International English Centre Parental Information IEC Policy for Students Under the Age of 18 November 2014 Introduction The International English Centre (IEC) occasionally admits students who are under the age of 18. In most cases this will be a temporary situation, as the student will be approaching their 18th birthday. The IEC treats all its students as independent, mature individuals. Students who are under the age of 18 will be treated in the same way. The usual personal and academic support arrangements will apply to students who are under 18 years. However, the IEC acknowledges what anyone under the age of 18 is legally a child and recognises that students under the age of 18 may therefore have additional needs in relation to their support and welfare. IEC students who are under 18 will have additional pastoral tutorials with the IEC Co-ordinator. Parental responsibilities The IEC cannot take on the usual rights, responsibilities and authority that parents/guardians have in relation to a child, and it will not act in loco parentis in relation to students who are under the age of 18 years. It is a condition of admission to the IEC that the parent /guardian of any student who is under the age of 18 confirms, by signing and accepting the Parental Consent Form, their acceptance of the arrangements set out in this document. Circumstances in which the IEC/University may need to act would include: any dealings which a student may have with the police or in the case of a medical emergency when the student might not be able to make a decision him/herself. Emergency Contact It is particularly important that emergency contact details are provided for students under the age of 18. Parents/legal guardians are required to supply this information prior to the student’s arrival at the IEC. If a medical emergency arises and it is not possible for the IEC to contact the named parent/guardians, a senior member of the IEC or the University will, on behalf of the student’s parents or guardians give such consent to treatment as is in the best interest of the student. By signing the Parental Consent Form, the student’s parents or guardians indicate their consent to this. If the parent does not speak English the contact details of a close family member who does speak English are needed. When the student has arrived at Aberystwyth University and registered at the IEC, the IEC will email the named parent/guardian with an Aberystwyth University Emergency contact number. Parental involvement It is the University’s usual policy that it deals with students (with whom it has a contractual relationship) and not with the parents. This approach will also apply to students who are under the age of 18. The University will therefore correspond with the students and not the parents. The IEC will correspond with the parents/guardians in an emergency and/or if requested, for any student absences, health related issues or if the student does not adhere to the IEC under 18 rules. Contracts The IEC requires a student’s parents/guardians to honour all contractual obligations under any arrangements with the IEC that the student enters into prior to his or her 18th birthday. By signing the Parental Consent Form, the parent indicates their consent to this. Student accommodation Parents should recognise that residential accommodation offered by the IEC is generally intended for the use of adults and that, save in exceptional circumstances, special arrangements cannot be made for students who are under the age of 18. All Residences have a support network of Resident Tutors. The Resident Tutor will contact the student upon their arrival to welcome them to their residential community. At evenings and weekends each residence provides an on-call, out of hours service, details of which are emailed to residents each week. By signing the Parental Consent Form, the parent indicates their consent to this. Alcohol & drugs It is illegal for alcohol to be sold to or bought by students who are under 18. The IEC will take reasonable steps to seek to ensure that the law is not broken in relation to licensed premises under the University’s control but cannot undertake to supervise any individual student. The Students’ Union is responsible for ensuring that appropriate arrangements are in place for its own licensed premises. It is illegal for students to take or buy illegal drugs. By signing the Parental Consent Form the parent indicates that they are aware of the rules applying to under 18’s in the UK. Child protection As a matter of law, a person under the age of 18 years is a child. The IEC has a responsibility to protect those under the age of 18 from abuse and will report any suspicions or allegations of abuse to the appropriate University services (Designated Reporting Officer – Director of Student Support). Under the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 2000, it is a criminal offence for any person in a position of trust (which includes members of University staff) to engage in sexual activity with someone who is under 18. The International English Centre, Llandinam Building, Penglais, Aberystwyth University, Wales, SY23 3DB Tel: 01970 622547 Email: Parent/Guardian Consent Form Form to be completed by parents, or legal guardians of students under the age of 18 who have submitted an application to the International English Centre, Aberystwyth University. Name of student Date of birth IEC Course Proposed degree Name of Parent/Guardian (Does/doesn’t speak English) Parent/Guardian Emergency Contact phone number Parent/Guardian Email Address Relationship to Student I, Mr/Ms_ __________________________________________(please print your name), being the mother/father/guardian (*delete as appropriate) of _ __________________________________ who has submitted an application to study at the IEC, have read the IEC Policy for students Under the age of 18. When completed, this form authorises representatives of the IEC/University to act (on behalf of the parent) for the student named above in specific circumstances outlined below. It is to be completed by the parent or legal guardian of the student named. Circumstances in which the IEC/University may need to act in loco parentis could include: any dealings which a student may have with the police or in the case of a medical emergency when the student might not be able to make a decision him/herself. The IEC/University would only take a decision on the student’s behalf in these circumstances if it were impossible or impractical to contact the student’s nominated emergency contact in the available time. I am aware that my child is entering an adult environment. However, I hereby give consent to the authorised representatives of the IEC/University to act in the circumstances described until s/he reaches the age of 18 years. I understand that, in accordance, with the Data Protection Act, the IEC/University is not in a position to give any information about students, including those under the age of 18, to any person, including their parent(s) or guardian(s) without the specific consent of that student. I further accept liability for any debts incurred by the above-named student to the IEC/University. Signed:_ ________________________________________ Date:_ Parents Name (Printed): _ ___________________ __________________________________________ If the parent does not speak English, please provide an English speaking contact: Name: _ _________________________________Contact Number:_ ____________________________ When completed and signed please return this form to: The International English Centre, Llandinam Building, Penglais, Aberystwyth University, Wales, SY23 3DB. Tel: 01970 622547 Email: