Timor-Leste Food Security & Nutrition Policy

The National Council of Food Security, Sovereignty and Nutrition for Timor-Leste
[Konsellu Nasional Seguransa,Soberania Ai-han no Nutrisaun Timor Leste]
Timorese human capital that is healthy, active and free from hunger and poverty
(Capital Humanu Timorense ne’ebe saudavel, ativu, livre husi hamlaha, kiak no mukit)
 Define policy to achieve food security and nutrition
(Defini politika atu atinji seguransa ai-han no nutrisaun)
 To secure inter-ministerial coordination to synchronize activities through efficient and
effective use of resources
(Garante koordenasaun inter-ministerial atu sinkroniza atividades liu husi uza de
rekursu ne’ebe efisiente no efikas)
 To strengthen the individual ministry’s role to implement food security and nutrition
(Haforsa servisu kada ministeriu tuir ida-ida nia knar hodi implementa planu seguransa
ai-han no nutrisaun)
 To consolidate existing resources to implement food security and nutrition plans
(Konsolida rekursu ezistente atu implementa planu seguransa ai-han no nutrisaun)
 To strengthen coordination of services between the ministries to be responsible
according to their individual roles
(Hametin koordensaun servisu entre ministeriu relevante hodi responsabiliza tuir ida-ida
nia knar)
In this strategy, the FSSN (food security, sovereignty and nutrition?) members form the relevant
ministries dicided to adopt principle of political agreement for individual, collective actions, iha
the V Government institutions of the RDTL, based on the following components:
[Iha estrategia ida ne’e, membru ministeriu relevante ba SSAN desidi atu adopta prinsipiu
akordu politika hodi halo asaun mesak mesak (individual), hamutuk (kolektivu), iha
institusaunV Governo RDTL, bazeia ba komponentes tuir mai]
A – Establish and Strengthen the Legal Framework (Harii no Hakbit Kuadru Legal Sira)
1. In cases like not yet signing and ratifying the internation instruments on rights to food
particularly the international treaty on economic, social and cultural rights 1966
(PIDESC) together with its protocols as in the following;
[Iha kazu hirak hanesan seidauk asina no ratifika instrumentus internasional sira konaba
direitu ba ai-han liu liu iha paktu internasional ba Direitu Ekonomiku, Sosial no Kultural
husi tinan 1966 (PIDESC) ho nia Protokolu sira ne’ebe tuir mai (adisional);]
Improve the effort to establish a mechanism which achieve equal rights to food;
[Servisu diak liu tan hodi harii mekanismu ida ne’ebe ezizi maka’as hodi hetan direitu
hanesanba ai-han;]
Improve effort to truly recognize people’s rights to food, which can be brought to the
national level, particularly in the implementation of laws on FSSN and on rights to food.
[Servisu diak liu tan hodi rekoinese lolos ema nia direitu ba ai-han, ne’ebe bele lori ba
to’o iha nivel nasional, liu liu iha emplementasaun lei sira konaba SSAN nian no direitu
ba ai-han;]
B- Establish and Strengthen the Institutional Framework [Konstrusaun no Reforsa Kuadru
Develop the good will so that regularly best strengthen the institution and policy of FSSN
up to the higher level of the state institutions;
[Dezenvolve hakarak diak sira atu loron ba loron hametin diak liu tan institusaun no
politika SSAN nian to’o orgaun sira estado no governo nian ne’ebe a’as liu;]
Recognize the necessities to establish mechanism that can improve food security and
nutrition as the first step of the plan and implementation of public policy to eradicate
hunger, poverty and especially social exclusion
[Rekoñese nesesidadeatu harii mekanismu ne’ebe bele hadiak seguransa ai-han no
nutrisaun nudar pasu dahuluk baplanu no implementasaun politika publika hodi
halakon hamlaha, mukit, no liu liu exkluzaun social;]
Acknowledge that existing National Council of Food Security and Nutrition, or a similar
structure in every district, as fundamental elements to expand dialogue and policy for all
people’s participation, in the context of Food Security and Nutrition Strategy, along with
the National Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030 especially in Agriculture and
Fisheries Strategic Plan of Timor-Leste;
[Rekoñese Konsellu Nasional Seguransa Ai-han no Nutrisaun ne’ebe iha tiha ona, eh
estrutura ne’ebe hanesan iha distrituida-idak, nudar elementus fundamental atu
habelar dialogu no politika baema hotu hotu nia partisipasaun, iha kontekstu
EstratejiaSeguransa Ai-han no Nutrisaun, hamutuk ho Planu Estratejiku ba
Dezenvolvimentu Nasional 2011 – 2030 liu liu iha Planu Estratejiku Agrikultura no
Peskas Timor-Leste nian;]
Empower processes of institutional decentralization, so that together can eradicate
hunger and poverty across Timor-Leste, as well as expand the participation of all levels,
especially the most socially deprived groups, women and children groups and
smallholder and poor farmers, private sector, bilateral and multilateral donors,
institutions with education mandate and others that are relevant’
[Hakbi’it prosesu sira konaba desentralizasaun institusional, hodi hamutuk halakon
hamlaha no mukit iha Timor-Leste tomak, nune mos habelar partisipasaun iha nivel
hotu hotu, liu-liu klibur sosial sira ne’ebe mukit liu, klibur feto sira no klibur kiik to’os
nain sira (agrikultor), seitor privadu, doador bilateral no multilateral, instituisaun ne’ebe
fo kna’ar atu hanorin no sira seluk ne’ebe relevante;]
Adopt and strengthen the monitoring and evaluation system for food and nutrition
insecurity situation, as well as mechanism for rapid response in case of emergency,
including mechanism on how to reserve food at district level and also improve impact
related to price of goods.
