Seminar Planning Sheet

Seminar Planning Sheet
Seminar Title: ____________________________________
Seminar Date: ____________________________________
Seminar: The seminar team designed a
seminar rooted in Mortimer Adler's concept
of a seminar and relevant with respect to the
core topic and reading.
[Team Accountability]
Selection/Relevance/Quality/Knowledge of
Research: 10 points
of Research: 10 points
The seminar team is expected to design a
seminar supported by selected
authoritative research, including the core
reading(s) that reflects a) several
perspectives; b) legitimate authority; and
c) the synthesis and reasonable
interpretation of multiple sources of data
and information.
An Annotated Bibliography of at least 10
entries – MUST BE submitted by the team
no later than the day of the seminar.
Substantial knowledge and understanding
of the critical issues embedded in the
seminar topic MUST BE
DEMONOSTRATED by each team
member during the seminar.
[Team/Individual Accountability]
Goals/Planning: 10 points
The seminar team is expected to (1)
construct clearly articulated seminar goals
that drive the seminar and whose
achievement can be evaluated; (2)
develop a single “big idea” seminar
question to focus and stimulate seminar
discussion; (3) develop a list of logically
relevant sub-questions for use primarily as
a guide for deeply probing issues
embedded in the seminar question; and (4)
schedule a seminar trial run at least one
week prior to the seminar.
[Team Accountability]
Team Members:
What will serve as Evidence
Team Tools Selected/Constructed
Pre-Post- Assessments: 5 points
The seminar team is expected to
implement a pre-assessment and a
post-assessment for the seminar that to
inform the seminar team of both relevant
prior knowledge / attitudes of seminar
participants AND value added by the
The seminar team is expected to use preand post-assessment data to evaluate
whether the seminar achieved its goals.*
[Team Accountability]
Timing/Pacing: 5 points
The seminar team is expected to design a
seminar that engages participants in at
least 40 minutes of focused and thoughtful
dialogue, provides at least 10 minutes after
the seminar for seminar evaluation, and
maintains an appropriate pace during the
[Team Accountability]
Dialogue + Environmnet: 10 points
The seminar team is expected to (1) select
(or construct) and implement a Seminar
Participation Rubric that promotes critical
thinking and thoughtful dialogue relevant
to the seminar goals/objectives among all
seminar participants and (4) submit all
participation scores with associated rubric
and grading scale to justify a list of agreed
upon “participation grades” for all
The individual seminar team member is
expected to (2) record and evaluate
individual participant contribution to the
seminar dialogue; and (3) submit scores
for individual participant contribution
based on recorded/supporting evidence.
[Individual and Team Accountability]
What will serve as Evidence
Team Tools Selected/Constructed
Oral Communication Skills: 15 points
Each student is expected to speak
substantively, professionally, and
effectively on current and future problems
in education.
As a seminar participant, each student is
expected to (1) demonstrate effective oral
communication skills – speaking and
listening; (2) contribute informed,
reasonable dialogue/oral arguments rooted
in an emerging professional judgment; and
(3) show evidence of a growing
self-awareness of the strengths and limits
of one’s own understanding (perspective)
– within the context of relevant reading,
research, dialogue, experience, and
[Individual Accountability]
Data and Evaluation: 15 points
Seminar Data: Each seminar team is
expected to submit (1) pre-assessment
data; (2) post-assessment data; (3) Seminar
Participant Participation data; and (4)
Seminar Participant Participation Scores –
in an organized format that includes a
Table of Contents.
Evaluation: Each team member is
expected to submit (A) the Self/Team
assessment form; and (B) a thoughtful
evaluation of the implemented seminar in
a reflective essay that addresses three
specific criteria: (a) the degree to which
the seminar achieved/did not achieve its
goals based on contribution data collected
and analyzed; (b) strengths and
weaknesses of the completed seminar; and
(c) changes that would improve the
seminar if it were to be offered again.
[Team/Individual Accountability]
What will serve as Evidence
Team Tools Selected/Constructed
Advance Material: [Optional]
What will serve as Evidence
Team Tools Selected/Constructed
The Seminar Team provided Advance
Material to prepare participants for the
seminar. Advanced material was
distributed at least one week in advance
of the scheduled seminar discussion .
N.B. There are up to 3 possible additional
course points available for preparing,
distributing, and implementing Advance
Material in conjunction with a seminar.
[Advance material cannot require more
than 1 hour of reading/preparation
Seminar Portfolio – Optional [Only if
Needed and/or Desired]:
Seminar Team or individual team members
may submit a Seminar Portfolio that
includes evidence of seminar planning,
research, implementation, and evaluation
for up to 3 additional course points.
[Individual/Team Accountability]
What Schedule / Agenda will guide Seminar Team / Participants? How will participants be organized / grouped – and how will Seminar Team Members be organized grouped during seminar? What
materials will be needed (name tags, folders, handouts, etc.). What snacks will be offered and when? What will participants “see” upon entering seminar space?
– Create / include a “clock” schedule / agenda / organizational guide for seminar here:
How will the environment be organized to support the Seminar? -- Include a diagram / layout on back