SKM05 Oct 2011 Page 1 of 4 s Unit Description Title Historical and Cultural Perspectives on Mathematics Number of units 1 unit Unit code SKM05 Aims The aims for this unit relate to the SEEC level descriptors for level 6 study. All societies have developed some mathematics in order to help them understand the world in which they live. The mathematics we study today is a culmination of what has gone before and reflects the age and society in which it was developed. Mathematics continues to change due to the curiosity of its practitioners, advances in technology and the changing needs of business and industry. The influence of different ages and cultures can be seen in all aspects of the subject. This unit provides opportunities for students to study these influences and, through examining them to deepen their own understanding within the subject. Learning outcomes In relation to the SEEC level descriptors for level 6 study, by the end of the unit students should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. recognise mathematical activity in possibly unfamiliar contexts; interpret original writings of mathematicians of the past and appreciate their efforts to communicate new ideas; appreciate and understand that mathematics develops in response to a changing social environments; explore links between areas of mathematics. Content Some specific topics will be covered such as the development of number systems and views on infinity. Students will consider the development of mathematical ideas not only across time but also across differing areas of the globe. Students will be encouraged to compare educational texts from different countries of the world. Learning and teaching strategies Contact Time: Each session will include a mixture of lecture and mathematical activity undertaken by students through small group work and discussion and reflection on the processes involved in mathematics. Reflection on the nature of the activities whilst working at them will be a key aspect of the course. SKM05 Oct 2011 Page 2 of 4 Non-contact Time: Students will be expected to read extracts from original writings, to work on mathematical problems and techniques from other cultures and to bring their ideas to sessions. Learning support Books: Ascher, M. Mathematics Elsewhere: an exploration of ideas across cultures; (2002) Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press Berggren, J. L. (2003) Episodes in the mathematics of medieval Islam; New York: Springer Davis P.J. & Hersh, R. (1981) The Mathematical Experience Boston MA: Birkhauser Dunham, W. (1990) Journey Through Genius New York: Wiley Dunham, W. (1997) The mathematical universe: an alphabetical journey through the great proofs, problems, and personalities New York: Wiley Eves, H. (1981) Great Moments in Mathematics before 1650 New York: MAA Eves H. (1981) Great Moments in Mathematics after 1650 New York: MAA Fauvel, J. & Gray J. (1987) The History of Mathematics London: Macmillan Hersh R. (1997) What is Mathematics, Really? London: Penguin Hofstadter, D. (1984) Godel, Escher & Bach London: Penguin Joseph, G.G. (2010) The Crest Of The Peacock: non-European roots of mathematics Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press Kline, M. (1972) Mathematical Thought From Ancient to Modern Times London: OUP Kline, M. (1953) Mathematics in Western Culture London: OUP Selin, H. & D’Ambrosio, U. (2001) Mathematics across cultures: the history of non-western mathematics New York: Springer Stewart, I. (1987) The Problems of Mathematics Oxford: OUP Smith D.E. (1959) A Source Book in Mathematics Vols 1 & 2 New York: Dover Struik, D.J. (1969) A Source Book in Mathematics 1200 – 1800 (1969) Harvard: Harvard University Press; London: Oxford University Press Journals: Mathematics in Schools; a Journal of the Mathematical Association. MT: Mathematics Teaching; The Journal of the Assoc of Teachers of Mathematics Electronic Sources: (accessed June 2011) African Mathematical Union: Clark University Pages: History of Mathematics archive: SKM05 Oct 2011 Page 3 of 4 The MacTutor British Society for the History of Mathematics: University of Tennessee: Other: BBC Podcasts (Du Sautoy): Assessment task Assessment will be in the context of the University of Brighton Assessment Policy and the Faculty Code of Practice in Assessment, and students will be required to complete the following task: Task (Weighting: 100%) Each student will prepare a sequence of poster style display boards (3 to 6 in number) which sequentially describe the development and application of a mathematical topic or technique. The boards may be submitted in A4 or A3 format or as an electronic file but should be capable of being used as a set of posters. The boards will consist of a mixture of text, diagrams and samples of work. They will contain examples of original mathematical texts and mathematical techniques not considered standard in Europe today. (1700 words equivalent) The task will be marked on a Pass / Fail basis. Referral task: Reworking of original task Assessment criteria General criteria for assessment are framed by the SEEC descriptors for level 6. Against specific criteria, credit will be awarded for: creative and innovative explanations of mathematical activity in unfamiliar contexts (LO1); interpretation or illumination of original writings of mathematicians of the past (LO2); demonstrating how mathematics has developed in response to a changing social environment (LO3); identifying connections between areas of mathematics (LO4). All learning outcomes must be achieved in order to pass the unit. Area examination board Combined Area Examination Board Un it co-ordinator Richard Goodman SKM05 Oct 2011 Page 4 of 4 Date of first approval October 2011 Date of last revision N/A Date of approval of this version Version number October 2011 1 Replacement for previous N/A unit Course(s) for which unit is 12 unit SKE Mathematics acceptable School home School of Education External examiner(s) Richard Cowley