[Adopta (Halo tuir) no hakbi’it sistemaba monitoramentuno halo avaliasaun ba
situasaun ne’ebe la segurukonaba ai-han no nutrisaun, nune mos mekanismu
ne’ebebele hatan lalais ba emerjensia, inklui mos mekanismu konaba oinsa atu rezerva
ai-han iha nivel distritu siranune mos bele hadiak impaktu sira konaba sasan nia folin;]
Expand research and development on FSSN, that do not deviate from the existing
priorities which as defined in this strategy
[Habelar investigasaun no dezenvolvimentu konaba SSAN, ne’ebe la ses husi prioridade
sira ne’ebe defini ona iha estratejia ida ne’e;]
C- Establish and Strenthen Public Policies [Harii no Hakbi’it Politika Publikas]
1. Develop and strengthen the national Strategy for Food Security and Nutrition from a
perspective of Rights to Food (food sovereignty), to be the reference for public policy, and
seek FAO support with regards to people’s right to food in their own land;
[Dezenvolve no hakbi’it hikas Estratejia Nasional Seguransa Ai-han no Nutrisaun husi
prespektiva ba Direitu ba Ai-han no Ai-han rasik (soberania ai-han), sai nudar referensia ba
politika publiku, no hetan apoiu husi FAO konaba ema nia direitu ba ai-han diak iha rain
2. Develop policy and programs, to provide food assistance that is sustainable, provide social
protection and financial subsidies to the most deprived;
[Halao politika no programa, fo tulun ai-han ne’ebe sustentavel, proteksaun sosial, no fo
tulun osan ba ema ne’ebe mukit liu;]
3. Promote policies that enable people to access good food, access information, and education
on healthy food, access to clean water and sanitation to live a healthy life;
[Promove politika ne’ebe tulun ema atu asesu ba ai-han diak, hetan informasaun, no
edukasaun konaba ai-han diak, hetan be’e mos no saneamentu hodi moris saudavel;]
4. Secure access for people that are food insecure and lack of access to other resources (land,
water, genetic resources), other property and services to be able to cope with this situation,
to hold on to sustainability and social cohesion;
[Garante asesu ba populasaun sira ne’ebe laiha seguransa ai-han no rikusoin seluk (rai,
be’e, rekursu jenetiku), patrimonio seluk no servisu sira ne’ebe bele hatan ba situasaun
ne’e, hodi kaer metin ba sustentabilidade no koezaun/ligasaun sosial;]
5. Acknowledge the roles of the farmers even the quantity of their production is small as well
as sustainable results of the agriculture product at local and national level, also commit to
promote programs that will empower them;
[Rekoñese to’os nain sira nia kna’ar maske ho kuantidade kiik iha produsaun nomos
resultadu husi produtu agrikola ne’ebe sustentabel iha nivel lokal, nasional, nomos
kompromete an hodi promove programa ne’ebe bele hakbi’it sira;]
6. Do our best to implement policy on agriculture produce trade that contribute to and fulfil
people’s right to healthy good food;
[Haka’as an atu halao politika ba komersiu husi resultadu agrikultura nian ne’ebe kontribui
no hatan ba direito ema nian hodi hetan ai-han diak;]
7. Guarantee the quality and food security, through improved capacity for intervention from
institutions such as inspection, health surveillance and food inspection, to provide protection
to consumers;
[Garante kualidade no seguransa ai-han, liu husi hasae kapasidade intervensaun husi orgaun
sira hanesan inspeksaun, vigilansia sanitaria no fiskalizasadora ai-han sira, hodi fo mos
proteksaun ba konsumidor sira;]
D – Establish and Strengthen Budget Framework [Harii no Hakbi’it Kuadru Orsamentais]
1. Further develop the efforts prior to release financial resources which can respond to the
implementation of policy and national strategies on FSSN, also their
articulation/implementation that do not deviate from the National Strategic Development
Plan 2011-2030, and Agriculture and Fisheries Strategic Plan, as well as to work closely with
international donors for their support in case own resources are not sufficient;
[Desenvolve liu tan esforsu sira molok hatun rekursu finanseiru ne’ebe bele hatan ba
implementasaun politika no estratejia nasional SSAN nian, nune mos nia
artikulasaun/implementasaun ne’ebe la ses husi Planu Estratejiku ba Dezenvolvimentu
Nasional 2011 – 2030, no Planu Estratejiku Agrikultura no Peskas nian, nune mos servisu
hamutuk ho doador Internasional sira atu husu sira nia apoiu wainhira ita nia rekursu la
2. The State and the V Government of RDTL will promote public investment in agriculture
sector, alongside the international and regional commitments to contribute to selfsufficiency and food sovereignty;
[Estadu no V Governu RDTL sei promove investimentu publiku iha setor Agrikultura, tuir
kompromisu internasional no rejional hodi kontribui ba auto-sufisiente no ai-han rasik
(soberania ai-han);]
3. The V Government of RDTL will make better efforts to set aside 10 percent of the annual
state budget for food security and nutrition, as well as a special fund from FSSN to do
hierarchical promotion of activities as identified in the table of strategic plan;
[V Governu RDTL nian sei servisu diak liu tan atu haketak tiha porsentu 10 husi orsamentu
tinan ida nian ba iha area seguransa ai-han no nutrisaun, nomos fundu especial mai husi
SSAN atu halao promosaun tui- tuir malu (heirarquizada) konaba atividade sira ne’ebe
idintifika ona iha tabela planu estratejia nian;]
4. The Permanent Technical Secretariat of KONSSANTIL will work to guarantee and provide
lialibility to the accounts especially in the public resources for the FSSN, as well as the
utilization of the resources from donors on food security and nutrition;
[Sekretariadu Tekniku Permanente KONSSANTIL sei servisu hodi garante tranparansia no
presta responsabilidade ba kontas liu liu iha rekursus publikus SSAN nian, nune mos
utilizasaun rekursus husi doador internasional ba Seguransa Ai-han no Nutrisaun;]
Terms of Reference of thePermanent Technical Secretariat of KONSSANTIL
[Termo de referênsia do
Sekretariadu Tekniku Permanente Seguransa, Soberania Ai-han no Nutrisaun Timor-Leste]
1. The Framework [Enquadramentu]
The fundamental principle of Timor-Leste Constitution (article 1) which establish people’s will and
respect to human dignity. The Constitution also mentions government’s objective to guarantee and
promote the rights of the citizens to food as part of the basic human rights.
