Woodpeckers in urban environments: A review on mitigating damage to buildings By: Stefan van der Wal Abstract Recently, woodpeckers have been observed to damage facades of buildings at several different locations in the Netherlands. Insight into the mechanisms underlying this strange behavior of woodpeckers is needed. Moreover, there is a need to identify solutions to mitigate the damage by woodpeckers to facades of buildings. It is suggested that competition regarding available high quality nesting holes might occur between woodpeckers and secondary cavity nesters, such as ring neck parakeet Psittacula krameri and the European starling Sturnus vulgaris (e.g. Aitken et al., 2002; Lohmus and Remm, 2005). This might in particular be the case, when competition takes place in an area with a shortage of suitable trees that can be used by woodpeckers for excavating cavities. As a result of competition and/or a shortage of suitable nesting trees, woodpeckers might excavate nesting cavities in facades of buildings. In order to mitigate damage by woodpeckers to facades of buildings, it is recommended to hang reflective ribbons on the sidings of buildings to frighten woodpeckers. Moreover, damage to facades should be repaired as soon as possible with rigid, white or pastel colored materials. If a shortage of suitable nesting trees might be an issue, it is suggested to provide woodpeckers with alternative artificial nesting sites nearby (Jasumback et al., 1999). This could be done by placing nest boxes, artificial or dead wood near the location where woodpeckers damage facades of buildings. In case this is not effective, it is suggested to cover the facade of the building entirely with vinyl, aluminum, aviary mesh, or plastic netting (Harding et al., 2007; Belant, 1997; Jasumbach et al., 2000). In regards to park management it is suggested to conserve old, damaged and dead trees, as these are important for creating and maintaining a sustainable breeding habitat for woodpeckers. For future construction near forests, parks or wooden areas it is recommended to use rigid materials that cannot be damaged by woodpeckers. This document is a master thesis written in the form of a review article by Stefan van der Wal (vanderwal.stefan@gmail.com) for the master programme Environmental Biology at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. The writing of the thesis encompasses 7,5 ects and is accompanied by a practical research report. The thesis was written under supervision of Dr. P. A. Verweij from the group Energy & Resources at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development. The thesis aims at solving a problem posed by the municipality of Utrecht and was therefore also supervised by Hans Kruse, environmental consultant of the municipality of Utrecht. 1 Introduction Over the last decade, biodiversity concerns have been high on the list of conservation efforts all around the world. The United Nations even declared the year 2010 the international year of biodiversity. As a result they hoped the whole world would take action to safeguard the variety of all life on earth. Biodiversity encompasses genetic and ecological diversity, but is mainly referred to as species richness (Harper and Hawskworth, 1995). The fast decline of biodiversity is now a global recognized problem and it is estimated that half of all current species face the risk of extinction in the near future (Sax and Gaines, 2003). One of the main threats of biodiversity is the worldwide increasing urbanization (Sochat et al., 2010). Population growth and the proportion of urban residents increase every year and as a result cities expand at the cost of nature. Some green areas can be found in cities, but city parks primarily serve a recreational purpose and are often considered biological desert (Sandstrom et al., 2006). Since biodiversity in urban environments does not only depend on natural processes, but also concerns human activities (Kotaka & Matsuoka, 2002). Managers of urban forests and parks first have to take the safety of visitors into account and biodiversity comes next. An indicator that can be used to measure the intensity of management in a certain area is the availability of dead wood (Nilsson et al., 2002). Old, sick or dead trees are normally removed from a city park, because falling wood poses a potential safety risk for visitors. The effects of this way of managing are enormous on the availability of nesting sites for species that use trees for nesting and can be responsible for biodiversity loss in urban environments (Winkler et al., 1995). Biodiversity is important for the quality of urban life, because it serves an educational purpose for urban residents (Sochat et al., 2010). However, biodiversity in urban environments often concerns undesirable species (Sochat et al., 2010). The overabundance of certain species can sometimes even result in plagues since natural predators are often absent in urban environments. Gulls and pigeons for example flourish in many big cities, but can be annoying for its inhabitants. Conflicts with species can be challenging since dynamics of urban systems are totally different from natural environments and are often poorly documented (Sochat et al., 2010). Little research has been carried out yet into human appreciation of urban wildlife (Hofmann et al., 2012), but in general it can be assumed that people do not appreciate animals damaging their property. This is also the case with woodpeckers damaging facades of buildings in the Netherlands. In the city of Utrecht, an apartment complex is being targeted by woodpeckers that damage the facades by drilling holes in it. Even though the holes are being repaired, woodpeckers repeatedly return to the house and damage another part of the facade. The holes are made at a height of approximately 8 meters, therefore, a crane has to be used to reach the holes and repair them. As a result, the costs of repairing the damage are high and have to be paid by the residents. The problem of woodpeckers is not unique to this specific location, but it is quite new in the Netherlands. During the writing of this thesis, two other locations were found where woodpeckers damage facades of buildings. At these locations, similar traces of damage are found, but no practical solutions are known yet. Moreover, no explanation can be given for the strange behavior of woodpeckers drilling holes in facades of buildings. As a result, a challenge arises to find a satisfying solution that incorporates both the preservation of biodiversity (woodpeckers) and solves the conflict with urban residents. Moreover, an explanation has to be found for the unnatural behavior of woodpeckers. This ultimately leads to the research question for this thesis: “Why do woodpeckers damage facades of buildings and how can the damage be mitigated?” 