The 2nd International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication & Application (CCFA-2) Kish Island-Iran December 27-30, 2010 Final Program December 26, 2010 15:00-17:00 17:00-19:00 Registration (Registration Desk, Hotel Eram, Kish Island, Iran) A Meeting with Advisory Board, Session Chairs and Technical Staff (Location: Hotel Eram, Kish Island) 8:30-18:00 8:30-9:30 9:30-19:00 On-site Registration Open Ceremony / Welcoming by Co-chairs: M. M. Shokrieh & A. Varvani-Farahani December 27, 2010 The first day of the conference is devoted to poster presentations. All poster presenters have to mount their posters on the designated area before 9:30 am. Please notice that papers (accepted as Oral or Poster) must be presented by authors in the conference. The un-presented papers (Oral or Poster) will not be reviewed as the selected papers. Therefore, in order to increase the chance of a paper (Oral or Poster) to be selected for the publication in the ISI journal, we encourage the authors to participate in the conference and present their papers. List of the papers accepted as posters can be found on pages 10 to 24. Conference sessions adjourn for the day Oral Presentations December 28, 2010 8:30-18:00 8:30-9:00 On-site Registration Keynote Speaker: S.R. Ghaffarian, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Microcellular Composites Session Chairs: M. Z. Kabir & M. Golzar 9:00-9:20 CCFA-245-1 Subject: Vibrations Free Vibration Analysis of a Functionally Graded Piezoelectric Beam Based on Higher-order Beam Theory Using the Finite Fourier Transformation Method A. Doroushi and M.R. Eslami Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran 1 9:20-9:40 CCFA-22-1 9:40-10:00 CCFA-357-4 10:00-10:20 CCFA-419-1 Dynamic anti-plane deformation of an orthotropic wedge with viscous damping M. Ravandi and S.J. Fariborz AmirKabir University of Technology, Tehran Transient Response of a Double-Walled Cylindrical Structure Made of Functionally Graded Materials Filled Between Walls and Submerged in Fluid K. Daneshjoo and M. Bakhtiari Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran Damage detection in a composite plate using modal analysis and artificial intelligence M.R Nasiri, M.J. Mahjoob and A. Aghakasiri University of Tehran Coffee/Tea Break (10:20-10:40) Session Chairs: J. Rezaeepazhand & M. Tahani 10:40-11:00 CCFA-539-1 11:00-11:20 CCFA-378-1 11:20-11:40 CCFA-454-1 11:40-12:00 CCFA-192-1 Subject: Design & Analysis - I Numerical Analysis of Steel HSS Beam-Column Retrofitted with CFRP S. Movaghati and A. Rahai Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Approximate Torsional Analysis of Multi-layered Tubes with Non-circular Cross-sections B. Gholami Bazehhour and J. Rezaeepazhand Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Forced Vibration Analysis of Cross-Ply Laminated Plates Using a Layerwise Theory 1 M. Tahani and 2I. Golmakani Torghabeh 1 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad 2 Islamic Azad University, Mashhad A numerical and experimental study on bending ability of glass fiber metal laminate composite S.Amirnejad, M.Kadkhodayan,H.R.Fazli Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Lunch Break (12:00-14:00) Session Chairs: A. Shojaei & M.S. Kiasat 14:00-14:20 CCFA-471-1 14:20-14:40 CCFA-331-1 Subject: Nano-Mechanics Combined Electrical and Thermal Percolation Threshold in Single/Multi Walled Carbon Nanotube Polymer-Matrix Composites M. Nabizadeh, A. Rastgoo, M. Samadzadeh University of Tehran The effect of multi-walled carbon nanotube dimensions on mechanical properties of epoxy-based nanocomposites M.R. Ayatollahi, S. Shadlou, M.M. Shokrieh Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran 2 14:40-15:00 CCFA-492-3 15:00-15:20 CCFA-590-2 15:20-15:40 CCFA-540-1 15:40-16:00 CCFA-23-1 Fabrication and Characterization of Carbon Nanofiber Hybrid Laminates M. S. Kiasat and R.Najarian Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Micromechanical modeling to analyze the reinforcing efficiency of carbon nanotube and high structure carbon black on the mechanical properties of styrene-butadiene-rubber M. M. Saatchi and A.Shojaei Sharif University of Technology, Tehran Studying Mechanical Response of Aligned Silver Nano-Composites Using Hybrid Molecular Dynamics-Finite Element Modeling H. Salahshoor,B. Mortazavi , S. Mohammadi University of Tehran Development of a Full Range Multi-scale Model to Obtain Elastic Properties of CNT/Polymer Composites M. M. Shokrieh and R. Rafiee Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran Coffee/Tea Break (16:00-16:20) Session Chairs: A. Khavandi & M. Meratian 16:20-16:40 CCFA-314-1 16:40-17:00 CCFA-152-1 17:00-17:20 CCFA-37-1 17:20-17:40 CCFA-376-1 17:40-18:00 CCFA-253-1 Subject: Manufacturing & Characterization Production of High Strength Al-Al2O3 Composite by Accumulative Roll Bonding M. Rezayat ,A. Akbarzadeh Sharif University of Technology, Tehran Construction of Composite Polymer Bipolar Plate for Fuel Cell Ehsan Zarmehri, Morteza Sadeghi, Arjomand Mehrabani-Zeinabad, Mahmoud Meratian Isfahan University of Technology Indentation of a Functionally Graded Plate by a Rigid Spherical Indenter A. Nikbakht, M. Sadighi and A. Fallahi AmirKabir University of Technology, Tehran Feasibility study of porous Fe-Al2O3 composite fabrication through combination of SPS and SHS processes A. Babakhani, E. zahabi, H. Yavari mehrabani, J. Vahdati-khaki Ferdowsi university of Mashhad Study of mechanical properties of pultruded polymer matrix composites (PMC) and the application of composite cross-arms in medium voltage power delivery lines A. Kamali, A. Khavandi, M. Bolourian K. Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran Coffee/Tea Break (18:00-18:20) 3 Session Chairs: M.M. Aghdam & M. Mehrvar 18:20-18:40 CCFA-333-1 18:40:19:00 CCFA-339-1 19:00-19:20 CCFA-479-1 Subject: Mechanical Behavior Analysis of the effect of stiffener shape and profile in composite isogrid stiffened shell under axial loading M.Zandi and G.H.Rahimi Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran Bending analysis of laminated skew plates using extended Kantorovich method 1 A. Fallah , 2M.M. Aghdam 1 Sharif University of Technology, Tehran 2 Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Fatigue Damage and Life Assessment of Al6061/Al2O3 and Al6061/SiC PMM Composites under various Loading Conditions C. E. Sutton, A. Varvani-Farahani Ryerson University, Canada 19:30-20:30 General Meeting of Composites Scientific Association Conference sessions adjourn for the day December 29, 2010 8:30-18:00 8:30-9:00 On-site Registration Keynote Speaker: M. H. Beheshty, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran Science and Technology of Thermoset Prepregs Session Chairs: H. Hosseini-Toudeshky & H.R. Ovesy Subject: Damage Mechanics - I 9:00-9:20 CCFA-19-3 Application of Solid-like Interface Element in Delamination Growth Analysis Under Cyclic Loading 1 H. Hosseini-Toudeshky, 2B. Mohammadi, 1A. Jasemzadeh 1 Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran 2 Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran 9:20-9:40 Buckling Analysis of Moderately Thick FGM Plates using the Finite Strip Method CCFA-82-1 1H.R. Ovesy, 2S.A.M. Ghannadpour and 1M. Nassirnia 1 Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran 2 Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran 9:40-10:00 Investigation in to damage pattern and extension of unsaturated resin/glass fiber nanocomposite reinforced by nanoclay CCFA-17-5 J. Moftakharian, M. Esfandeh, A.Sabet Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran 10:00-10:20 Wavelet-based Acoustic Emission monitoring of composite materials damage under quasi-static 3-point bending test CCFA-34-1 M. Fotouhi, H. Heidary and M. Ahmadi, SH. Shams Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Coffee/Tea Break (10:20-10:40) 4 Session Chairs: S.M. Hashemi & M.A. Kouchakzadeh 10:40-11:00 CCFA-640-1 11:00-11:20 CCFA-336-1 11:20-11:40 CCFA-379-1 11:40-12:00 CCFA-283-1 Subject: Damage Mechanics - II Damage Assessment of CFRP Composites of [90/±45/0] s Layup based on Stiffness Degradation over Fatigue Stress Cycles G. R. Ahmadzadeh, A. Shirazi and A. Varvani-Farahani Ryerson University, Canada Detection of delamination in cross-ply composite laminated beams utilizing irregularity of mode shapes S. R. Kazemi Bazardehi and M.A. Kouchakzadeh Sharif University of Technology, Tehran The Study of Mode II Delamination on Glass/Epoxy Composite Materials by Acoustic Emission J. Yousefi, M. Nazmdar Shahri, M. Hajikhani , M. Ahmadi Najafabadi Amirkabir University of Technology,Tehran, Iran Low-Velocity Impact Response Analysis of Fibre-Metal Laminate (FML) Circular Cylindrical Shells Using A Simple New Contact Force Estimation Procedure A. Davar, S.M.R. Khalili , K. Malekzadeh Fard K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran Lunch Break (12:00-14:00) Session Chairs: M. Mohseni Shakib & H. Hosseini-Toudeshky 14:00-14:20 CCFA-537-1 14:20-14:40 CCFA-360-1 14:40-15:00 CCFA-422-1 15:00-15:20 CCFA-139-1 15:20-15:40 CCFA-647-2 Subject: Damage Mechanics - III Computational Investigation of Delamination in T-shaped Laminated Composite Components H. Soltani and M. Mohseni Shakib and M. Mojtahedpour Imam Hosien University, Tehran Experimental Effects of Various Parameters on Kink-Band Formation of Glass/Epoxy Laminates 1 A. Kabiri Ataabadi, 2H. Hosseini-Toudeshky and 1S. Ziaei-Rad 1 Isfahan University of Technology 2 Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Effects of adhesive thickness and its dynamic disbond on fatigue performance of cracked aluminium panels repaired with adhesively bonded composite patches A. Fereidoon and M. Zarrinkamar Semnan University Local Buckling Analysis of Rectangular and Longitudinally Stiffened Functionally Graded Plates using the Finite Strip Method S. Sarrami Foroushani, M. Azhari ,M. M. Saadatpour Isfahan University of Technology Dynamic Analysis of the Metal and Composite Aerobatic Wing Box-Initial Aeroelastic Investigations 1 Gamal M. Ashawesh, 2S. R. Gashoot and 1Othman M. Maklouf 1 Engineering College, Tajoura, Libya 2 Alfatah University, Tripoli, Libya 5 15:40-16:00 CCFA-453-1 Plastic Shrinkage Cracking and Workability of Fibers SCC Composite A. A. Maghsoudi, M. Nouri, M. Maghsoudi Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman Coffee/Tea Break (16:00-16:20) Session Chairs: B. Kaffashi & M.H. Beheshty 16:20-16:40 CCFA-276-1 16:40-17:00 CCFA-7-1 17:00-17:20 CCFA-103-1 Subject: Manufacturing & Fabrication The effect of mixing procedure on rheological properties of glass flake-epoxy vinyl ester composites 1 B. Kaffashi, 2M. Ehssani, 1H. Haddadi 1 University of Tehran 2 Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran Preparation and Tack Characterization of Glass/Phenolic Prepregs S. Shaghaghi, M.H. Beheshty and H. Rahimi Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran Experimental Study on the Extrusion of Wood Plastic Composite Foam: Observation of Variations of Weight, Density, Cost and Strength S.Y. Daryabari, A.H. Behravesh and A.M. Haghshenass Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran 17:20-17:40 CCFA-447-1 Fabrication of aluminum based composite foam by PM route using the blowing agent CaCO3 1 K. Sardashti, 2 A. Mohammadpour, 3 S.M.H Mirbagheri, 2 M. Ghambari 1 Technische Fakultät, University of Erlangen, Germany 2 University of Tehran 3 Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran 17:40-18:00 Effect of fiber acid treatment on the dynamic mechanical properties of unsaturated polyester/carbon fiber unidirectional composites CCFA-488-1 1B. Fathi, 2M. Esfandeh, 3A. K. Soltani, 3I. A. Amraei, 3H.Taghavian 1 Iran R&D Center for Chemical Industry, Karaj 2 Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran 3 Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran Coffee/Tea Break (18:00-18:20) Session Chairs: S.M.R. Khalili & A. Abedian 18:20-18:40 CCFA-169-1 18:40-19:00 CCFA-52-1 Subject: Optimization & Finite Element Analysis Utilizing Genetic Algorithm for Multiobjective Structural Optimization of Helicopter Rotor Blades A.R. Gorjipoor and A. Abedian Sharif University, Tehran Natural frequency & Shape Mode of Isotropic and FGM Plates Using First-Order Shear Deformation Theory with Finite Element Method and Investigation of Rotation of the Line of Nodes of Vibration M.M. Hazrati, M. Sharyat K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Tehran 6 19:00-19:20 CCFA-83-1 Prediction of Fiber Glass Orientation after Hot Rolling Process of Polymer Composite by Finite Element