Herbage Seed Conference, November 23-26, 2003, University of Queensland Gatton Campus, Australia. Horneck, D.A., J. Hart. 2003. Measuring Soil pH. In: Crop and soil news/notes. 17:6. pp 11-13. OSU Extension service. Corvallis OR. Stevens R.G, and D. Horneck., G. Pelter. The effect of liming on soil pH and onion production In: Western nutrient management conference proceedings. March 6-7 2003. Salt Lake Utah. 5:156-163 Wysocki, D. and D.A. Horneck. 2003. Our neighbor the soil #5: Shano Soils, Driest of the Deep Loess. Agri-times. March Wysocki, D. and D.A. Horneck. 2003. Our neighbor the soil #4: Gravelly and hardpan soils of the Basin. Agri-times. February Wysocki, D. and D.A. Horneck. 2003. Our neighbor the soil #3: Silty Soils of the Basin. Agritimes. January Ball. D.A., P.B. Hamm, and D. Horneck. 2002. Northeastern Oregon Grass Seed Research Report. 46 pp. John Hart, Linda Brewer, Rick Fletcher, Chal Landgren, Steve Webster, Mike Bondi and Don Horneck . Christmas Tree nutrient Management Guide for Western Oregon and Washington. Draft version used for nutrient and site management conference Salem Oregon August 12, 2003. Wysocki, D. and D.A. Horneck. 2002. Our neighbor the soil #1: Geology of the Basin. Agritimes. Friday-November 15th. Wysocki, D. and D.A. Horneck. Our neighbor the soil #2: The san Sandy Soils of the Basin: Adkins, Quincy and Winchester Soils. Agri-times. December Hart, J and D.A. Horneck. 2002 Soil acidity and liming, part III-How much lime is needed. Crop and soils news/notes. 16:2. pp. 5-9. Stevens, R.G., G.Q. Pelter and D.A. Horneck. 2002. The effect of liming on soil pH and onion production. 2002 national allium research conference proceedings. December 11-14 2002 Pasco, WA. pp. 3-10. Horneck D.A., G.Q. Pelter and R.G Stevens. 2002. Nutrient requirements of onions in the Columbia Basin. 2002 national allium research conference abstracts. December 11-14 2002 Pasco, WA. p. 11-15. Sullivan, Dan M. Bradford D. Brown, Clinton C. Shock, Donald A. Horneck, Robert G. Stevens, Gary Q. Pelter, and Erik B. Feibert. 2000. Nutrient Management for Sweet Spanish Onions in the Pacific Northwest. In: Pacific Northwest Vegetable Association Annual PAGE 30 Convention and Trade Show Proceedings. 13-14 Nov 2000. Pacific Northwest Vegetable Association. Pasco, Washington. Robert O. Miller and Donald Horneck. 2001. Preparation of QC Materials for Soil Analysis Laboratories. NAPT publication that went out to 160+ laboratories. Horneck, D. and J. Hart. 2001. Spring Potassium application on grass grown for seed. Crop & Soil News/Notes 15(8). Corvallis OR. Horneck, D.A. 2000. Closing in on variability and choosing soil tests wisely. In: Proceedings for WSU precision Ag conference. February 15, Pasco, WA. Horneck, D. A. 1999. Secondary and micronutrient use by onions. . In: Proceedings for Northwest Vegetable Association 1999 meeting, November19-20. Pasco, WA. Horneck, D. A. 1997. Nutrient uptake of Columbia Basin onions, varietal differences: In: Proceedings for Northwest Vegetable Association 1998 meeting, Pasco, WA. Horneck, D.A. 1998. Nutrient uptake of Columbia Basin onions. In: Proceedings for Northwest Vegetable Association 1998 meeting, November19-20. Pasco, WA. Horneck, D.A. In Press. Nitrogen nutrition for Columbia Basin onions. In: Proceedings for Northwest Vegetable Association 1996 meeting. Horneck, D.A. 1996. Nitrogen nutrition for Columbia Basin onions. In: Proceedings for Northwest Vegetable Association 1997 meeting, Pasco, WA. Horneck, D.A., J.M. Hart, W. Young III, and T.B. Silberstein. 1993. Uptake of N, P, K, and S by five cool season grass species. pp. 20-23. In: W.C. Young III (ed.) 1993. Seed Production Research. Dept. of Crop Science, EXT/CrS 93. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Horneck, D.A., J.M. Hart, W. Young III, and T.B. Silberstein. 1993. Uptake of Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, Mn, and B by five cool season grass species. pp. 13-14. In: W.C. Young III (ed.) 1993. Seed Production Research. Dept. of Crop Science, EXT/CrS 93. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Hart, J.M., D.A. Horneck, W. Young III and T.B. Silberstein. 1993. Potassium Dynamics in grass seed production. pp. 8-9. 77:1. In: D.L. Armstrong (ed.), Better crops. Potash and Phosphate Institute, Norcross, Ga. Horneck, D.A. and J.M. Hart. 1992. Third year response of tall fescue and perennial ryegrass to lime and phosphorus during a four year study. pp. 15-16. In: W.C. Young III (ed.) 1990. Seed Production Research. Dept. of Crop Science, EXT/CrS 80. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Hart, J.M., D.A. Horneck, W.C. Young, and T. Silberstein. 1992. Ryegrass and tall fescue growth and seed yield response to lime and P. In: Western Phosphate/Sulphur Workgroup, 1992 proceedings. pp. 93-96. Anchorage, AK. Horneck, D.A., J.M. Hart, and W.C. Young. 1992. Solution P in two soils amended with lime and P. In: Western Phosphate/Sulphur Workgroup, 1992 proceedings. pp. 97-100. Anchorage, AK. Hart, J.M., D. Horneck, W. Young III, and T.B. Silberstein. 1991. Potassium for grass seed production. pp. 13-14. In: W.C. Young III (ed.) 1990. Seed Production Research. Dept. of Crop Science, EXT/CrS 80. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Horneck, D.A. and J.M. Hart. 1991. Response of tall fescue and perennial ryegrass to lime and phosphorus. pp. 15-16. In: W.C. Young III (ed.) 1990. Seed Production Research. Dept. of Crop Science, EXT/CrS 80. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. PAGE 30 Horneck, D.A. 1990. Soil testing lab news and notes. Crops and Soils News and Notes. 4:4 pp. 8-9. Hart, J. and D. Horneck. 1990. Soil testing lab news and notes, Soil testing services at OSU. Crop and Soil News and Notes. 4:6 pp. 7-8. Hart, J.M., D. Horneck, D. Peek, and W. Young III. 1989. Nitrogen and sulfur uptake for cool season forage and turf grass grown for seed. pp. 15-17. In: W.C. Young III (ed.) 1989 Seed Production Research. Dept. of Crop Sci., EXT/CrS 80. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Hart, J.M., D.A. Horneck, R.P. Dick, M.E. Mellbye, G.A. Gingrich, R.E. Costa, and K.L. Wilder. Willamette turf-type tall fescue and turf-type perennial ryegrass seed nutrient survey. Soil and Water News. O.S.U. Soil Science Dept. 3:2 pp. 4-7. Hart, J.M., D.A. Horneck, R.P. Dick, M.E. Mellbye, G.A. Gingrich, R.E. Costa, and K.L. Wilder. Willamette turf-type tall fescue and turf-type perennial ryegrass seed nutrient survey, part II. Soil and Water News, O.S.U. Soil Science Dept. 4:1 pp. 1-5. Horneck, D.A. 1988. The variability of results and recommendations between different laboratories. In: summary proceedings, Dryland agriculture fertilizer conference. pp. 7-8. Pendleton, Oregon. Hart, J.M., D.A. Horneck, and R.P. Dick. 1988. Willamette Valley turf-type tall fescue and turftype perennial ryegrass seed nutrient survey. In: Proceedings 39th Annual Northwest Fertilizer Conference, July 11-13, 1988. Bozeman, MT. Oregon Ag. Expt. Sta. Technical paper no. 8597. Horneck, D.A. and J.M. Hart. 1988. A survey of nutrient uptake and soil test values in perennial ryegrass and turf-type tall fescue fields in the Willamette Valley. P. 13-14. In: H.W. Youngberg (ed.) 1988 Seed Production Research. Dept. of Crop Science, EXT/CrS 74. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Horneck, D.A. 1987. Soil testing and grapes. The Wine Advisory Board Research Report. 5:17. Hairston, J.E., J.O. Sanford, P.K. McConnaughey, and D.A. Horneck. 