Lab 4 Fluvial Geomorphology September 17, 2012 Due September 24, 2012. Roughness and Shear Stress Field site: Blacksmith Fork above U P and L Company’s Dam near Hyrum (Station number 10113500) Overview: Today we will make field measurement sufficient to back-calculate channel roughness. Unfortunately, there is no direct way to measure channel roughness, and the best way is to back-calculate this attribute at a known flow. We will also determine the average boundary shear stress at two locations in the channel, and conduct velocity measurements of a vertical profile to calculate the roughness height of the channel bed and an alternative measure of shear stress using measured velocity data. Assignment Field Determination of Channel Roughness Remembering that the discharge form of the Manning equation is: Q=(AR0.67S0.5)/n We can rearrange this equation and solve for n, which is what you should do in this exercise. You should use the reported discharge at the time of the exercise, and focus on determining a robust measure of reach average hydraulic radius and reach-average slope. Thus, enough channel cross-sections need to be measured to determine a reach-average hydraulic radius. You will be divided into teams of 2. Each team will measure one channel cross section which will be shared with the other teams. You might look at the reach first and determine an adequate location to measure a cross-section that seems representative of the reach. When doing this, note the channel shape and flow velocity through the cross section. You will survey the cross section using a tape, rod, and engineers level. Since we are only concerned with the present flow conditions, there is no need to survey any additional topography beyond the wetted channel. Using the measured cross sections, determine an average hydraulic radius (R) for the existing flow condition. Next, you will need to survey S, the reach-averaged water slope, which should be roughly 20 channel widths in length. The primary challenge here is that you will need to move the instrument several times in order to survey reach slope over the required distance. In the calculation of n, convert your units to the SI system (Q,R) where necessary; S is unitless. Field Determination of Roughness Height and Boundary Shear Stress Flow that does not vary along stream is termed uniform. For steady, uniform flow, the stress acting on the bed is: τ0 = ρgRS where R is the hydraulic radius, given by ratio of flow area A to wetted perimeter P, and S is the bed slope; ρ is the density of water (1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3) which remains constant, and g is acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2) which also remains constant unless we are taking measurements on Mars or the moon. The problem often encountered is that the above method is not precise enough to determine the stress that is acting on a specific region of the channel bed. By empirically quantifying the vertical velocity structure at those locations, and assuming a logarithmic profile, you can get around that problem. A description of the theory and an example are provided at the end of this handout. Collect Velocity Data At your measured cross section, each team will measure 1 velocity profile along deepest, fastest portion along the cross section. Measure the depth using your top-setting rod. With your flow meter, collect 30 second time-averaged velocity measurements at 8 equally spaced intervals upward through the flow at that location. Record the depths and velocity of each of those measurements. Without moving your rod, also collect a velocity measurement at the theoretical point of the average velocity for a logarithmic velocity profile (i.e 0.6 of the depth for depths less than 2.5 feet, or an average of measurements taken at 0.2 and 0.8 of the depth for depths greater than 2.5 feet). Calculate an average velocity for your profile based on these data. Calculate the average boundary shear stress for the reach using τ0 = ρgRS Next, by following the theory and example below, calculate the shear stress along your cross-section using a reach-averaged value of slope, and by empirically calculating it at the location of your vertical velocity profile. Calculate the roughness height of the bed (point at which the velocity goes to 0), using the measured velocity profile by following the example below. Make a sketch of the site that includes the location of your cross section line, the location of the other team’s cross section line, the location of the gage, and the approximate location of the three measured velocity profiles along your cross-section. Theory For cases where we have velocity profile data, and have it going all the way to the channel bed (or at least fairly close to it), we will have an empirical equation of the form: u(z) alnz b Where u(z) is the velocity, u, at a depth, z above the bed. The equation for the law of the wall in fluids is u u * ln y C1 Now, what we do is take the measured velocity data, and look at what happens when u goes to zero, as this tells us empirically what the roughness height, z0, is (roughness height is formally defined as that height at which velocity goes to zero). So, if we substitute zero in for U in the equation from the graph, then we have u ( z ) a ln z b 0 a ln z 0 b b a b z 0 exp a Note that when we look specifically at the case of velocity going to zero, we use z0 instead of z to denote that height. ln z 0 An Example: Suppose that we have velocity profile data for a stream that is 0.84 m deep, with 6 velocity measurements through the velocity profile: Depth(m) 0.02 0.12 0.24 0.37 0.55 0.73 0.84 Vel (m/s) 0.36 0.93 1.45 1.42 1.37 1.45 If we take these data and graph them in excel, with velocity as a function of depth, then we get the following: 1.6 1.4 Vel (m/s) 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 Dist from bed (m) We notice two important things about these data. First, the data do not go all the way to a depth of zero. Second, we do not have a velocity measurement at the water surface. So first, we want to use excel to put a logarithmic regression line through the data. 1.8 1.6 Vel (m/s) 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 y = 0.3359Ln(x) + 1.6755 R2 = 0.8972 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 Dist from bed (m) Note that this gives us the equation of velocity as a function of depth (where in excel velocity is the y variable, and depth is the x variable) y 0.3359 ln x 1.6755 We remember that z0 is defined as the depth for which velocity goes to zero: y 0.3359ln x 1.6755 vel 0.3359ln(depth) 1.6755 vel 0 0 0.3359ln(depth) 1.6755 1.6755 0.3359ln(depth) 1.6755 ln(depth) 0.3359 4.98809 ln(depth) depth exp(4.98809) depth( when_ vel 0) z 0 0.006819 These data give a z0 of 0.0068. This is very small for a roughness height, but it is based on empirical data, so it must be right for the data that we have. Now we need to get an estimate of the actual shear stress. We use the law of the wall equation u u * ln y C1 u* = √( τ/ρ) And we realize that with our velocity profile (regression equation in the graph) we have the equation for this line empirically as well. So, we note that our slope from these data is y 0.3359 lnx 1.6755 So we can now say for this particular data set that (remembering that kappa = 0.4 and rho = 1000 kg/m3) u u * ln y C1 u 0.3359 ln y u * 0.3359 u* 0.3359 0.3359 2 0.33592 18.1 This gives us a totally empirical Shear Stress of 18.1 N/m2. To Hand In: Each team shall share their cross section data with the other. Plot the longitudinal profile of the water surface. Show each data point that you survey and connect straight lines between surveyed points. In the event that you survey any points that are clearly in error, develop a second plot in which you censor these points from your final data set. Determine the slope of the water surface by fitting a linear least squares relation to your data. Plot your cross-sections, looking downstream. Determine the water surface width, crosssection area, wetted perimeter, and hydraulic radius of each cross-section that you survey. Determine the reach-averaged shear stress using the depth-slope product determined by τ0 = ρgRS Next, plot your measurements of the velocity profile using your 8 equally spaced measurements of velocity. Plot depth on the x axis and velocity on the y axis. Also, plot your average measurement taken at 0.6 times the depth, or the average of your measurement taken at 0.2 and 0.8 times the depth. Fit a logarithmic regression line through your data, and display the equation. According to the example above, calculate the roughness heights (the height at which velocity is zero) at each profile, and derive the shear stress for that vertical profile. In your write-up, be sure to include a location map, a site map, your plots of the longitudinal water surface profile with the linear regression equation, a plot of your cross section, and a plot of vertical velocity distribution with logarithmic regression equations. How does your average velocity as determined from your velocity profile compare with the average velocity taken from 1 measurement (at 0.6 times the depth, or 0.2 and 0.8 times the depth). Compare your shear stress calculation from the velocity profile taken at the deepest, most uniform location. How does your reach-averaged calculation of shear stress compare to the shear stress as determined from this vertical velocity profile? Is the shear stress calculated at your profile larger or smaller than the reach-averaged shear stress? Explain these differences and what may cause them. Why might you use 1 method for calculating shear stress over another? Describe the importance of the calculated roughness height. Will the roughness height be greater or smaller if the rocks on the bed of the stream are larger?