Modeling M. Sedighi and M. Fatehi and M. Honarpisheh Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran 20:00-22:00 (Conference banquet is held in a mountain made of Composites / Restaurant “Kooh-E-Noor” - Kish Island) Conference sessions adjourn for the day December 30, 2010 8:20-18:30 On-site Registration Subject: Design & Analysis – II Session Chairs: A. Fereidoon & M. Golzar 8:20-8:40 CCFA-229-1 8:40-9:00 CCFA-670-1 9:00-9:20 CCFA-387-2 9:20-9:40 CCFA-463-1 9:40-10:00 CCFA-591-1 10:00-10:20 CCFA-472-1 Effect of composite laminated layup on vibrational behavior of composite pipe containing flowing fluid Z. Hooshyar, H. Haghighat , M.H. Kadivar Shiraz University A Novel Model for Simulation of Glass/Polyester Pultrusion Process Mahmood M. Shokrieh, Ashkan M. Aghdami Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran A Dynamic Finite Element for the Free Vibration Analysis of Nonuniform Extension-Torsion Coupled Composite Box-Beams S.M. Hashemi , A. Roach Ryerson University, Canada Effect of Inlet Tube Dimensions on VARTM Mold Filling Time P.Ghabezi, M.Golzar ,S.Rajabi Jalall University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran Ballistic Impact Perforation into GLARE Targets Part I: Experiments and Numerical Modeling H. Sabouri, G. H. Liaghat and H. Ahmadi Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran Mechanism and Kinetic Modeling of Photodegradation of Polymer-based Composites in Aqueous Solution S. Ghafoori, M. Mehrvar, and P. Chan Ryerson University, Canada Coffee/Tea Break (10:20-10:40) Subject: Design & Analysis – III Session Chairs: M. Z. Kabir & B. Mohammadi 10:40-11:00 CCFA-317-2 11:00-11:20 CCFA-293-1 Inter-laminar stress consideration of lateral-torsional buckling of FRP-retrofitted steel-beam using first order shear deformation M.Z. Kabir, A.E. Seif Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Development of a Three Dimensional Finite Element for a Composite Layer Consisting of Adhesive Bonding M.H. Malakooti, H. Ahmadian , H. Jalali Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran 7 11:20-11:40 CCFA-19-1 Buckling Analysis of Micro- and Nano-Beams Based on Nonlocal Euler Beam Theory using Chebyshev Polynomials 1 B. Mohammadi, 2S. A. M. Ghannadpour, 1M. KalamiYazdi 1 Iran University of Science and Technology 2 Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran 11:40-12:00 Investigation of mechanical properties of clay/epoxy nanocomposites CCFA-394-1 M. M. Shokrieh, A. R. Kefayati, M. Chitsazzadeh Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran Lunch Break (12:00-14:00) Session Chairs: A. Khavandi & A. Mirhabibi 14:00-14:20 CCFA-150-1 14:20-14:40 CCFA-68-3 14:40-15:00 CCFA-81-1 15:00-15:20 CCFA-384-1 15:20-15:40 CCFA-297-1 15:40-16:00 CCFA-385-1 Subject: Nano-Materials - I Synthesis, characterization and electrochemical testing of zirconia-10 mol% alumina nanocomposite thin films on the 316L stainless steel substrate via a sol-gel process 1 E. Nouri, 1M. Shahmiri, 1H. R. Rezaie, 2F.Talayian 1 Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran 2 Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz Thermoplastic Elastomer Nanocomposites Based on PP/EPDM/Cloisite 15A R. Khosrokhavar, G. R. Bakhshande, G. Naderi, M. H. Ghoreishy Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran Preparation of SiC Nanowires by Carbothermal Reduction from Carbon Nanofiber Templates 1 M. Karbalaie , 2M. Yazdanirad and 3A. Mirhabibi 1 Ariadana Energy Group, Tehran 2 Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran 3 Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran The optimization of a gypsum based Nanocomposite material for extrusion S. A. Mousavizadeh , H. Nuranian Materials and Energy Research Center (MERC), Tehran The Effect of Organoclay on the Mechanical Properties of Polymer Modified Bitumen F. Pashaei Sorbaghi, M.Kokabi, O.Rastegar, M.Razzaghi Kashani Tarbiat Modares University,Tehran Synthesis and characterization of ZrO2–MgAl2O4 nanocomposite powder by a novel chemical route A.M. Khachatourian, H. Sarpoolaky, H. Rezaie Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran Coffee/Tea Break (16:00-16:20) Session Chairs: M. Sharyat & M. Esfandeh 16:20-16:40 CCFA-264-1 Subject: Nano-Materials -II Evaluation of Yield Strength of PLGA/nano-BCP Composite Scaffolds During In Vitro Degradation 1 M. Ebrahimian-Hosseinabadi, 1F. Ashrafizadeh and 2M. Etemadifar 1 University of Technology, Isfahan 2 University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan 8 16:40-17:00 CCFA-474-1 17:00-17:20 CCFA-148-3 17:20-17:40 CCFA-438-1 17:40-18:00 CCFA-239-1 18:00-18:30 Experimental Study of Wear Behavior in Polyacetal (POM)/Clay Nanocomposite Gears E. Ashrafi, A. Nezami-Fard, K. Shelesh-Nezhad University of Tabriz, Tabriz Investigation of effect of ball milling and functionalizing on electrical, thermal and Mechanical properties of phenolic resin/MWCNT composite 1 R. Taherian, 1M.J.Hadianfard, 2A.Nozad Golikand, 1M.Moradzaman 1 Shiraz University 2 Header of Materials research institute, Tehran Fabrication of Composite Electrodeposited Sn-Sb on Carbon Nanofiber Anode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries A.R.Saatchi, E.Ghanbari, K.Raeissi, H.Tavanai, A.Saatchi Isfahan University of Technology Influence of Bismuth Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of In-situ Formed Mg/Mg2Si Composite M. Meratian, F. Mirshahi and M. Mohammadi Zahrani Isfahan University of Technology Conference sessions adjourn-Closing Statements 9 Posters December 27, 2010 CCFA-458-1 CCFA-9-1 CCFA-331-2 CCFA-332-1 CCFA-342-1 CCFA-347-1 CCFA-371-2 CCFA-388-1 CCFA-395-1 The effects of TiB2 particle volume fraction on the hot workability of TiB 2/AA 2024 composites 1 M. Jamalloo ,1A. Akbarzadeh, and 2H. Khalilpour 1 Sharif University of Technology 2 IUIM University Flutter & Divergence Based Optimization of Laminated Composite Plates under Combined Loadings M. Z. Kabir and E. Shafei AmirKabir University of Technology, Tehran Fabrication of Epoxy/Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Nanoclay Nanocomposites: Investigation of Fracture Toughness M.R. Ayatollahi, M.M. Shokrieh, S. Shadlou, A.R. Kefayati, M. Chitsazzadeh Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran Bending- torsional flutter of a swept composite