2 Outline This thesis is a literature review on woodpeckers damaging buildings. Several hypothesis will be discussed that might give an answer to the research question why woodpeckers damage facades of buildings. Moreover, possible solutions to the problem will be discussed and the best solution that can be used to mitigate damage by woodpeckers will be provided as recommendation. More practical information and recommendations can be found in the accompanying practical report (Van der Wal., 2013). The first chapter of this thesis will elaborate on the general characteristics of woodpeckers, woodpeckers’ behavior, legislation and the status of the woodpecker in the Netherlands. Thereafter, benefits and adverse effects of woodpeckers will be discussed. Adverse effects of woodpeckers will be discussed more thoroughly in the next chapter. The problem of woodpeckers damaging buildings will be explained and several possible hypotheses will be proposed that could explain the unnatural phenomenon. In the third chapter possible solutions will be discussed that could mitigate woodpecker damage to buildings. These solutions range from scaring woodpeckers to stop woodpeckers from reaching the facades of buildings completely. Alternative food and nesting sources will be proposed, as well as combining several different techniques. In the final chapter a conclusion will be given based on the literature discussed in the preceding chapters. Uncertainties will be explained and ideas for future practical research will be provide. Based on this, recommendations for residents suffering from woodpecker damage and the municipality of Utrecht will be given. 3 Chapter 1: Woodpeckers Woodpeckers, family of the Picidae, can be found all around the world. The great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopus major also lives in a wide array of areas, varying from arctic taiga to temperate, alpine and Mediterranean forest zones (Cramp, 1985). In general it can be said that wherever there are trees that can accommodate nest holes, the great spotted woodpecker can be seen. As a result, the great spotted woodpeckers can be found throughout Europe and in large parts of Russia, Japan and south-east Asia (Cramp, 1985). Besides their natural presence in forests, woodpeckers are increasingly being spotted in city parks as well. Woodpeckers are characterized by climbing, drilling, foraging and excavating cavities in trees. Woodpeckers posses specialized beaks that can be used to excavate the outer layer of trees in search for insects, beetles, nuts, berries or tree sap. The great spotted woodpecker specifically feeds on wood boring insects, but often adds tree seeds and bird eggs and nestlings to his diet (Cramp, 1985). Woodpeckers search for food in (partially) dead trees, since those are easier to penetrate and harbor more insects. Trees are also used to excavate cavities for nesting and roosting. This manly happens during breeding season that runs from the beginning of April till the end of June (Tupper, 2010). The great spotted woodpecker generally starts laying eggs during the last 10 days of April (Mazgajski, 2002b). The initiation of the egg laying generally coincides with a higher temperature and the resulting availability of food. Territory display can be observed in the form of calls, drumming and fights from the beginning of February till the start of the breeding season (Marsh, 1994). Outside the breeding season woodpeckers sleep in roosting cavities, but they don’t actively excavate new ones (Marsh, 1994). Competition with other nest-hole users such as tits, nuthatch (Sitta europaea) and especially starling (Sturnus vulgaris) is sometimes observed (Cramp, 1985). 1.1 Woodpecker status In the Netherlands six different species of woodpeckers can be observed. Frequently seen woodpecker species are the green woodpecker Picus viridis, lesser spotted woodpecker Dendrocopus minor and the black woodpecker Drycopus martius (van Manen, 2002). One hardy sees the very rare middle spotted woodpecker Dendrocopus medius and the Eurasian Wryneck Jynx torquilla (van Manen, 2002). By far the most common specie of woodpecker that can be observed in the Netherlands is the great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopus major. The great spotted woodpecker is characterized by a black and white plumage with red patches on the back of the head (male) and under the tail (Fig. 1). The great spotted woodpecker can be found breeding almost everywhere in the Netherlands (86% of the atlas blocks), but its presence generally coincides with tree density (van Manen, 2002). The density of woodpeckers in older forests is observed to be higher than in younger forests, this is probably because of the higher availability of dead wood in older forests (van Manen, 2002). The great spotted woodpecker in the Netherlands is increasing every year. An estimated 62.000 great spotted woodpecker couples were found throughout the Netherlands in the period ‘98 ‘00, compared to 40.000 - 50.000 couples in the period ‘79 - ‘85 (van Manen, 2002). The same trend is observed for the great spotted woodpecker in Britain and other countries in Europe as well (Smith, 2006). According to Birdlife International (2004), the great spotted woodpecker breeding population is estimated to range between 12 and 18 million breeding pairs. 4 Figure 1: The great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopus major male (left) and female (right). (Photo’s: Marek Szczepanek and www.bestemminginbeeld.nl). 1.2 Legislation Woodpeckers in the Netherlands are protected by the Flora and Fauna law, which means that the woodpeckers themselves are protected year round and their nesting cavities only during breeding season. The objectives of the flora- and fauna law are to maintain the population of protected species living in the wild. Actions that might disturb woodpeckers may therefore only be carried out if woodpeckers are not being harmed. In practice this means that woodpeckers are not to be disturbed during breeding season. 1.3 Drilling Woodpeckers drill for several specific reasons, namely for drumming, foraging for food and for excavating cavities (Germano & Vehrencamp, 2003). Woodpeckers are well known for hammering loudly on old trees or other resonating surfaces such as stop signs, chimneys, gutters or metal down spurts. Instead of singing, woodpeckers use drumming as a form of territory display and to attract mates (Marsh, 1994). In general drumming does not result in large deep holes (normally with a diameter smaller than 1 cm), it’s just about producing as much noise as possible (Marsh, 1994). Research to woodpecker drumming showed any siding type can be a potential instrument for woodpeckers, even non-wood facades (Harding et al., 2009). Woodpeckers can be observed drilling as well when they are foraging for food. They prefer to drill in dead trees in search for wood-boring insets or larvae. In general, foraging holes are not deep and can be found in the form of horizontal rows on tree stems (Germano & Vehrencamp, 2003). Woodpeckers also drill with the goal to excavating cavities that can be used for nesting or roosting (Germano & Vehrencamp, 2003). Cavities of great spotted woodpecker are characterized by round openings (diameter 5 - 6 centimeter) that lead to 25 - 35 cm deep holes (Cramp, 1985). Great spotted woodpecker uses old nesting holes for roosting all year round, but excavating new holes just for roosting rarely occurs (Mazgajski, 2002a). Research to different characteristics of woodpecker cavities showed no differences in cavities used for roosting or for nesting (Mazgajski, 2002b). Because of higher predation risk and the presence of overwintering ecto-parasites in old nesting sites, woodpeckers generally excavate new cavities for nesting every year (Mazgajski, 2007). It is also suggested that woodpeckers protect their offspring against predators by making nest holes in trees without old cavities. This idea is supported by research that showed that the great spotted woodpecker mainly excavated holes for nesting in trees without older holes (Mazgajski, 1998). A lack of suitable nesting trees however might force woodpeckers to use old nesting cavities. 5 1.4 Nesting trees A well known mistake is that woodpeckers mainly use dead trees for roosting and nesting, but research showed that 85% of nesting and roosting holes are made in living trees (Mazgajski, 2002b). Great spotted woodpeckers mainly use oaks Quercus sp., birch Betula verrucosa, aspen Populus tremula and Ashes Fraxinus excelsior for nesting (Mazgajski, 2002b; Kosinski, 2007). They can sometimes also be found in pine Pinus silvestris, grey alder Alnus incana and linden Tilia cordata as well. However, this preference for tree species is observed in mixed deciduous forest and could be different when trees are available in different ratios. When woodpeckers excavate cavities they first drill horizontally through the hard sapwood (outer layer) and thereafter they excavate a vertical cavity in the core of the tree (Fig. 2). Research to wood hardness of trees showed that the depth of the vertical drilled cavities was negatively correlated with the hardness of the core wood (Matsuoka, 2008). This suggests that woodpeckers do not necessarily prefer trees of a certain species or with a specific diameter or height, but instead they select on the hardness of the core (Matsuoka, 2008). Other research showed that woodpeckers are capable of detecting characteristics that determine wood hardness, because woodpeckers chose nest trees that were softer than neighboring or random trees (Schepps et al., 1999). This is supported by the fact that woodpeckers prefer to nest in trees that are infected by fungi that causes the core to soften and develop a so called heart wood rot (Jackson and Jackson, 2004). This is confirmed by studies that showed that Aspen Populus tremula were very both popular trees for nesting and susceptible to heart wood rot as well (Aitken et al., 2002). Woodpeckers probably prefer trees with heart rot because it requires less time and energy to excavate the cavity (Newton, 1994). Moreover, the strong outer sapwood still protects them against predators and prevents the tree from falling over during strong winds (Jackson and Jackson, 2004). Figure 2: Illustration of a cavity drilled by a woodpecker (left) and different heights at which wood hardness was measured at a nest tree (right; Matsuoka, 2008). 1.5 Positive impact of woodpeckers on ecosystems Woodpeckers drill holes in order excavate cavities for themselves and are therefore termed primary cavity nesters. Woodpeckers typically abandon their nest after one season and leave their holes unused (Matsuoka, 2008). Other so called secondary-cavity birds do not posses specialized beaks to drill their own holes and do therefore depend on woodpeckers to do the heavy work for them. Moreover, small mammals such as raccoons and pine martens also benefit from the work of woodpeckers. As a result, woodpeckers are often referred to as key stone species because they serve an important role in maintaining biological diversity of other cavity users in forest ecosystems (Newton, 1994). In Europe, the majority of the holes of secondary cavity nesters are provided by the 6 great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopus major and the black woodpecker Drycopus martius (Virkkala, 2006). Another positive impact of woodpeckers comes from the fact that they eat insects. Research showed that woodpeckers can prevent or slow down local outbreaks of insect pests (Jasumback et al., 1999). They also protect valuable timber resources by eating insects harmful to trees (Conner and Crawford, 1974) and help farmers controlling insect pests such as grasshoppers or beetles (Jasumback et al., 1999). 1.6 Negative impact of woodpeckers on humans Unfortunately, the presence of woodpeckers can sometimes cause problems as well. Woodpeckers living in rural areas are sometimes observed to cause damage to, buildings, trees and utility poles. Research used to focus on damage on utility poles, since it created significant economic impacts on electrical service companies and their consumers (Stemmerman, 1988). The most expensive example of woodpecker damage was in 1995 to Space Shuttle Discovery. At least 135 holes were drilled in the foam insulation of the fuel tank of the spacecraft and as a result it had to be rolled back to the assembly building (Fig. 3). Even though it only happened once, this action delayed the launch of the space shuttle with several weeks and was estimated to costs around 1 million dollar. Woodpeckers have also been observed to drill holes in polyethylene pipes that were used for irrigation in Orchards in Israel (Wolf, 1973). As a result a lot of valuable water was lost and a lot of time and money was spent to repair the damage. Damage by woodpeckers drilling holes in facades and window frames of houses was even more extensive. It resulted in an average repair costs around 300 dollar per case and annually in the US woodpeckers are estimated to cause millions of dollars of damage (Craven, 1984). As a result extensive research has been carried out on woodpecker behavior in order to find solutions to prevent damage to buildings. Recently woodpeckers have been observed to damage buildings in the Netherlands as well. On two separate locations, buildings in the city of Utrecht were targeted by the great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopus major. At both locations woodpeckers excavated several different cavities in the soft plaster facades of the building. Even after repairing the cavities, woodpeckers kept on coming back to drill more holes or to reopen old ones. No research on woodpeckers damaging buildings in the Netherlands has been carried out yet; therefore this problem poses an interesting challenge. Research will focus on the great spotted woodpecker only, because in all cases it was the woodpecker species observed to be responsible for the damage to buildings in the Netherlands (Van der Wal, 2013). Figure 3: A woodpecker drilled several holes in the hydrogen storage tank of the space shuttle at Cape Carneval, Florida, USA. (Photo: www.nasa.gov) 7 Chapter 2: Woodpeckers damaging buildings Woodpeckers damaging facades of buildings is