Interpreting the Bill of Rights – Ch. 6 Sec. 3, pg. 172

Interpreting the Bill of Rights – Ch. 6 Sec. 3, pg. 172
Directions: Open your textbooks to page 172 then answer the questions that go along with the reading. Some questions
may require explanation.
1. Who has the job of interpreting the meaning of citizens’ rights?
2. What was the main question asked by the Supreme Court in deciding the Tinker v. Des Moines case?
3. What was the argument Tinker’s parents used to say that the school was denying the students’ right to freedom
of speech?
4. What’s your opinion: In the Tinker v. Des Moines case, the school officials argued that schools are not places for
political demonstrations, no matter the type of demonstrations. What is your opinion concerning this
statement? Are schools a place where political demonstrations should be banned? Explain.
5. What was the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Tinker v. Des Moines case?
6. If the students in the Tinker case had created posters and posted them in classrooms and hallways, do you
believe the outcome of the case would have been different? Why or why not?
In what specific way was the protest demonstrated by the students protected under the First Amendment?
8. Summarize the background of the Skokie case.
9. What question did the judges face when deciding the fate of the Skokie case?
10. What does ACLU stand for?
11. What is the purpose of the ACLU?
12. What issue arose with the Nazi uniforms and swastika symbol, in the case?
13. What was the outcome of the Skokie case? Be specific and tell me what specific rulings there were.
14. What does a “marketplace of ideas” mean?
15. What’s your opinion: Do you agree that our Constitution should protect the rights of those who want to
demonstrate something like the Nazi beliefs? Think about a group demonstrating and holding a parade in New
York City, encouraging terrorist attacks on the United States. How would that make you feel? Should all of these
situations still be protected? Explain.