wing with an attached mass S. Irani , M. R. Amoozgar K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Tehran On the Reinforcement of Asphalt-Concrete Structures Using Poly Propylene Fibers 1 Sayyed Mahdi Abtahi, 2Saman Esfandiarpour, 2Milad Ghorban Ebrahimi,1Sayyed Mahdi Hejazi 1 Isfahan University of Technology 2 Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), North Cyprus Elastic buckling of FGM cylindrical shell surrounded by an elastic foundation E. Bagherizadeh, Y. Kiani, M. R. Eslami, M. Sadighi Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Effect of Nanoclay particles in composites made via resin infusion process 1 M. Karimzadeh, 2M.H. Beheshty, 2A.R.Sabet, 1E. Jowdar 1 South Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University 2 Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran Synthesis of Ni-Cu Nanocoating by Mechanical Alloying Method on Ni Balls 1 Iman Farahbakhsh, 2Alireza Zakeri, 2Kazuyuki Hokamoto 1 . Islamic Azad University- Quchan Branch 2 Kumamoto University, Japan Flow Behavior of Al Matrix Composite Reinforced by Iron Based (20% Cr-30%Ni) Fibers during Equal Channel Angular Pressing S. Mirab, M. Nili-Ahmadabadi, M. Moradi, M. Naderi University of Tehran 10 CCFA-475-1 CCFA-481-1 CCFA-550-1 CCFA-558-2 CCFA-572-1 CCFA-583-1 CCFA-605-1 CCFA-611-2 CCFA-45-1 CCFA-54-3 CCFA-63-2 CCFA-85-1 An Analytical and Numerical Investigation of Stiffness Matrix of Different Lattice Grids in Advanced Grid Stiffened Composite Structures H. Shahsavari Alavijeh, S.Sadeghnejad Limouei and M. Sadighi Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Effect of Different Boundary Conditions and Materials on Smart Composites M. Aghaie-Khafri, M. Saadatfar K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran Synthesis nanacomposite Ag/ZnO via coprecipitation method M.R.Rabiei, N.Parvin, A.Azadmehr and F.Shakerian Amirkabir University, Tehran Synthesis of Red Pearlescent Pigments based on Nano Hematite and Muscovite by Sol-Gel Method M. Hosseini Zori Institute for Colorants, Paint and Coatings, Tehran Effect of Mineralizer on the Synthesis of Silica- Hematite Nano Composite 1 F.Faraghnia, 2 M.A.Faghihisani, 3S. Baghshahi 1 University of sciences and researches, Tehran 2 University of Sharif, Tehran 3 University of Ghazvin Aeroelastic Stability of Supersonic Composite Fins Considering Thickness Effect R. Dehghani Firouz-Abadi, S. M. Alavi Sharif University of Technology, Tehran Experimental Study on Effect of the Matrix Melt Flow Behavior on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Extruded Wood-HDPE Composites M. TabkhPaz Sarabi, A.H. Behravesh, P. Shahi and S.Y. Daryabari Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran Transient Liquid Phase Diffusion Bonding of Al A356/SiC Metal Matrix Composite Using Cu interlayer H. Adgi, A. Halvaee and H. Nami University of Tehran Study the Effect of Aramid Fibers on Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Polyacetal A. Fakhar and M. Razzaghi Kashani Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran Structural and mechanical properties of epoxy resin/jeffamine-D400 reinforced by multiwall carbon nanotubes M. J. Khoshgoftar, G. H. Liaghat and M. H. Pol Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran In situ formation of titanium carbide-reinforced titanium composite layers A.Gh. Safaei, M. Heydarzadeh Sohi, J. Rassizadehghani University of Tehran Fabrication and Characterization of Hydroxyapatite/Chitosan-Gelatin Nanocomposite Bone Tissue Engineering Scaffold E. Beman , S. Hesaraki Material and Energy Research Center, Meshkindasht, Karaj 11 CCFA-112-1 CCFA-157-1 CCFA-174-1 CCFA-304-1 CCFA-344-1 CCFA-351-1 CCFA-377-1 CCFA-380-1 CCFA-392-1 CCFA-403-1 Characterization of a Smart Nitinol/Silicone Rubber Composite for using in Soft Tissue Replacements 1 N. Hassanzadeh Nemati, 2S.K. Sadrnezhaad 1 Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran 2 Sharif University of Technology, Tehran Evaluation of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Cu/Cr2O3 Nanocomposite Produced by Mechanical Alloying and Internal Oxidation F. Shojaeepour, K. Purazrang, P. Abachi Sharif University of Technology, Tehran Optimization for Minimum Mass of Composite Grid Stiffened Cylindrical Shells under Axial Compressive Load Based on Analytical and Graphical Methods K. Sayad Research Center of Structures, Aerospace Organization Microcrystalline Cellulose as a Reinforcing Agent in Wood Plastic Composites 1 A. Nourbakhsh, 2A. Ashori , 3M. Kouhpayehzadeh and 1A.Kargarfard 1 Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands (RIFR), Tehran 2 Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), Tehran 3 Islamic Azad University, Pishva Branch, Varamin A Study Based on the Use of Textiles from Worn Tires in Manufacturing FRP Composites and Decreasing Adverse Environmental Effects Siamak Boudaghpour, Milad Ebrahimi K.N.Toosi Technical University, Tehran THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF FUNCTIONALIZED MULTI-WALLED CARBON NANOTUBE/EPOXY COMPOSITES 1 A. Heidari, 2M.H. Beheshty, 2H. Rahimi 1 South Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University 2 Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran The effect of direct and pulse current on the Ni-WC nanocomposite coatings and evaluating its wear behaviour M. Mohammadi, F. Mahboubi Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Investigation of Composite Membranes by Developing Mesoporous Alumina Layer on Stainless Steel Substrate 1 S. Abedini, 1N. Parvin, 2P. Ashtari 1 Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran 2 Nuclear Science & Technology Research Institute, Tehran Preparation of nylon-6/TiO2 nanofiber composite via electrospinning as a novel humidity sensor A. Hosseinmardi, M. Keyanpour-Rad, F. Alikhani Hesari Materials and Energy Research Center (MERC), Tehran Prediction the Temperature-Dependent Thermo-Physical Properties of Elastomeric Composite at High Temperature F. Arabgol , M. Kokabi , A.R Bahramian Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran 12 CCFA-424-2 CCFA-442-1 CCFA-495-1 CCFA-499-1 CCFA-522-1 CCFA-546-1 CCFA-595-1 CCFA-596-1 CCFA-612-1 CCFA-641-1 CCFA-578-1 ROOM TEMPERATURE STUDY OF A LOW PROFILEED UNSATURATED POLYESTER RESIN 1 L. Zare, 2M. Beheshty, 2M. Vafayan 1 South Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University 2 Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran Numerical investigation of micro-buckling failure mode in composite materials M.Z. Kabir and H. Zadmehr Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Preparation of NiP-TiO2 Nano-Composite Coatings by Electroless Method and Investigating their Properties S. Salmi, E. Tohidlou, S.R. Allahkaram University of Tehran Investigation of effective parameters on dynamic behavior of laminated a sandwich plate with composite skins 1 O. Bavi and 1M. Sadighi and 2N. Bavi 1 Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran 2 Shahid chamran University, Ahvaz Stress Analysis of Grid Cylindrical Composite Shells under Axial Compression GH.Rahimi, S.Yazdani and M.Ghanbari Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran Synthesis of titania nanoparticles using a nonionic water-in-oil microemulsion Mahnaz karbassi, Ali. Nemati and Maryam.Hosseini Zori. Sharif University of Technology, Tehran Tribological Behavior of TiN/Al Nano-composite Surface Layer Fabricated by Friction Stir Processing M. Mansumi and S. F. Kashani-Bozorg University of Tehran Application and performance of composite materials M. Khatamirad and A. Hosseini University of Tehran Polymeric Nanocomposite Membranes as High-Performance Materials for Fuel Cells Applications S. E. Shakeri, M. Tohidian, S.R. Ghaffarian, E. Dashtimoghadam, M. . Hasani-Sadrabadi Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Temperature Effect on Monotonic Strength of FRP Composite Laminates with Various Lay-ups H. Mivehchi , A. Varvani-Farahani Ryerson University, Canada Crystallization Behavior in Interface of Flouromica-Diopside Glass-Ceramic Composits 1 P. Shahsavari, 2A. Zandi Karimi, 1B. Eftekhari Yekta, 1V. Marghusian, 2A.Hadian 1 Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran 2 University of Tehran 13 CCFA-630-1 CCFA-128-1 CCFA-182-1 CCFA-141-1 CCFA-73-1 CCFA-108-1 CCFA-95-2 CCFA-86-1 CCFA-11-1 CCFA-144-1 CCFA-295-1 Optimal Design of Laminated Composites M. Reza Ahmadian Pole Universitaire Leonard de Vinci, France SEA and Analytical model of sound transmission loss through Sandwiches Shells lined with poroelastic materials M. Amirpour Molla , R. Talebitooti and M.H.Shojaeefard Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran Fabrication of porous composite scaffold from poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)/Hydroxyapatite coated with a biodegradable triblock copolymer 1,2 Masoume Haghbin Nazarpak, 1,3Farzaneh Pourasgari, 1Mohammahdnabi Sarbolouki 1 Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran 2 University of Tehran 3 Stem Cells Technology Research Center, Tehran Application of new type of advanced composites: nano core shell composites 1 Sh. Khameneh Asl , 2S.K. sadrnezhaad, 3M. Kianpour rad, 4M.R. Vaezi 1,3,4 Materials and Energy Research Center, Tehran 2 Sharif University of Technology, Tehran Analytical and Numerical Investigation of the Axi-symmetric Extrusion of Bi-metallic Tubes H. Haghighat and G.R. Asgari Razi University, Kermanshah A Study on the fracture behavior of polyethylene/calcium carbonate nanocomposites using the essential work of fracture (EWF) method M.S. Mohsenzadeh, S.M. Zebarjad and M. Mazinani University of Mashhad The role of silicon compounds in strengthen and density of Aluminasilicate based materials composites 1 E Karamian, 1A Monshi and 2A Bataille 1 Isfahan University of Technology 2 Université Lille 1, Science and Technologie Université, France Comparative Thermal Conductivity Modeling of TiO 2/Germanium Nanocomposites A.B. Kasaeian, M. Mosalla, Y. Moharrer Azad University,Abhar Branch Influence of Nanolayered Silicates on Properties of Wood Flour-Polypropylene Nanocomposites B.Kord Islamic Azad University, Chalous Branch The effect of silane crosslinking on the physical properties of high density polyethylene/wood flour composites 1 A. Shakeri and K. 2Oksman 1 Golestan University, Gorgan 2 Lulea University of Technology, Sweden Effect of addition of magnesium sulphate on strength development of Sorel cement-20% SiC composite Y. Karimi and A. Monshi Isfahan university of Technology 14 CCFA-111-1 CCFA-138-1 CCFA-210-1 CCFA-61-2 CCFA-178-1 CCFA-241-1 CCFA-18-3 CCFA-311-2 CCFA-127-1 CCFA-436-1 CCFA-272-1 Fabrication and tribological behavior of electroless Ni-P-CNT composite coating M. Alishahi, S.M. Monirvaghefi and A. Saatchi Isfahan University of Technology Axisymmetric Static Analysis of Functionally Graded Material Cylinders by a Mesh-Free Method M. Foroutan, R. Moradi-Dastjerdi, R. Sotoodeh-Bahreini Razi University, Kermanshah Preparation of Cubic/Tetragonal Composite Electrolytes Through Stabilizer Coating Method Using Zirconia Polymeric Solution M. Ghatee Shahrood University of Technology A New Simple Approach Analysis for Free Vibration of Laminated Plates P. Yousefi , J. E. Jam IAU-Arak & C. C. MUT-Tehran Investigation of Thermal Conductivity and Mechanical Strength of Carbon Epoxy Composites and Aluminum Reinforcer 1 M R Vaseghi, 2F Jalali 1 Islamic Azad University – Shiraz Branch 2 Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P-Al2O3 composite coating on low carbon steel in 3.5% sodium chloride solution l. Karimi, R. Azari khosroshahi, N. Parvini Ahmadi Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Mixed- Mode Interlaminar Fracture of Carbon-Polyester Composite Using Arcan Specimen M .H. Heydari, N. Choupani Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz Free Vibration of Simply Supported Rectangular Composite Plates with Patch Mass R. Akbari Alashti and R. Alibakhshi Babol University of Technology Investigation on effects of sic nanoparticles and nanowhiskers on mechanical properties of sic/epoxy nanocomposites 1 A. Zadhoush, 1M. Naeimirad, 2R. Esmaeely-N, 1H. Ghayoor 1 Isfahan University of Technology 2 Azad University of Majlesi Structure and Glass Transition Temperature of PMMA/Clay nanocomposites synthesized through in situ-Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Transfer (RAFT) Polymerization A.H. Navarchian, Sh. Sadeghi-Ardakani University of Isfahan Investigation of Delamination Failure Externally Bonded Shear FRP-Reinforcement M.J.Esfandiary, H.A.Rahimi Bondarabadi Yazd University 15 CCFA-183-1 