[Prinsipiu Fundamental konstituisaun (Artigu 1) Timor -Leste ne’ebé hatuur iha povu nia vontade
no iha respeitu ba ema nia dignidade. Konstituisaun mos mensiona objetivu governu hodi
garante no promove sidadaun sira nia direitu fundamental ne'ebe iha direitu ba ai-han
nudar parte direitu prinsipal ida ba humanu.]
The fifth constitutional government is a continuation of the forth government which identified that
food security is a critical priority for overall development in Timor-Leste. The government’s
commitment to address food security is very significant which has been expressed in the V
government programme particularly under the Economic Sector Development. The Government
intended for Timor-Leste to have sufficient food and to have the agriculture production reach the
international market including basic food, livestock, fruits and vegetables as well as forest products
and fisheries production. This is consistent with the Constitution, the Strategic Development Plan and
align with the Comoro Declaration to eradicate poverty and malnutrition. Food security is an
important issue in Timor-Leste. Domestic production is inadequate to meet the national demand.
Availability of food is in concern thus Timor-Leste has to depend on food importation.
[Kintu Governu konstitusional mak kontinuasaun kuartu governu konstitusional ne'ebe identifika
katak seguransa ai-han sai prioridade ida ne'ebe kritikal ba dezenvolvimentu jeral iha Timor-Leste.
Komitmentu governu hodi rezolve seguransa ai-han signifikante tebes ne'ebe indika ona iha
programa kintu governu konstitusional partikularmete iha dezenvolvimentu ekonomia nia
okos.Governu iha intensaun ba Timor-Leste ne'ebe iha ai-han sufisiente no produs hodi atinji
produtu agrikultura ba merkadu mundial inklui ai-han baziku, pekuaria, ai-fuan no modo hanesan
mos floresta no produsaun ikan.Ida ne'e konsistente ba konstituisaun, planu estratejiku
dezenvolvimentu no alina ho deklarasaun Comoro hodi kombate hamlaha no malnutrisaun.
Seguransa ai-han sai isu prinsipal iha Timor-Leste. Produsaun rai laran la sufisiente atu rezolve
rekerimentu ai-han nasional. Disponibilidade ai-han sai nesesidade hodi TImor-Leste laran metin ba
ai-han importasaun.]
Timor-Leste is also an active member of the Communityof Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP)
which also affirms to mobilize CPLP support to address global food security problem through the
members of the CPLP which are active in its function to address food insecurity and malnutrition in
all countries, through strong collaboration, better coordination and share experience and support.
[Timor-Leste mos sai membru ativu ba nasaun Komunidade Paises Lingua de Portuguese (CPLP)
ne'ebe afirma mos hodi supporta mobiliza CPLP hodi kontribui ba rezolve seguransa ai-han global liu
husi nasaun membru CPLP ne'ebe ativu ho nia funsaun hodi rezolve seguransa ai-han no nutrisaun
iha nasaun hotu, husi kolaborasaun ne'ebe maka'as, koordensaun ne'ebe diak, fahe esperensia no
The organic law of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) in general show that food security
can support national economy growth. Article 14, 15 and 19 provide strong reference assure national
food security. The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Environment (MCIE) Article 2 focus more on
its roles such as administer national supply of essential goods for the country and manage food
reserve. Also in article 6 and 28 it is stated that MCIA should establish strong coordination with MAF
and other relevant ministries for integrated state intervention on food reserve and pricing regulation.
In other part, the Ministry of Education (ME) article 2 and 26 refer to establishment of a mechanism
for close collaboration and coordination, to promote and develop actions and programs on school
feeding. The Ministry of State Administration (MA) article 2 and 11 refer to establishment of a
mechanism for close collaboration and coordination, to promote and develop actions and programs
for cooperation according to the roles assign to the ministry. Also article 16 and 21 refer to promote
an integrated planning system and sustainable development at district level. The organic law of the
Ministry of Social Solidarity (MSS) article 2 and 30 mentioned that establish a collaboration and
coordination mechanism to develop national policy guidelines for social services and response to the
vulnerable people. Considering also article 30 of the Secretariat of State of Water and Sanitation that
promote water supply and basic sanitation to all citizens. Moreover, the organic law of the Ministry
of Health (MoH) article 10 and 13 which refer to coordination, participation, planning and execution
of strategic programs of health sector according to the government mandate.
