East St Margaret’s School CSI Goals 2014 Students will demonstrate improvement in the area of reasoning and communication in Mathematics. Goal 1: Strategies: 1. Teachers will provide increased opportunities for students to share their reasoning and communication through writing (such as interactive writing, shared writing, anchor charts, journals, etc.). 2. All teachers will use formative assessments to provide descriptive feedback to students on a regular basis. 3. Through PLC’s teachers will examine formative assessment information and discuss next steps of instruction. Professional Learning to Support Goals and Strategies: When will we learn this? How will we go about the learning? What will we learn? Who will learn this? 1a) Teachers will develop a shared understanding of effective communication and reasoning. All Teachers Ongoing Beginning in September 2014 Staff will co-construct the criteria for effective communication and reasoning with support from Central Office Program Team. 1b) Teachers will learn how to incorporate a variety of writing strategies in Mathematics. All Teachers Ongoing Beginning in late Fall 2014 School based PD day PLC Conversations Staff Meetings Professional Resources Peer/Math Coaching 2a) Teachers will learn a variety of ways to provide effective feedback to students such as: checklists, effective questioning, rubrics, conferencing, etc. 2b) Teachers will learn a balanced approach to assessment (conversations, observations and products). All Teachers Ongoing Beginning in late Fall 2014/Winter 2015 PLC Conversations Professional Resources Peer/Math Coaching All teachers Ongoing Beginning in late Fall 2014/Winter 2015 School based PD day PLC Conversations Staff Meetings Professional Resources Peer/Math Coaching 3a) Teachers will learn how to identify and implement higher level questions in Mathematics to promote reasoning and communication. All teachers Ongoing Beginning in late Fall 2014/Winter 2015 School based PD day PLC Conversations Staff Meetings Professional Resources Peer/Math Coaching Data Collection to Monitor Change and Inform Practice: What will we collect? Provincial assessment- M4, M6 Who will collect? EECD Administration When will we do this? September/October 2014 How will we use it? Classroom Assessments Classroom Teachers Ongoing Plus a year end summary Getting to Great Survey Teachers Students Parents Fall 2014 PLC Notes Teachers Administration Ongoing Admin Walkthroughs Administration Ongoing Students Math Journals Classroom Teachers Ongoing Identify students who have gaps in their understanding and use this information along with classroom based assessments to plan for instruction. Identify tends over time. To provide next steps of instruction and effective feedback to students. Monitor progress over time Data will tell us how we are progressing towards our goal. Ongoing record of our progress towards the goal Help administration in knowing how to support teachers in implementing the strategies Help administration in knowing how to support teachers in implementing the strategies by providing feedback To provide next steps of instruction and effective feedback to students. Monitor progress over time Ongoing record of our progress towards the goal Goal 2: Students will demonstrate improvement in their comprehension of text Strategies: 1. Within the Reading Workshop structure, teachers will provide explicit instruction and opportunities for sharing to strengthen students understanding of text. 2. All teachers will regularly confer with students and provide descriptive feedback to improve their comprehension of text. 3. Classroom teachers will work collaboratively in their PLC’s to use classroom assessment to identify student needs and next steps for instruction. Professional Learning to Support Goals and Strategies: What will we learn? Who will learn this? 1a) Teachers will learn ways to strengthen their whole group, small group and individual instruction. Teachers 1b) Teachers will learn ways to strengthen the sharing component of Readers Workshop. Teachers 2) Teachers will expand the repertoire of questions used to prompt thinking and provide effective feedback. When will we learn this? Beginning November 2014 & ongoing How will we go about the learning? Beginning November 2014 & ongoing All Teachers Ongoing Beginning in September 2014 Peer/Literacy Coaching Ongoing PLC conversations School based PD day Peer/Literacy Coaching Ongoing PLC conversations School based PD day Professional Resources (ie: Choice Words & Opening Minds by Peter Johnston) PLC Conversations Professional Resources such as “Conferring Keystone of Reader’s Workshop” by Patrick Allan Peer/Literacy Coaching 3) Teachers will learn how to analyze comprehension assessment information. All Teachers Ongoing beginning in October 2014 PLC conversations Staff Meetings School based PD day Data Collection to Monitor Change and Inform Practice: What will we collect? Grade 2 HRSB Assessment Who will collect? Grade 2 teachers When will we do this? October 2014 How will we use it? Provincial assessment- RW3, RW6 EECD Administration September/October 2014 Classroom Assessments Teachers Ongoing Initial data end of September 2014. Final data June 2015 Getting to Great Survey Teachers Students Parents Fall 2014 Analyze the results to identify next steps for student instruction. Analyze school results to identify trends over time and inform Grades P-2 instruction. Identify students who have gaps in their understanding and use this information along with classroom based assessments to plan for instruction. Identify trends over time. To provide next steps of instruction and effective feedback to students. Monitor progress over time Data will tell us how we are progressing towards our goal. PLC Notes Teachers Administration Ongoing Admin Walkthroughs Administration Ongoing Early Literacy Support Data ELS Teacher Exit and year end results Goal 3: Strategies: 1. 2. 3. Ongoing record of our progress towards the goal Help administration in knowing how to support teachers in implementing the strategies Help administration in knowing how to support teachers in implementing the strategies by providing feedback Monitor literacy progress for atrisk students. To support next steps for programming and support for students Professional Learning to Support Goals and Strategies: What will we learn? Who will learn this? When will we learn this? How will we go about the learning? Data Collection to Monitor Change and Inform Practice: What will we collect? Who will collect? When will we do this? How will we use it? 3. How will you involve the SAC, the parents, the students, and the wider community?