January Newsletter Welcome to our first newsletter of 2012. We

Welcome to our first newsletter of 2012. We would like to start by wishing you all a
very happy and healthy New Year!
New Year always brings changes, so we have included an article on the amendments
to the Pet Passport Scheme for those who like to take their pets abroad.
New Year’s Resolutions
There are many dangers associated
with obesity. We are all aware of these
potential dangers in humans, but what
about our pets. Obesity in pets is an
ever-growing problem. Many of us find
it difficult to know what is
considered a healthy weight. Like
people, pets are all individuals. Many
information sources may have
guidelines as to the ideal weight of
specific breeds. However, there is no
‘set’ weight. Instead, you should
consider your pet’s body condition.
The chart to the right is a general
guide for scoring your pet’s body
condition. When checking your pet
make sure to pay attention
particularly to the rib, waist and
abdomen area.
If you think your pet may be over or underweight give us a call at Ani-Medics on
01823 240 140 for some advice or come in and speak to us.
January’s Pet of the Month goes to
Freddie the Bearded Dragon! Freddie
has been in for various treatments
but is always a star patient who
never makes a fuss. Well done
Many of you will know that there are
changes to the pet travel scheme
making it easier to take your pet
abroad. From the first of January 2012
those of you going to far flung places
of the EU can have your pet
vaccinated against rabies and within 3
short weeks you can both be winging
your way far and wide!
You will no longer need a blood test to
prove that your pet has produced
enough antibodies to protect against
the rabies virus. However, you will still
be required to do the following:
1. Have your pet microchipped
before having the rabies
2. Then have the rabies
3. After 21 days of having the
vaccination you are free to
Don’t forget you must still
have tapeworm treatment at
a vet 24-48 hours before re
entering the country.
In addition to this, you must also keep
your normal vaccinations up to date.
The new rules only apply to dogs, cats
and ferrets.
If your pet does not meet the
requirements listed above the options
are quarantine, re-exportation and or
destroying the pet concerned.
There are many exotic diseases
excluding Rabies that your pet could
pick up while abroad. These include:
 Heart worm – Dirofilaria
 Leishmaniasis ( which is highly
Zoonotic and can be passed on
to the owner)
 Tick born fever
 Lung worm
 Echinococosis (causes liver
cancer type symptoms in
We strongly advise a full health check
at least one week before travelling.
If you wish to travel abroad with your
pet please call us at Ani-Medics for
We hope to hold an information
evening for those interested in taking
their pets abroad. If you are
interested please let us know.
Safe travelling and happy holidays!!