[Lei organiku Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas (MAP) geralmente hatudu seguransa ai-han bele
haburas ekonomia nasional.Artigu 14, 15 no 19 hatudu referensia maka’as hodi garante seguransa
ai-han nasional.Ministeriu Comerciu, Industria no Ambiente (MCIA) Artigu 2 foka liu ba knaar
ministeriu hanesan administra abastasemintu publiku konaba bens essensiais ba pais no jere
rezervas seguransa alimentar. Nune mos iha Artigu 6 no 28 mensiona katak MCIA presiza establese
koordinasaun ne’ebe forte ho MAP no ministeriu relevante ba intervensaun integradu estadu nian
konaba reserva alimentar no regulasaun presu. Iha parte seluk, Ministeriu Edukasaun (ME) Artigu 2
no 26 refere ba establese mekanizmu kolaborasaun no koordenasaun hamutuk ho governu ninia
orgaun sira konaba merenda escolar. Ministeriu Administracao no Estatal (MAE) Artigu 2 no Artigo
11 refere kona ba establese mekanizmu kolaborasaun no koordensasun hamutuk, hodi promove no
dezenvolve asaun no programa konaba kooperasaun hodi haktuir ambitu atribuisaun knaar
ministeriu nian. No mos, Artigu 16 no 21 refere mos konaba promove sistema planeamentu
integradu no dezenvolvimentu sustentavel iha nivel distrital. Lei organiku Ministeriu Solidareidade
Social (MSS) Artigu 2 no 30 mensiona katak establese mekanizmu kolaborasaun no koordensaun
konaba desenvolve matadalan politika publika konaba servisus sosial ho atendamentu ba sidadaun
sira ne’ebe mak vulneravel. Konsidera mos, Artigu 30 Sekretariadu Estadu Agua no Saneamento
katak promove distribuisaun be’e no saneamentu baziku ba sidadaun hotu hotu. Nune’e mos, lei
organiku Ministeriu Saude (MS) Artigu 10 no Artigo 13 refere halo koordinasaun, partisipasaun
planeamentu no ezekusaun programa estratejiku setor saude tuir governu nia orgaun.
Considering the high priority to eradicate hunger and poverty, it was decided that Timor-Leste will
define the basis towards achieving common understanding to determine Food Security, Sovereignty
and Nutrition Strategy (FSSN), bearing in mind that people have rights to good food, in the context of
[Hanoin ba prioridade ne’ebe aas hodi combate hamlaha no kiak, deside tiha ona katak Timor-Leste
atu define baze sira ne’ebe lori ba to’o hetan entendimentu comum hodi determina estratejia
Seguransa, Soberania Ai-han no Nutrisaun (SSAN), ho hanoin katak ema iha direitu kona ba Ai-han
diak, iha kontestu Konsellu Nasional Seguransa, Soberania Ai-han no Nutrisaun Timor-Leste
This strategy takes particular care of building and strengthening of institution and FSSN governance,
as a way to improve coordination, coherence and adjustment to policies at local, national, regional
and global level.
[Estratégia ne’e mak haree liu ba harí no hametin instituisaun no governasaun SSAN, nu’udar dalan
atu hadia koordenasaun, koerénsia no ajustamentu ba politika husi nivel (lokal, nasional, regional no
In this strategy, we will develop further our efforts especially on government role in national level.
Establish and make operational, the roles of the Permanent Technical Secretariat for FSSN, as this is
a priority, which the Minister of the CPLP had decided and with an objective to realize good
governance for the development and implementation of FSSN strategy phases which to come in
[Iha estratégia ne’e, ita sei dezenvolve liu tan ita nia hakas’an liu-liu kona ba kna’ar nu’udar governu
nian iha nivel Timor-Leste nian rasik. Harí no hala’o, kna’ar iha sekretariadu tekniku permanente ba
seguransa, soberania Ai-han no nutrisaun, basá sai nu’udar prioridade ida, ne’ebe Ministru sira husi
Agrikultura CPLP hakotu tiha ona (hari sekretariadu tékniku ba SSAN) no nia objetivu atu alkansa
nivel governasaun nian ne’ebe diak ba dezenvolvimentu no implementasaun fase estrategia SSAN
ne’ebe sei tuir mai iha Timor-Leste.]
This Terms of Reference will be the basis for establishing and running the Permanent Technical
Secretariat for FSSN.
[Termo referênsia ne’e sai nu’udar baze atu harí no hodi hala’o servisu sekretariadu tékniku
permanente ba SSAN.]
Institutional Nature and Affiliation [Natureza no Afiliasaun Institusional ]
Permanent Technical Secretariat for FSSN in Timor-Leste will be the body that provide technical,
administrative and communication advisory to KONSSANTIL in area of FSSN, which will work closely
with the Directors General of all relevant ministries as well as with the working group (focal points),
to oversee policies for coordination and implementation of FSSN strategies and provide advices to
[Sekretariadu tékniku permanente ba seguransa, soberania ai-han no nutrisaun Timor-Leste mak sei
sai órgão atu fó assessoria téknika, administrativu no komunikasaun KONSSANTIL iha area SSAN
nian, ne’ebe sei servisu ho diretor geral sira hosi ministériu relevantes iha area SSAN no mos grupu
traballu (ponto fokal) sira, hodi hare ba politika koordenasaun, implementasaun estrategia SSAN
Timor-Leste no fo assessoria ba KONSSANTIL.]
