Mexican-American War

Itzel Martinez
Luis Garibay
Rebecca Plascensia
Jackie Ballesteros
6th- APUSH
Mrs. Seebur
Most wars throughout the 1600s were mainly territorial disputes over North
American land fought by settlers and Indians. At this time North America
was yet to be considered a nation.
French and Indian War:
While England and France fought for control over the North
American territory, a treaty was signed declaring peace but not a clear
understanding over who controlled North America. The outbreak of the
Stono Rebellion would be the beginning of the French and Indian War in
1756. The first battle fought during this war was Fort Necessity in which the
French victory upset the colonies and blamed George Washington who later
resigned. It wasn’t until William Penn became commander that the British
began to win. The French refused to lose until the signing of the Treaty of
Paris. As a result of this war British rule was evident in the colonies and
both Indians and settlers were upset over the new laws that were imposed.
The passing of the Sugar Act of 1763, The Stamp Act, Tea Act, and
Quartering Act were what led to rising tensions within the colonists and
British rule.
American Revolution:
After years of unanswered letters and futile attempts to get
representation in parliament the colonist had started to give up hope. Then in
1755 the Battle of Lexington and Concord was fought between a group of
farmers and British troops. The farmers victory gave hope to the colonists
reconciliation with the British. The publishing of Common Sense: by
Thomas Paine urged colonist to stand up and fight against the unwanted
British rule and within that time the Declaration of Independence began to
be drafted by Thomas Jefferson. Throughout this war the colonists had many
advantages from the knowledge of the land to guerilla tactics. An advantage
British troops had over the colonists were the Loyalists who supported the
British rule over seeking independence.
The signing of the Declaration of Independence, and Treaty of Paris
gave the United States the liberty they had been searching for, and to lead
the newborn country, colonies chose George Washington as the first
President. The passing of the Neutrality Act declared the United States
neutral during the war fought over seas between France and Britain which
soon led to threats and the XYZ affair.
War of 1812:
During the early 1800s the idea of Manifest Destiny was alive and
running throughout the United States. Throughout the war of 1812 the
creation of the Federalist Party, Nationalism, Monroe Doctorine, and
Indian Removal Act, emphasized the change in the country that was bound
to happen.
Mexican-American War:
The Mexican American war was mainly fought over the land “given”
to the United States (also known as Texas) and how the situation was
handled over who got what land and what the border between the two
countries would be.
Civil war:
Conflicts between the United States citizens had arose due to the fact that the
country was spreading westward and the issue of slavery was more present
that ever. In 1854, the Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed which voided
the Missouri Compromise. This caused many conflicts with the United
States people. As soon as Abraham Lincoln became president,South
Carolina succeeded from the country and later 11 southern states followed
which made Jefferson Davis president of the confederate states. The
southern states had the confidence that they would eventually win the war
because of many battles that they had gained victory. It wasn't until the
battles of Antietam and Gettysburg that the confederacy realized that
turning point on this war. During this time the union had taken over the
Mississippi River and divided the confederate states. Lincoln then later
passed the Emancipation Proclamation setting free the slaves in the
confederate states, but at the same time this was happening, foreign counties
refused to help them because of their pro-slavery views. On April 1865,
General Lee surrendered to General Grant and the war was officially
over. As an effect of this war many laws against black discrimination were
passed. Blacks and whites had to compete for jobs on farms. Lincoln tried to
convince what had once been the Union to not be harsh on the southern
states. He was assassinated in 1865 and with it, it took the only chance the
south enters had to rejoin the country under loose conditions.
War with Native Americans:
Because of the belief of manifest destiny, American citizens began
to expand the country westward invading the natives homes. In an effort to
defend what was theirs, Native Americans went through many battles with
the United States such as Sand Creek Massacre, Fatterman Massacre
and the battle of Little Bighorn. The government offered land to the
leaders of tribes in order for them to keep on moving west. Twenty five
years later, they would be granted ownership of the land and citizenship of
the United States.
Spanish-American War:
The United States tried helping Cuba gain their independence from Spain
but but not everyone was convinced. Many journalist used yellow
journalism to influence the population and congress to support the fighting
for Cuba. On February 18, 1898 the USS Maine was blow up in Havana
Harbor by what people though was an attack from Spain. After this insistent
President McKinley pressured congress and declared war on Spain on
April 25, 1989. The United States promised freedom to the Cubans ones
they won the war against the Spanish. The American army was commanded
by general William R. Sharter, who was part of the Rough Riders
organized by Theodore Roosevelt. The Treaty of Paris was signed in
1898 marking the end of the war. Within the signing of the treaty the United
States gained responsibility over the Philippines after buying it for 20
million dollars from the Spanish and became known as an imperialistic
country. Cuba gamed its independence from Spain but they refused to grant
the Philippines their independence. On February 4, 1899 insurrection began
under Emiliano Aguinaldo. Filipinos formed guerrillas to protect their
rights and gain their independence. In 1901 all efforts of independence failed
once Aguinaldo was captured, in the end America gained very little.
Common Sense: pamphlet written by Thomas Paine used to inspire the idea
of independence in the United States
Nationalism: the feeling of pride for one’s country\
Manifest Destiny: the idea that God wants the white male/ colonist to move
west and expand.
Yellow Journalism: a crude and exaggerated form of published work used
to create a certain image in the public’s eye.
