Influence of Geography and Climate Essay Graphic Organizer

NAME: _______________________________________
DATE: _______________
PERIOD: ___________
Directions: Answer this question in an essay “How does geography and climate influence our culture?” You will do this by
comparing your life with early Native America cultures. Use the information collected in your Comparison Chart to provide
supporting evidence to answer the question. Your evidence should demonstrate the influence of geography and climate on your
personal life and use historical examples from early Native Americans to illustrate or demonstrate your points or main ideas.
Present the concept of adaptation and the influence of geography [land/environment] and climate [weather] on
Write how geography and climate influence your personal life, consider adaptation and its impact on your own
culture [Minimum 3 bullets of information].
1st Paragraph
2nd Paragraph
Write how geography and climate influenced early Native American culture. Use an example as evidence [Minimum 3
bullets of information]
3rd Paragraph
Write how the influences of geography and climate on early Native American culture are similar to that in your
personal life [Minimum 3 bullets of information]
Summarize your points and the concepts of how our geography [land/environment] and climate [weather] influence
Mastery [4]
Proficient [3]
Developing [2]
Ineffective [1]
The introduction is inviting,
states the main idea
[Influence of Climate and
Geography on culture], and
previews the structure of
the paper.
The introduction clearly
states the main idea
[Influence of Climate and
Geography on culture], but
does not clearly preview
the structure of the paper,
or is not inviting to the
The introduction states the
main idea [Influence of
Climate and Geography on
culture], but does not
adequately preview the
structure of the paper, not
inviting to the reader.
There is no clear
introduction of the main
topic [Influence of Climate
and Geography on culture]
or structure of the paper.
The content of the essay
includes relevant
information and facts with
accurate analysis that goes
beyond a summary.
The content of the essay
includes mostly relevant
information and facts with
some analysis that goes
beyond a summary.
The content of the essay
includes inconsistent
information and facts with
limited relevance and
analysis is weak making the
essay more of a summary.
The content of the essay
includes inaccurate
information and facts with
limited relevance and has
no analysis providing only
a summary.
Use of
The essay successfully
provides evidence
demonstrating the influence
of geography and climate
on culture and is relevant
and telling providing
quality details giving the
reader insightful
information that goes
beyond the obvious or
The essay provides enough
evidence demonstrating the
influence of geography and
climate on culture using
supporting details and
information for comparison
and contrast that are
relevant, but predictable.
The essay provides limited
evidence demonstrating the
influence of geography and
climate on culture.
Comparisons and contrasts
are given, but are not
clearly linked to the topic,
or to each other.
The essay fails to provide
evidence demonstrating the
influence of geography and
climate on culture.
Supporting details and
information are not clearly
Essay is easily followed
with one reading showing
clear structure and
Essay is generally easy to
follow with one reading
showing structure and
Essay is challenging to
follow with one reading
showing limited structure
and organization.
Essay is difficult to
understand and follow with
one reading showing little
structure and organization.
The conclusion is strong
and leaves the reader with a
feeling that they understand
what the writer is "getting
The conclusion is clear and
leaves the reader with the
sense that the paper is
The conclusion is clear, but
it ends too quickly or in an
unsatisfactory manner
There is no clear
conclusion, the paper just
Directions: In the section below, a peer will evaluate your essay using the criteria in the rubric above. Once your peer has
evaluated your essay and provided feedback, make any necessary changes and submit to your teacher.
Peer-Evaluator: Identify which levels you think each component of your essay is, i.e. mastery, proficiency, etc. Then have one
of your peers conduct the same evaluation using the same criteria from the above rubric. Provide constructive feedback in the
comments section to help them improve their essay.