
Brussels, 10 September 2015
ENVE Commission meeting of 28 September 2015
Agenda item 4: Organisation of future work
4.6 Follow-up of opinions
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The EU's Assembly of Regional and Local Representatives
Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 101 — 1040 Bruxelles/Brussel — BELGIQUE/BELGIË — Tel. +32 22822211 — Fax +32 22822325
Follow-up of opinions
Table of Contents
ENVE-VI/002: Towards a global climate agreement in Paris – Rapporteur: Annabelle Jaeger
(FR/PES) ......................................................................................................................................... 3
ENVE-VI/003: Energy Union Package – Rapporteur: Pascal Mangin (FR/EPP) ......................... 3
ENVE-VI/004: Developing the potential of Ocean Energy – Rapporteur: Rhodri Glyn Thomas
(UK/EA) .......................................................................................................................................... 4
ENVE-VI/005: Own-initiative opinion on "Contribution to the Fitness-Check of the EU Birds
and Habitats Directives" – Rapporteur: Roby Biwer (LU/PES) ..................................................... 4
ENVE-VI/006: "The future of the Covenant of Mayors" – Rapporteur: Kata Tüttő (HU/PES) .... 5
This document has 5 pages and covers the period July - August 2015.
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ENVE-VI/002: Towards a global climate agreement in Paris – Rapporteur: Annabelle Jaeger
Latest inter-institutional activities:
- European Parliament: ENVI Committee consideration of amendments 15-16 July, EP rapporteur:
Mr Pargneaux (FR/PES)
Evolution and Highlights:
30 June 2015: Adoption of draft Opinion by ENVE Commission. Statement from DG CLIMA EU
delegation representative.
1-2 July 2015: World Summit on Climate and Territories: Milestone event of regions and cities on
the COP, official event of the COP. Active participation of ENVE members + CoR member
Bernard Soulage (FR/PES) through the organisation of a study visit and the contribution and
commitments on various climate related topic, notably Mr Stepien on transport, Ms Jaeger on
forests, Ms Hertell on forests and education. Mr Pigliaru was part of the general session with local
and regional leaders as well as national and international leaders.
1 July 2015: Side-event of the World Summit on Climate and Territories: "The Covenant going
Global" Ms Jaeger as speaker along with EU presidency Luxembourg minister of environment
and EC Commissioner for Energy Sefcovic.
Link to timeline:
ENVE-VI/003: Energy Union Package – Rapporteur: Pascal Mangin (FR/EPP)
Latest interinstitutional activities:
Evolution and Highlights:
The key elements of the CoR position were discussed with relevant stakeholders during the Energy
Week Conference on 19 June.
Moreover, a preliminary debate took place with the EC VP Mr Sefcovic during the CoR Plenary
Session in July, further to which the CoR President highlighted in various media the role of local and
regional authorities in the Energy Union policy debate and implementation.
Given the encompassing/ framework nature of this rapporteurship, relevant next steps would be to
explore the possibility for the CoR's involvement in the Strategic Energy Technology Plan Conference
organised by the Luxembourg Presidency on 21-22 September 2015.
Moreover, a contribution towards the 26 November Energy Council might be considered.
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Link to timeline:
ENVE-VI/004: Developing the potential of Ocean Energy – Rapporteur: Rhodri Glyn
Thomas (UK/EA)
Latest inter-institutional activities:
European Commission:
1 July: The Open conference of the Ocean Energy Forum took place in Bilbao. This Forum is in
charge of developing a roadmap which will be the basis of a future industry initiative on ocean
energy. Participants developed recommendations on environmental, consenting, financing and
technological questions related to the development of ocean energy.
September: The Steering Committee Chairs of the Ocean Energy Forum will finalise the content
and design of the Roadmap on Ocean Energy.
2 October: The Roadmap developed by the Ocean Energy Forum will be submitted to DG MARE
for Ministerial discussion
20 October: High level ministerial meeting in Dublin on ocean energy
Evolution and Highlights:
30 June: Discussion and adoption of the draft opinion. Ms Lowri Evans, Director-General of
Directorate General MARE, and MEP Ms Miriam Dalli, shadow rapporteur of the own-initiative
opinion "Untapping the potential of research and innovation in the blue economy to create jobs
and growth", participated in the debate. A press release was issued following the meeting.
July: The rapporteur contributed with his draft opinion to the consultation of the Ocean Energy
Forum on the results of the Bilbao conference.
Link to timeline:
ENVE-VI/005: Own-initiative opinion on "Contribution to the Fitness-Check of the EU
Birds and Habitats Directives" – Rapporteur: Roby Biwer (LU/PES)
Latest inter-institutional activities:
European Commission:
26 July 2015: Closure of public internet consultation supporting its fitness-check
European Parliament:
July 2015: ENVI Committee nominates Mr Mark Demesmaeker (BE/ECR) rapporteur for EP
resolution on mid-term review of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020
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Evolution and Highlights:
30 June 2015: Exchange of views in CoR ENVE Commission on the basis of a working document of
the rapporteur
8 July 2015: Final CoR report on Territorial Impact Assessment (TIA) on the Birds and Habitats
9 July 2015: Meeting of the rapporteur with the European Commission
Link to timeline: 2624/2015
ENVE-VI/006: "The future of the Covenant of Mayors" – Rapporteur: Kata Tüttő (HU/PES)
Latest inter-institutional activities:
The CoR and DG ENER are now conducting a study on multilevel governance principles in the
design and implementation of the SEAPs (Sustainable Energy Action Plans). The results from this
study will feed directly into this opinion. The final report is due by the end of September.
The CoR and DG ENER is running a survey on the future of the CoM. The results from this
survey will also feed into the own-initiative opinion, which will enrich the interinstitutional
debate preceding the launch of the new CoM. The final analysis to be available for the OPEN
Evolution and Highlights:
29 June 2015: Subforum of the EU-China Urbanisation Forum: "What can EU and Chinese cities
do together to increase energy sustainability?" organised with DG ENER and the CoMO. The
purpose of this event was to explore the CoM as a tool for further cooperation between European
and Chinese cities. Rapporteur Tüttö intervened on the future of the Covenant and took part in a
panel discussion. Participation and close-up by CoR President Markkula.
30 June 2015: Exchange of views in CoR ENVE Commission on the basis of a working document
of the rapporteur. Statement from DG ENER representative.
Link to timeline:
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