Friday 20 January 2012 Class meeting Topics Textbook sections Ponderables Mini-labs (deliv.) Lab Demonstrations Mini-lectures Quiz Other PHYS 116 SCALE-UP 5 Vectors Chap. 3 Inclined Plane Vectors (whiteboards) Rear-end collision Mini-lab: Vectors (70 min) o Equipment: for each group: whiteboard, meter stick, protractor Ponderable (25 min): Inclined Plane Quiz (15 min): Rear-end collision 1 Friday 20 January 2012 PHYS 116 SCALE-UP VECTORS In this activity you will explore various ways of combining vectors. You will need these skills later in the semester to manipulate the vectors that represent different physics quantities. Pre-lab: Consider two vectors with these components: A 17iˆ 23 ˆj 9kˆ and B 5iˆ 11 ˆj 3kˆ Determine the x, y and z coordinates of the vectors C A B , D B A , and E A B . Determine the magnitude of the scalar product F A B . Explorations Vector addition Use a ruler to construct a coordinate system and then draw an arbitrary vector R0 on the whiteboard. Make sure to leave enough room for all four quadrants. Put the tail of the vector on the origin (see figure to right). This vector represents the position of an object with respect to the origin. o o o Draw a second vector R V0t , different than R0 . Find its components. V0 is the object’s velocity and t represents time. Add the components of vectors R0 and DR to find the components of R , where R = R0 + DR . o Draw R . Graphically add R0 + DR and compare the result to that from your component addition. o o Repeat for R0 - DR . Interpret the physical meaning of the vectors R , R0 , and DR . o Find the coordinates of the head of the vector. What are the x and y components of the vector, R0x and R0y? Measure the length and the angle, from the x-axis, of the vector. Calculate the components using trigonometry and compare to those measured above. Vector dot product Consider new vectors F and d . F represents a force and d represents a displacement (the distance over which the force is applied). Their scalar (or “dot”) product F d Fxd x Fyd y represents the work done by the force during the displacement—we will consider this quantity in Chapter 7. Calculate the components of your vectors F and d numerically. From this result, calculate cos , where is the angle between F and d . Measure and compare the value to your calculation. 2 Friday 20 January 2012 PHYS 116 SCALE-UP Vector cross product Return to the vectors d and F . Find the vector 1 such that 1 d F with the formula 1 dF sin , and the right hand rule. 1 represents the torque exerted by the force F applied at a displacement d from the axis—we will consider torque in Chapter 10. What plane is vector 1 perpendicular to? Find t 2 = F ´d and compare it to t 1 = d ´ F . Does the cross product commute ( 1 2 ?) Vectors d and F can be interpreted as 2 adjacent sides of a parallelogram. Approximate the area of the parallelogram by any means you prefer, and confirm that the magnitude of the vector cross product t 1 = d ´ F is equal to this area. Deliverable: You will photograph your whiteboards and upload the photos to the class Sakai site as the deliverable for this lab. 3 Friday 20 January 2012 PHYS 116 SCALE-UP INCLINED PLANE The inclined plane is one of the most important physics models in the analysis of vector kinematics. The figure shows an inclined plane with two vector forces: gravity, denoted by Fg , and a normal force, denoted by N . An acceleration is also denoted by a . Also shown in the figure are two possible coordinate systems, denoted by (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) The task is to write the components of N , a , and Fg in each of the two coordinate systems, as a function of the angle q . 4 Friday 20 January 2012 PHYS 116 SCALE-UP QUIZ #2 Tony is happily speeding down a two-lane road in his old, orange Datsun going 80 km/h when he suddenly realizes he is about to rear-end the brand-new, bright-red sports car that has stopped in front of him. He sees that in the car is his best friend, Andy. a. If Tony is 50 m away when he hits the brakes, what constant acceleration is needed to avoid a rear-end collision? b. If when Tony first sees Andy’s car it is not stopped, but instead is moving at 60 km/h, what would be the maximum speed Tony can have just as he reaches Andy’s car if he is not to rearend it? 5