SafePlace Library Materials
Birth Control (Models)
• Jackson, Jim. (1993). ConDude: Condom Education Kit. Jim Jackson &
Company. Birth Control (Videos)
• Brick, Peggy. (1995). Condom Talk. Planned Parenthood of New Jersey.
Caregiver AbuseDisabilities (Books)
• National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. (Undated).
Personal Assistance Service Providers Abuse of Women with Disabilities.
• Roeher Institute. (1995). Speaking Out Against Abuse in Institutions. Caregiver
Issues (Booklets)
• AARP. (1999). Solving Nursing Home Problems: A Guide for Families.
• Close, Christina. (Undated). Forgotten Victims: Attendant Abuse of People with
Disabilities. Disabled Persons Protection Commission.
• Cranston, Ron. (1997). Recruitment, Retention and Training: A Five Year
Feasibility Follow-up. Coalition of Texans with Disabilities.
• Grigg, Barbara. (1992). How to Hire In-Home Care Workers. A Guide for
Seniors, Their Families, and Others with Special needs in San Luis Obispo
County. Area Agency on Aging, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties.
• IndependenceFirst. (Undated). Policy and Procedures for Addressing Abuse
Issues with Consumers. Caregiver Issues (Books)
• Casebolt, Gordon, and Gilson, Stephen French. (2000). Managing Personal
Assistants: A Consumer Guide. Paralyzed Veterans of America.
• Dietz, Steven & Hicks, M. Jane Parker, MD. (1992). Take These Broken Wings
and Learn to Fly : The Support Book for Patients, Family & Friends Living with
AIDS. Harbringer House.
• Garfield, Charles. (1995). Sometimes My Heart Goes Numb : Love and
Caregiving in a Time of AIDS. Jossey Bass Publishers.
• Hitchens, Neal. (1992). Voices that Care: Stories and Encouragements for
People with HIV/AIDS and Those Who Love Them. Fireside.
• Miller, James E. (1996). The Caregiver’s Book. Willowgreen.
• National Family Caregivers Association. (1996). The Resourceful Caregiver.
Mosby Lifeline.
• Nosek, Margaret A., Ph. D. (1985). Expanding Attendant Care Options for
Disabled Texans: A Source Book. Independent Living Research Utilization
• Portnoy, Dennis. (1996). Overextended and Undernourished: Self-Care for
People in Helping Roles. Johnson Institute.
• Price, June. (1998). Avoiding Attendants from Hell. Science & Humanities
• Strong, Marlene. (1997). Caregiver Abuse and Domestic Violence in the Lives of
Women with Disabilities. Berkeley Planning Associates.
• Wilner, Mary Ann, and Wyatt, Ann. (1999). Paraprofessionals on the Front
Lines: Improving Their Jobs — Improving the Quality of Long-term Care.
Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute (2 copies).
Caregiver Issues (Curricula)
• Townsley, Ruth, Howarth, Joyce, Le Grys, Pete & Macadam, Margaret. (1997).
Getting Involved with Choosing Staff: A Resource Pack for Supporters, Trainers
and Staff Working with People Who Have Developmental Disabilities. High Tide
Press. Caregiver Issues (Videos)
• Miller, James E. (1993). The Grit and Grace of Being a Caregiver. Willowgreen.
• Program Development Associates. (1993). Caring for the Caregiver. Child
Abuse/Neglect (Books)
• Children’s Trust Fund of Texas. 1999 Directory of Child Abuse and Neglect
Prevention Programs and Family PRIDE Councils.
• Children’s Trust Fund of Texas. (1999). Community Based Solutions for
Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect in Texas.
• Davis, Tamara S., Haynes, Dennis T., Casey, Kathleen, and Yoo, Seo-Koo.
(2001). Evaluating Child Abuse Prevention Programs: A Resource Guidebook for
Service Providers.
• Monteleone, James A. (1996). Recognition of Child Abuse for the Mandated
Reporter. G.W. Medical Publishing, Inc.
• Peterson, Marilyn Strachan & Urquiza, Anthony J. (1993). The Role of Mental
Health Professionals in the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse & Neglect.
US Dept. of Health & Human Services.
• Snook, Crystal. (1979). The Listen Kids in STOP, GO SO-SO. Project Listen.
• Struck, Linda M. (1999). Abuse and Neglect of Children with Disabilities.
Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Social Services, Child Protective
Services (2 copies).
• Teske, Raymond. (1996). Child Abuse and Neglect: Texans' Attitudes and
Experiences 1996. Children's Trust Fund of Texas. Child Abuse/Neglect
• Steinberg, Mary A., and Hylton, Judith R. (1998). Responding to Maltreatment
of Children with Disabilities: A Trainer's Guide. Oregon Health Sciences
Child Abuse/Neglect (Videos)
• British Columbia Institute Against Family Violence. (1999). The Person Within:
Preventing Abuse of Children and Young People with Disabilities.
• Morales, Dan. (1997). What Can We Do About Child Abuse? Office of the
Attorney General. Criminal Justice (Booklets)
• Committee on Law and Justice. (2001). Crime Victims with Developmental
Disabilities Report of a Workshop. National Research Council.
• Debbaudt, Dennis. (1999). Avoiding Unfortunate Situations. Autism Society of
North Carolina
• Office for Victims of Crime. (2002). First Response to Victims of Crime Who
Have a Disability. U.S. Department of Justice.
• Petersilia, Joan R. (2001). Crime Victims with Developmental Disabilities A
Review Essay. Sage Publications.
• Texas Young Lawyers Association. (1996). Legal Choices for Victims of
Domestic Violence. State Bar of Texas. Criminal Justice (Books)
• California Alliance for the Mentally Ill. (1995). Community Encounters A CoTraining Effort: Families and Law Enforcement Part IV. CAMI.
• California Alliance for the Mentally Ill. (1994). Mental Illness Parts I, II, & III A
Co-Training Effort: Families & Law Enforcement. CAMI.
• Courselle, Diane, Watt, Mark, and Sheen, Donna. (2001). Suspects, Defendants,
and Offenders with Mental Retardation in Wyoming. Wyoming Law Review.
• Crawford, Cameron. (1993). Answering the Call: Police Response to Family &
Caregiver Violence Against People w/Disabilities. Roeher Institute.
• Crime Victim Clearinghouse. (1997). Victim Assistance Resource
DirectoryTexas. Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
• Crnich, Joseph. (1992). Shifting the Burden of Truth. Recollex Publishing.
• Feustel, Joyce. (1991). At Greater Risk: Legal Issues in Sexual Abuse of Adults
with Developmental Disabilities. Wisconsin Council on Developmental
• Holstrom & Burgess. (1978). The Victim of Rape. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
• Marge, Dorothy K. (2003). A Call to Action: Ending Crimes of Violence Against
Children and Adults with Disabilities. SUNY Upstate Medical University.
• Office for Victims of Crime. (2000). First Response to Victims of Crime: A
Handbook for Law Enforcement Officers on How to Approach and Help. U.S.
Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs.
• Office for Victims of Crime. (2000). Serving Crime Victims with Disabilities:
Meet Us Where We Are. U.S. Department of Justice.
• Office for Victims of Crime. (2000). Serving Crime Victims with Disabilities:
The Time is Now. U.S. Department of Justice.
• Russell, Diana. (1976). Crimes Against Women: Proceedings of the
International Tribunal. Les Femmes.
• US Department of Justice. (1998). A Guide to Disability Rights Laws. (3 copies).
Criminal Justice (Curricula)
• Frantz, Beverly, Ace, Kelly, and Nowell, Nancy. (1998, 2000). Partners in
Justice II. A Working Conference on Supporting Crime Victims with
Developmental Disabilities. The Institute on Disabilities, Temple University.
• Hutchinson MacLean Productions. (1999). Admissible in Court: Interviewing
Witnesses Who Live with Disabilities (Video and Manual).
• Louis, Donald R. & Resendiz, Rosalva. (1997). Sensitizing Police Officers to
Persons with Developmental Disabilities. University of North Texas Department
of Rehabilitation, Social Work & Addictions. Criminal Justice (Videos)
• California Alliance for the Mentally Ill. (1995). Community Encounters A CoTraining Effort: Families and Law Enforcement Part IV. CAMI.
• California Alliance for the Mentally Ill. (1994). Mental Illness Parts I, II, & III A
Co-Training Effort: Families & Law Enforcement. CAMI.
• Office for Victims of Crime. (2000). Serving Crime Victims with Disabilities:
Meet Us Where We Are. U.S. Department of Justice.
• Office for Victims of Crime. (2000). Serving Crime Victims with Disabilities:
The Time is Now. U.S. Department of Justice.
Disability Issues (Booklets)
• Centers for Disease Control. (1999). Promoting the Health & Wellness of
Women with Disabilities Health Liaisons.
• Civjan, Sheryl. (1998). Working with People with Disabilities: Strategies for
Success. SafePlace.
• Gibson, Pamela Reed. (2002). Understanding and Accommodating People with
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity in Independent Living. ILRU Bookshelf Series.
• Lash, Marilyn. (1993). When a Parent has a Brain Injury: Sons and Daughters
Speak Out. The Massachusetts Head Injury Association.
• Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women. (Undated). Deaf Services
Manual: A Reference Guide for Service Providers.
• Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women. (Undated). What is
• Mace, Ronald L., FAIA. (1998). Removing Barriers to Health Care: A Guide for
Health Professionals. The Center for Universal Design and The North Carolina
Office on Disability and Health.
• US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and US Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division. (1992). The Americans with Disabilities Act: Questions and
Disability Issues (Books)
• Accardo, Pasquale J. MD, and Whitman, Barbara Y. MSW, Ph.D. (1996).
Dictionary of Developmental Disabilities Terminology. Paul H. Brookes
• AAMR (1999). Consent Handbook for Self-Advocates and Support Staff.
• Beckman, Paula. (1996). Strategies for Working with Families of Young
Children with Disabilities. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company.
• Bertling, Tom. (1997). No Dignity for Joshua. Kodiak Media Group.
• Brownworth, Victoria, and Raffo, Susan (Eds.). (1999). Restricted Access:
Lesbians on Disability. Seal Press.
• Bryan, Willie Va., Ed.D., and Thomas, Charles C. (1999). Multicultural Aspects
of Disabilities: A Guide to Understanding and Assisting Minorities in the
Rehabilitation Process. University of Oklahoma Health Science Center.
• Charlton, James. (1998). Nothing About Us Without Us: Disability Oppression
and Empowerment. University of California Press.
• Collins, S. Harold. (1993). Can I Help? Helping the Hearing Impaired in
Emergency Situations. Garlic Press.
• Davis, Bill & Goldband-Schunick, Wendy. (2002). Dangerous Encounters:
Avoiding Perilous Situations with Autism. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
• Debbaudt, Dennis. (2002). Autism, Advocates, and Law Enforcement
Professionals. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
• Department of Justice. (1994). Code of Ethics. Department of Justice.
• Department of Justice. (1994) Code of Federal Regulations: Nondiscrimination
on the Basis of Disability by Public Accommodations and in Commercial
• Disability Rights Advocates. (1999). Forgotten Crimes: The Holocaust and
People with Disabilities.
• Dreidger, Diane, Feika, Irene, and Batres, Eileen Girón (Eds.). (1996). Across
Borders: Women with Disabilities Working Together. Gynergy Books.
• Duncan, Barbara. (1999). Resource Directory: Linking Women with Disabilities
to Employment Opportunities and Resources. Rehabilitation International & the
World Institute on Disability.
• Elliott, Stephen. (1991). Social Skills Intervention Guide: Practical Strategies for
Social Skills Training. PCI Educational Publishing.
• Enns, Ruth. (1999). A Voice Unheard: The Latimer Case and People with
Disabilities. Fernwood Publishing.
• Fisher, G., Strauss, S., Cheney, P. and Oleske, J. (1989). Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome: A Victim’s Guide to Understanding, Treating & Coping with this
Debilitating Illness. Warner Books, Inc.
• Gallagher, Hugh Gregory. (1985). FDR's Splendid Deception. Dodd, Mead, and
• Gething, Lindsay. (1997). Person to Person: A Guide for Professionals Working
with People with Disabilities. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company.
• Gosselin, Kim. (1996). Taking Seizure Disorders to School. JayJo Books, LLC.
• Handrich, Rita R., Ph.D. (2000). Managing Mental Illness in the Workplace: A
Practical Guide for Supervisors. Hogg Foundation for Mental Health.
• Hartman, M., and Young, A. (2000). Core Competencies for Practitioners
Providing Care to Individuals with Severe Mental Illness. UCLA-RAND NIMH
Research Center on Managed Care for Psychiatric Disorders.
• Hillyer, Barbara. (1993). Feminism and Disability. University of Oklahoma
• Hollins, Shelia. (1997). Michelle Finds a Voice. Gaskell St. George's Medical
• Hollins, Shelia & Roth, Terry. (1994). Hug Me, Touch Me. St. George's Mental
Health Library.
• Jans, Lita, Ph.D. & Stoddard, Susan, Ph.D. (1999). Chartbook on Women and
Disability in the United States. US Department of Education, National Institute
on Disability and Rehabilitation Research.
• Keith, Lois. (1996). What Happened to You? Writing by Disabled Women.
Miramar Communications, Inc.
• Komlos, Sharon Patyk. (1987). Feel the Laughter. Trillium Press.
• Kriegsman, Kay H.; Zaslow, Elinor L.; D'Zamura-Rechsteiner, Jennifer. (1992).
Taking Charge: Teenagers Talk About Life & Physical Disabilities. Woodbine
• Kron, Audrey. (1996). Meeting the Challenge: Living with Chronic Illness.
• Lifchez, Raymond. (1997). Design for Independent Living: The Environment
and Physically Disabled Persons. The Architectural Press.
• Linehan, Marsha. (1993). Skills Training Manual for Treating Borderline
Personality Disorder. The Guilford Press.
• Martinez, Gail Rose. (1992). Journey Into Light. A.R.E. Press.
• Mason, Mary Grimley. (2000). Life Prints: A Memoir of Healing and Discovery.
The Feminist Press.
• Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women. (1988). Disability Awareness
Reference Manual.
• Morris, Jenny (Ed.). (1996). Encounters with Strangers: Feminism and
Disability. The major issue confronting feminism today. The Women's Press, Ltd.
• National Association of APS Services Administrators. (1997). APS Compilation
of Workload Studies and Caseload Data. Tennessee Department of Human
• National Association of APS Services Administrators. (1993). National Study of
Involuntary Protective Services to APS Clients. Virginia Department of Social
• National Association of APS Services Administrators. (1991). National Study of
Self-Neglecting APS Clients. Virginia Department of Social Services.
• National Association of APS Services Administrators. (Undated). Report by the
Adult Services Task Force on the Perspective of the States on a Federal Adult
Protective Services Statute. Alabama Department of Human Resources.
• O'Day, Bonnie. (2001). Issues in Rural Independence. ILRU Program.
• O’Rourke, Terrence. (1973). A Basic Course in Manual Communication.
National Association of the Deaf.
• Pittsburgh Employment Conference for Augmented Communicators. (1998).
Employment, Independence, Marriage, and Sexuality.
• Rousso, Harilyn. (1993). Disabled, Female and Proud! Bergin & Garvey.
• Rousso, Harilyn. (2001). Strong Proud Sisters: Girls and Young Women with
Disabilities. Center for Women Policy Studies.
• Russell, Marta. (1998). Beyond Ramps: Disability at the End of the Social
Contract. Common Courage Press.
• Saldaña, Delia, Ph.D. (1998). Assessing Mental Health Needs in Local
Communities. Hogg Foundation for Mental Health.
• Shaw, Barrett. (1994). The Ragged Edge: The Disability Experience from Pages
of the 1st 15 Years of the Disability Rag. The Avocado Press.
• Snow, Kathie. (2001). Disability is Natural. BraveHeart Press.
• Solden, Sari, MS, MFCC. (1995). Women with Attention Deficit Disorder.
Underwood Books.
• Taylor, Steven, Bogdan, Robert, Racino, Julie Ann. (1991). Life in the
Community. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company.
• Texas Commission for the Deaf. (1999). Licensed Interpreter List.
• Traustadottir, Rannveig. (1990). Women with Disabilities: Issues, Resources,
Connections. Center of Human Policy Study, Syracuse University.
• Travis County Services for the Deaf. (1996). Where Do I Go? Info & Resources.
• Walker, Lou Ann. (1986). A Loss for Words: The Story of Deafness in a Family.
Harper & Row Publishers.
• Waxman Fiduccia, Barbara & Wolf, Leslie R., Ph.D. (1999). Women and Girls
with Disabilities: Defining the Issues, An Overview. Center for Women Policy
• Willmuth, Mary. (1993). Women with Disabilities: Found Voices. Haworth
• Whitman, Barbara. (1990). When a Parent is Mentally Retarded. Paul H.
Brookes Publishing Company.
• Zola, Irving Kenneth. (1982). Missing Pieces: A Chronicle of Living with a
Disability. Temple University Press. Disability Issues (Curricula)
• Back to Life. (1998). Breaking the Cycle.
• Champagne, Marklyn. (1996). Circles: Stop Abuse (Video). James Stanfield
• Downer, Ann. (1990). Being with People: Being with Friends (Video). James
Stanfield Company.
• Escamilla, Anna G. (2000). Anger Management for Juveniles Curriculum. The
University of Texas at Austin.
• Escamilla, Anna G. (2001). Leadership Agent Teams Curriculum. The
University of Texas at Austin. (2 copies).
• Los Angeles Regional Family Planning Council. (1995). The Accessible Clinic:
ADA Accessibility Guide for Existing Family Planning Clinics (Manual and
• McClennan, Sandra. (1980). Social Skills for Adults with Severe Retardation.
PCI Educational Publishing.
• Smith, Jerry. (1996). Tools for Change: Self Advocacy: Freedom, Equality &
Justice for All. Program Development Associates.
• Ward, Irene. (1994). The Ten Commandments of Communicating w/People
w/Disabilities. Program Development Associates.
Disability Issues (Videos)
• Brodie, James. (1996). The Road You Take is Yours. James Brodie Productions,
• Center for Battered Women. (Date Unknown). Video for Hearing
Impaired/Deaf Women.
• Ellis, Ron. (1980). Board & Care. Pyramid Film & Videos.
• Garbus, Liz. (1999). Different Moms. Moxie Firecracker Films.
• HealthPartners. (Date Unknown). Domestic Violence: How to Ask and What to
• Kunc, Norman & Van der Klift, Emma. (1995). Un Credo de Apoyo. Axis
Consultation & Training Limited.
• Kunc, Norman & Van der Klift, Emma. (1995). A Credo for Support. Axis
Consultation & Training Limited.
• Program Development Associates. (1997). Disability Issues Series: Just
• Program Development Associates. (1999). Finding a Way
• Program Development Associates. (1993). A Video Guide to (Dis)Ability
Awareness (cc).
• Snow, Kathie. (2001). Disability is Natural. BraveHeart Press.
• Tuccelli, Michael, Dr. (1995). Coffee Break Sign Language Lessons w/Dr. Sign,
Lessons 1-5. Florida First Coast Signing Video Productions.
• Tuccelli, Michael, Dr. (1995). Coffee Break Sign Language Lessons w/Dr. Sign,
Lessons 6-10.
• Tuccelli, Michael, Dr. (Date Unknown). Conceptual Accuracy in Idioms.
• Tuccelli, Michael, Dr. (1995). Deaf Culture: What's Wrong and Right!
• Tuccelli, Michael, Dr. (Date Unknown). On Fire with Classifiers.
• White House Conference on Mental Health (2 Videos). (1999). Texas
Rehabilitation Commission.
• YAI/National Institute for People with Disabilities. (2000). Coping: Helping
People with DD Better Cope with Their Daily Problems.
Disability Issues: Parenting (Booklets)
• Arc of the United States. (1990). You and Your Baby.
• Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Services. (Undated). Raising Happy Children: A Deaf Parent's Guidebook.
• Bauld, Jane. (1999). Never, Ever Shake a Baby. Any Baby Can. Disability Issues: Parenting (Books)
• Arc of Texas. (1997). ¡Que Buena IDEA! El manual para padres y estudiantes acera de los Servicios de Educación
Especial en Texas.
• Arc of Texas. (1999). What a Good IDEA! The Manual for Parents and Students about Special Education Services in
• Baladerian, Nora. (1993). Abuse of Children and Adults with Disabilities: Guidebook for Parents. Disability, Abuse &
Personal Rights Project.
• Centre for Independent Living. (1999). The Parenting Book for Persons with a Disability: From Planning Your
Family to Raising Adolescents.
• Friedrichs, Terry, Ph.D. (2001). Distinguishing Characteristics of Gifted Students with Disabilities. Prufrock Press,
• Mittler, Helle. (1998). Families Speak Out: International Perspectives on Families’ Experiences with Disability.
Brookline Books.Disability Issues; Parenting (Magazines)
Disability Issues: Parenting (Videos)
• Program Development Associates. (2000). A Fair Chance: Parents with
Developmental Disabilities. Domestic Violence: Disabilities (Booklets)
• Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Services. (Undated). Domestic Violence
Handbook for Deaf People.
• Education Wife Assault. (2000). A Collection of Deaf Women’s Stories: Tales of
• Education Wife Assault. (1998). Women with Disabilities, Deaf Women and the
Domestic Violence Courts.
• Feuerstein, Paul B. (1997). Domestic Violence and Women and Children with
Disabilities. Milbank Memorial Fund.
• Nosek, Margaret, et al. (Undated). Violence Against Women With Disabilities.
Center for Research on Women with Disabilities, Baylor College of Medicine.
• Stangler, Mary. (Undated). Striving to Be...Violence Free: A Guidebook for
Creating a Safety Plan. Perspectives, Inc.
• Waxman-Fiduccia, Barbara. (1999). Violence Against Disabled Women. Center
for Women Policy Studies. Domestic Violence: Disabilities (Books)
• Beckert, Ann, Linnell, Deborah, and Pope, Katrina. (1991). The Elizabeth
Stonehouse Handbook: Sheltering People in Emotional Distress.
• Finex House. (Undated). Escape: A Handbook for Battered Women Who Have
• Myers, Leslie A., MS, CRC, CDVC. (1999). Serving Women with Disabilities: A
Guide for Domestic Abuse Programs. Center for Research on Women
w/Disabilities, Baylor College of Medicine.
• Myers, Leslie A., MS, CRC, CDVC. (1999). Working with Abuse Survivors: A
Guide for Independent Living Centers.
• Radomsky, Nellie. (1995). Lost Voices: Women, Chronic Pain, and Abuse.
Haworth Press.
• Rioux, Marcia. (1995). Harm's Way: The Many Faces of Violence and Abuse
against Persons with Disabilities. Roeher Institute.
• Sobsey, Dick. (1991). Disability, Sexuality and Abuse: An Annotated
Bibliography. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company.
• Sobsey, Dick. (1994). Violence and Abuse in the Lives of People with
Disabilities. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company.
• Ticoll, Miram. (1992). Violence and People with Disabilities: A Review of the
Literature. Roeher Institute.
Domestic Violence: Disabilities (Curricula)
• Arc of Maryland. (2001). Personal Safety Planning Awareness Choice
Empowerment — A Violence Prevention Program for Women. (2 copies).
• Chapman, Connie.(1996). Charting New Waters: Responding to Violence
Against Women with Disabilities (Video). Justice Institute of British Columbia.
• Coalition on Disability and Abuse: Advocacy and Empowerment Project Abuse
& Disability Initiative. Taking Charge: Responding to Abuse, Neglect and
Financial Exploitation. The University of Illinois at Chicago.
• Hayden, Mary. (1998). Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault & Women with
Cognitive Disabilities and Related Conditions. University of Minnesota Research
and Training Center on Community Living.
• Minnesota Department of Health. (2001). Abuse and Neglect: Detection and
Prevention Training Manual. (Trainer Guide and Participant Guide).
• National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. (1996). Open Minds, Open
Doors. (3 copies).
Domestic Violence: Disabilities (Videos)
• Community Action Council. (Date Unknown). Domestic Violence Hurts Us All
• Personal Safety Awareness Center. (1999). PSAC Community Training.
• Stone, Liz. (Date unknown). Anywhere, to Anyone. Domestic Violence in the
Deaf Community (w/pamphlet). Abused Deaf Women's Advocacy Services,
Seattle, Washington.
• Snyder, Tom. (1998). Late, Late Show with Tom Snyder: Interview with J. Alban
on Domestic Violence. Worldwide Pants, Inc.
• Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women. (Date Unknown). Breaking Free (cc).
Domestic Violence: Disabilities, Sexual Assault (Booklets)
• Smith, Phil (Ed.). (2001). Invisible Voices: Vermonters with Developmental
Disabilities Tell Stories of Abuse. Invisible Victims Awareness Project.
Domestic Violence: Disabilities, Sexual Assault (Videos)
• Poore, Grace. (1995). Voices Heard Sisters Unseen. Shakti Productions. Domestic Violence: General (Booklets)
• Pence, Ellen. (1996). Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Assault Cases. Minnesota Program
Development, Inc.
Domestic Violence: General (Books)
• Neimand, Jackie. (1994). Physical Abuse: What is it? St. Paul-Ramsey Medical
• Resource Guide for Rabbis on Domestic Violence. (1998). Jewish Women
• Shepard, Melanie F. and Pence, Ellen L. (Eds.). (1999). Coordinating
Community Responses to Domestic Violence. Sage Publications.
• Wilson, K.J., Ed.D. (1997). When Violence Begins at Home. Hunter House.
Domestic Violence: Sexual Assault (Books)
• Communities Against Violence Network. (1997). What is CAVNET?
• Community Information Toronto. (1998). Guide to Services for Assaulted
Women in Ontario. Health Care
• Birch, David. (1987). Developing Health Skills: 153 Activities for Teaching NonReaders. PCI Educational Publishing.
• Kahn, Karen, Moody, Katy, and Powell, Peggy. (Date unknown). Recruiting
Quality Health Care Paraprofessionals. Paraprofessional Health Institute. (2
• Knight, John R.; Emans, S. Jean. (2001). Bright Futures Case Studies for
Primary Care Clinicians: A Guide to the Case Teaching Method, and Growth in
Children and Adolescents. Bright Futures Center for Pediatric Education.
• Knight, John R.; Emans, S. Jean. (2001). Bright Futures Case Studies for
Primary Care Clinicians: Child Development and Behavior. Bright Futures Center
for Pediatric Education.
• Knight, John R.; Emans, S. Jean. (2001). Bright Futures Case Studies for
Primary Care Clinicians: Adolescent Health. Bright Futures Center for Pediatric
• Swami Durgananda. (2002). The Heart of Meditation. Syda Foundation.
• The Boston Women’s Health Collective. (1992). The New Our Bodies, Ourselves.
Simon & Schuster. Healthy Relationships (Books)
• Friedman-Becker, Elle. (1991). Love: Where to Find it, How to Keep It. Accent
Books/Cheever Publishing.
• Garee, Betty. (1992). Marriage & Disability. Accent Books/Cheever Publishing.
• Hollins, Shelia. (2002). Speaking Up for Myself. Gaskell St. George's Medical
• Hollins, Shelia, Perez, Wendy & Abdelnoor, Adam. (1998). Falling in Love.
Gaskell (London).
• Hollins, Shelia & Roth, Terry. (1995). Making Friends. St. George's Mental
Health Library.
• Kroll, Ken. (1992). Enabling Romance: A Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships
for the Disabled. Random House.
• Mauro, Robert. (1994). Finding Love and Intimacy: Poems, Short Stories and
Articles on Relationships. Accent Books/Cheever Publishing.
• McShane, Claudette. (1988). Warning! Dating May Be Hazardous to Your
Health. Mother Courage Press.
• Novak-Amado, Angela. (1990). Friends: A Manual for Connecting Persons with
Disabilities and Community Members. Minnesota Planning Council on
Developmental Disabilities.
• Riches, Vivienne. (1996). Everyday Social Interaction: A Program for People
with Disabilities. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company.
• Schwier, Karin. (1994). Couples with Intellectual Disabilities Talk about Living
and Loving. Woodbine House.
Healthy Relationships (Curricula)
• Champagne, Marklyn. (1986). Circles: Intimacy and Relationships Part I:
Relationships (Video). James Stanfield Company.
• Champagne, Marklyn. (1986). Circles: Intimacy and Relationships Part II:
Relationship Building (Video).
• Downer, Ann. (1990). Being with People: Being with a Date (Video). James
Stanfield Company.
• Kempton, Winifred. Life Horizons II. James Stanfield Company.
• Samowitz, Perry. (1996). Relationship Series: Boyfriend/Girlfriend (3 tapes).
Young Adult Institute.
• Samowitz, Perry. (1996). Relationship Series: Friendship. Young Adult Institute
(3 tapes).
• Stanfield, James. (2000). Losing It! Using Self-Talk to Cope with Rejection.
James Stanfield Company.
• Stanfield, James. (1992). LifeFacts: Managing Emotions.
• Stanfield, James. (1992). LifeFacts: Smart Trust.
• Stanfield, James. (1998). PeopleSmart Curriculum: Part 1 (videos 1-3) (Video).
• Stanfield, James. (1998). PeopleSmart Curriculum: Part 2 (videos 4-6). (Video).
• Walker, Hill. (1988). The Walker Skills Social Curriculum. PCI Educational
• Ward, Irene. (1995). I Belong Out There. Program Development Associates.
Healthy Relationships (Pamphlets)
• Dating & Sex Aggression: When the Fun Stops. (Undated). In Braille. Healthy
Relationships (Videos)
• Carmody, Mary Ann. (1995). Making Connections. Program Development
• Schlessinger Video Productions. (1994). Abusive Relationships (Teen Health
Video Series)(cc). Miscellaneous (Audiotapes)
• Jeffers, Susan. (1983). Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. Nightingale-Conant
Audio. Miscellaneous (Books)
• Allison, Michael; Kaye, Jude. (1997). Strategic Planning for Nonprofit
Organizations: A Practical Guide and Workbook. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
• Barry, Bryan W. (1997). Strategic Planning Workbook for Nonprofit
Organizations. Amherst H. Wilder Foundation.
• Berk, Ronald A. (1998). Professors are from Mars, Students are from Snickers.
Older Adults (Booklets)
• AARP. (2000). Family Conversations that Help Parents Stay Independent.
• Adult Protective Services. (1999 and 2000). Adult Abuse Prevention Kit. Texas
Department of Protective and Regulatory Services.
