Collaboration Proposal - Western Michigan University

Campus Activities Board
Collaboration Policy 2014-2015
Definition of Collaboration: A mutually beneficial well-defined relationship between two or
more organizations to achieve common goals. Collaboration is the process of various groups or
individuals working together and typically involves joint planning, shared duties, shared
resources, and a shared understanding of issues and goals.
Guidelines for Collaboration:
1. The completed document should be put forth at the latest on the Friday 5 weeks prior to
the event via e-mail document to the CAB Treasurer. (Example: If your event is on
October 13th, you need to have the collaboration form sent to the CAB Treasurer by,
September 3rd, by midnight.)
2. B.3
Organizational Collaboration
B.3.1 Organizational Collaboration is available to departments and/or
RSO’s who are in good standing with the Office of Student Activities and
Leadership Programs (SA&LP).
B.3.2 Organizational Collaboration is explicitly limited to funding of events
open to all WMU students and, if granted, cannot be used for the acquisition
of office equipment, organizational expenses, recovery from debt, or other
expenses not pertinent to the single event for which funding is granted.
Requests for Organizational Collaboration must be submitted
according to the conditions and specifications established by the Treasurer
in accordance to collaboration application guidelines, with the approval of
the executive board at an approved application proposal meeting, and a
final vote by the general assembly.
B.3.4 The maximum amount granted to any organization cannot exceed
½ of the total budgeted deficit the organization will incur as a result of
holding the event.
If the proposed event cost does not exceed $1000, the executive board
reserves the right to fund more than 1/2 of the budgeted cost, at their discretion.
Effective for any events occurring on or after May 1, 2011, the maximum
amount of collaboration money an organization may request from CAB for one collaboration is
$5,000. Regardless of the total amount of days or events included in the collaboration request,
the maximum contribution from CAB per collaboration cannot exceed $5,000.
Any department and/or RSO receiving funding must include the CAB logo
on all promotional materials for the funded event.
B.3.6 Allocated monies cannot be used for the personal benefit of individuals or private
corporations, for direct donations to charitable organizations, or for direct financing of
political candidates and/or campaigns. Allocated monies cannot be expended for any
activity contrary to the University policy, rules, or procedures and/or applicable state and
federal law.
1. At least one member from the organization requesting collaboration must attend an
Executive Board meeting of the Campus Activities Board (to be established by the CAB
Treasurer) and make a formal proposal in front of the Executive Board providing the
a. Cost of the event and how much, if any, your organization is requesting from
b. Reasons for approaching CAB for collaboration;
c. Detailed list of duties that each organization is responsible for taking part in;
d. Other funding sources your organization is seeking.
2. The CAB Executive Board will vote to accept or reject the collaboration at their weekly
meeting. If approved, the General Assembly members of CAB will vote on the
collaboration at the following General Assembly meeting.
3. CAB and the requesting organization will then sign the Collaboration Contract and fill
out any necessary financial paperwork.
4. The requesting organization will be obligated to follow all formal CAB procedures in
planning an event and any and all contracts must be cleared by CAB.
5. The CAB logo must be placed on all promotional materials for collaboration events.
Campus Activities Board
Collaboration Proposal Form
As described above, proposals must be submitted via email to the CAB Treasurer at by the latest on the Friday 5 weeks prior to the date of event. Once
submitted, the CAB Treasurer will contact you regarding presenting the proposal in person at a
CAB Executive Board meeting.
Please come prepared to present all information that is stated within this document and be
prepared to answer questions that may be asked by multiple members of the executive board.
CAB Mission Statement: The Campus Activities Board will strive to represent all Western
students by providing diverse and representative programming, through our ability and
willingness to work with other for the benefit of the student body.
Contact Person:
Organization/ Office:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Type of Event:
Brief Description of Event:
Alternate Date:
Length of event:
Location of event:
Projected attendance:
Alternate location:
Is the event free or is a ticket required?
Ticket Cost?
Projected total budget of event:
Amount requested from CAB:
Amount your organization is contributing, if any:
Include all other sources of funding below:
Breakdown of Projected Budget (Include all items , including those from other funding sources,
as well as expected income and expenses, and highlight what you would like CAB’s money to go
Reasons for CAB support of this event:
How does this event benefit CAB and WMU:
How will you determine the success of this event:
How does this event benefit your organization:
What is your expected role for CAB to perform before, during, and after the event?
What is your expected role for your organization before, during, and after the event?
Event Planning:
CAB takes great pride in the amount of work and energy put into planning all of our events. This
page pertains to the planning taking place for the event.
If revenue is generated from this event, where will it be distributed (in percentages):
Requesting Organization:
Have you formed a planning committee for this event?
Will your organization be providing members to help plan the event? Are you expecting the
event to be planned by CAB? How many members are you providing?
How many people will be required to run this event?
If you are bringing an artist or individual who will be providing the following:
Please provide a marketing plan, schedule of all deadline dates including, but not limited to,
booking, dates of reservations, promotions, etc.
Please include any additional items you feel necessary to present your proposal. After
presenting your proposal, the CAB Executive Board will take up to two weeks to vote and
discuss the proposal with the General Assembly Members of CAB. Your organization will
be informed of CAB’s decision by the CAB Treasurer. For additional questions please email the CAB Treasurer.
Also please be ready to get in contact with either the CAB Treasurer or someone from CAB
in order to discuss the event and get feedback from both organization.