Cumberlander_Final_Lessonplan - te401-fs10

Elementary Science Lesson Plan Document
Lesson Identification & Learning Goal
Prepared by: Eboni Cumberlander
Name of CT: Muth
Date (lesson planned): November 18, 2010
Date (To be taught): November 18, 2010
Curriculum material sources:
Title: Science: A Closer Look
Author: Hackett, Jay K., Moyer, Richard H., et al.
Publisher: Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Unit Title:
Measurement and Distance
Lesson Title:
How Far Will the Plane travel?
Grade Level: 2nd grade
Learning Goals to be addressed in the lesson from the Michigan Grade Level Content
Expectations (GLCEs) and the related main ideas and practices within those learning goals
 GLCE science process standards and related main ideas (cite sources)
o S.IP.02.14 Manipulate simple tools (ruler, meter stick, measuring cups, hand
lens, thermometer, balance) that aid observation and data collection.
Department of Education ,Science Grade Level Content Expectations.
Retrieved from,1607,7-140-28753_33232--,00.html
 This useful because it allows me to introduce the students to tools that
we will use through out the lesson.
 Explaining this will help the students whoa re not familiar with these
measuring tools .
 Data collection during this lesson is very important so that the
students will learn part of the scientific process starting with
o S.IP.02.15 Make accurate measurements with appropriate units (meter,
centimeter) for the measurement tool. Department of Education ,Science
Grade Level Content Expectations. Retrieved from,1607,7-140-28753_33232---,00.html
o Main idea- science- gathering data using measurement
o Students need to understand measurement and distance- what it is, why we
use it and how we use it in everyday life.
 Making sure they understand that this is something that can be applied
to their everyday lives.
o Students need to be able to measure different lengths
 GLCE discipline standards and related main ideas (cite sources)
o P.PM.02.13 Measure the length of objects using rulers (centimeters) and
meter sticks (meters). As well as measuring tape because this will be used in
the lesson as well to measure distance.
Elementary Science Lesson Plan Document
o Main idea- science- measuring and distance
o Students need to understand how a yardstick( and measure tape) works.
Students then need to use the measuring stick to determine how far the paper
airplanes traveled.
The students will need to know the exact way to measure. What end do
you start with?
o Central Question For Your Lesson: Do students understand how to
measure distance and if they understand, can they apply it to real life, and if
they can will they be able to measure the distant from where the plane started
to where it landed by observing 2 different sized airplanes. A big plane, a
medium plane and a small plane. (there will be only 2 planes: a short thicker
plane and a skinny narrow plane instead).
Lesson Objective(s):
The students investigate measurement by measuring how far each airplanes flew and the
distant in which it travels using measuring tape. As they record the distance through trials
and scientific evidence. Making sure that there is emphasis on the data collection and
Knowing Your Students
1. Commonly Held Ideas:
List commonly held ideas relevant to this lesson. Cite the sources of your information. How
have these ideas influenced your lesson?
Some of the ideas held to this was that many of my students knew how to measure lengths
but really didn’t understand what was meant by measuring distance even thought they are
very similar to each other. Some of the students knew that you could measure objects
however when I used the word distance they got a little confused. This influences my lesson
because I have to explain these terms and give examples of what they mean in terms of
measurement. Making sure that I have observed the students before my lesson I can make
the necessary accommodations for the students who do not have a very clear definition of the
lesson objective of distance and measurement. This helps me know where I need to start and
how far to take the lesson to ensure that I do not loose my students in the lesson.
2. Previous Experiences and Funds of Knowledge:
What relevant experiences and knowledge have these particular students had in and out of
school related to this lesson? How have these experiences been taken into account in this
In my classroom there is only student who is right on the level he is suppose to be at as a 2nd
grader. All the other students in my class or below 2nd grade level so these terms and
processes my be a little difficult for them to handle as they are first introduced. However, I
Elementary Science Lesson Plan Document
can relate what distance is by the using each of them as examples as well as their families.
Allowing them to see that they have to get in car to come to school from or ride a bus, they’ll
relate it to traveling as we will do the paper airplanes. I will have to make it clear and not
confuse the students that when measuring different distances you use different measuring
tools. Some students may get confuse assuming that you can measure the distance of a car
ride with a measure stick or tape. This has to be clear and concise. They know how to
measure regular objects so if I show they a few example as rolling a ball down a ramp or on
the floor they will see measuring as a purpose as well as an active lesson. By showing
students an example of measuring an different object than the airplane they will be able to
practice before actually taking the steps to measure the airplane distance. The I-AIM would
be very useful for the process of the lesson.
3. Linguistic, social and academic challenges, resources and supports:
What specific student challenges and resources have been taken into account in this lesson?
What linguistic, social or academic supports have been provided in this lesson to address
these challenges?
For this lesson, students must be able to understand the material presented and be able to
apply it to the lesson itself. As the students will be the investigators as they record the
distance as I throw the paper airplanes. Since the students are second graders, the activity
must be short and concise to keep their attention. However, the responsibility and stress on
correct data should keep them focused and paying attention to how far the planes travel. For
students who struggle with the English language, a verbal explanation of measurement and as
well visual objects that they can see as well as touch for understanding. For students with
learning disabilities or behavioral problems, the constant changing of activities should help
them stay on task as well giving them certain jobs in their groups as team players. The
physical measurement of distance is helpful for students who are tactile learners. The social
challenges are few, as the entire class is involved in this lesson. Also seeing as though
behavior management really isn’t an issue in the class making everyone can participate will
allow this to happen. Academic support is given by the teacher, who in herself is a resource
being able to explain what they units of measurement we will use and why to stop confusion
of the many measurements.
Total time for lesson: ___2__ hours
Materials Needed:
Teacher materials:
- Yardsticks
- Tape to mark distance
- Sharpie to initial on tape
- Paper
- Measuring tape
Student materials:
- Pencil
- Folder/notebook to write on
Elementary Science Lesson Plan Document
Lesson Procedures Table
Learning Goals: Students should be able to use a measuring device, such as a ruler or
meter/yardstick or measuring tape, to determine an accurate distance including appropriate units
of measurement.
Objective: The students investigate measurement by measuring how far each airplanes fly
and the distant in which it travels using a yard stick and measuring tape. As they record
the distance through trials and scientific evidence.
& Time
Procedures and management
Activity 1
Activity 2
Talk about what are some things
we measure
Ask them in a question Does
anyone know what measuring is
Distance what is the definition
and write it on the white board.
Evidence Clear understanding of
evidence and observations. How
do you observe?
Measurement Exact definition to
be written the board so that the
students see it clear.
Talk about what these words
mean to them and if they have
ever heard them. If, so where?
Make sure to go in depth as to
where they learned this
Ask them follow up questions
about their prior knowledge.
Remind students of rules that
need to be followed.
Introduce definitions for
measurement- inch, feet, distance
Students should be
quiet, listening as
open our books and
read together our
section on distance
and measurement.
 Make sure that the
students are
attentive and
 Students will raise
their hands to
answer. Some
students may shout
remind them of the
rules to be
 Students should be
sitting quietly,
actively engaged in
the lesson
Students will raise their
hands and provide
example of when they
measurement and
Students should be
quiet and paying
social &
and support
pictures of
things to
students will
what a ruler is
(in book)
Students have
opportunity to
ask questions
for concepts
they don’t
and provide
answers if
they have
heard these
terms before.
Students have
Elementary Science Lesson Plan Document
Lesson about
or centimeter, meter, and distance
(depending on level of lesson)
 Give examples of measuring
things like their pencils, the
marker for the board, etc.
I will write this on the white board
and provide students with 12-inch cm
Have the students certain objects that
are in their reach.
Measure your pencils.
Where do you start? Where do you
end? How do you know?
Have a couple students explain.
attention to the
lesson, noting the
length of each unit
of measure
Make sure students are
being respectful of each
Students will practice
recording data as the
measure the lengths of
various objects.
We will all develop a paper
airplane and see how far each one
will go.
They will also get their paper for
recording distance out as
They will get a piece of paper to
make their own paper airplanes.
Each group will hand me one of
their paper airplanes either a
medium, small or large plane.
Instead of using 3 different
airplane I will use 2 model
airplanes that I made myself. This
will prevent any confusion with
how far or short the plane travels.
The students will have a chance
to fly their planes at recess.
I will throw a plane and ask one
person to come distance it.
The student that is measuring the
distance will talk through exactly
what they are doing. Where do
you place the measuring tape?
What number do you start at? It is
cm? what dos that mean?
Activity 3
Distance of
opportunity to
see the
specific unit
of measure on
the board,
applied on
their ruler and
noted on their
Students have
opportunity to
make sure
what they are
doing and
what materials
they will need
before we
actually test
We will got out into the Students have
hall standing on the
opportunity to
lockers sitting down as ask each other
I stand in the middle
questions, ask
throwing the planes.
the teacher
questions, see
The students will
the actual
prepare and be alert and measurement
ready to record the
when they
distance in centimeters. measure and
Making sure that they
are seated and that
understand the measure
Students should get
a piece of a paper
and develop a paper
airplane. Each
group will make
three different sizes
a large, medium
and small.
Elementary Science Lesson Plan Document
Students will come back together
and in their groups go over their
findings and in their science
journals write the steps they
would take if they did this
investigation at home or outside.
What would the wind do to it?
Why does the size matter?
The students are able to go
outside at recess to fly their
personal airplanes. I will collect
them before recess and outside at
They will have to write about
what they learned about distance
and measurement.
Students have
opportunity to write
the list of steps it
takes to measure of
distance of their
own airplane if they
were to make on
and fly it at home
or outside. What
would the wind do
to it?
Student will write
on their papers and
draw a picture of
what they observed.
Students have
opportunity to
ask questions
to the class
and teacher to
write the steps
in journals.
What student task(s) will provide useful information for assessing student engagement and
learning with respect to the learning goal?
Student will be assessed on how complete their journals and that they list all the steps we did
in our class investigation. They will need to include our terms distance and measurement and
the numbers in which the distance actually was. They will receive full credit if all the terms
are used and used correctly in the correct context. Also they will develop a chart they can use
to mark their recordings, which include 2 airplanes and 3 trials. They will write about what
they learned about distance and measurement during the activity.
Diagnostic Features:
What features will you look for in student responses or products from the task(s)?
Students should us appropriate units of measurement and use such terms as “distance” and
“inches”, “feet” (or “centimeter”, “meter). Students should have learned units of measure
and applied that knowledge in the activity. Student should be able to take the units of
measure and the measuring itself and apply it to other activities outside of school- how tall
they are, how long their car is, how big something is, etc.