Ignite your Leadership application.

IGNITE YOUR LEADERSHIP: Disability Leadership Project One-Off Funding Application
The Disability Leadership Project is a new initiative by Community Resource Unit (CRU) funded by a private
bequest for a period of five years. The intent of this project is to support leadership for change – as well as
supporting leadership that aims to sustain and maintain good things under threat.
A small amount of funding is available to support opportunities for people with disability and families to
attend conferences, workshops, or take up other learning/development opportunities which will further
participants leadership. You may apply at any time for this funding; however, these funds are limited.
Funding may not always be available depending on the number of applications already funded.
Apply by submitting this application form. The application process is designed to be streamlined to allow
for a quick response, however, due to the need for the selection panel to convene, applicants should allow
up to 21 days between lodging an application and being advised about the outcome. Applications will be
assessed with reference to the project priorities. It is also likely that partial rather than full costs of attending
the event may be funded, though all applications will be assessed on their merits. If your attendance relies
upon funding, please do not register or book flights etc. before you are notified by CRU about the status of
your application. Any bookings prior to official notification are at your own risk. Young leaders and first
time applicants are encouraged to apply.
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Are you: A person with disability:
Please complete the following sections:
Name of event you wish to attend:
Dates of proposed event:
Location of Event:
Tell us about yourself:
A family member
(Please specify relationship)
What are your current involvements
or leadership roles? What networks
do you belong to and/ or what
activities are you currently engaged
What funding do you require to attend? (Please provide a detailed breakdown below, including which
costs you are seeking from CRU and your own contribution).
Registration Fees:
Please provide a breakdown e.g. airfares,
petrol, taxi fares etc.
Support for you and family member:
Estimated total support costs (Please
note: you may apply for costs to
cover a paid support worker, interpreter
etc. but we are very open to other
e.g. airfare for accompanying family
member, a payment to a neighbour etc).
Please provide detail.
Contribution: $
Funds from CRU $
Please briefly describe the learning opportunity?
What do you hope to get out of attending? How do you think you might use that to make a difference?
What learning opportunities have you already had? How does this build on your previous learning?
In the past 3 years, have you been sponsored to attend an event from CRU? If so, what event?
In the past 3 years, have you been sponsored to attend an event from another source? If so, what event
and from where?
Any further comments you wish to make?
Return to CRU via one of the below options:
Fax: (07) 3844 3400
Post: PO Box 3722
Email: cru@cru.org.au