CSA Member Agreement Drafted By: A. Bryan Endres,* Megan Galey,** and Rachel Armstrong*** With edits particular to our farm by Julia Slocum Table of Contents Introduction 1 Section 1. Introducing Our CSA Farm A. Becoming a Part of Lacewing Acres' CSA B. Our Growing Practices C. The Products We Expect for 2013 2 2 2 3 Section 2. Our Shared Commitments A. Sharing in the Risk of Crop Failure B. Sharing in the Reward of Crop Surplus 3 3 3 Section 3. Share Deliveries 4 Section 4. Communicating with Us 4 Section 5. Member Fees Membership Agreement Form (to be printed and submitted with payment to address below) 4 5 Farm Mailing Contact Info: Lacewing Acres 206 Apple Place Ames, IA 50010 515.231.0957 (c) lacewingacres@gmail.com Introduction This Membership Agreement was prepared to serve the needs of CSA farmers and the CSA members for a comprehensive agreement that protects both parties and improves communication between farmer and member. It has been edited to include information pertaining specifically to Lacewing Acres. Thank you for taking the time to read through this before signing up for Lacewing Acres’ CSA! * Associate Professor of Agricultural Law, University of Illinois, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics. Legal Research Associate, University of Illinois, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics *** Legal Research Associate, University of Illinois, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics; Executive Director, Farm Commons, Inc. 2013 CSA Membership Agreement, 12/16/12 Page 1 of 5 ** Section 1. Introducing Our CSA Farm A. Becoming a Part of Our Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a relationship between our farm and you as our customer. Rather than simply purchasing food, our customers become “members” of this CSA farm who receive a portion of the farm’s harvest. Our CSA runs for 18 weeks, from June 12th to October 9th of 2013. Members are responsible for receiving your share of freshly harvested produce each Wednesday afternoon/evening at your home at a pre-determined location. You will generally receive 4-6 bunches or bags of vegetables each week with less towards the very beginning of the season and more during the peak and final weeks of deliveries. Detailed information regarding deliveries is discussed below in Section 3. Variety and quantity may vary as described below in Section 2. B. Our Growing Practices The farm is not currently pursuing any certifications, such as Certified Naturally Grown or USDA Certified Organic, but we use organic methods and have outlined some of our specific practices on the “Methods” page of the website (www.lacewingacres.com/the-farm/methods). We would be happy to discuss our practices with you at any time. C. The Products We Expect for 2013 The chart below outlines some of the produce we hope to deliver and when you may see them in your share. This chart is based on our best estimate, but of course weather, pests, and other events will affect actual production. Month Harvested June to July August to October Expected Crops Arugula, Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Lettuce and Mixed Greens, Spinach, Kale, Swiss Chard, Radishes, Turnips, Sweet/snap peas, Strawberries, Green Onions/Scallions, Fresh Herbs, Summer Squash, Cucumbers, Kohlrabi, and more! Tomatoes & Cherry Tomatoes, Tomatillos, Peppers, Eggplant, Potatoes, Garlic, Storage Onions, Winter Squash, Summer Squash, Cucumbers, Spinach, Broccoli, Cutting Celery, Rutabaga, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Melons, and more! Section 2. Our Shared Commitments A. Sharing in the Risk of Crop Failure We promise to do our best to provide you with a bountiful share each week. The quantity of produce, however, may vary from weekto-week/month-to-month/season-to-season due to extreme weather, insects, or other production factors despite our best efforts. By joining our CSA, you are agreeing to share the risk of crop failure with us and other members. In the unlikely event of a crop failure, our procedure is as follows: If only a small portion of crops fail, we compensate for the failed crops by filling your share with other crops grown on the farm that are ready for harvest at that time. If a large portion of crops fail, we may not be able to deliver any product in some weeks. We may cover for a crop loss by buying in from other local farmers with a similar philosophy as our farm. However, this may not be a feasible option for all crops because of cost or widespread failure. We may also cover for a crop loss by including fresh, homemade baked goods or preserves from our farm or other producers. Ensuring that our members receive the value of a full share over the season is a top priority for our farm. 2013 CSA Membership Agreement, 12/16/12 Page 2 of 5 B. Sharing in the Reward of Crop Surplus In addition to our CSA, our farm plans to sell to a farmers market, restaurants, grocery stores, caterers and buying clubs. Although production is not segregated, our CSA receives priority. When production of our crops is especially abundant, we pack as much as possible into your share. However, we don’t want to overwhelm our members or deliver so much produce that it goes to waste. When we feel that members have received enough of certain crops, we handle the surplus by selling it through other outlets. Please note that we produce some items exclusively for our other outlets. You may see our products at the farmers market or in the grocery store that you will not receive in your CSA share. If you see a product that you would like to see in your share in the future, please provide that feedback in the on-going online survey or by sending us an email. Section 3. Share Deliveries You are responsible for receiving your share each week at your home. You do not need to be at home at the time of delivery – a predetermined drop off spot will be arranged prior to the start of the season (on a porch, inside a garage door, in a cooler on the patio, etc.). Please ensure there is a clear path to the agreed upon drop spot. If you will be out of town for a week, you may arrange for someone else to pick up your box at your home, or you may contact the farm to have the produce donated to Food at First or other local social service agencies. Missed boxes will not be refunded. Members are responsible for returning their