Mandates, Functions and Competencies [Mandatu, Funsaun no kompetensia]
Permanent Technical Secretariat of KONSSANTIL is mandated to coordinate, define and implement
government structure on FSSN Timor-Leste Strategies, especially in the area of implementation,
merely on the institutionalization of the National Council for Food Security, Sovereignty and Nutrition
iha Timor-Leste, starting from preparation up to approval of the action plans and programs of FSSN
[Sekretariadu tékniku permanente KONSSANTIL nia mandatu maka sei kordena, define no
implementa estrutura governu konaba estrategia SSAN Timor-Leste, liu-liu iha area
implementasaun, haree liu ba institusionalizasaun konsellu seguransa, soberania Ai-han no
nutrisaun iha Timor-Leste, husi preparasaun ba to’o hetan aprovasaun ba plano acsaun no
programas estrategia SSAN nian.]
With the following competencies [Ho kompetensia tuir mai ne’e:]
a. Accompanying the process of the institutionalization and governance of the FSSN Strategy,
including its actualization;
[Akompaña prosessu institucionalizasaun no governansa kona ba estrategia SSAN, nune’e mos
ninia actualizasaun;]
b. Discuss and develop action plans, define priorities, as suggested to follow up on their
[Diskute no dezenvolve plano acsaun, prioridades, ne’ebe sujere ona hodi akompaña ninia
c. Work closely with KONSSANTIL to mobilize resources, and after that prepare budget for FSSN
[Servisu hamutuk ho KONSSANTIL hodi halibur rekursus, hafoin mak halo orsamento konaba
estrategia SSAN nian;]
d. Provide advisory to KONSSANTIL on their roles;
[Fó assessoria ba KONSSANTIL iha sira nia kna’ar;]
e. Organize and conduct meeting on by monthly basis for KONSSANTIL;
[Organiza no halo reuniaunfulan rua dala ida kona ba KONSSANTIL;]
Follow up on the implementation of KONSSANTIL’s decisions;
[Akompaña kona ba implementasaun ba desisaun KONSSANTIL;]
g. Ensure technical coordination with FAO and with other international, regional and national
institutions with a technical character related to FSSN Strategy;
[Assegura koordenasaun tekniku ho FAO no instituisaun internasional seluk, regional no nasional
ho karakter tekniku ne’ebe relasiona ho estrategia SSAN ;]
h. Ensure regular coordination with the Directors General and working group (focal points) from
relevant ministries of FSSN, as well as national structures, which included in KONSSANTIL.
[Assegura koordenasaun nafatin ho Diretor Gerais no grupu trabbalu (ponto fokal) mai husi
ministériu relevantes SSAN nian, nune’e mos estruturas nasionais, ne’ebe tama iha
Prepare annual report based on the action plan and its budget execution.
[Halo relatoriu annual baseia ba plano acsaun no nia ezekusaun orsamento.]
Provide oversee and guidance to the structures in the districts. [Akompanamentu no
akonsellamentu ba struktur iha Distrital.]
k. Perform other competencies that is only attribute by KONSSANTIL. [Halo tan kompetensia sira
ne’ebe KONSSANTIL deit mak bele atribui.]
Structure and Composition [Estrutura no kompozisaun ]
The Permanent Technical Secretariat of KONSSANTIL is compost of Directors General and Working Group
of FSSN from all relavant ministries and they opoint their own coordinator to sit in KONSSANTIL together
with two deputy coordinators. The Permanent Technical Secretariat of KONSSANTIL is supported by FAO
and WFP as UN agencies with available resources.
[Sekretariadu tekniku permanente KONSSANTIL hari hosi Diretor Gerais no Grupu Traballu SSAN nian
ne’ebe mai hosi ministériu relevantes no sira mak sei hatudu Koordenador ida atu preside KONSSANTIL
hamutuk ho koordenador adjunto nain rua. Sekretariadutekniku KONSSANTIL ne’e sei hetan apoio husi
FAO no WFP nu’udar agensia internasional ne’ebe ho rekurso disponivel.]
Operationalization and functioning[Operasionalizasaun no funsionamentu]
The Permanent Technical Secretariat of KONSSANTIL will be officially established in the structure of
KONSSANTIL and function in conjunction with the KONSSANTIL office in Dili to receive logistical support.
This Technical Secretariat will run ordinary meetings on monthly basis and extraordinary meetings when
required by the Council based on the existing mandate.
[Sekretariadu tekniku permanente KONSSANTIL sei harí ofisialmente iha estrutura KONSSANTIL no sei
funciona hamutuk iha Sede KONSSANTIL nian iha Dili hodi hetan apoio logistiko. Sekretariadu tekniku
ida ne’e, sei hala’o reuniaun ordinaria fulan ida dala ida no extraordinario wainhira konsellu husu ka,
baseia deit ba mandatu no kna’ar ne’ebe iha.]