a well known problem in the US, but it is not much heard off in the Netherlands. As mentioned in the previous chapter, the great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopus major has been observed excavating cavities in the facades of several buildings on separate locations in the city of Utrecht (Fig. 4). Utrecht is the 4th city of the Netherlands and is home to 321.583 inhabitants (CBS, 1 Nov. 2012). Woodpeckers damaging buildings have been reported in the city Katwijk as well, but up to now the magnitude of the problem in the Netherlands still is not clear. Figure 4: Cavities excavated in the facade of a building in Utrecht by the great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopus major. (Photo: Stefan van der Wal) Moreover, no research has been carried out yet on woodpeckers damaging buildings in the Netherlands, therefore literature from research abroad has to be used. Research on woodpecker damage on buildings in the US has been carried out, but those buildings were often constructed of wood and are therefore likely targets for woodpeckers (Harding et al., 2007; Harding et al., 2009). The problem in the Netherlands seems comparable, because facades of buildings that are damaged by woodpeckers are made of plaster material that can be easily penetrated by woodpeckers as well. However, even in the US researchers still do not know the exact reason why woodpeckers damage buildings. As mentioned earlier, woodpeckers might inflict structural damage on the facades of buildings in search for food, during drumming activities or to excavate nesting cavities. Several different hypotheses will be addressed in this chapter that might explain why woodpeckers are damaging buildings: Woodpecker might damage buildings in search for food. Hollow facades may resemble the sound of dead trees. Buildings might suffer from woodpecker damage, because they are located near forests, parks or green areas with a lot of trees. Buildings that suffer from woodpecker damage are made of a specific material that attracts woodpeckers or is too soft and therefore easy to penetrate. Woodpeckers might be attracted by the color of the facade of the house. Heat from the house might provide a better internal climate for roosting / nesting holes. A shortage of suitable trees that can be used for nesting might result in woodpeckers excavating roosting / nesting cavities in buildings. Inter- or intra specific competition for nesting sites with secondary cavity users might result in woodpeckers excavating roosting / nesting cavities in buildings. 8 2.1 Foraging or drumming Research in the US showed that insects crawl into small holes in facades of buildings to overwinter, pupate or hide from predators (Germano & Vehrencamp, 2003). It is suggested that woodpeckers might therefore drill holes in facades of buildings in search for food. Traces of foraging activities can be detected as horizontal rows of small holes (with a diameter of 1 - 3 cm) around the stem, branch or on the facade of a house (Harding et al., 2009). It is also suggested that the sound of pecking on (hollow) facades of buildings may resemble the sound of dead trees. Woodpeckers normally perform foraging or drumming activities on dead trees. Drumming activities are performed on hollow surfaces in order to demarcate their territory or to attract potential mates (Marsh, 1994). 2.2 Tree density Research in the US showed that tree density in the area around a building has an effect on the chance that woodpeckers damage a building (Harding et al., 2009). A linear increase was observed in the probability of woodpecker damage to a house, when the abundance of trees increased (Harding et al., 2009; Fig. 5). This makes sense, since the presence of trees coincides with the availability of food for woodpeckers. In addition, woodpeckers may feel more protected against predators when more trees are around. Therefore it is suggested that houses in the vicinity of parks, forests or green areas suffer more from woodpecker damage. Figure 5: Proportion of houses with woodpecker damage compared to different yard types. For yard type: HW = heavily wooded, W = wooded, LW = lightly wooded, OG = open grassy (Harding et al., 2009). 2.3 Building characteristics Research showed that woodpecker damage also depends on the material the facades of a building are made of. Research has shown that cedar, multiplex and tong-grove wood types are targeted more often than other types of wood (Harding et al., 2009). In the Netherlands polystyrene is sometimes used in the construction of buildings. The composition of polystyrene is comparable to wood tissue and can by woodpeckers be seen as possible nesting site (Conner, 1996). Both polystyrene and decayed wood can be drilled open pretty easy and are therefore likely targets of woodpeckers. This could be explained by the fact that excavating cavities takes a lot of energy (Newton, 1994). As mentioned earlier, woodpeckers prefer trees that suffer from heart rot, since it is easier to excavate a large cavity in softer core wood (Jasumback et al., 1999). This is supported by the fact that non-wood houses in the US received significantly less damage than wooden houses (Harding et al., 2009). 9 Other research to characteristics of houses prone to woodpecker damage in the USA, showed that color is important for woodpeckers. Research showed that houses with earth colored facades experienced significantly more woodpecker damage than the ones painted with bright pastel colors or white (Fig. 6; Harding et al., 2007). This may be explained by the fact that earth-colored paint resembles the color the trees that woodpeckers normally excavate. Figure 6: Proportion of houses with woodpecker damage in relation to facade color. Gray bars show the uncorrected proportion of homes with woodpecker damage, white bars represent least-squares mean proportion and standard error after correcting for house siding and yard types. Numbers in the white bars represent the total number of houses examined (Harding et al., 2007). It is also suggested that woodpeckers might be attracted to buildings, because of the smell or taste of the material the facades are made off. Research has shown that both smell and taste do not work as a repellent, because woodpeckers do not ingest the material (Belant et al., 1997). However, this does not exclude that woodpeckers might still be attracted by the smell or taste of a certain material that might be processed in the wood or plaster. Another hypothesis suggests that the heat that escapes from the house might attract woodpeckers. Cavities in facades would be more comfortable than natural cavities and protect woodpeckers against the cold weather. It is known that weather and wind direction might result in woodpecker migrating to warmer roosting holes (Mazgajski, 2002a). Moreover, several species of bats are observed to use cavity walls in houses as well because of the favorable temperature. 