Mental Health Services, Capital Region of Denmark Kristineberg 3 DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø June 2015 Research Fund 2016 of the Mental Health Services – Capital Region of Denmark 1-2 PhD scholarships focusing on research in psychotherapy The Mental Health Services - Capital Region of Denmark announces a call for 1-2 PhD scholarships. The scholarships will be awarded in to conduct research projects within psychotherapy. Projects in cognitive behavioral therapy will be preferred but applications for projects within other psychotherapeutic methods will be considered as well. Alongside this call, there is another call for 1-2 postdoc scholarships focusing on research in psychotherapy. The final distribution between PhD and postdoc scholarships will be decided depending on the quality of all applications within the research area psychotherapy. Each PhD scholarship consists of a framework grant of max. DKK 1.935.000 divided over three years (max. DKK 645.000 per year). It is possible to apply for a full scholarship or for co-financing if the applicant has already obtained partial financing from other sources. The scholarship will be effectuated at earliest from 1 January 2016. The scholarship covers salary costs (max. 585.000 per year), annual grant (max. DDK 20.000 per year) and part of the tuition fee1 (max. DKK 40.000 per year). Application deadline 27 August 2015 at 12.00 noon It is a requirement that the applicant is employed in the Mental Health Services - Capital Region of Denmark. Applicants must be the faculty supervisor or the project supervisor for the intended PhD-project. Applicants may apply for the scholarship for projects with or without a named PhD student. The Management Board of the Mental Health Services - Capital Region of Denmark has established an external assessment committee, consisting of internationally leading researchers2, who will assess the quality of projects and the qualifications of applicants on the basis of the assessment criteria (annex 1). 1 An application can be made to the Health Science Research Fund of the Capital Region (Region Hovedstadens Sundhedsvidenskabelige Forskningsfond) for the other part of the tuition fee. 2 On the website of the Mental Health Services - Capital Region of Denmark there is a brief description of the members of the assessment committee: Region Hovedstadens Psykiatri – en del af Københavns Universitetshospital Requirements for applications being processed The applicant is employed at the Mental Health Services - Capital Region of Denmark The main part of the research will physically be carried out at a psychiatric or child and adolescent psychiatric center in the Mental Health Services - Capital Region of Denmark The applicant must meet the supervisor requirements (faculty- and project supervisor) stated by the university from which the PhD student is enrolled Acceptance from the Head of Centre that the research project can be carried out at the Centre The requested funding applied for must not exceed the framework of the grant – neither the overall framework or the individual budget items Preconditions for being granted a scholarship The project has been recommended for a scholarship by the External Assessment Committee and the Management Board of the Mental Health Services - Capital Region of Denmark The applicant is approved by the university as faculty supervisor or project supervisor for the PhD project concerned The PhD student engaged on the basis of the scholarship is employed in the Mental Health Services – Capital Region of Denmark The PhD student engaged on the basis of the scholarship is enrolled as a PhD student at a Danish university The PhD scholarship will be withdrawn if these conditions are not met. Requirements concerning applications Application form, budget form and appendix 6 form of the Mental Health Services Capital Region of Denmark must be used. The forms can be downloaded from the website: The application must be written in English. The application must contain the following: Completed application form Appendix 1: Project description (max. 5 A4 pages incl. figures and tables, but excl. references). The project description must contain: Page 2 o o o o a well-defined problem and objective, with consistent and appropriate hypotheses a description of the state of the art and/or the scientific challenges within the project’s research area as well as of the project’s potential contributions in this a description of the theoretical basis and methods a description of the clinical relevance o feasibility considerations – including work schedule and timetable a description of the relevant research group and a clarification of the role of the PhD student Cf. annex 1 regarding the total assessment criteria Power calculation o a description of the statistical models/analysis o o Appendix 2: Budget form Appendix 3: Applicant’s CV (max. 1 A4 page) Appendix 4: The applicant’s publication list for the last 5 years – only peer reviewed publications (max. 5 A4 pages) Appendix 5: The PhD student’s CV (max ½ A4 page), publication list and examination transcript Appendix 6: The faculty supervisor’s confirmation (only to be completed if the applicant is not the faculty supervisor for the PhD student) All appendices must be numbered and carry the applicant’s name. Project description, CVs and publication lists must be written in font size 12 and min. be single-spaced. If the application does not meet the above requirements, the application will be rejected in the administrative process. It will not be possible to subsequently submit any missing material. Application procedure Application and appendices marked ”PhD scholarships of the Mental Health Services Capital Region of Denmark” must be submitted as one PDF file to: Mental Health Services - Capital Region of Denmark Attn.: Marianne Meinertz Kristineberg 3 DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø e-mail: Page 3 Applications must be submitted to the Mental Health Services - Capital Region of Denmark no later than 27 August 2015 at 12.00 noon. Applicants will receive a reply to their application at the end of November 2015. The projects for which financing is provided will subsequently be posted on the website of the Mental Health Services - Capital Region of Denmark. In case of any queries concerning applications for PhD scholarships in the Mental Health Services - Capital Region of Denmark, please contact consultant Marianne Meinertz by phone: (+45) 38 64 00 96 or by e-mail: Annex 1 Assessment criteria: Scientific quality 1. The project description shows that the project has potential for scientific progress, innovation and originality (theoretically, methodologically and empirically) 2. The project description contains: a. A clear and well-defined problem and objective, with consistent and appropriate hypotheses b. A description of the state of the art and/or the scientific challenges within the project research area, as well as of the potential contributions from the project in this regard - including the clinical relevance of the project c. A description of the theoretical basis and methods, including an argumentation that this basis is plausible in relation to the proposed activities 3. If relevant to the project; a. the project description provides argumentation for the connection between the project hypothesis and the theoretical/methodological basis b. there is an adequate description of the empirical project material or data foundation c. there is an adequate level of synergy between the individual parts of the project Qualifications of the applicant 4. The applicant has documented the scientific qualifications necessary, a level of scientific production within the field and sufficient research management qualifications for carrying out the project 5. The project involves the participation of relevant researchers from Denmark and abroad, and (if relevant) there is an adequate level of collaboration with business partners 6. There is a strategy for the organisation and management of the project, including an account of the distribution of work between the involved researchers. The PhD student fulfil a clear function in the project Feasibility 7. Sufficient resources have been allocated to the project, including scientific resources, staffing and Page 4 access to the necessary facilities and equipment 8. The project description accounts for a realistic work schedule and timetable, including realistic project milestones and success criteria, also taking account of the dissemination of the project findings 9. If relevant to the project: a. any ethical aspects are adequately examined Page 5