Between 1901 and 1950 the United States was involved in two major wars
which were World War I and World War II, it also experienced a lot of
change in foreign policy. Before WWI the U.S. implemented the Platt
Amendment in 1901, it stated that the U.S. may get involved in Cuba with
troops to restore order and to provide protection from super powers like
Germany. The U.S. did this because Cuba was so close to the U.S.
underbelly. Also during Theodore Roosevelt’s presidency the Panama
Canal was finally starting construction in 1904; the canal was used by the
Navy and the shipping industry to get across the Atlantic to the Pacific in a
shorter amount of time. World War I finally got underway in 1914 and it
was the start of a new type of warfare with new weapons, tanks, and mustard
gas. As World War I unfolded and World War II bound to happen weapons
became more lethal, and war became more catastrophic. Before the Great
War the U.S. was in a state of isolationism, but eventually it got involved in
the war. The war was actually good for the economy since new weapons
were in production. WWI finally ended in 1918 with the signing of the
Treaty of Versailles; as a result of the war the League of Nations was
formed in 1919. The leagues main goal was to maintain world peace, to
prevent another world war.
Finally after the war was over the U.S. economy was booming for
Eleven years until 1929 when the Stock Market crashed. Eventually the
crash led to the Great Depression, which created poverty throughout the
country. The depression impacted American lives greatly both economically
and socially, this would soon cause the U.S. to go into a state of isolationism
again because Americans couldn’t afford to get into another war. Eventually
that’s exactly what happened in 1939 when World War II erupted, in the
early stages of the war the U.S. declared its neutrality during the war; but by
the time Germany took control of most the Eastern Theatre, the U.S. had to
get involved by helping Great Britain prevent Germany from invading. The
U.S. also got involved in the Western front due to the Japanese bombing at
Pearl Harbor in 1941. On the home front this caused the government to
send all Japanese Americans living on the west coast to ten internment
camps; this was done in suspicion of Japanese American spies. Even
though the U.S. didn’t want to get involved in another war it actually helped
the economy get out of the depression through the mass production of
weapons. The United States was able to do this by women working in
factories producing the weapons while men were fighting the war. Finally in
1945 the U.S. was finally able to end the war in the Pacific by dropping two
Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Soon after the war’s end in
1945 the Truman Doctrine was signed in 1947 which said that the U.S.
must support capitalism and fight communism. The U.S. did this through
the policy of containment; this was accomplished by the formation of
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) in 1949. This defended
Western Europe against Soviet attack.
Another effect of World War II was the establishment of the United
Nations in 1945. The U.N. was a replacement for the League of Nations, to
stop wars between countries.
The Marshall Plan also went into effect; this was a European recovery plan
that pumped $12 million into European countries.
Key Terms
Platt Amendment- agreement between Cuba and the U.S. that the U.S.
might intervene with troops to restore order and to provide mutual
protection. Cuba was forced to sign this because a super power like
Germany might secure dangerous lodgment under America’s soft
Theodore Roosevelt- 26th president (1901-1904) he was considered a war
hero in the Spanish American War, and started the Rough Riders. He also
wanted the establishment of the Panama Canal.
Panama Canal- constructed in 1904 completed in 1914. Faster way to reach
the Atlantic Ocean from the Pacific Ocean, was used by the U.S. Navy and
cargo ships.
Isolationism- Isolating one’s country from the affairs of other nations by
declining to enter into any alliances, trade, and international agreements
Treaty of Versailles- Treaty that ended WWI in 1919 required Germany to
accept responsibilities for causing all the loss and damage during the war.
League of Nations- Result of the Paris Peace Conference, its main goal was
to maintain world peace in order to prevent another world war.
Stock Market crash- 1929 caused the 10 year Great Depression
Great Depression- Result of the 1929 Stock Market Crash started in 1930
and lasted until the late 1930’s or mid 1940’s
Pearl Harbor- Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7th 1941
because the U.S. cut their oil supply off.
Interment Camps- Japanese Americans put into these camps as a result of
the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The government thought there may be
Japanese American spies.
Atomic Bomb- Ended the war in the Pacific, with 2 bombs dropped on
Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945.
Truman Doctrine- 1947 stated that the U.S. would support Greece and
Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent them from falling to
communism by the Soviets.
Capitalism- Economic system based on the private ownership of the means
of production, distribution, and exchange. (Companies allowed to compete)
also known as free enterprise.
Communism- Socialist movement that creates a classless, moneyless, and
stateless social order. The government controls everything.
NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization; signed in 1949, its members
state to agree mutual defense in response to an attack on any external party.
United Nations- International organization implemented to maintain world
peace, and stop wars between countries.
Marshall Plan- European recovery program after WWII
1951- Present
Korean War:
Korea suffered a bloody disturbance from the Cold War in 1950.
When Japan collapsed in 1945, Soviet troops had accepted the Japanese
surrender north of the 38th parallel on the Korean peninsula. On June 25,
1950 a large North Korean army marched directly over the 38th parallel
forcing South Korean troops to retreat further South. As a solution the
American army is expanded massively through drafts. This war although
won solved no disputes within Korea. As the Cold War continued a threat
for a war with Vietnam lingered.
Aid to Vietnam:
As an aid to fight communism the United States used 80% of the taxes
collected to send help to Vietnam. Throughout the Vietnam war the loss was
clear but resistance was strong until the Soviets threat with a satellite known
as Sputnik.
Bay of Pigs:
In an attempt to overthrow communist leader Fidel Castro the failed
plan to send Cuban exiles to fight a war was inevitable. As the plans were
revealed and mistakes were made by the CIA with the use of old
photographs, the Bay of Pigs was classified as a national disaster.