CCFA-320-1 CCFA-130-1 CCFA-177-2 CCFA-195-2 CCFA-102-1 CCFA-106-1 CCFA-110-1 CCFA-120-1 Dynamic analysis of composite plates on the viscoelastic foundation subjected to moving oscillator using FSM 1 M.Heshmati, 1M.H.Yas and 2Y.Amini 1 Razi University of Kermanshah 2 Shiraz University Analysis of Thick Laminated Composite Plates on Elastic Foundations by Exponential Basis Functions; A Meshfree Approach M. Shahbazi and B. Boroomand Isfahan University of Technology Axisymmetric Dynamic Analysis of Functionally Graded Material Cylinders by a Mesh-free Method 1 R. Moradi-dastjerdi , 2M. Foroutan, 3H.R. Mollarazi Razi University, Kermanshah Effect of Cut-out Orientation and Location on Stress Concentration Factor in a Composite Plate under Transverse Static Loading 1 H. Torabi, 2M.Fallah and 2M. Mohammad Amini 1 Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch 2 Ferdowsi University,Mashhad Effect of Nanofillers on the properties and corrosion performance of epoxy composite coating 1 Vahid Rahmanian, 2Amin Rafiee Karkevandi, 1Amin Torabi, 3Hedieh Bahadori, 1Ali Nayeri 1 Islamic Azad University, Shiraz branch 2 Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad branch 3 University of Kurdistan Two dimensional wave propagation in thick short length FGM cylinders K. Asemi, M. Salehi and M. Akhlaghi Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran CURING BEHAVIOR, KINETICS AND MORPHOLOGY OF HOT CURED UNSATURATED POLYESTER/NANO-CLAY NANOCOMPOSITE RESIN WITH DUAL INITIATORS 1 N. Naderi, 2M.H. Beheshty, 3S. Mazinani 1 South Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University 2 Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran 3 Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Investigation on Microstructure of Transient Liquid Phase Diffusion Bonded Joints of Al/Mg 2Si Metal Matrix Composite H. Nami, A. Halvaee and H. Adgi University of Tehran Synthesis of alumina-mullite nanopowder using AlCl3.6H2O & colloidal silica via Sol–gel method 1 A. Sedaghat, 2E. Taheri-Nassaj, 2G.D. Soraru, 3R. Ceccato, 1T. Ebadzadeh 1 Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran 2 University of Trento, Italy 3 Materials & Energy Research Centre, Tehran 16 CCFA-122-1 CCFA-126-3 CCFA-151-1 CCFA-154-2 CCFA-160-1 CCFA-161-1 CCFA-162-1 CCFA-164-1 CCFA-167-1 Buckling of Piezoelectric Functionally Graded Material Beams Y. Kiani, E. Bagherizadeh and M. R. Eslami Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran PP/Nanoclay/CaCO3 Ternary Nanocomposite: A Review 1 M.R. Mozdianfard, 2Y. Zare 1 University of Kashan 2 Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran A simple model for simulation of mode I strain energy release rate of a rectangular laminated composite M. M. Shokrieh and M. Ghajar Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran Morphology and creep behavior of LDPE/CaCO3 nanocomposites Hadi Khosrojerdi, Amir Abedi, Faramarz Ashnaghasemi Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran Modeling and experimental characterization of compressive properties of 3D woven glass-fiber sandwich composites S. A. Hosseini and M. Sadighi Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Natural Rubber/Organoclay/NanoCalcium Carbonate Ternary Nanocomposites: Effect of Mixing Sequence 1 H. Sadeghi Ghari, 2A. Jalali Arani and 3M. Sahami 1 Amirkabir university of Technology, Mahshahr Campus 2 Amirkabir university of Technology, Tehran 3 Islamic Azad university, Shiraz Branch An experimental study on the effect of mesoporous silica and nanoclay addition on the ionic conductivity of poly(ethylene oxide) solid electrolytes 1 Z.Shakouri, 2N.Taheri Qazvini, 3M.Karimi and 1S.Ghanbar 1 Amirkabir University of Technology, Mahshahr campus 2 University of Tehran 3 Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Electrodeposition of bronze-SiC composite coatings employing a non-cyanide solution 1 Majid Asnavandi, 2Davoud Haghshenas Fatmehsari, 1Mohammad Ghorbani 1 Sharif University of Technology, Tehran 2 Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran A New Friction Stir Processing Method for Fabricating AZ91/SiC Nano-composite 1 M. Taherishargh, 1N. Parvin, 1H. Omidvar, 2P. Asadi and 2M. Barmous 1 Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran 2 University of Tehran 17 CCFA-19-2 CCFA-217-1 CCFA-24-1 CCFA-250-1 CCFA-25-2 CCFA-255-1 CCFA-255-2 CCFA-278-1 CCFA-282-7 Matrix Crack and Delamination Analyses in Composite Laminates by FEM Based Micromechanical Approach H. Hosseini-Toudeshky1, B. Mohammadi2 and H.A. Rashtiyani 1 Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran 2 Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran High Mechanical Properties of Electrocodeposited Cu-Al2O3 Nano Composite Coating Setareh Golrooh, Saeed Reza Allahkaram , Morteza Mohammadalipour University of Tehran A stress wave propagation analysis of lightweight composites A. Asadi and A. Sadough Vanini AmirKabir University of Technology, Tehran Optimization of sintering conditions for Al/SiC composites fabricated by PM method and the effect of holding time at high temperatures on composite properties 1 S. Moemeni, 2S. Shahrabi and 3K. Maysami 1 University of Tehran 2 Materials and Energy Research Center, Meshkindasht, Karaj 3 Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran Optimum Design of Composite Laminates for Strength and Stability Behrooz Farshi and Seyyed Reza Mohammadi Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran Stress transfer modeling in viscoelastic polymer matrix composites with an internal damage 1 M. M. Attar and 2M. Haghpanahi 1 Islamic Azad University, Hamadan Branch 2 Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran Micro mechanisms of load transfer in a hybrid unidirectional fiber–reinforced epoxy composite with broken fibers 1 M. M. Attar and 2M. Haghpanahi 1 Islamic Azad University, Hamadan Branch 2 Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran Microstructural Examination of Al2O3-10vol.