1984. Erosion and soil productivity in the Blackbelt. In: Proceedings seventh annual southeast no-tillage systems conference. pp. 165-168. Headland, Alabama. Hairston, J.E., J.O. Sanford, P.K. McConnaughey, and D.A. Horneck. 1984. Influence of primary tillage on compactness of Blackbelt soils. In: Proceedings seventh annual southeast no-tillage systems conference. pp. 165-168. Headland, Alabama. 3. Reports Sullivan, D, R. Stevens, B. Brown, M. Staben, J. Hart, D. Horneck, J. Harrison, C. Cogger, and J. Ellsworth. 2002. Western Integrated Nutrient Management Education Project. WSARE Grant. Available at www.css.orst.edu/nm/Publications/2002%20report2.doc Hart, J.M., D.A. Horneck, R.P. Dick, M.E. Mellbye, G.A. Gingrich, R.E. Costa, and K.L. Wilder. 1988. Report to Dept. of Environmental Quality Field Burning Commission. Project No. 09-88, July, 1988. Hart, J.M., D.A. Horneck, D. Peek, and W.C. Young III. 1988. Nitrogen and sulfur uptake for cool season forage. Project 4: Fertilizer tests and demonstrations. TVA Annual Report, 1 Oct. 1988 to Sept. 1989. Submitted to TVA. Horneck, D.A., J.E. Hairston, and J.O. Sanford. 1985. Southern Regional project S-174: Mississippi Report. 1985. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. PAGE 30 4. Theses and Related Publications Nitrogen use and soil properties under four tillage systems using depleted nitrogen-fifteen fertilizer. M.S., University of Illinois, 1984. Nutrient management and cycling in grass seed crops. Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1994. 5. Abstracts/posters Jim Owen1, James Altland2, Carolyn Scagel3, Heather Stoven1, Don Horneck4 and Jonathan Frantz5, (1)North Willamette Res & Ext Ctr, Aurora, OR, (2)Application Technology Research Unit, USDA-ARS, Wooster, OH, (3)USDA ARS Hort Crops Res Unit, Corvallis, OR, (4)Oregon State University, Hermiston, OR, (5)USDA ARS, Toledo, OH Hort. McQueen, J. D. Sullivan and D. Horneck. 2008 Monitoring nitrogen availability in organic potato production. American Society of Agronomy national meeting abstracts . Houston TX. Kotuby-Amacher J., D. Horneck, K. Reid, V. Normandin and J. Lawley. 2008. The NAPT program and its use for monitoring laboratory proficiency. American Society of Agronomy national meeting abstracts . Houston TX. Horneck, D.A., Variability of soil and plant analyses. 9th International symposium on soil and plant analysis. Cancum Mexico. Colegio de Postgraduados, Mexico. P.62. Horneck, D.A., Use of soil and plant analysis to determine N needs. A-9. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting. November 2005. Salt Lake City, UT. Agronomy Abstracts Madison WI. Horneck, D.A., PAP where we are headed American Society of Agronomy annual meeting. November 2005. Salt Lake City, UT. Agronomy Abstracts. Madison WI. Staben, M.L., D.M. Sullivan, R.G. Stevens, D. Horneck, B.D. Brown and J.W. Ellsworth. 2003. A regional approach to Extension outreach. TMDL Implementation in Watershed Restoration Conference. Stevenson, WA. Stevens R.G, and D. Horneck., G. Pelter. The effect of liming on soil pH and onion production In: Western nutrient management conference proceedings. March 6-7 2003. Salt Lake Utah. Horneck, D. A. 2002. Effect of K and Cl on potatoes. ASA abstracts. November 10-14. Indianapolis, IN. Stevens, R.G., G.Q. Pelter and D.A. Horneck. 2002. The effect of liming on soil pH and onion production. 2002 national allium research conference abstracts. December 11-14 2002 Pasco, WA. p. 9. Horneck D.A., G.Q. Pelter and R.G Stevens. 2002. Nutrient requirements of onions in the Columbia Basin. 