2.4 Competition on nesting sites Another hypothesis suggests that woodpeckers might damage facades of buildings, because there are no or insufficient suitable nesting trees available. As a result, woodpeckers would excavate nesting cavities in facades of buildings. The shortage of suitable nesting trees could be a result of urban development towards woodpecker ecosystems that has degraded woodpecker’s habitat (Linn, 1982). Park management could also have an effect on the availability of suitable nesting trees. Damaged, sick and dead trees are sometimes removed from city parks because they pose a potential threat for visitors. The removal of these trees may result in insufficient suitable nesting trees for woodpeckers. Moreover, the tree composition in urban parks may be too young to contain trees that are suitable for woodpeckers for nesting (Newton, 1994). 10 2.5 Competition for nesting sites Another hypothesis suggests that competition for nesting sites with other (secondary) cavity nesters might result in woodpeckers excavate cavities in houses. As mentioned before, woodpeckers typically leave their nests abandoned after one season (Matsuoka, 2008). So called secondary cavity nesting birds take over these abandoned woodpecker holes to raise their own offspring. However, in managed forests or city parks, suitable nesting trees may be scarce and as a result woodpeckers might want to use their old cavities as well (Kotaka & Matsuoka, 2002). As a result, competition between woodpeckers and secondary cavity nesters might arise. Moreover, the growing population of great spotted woodpeckers Dendrocopus major in the past few decades in the Netherlands might result in inter-specific competition as well (van Manen, 2002). As a result of the competition for potential nesting sites, woodpeckers might drill new nesting cavities in facades buildings. 2.5.1 Competition for nesting sites with the ring neck parakeet Psittacula krameri It is suggested that ring neck parakeets Psittacula krameri might compete with great spotted woodpeckers on potential nesting sites (Strubbe & Matthijsen, 2007). The ring neck parakeet is an exotic bird that comes from Africa and South-east Asia. Ring neck parakeets probably escaped or were set free from an aviary and seemed to do quite well in the parks of big cities in de the Netherlands. The number of ring neck parakeets in the Netherlands is growing dramatically. Between 2004 and 2010 the number of ring neck parakeets doubled from 5.000 to almost 10.000 counts (Klaassen and Hustings, 2010). Research to the effects of ring neck parakeets on other cavity nesters in Brussels, Belgium, showed a negative association between the presence of ring neck parakeets and the nuthatch Sitta europaea (Strubbe & Matthysen, 2007). Competition between ring neck parakeets and other cavity nesters was experimentally tested by blocking the entrances of ring neck parakeet’s nests (Strubbe & Matthysen, 2009). This resulted in parakeets taking over holes of the nuthatch in the area and a significant lowering of the nuthatch population (Strubbe & Matthysen, 2009). Nuthatch and ring neck parakeets both make use of old woodpecker holes and thus overlap in preferred nest sites (Matthysen, 1998; Butler, 2003). This leads to competition between the two species and results in a reduction in nuthatch numbers, when suitable nest sites become scarce (Strubbe & Matthysen, 2009). No direct aggression between the two species has been observed, but the competition can be explained by the fact that parakeets start laying eggs already at the end of February (Butler, 2003), while nuthatches start breeding only in the second half of April (Matthysen, 1998). Competition between ring neck parakeets and great spotted woodpeckers was not observed on population level (Strubbe & Matthysen, 2007), but that doesn’t rule out competition entirely. Competition would probably not be visible on population level, because woodpeckers are able to excavate their own cavities (Kotaka & Matsuoka, 2002). However, the competition between the two species could occur and result in woodpeckers drilling holes in facades of nearby buildings. 2.5.2 Competition for nesting sites with European starling Sturnus vulgaris Another secondary cavity nester that might compete with the great spotted woodpecker on nesting sites is the European starling Sturnus vulgaris. Research showed that the introduction of European starlings in New York resulted in a significant change in population density of several cavity-nesting species (Koenig, 2003). However, no effects on the population of the occupant woodpecker species were detected (Koenig, 2003). Research to secondary cavity nesters in urban environments in Japan showed that starlings are the main secondary cavity nesters that use cavities drilled by great spotted woodpeckers Dendrocopus major (Kotaka & Matsuoka, 2002). This is probably because starlings are the dominant species in competition for cavities. The presence of starlings also affected woodpeckers, because a lower reuse rate of old cavities by the great spotted woodpecker was observed when starlings were present (Mazgajski, 2000). 11 Intra-specific competition on the available suitable nest trees between woodpeckers and the European Starling Sturnus vulgaris was also observed to be strong in British Colombia (Aitken et al., 2002). Starlings sometimes even took over newly excavated cavities and as a result woodpeckers had to reuse existing cavities or excavate new ones (Aitken et al., 2002). The same was observed in Japan, where starlings were observed to usurped cavities of five cavities that were just excavated by great spotted woodpecker pairs (Kotaka & Matsuoka, 2002; Cramp, 1985). The effects of competition between starlings and woodpeckers may not be visible on population level, because some woodpecker pairs were able to build a second nest later in the season (Kotaka & Matsuoka, 2002). Intra-specific competition might however be responsible for the fact that woodpeckers have to find new nesting sites and as a result drill holes in facades of buildings. The hypothesis of intra-specific competition on nest sites between starlings and the great spotted woodpecker is also supported by a long term study (20 years) in Britain (Smith, 2005). In the early years of the study, great spotted woodpecker’s nest site interference by starlings was frequently observed and probably responsible for the nest failure or delayed breeding of the great spotted woodpecker (Smith, 2005). The decline and ultimately disappearance of starlings from the study area later on in the study period, may have contributed to the increase in the great spotted woodpecker population (Smith, 2006). From these observations it might be concluded that competition between starlings and woodpeckers does occur and that this competition has a negative effect on woodpecker populations. 