• Adult Protective Services. (1998).Respecting Vulnerable Adults: A Resource Kit
for Protecting the Elderly and People with Disabilities. Texas Department of
Protective and Regulatory Services.
• Advocacy Centre for the Elderly. (2000). Continuing Power of Attorney for
Property. Advocacy Centre for the Elderly & Community Legal Education
• Advocacy Centre for the Elderly. (2000). Power of Attorney for Personal Care.
• US Senate Special Committee on Aging. (1998). Elder Care Today & Tomorrow.
US Government Printing Office.
• US Senate Special Committee on Aging. (1999). Long-Term Care for the 21st
Century: A Common Sense Proposal to Support Family Caregivers.
• US Senate Special Committee on Aging. (1999). Shopping for Assisted Living:
What Customers Need to Make the Best Buy.
Older Adults (Books)
• American Association of Retired Persons. (1992). Abused Elders or Older
Battered Women. Women's Initiative.
• Cassidy, Thomas M. (1997). Elder Care: What to Look For, What to Look Out
For! New Horizon Press.
• Wolf, Rosalie M., Ph.D. (1999). Elder Shelters. Institute on Aging, University of
Massachusetts Memorial Health Care. Older Adults (Curricula)
• Nerenberg, Lisa. (1993). Improving the Police Response to Domestic Elder
Abuse. Instructor Training Manual, US Department of Justice.
• Ombudsman Resource Center. (2003). 24/7: Residents Rights Around the
Clock. National Citizens Coalition for Nursing Home Reform. Older Adults
• AARP. (Date Unknown). No LimitsThe NEW Image of Aging.
• Kasunic, Mary Lynn & Beastall, Sue. (1998). The Dance. Area Agency on Aging.
Older Adults: Disability Issues, Abuse (Booklets)
• Advocacy Centre for the Elderly. (2000). Elder Abuse: The Hidden Crime.
Advocacy Centre for the Elderly & Community Legal Education Ontario.
• US Senate Special Committee on Aging. (1998). Crooks Caring for Seniors: The
Case for Criminal Background Checks. US Government Printing Office. Older
Adults: Disability Issues, Abuse (Books)
• Baladerian, Nora.(1998). Interviewing and Treatment of Elder Abuse Victims
with Cognitive and/or Communication Impairments. Spectrum Institute.
• Beastall, Susan King, and Kasunic, Mary Lunn. (1998). Facilitator's Guide for
Older Battered Women Support Groups. Area Agency on Aging, Region One, Inc.
Older Adults: Disability Issues, Abuse (Videos)
• Illinois Department on Aging. (Date Unknown). Behind Closed DoorsElder
• Oklahoma Department of Human Services. (1999). Adult Abuse: The Hidden
• Teaster, Pamela B. and Duke, Joy O. (1999). Lucy is Still Here. Virginia Tech
• Terra Nova Films. (Undated). Just to Have a Peaceful Life. Personal Safety
• David, Wendy. (1998). Safe Without Sight. National Braille Press.
• Yello Dino's Can't Fool Me! Volume 1. (1994). Yello Dino Publishing (ASCAP).
Personal Safety (Booklets)
• Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Services. (1996). I Can Be Safe! A Personal
Safety Guidebook for Deaf Children.
• National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. (Undated). Keeping Your
Child Safer in the World: Tips for Children, Teens, and Parents. National Braille
Press, Inc. (Braille). Personal Safety (Books)
• Abramson, Wendie & Mastroleo, Iracema. (2002). Kid&TeenSAFE: An Abuse
Prevention Program for Youth with Disabilities. National Resource Center on
Domestic Violence.
• Agran, Martin. (1994). Promoting Health & Safety. Paul H. Brookes Publishing
• Anderson, Orieda Horn, and Paceley, Shirley. (2001). Genesis: In the
Beginning...Breaking the Cycle of Sexual Abuse. Blue Tower Training Center.
• David, Wendy. (1998). Safe Without Sight. National Braille Press.
• DeBecker, Gavin. (1997). The Gift of Fear. Dell Publishing.
• Hollins, Sheila. (2002). Mugged. Gaskell St. George's Medical School.
• Irwin Segal Agency. (1995). SAF-T: Safety for Self-Advocates.
• Johnson, Karen. (1986). The Trouble with Secrets. Parenting Press, Inc.
• Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women. (1986). Self-Defense:
Women Teaching Women — A Training Manual for Instructors.
• Paceley, Shirley. (2001). My Body...My Choice. Blue Tower Training Center.
• PACER Center. (1997). Let’s Prevent Abuse A Prevention Handbook for People
Working with Young Families.
• Project PREVENT. (Undated). You Are Not Alone: Family Guides to Protecting
Young Children with Disabilities. Council on Child Abuse & Neglect, Columbia,
SC, and the Center for Developmental Disabilities, Department of Pediatrics,
University of SC School of Medicine. (3 books).
• Roeher Institute. (1997). Out of Harm's Way Safety Kit.
• Shaman, Ellen. (1985). Choices: Sexual Assault Prevention for Persons Who Are
Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Seattle Rape Relief.
• Shaman, Ellen. (1985). Choices: Sexual Assault Prevention for Persons with
Physical Disabilities.
• Shaman, Ellen. (1985). Choices: Sexual Assault Prevention for Persons with
Visual Impairments.
• Wagner, Jane. (1994). Raising Safe Kids in an Unsafe World. Avon Books.
• Wooden, Kenneth. (1995). Child Lures: What Every Parent and Child Should
Know. The Summit Publishing Group. Personal Safety (Curricula)
• Civjan, Sheryl, Jurney-Taylor, Vicki, and Cameron, Lee Ann. (1998). So You
Finally Got a Home of Your Own: Home Safety and Security for Homeowners.
United Cerebral Palsy of Texas.
• Network of Victim Assistance. (1998). Keeping Yourself
Work...and in the Community. (Training Guide & Student Activity Book)
• Stanfield, James. (1998). SafetySmart: At Home, On the Job, On the Street.
James Stanfield Company.
• Vocational Rehabilitation Research Institute. (1998). VRRI Home Safety
• Vocational Rehabilitation Research Institute. (1998). VRRI Home Safety Guide:
A Manual to Accompany VRRI Home Safety Assessment. Personal Safety
• Haugen, Janie. (1992). Safety Skills: Learning How to be Careful. (Game). PCI
Educational Publishing.
• Paceley, Shirley, and Dixson, Jill. Teach Me. Blue Tower Training Center. (CD).
Personal Safety (Videos)
• Calgary Police Services. (1999). For Safety Sake.
• Diamond, Richard. (Undated). Accessible Safety with Richard Diamond. Safety
Shield, Inc.
• Fanlight Productions. (Date Unknown). Your Safety…Your Rights (cc). Personal
Safety: Criminal Justice (Curricula)
• Portland, Oregon Police Bureau. (1999). Safety Zone: Cops Talk (Video).
Portland, Oregon Police Bureau.
• Program Development Associates. (2001). Safe and Strong: Personal Safety
Strategies for People with Developmental Disabilities. Psychology (Books)
• Herman, Judith. (1997). Trauma and Recovery. Basic Books.
• Seskin, Jane. (2002). The Comfort Book: Hope for the Heart and Food for the
Soul. Tallfellow Press.
• Solomon, Andrew. (2001). The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression. Simon
& Schuster. Sexual Abuse: Children (Books)
• Adams, Caren. (1987). Helping Your Child Recover from Sexual Assault.
University of Washington Press.
• Cunningham, Carolyn & MacFarlane, Kee. (1996). When Children Abuse. Safer
Society Press.
• Faller, Kathleen Coulborn. (1993). Child Sexual Abuse: Intervention &
Treatment Issues. US Dept. of Health & Human Services.