2002 national allium research conference abstracts. December 11-14 2002 Pasco, WA. p. 10. Horneck, D.A., L. Lutcher 2001. A practitioner’s perspective of HRSW protein management. Invited presentation in wheat protein enhancement with N intervention symposium. ASA abstracts. October 21-25, Charlotte, NC. Horneck, D. A. 2001. N, P, Ca, Cl and K uptake rate in high yielding potatoes. ASA abstracts. October 21-25, Charlotte, NC. S. B. Campbell, T.M. Gohlke, B. Wilson, D. Sullivan, J. Hart and D. Horneck. 2001. Nutrient management in Oregon, ASA abstracts. October 21-25, Charlotte, NC. PAGE 30 S. B. Campbell, T.M. Gohlke, B. Wilson, and D. Horneck. 2001. Nutrient management plan: Oregon example. ASA abstracts. October 21-25, Charlotte, NC. Oksendahl, V.E., R.G. Stevens, S.B. Campbell, T..M. Gohlke, D. Sullivan, J. Hart, R.D. Roe and D.A. Horneck. 2000. Nutrient management programs in Washington and Oregon. . American Society of Agronomy Abstracts. November 5-9, 2000. Minneapolis MN. Horneck. D.A., and G. Pelter, 1998. Nutritional differences between six onion cultivars. American Society of Agronomy Abstracts. October 20, 1998, Baltimore Maryland. Miller, R.O., J. Mulliken And D. A. Horneck. 1998. Spatial correlation of topography, TOC and nutrients on loess landscapes. American Society of Agronomy Abstracts. October 20, 1998, Baltimore Maryland. Horneck, D.A., R. Miller, D. Hanson and J. Kotuby-Amacher. 1995. Factors Affecting the Extraction of Bicarbonate Extractable Soil Phosphorus. American Society of Agronomy Abstracts. October 29- November 3, 1995, St. Louis, MO. P Horneck, D.A., J.M. Hart, and D.C. Peek. 1989. Sampling a low P soil at two lime rates and four intensities with banded and broadcast P at four rates. In: International Symposium on Soil Testing and Plant Analysis, Abstracts of Poster Presentations. p. 3. Aug. 14-19. Fresno, CA. Hart, J.M., D.A. Horneck, W.C. Young, and D.C. Peek. 1989. Comparison of nutrient uptake for selected forage and turf grass cultivars. Agronomy Abstracts. p.133. Horneck, D.A. and J.M. Hart. 1989. Field calibrations of multinutrient and single element extractants. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 241. Brett, M.A., D.A. Horneck, and J.M. Hart. 1988. Oregon State University soil test accounting and recommendation program. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 66. Horneck, D.A. and J.M. Hart. 1988. Nutrient uptake and soil test survey of perennial ryegrass and turf- type tall fescue fields in the Willamette Valley. In: Proceedings of the Pacific Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science. 7:1 p. 31. Horneck, D.A. and J.M. Hart. 1988. Nutrient uptake and soil test survey of perennial ryegrass and turf-type tall fescue fields in the Willamette Valley. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 237. Litton, D., J.E. Hairston, D.A. Horneck, and J.O. Sanford. 1986. Effects of combined power ash and paper waste sludge on soybean and wheat in Mississippi Blackland. Agronomy Abstracts. p.33. Horneck, D.A., J.E. Hairston, and J.O. Sanford. 1985. Relationships between monthly erosive indices, canopy cover, residue cover, runoff and soil erosion. Agronomy Abstracts. P. 207. Horneck, D.A., J.E. Hairston, and J.O. Sanford. 1985. Relationships between monthly EI, canopy cover, residue cover, erosion and runoff for five soybean tillage systems. Agronomy Abstracts. SAAS, So. Branch. 12:14. Biloxi, Mississippi. Common Press Columbia Basin Issues 2008 a periodic column for Agri-Times. Pendleton, OR Columbia Basin Issues 2007 for Agri-Times. Pendleton, OR 5. Grants Horneck. K in spuds. NACHURS. $4500 PAGE 30 Dragilia, Klebbler and Horneck, 2009-2011. Wettability of soils $335,513.00 Horneck and Clough. 2009. K in potatoes, Mosaic. $25,000 Horneck. 2009. ESN in potatoes. Agrium. $12,000 Horneck. 2009. Agrotain and super U in potatoes.Agrotain $6,000 Horneck. 