box each week by leaving the empty box at the designated drop spot. Please be sure to return your boxes as they are sanitized and re-used each week of the season. We take the safety of your food seriously. Please read the Food Safety page on the website (www.lacewingacres.com/thefarm/methods/food-safety). A food-safe disinfecting solution such as Tsunami© may be used to treat particular crops more vulnerable to contamination, such as mixed greens, leaf spinach and lettuces. For your added protection, always wash all produce before eating. Section 4. Communicating with Us The best way to communicate with us is via email at lacewingacres@gmail.com. For more urgent issues you are welcome to call Julia’s cell at 515-231-0957, **please note that I am still living in 1998 with an archaic phone plan that does not receive text messaging**. I will do my best to respond as soon as possible, but please understand that I spend most of my time in the field growing your food (or at my part time job) and not at my desk. Please be sure to contact me with any news of the following: changes to your postal or email address, problems with your delivery, or dissatisfaction with your share. If you’re happy about anything regarding the share, we’d love to hear that, too! It’s great to post happy, enthusiastic member notes & quotes at the farm for encouragement on those hot, muggy and cold, drizzly days. : ) We will request permission prior to using any quotes or testimonials in any of our marketing materials. We will communicate with you by email. When you sign up, you will be added to our CSA Members list. Please read the emails from us. We depend on being able to communicate important information such as necessary changes to your delivery schedule or to our farm events. Every week, we will email an update giving you information about the crops coming in that week’s share, as well as what we anticipate having at the farmers market, recipe ideas, or other farm related news. 2013 CSA Membership Agreement, 12/16/12 Page 3 of 5 Section 5. Member Fees By selling membership in advance of the growing season, CSA reduces the burden of up-front costs for the farmer. Your membership fees provide us with money to purchase seed and equipment before the season starts, and we appreciate your commitment. At this time we only offer one share size – a “full share” typically contains 4-6 items each week and is designed for two a-bit-above-averageveggie-eating adults, as a supplement for a larger household, or for individuals with interest and time for eating locally all season, with surplus for putting up for the winter months. Please circle your correct payment based on the postmark date of this agreement form. Share price if postmarked Before January 1st $300 X _____ (# of shares) = _______ Share price if postmarked After January 1st $325 X _____ (# of shares) = _______ Total Payment Due: ______ If you are interested in making your share payment in installments, please email lacewingacres@gmail.com to discuss and make a personalized payment schedule. If you are paying the membership fee upfront, please enclose a check for your total amount due, made payable to Lacewing Acres with this signed agreement form. If you have discussed and made a personalized payment schedule with the farm, please enclose the agreed upon number of checks, dated according to the agreed upon payment schedule with this signed agreement form. By submitting this agreement form you are agreeing to pay the membership fee for the share you indicated above. All payments are non-refundable as funds are used for purchasing seeds, supplies and equipment prior to the start of the growing season. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please let us know prior to submitting the Membership Agreement Form and payments! 2013 CSA Membership Agreement, 12/16/12 Page 4 of 5 Membership Agreement for 2013 Please print this page and submit with payment to: Lacewing Acres 206 Apple Place Ames, IA 50010 Member Contact Information: Name: _________________________________ Address: _______________________________ City, State: _____________________________ ZIP: ___________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________ Email: _________________________________ If intending to split your share with another household, please include their names and contact information as well: Name: _________________________________ Address: _______________________________ City, State: _____________________________ ZIP: ___________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________ Email: _________________________________ If you are purchasing a share as a gift for a friend or family member, please let us know so that we make sure we are sending communications to the right individual! The individual/household(s) receiving the share will need to sign this Membership Agreement Form, as it contains important information pertaining to their participation in Lacewing’s CSA. We, the farm, wish to provide you with fresh, local, seasonal food and you, the member, wish to receive a portion of our harvest. This agreement outlines our shared commitments to that relationship. By signing below, I agree to terms outlined in this form and I agree to purchase the membership share indicated below. I have included my payment (or first installment, as arranged with the farm) with this Membership Agreement Form. . Share price if postmarked Before January 1st $300 X _____ (# of shares) = _______ Share price if postmarked After January 1st $325 X _____ (# of shares) = _______ *This should match the chart in Section 5. Total Payment Due: _________ I understand that all payments are non-refundable, as funds are used for purchasing seeds, supplies and equipment prior to the start of the growing season. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please let us know prior to submitting the Membership Agreement Form and payments! I understand that, although unlikely, the farm may change parts of this agreement related to production and distribution from time to time. I understand that the farm will contact me via email in advance of any changes to this agreement. Name (please print): ____________________________________________ Date: __________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________________ 2013 CSA Membership Agreement, 12/16/12 Page 5 of 5