%SiCNano-composites Densified by pressure assisted sintering A. Hadian1, A.Ataie1, H.R.Baharvandi2 and P.Shahsavari3 1 University of Tehran 2 University of MalekAshtar, Tehran 3 Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran The influence of Boron on Properties of Al–15%Mg2Si in situ composite Mortaza Azarbarmas, Masoud Emamy, Jafar Rasizadeh, Mohammad Alipour and Mostafa karamouz University of Tehran 18 CCFA-289-1 CCFA-317-1 CCFA-36-1 CCFA-592-1 CCFA-68-1 CCFA-382-1 CCFA-510-1 CCFA-569-1 CCFA-435-1 CCFA-620-1 CCFA-330-2 Buckling Analysis of Composite Laminates with Through-The-Width Delamination Using a Novel Layerwise Theory 1 H. Ovesy, 2M. Kharazi, and 1M. Asghari Mooneghi 1 Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran 2 Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz Comparison between monotonic and fatigue loadings responses of CFRP retrofitted RC beams M. Z. Kabir and A. Hojatkashani Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Experimental study on fracture behavior of rubber-toughened epoxy in bulk and laminated composite specimens H. Pakdel and M. Abbasi and M. A. Kuchakzadeh Sharif University of Technology, Tehran Ballistic Impact Perforation into GLARE Targets, Part II: Target Optimization Hamed Ahmadi, Gholam Hossein Liaghat, Hadi Sabouri Tarbiat modares university, Tehran NANOCOMPOSITES BASED ON COMPATIBILIZED TERNARY BLENDS OF PP/EPDM/PA6: Microstructure 1 Shirin Shokoohi, 1Ahmad Arefazar and 2Ghasem Naderi 1 Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran 2 Iran polymer and petrochemical institute, Tehran B4C nanowire reinforcements Synthesis from carbon template M.Salehi, A. R. Mirhabibi, M. Tamizifar, M. Moshref Javadi, M. Karbalaie Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran Numerical Simulation of the R/C Beams Strengthened by FRP Strips by NSM Method M.S. Karimi, M. Nasseri, E. Maroofi Semnan University The effect of adding nano size clay particles on the dimensional characteristic of POM composite gears A.Nezami-Fard, E. Ashrafi, K. Shelesh-Nezhad University of Tabriz Fabrication of polymer-piezoceramic composites 1 Maasoume Maasoumi, 1Masoud Mohebi and 2Amir Maghsoudipour 1 Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin 2 Materials & Energy Research Center, Tehran Synthesis and structure evaluation of MoSi2 – Mo5Si3 composite M. Erfanmanesh, S.R. Bakhshi and M.Salekbafghi Malek-ashtar University of Technology, Isfahan Sensitivity analysis for multi-layered piezoelectric micropump P.M.Keshtiban, N.Ezzati and O.Taheri Urmia university of Technology 19 CCFA-609-1 CCFA-126-1 CCFA-354-1 CCFA-462-1 CCFA-516-1 CCFA-582-1 CCFA-218-1 CCFA-704-1 CCFA-412-1 CCFA-432-1 CCFA-453-2 Investigation of Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Members with FRP Composites in Lab 1 P. Baseri, 2M.R. Sohrabi and 1E. Keshavarzi 1 Islamic azad university, Zahedan 2 University of Sistan and Baloochestan Application of Composite Theories for Modeling Tensile Modulus of PP/Nanoclay/CaCO 3 Hybrid Nanocomposite 1 M.R. Mozdianfard, 2Y. Zare 1 University of Kashan 2 Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Study of deposition, micro-hardness and wear resistance of electroless Ni-P-BN composite coatings E. Laali, M. H. Paydar Shiraz University Vibration of Sandwich Beams with ER Core and Laminated Faces R. Tabassian and J. Rezaeepazhand Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Modified nanosilica/ HDPE-g-MA coating on steel by cast-solution method: Superhydrophobicity and corrosion resistance A.Seifi, R. Bagheri, M.A. Golozar and A.Khoddami Isfahan University of Technology Investigation of the Microstructure and Wear Behavior Of InSitu High Chromium Steel/TiC Composites 1 H. Beygi, 2E. Tohidlou, 3M.R. Rahimipour 1 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad 2 University of Sistan and Baluchestan 3 Materials and Energy Research Centre, Tehran Microstructures and Mechanical properties of 5052Al/Al2O3 surface composites fabricated by friction stir processing E. Tohidlou, Z. Ostovar, A. Sarani, M. Sharifitabar, S. Khorshahian Sistan & Balouchestan University Buckling of a Laminated Column with Transverse Crack S. H. R. Sanei and J. Rezaeepazhand Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Analyzing elastic properties of sandwich panels with cellular cores made of composite laminates A. A. Atai and A. Sadeghian Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch Synthesis and characterization of nano composite of minoxidil-zinc oxide Nasrin Shahsavan, Maryam Ranjbar, Mohammad Yousefi, S. Heydar Mahmodi Najafi Shahreray Azad University, Tehran Effect of Fibers Addition and nano colloidal on Mechanical Properties of SCC Composites A. A. Maghsoudi, A.R. Dortaj Nejad, M. Maghsoudi Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman 20 CCFA-470-2 CCFA-524-1 CCFA-548-1 CCFA-585-1 CCFA-240-2 CCFA-439-1 CCFA-459-1 CCFA-464-2 CCFA-482-1 CCFA-513-1 CCFA-523-2 CCFA-690-1 Comparison of structure and properties of nano silica particles fabricated from rice husk by Chemical and thermal methods A. Sedghi, S. Biglari Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin Effect of Aging Time on Synthesis of Sol-Gel Derived Bioglass-58S Nanopowders S. Joughehdoust and S.A. Manafi Islamic Azad University-Shahrood Branch The effect of Nb addition on nanostructured NiTi intermetallic compound synthesized by mechanical alloying M. Rahmdel, M. H. Abbasi, M. H. Enayati and F. Karimzadeh Isfahan University of Technology Structural evolution of Al and Al-10Mg matrix nanocomposites reinforced with Al2O3 particles during high-energy ball milling J. Safari and G. H. Akbari Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman Manufacture of armatureless reinforced concrete by using of carbon nanotubes composite and silica nanoparticles M.R. Foroughi, H. Salehbarmi, A. Monshi Islamic Azad University, Najafabad branch, Isfahan Formation and Characterization of Ni-P-CNT Composite Coatings For Solar Absorber Application 1 M. Hosseini Najafabadi, 1F. Ashrafizadeh, 1M. Monirvaghefi and 2H. Saleki Najafabadi 1 Isfahan University of Technology 2 University of Guilan Synthesis of Mo–Si–B nanocomposite powders by mechanical alloying and subsequent heat treatment A.R. Abbasi, M. Shamanian Isfahan University of Technology Synthesis of particulate in situ Aluminium-Alumina composite by using aluminothermic reactions M. Sanayei,M. Meratian, M. Panjepour, A.M. Parvanian Isfahan University of Technology The investigation on role of nano size calcium carbonate particles in a MDFE on its resistant against perforation F.Hosseinabadi, S.M.Zebarjad, M.Mazinani, N. Modghan