12 Chapter 3: Mitigating woodpecker damage Several techniques have been proposed to prevent woodpeckers from damaging facades of buildings (Harding et al., 2007). These techniques focus mainly on scaring woodpeckers or providing them with alternative food- or nesting sources. Moreover, the targeted buildings could be reinforced in order to stop woodpeckers from reaching or damaging the outer wall of the building. Maybe the most effective solution is a combination of different techniques and careful construction planning of buildings near parks or in forest areas in the future. In that way, current damage might be mitigated and future damage to buildings by woodpeckers may be prevented. 3.1 Woodpecker damage Damage to facades of buildings by woodpeckers could be a result from foraging- or drumming behavior or from the fact that woodpeckers need to excavating holes for nesting. The type of damage inflicted by woodpeckers has to be determined before an appropriate technique is chosen to mitigate damage to facades. If rows of small holes are detected in the facades of a building (Fig. 7), it indicates woodpecker’s foraging behavior on insects or larvae (Germano & Vehrencamp, 2003). Woodpecker’s drumming behavior mostly results in a lot of noise, but doesn’t cause extensive damage (Marsh, 1994). Traces from drumming activities can sometimes be found as holes in the form of dents that are grouped in clusters. Woodpeckers also excavate cavities that can be used for nesting or roosting (Germano & Vehrencamp, 2003). These cavities can be observed as large round holes in the outer wall of a building (Fig. 8). Figure 7: Woodpecker foraging holes in vertically grooved plywood (Photo: Cornell lab of ornithology) Figure 8: woodpecker nesting / roosting holes in cedar clapboards (Photo: The Cornell lab of ornithology). 3.2 Scaring techniques If a woodpecker is seen drilling on the facade of a building, it may be scared away immediately by making loud noises or throwing water at the woodpecker. These methods do however need permanent supervision; therefore devices that frighten woodpeckers and can be left in place are designed as well. Examples of such devices are models of prowler owls or birds of prey that can be manufactured and mounted on poles in order to frighten woodpeckers (Fig. 9; Harding et al., 2007). This method has one huge disadvantage that woodpeckers get accustomed to a visual stimulus that 13 comes from the same place every day. Therefore in order to be effective, the model of an owl or bird of prey has to be relocated to a different location every few days. A similar method that can be used to shoo woodpeckers is based on sounds woodpeckers and potential predators produce. This so called Bird-Pro sound system produces distress calls of woodpeckers followed by the call of a predator (Harding et al., 2007). This sound system doesn’t have to be relocated every few days, but the purchase costs are relatively high. Less expensive ways of scaring woodpeckers are available as well. Bright yellow and orange holographic eyes made of plastic can be hung on a fishing line on the side of a building as well. These so called scare-eyes resembling a predator and may therefore be effective in fighting woodpeckers of. Another relatively cheap method to scare woodpeckers is the use of reflective ribbon that can be hung on the sides of a building. This so called Irri-tape is a silver reflective ribbon that can be hung on a string so that it can rattle in the wind and reflect the light of the sun (Harding et al., 2007). Every of the mentioned techniques to scare woodpeckers showed a reduction in woodpecker damage at some homes. However, the use of irri-tape definitely showed the highest improvement, because at 5 out of 10 trails woodpeckers didn’t return to the house after installing the deterrent (Harding et al., 2007). Prowler owls and the bird-pro systems showed much lower improvement rates (1 out of 6) and at some houses even resulted in an increase in damage rate after the installation of the deterrent (Harding et al., 2007). Figure 9: Prowler owl tested as woodpecker deterrent (Harding et al., 2007). Another method to mitigate dame done to facades of buildings is to scare woodpeckers by using chemical repellents. Methyl-anthranilate is such a bird repellant that was experimentally tested to scare woodpeckers in the USA (Belant et al., 1997). In this experiment, methyl anthranilate was both mixed with food in suet feeders and applied on wooden facades of buildings that are damaged by woodpeckers. Woodpeckers were successfully repelled from suet feeders after ingesting the methyl anthranilate, but no effect was observed at facades of buildings. Researchers concluded that chemical repellents in general would be ineffective in reducing woodpecker damage to buildings, because woodpeckers do not ingest the wood when drilling (Belant et al., 1997). This is confirmed by experiments with chemical repellants on European starlings Sturnus vulgaris that only proved to be successful, when the repellant was ingested (Sayre and Clark, 2001). 3.3 Alternative food source As mentioned earlier, woodpeckers might damage facades of buildings in search for food. Insects crawl into small holes to overwinter, pupate or hide from predators and form a perfect food source for woodpeckers (Germano & Vehrencamp, 2003). If foraging damage is observed, pest control companies should be contacted in order to eliminate the insects that attract woodpeckers. 14 Moreover, it is suggested that suet feeders might be placed nearby to provide woodpeckers with an alternative food source and keep them away from the houses (Harding et al., 2007). However, experiments with suet feeders near houses prone to woodpecker foraging damage, showed no significant decrease in damage rate (Harding et al., 2007). At some houses the damage rate even increased after placing suet feeders. This might be explained by the fact that suet feeders could also attract more woodpeckers to the area. 3.4 Alternative nesting sites If no suitable trees are around to excavate a nesting cavity, woodpeckers might use facades of buildings instead. This problem might be solved by providing woodpeckers with alternative nesting sites nearby (Jasumback et al., 1999). Since woodpeckers prefer to drill in trees that suffer from heart rot, old trees are most suitable for this method. A long term solution could be found by pointing out so called ‘wildlife trees’ that may be used by woodpeckers and other cavity nesters (Jasumback et al., 1999). These old large trees could be topped and let to die slowly. The additional benefit of this method is that a topped tree won’t be a safety risk for visitors or people living nearby. Girdling of the base of a tree is not recommended, because these trees will fall over quickly and won’t be of use to woodpeckers anymore (Jasumback et al., 1999). In the case of urban forests or parks it may not be possible to top trees. Therefore, dead trees can be placed in the park to provide woodpeckers with extra nesting possibilities. Experiments with artificial polystyrene trees in the USA, showed that some downy woodpeckers Picoides pubescens excavated holes in the artificial snags (Conner and Saenz, 1996). Although no woodpeckers were observed to nest in any of these objects, they regularly