• Hindman, Jan. (1983). A Very Touching Book. AlexAndria Associates.
• Matsakis, Aphrodite. (1991). When the Bough Breaks: A Helping Guide for
Parents of Sexually Abused Children. New Harbringer Productions, Inc.
• Sanford, Doris. (1986). I Can't Talk About It: A Child's Book about Sexual
Abuse. Gold 'N Honey Books/ Multnomah Press.
• Wachter, Oralee. (1983). No More Secrets for Me. Little, Brown and Company.
Sexual Abuse: Disabilities (Audiotapes)
• Rioux, Marcia. (1995). Harm's Way: The Many Faces of Violence and Abuse
against Persons with Disabilities. Roeher Institute. Sexual Abuse: Disabilities
• Baladarian, Nora. (1985). Survivor: For People with Developmental Disabilities,
Who Have Been Sexually Assaulted: Book I: For Those Who Read Best with Few
Words. Mental Health Consultants.
• Baladarian, Nora. (1985). Survivor: For People with Developmental Disabilities,
Who Have Been Sexually Assaulted: Book II: For People with Disabilities and
their Advocates.
• Baladarian, Nora. (1985). Survivor: For People with Developmental Disabilities,
Who Have Been Sexually Assaulted: Book III: For Family Members, Advocates
and Care-Providers.
• Buchele-Ash, Amy. (1995). Abuse and Neglect of Children with Disabilities: A
Compilation of Legal and Social Readings. Beach Center on Families &
• Hingsburger, Dave. (1995). Just Say Know. Diverse City Press.
• Hollins, Shelia & Sinason, Valerie. (1992). Jenny Speaks Out. St. George's
Mental Health Library.
• LaBarre, Alice. (1996). Sexual Abuse: What is it? St. Paul-Ramsey Medical
• Roeher Institute. (1992). No More Victims: A Manual to Guide Families and
• Roeher Institute. (1989). Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs and Mental
• Roeher Institute. (1988). Vulnuerable: Sexual Abuse and People with an
Intellectual Handicap.
• Rutherford, H. & Turnbull, H. (1994). Abuse and Neglect of Children with
Disabilities: A Policy Analysis. Beach Center on Families & Disability.
• Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault. (2001). Transcending Silence: A
Series About Speaking Out & Taking Action in Our Communities. Focus on
Sexual Assault and People with Physical or Sensory Disabilities.
• Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault. (2001). Transcending Silence: A
Series About Speaking Out & Taking Action in Our Communities. Focus on
Sexual Assault and People with Psychiatric Disabilities.
• Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault. (2001). Transcending Silence: A
Series About Speaking Out & Taking Action in Our Communities. Focus on
Sexual Assault the Elderly. Sexual Abuse: Disabilities (Curricula)
• Cowardin, Nancy. (1990). LifeFacts: Sexual Abuse Prevention. James Stanfield
• Dryer, Lynn. (1986). The Woodrow Project (Video). Red Flag Green Flag
• Frawley, Patsie. (1997). Training Manual for Centers Against Sexual Assault:
Working with Victims/Survivors with an Intellectual Disability. Family Planning
• Krents, Elizabeth. (1991). No-Go-Tell! Child Protection Curriculum. James
Stanfield Company.
• Lexington Center, The. (1983). Safe and Okay. The Lexington Center.
• Valenti-Hein, Denise & Schwarz, Linda. (1995). Sexual Abuse Interview for
Those with Developmental Disabilities. James Stanfield Company. Sexual Abuse:
Disabilities (Videos)
• Faltersack, Ruthann. (1995). Understanding and Preventing Client Abuse and
Neglect. Bethesda Lutheran Homes & Services.
• Hingsburger, Dave. (Date Unknown). Hear Here: Identifying and Supporting
People with Developmental Disabilities Who Have Been Abused. Diverse City
• Patterson, Patricia. (1991). Doubly Silenced: Sexuality, Sexual Abuse & People
with Developmental Disabilities. Wisconsin Council on Developmental
• Planned Parenthood. (1991). Sexual Abuse Prevention for Children with
Physical Handicaps. Agency for Instructional Technology.
• Planned Parenthood. (1987). Sexual Abuse Prevention: Five Safety Rules for
Persons Who Are Mentally Handicapped.
• Sawyer, Diane. (1996). Prime Live: Abuse and Neglect of People with
Disabilities in Institutions. Prime Time Live. Sexual Abuse: Disabilities, Older
Adults (Curricula)
• Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault. (1998). Widening the Circle
(Video). Sexual Assault: Disabilities (Booklets)
• CALCASA. (2001). Creating Access: Serving Survivors of Sexual Assault with
• Houston Area Women’s Center. (Date Unknown). Enough is Enough! Stop
Disability Violence. Sexual Assault: Disabilities (Books)
• Baladerian, Nora. (1998). Forensic Assessment of Consent to Sex. Spectrum
• Baladerian, Nora. (1998). Interviewing Skills to Use with Abuse Victims who
has Developmental Disabilities. Spectrum Institute.
• Lefkowitz, Bernard. (1997). Our Guys: The Glen Ridge Rape and the Secret Life
of the Perfect Suburb. Vintage Books.
• Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women. (1986). Survivor: For
People with Developmental Disabilities Who Have Been Sexually Assaulted.
• Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault. (2001). Transcending Silence: A
Series About Speaking Out & Taking Action in Our Communities. Focus on
Sexual Assault and People with Developmental Disabilities. Sexual Assault:
Disabilities (Curricula)
• Civjan, Sheryl. (1996). Working with People with Disabilities: Sexual Assault
Center Training Manual. SafePlace.
• Voelker, Esther, and Ola, Jody. Sexual Assault Prevention for Individuals with
Developmental Disabilities. (Video included). VOICE, Pennsylvania Coalition
Against Rape. Sexual Assault: General (Books)
• Estrich, Susan. (1987). Real Rape. Harvard University Press.
• Kemmer, Elizabeth. (1977). Rape and Rape-Related Issues, An Annotated
Bibilography. Garland Publishing.
• La Asociación de Texas Contract el Asalto Sexual. (Undated). Un Folleto Para
• Nelson, Terri Spahr, and Campbell-Ruggaard, Julie. (2000). Coping with Sexual
Assault: A Guide to Resolution, Healing & Recovery. (Spanish version:
Enfrentandose a la Violacion y El Abuso Sexual: Guia para facilitar el alivo y la
recuperacion. Graille version. Victims Rights Advocacy in Oxford.
• Pellauer, Chester, Boyajian. (1987). Sexual Assault and Abuse: A Handbook for
Clergy and Religious Professionals. Harper Collins Publishers.
Sexual Harassment (Videos)
• Schlessinger Video Productions. (1994). Sexual Harassment (Teen Health Video
Series) (cc).
• Shoop, Robert. (1994). Sexual Harassment: It's Hurting People. Sunburst
Communications. Sexuality (Audiotapes)
• Hingsburger, Dave. (1992). I Contact: Sexuality and People with Developmental
Disabilities. VIDA Publishing. Sexuality (Booklets)
• Amador, Maria J., Lynne, Charles M., and Brackett, Nancy L. (2000). A Guide
and Resource Directory to Male Fertility Following Spinal Cord
Injury/Dysfunction. Paralyzed Veterans of America Spinal Cord Injury Education
and Training Foundation.
• Amador, Maria J., Lynne, Charles M., and Brackett, Nancy L. (1998).
Contemporary Information Regarding Male Infertility Following Spinal Cord
Injury. American Association of Spinal Cord Nurses.
• Arc of the US. (1997). Sexuality Policy and Procedures Manual.
• Detmer C., Dalrymple N., Sinex L. (1991). Sex Education: Issues for the Person
with Autism. Indiana Resource Center for Autism.
• National Spinal Cord Injury Association. (1996). Factsheet 10: Male
Reproduction Function after Spinal Cord Injury. Sexuality (Books)
• AAMR. (1998). A Guide to Consent. AAMR.
• Bielunis, Pamela. (1995). New Horizons in Sexuality After a Spinal Cord Injury.
Accent Books/ Cheever Publishing.
• Brown, Gail. (1994). Human Sexuality Handbook: Guide People Toward
Positive Expressions of Sexuality. Associates for Community Living.
• Comfort, Alex, M.D., DSC. (1991). New Joy of Sex, The: A Gourmet Guide to
Lovemaking for the Nineties.
• Enright, Rick, BA, MSW. (1995). Caution! Do Not Open Until Puberty! An
Introduction to Sexuality for Young Adults with Disabilities. Carter’s Printing of
• Fairbairn, Gavin, Rowley, Denis, and Bowen, Maggie. (1995). Sexuality,
Learning Difficulties, and Doing What's Right. David Fulton Publishers.
• Fairchild, Betty. (1989). Now That You Know: What Every Parent Should Know
About Homosexuality. Courage to Change.
• Fegan, Lydia. (1993). Sexuality & People with Intellectual Disability (second
edition). Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company.
• Ferguson-Gregory, Martha. (1992). Sexual Adjustment: A Guide for the Spinal
Cord Injured. Accent Books/Cheever Publishing.
• Foster, Lorri. (1992). Hablemos Acerca Del S-E-X-O (Let's Talk About Sex).
Planned Parenthood, Central California.
• Franklin, Jacqueline & Steve. (1990). The Ultimate Kiss: A Sensual Guide to
Oral Lovemaking. Media Press.
• Gitchel, Sam. (1995). Let's Talk About S-E-X. Planned Parenthood, Central
• Gravelle, Karen. (1996). The Period Book: Everything You Don't Want to Ask
(But Need to Know). Walker and Company.
• Griffin, Laura. (1996). Informed Consent, Sexuality & People w/Developmental
Disabilities. Arc of Milwaukee.
• Griffith, Ernest. (1993). Sexuality and the Person with Traumatic Brain Injury:
A Guide for Families. F.A. Davis Company.
• Harris, Robie. (1994). It's Perfectly Normal: Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex
& Sexual Health. Candlewick Press.
• Harris, Robie. (1999). It's So Amazing! A Book about Eggs, Sperm, Birth,
Babies, and Families. Candlewick Press.
• Haseltine, Florence. (1993). Reproductive Issues for Persons with Physical
Disabilities. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company.
• Heaton, Caryl. (1994). Let's Talk About Health: What Every Woman Should
Know. Arc of New Jersey. (Workbook with audiotapes.)
• Hingsburger, Dave. (1990). I Contact: Sexuality and People with Developmental
Disabilites. VIDA Publishing.
• Hingsburger, Dave. (1990). I to I: Self Concept and People with Developmental
• Hollins, Sheila. (2001). Susan's Growing Up. Gaskell St. George's Medical
• Kempton, Winnifred. (1993). Socialization and Sexuality: A Comprehensive
Training Guide. PCI Educational Publishing.
• Kreps, Stacy. (1996). Sexuality Policy Planning Guide for Agencies Serving
Persons with Developmental Disabilities. MOCSA
• Krotoski, Danuta.(1996). Women w/Physical Disabilities: Achieving &
Maintaining Health & Well Being. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company.
• McKee, Lynn. (1997). An Easy Guide to Loving Carefully. Lynne StiggallMuccigrosso Associates.
• Millett, Kate. (1970). Sexual Politics. Doubleday & Company.
• Minkin, Marlyn & Rosen-Ritt, Laurie. (1991). Signs for Sexuality. Planned
Parenthood of Seattle-King County.
• Monat-Haller, Rosalyn. (1992). Understanding & Expressing Sexuality. Paul H.
Brookes Publishing Company.
• North American Menopause Society. (2001). The Menopause Guidebook:
Helping Women Make Informed Healthcare Decisions Through Perimenopause
and Beyond. National Braille Press, Inc. (2 parts, in Braille).
• Rabin, Barry J., Ph.D. (1980). The Sensuous Wheeler: Sexual Adjustment for
the Spinal Cord Injured. MultiMedia Resource Center.
• Roeher Institute. (1995). The Right to Control What Happens to Your Body.
Roeher Institute.
• Schoen, Mark. (1990). Bellybuttons are Navels. Prometheus Books.
• Schwier, Karin Melberg & Hingsburger, Dave. (2000). Sexuality and Your Sons
and Daughters with Intellectual Disabilities. Paul H. Brookes Publishing.
• Shakespeare, Tom, Gillespie-Sells, Kath, and Davies, Dominic. (1996). The
Sexual Politics of Disability: Untold Desires. Cassell.
• Shea, Victoria, Ph.D. & Gordon, Betty, Ph.D. (1991). Growing Up: A Social and
Sexual Education Picture Book for Young People with Mental Retardation.
Clinical Center for the Study of Development and Learning.
• Siegel, Peggy. (1991). Changes in You for Boys. Family Life Education
• Siegel, Peggy. (1991). Changes in You for Girls.
• Thomason, Bruce. (1972). Accent on Living Reprint Series #1: Sexuality and
Disability Issues. Accent Books/Cheever Publishing.
• Waxman, Barbara, Levin, Judi & Kailes, June Isaacson. (1982). Intimacy and
Disability. National Rehabilitation Information Center.
• Waxman-Fiduccia, Barbara. (1997). Multiplying Choices: Improving Access to
Reproductive Health Services for Women with Disabilities. Berkeley Planning
• Wilson, Pamela. (1991). When Sex is the Subject: Attitudes and Answers for
Young Children. ETR Associates. Sexuality (Curricula)
• Brekke, Beverly. (1998). Sexuality Education for Persons with Severe
Developmental Disabilities. James Stanfield Company.
• Edwards, Jean & Elkins, Thomas. (1988). Just Between Us. Pro-ed.
• Edwards, Jean, and Wapnick, Suzan. (1979). Being Me...A Social/Sexual
Training Guide for Those Who Work with the Developmentally Disabled. ProEd.
• Gray, Judi. (1991). Janet's Got Her Period (Video). James Stanfield Company.
• Harris, April. (1990). The Family Education Program. Family Stress Center:
Planned Parenthood. (2 copies)
• Heighway, Susan.(1995). STARS: Skills Training for Assertiveness,
Relationship-Building and Sexual Awareness. Wisconsin Council on
Developmental Disabilities.
• Heighway, Susan. (1995). STARS 2 for Children.
• Hingsburger, Dave & Harber, Mary. (1998). The Ethics of Touch. Diverse City
• Hingsburger, David & Ludwig, Susan. (1993). Being Sexual: An Illustrated
Series on Sexuality and Relationships. SIECCAN.
• Kempton, Winifred. (Date Unknown). Life Horizons I (Slides). James Stanfield
• Ludwig, Susan, RN, B.Sc. (Date Unknown). Sexuality: A Curriculum for
Individuals Who Have Difficulty with Traditional Learning Methods. York Region
Public Health.
• Muccigrosso, Lynn. (1996). Socio-Sexual Rights and Responsibilities of
Consumers in Residential Care. Committee on Sexuality.
• Netter, Frank H. (M.D.). (1989). Atlas of Human Anatomy. Novartis.
• Samowitz, Perry. (1996). Relationship Series: Sexuality (3 tapes). Young Adult
• Siegel, Peggy. (1991). Changes in You. James Stanfield Company.
• Stanfield, James. (1998). Date Smart 1-3 (Video). James Stanfield Company.
• Stanfield, James. (1998). Date Smart 4-6 (Video).
• Stanfield, James. (1992). LifeFacts: Sexuality.