3. Activities [Atividades]
Since the implementation of FSSN Strategy which was started on November 27, 2012, The Permanent
Technical Secretariat of KONSSANTIL was supported to develop the following activities:
Hahú kedas hosi implementasaun etrategia SSAN iha fulan 27Novembru 2012, Sekretariadu tekniku
permanente KONSSANTIL hetan apoio atu dezenvolve atividades tuir mai ne’e:
a. Define regiment according to the statute of KONSSANTIL as well as the suggestions which were
made in the KONSSANTIL strategy.
[Define regimentu tuir estatutu KONSSANTIL nian no mos sugestaunne’ebe hato’o iha estratégia
b. Provide final definition for the Action Plan of the Strategy of Food Security, Sovereignty and
Nutrition in Timor-Leste, initiate negotiation with donors and seek KONSSANTIL approval and the
approval of Council of Ministers (CoM).
[Halo definisaun final kona ba plano Acsaun ba estratégia seguransa, soberania Ai-hanno
nutrisaun Timor-Leste , negosiasaun ho doadores no husu aprovasaun hosi KONSSANTIL no
Konsellu Ministru (COM).]
c. Elaborate action plan, its implementation, to eradicate hunger and poverty.
[Halo elaborasaun ba plano acsaun, nia implementasaun, hodi halakon hamlaha no mukit.]
This year, there will be in-depth discussion to define and better implement the plan for actions. It will
define programs, activities, existing budget, mode of operation, mechanism for monitoring and
evaluation. It will also identify donors to start negotiation for their support.
[Iha tinan ne’e sei haklean tan diskusaun hodi difine no implementa diak liu tan plano de acsaun sira .Sei
define programa, actividades, orsamento ne’ebe iha, modelu ba operasaun, mecanismo atu halo
monitorizasaun no avaliasaun. Sei identifika mos doadores hodi bele halo negosiasaun kona ba sira nia
4. Elaborate proposal for the statute and regiment of KONSSANTIL, this year it will also implement the
action plan of KONSSANTIL, as means of coordination for actions which have been developed by the
ministries and donors which act as observers in this area.
[Elabora proposta ba estatuto no regimento KONSSANTIL, iha tinan ida ne’e sei implementa mos
plano acsaun KONSSANTIL, nu’udar dalan coordenação ba acsaunne’ebe dezenvolve ona husi
ministériu sira nodoadores mak sai hanesan observador ba area ne’e.]
C- Develop and strengthen national policies [Harii no Hakbi’it Politika Publikas]
8. Develop and strengthen the national food security and nutrition strategies from a
perspective of rights to food and food sovereignty, as reference to national policies, and
obtain support from FAO on people’s rights to good food in their own land.
[Dezenvolve no hakbi’it hikas Estratejia Nasional Seguransa Ai-han no Nutrisaun husi
prespektiva ba Direitu ba Ai-han no Ai-han rasik (soberania ai-han), sai nudar referensia ba
politika publiku, no hetan apoiu husi FAO konaba ema nia direitu ba ai-han diak iha rain
9. Implement policies and programs to provide sustainable food assistance, social protection,
and financial subsidies to the most deprived groups;
[Halao politika no programa, fo tulun ai-han ne’ebe sustentavel, proteksaun sosial, no fo
tulun osan ba ema ne’ebe mukit liu;]
10. Promote policies that enable people to access good food, to access information, and
education on good food, access to clean water and sanitation for a healthy life.
[Promove politika ne’ebe tulun ema atu asesu ba ai-han diak, hetan informasaun, no
edukasaun konaba ai-han diak, hetan be’e mos no saneamentu hodi moris saudavel;]
11. Guarantee access for thepopulation who are food insecure and resource poor (land, water,
genetic resources), lack other inheritance and services to be able to respond to this situation,
to hold on to sustainability and social cohesion.
[Garante asesu ba populasaun sira ne’ebe laiha seguransa ai-han no rikusoin seluk (rai,
be’e, rekursu jenetiku), patrimonio seluk no servisu sira ne’ebe bele hatan ba situasaun
ne’e, hodi kaer metin ba sustentabilidade no koezaun/ligasaun sosial;]
12. Acknowledge the role of the farmers even those who produce in small quantity and result
from agriculture products that are sustainable at local and national level, and therefore to
commit oneself to empower them;
[Rekoñese to’os nain sira nia kna’ar maske ho kuantidade kiik iha produsaun nomos
resultadu husi produtu agrikola ne’ebe sustentabel iha nivel lokal, nasional, nomos
kompromete an hodi promove programa ne’ebe bele hakbi’it sira;]
13. Make all efforts to implement policies on trade of agriculture products which will contribute
to meet people’s rights to access good food;
Haka’as an atu halao politika ba komersiu husi resultadu agrikultura nian ne’ebe kontribui
no hatan ba direito ema nian hodi hetan ai-han diak;
14. Guarantee the quality and food security, through improved capacity for intervention from
institutions such as inspection, health surveillance and food inspection, to provide protection
to consumers;
Garante kualidade no seguransa ai-han, liu husi hasae kapasidade intervensaun husi orgaun
sira hanesan inspeksaun, vigilansia sanitaria no fiskalizasadora ai-han sira, hodi fo mos
proteksaun ba konsumidor sira;
D – D – Establish and Strengthen Budget Framework [Harii no Hakbi’it Kuadru Orsamentais]
15. Further develop the efforts prior to release financial resources which can respond to the
implementation of policy and national strategies on FSSN, also their