Ferdowsi University Of Mashhad Production and characterization of nanostructured (FeCoNb) WC composite powder K. Saeidi, Mi. Karbasi and A. Monshi Isfahan University of Technology Reclamation of metal matrix composite scraps and production of cellular composite materials A.M. Parvanian, M. Panjepour, M. Meratian and M. Sanayei Isfahan University of Technology Study the Effect of Stacking Sequence on Delamination mode at free Edge Laminated Plates using FEM 1 Ramadan A. Al-Madani and 2Salleh R. Gashoot 1 Al-Jabel Algharbi University, Gharian, Libya 2 Al-Fateh University, Tripoli, Libya 21 CCFA-229-2 CCFA-502-4 CCFA-533-2 CCFA-559-1 CCFA-561-1 CCFA-115-1 CCFA-92-1 CCFA-71-2 CCFA-370-1 CCFA-705-1 CCFA-622-1 Thermal Analysis of Repaired and Reinforced Steel Pipe with Composite Materials Z. Hooshyar, H. Haghighat and S. Javadpour Shiraz University Electrical conductivity activation energy of cobalt-composite-coated interconnects used in solid oxide fuel cell H. Ebrahimifar and M. Zandrahimi Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman Thermal and impact study of PP/PET fiber composites compatibilized with Glycidyl Methacrylate and Maleic Anhydride M.Asgari and M.Masoomi Isfahan University of technology The Application of Single Wall Carbon Nanotube to Synthesis Glucose Biosensor A.Farahbakhsh, H.A. Zamani, S. K. Rahimi and S. Sohrabi Quchan branch, Islamic Azad University Effects of sulfite waste fibers incorporating silica nano-particles on mechanical and microstructural properties of cementitious composite R.Hosseinpour pia 1, A.Varshoee1, M.Soltani1, P.Hosseini 2, M.Talaeipoor3 1,2,3 Islamic Azad University, Chalous branch 2 Sharif University of Technology, Tehran 3 Islamic Azad University, Tehran Improving the hardness and wear resistance of magnesium alloys by TIG composite surfacing with Al+Al 2O3 M. R. Elahi, M. Heydarzadeh Sohi, J. Rassizadehghani, A. Gh. Safaei University of Tehran 2D and 3D Interlaminar Fracture Evaluation of Unidirectional Carbon/Epoxy Arcan Specimens 1 R. Bakhtiari, 1N. Choupani, 2A. Sharifi, 2M. Heidari, 2M. Mokhtari 1 Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz 2 Islamic Azad University, Karaj branch Undesirable Sudden Curing of Epoxy/Clay Nano-composites in VARTM Manufacturing Process 1 M. H. Pol, 2F. Hajiarazy, 2Gh. Liaghat and 2S.M.H. Seyedkashi 1 Institute of Manufacturing Technology Research, ACECR, Ahvaz 2 Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Application in Co-cured Adhesive Joints of E-glass/epoxy Laminates and Al- 2024-T3 1 B. Ahmadi Moghadam, 2 F. Taheri- Behrooz, 1 A. Fereidoon 1 Semnan University 2 Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran Aeroelastic Instability Analysis of a Double-Tapered Composite Wing-Box Using Refined Dynamic Finite Elements S.R. Borneman, S.M. Hashemi , H. Alighanbari Ryerson University, Canada An Experimental Investigation on Physical and Mechanical Properties of WPC Extruded Profiles P. Shahi, A.H. Behravesh, S.Y. Daryabari, E. Souri Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran 22 CCFA-553-1 CCFA-454-2 CCFA-521-1 CCFA-280-1 CCFA-142-1 CCFA-444-1 CCFA-131-1 CCFA-171-1 CCFA-63-1 CCFA-607-1 Effect of Carbide particles on tribological properties of phenolic resin 1 M. Atarian, 1A. Shokuhfar and 2H. R. Salehi 1 K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran 2 Amirkabir University ,tehran Analytical Solution for Two-Dimensional Dynamic Response Analysis of Functionally Graded Thick Hollow Cylinder with Finite Length Subjected to Impact Loading A. Safari, M. Tahani and S. M. Hosseini Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Production of Nanoclay from a raw Montmorillonite sample 1 A. Ebrahimi, 1A. Sarrafi and 2M. Tahmooresi 1 Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman 2 International Center of Science, High Technology and Environmental Science, Kerman An Object Oriented Finite Element Method to Analyze Random Short Fiber Composites A. Zadhoush, D. Semnani, H. Ghayoor, M. Naeimirad Isfahan University of Technology A new analytical-numerical design approach for composite landing gears of light aircrafts 1 Mehdi Afshin, 2Fathollah Taheri-Behrooz, and 3Khashayar Tahzibi 1 Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran 2 Dalhousie University, Canada 3 Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran Creep Behavior of Basalt and Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites V. Daghigh, S.M.R. Khalili, R. Eslami Farsani Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al/Ni Composite Sheets Produced by Accumulative Roll Bonding (ARB) A. Akbarzadeh and B. Rezaei Anvar Sharif University of Technology, Tehran Microstructure Characterization and Mechanical Properties of Al-SiCp Composites G. Hemth Kumar, M. Sreenivasan, N. Dillip Raja and H. Mohit Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala R & D Institute of Science and Technology, Avadi Microstructure and hardness properties of composite layers fabricated by TIG surface alloying of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn with titanium and graphite mixed powders A.Gh. Safaei, M. Heydarzadeh Sohi, J.Rassizadehghani University of Tehran Plasma Spray Spinel-MgO Composite Coatings on Steel Substrate M.Zarei , M.Salehi , A.Monshi Isfahan University of Technology 23 CCFA-533-1 CCFA-10-2 CCFA-313-1 CCFA-269-1 CCFA-706-1 Improvement of the interfacial adhesion of epoxy/UHMWPE fiber composites by grafting of GMA on the fiber M.Masoomi and M.sadeghi Isfahan University of Technology Modal Analysis of Composite Lattice Plate 1 B. Eftari, 1S. H. Taghavian, 1J. E. Jam, 1M. Yusef Zadeh, 2B.Fathi 1 MUT University of Technology, Tehran 2 Iran R&D center for chemical industry (IRDCI) Load Capacity Assessment of a Braided Textile Composite Bone Plate under Combined Loading Using 3D-Finite Element 1 A. Zargar Kharazi, 1M.H. Fathi, 2F. Bahmany , 2H. Fanian 1 Isfahan University of Technology 2 Isfahan University of Medical Sciences Study on Behavior of Squat Shear Wall Retrofitted with FRP Laminates A. Khaloo, F.Shadan, P.Shadan Sharif University of Technology, Tehran Mechanical properties improvement of wheat straw composite panels via silan treatment and using amino-resins T. Tabarsa , M. Mohamadi Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources 24