• Steege, Mark and Syl. (2001). Social Skills and Sex Education: Sex Education
and Self Card for the Forgotten Adult. Program Development Associates.
• Taylor, Maria. (1991). The GYN Exam Handbook. James Stanfield Company.
• University of Medicine & Dentistry, New Jersey. (1995). Sexuality in the 1990's:
Issues, Controversies, New Directions. Robert John Wood Johnson Medical
• Ward, Irene. (1994). Appearances Count. Irene M. Ward & Associates. Sexuality
• Lawrence Research Group. (1996). Realistic Models: Male Sexual Anatomy.
• Jim Jackson & Company. (1995). Reproductive Anatomy Model: Female Sexual
• Teach-A-Bodies. Teach-A-Bodies Male and Female Dolls.
• Health Edco. Mini-Breast Mammogram Version Teaching Model. Sexuality
• Fact or Fiction. (Undated). In Braille.
• McKay, Ian. (Undated). Why Should Guys Care. In Braille.
• James Stanfield Company. (1990). Steps to Changing a Pad. Sexuality (Videos)
• Alexander, Craig, Dr. & Sipski, Marcia, Dr. (1993). Sexuality Reborn: Sexuality
Following Spinal Cord Injury. Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation.
• Carmody, Mary Ann. (1995). Roots & Wings. Program Development Associates.
• Chasnoff, Debra. (1996). It's Elementary: Talking About Gay Issues in School.
Women's Educational Media.
• Franklin, Jacqueline & Steve. (1990). The Ultimate Kiss: A Sensual Guide to
Oral Lovemaking. Media Press.
• Heaton, Caryl. (1994). Let's Talk About Health: What Every Woman Should
Know. Arc of New Jersey.
• Hingsburger, Dave. (1995). Hand Made Love. Diverse City Press.
• Hingsburger, Dave. (Date Unknown). No! How. Diverse City Press.
• Hingsburger, Dave & Haar, Sandra. (2000). Finger Tips: A Guide for Teaching
about Female Masturbation. Diverse City Press.
• Kaeser, Fred. (1993). Directed Masturbation. VIDA Publishing.
• Learning Corp. of America. (Date Unknown). What If I'm Gay? A Search for
• Levy, Joel. (1986). On Our Own: Sexuality. Young Adult Institute.
• Lieberman, Jon. (1994). Person to Person. American Film & Video.
• Lucaswrites Educational Video. (1999). All of Us: Sex Education for People with
Developmental Disabilities.
• McGwin, Kathleen. (1989). Objectively Dealing with Sexual Behavior. Bethesda
Lutheran Homes & Services.
• MOCSA. (1995). I am a Person - Just Like You. MOCSA.
• Monaco, Greg. (1992). Human Sexuality I: Rights. Monaco & Associates.
• Monaco, Greg. (1992). Human Sexuality II: Developing a Mentor/Friend
• Parmer, Prathiba. (1992). Double the Trouble, Twice the Fun. Women Make
• Program Development Associates. (1995). Disability and Motherhood.
• Schoen, Mark. (1990). Bellybuttons are Navels. Prometheus Books.
• Schlessinger Video Productions. (1994). Teen Sexuality (Teen Health Video
Series) (cc).
• Schorr Communications. (1993). Sexuality and People with Disability.
• Shriver Center, The. (1994). Sexual Dilemmas in Caregiving: The Client's Right
to Privacy versus Staff's Duty to Care.
• Swedish Institute for Sexual Research. (Date Unknown). Sex and the
Handicapped. Focus Intl.
• University of Alabama. (2003). Reproductive Health for Women with Spinal
Cord Injury Part 1: The Gynecological Exam. Office of Research Services.
• University of Alabama. (2003). Reproductive Health for Women with Spinal
Cord Injury Part 2: Pregnancy & Delivery. Office of Research Services.
• University of Miami. (2001). Sexuality & Spinal Cord Injury. Sexually
Transmitted Diseases (Books)
• Arc of the United States. (1992). HIV and AIDS Prevention Guide for Parents.
• Bury, Judy, Morrison, Val and McLachlan, Sheena. (1992). Working with
Women and AIDS: Medical, Social & Counseling Issues. Routledge.
• Dreuilhe, Emmanuel. (1988). Mortal Embrace: Living with AIDS. Hill & Wang.
• Kaplan, Helen Singer, MD. (1987). The Real Truth about Women & AIDS: How
to Eliminate the Risks without Giving Up Love and Sex. Fireside, a Division of
Simon & Schuster.
• Richardson, Diane. (1988). Women & AIDS. Routledge.
• Van der Vliet, Virginia. (1996). The Politics of AIDS. Bowerdean Publishing Co.,
Ltd. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Curricula)
• Hylton, Judith. (1992). Stopping AIDS Through Functional Education (SAFE)
(Video and Slides). Oregon Health SciencesUniversity.
• Office for Victims of Crime. (1996). HIV/AIDS and Victims Services: A Critical
Concern for the '90's. U.S.Department of Justice.
• Stangle, Jane. (1991). LifeFacts: AIDS. James Stanfield Company. Sexually
Transmitted Diseases (Pamphlets)
• Center for Disease Control. (1992). Understanding AIDS. U.S. Department of
• Knowles, Jon. (1995). Sexually Transmitted Infections: The Facts. Planned
Parenthood Federation of America. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Videos)
• Visions Video. (1993). Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Straight Talk. Altschul
Group Corp. Treatment of Abuse (Audiotapes)
• Bass, Ellen. (1994). The Courage to Heal. Harper Collins Publishers
• Gawain, Shakti. (1989). Expressing Your Creative Being. New World Library.
Treatment of Abuse (Books)
• Bass, Ellen. (1993). Beginning to Heal: A First Book for Survivors of Child
Sexual Abuse. Harper Collins Publishers.
• Bass, Ellen. (1994). The Courage to Heal.
• Caprio-Orsini, Cindy. (1996). A Thousand Words. Diverse City Press.
• Courtois, Christine. (1988). Healing the Incest Wound. W W Norton &
• Crowder, Adrienne & Meyers-Avis, Judith. (1993). Group Treatment for
Sexually Abused Adolescents. Learning Publications, Inc.
• Davis, Hilton. (1993). Couseling Parents of Children with Chronic Illness or
Disability. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company.
• Davis, Laura. (1991). Allies in Healing. Harper Collins Publishers.
• Davis, Laura. (1990). The Courage to Heal Workbook: For Women and Men
Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. Harper & Row, Publishers.
• Dossick, Jane. (1988). Creative Therapy: 52 Exercises for Groups. Professional
Resources Press.
• Foy, David. (1992). Treating PTSD Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies. The
Guilford Press.
• Gil, Eliana. (1996). Treating Abused Adolescents. The Guilford Press.
• Harvey, Mary. (1985). Exemplary Rape Crisis Programs, A Cross-Site Analysis
and Case Studies. U.S. Department of Health.
• Hollins, Shelia, Horrocks, Christiana, & Sinason, Valerie. (1988). I Can Get
Through It. Gaskell (London).
• Hollins, Shelia, and Curran, Jenny. (1995) Feeling Blue. St. George's Mental
Health Library.
• Hollins, Shelia, and Sinason, Valerie. (1993). Bob Tells All. St. George's Mental
Health Library.
• Jageman, Larry W., and Myers, Jane E. (1995). Counseling Adults with Mental
Retardation: A Procedures and Training Manual. The Rehabilitation Resource
School of Education and Human Services, University of Wisconsin.
• Kroll, Jerome. (1993). PTSD/Borderlines in Therapy: Finding the Balance.
W.W. Norton & Company.
• Lew, Mike. (1988). Victims No Longer: Men Recovering From Incest and Other
Sexual Child Abuse. Harper Collins Publishers.
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