articulation/implementation that do not deviate from the National Strategic Development
Plan 2011-2030, and Agriculture and Fisheries Strategic Plan, as well as to work closely with
international donors for their support in case own resources are not sufficient;
[Desenvolve liu tan esforsu sira molok hatun rekursu finanseiru ne’ebe bele hatan ba
implementasaun politika no estratejia nasional SSAN nian, nune mos nia
artikulasaun/implementasaun ne’ebe la ses husi Planu Estratejiku ba Dezenvolvimentu
Nasional 2011 – 2030, no Planu Estratejiku Agrikultura no Peskas nian, nune mos servisu
hamutuk ho doador Internasional sira atu husu sira nia apoiu wainhira ita nia rekursu la
16. The State and the V Government of RDTL will promote public investment in agriculture
sector, alongside the international and regional commitments to contribute to selfsufficiency and food sovereignty;
[Estadu no V Governu RDTL sei promove investimentu publiku iha setor Agrikultura, tuir
kompromisu internasional no rejional hodi kontribui ba auto-sufisiente no ai-han rasik
(soberania ai-han);]
17. The V Government of RDTL will make better efforts to set aside 10 percent of the annual
state budget for food security and nutrition, as well as a special fund from FSSN to do
hierarchical promotion of activities as identified in the table of strategic plan;
[V Governu RDTL nian sei servisu diak liu tan atu haketak tiha porsentu 10 husi orsamentu
tinan ida nian ba iha area seguransa ai-han no nutrisaun, nomos fundu especial mai husi
SSAN atu halao promosaun tui- tuir malu (heirarquizada) konaba atividade sira ne’ebe
idintifika ona iha tabela planu estratejia nian;]
18. The Permanent Technical Secretariat of KONSSANTIL will work to guarantee and provide
lialibility to the accounts especially in the public resources for the FSSN, as well as the
utilization of the resources from donors on food security and nutrition;
[Sekretariadu Tekniku Permanente KONSSANTIL sei servisu hodi garante tranparansia no
presta responsabilidade ba kontas liu liu iha rekursus publikus SSAN nian, nune mos
utilizasaun rekursus husi doador internasional ba Seguransa Ai-han no Nutrisaun;]
Objective [Objetivu]
 To inform about policies, measures and funding allocation related to food security and nutrition to
the Permanent Technical Secretariat of KONSSANTIL to ensure food security and other aspects
including agriculture productivity, soil conservation and benefits according to the policies as set
forth above.
[Atu hato’o politica, sasukat no alokasaun orcamento ne’ebe iha relasaun ho seguransan Aihan no Nutrisaun ba Sekretariadu Tekniku Permanente KONSSANTIL hodi asegura seguransa
aihan no aspeitu seluk inklui produtividade agrikola, konservasaun rai no benefisiu tuir politika
ne’ebe hato’o iha leten. ]
 To guarantee coordination between ministries and institutions on policies and steps that are
related to food security and nutrition in villages and subvillages for the working group to
satisfactorily achieve the objective of the KONSSANTIL.
[Atu asegura coordinacao diak entre ministerio no instituicao sira konaba politica no passo ne’ebe
iha relacao ho seguranca ai-han no nutrisaun iha suco eh aldeia atu grupo traballu bele sente
ksolok hodi atinge objetivo KONSSANTIL.]
 Invite the organizations as spell out in the following, to appoint one person from their group and
an alternate from the food security and nutrition or select an independent intellectual to be a
member of this group.
[Konvida organizacao sira hanesan hakerek ona iha karaik ne’e, atu hatudu ema ida hosi sira nia
grupo no mos suplente ida hosi seguransa ai-han no nutrisaun nian ou hili matenek nain ida
independente nu’udar membro ba grupo trabalho ne’e.]
 Take other measures to secure the objectives of the working group
[Foti medida seluk hodi asegura objetivu Grupo Traballu nian]
Mandate [Mandatu]
1. Propose to the Permanent Technical Secretariat of KONSSANTIL about policy and legislation,
financing and other measures to secure sufficient food availability and accessibility in both good
quality and varieties to contribute to health and life, for all Timorese today and in the future.
[Propoin ba Sekretariadu Tekniku Permanente KONSSANTIL konaba politika no lejizlasaun,
finansiamentu no sasukat seluk hodi asegura disponibilidade no asesibilidade ba ai-han ne’ebe
sufisiente, ho kualidade diak no variedade aihan hodi kontribui ba saude no atividade moris, ba
povu timor tomak ohin no aban bainrua;]
2. Collect, compile, analyse and report to the Permanent Technical Secretariat of KONSSANTIL, the
data and information on food production and consumption requirements in the country (food
production volume, food definition period, food importation support, nutrition, disaster,
emergency support, water and sanitation, unemployment, etc.);
[Rekolla, kompila, analiza no relata ba Sekretariadu Tekniku Permanente KONSSANTIL, konaba
dadus no informasaun ba produsaun ai-han no nesesidade ba konsumu ai-han iha rai laran (
volume produsaun aihan, tempu ba defisit ai-han, apoio importasaun aihan, nutrisaun, dezastre,
apoio emergencia, agua e saneamento, dezemprego no seluk seluk tan);]
3. In the case of natural disasters and others, they need to collect data for reporting to the
Permanent Technical Secretariat of KONSSANTIL on the types of crops affected and the resources
that are needed to recover the loss, and to guarantee that there is sufficient food to those
affected by the disasters.
