2015 SRNT Diversity Travel Scholarship Applications

Increasing Diversity in Nicotine and Tobacco Research:
Travel Scholarship to the 2015 SRNT Annual Meeting
Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco
2015 SRNT Annual Meeting
February 25-28, 2015, Philadelphia Marriott Hotel
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The 2004 Institute of Medicine Report, In the Nation’s Compelling Interest: Ensuring Diversity in the Health
Care Workforce, clearly states that although the diversity of the United States is rapidly increasing, many
minority racial/ethnic groups are under-represented in the health professions. Increasing diversity, particularly
among researchers, may help to enhance the diversity of research environments and ultimately help improve
global health.
The Tobacco-Related Health Disparities Network of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT)
has established as one of its goals to increase the diversity of its membership. Therefore, SRNT is committed
to increasing the diversity of researchers who help to stimulate and generate new knowledge concerning
nicotine in all its manifestations -- from the molecular to the societal level. The purpose of the Diversity Travel
Scholarship program is to increase the diversity of researchers interested in nicotine and tobacco research by:
Providing travel support to attend the 2015 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 21th Annual
Promoting collaboration and intergenerational and interdisciplinary networking
The scholarship program has been generously supported by the American Legacy Foundation, the California
Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program, Clearway Minnesota, and the Society for Research on Nicotine
and Tobacco, and is administered by the Tobacco-Related Health Disparities Network of SRNT. Preference
will be given to applicants from minority racial/ethnic groups; with disabilities; from lesbian, gay, bisexual, or
transgender groups; or from a disadvantaged group. U.S. minority racial/ethnic groups are defined as
American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian American/Pacific Islander, Black/African American, or Latino/Hispanic.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the Diversity Travel Scholarship, you must:
 Have an interest in nicotine and tobacco research and be committed to the mission of SRNT from an
underrepresented/disadvantaged group.
 Conducting health disparities research (including researchers from non-disadvantaged backgrounds)
 Hold junior faculty (assistant professor, instructor, or equivalent), post-doctoral trainee, or graduate
student rank at a United States-based academic institution. Due to the legal restrictions of the
scholarship funds, only trainees or junior faculty from a United States-based academic institution are
 Be able to attend the Network breakfast meeting.
 Not be a former scholarship recipient.
 Live at least 50 miles outside of the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area.
Receipt of Travel Scholarship
If you are awarded a travel scholarship, your coach airfare and hotel room will be covered up to $1500-$2000
per scholar depending on geographical location. The goal is for the scholarship to completely cover airfare and
hotel cost. To help defray out-of-pocket costs, the SRNT TRHD scholarship program will purchase airfare and
pay for the scholar’s hotel room.
2015 Travel Scholarship Application
Airfare: All travelers must make reservations through SRNT for coach airfare at least 30 days in
advance of the meeting. Travelers are expected to book the least expensive flight. If other forms of
transportation are used, the traveler must contact SRNT to receive approval prior to being reimbursed
for train or car mileage. You will not be reimbursed for rental cars. Travel information will be forwarded
to scholarship recipients no later than December 6th, 2014. Scholarship recipients must make flight
arrangements no later than January 24th, 2015
Hotel: The SRNT has secured a room rate at the Philadelphia Marriott Hotel for single and double
occupancy. Instructions will be provided on making hotel room reservations for those awarded
scholarships. If an awardee registers to attend a pre-conference workshop, SRNT will cover the hotel
cost for the night prior to the workshop. The scholarship will not cover the fee for pre-conference
workshops. Please provide pre-conference workshop registration confirmation to justify this need.
Conference Registration and SRNT Membership: SRNT may waive these fees or the scholarship
will cover them.
Network Meeting: The networking breakfast will be held during the conference, the time and date to
be announced soon. All scholarship recipients are asked to attend and will be introduced individually to
the TRHD membership. This breakfast will provide an opportunity to network with other colleagues and
meet mentors who can answer questions about research goals and interests.
Application Components
Personal Statement
Please prepare a brief 300 word statement which describes 1) the main research question that you would like
to explore or are exploring and 2) career goals related to your research question. Please put your name on
your statement.
Resume/Curriculum Vitae
Please forward your resume or curriculum vitae along with your application form.
Please provide the name and contact information for one mentor or advisor.
Please forward an electronic copy of your application to Linda Potchoiba: lpotchoiba@reesgroupinc.com
Important Dates
 Applications due October 24, 2014 at 5pm, Pacific Time.
 Scholarship recipients notified by December 6th, 2014.
 Recipients must confirm their acceptance of the scholarship by December 18th, 2014.
 Recipients must make flight arrangements by January 24th, 2015.
Questions, please contact:
Linda Potchoiba
Scholarship Manager
2424 American Lane
Madison, WI 53704
(608) 443-2462 x155
Fax: (608) 443-2474
2015 Travel Scholarship Application
2015 Travel Scholarship to Increase Diversity in Nicotine and Tobacco Research
An electronic copy of your application must be received by 5pm Pacific Time, October 24, 2014. Please type in
the information requested.
First, Middle, Last Name
Professional Title
Academic Institution, Department
Proposed field of Study or Area of Research
Mailing Address
Number and Street
Zip Code
Academic/Professional Degree(s) and Year(s) Obtained:
___American Indian/Alaska Native
___Asian/Pacific Islander
___Black/African American
___ Latino/Hispanic
___Other (please fill in)___________________________
Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity:
___Heterosexual or Straight
___Lesbian or Gay
___Other (please fill in)___________________________
Disability Status: ____Disabled ____Not Disabled
Disadvantaged Background: ____No ____Yes
If Yes, Please Describe:
Primary Mentor/Advisor
Contact Information for Mentor/Advisor (Email and Phone)
2015 Travel Scholarship Application
How did you learn about the Travel Scholarship to Increase Diversity? Please check all that apply.
____Professional listserv
____Word of mouth
____Advertisement in journal
____Email from colleague
____ Professional meeting
Have you previously attended SRNT annual meeting(s)?
___Yes ___No
Did you submit an abstract to the 2015 annual meeting?
If yes, do you currently have funds to support your travel?
**What type of funding?
___Yes ___No
___Yes ___No
Are you a member of SRNT?
___Yes ___No
What type of membership do you have?
___full ___affiliate ___student
If no, what membership category best fits your status? ___full ___affiliate ___student
Application Checklist (one electronic copy of each item)
_____ Application form
_____ A personal statement (maximum 300 words) which describes the main research question
that you would like to explore and career goals related to your research question. Please
be as specific as possible.
_____ Resume or curriculum vitae
I understand that SRNT can only accommodate a limited number of travelers and if I receive this scholarship, I
will commit to participating in the entire conference and the Network breakfast meeting.
Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _________________
Please forward an electronic copy of your application to lpotchoiba@reesgroupinc.com
2015 Travel Scholarship Application