2009 Nitamin in potatoes and wheat Georgia Pacific$16,000 Horneck 2009. Orgainic potato production. USDA. $16,000 Karrow, Wysocki, Levey, Horneck et al 2009-2011. Sun grant. DOT. $600,000 McGuire, Hamm, Carpenter, Johnson and Horneck. 2010-2011. Green manures and suppressive soils. USDA Block Grant. $233,693.89 Horneck. 2010. Kentucky bluegrass. NRCS $10,000 Horneck and Clough, 2008. NAP leaching and product on potatoes $15000 Horneck and Sullivan, 2008 Ferilizer guides for alfalfa, corn and pastures $30000 Horneck, Corp, Wysocki, Lutcher, wheat flex cropping guide $12000 Horneck and Clough, 2008 P in onions and potatoes, Mosaic. $11000 Horneck 2008 aqua protein in potatoes. $5000 Horneck 2008 slow release fertilizers in potatoes $20000 Horneck 2008 phosphite in potatoes and wheat $7000 Horneck Slow release fertilizers in potatoes 2007, Simplot, Agrium and Georgia Pacific, $25000 Horneck Slow release fertilizers in wheat 2007, Simplot and Agrium $10000 Horneck and Clough MES and MESZ in potaoes, 2007, mosaic $16000 Horneck, Corp, Wysocki, Lutcher. Fertilizer guides, NRCS. 2007, $40000 Horneck and Clough. 2006 Healine and drought stress. BASF. $16000 Horneck. 2006 water penetration Ag concepts $6000 Horneck. 2006 water penetration. Irrig-aid gold $6000 Hopkins, horneck et.al. 2006. SARE. Assessment and demonstration of the sustainability of long vs short potato rotations. $179403 ($3590 mine) Horneck, Ball, Hamm and Rhondin. 2006. Sustainable grass seed production. USDA-CREES. $79000 ($7000 mine) D Horneck. 2005. Monty’s on potatoes. $1000 D Horneck. 2005. Irrigaid-gold on potatoes. $4000 D. Horneck. 2005 ATI on potatoes, tall fescue and perennial ryegrass. $4000 Clough, G., D Horneck. 2005. Auxigro in potatoes. $12000 Clough, G., D Horneck. 2005. Avail in sweet corn. $6000 Clough, G., D Horneck. 2005 steric products in potatoes. $25000 Clough, G., D Horneck. 2004. Agro-liquid in potatoes and onions. $25000 Clough, G., D Horneck. 2004. P nutrition in onions. $3000. Clough, G., D Horneck. 2004. Auxigro in potatoes. $12000. Clough, G., D Horneck. 2003. Monty’s in onoinos and potatoes. $4400. Tri-state grass seed commission. 2004. $4000. Clough, G., D Horneck. 2003. P nutrition in onions. $4400. D. Sullivan, Paul Jepson and Jeffrey Jenkins. 2003. Nutrient and Pest Management Education for Technical Service Providers in the Pacific Northwest. Cooperator on the nutrient management team. EPA grant. Research equipment grant. 2003. $44,000. Bought a tractor for HAREC Tri-state grass seed commission. 2003. $4000. Washington State grass seed commission. 2003. $5500. PAGE 30 D.M. Sullivan, S. Seiter, J.M. Hart, D. Horneck, R.G. Stevens (WSU), and B.D Brown (U of Idaho). Western SARE Professional Development Program. Pacific Northwest collaborative nutrient management education program. $84,750. 2001 and 2002 . 2 yr. B. Hopkins, D Horneck, Robert E. Thornton and Brad Geary. Western SARE grant. Enhancing Sustainable Potato Cropping System Practices. 2002 and 2003, 2004. 2005 $18,965 7. Oregon Invests Diversification into value-added agriculture in the Columbia basin. 2002 High-Value Crop Production Technology for the Columbia Basin of Eastern Oregon. 2002 Re-use consortium, 2002 Western Integrated Nutrient Management Education Project, 2002 Wastewater development project. 2001 8. Professional Development Western nutrient meeting New Mexico American Society of agronomy national meeting Trip to Peru and international potato center. Columbia Gorge Air committee science day meeting. 9-25-07. Hood River, OR. International symposium on soil and plant analysis. Budapest Hungary. 6-11 through 6-15-07. Ontario Field day. 7-11-07. Ontario OR. Idaho Bio-fuel field day. 6-26-07. Moscow, ID Pacific Ethanol tour and open house. 