ECD Assessment – Scoring Manual Uppercase and Lowercase Letter Recognition – 1. Teacher shows child the sheet of uppercase or lowercase letters. 2. Teacher asks the child which letters they know. 3. Using the scoring rubric teacher will circle correctly answered letters and put a slash (/) through those incorrectly identified or those the child does not respond to. If a child calls the letter “S” a “P” then the teacher should put a slash through the “S” and write “P” next to the “S”. 4. SCORING: Count the number of letters the child CORRECTLY identifies and put this number in the score box at the bottom of the section. Example: Alphabet Recitation – 1. Teacher asks the child to recite the alphabet. 2. Teacher then writes down the way the child recites the alphabet. 3. SCORING: To score this section the teacher counts the number of letters the child recited in the correct order and writes this number in the score box at the bottom of the section. Example: Letter Sounds – 1. Teacher shows the child the letter sound assessment sheet. 2. Teacher asks the child what sound the letter B makes. To be marked as correct – child must correctly make the B sound. 3. SCORING: scoring in this section is done the same way as the letter recognition section. Teachers must circle correctly identified sounds and put a slash (/) through incorrectly identified sounds. Like the letter recognition section, if a child says the B sound is the Shhhh sound then this should be noted next to the B with a slash through it. The teacher then counts the number of correct responses and writes this number in the box at the bottom of the section. ECD Assessment – Scoring Manual Example: Counting to 20 – 1. This section is conducted in the same way as the alphabet recitation section. 2. The teacher asks the child to count to 20 writing down their answer as the child counts. 3. SCORING: To score this section the teacher counts the number of numbers the child recited in the correct order and writes this number in the score box at the bottom of the section. Example: Number Identification – 1. This section is counted the same way as the letter recognition sections. 2. The teacher asks the child to identify the numbers they know. 3. SCORING: Count the number of numbers the child CORRECTLY identifies and put this number in the score box at the bottom of the section. Example: ECD Assessment – Scoring Manual Shape Identification – 1. Teacher asks child to identify the shapes from the assessment sheet. 2. Teacher then uses either a check () for correct answers or an (x) to indicate wrong answers. If a child calls a circle “round” this is an incorrect answer but the teacher should note this as the child knows the shape but not what it is called. 3. SCORING: To score this section the teacher counts all the checks and puts this total in the box at the end of the section. Example: Colour Identification – 1. Teacher shows child the colours on the assessment sheet. 2. Teacher asks the child which colours they can identify. 3. SCORING: To score this section the teacher will mark a check () next to the box where the child CORRECTLY identifies the colour. If the child calls the colour by another name (ex: the child calls the blue box, red, then the teacher will put what the child said next to the box – just like the letter recognition section). The number of correct answers will be put in the score box at the bottom of the section. Example: X Pink 8 X ECD Assessment – Scoring Manual Name Writing – 1. Teacher gives the child the name writing assessment paper. 2. Teacher then asks the child to draw themselves and write their name. 3. SCORING: This section is scored out of 7 possible points. The following rubric should be used: 1 point Name is a scribble and the picture represents both the child’s picture and written name. 2 points Name is a scribble intertwined with a picture. The child identifies the picture or part of the picture as their written name. 3 points Name consists of random letters and symbols. Name is separate from the drawing. 4 points Name consists of some correct letters and possible some filler letters or symbols. Name is separate from picture. 5 points Name consists of many correct letters with no filler letters or symbols. The name is separate from the picture. 6 points Name is generally correct and is separate from the picture. Some letters may be written backwards or name may be completely written in a mirror image. 7 points Name is correct with no backwards letters or mirror image writing. The name is separate from the picture. ECD Assessment – Scoring Manual Knows Age – 1. Teacher asks child – “How old are you?” 2. SCORING: If child does NOT respond then they receive 0 points. If child says the wrong age they receive 0 points. 1 point is awarded for a correct answer. Knows Gender – 1. Teacher asks child – “Are you a boy or a girl?” 2. SCORING: If child does NOT respond they receive 0 points. If the child says the wrong gender they receive 0 points. If the child says the right gender they receive 1 point. Knows Address – 1. Teacher asks the child what their home address is. 2. Teacher then records what the child says to them. 3. SCORING: 0 points are given if a child does not know any part of their address or can only tell you their location (ex: Zwide). 1 point is awarded if a child can tell you their street AND location (ex: Qeqe St. Zwide). 2 points are awarded if a child can tell you their house number, street AND location (ex: 5 Qeqe St. Zwide). Example: