2010 english form 4 paper 1 term 1 mid-term

NAME.................................................................................................ADM NO..............CLASS..........
Fill each blank space in the following passage with the most appropriate word.
Very few people would disagree that Barak Obama has a persona..............................................
Than life. After shooting to.................................................................... in 2004 with a keynote
address at the Democratic National Convention, he has not looked back.
Now head-to-head with Hillary Clinton in the campaign to represent the Democrats in
the presidential .............................................................................., he will make history if he
becomes the first black president of America.
Analysts ............................................................................. likened Obama to former president John
F. Kennedy, a glamorous optimist who took America to great heights in the 1960s. They
say Obama has the .................................................................... charisma and the ability to connect
with younger generations.
Obama’s wif, Michele, has been compared with Kennedys wife Jacqueline, ..............................
of her refined, sophisticated style. It is anyone’s guess if her style is subconscious or
deliberate evocation of one of the most celebrated ..................................................................
ladies in history.
When Obama was struggling to woo black voters at a time when African Americans
were skeptical ................................................................. him (he had a white mother) his wife
stepped in. The financial Times reported that Michelle’s mainstream African American
background .......................................................................... reassure wavering voters. Michelle, 44,
was born in Chicago, Illinois to a city pump operator, Faser Tobisnson (who died in
1990), and Marian Robinson, a secretary at a catalogue store. She met Obama in Chicago
when they were the only two African American employees at law firm Sidley and Austin.
She was assigned to mentor him while he was .............................................................. Intern. The
couple married in October 1992 and they have daughters, Malia, 9, and Natasha 6.
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2. a Provide a word which sounds the same as each of the following
i. Beach.......................................................................................................................................................
ii. Rest...........................................................................................................................................................
iii. Maize.......................................................................................................................................................
iv. Glare..........................................................................................................................................................
v. Bow............................................................................................................................................................
b. Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.
Who killed Cock Robin?
Who killed cock Robin?
I, said the sparrow,
With mu bow and arrow,
I killed cock Robin.
Who saw him die?
I, said the Fly,
With my little eye,
I saw him die.
Who caught his blood?
I, said the fish
With my little dish,
I caught his blood
Who’ll make his shroud?
I, said the beetle
With my thread and needle
I’ll make his shroud
Who’ll dig his grave?
I, said the owl,
With my spade and trowel,
I’ll dig his grave.
Who’ll carry him to his grave?
I said the kite.
If its not in the night,
I’ll carry him to the grave.
Who’ll be the chief mourner?
I, said the Dove,
I mourn for my love.
I’ll be the chief mourner
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i. What is the rhyme scheme for the above poem?
ii. Apart from rhyme, describe two other sound patterns evident in the poem. (4mks)
ii. Explain what tone would be appropriate were you to recite the poem to a given
c. You are part of an audience during the school Prize Giving Day. Around where you are
seated, most of your colleagues are dozing, yawning or shifty; a few are passing small
papers to one another while one or two are whispering in their friends’ ear.
i. Suppose you were the speaker and you notice such behavior among your listeners,
what would you do?
ii. If you were given a chance, what advice would you give to your friends to make them
better listeners in future?
iii. Would you blame your colleague wholly for their behavior? Explain.
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d. You have been invited to attend an interview for a job you have applied for with
Equity Bank. How would you prepare for the interview?
e. Study the following conversation very carefully and then answer the questions that
When I told him I didn’t have to have a bed, he said, ‘Is that what your mother
is ramming into your head? Is that what she says behind my back, that I don’t
have enough money to buy you a bed?’ I kept quiet. (He’s finished eating. He
stands up to take back plates, etc.)
TINKA; Let me have those plates, and bring some water.
(Kaija goes to bring water)
KAIJA: Then he said sadly, ‘You don’t have to say anything son................. I can tell the
kind of poison she spreads against me. But – remember. She dragged me
(He puts the water down)
TINKA: (with anger) It’s not spreading poison to say he can’t pay poll tax, is it?
KAIJA: (with sarcasm that stings) And pay my school fees and buy me abed?
TINKA: (apologetically) I wasn’t going to say that..............................................................................
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I’m joking.
TINKA: (trying to win him over) Next time he’ll say you are a burden, dragging him
down with your fees and beds and ......................................
KAIJA: I don’t have to have a ‘bed of my own, I suppose.’
TINKA: (rubbing it hard) A boy with a father should have a bed of his own.
KAIJA: It wouldn’t matter if Nyakake were more considerate.
TINKA: (exaggerating) Give her three years or so and she’ll be fine.
KAIJA: Three years! Three years! Mother, you know I have never really asked you for
TINKA: Yes. Ask anything you want, son.
KAIJA: A simple favour.
TINKA: Go on.
KAIJA: Something I want very badly.
TINKA: Ask son.
KAIJA: Will you grant it?
TINKA: Sure, sure, son. Have I ever denied you anything?
KAIJA: Good. Can you lend me two shilling? Just two.
TINKA: (puzzled) Whatever for, son?
i. What is the purpose of the words written in brackets?
ii. What conversation etiquette is lacking in this dialogue?
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iv. Give suitable response to the following extract.
TINKA: Sure, sure, son. Have I ever denied you anything?
KAIJA:. ...............................................................................................................................................................
TINKA: (puzzled) Whatever for, son?
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