6-26-07. Boardman OR. The Hanford reach reclamation. 4-9-07. Hanford, WA. Bio-Diesel tour. Madison Farms. Echo, OR. 4-10-07 Western Nutrient management conference Salt Lake City, UT. 3-7-9 American Society of Agronomy New Orleans, LA 11-07 Hiring Smart 1–25-2006. Pendleton OR Organic pest management 1-16-06 Boise ID Water right boot camp. Hermiston OR 3-24-2006 Homeland Security. Securing Ag. Hermiston OR. 7-28-06 Water Quality workshop. Moscow ID. 10-24&25-06 Re-use water conference and field trip. Santa Rosa CA. 10-29-31-06 Organic potato production meeting. Portland OR. 12-11 to 13th 2006 C. Service 1. Service to OSU and Extension a. Supervision Seed certification Assistant II (Jane Pope). Administrative Secretary (Annette Terabery). Summer student employees PAGE 30 b. Committees (service to profession) Chair NAPT – 2008 Chair SPAC – 2008 Chair NAPT – 2007 Chair SPAC – 2007 Committee to fill entomologist position 2007 Soil judging 2007 PNVA Board 2007 Committee to fill Milton Freewater extension position. 2006 Soil and plant analysis council, Chair 2007-2008 North American proficiency testing, Chair 2007-2008 CSS planning committee, 2005 S8 Chair, ASA, 2005 Council on soil and plant analysis Vice Chair. 2005 North American proficiency testing committee. Vice chair. 2005 Selection committee for Milton Freewater extension position 2005 Selection committee for entomology laboratory manager,2005 STEEP proposal evaluation selection committee. 12-14-2004 S8 Chair elect ASA. 2004 Council on soil and plant analysis Vice Chair. 2004 North American proficiency testing committee. Vice chair. 2004 S8 incoming Chair-elect, ASA. 2003. PAP advisory committee, ASA. 2003 S8 symposium organizer/chair, Heavy metals in soils. 2003 Farm fair program committee (2000-current) Umatilla and Morrow county advisory committees (2000-current) LUB groundwater committee (1995-current) PNVA program committee (2000-current) Editorial Committee for “Reference methods for plant analysis” 1994-1998 SSSA, S889. ASA-AOACI. Joint com. on Coordination of official methods of soil analysis. 1994-2002. Assotiate referee for DTPA metals Member of Lower Umatilla Basin Groundwater Action Committee, 1995-present Member Oregon-Washington NRCS PI advisory committee 1999-present Far West Fertilizer and Agri-chemical Association, program committee 1997-1999 SSSA, S877. Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Committee, 1995-1997. SSSA, S890 NAPT coordination committee, Chair of budget/contracts, 1997-present. PNVA Board member 2000-present. Chair Local arrangements International symposia in Olympia, WA 1993 Lewis and Clark Trail Committee c. Professional Societies American Society of Agronomy Soil Science Society of America Western Society of Soil Science Council on Soil & Plant Analysis PAGE 30 Oregon Society of Soil Scientists NEA d. Certifications Certified Professional Agronomist (CPAg) Certified Professional Soil Scientist (CPSSc) Certified Crop Advisor (CCA), number 12973 Pesticide consultant e. International Activities Chair of the 9th International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis. Held in Budapest Hungary, in June, 2007. Chair of the 3rd International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis (local arrangements). Held in Olympia, WA, in August, 1993. Member of Executive Committee for Council on Soil and Plant Analysis. 1991-1994. Associate referee for plant available Zn, Mn, Cu and Fe. ASA-AOACI. 1995-2001 3. Service to Clientele Groups Lawn and garden radio show on KOHU 2008 Alfalfa Judging, Umatilla County Fair 2000-present NCGA – Corn Harvest supervisor. 