March 2015WSMD CNE Provider Newsletter

CNE Provider Newsletter
Volume 5, Issue 1, March 2015
CNA and ANCC Updates: What is an MSD
The American Nurses Association (ANA) offered the
opportunity to conduct a two year pilot project on Multistate
Divisions (MSD). Currently there are three multistate pilots
formed: the Northeast, Midwest and Western States.
Colorado Nurses Association chose to participate and is
included in the Western Multi-State Division (WMSD) along
with state nurses associations (SNAs) in Arizona, Idaho, and
Approval Board Members
Colleen Casper, RN, MS, DNP, Admin
Susan Clarke, MS, RNC-NIC, CNS, CPN
Deb Craven, BSN, RN, CEN
Jody DeStigter, MS, RN-BC
Ann Froese-Fretz, MS, RN, CNS, CPNP-PC
Connie Pardee, PhD, RN-BC
Teresa Taylor, MS, RN, NE-BC
The WMSD will operate as a cooperative yet retain the
Interested in joining the Approval Board or
unique state identities. There is a great opportunity to
have any questions, please contact
leverage best practices and expenses associated with several
state CNE operations. We anticipate standardizing processes,
forms, costs, and resources, while providing each of you a
connection with your unique state-specific contacts and
experiences for the implementation of a WMSD Continuing Education Accredited Approval and Provider
Upcoming Events
ANCC Getting Started with Join Accreditation for Inter-professional Continuing Education
Joint Accreditation for Inter-professional Continuing Education™ is hosting an introductory workshop on
May 20, 2015 from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. CT at the ACCME’s offices in Chicago. The workshop will
explain the basics and benefits of Joint Accreditation as well as answer questions about the Joint
Accreditation process.
Joint Accreditation for Interprofessional Continuing Education Introduction
Annual ANCC Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) Symposium
 Tuesday, July 14th from 7 – 8:30 pm, Las Vegas, Nevada
 Content on Learning Models & Inter-professional Care
 Register at 2015 ANCC CNE Symposium
The WMSD is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses
Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professional Quality Conference
 September 28 – 30, 2015
 Chicago, IL
Professional Nurse Educators Group (PNEG) 41st Annual Conference
 October 23 – 25, 2015
 Preconference: October 22
 Westin, Indianapolis
 Register at
Frequently Asked Questions
ANCC Manual Update Status
ANCC is actively involved in standards and manual upgrades with the primary
intention of streamlining documentation through the elimination of redundant
criteria. Approvers will be engaged in the feedback process. An emphasis is being
made on assessing compliance of activity files and less on written narrative, which
will also support the expected online application process to come. Providing
effective and quality educational programs is our shared goal. Planning has begun
for an online accessible manual that can easily be updated in part, rather than
requiring full rewrite of hard copies and distribution.
Bio-forms – ANCC has a bio template for reference and does not mandate that their form, or a strictly
nursing form be completed. Other formats may be accepted, i.e., CME forms. The Nurse Planner needs
to determine if s/he has the required information for assessing appropriateness for the role, to identify
any potential Conflict of Interest (COI), resolve COI if present, and plan the required
disclosures. Individual activity applications must convey that knowledge to the reviewer.
Logos on slides: ANCC requires that there are no commercial interest organization logos on slides. All
other logos are at the discretion of the Provider. ANCC suggests that the Approved Provider's education
The WMSD is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses
Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
policy can determine whether all logos are restricted or allowed on just some slides for speakers. For
example, some Providers may approve an introductory affiliation logo with presentation.
Recordkeeping: requests for duplicate certificates lie with the Provider, Individual Applicant, or
Approved Provider, as they are required to retain participant lists for 6 years.
Outcomes: ANCC recommendations are not prescriptive. Desired outcomes should be appropriate for
the activity. The Institute of Medicine’s goal is for providers of healthcare Continuing Education to be
focused on improving practice and evaluation questions can be designed for that. ANCC is increasingly
transitioning to evaluate a change in practice where possible. ANCC is aware of and plans to follow up
on requests from Providers for examples that would meet the criteria for outcome evaluation of both
simple and complex educational offerings, i.e., longitudinal data tracking. For your information and
review, there is a CE Reference Table available at the ANCC Resource Center link at ANCC Resource
Center CE References Table that lists 113 continuing nursing education research studies with great
examples of outcomes.
Common Errors on Provider Unit Applications
Organizations seeking approval to become an Approved Provider often have difficulty writing the selfstudy. We have included Tips for Providers to address areas we have identified.
Tips for Providers
Activity planning documentation forms
An ANCC document
CNA provides approved organizations with forms and templates that may be used to assist with
compliance in activity planning and documentation. WMSD does not require organizations to use the
WMSD forms and templates. However, organizations should use methods of documentation that meet
both organizational needs as well as ANCC and WMSD documentation requirements. The forms and
templates provided by WMSD are tools to meet documentation requirements and should not constrain
or hinder organizations in planning high-quality educational activities. All forms provided may be
modified to meet organizational needs, or may be used as a guideline to evaluate an organization’s own
documentation forms. Documentation for an activity planning is a dynamic process, and occurs
throughout the stages of idea generation, pre-planning, planning, delivery and evaluation. ANCC staff,
appraisers and commissioners evaluate an organization’s compliance with accreditation criteria based
on submitted evidence in activity files. Submitted evidence in activity files that includes forms that are
retrospectively dated such as conflict of interest forms dated after an activity has been presented fail to
demonstrate compliance.
The WMSD is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses
Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Current Full Providers
Banner Health Western Region
Memorial Health System
Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Mercy Hospital Oklahoma City
Campbell Community Hospital
Office of Perinatal Quality Improvement
Centennial Area Health Education Center
OU Medical Center
Cheyenne Regional Medical Center
Poudre Valley Hospital
Children’s Hospital Colorado
Regis University
Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence
St. John Medical Center
Colorado Chapter Association of Rehabilitation Nurses
St. Mary Corwin Medical Center (Centura Health)
Denver Health and Hospital Authority
St. Mary’s Hospital—Regional Medical Center
Denver Prevention Training Center
University of Colorado College of Nursing
Duncan Regional Hospital
University of Colorado Hospital
Jane Phillip’s Medical Center
University of Oklahoma College of Nursing
Kaiser Permanente
Valley View Hospital
MEG Associates Consulting Group
Current Single Offering Providers
Ambrose, Inc
Rocky Mountain Health Care Services
Boulder County Public Health
Society for Vascular Nursing
Center for Legal Studies
Wyoming Council for Advanced Practice Nursing
Certified Management Group
Colorado Society for Clinical Specialists in Psychiatric
Corinthian College
Front Range Community College
International Loving Touch Foundation
International Service Learning
Lincoln Surgical Hospital
Medical Group Management Association
Midwest Region American Red Cross
Nebraska Academy of Eye Physicians
Peer Assistance Services
The WMSD is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses
Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
You are receiving this newsletter as an approved provider of continuing nursing education through the
Colorado Nurses Association Approval Board, now the WMSD. If you have questions regarding this
newsletter, please contact CNA at 303-597-0128 or
The CNA/WMSD CNE Provider Newsletter will be sent out quarterly and is available upon request. Please let us
know if you have any questions or if there is additional information you would like to see included.
The WMSD is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses
Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.