used the cavities for roosting (Conner and Saenz, 1996). This might result from the fact that the quality of the artificial trees is inferior to normal trees. Moreover, the investigated areas had a surplus of trees suitable for nesting; therefore artificial trees were probably unattractive to woodpeckers (Conner et al., 1994). Roost boxes designed for woodpeckers could be used as well to provide woodpeckers with extra nesting locations. An advantage of woodpeckers nesting in artificial trees or nest boxes is that they will defend their territory en therefore keep other woodpeckers away that could potentially damage the facades of a building (Andelt et al., 2012). Research in the USA showed that the installation of cavity-type nest boxes reduced damage to facades, but it couldn’t entirely rule it out (Marsh et al., 1990). It was suggested that woodpeckers feel the urge to excavate their own cavities as part of the breeding ritual. Filling the nest boxes with saw dust might therefore fool the woodpeckers and let them think that they are constructing their own nest (Marsh et al., 1990). 3.5 Home characteristics Apart from scaring woodpeckers or providing woodpeckers with alternative nesting sites, facades of buildings prone to woodpecker damage could be made less attractive as well. Research showed that houses with brown or earth color facades received much more damage from woodpecker than the ones that were painted with bright pastel colors or white (Harding et al., 2007). Therefore it might help to alter the color of the facade of a building to bright pastel or white. 3.6 Excluding woodpeckers If other methods fail to mitigate damage to facades, woodpeckers could be prevented from reaching the façade entirely. This could be done by installing chicken wire, aviary mesh or plastic netting a few centimeters away from the wall (Belant, 1997; Jasumbach et al., 2000). Moreover, the facade of the building could be covered completely with vinyl or aluminum (Harding et al., 2007). These methods do however have huge disadvantages, because they are expensive and make the building look quite unsightly. 3.7 Lethal control All woodpecker species in the Netherlands are year round protected by the Flora- en Fauna law, so lethal control on woodpeckers damaging facades of buildings is not an option. 15 Chapter 4: Discussion Several hypotheses have been proposed to answer the research question “why do woodpeckers damage facades of buildings and how can the damage be mitigated?” First, these hypotheses are discussed in the main findings that may apply to the problem in the Netherlands. Uncertainties are discussed next. Subsequently, recommendations are given that might be implemented to mitigate damage to buildings by woodpeckers. Last, suggestions for future research are provided. 4.1 Main findings First of all it is suggested that the number of trees surrounding the building targeted by woodpeckers could contribute to the unnatural behavior of woodpeckers. Research showed that tree density around the building influenced woodpecker damage and the chance of damage linearl increased with the abundance of trees in the yard (Harding et al., 2009). This seems a plausible explanation, since the buildings in the Netherlands that are known to be targeted by woodpeckers are located near the parks or wooden areas. Besides the location, it is also suggested that the material that the houses are made of may contribute to the problem of woodpeckers damaging buildings. Research in the US showed that color matters, because brown and earth colored houses were targeted more often by woodpeckers, than white or pastel colored ones (Fig. 4; Harding et al., 2007). Moreover, it is argued that softer materials have a higher chance of being targeted by woodpeckers (Harding et al., 2009). This is most likely because excavating cavities in softer material requires less energy (Jasumback et al., 2009). This hypothesis seems plausible for buildings in the Netherlands that suffer from woodpecker damage, because they are made of polystyrene plates covered with a layer of plaster. Research into artificial nesting sites for woodpeckers in the US used polystyrene, because the material was almost identical to the structure of dead wood (Conner, 1996). Moreover, plaster is an extremely soft material that can be easily penetrated by woodpeckers. It is proposed that woodpeckers might damage facades of buildings, because there are no or insufficient suitable nesting trees available. As a result of this shortage of suitable nesting trees, woodpeckers might excavate nesting cavities in facades of buildings. The lack of suitable nesting trees could be a result of the fact that the tree composition in urban parks is too young (Newton, 1994). Moreover, the removal of damaged, sick and dead trees by park managers may result in insufficient suitable nesting trees for woodpeckers. Researchers argue that competition between woodpeckers and secondary cavity nesters on available nesting holes might occur (e.g. Aitken et al., 2002). Especially when this competition takes place in an area with a shortage of suitable trees that can be used by woodpeckers for excavating cavities. As a result of competition and a shortage of suitable nesting trees, woodpeckers might excavate nesting cavities in facades of buildings. Two possible secondary cavity nesting species that might compete with woodpeckers on available cavities would be the ring neck parakeet Psittacula krameri and the European starling Sturnus vulgaris. In forests there probably wouldn’t be a shortage of suitable nesting trees, but in managed city parks this hypothesis would be plausible (Newton, 1994). This is supported by observations of European starlings occupying great spotted woodpecker cavities more frequently in urban than in suburban forests (Kotaka & Matsuoka, 2002). Moreover, not only the number of cavities, but also the quality of the available cavities might influence competition for nesting sites between different species (Lohmus and Remm, 2005). Especially since older cavities are generally considered of lower quality by cavity nesters, the newly excavated cavities are definitely favored. Moreover, research has shown that different cavities in the same tree cannot be occupied simultaneously by cavity nesters (Lohmus and Remm, 2005). As a result, competition with other secondary cavity users might force woodpeckers to look for new or higher quality nesting locations. As a result, woodpeckers could damage facades of buildings and use them to excavate cavities. 16 4.2 Uncertainties One of the main concerns regarding the literature used for underpinning the hypotheses and practical solutions is that all research was carried out abroad. Research in several occasions focused on different woodpecker species or was carried out in different environments. Besides, wood is more often used in the construction of buildings in the US, while this is rather uncommon in the Netherlands. This should be taken into account when hypothesis and practical solutions are discussed. Therefore, preliminary and experimental research should be carried in the Netherlands first, before firm conclusions can be drawn. 4.3 Recommendations Several solutions are suggested to mitigate woodpecker damage to facades of buildings. Research showed that the use of reflective ribbons that can be hung on the side of a building are the most effective method to scare woodpeckers (Harding et al., 2007). In addition, reflective ribbons are an inexpensive and easy method to implement. Unfortunately, it didn’t solve the problem completely, because after installing the deterrent, woodpeckers did only not return in 50% of the cases (Harding et al., 2007). Moreover it is suggested to repair damage to facades of buildings right away, to prevent woodpeckers from getting accustomed to living at the specific location (Mazgajski, 2002b) or to prevent attracting even more woodpeckers (Harding et al., 2007). To prevent woodpeckers from reopening repaired holes, it is suggested to repair damage to facades with very strong materials (e.g. Epoxy; Stemmerman, 1998). Moreover, it is suggested to use white or pastel colored materials to repair the damage (Harding et al., 2007). If a shortage of suitable nesting trees is an issue, it is suggested to provide woodpeckers with alternative artificial nesting sites nearby (Jasumback et al., 1999). This could be done by placing nest boxes designed for woodpeckers. Researched showed this method somewhat reduced damage to facades, but couldn’t rule out damage to facades completely (Marsh et al., 1990). Moreover, additional nesting sites could be provided by topping some trees and let them die slowly. These trees could be appointed as ‘woodpecker trees’ and may be used by woodpeckers and other cavity nesters (Jasumback et al., 1999). If it is not possible to top trees, dead trees can be placed in the park to provide woodpeckers with extra nesting possibilities. Experiments with artificial polystyrene trees in the USA, showed that some downy woodpeckers Picoides pubescens excavated holes in the artificial snags (Conner and Saenz, 1996). Although no woodpeckers were observed to nest in any of these objects, they regularly used the cavities for roosting (Conner and Saenz, 1996). If none of these solutions work out it can be considered to exclude woodpeckers from reaching the outer wall. This could be done by installing chicken wire, aviary mesh or plastic netting a few centimeters away from the wall (Belant, 1997; Jasumbach et al., 2000) or even to cover the outer wall completely with vinyl or aluminum siding (Harding et al., 2007). An overall solution however, might be found in a combination of different techniques. Irri-tape should be used initially to scare the woodpeckers away. In addition, extra nesting capacity could be created by installing nest boxes or placing dead trees in the nearby area. Because of the highly dynamic nature of urban ecosystems a small effort in management can have a great effect on bird abundance and diversity (Savard, 2000). It is shown that woodpeckers serve a very important role in maintaining biological diversity of cavity users in forest ecosystems (Newton, 1994). Therefore, it is suggested that city and park managers protect trees that are used by woodpeckers. Especially old, damaged and dead trees are important for creating and maintaining a sustainable breeding habitat for woodpeckers. 17 4.4 Recommendations for future construction In order to prevent woodpeckers from damaging buildings in the future, it could be considered to adjust the way in which buildings are constructed near parks, forests or wooden areas. It is suggested that buildings near parks in the future shouldn’t be constructed with materials that can be damaged easily by woodpeckers. Moreover, facades of buildings shouldn’t be painted with brown or earth colored colors. Instead, stronger material like bricks, concrete or other non-wood material that is more resistant to woodpecker damage should be used and facades should be painted with white, light blue or pastel colors (Harding et al., 2007). This new way of building houses in woodpecker sensitive areas should be communicated to developers, builders, city planners and house owners. Especially, since it is much better to prevent woodpecker damage beforehand instead of continuously repairing the damage. 4.5 Future research In order to verify the suggested hypothesis, future research should be carried out in areas where buildings are being damaged by woodpeckers. Research could focus on the two known locations in Utrecht, where woodpeckers damage facades of buildings. Research should first of all focus on the exact type of woodpecker behavior that is responsible for the damage to facades. This could be done by observing facades of buildings that are damaged by woodpeckers. Next, available data of population changes of primary- and secondary cavity nesters over the past years should be analyzed in order to support the hypothesis of competition with secondary cavity nesters on available cavities. Next, possible trends could be related to events such as changes in park management and the onset of the damage to damage buildings by woodpeckers. Moreover, the condition of the trees surrounding the two locations should be analyzed in order to get a better understanding of the availability of trees that are suitable for woodpeckers for excavating cavities. This could be combined with extensive fieldwork in order to get a better view on the number of woodpeckers, secondary cavity nesters and suitable trees for nesting. In the end this research would contribute to a better understanding of the potential mechanisms at the two locations and could serve as reliable basis for giving recommendations and providing practical solutions. In regard to methods to prevent woodpeckers from damaging facades of buildings, extensive research is necessary as well. The deterrents mentioned in this thesis have only been tested at a few locations in the USA, therefore future research should focus on repeating experiments with scaring devices in the Netherlands. Moreover, it is recommended that research focuses on combining different methods in order to achieve a higher success rate. It is especially recommended to combine the method of installing irri-tape and provide woodpeckers with extra nesting capacity. Further research on artificial nesting sites should be carried out as well in areas with a shortage of suitable trees for nesting. This research should also be aimed at finding out what kind of material or type of nest box is preferred by woodpeckers. Moreover, experiments can be carried out, where large trees that are redundant elsewhere, are transported to a location where woodpeckers damage buildings. These trees should be chopped, topped, placed in the ground and infected with decay fungus in order to enhance heart rot. This method will definitely not be a cheap solution, especially because heavy machinery has to be used for placing and transporting the tree. 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