2000-present Maintanence of the Probe Truck 2000-present FFA judge for state convention 2003 4. Commmunity Service Umatilla electric scholarship committee 2007 Good shepard Christmas dinner server 2007 Hermiston wine and cheese dinner server 2007 Hermiston wine and cheese gala committee 2007 Umatilla county planning commission. 2005-2007 Soccer referee, AYSO and High School. 2007 Installed a “Doc Johnson” memorial at the hospital 2006 Track official 2006 Cross Country official 2006 Vice chair of church building committee built 2005 Umatilla Electric scholarship committee (2005) Lion’s club treasurer. 2005 Hermiston Hatrockhounds show volunteer High school soccer referee 2005 High school track official 2005 Lion’s club treasurer. 2004 Umatilla county planning commission. 2004 Umatilla Electric scholarship committee (2004) Umatilla Electric scholarship committee (2003) PAGE 30 Kiwanis Christmas trees 2003 Kiwanis meeting Dec speaker on farm fair 2003 Leadership Hermiston graduate 2002 LIONS International (secretary, Vice president,president, currently past president), Lions International Chairman of race committee (2000-present) Lions International mobile screening unit 5-8 & 9-2000 AYSO soccer coach AYSO referee AYSO chief coach and board member 1995-1998 AYSO coach’s clinic Misc. years including 2000 High school soccer referee. 1994-present Assisted high school soccer coach with summer program Hatrockhounds-president (1998-2003) Hatrockhounds-treasurer (1995-1998) Hermiston Track Federation official. (1994-present) Presbyterian Vision committee for locating a new church (1999-present) First Presbyterian Church Elder. 1996-2003. Hermiston Community Meals volunteer. Chairman to get lights at the Hermiston Butte soccer complex Lions International Fair booth volunteer 1995-present E. AWARDS AND RECOGNITION James and MildredOldfield/ER Jackman Team Award, 2008 Newer faculty award. OSU Extension Service. 2004 Certificate of excellence, 2001 educational award. In recognition for the development of materials in publications greater than 16 pages. For “Nutrient management for onions in the pacific northwest. Presented at ASA meeting Charlotte NC October 22nd 2001. Gamma Sigma Delta (Agriculture Honorary Society), 1982 Montgomery award (Academic Scholarship, $2400 per year at Monmouth, 1976-80) Tri Beta (Biology Honorary Society) Most Valuable Runner. Track. 1980: Most improved runner Cross country, 1979 . PAGE 30 Contacts Bryan Allstott 12H Farms 1212 NW Acadamy Ln Hermiston OR 97838 541-561-4750 cell 541-567-5220 Wk Kent Madison Madison Farms 29299 Madison Rd Echo Or 97826 (541) 376-8107 Jack Jensen Simplot Soilbuilders P.O. Box1089 1013 River Rd Umatilla OR 97838 (541) 922-5672 Hermiston OR 97838 (541) 567-8939 Todd Crosby Mercer Ranches 46 Sonova Rd Prossor WA 99350 509-894-4773 extn 213 Neil Christopherson Port of Morrow 2 Marine Dr E Boardman OR 97818 541 481-7467 Scott Lewis Lamb-Weston 541-567-2211 Joe Pelzer Oregon Hay P.O. Box 109 Boardman, OR 97818 541 481-5038 Phil Hamm OSU-HAREC P.O. Box 105 Hermiston Or (7838 541-567-8321 Bruce McClane Wilbur-Ellis 711 River Rd Umatilla OR 97882 John Hart OSU 317 ALS Corvallis OR 97331 541-737-5714 Keneth VanderWaal Terra Poma Farms Hermiston OR 97838 541 567-8128 Earl Aylett Hermiston, OR 97838 541 567-5641 Larry and Duane Carroll 77402 Desert RD Hermiston OR 97838 541-567-5767 (541) 379-2622 Larry Lutcher Morrow County Tyler Hansell Rt 1 Box 1863 Dan Sullivan OSU Mylen Bohle Jefferson County PAGE 30 317 ALS Corvallis OR 97331 541-737-5715 Tom Gohlke (503) 414-3233 Vern Fredrickson P.O. Box 109 Boardman, OR 97818 (541) 314-8749 Gary Fredrickson P.O. Box 109 Boardman, OR 97818 (541) 481-2822 Greg Harris 75906 3 mile Rd Boardman, OR 97818 (541) 481-9275 Gary Pelter Robert Stevens Rt. 2, Box 2953-A Prossor WA 99350-9687 509-786-9231 PAGE 30