Wainhira mosu dezastre naturais no seluk tan, presiza foti dadus atu halo relatorio hodi hato’o
ba Secretaria Teknika Permanente KONSSANTIL konaba ai-horis saida deit mak lakon no rekursu
saida mak atu hadia ka rekopera ai-horis nebe lakon, no garante ai-han naton ba ema sira nebe
hetan susar iha desastre ne’e.
4. Propose to the Permanent Technical Secretariat of KONSSANTIL on measures and policy to
integrate into the policies of the relevant ministries, so that to secure adequate food availability
and accessibility to all people, to preserve, protect, promote soil fertility, sustainable agriculture
productivity and promote local entrepreneurs in rural areas.
Propoin ba Sekretariadu Tekniku Permanente KONSSANTIL konaba sasukat no politika hodi
integra ba politika ministeriu relevante, ho nune’e bele asegura disponibilidade no asesibilidade
ai-han ne’ebe sufisiente ba povu Timor tomak, hodi prezerva, proteje, promove fertilizasaun rai,
sustentabilidade produtividade agrikola no promove empreza iha area rurais.
5. Establish and strengthen conscience on land conservation management and methods, food
security and nutrition as well as agriculture productivity which can be passed down from
organization to the individuals.
[Kria no hakbiit konsciencia konaba gestao no metodu atu konserva rai, seguransa ai-han no
nutrisaun no mos produtividade agrikola ne’ebe hadaet hosi organizasaun ba to’o ema hotuhotu.]
6. Propose to the Permanent Technical Secretariat of KONSSANTIL to submit proposals to donors
and other international agencies on:
 Strengthen local knowledge related to food security and nutrition, agriculture productivity,
soil conservation and rural businesses.
 Execute the budget for financing the studies related to food security and nutrition,agriculture
productivity, soil conservation and rural businesses.
 Funding for other activities that promote food security and nutrition, agriculture
productivity, soil conservation and rural businesses
[Propoin ba Secretaria Tekniku Permanente KONSSANTIL hodi hatoo proposta ba doadores no
agencia internacional sira konaba:
 Hakbiit konhecimento hirak ne’ebe iha relasaun ho asuntu seguransa ai-han no nutrisaun,
produtividade agrikola, konservasaun rai no empreza rural sira.
 Executa osan nebe financia ba estudu hirak konaba assunto seguranca ai-han no nutrisaun,
produtividade agricola, conservacao rai no empresa rural.
 Finansia atividade seluk hodi promove seguransa ai-han no nutrisaun, produtividade
Agricola, konservacao rai no empresa rural.]
Composition Annex: The Structure of the National Council on Food Security, Sovereignty and Nutrition of
Composisaun Annexo: Estrutura Konsellu Nasional Seguransa, Soberania Ai-han no Nutrisaun TimorLeste (KONSSANTIL)
 To propose policies, measures, and budget expenditure allocation relating on Food and Nutrition
Security, to the Technical Permanent Secretariat of KONSSANTI , and/or to advise the Technical
Permanent Secretariat of KONSSANTIL on food and nutrition security and other aspects including
agricultural productivity, soil conservation, and rural enterprise aspects and implications of
proposed policies, measures, and expenditure of other Ministries;
 To ensure the proper inter-ministerial and inter-agency coordination of policies and measures
relating to food and nutrition security and other aspects including agricultural productivity, soil
conservation, and rural enterprise, as necessary to fulfill the working group and KONSSANTIL
 To invite organizations, as indicated below, to appoint member and a deputy member as members
of the Food and Nutrition Security working group.
 to take other measures to ensure the fulfillment of the Working Group objectives
7. Propose to the Technical Permanent Secretariat of KONSSANTIL policies, and legislation, budget,
and other measures, to ensure the permanent availability of, and access to, sufficient food of
adequate quality and variety for a healthy and active life, for all inhabitants of Timor-Leste, now
and in the future;
8. Collect, collate, analyze and report to the Technical Permanent Secretariat of KONSSANTIL
information regarding the production of food crops, and the expected food consumption in the
country; indicate the size and the timing of any deficits of food to be supplemented by food
9. In case of the occurrence of natural and/or other disasters collect, collate, analyze and report to
the Permanent Technical Secretariat of KONSSANTIL information regarding the quantities of
crops lost and recommend the measures and resources required to remedy or reduce the
damage to crops, and to guarantee the sufficient availability of, and access to, food for those
affected by the disaster(s);
10. Recommend to the Technical Permanent Secretariat of KONSSANTIL measures and policies to be
incorporated into the policies of relevant Ministries, so as to ensure the availability and
accessibility of sufficient food for all inhabitants of Timor-Leste at all times, to preserve, protect,
and promote the fertility of the country’s soil and the sustainable productivity of its agriculture,
and to promote rural enterprise;
11. Create and enhance awareness on issues and methods about food and nutrition security and
other aspects including agricultural productivity, soil conservation, and rural among
organizations and the general public;
12. Propose to Technical Permanent Secretariat of KONSSANTIL to requests the Donors and
International Agencies for:
the provision of specific expertise in matters relating to food and nutrition security and other
aspects including agricultural productivity, soil conservation, and rural enterprise.
the execution and/or funding of studies of matters of food and nutrition security, agricultural
productivity, soil conservation, and/or rural enterprise;
funding for other activities to promote food and nutrition security, agricultural productivity,
soil conservation, and/or rural enterprise.
Composition Annex: Structure of the Konsellu Nasional Seguransa, Soberania Ai-han no Nutrisaun
Timor-Leste (KONSSANTIL)