CALL FOR COLLABORATIVE PROPOSALS 4CULTURE 2015 SITE SPECIFIC PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY: king county-based artists, individuals, organizations and historic site stewards APPLY: CONTACT: Charlie Rathbun | (206) 296-8675 DEADLINE OCTOBER 8, 2014 AT 5:00 PM CALLING KING COUNTY HISTORIC SITES AND COLLABORATORS King County based artists, individuals and organizations are invited to explore creative partnerships with one or more King County historic site(s) and to submit collaborative proposals for a public presentation or installation in 2015. Interested applicants may peruse the Roster of Historic Sites to find prospective sites, or they may seek out a site of their own choosing. King County historic sites wishing to participate may submit their site information to be included in the online Roster of Historic Sites. The Call for Historic Sites published in May 2014 will be ongoing until September 12, 2014. ABOUT The 4Culture Site Specific Program began in 2005 to provide funding and resources for the commissioning and presentation of visual art, installation and performance in alternative and non-traditional settings throughout King County, Washington. Now in its 10th year, the program has supported dozens of projects and hundreds of performances and installations in locations ranging from parks to store fronts, city streets, historic sites, libraries, coffee shops, department stores and vacant lots in a wide variety of urban and rural outdoor settings, as well as non-traditional approaches within established venues. The primary goals of the 4Culture Site Specific program are to develop new regional audiences for contemporary visual art and performance, to increase creative opportunities for King County artists, to actively engage the public and private sectors in creative collaboration and to empower artists to engage with diverse sectors of the community. In recent years, the Site Specific Program has fostered internal collaboration between the Heritage, Historic Preservation and Public Art sections of 4Culture supporting projects at King County historic sites and on the County trails system. In 2015 the program will continue its focus on creative collaborations with King County historic sites. Through Historic Site(s) Specific, the people, the historic architecture, context and landscape will be illuminated for all King County residents in new and interesting ways. Some of the innovative historic concepts that have been successfully realized through this program include: Illuminated Barn by Ann Watness Durant – Working in partnership with Vashon property owner Laurie Geissinger, Ms. Durant used high intensity lights to illuminate the interior of an antique slatted barn creating a dramatic nighttime reverse image of the barn’s historic architecture. Voices of Kent’s Pioneers by Book-It Theatre - A historical performance set in a pioneer cemetery relating the history of those buried there and the founding of this south King County community. Gentleman Desperado – An interactive play by playwright Keri Healey based on the true story of the outlaw Harry Tracy performed on the grounds of the Mary Olson Farmstead in Auburn If These Walls Could Talk – Hero Labs and Jane Kaplan. A dramatized video capturing the colorful history of the Neely Mansion, a historic home in south King County APPLICATION AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Artists or organizations are encouraged to contact site stewards and discuss a collaborative proposal together. Site stewards are invited to reach out to King County based artists. All artistic disciplines are eligible, including but not limited to: theater, music, dance, film or media, literature, visual art, sculpture, design, and installation. Please Note: Site management may exercise their own discretion in interviewing and selecting collaborators including establishing their own timeline, review procedures and decision making process. A site may host multiple projects and may collaborate on up to three project proposals. Site stewards will be expected to collaborate in the project in whatever way possible, which may include any or all of the following: active planning and participation, site access, promotion/publicity, technical support, event insurance and/or the engagement of local audience or community. (In cases where projects may involve broadcast media only, ie. internet, video or film projection, direct access to the site by the public may not be required). PROJECT/APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Read all guidelines, and complete all necessary documents before proceeding to the appropriate online application at All projects must take place between January 1 and December 31 of 2015 at any eligible historic site. Historic Site(s) Specific Guidelines Page 2 Each site may be represented in up to three separate collaborative proposals. Artists, or creative collaborators may propose to work with as many sites as possible, however the review committee will be looking for unique and natural connections between the site, the project idea and the collaborator. Drop-in generic projects or programs will be less competitive. Anticipated 4Culture funding may range from $1,000 to $20,000 per project and include artist fees, production costs and site expenses. Matching funds, in-kind contributions, and community/volunteer participation are encouraged. The number of projects selected and award levels will depend on the range of applications and funding requests submitted. It is anticipated that 10 to 15 projects will be selected. With rare exceptions, applications must be collaborative proposals submitted jointly by a creative collaborator and a historic site. An example of an exception would be a site, which is also an artistic venue. Either the site steward or the collaborator may complete the online application. All projects must be temporary and must not permanently alter or impact the historic site. WORK SAMPLE CRITERIA The panel will review up to five minutes of video or audio work, up to 15 images, or 30 pages of writing sample. Website submissions should be clearly organized to direct panel to relevant work samples. TO SUBMIT AUDIO EXTERNAL UPLOAD You may submit up to three audio files using SoundCloud. Once you have uploaded your files to SoundCloud that you would like the selection panel to review, indicate the SoundCloud URL (e.g. on the Work Sample Description sheet in the order in which you would like the files reviewed. Work samples may not be submitted through other media sharing sites. All submissions must be publicly accessible (not private). MAIL/DELIVER Mail in or deliver one (1) CD with audio samples, in the required format. Label the CD clearly with your full name. All CDs must be self-executable and ready to play on a portable sound system. TO SUBMIT IMAGE FILES Historic Site(s) Specific Guidelines Page 3 UPLOAD Upload JPGs in the order in which they are to be reviewed, in the required format. MAIL/DELIVER Mail in or deliver one (1) CD with audio samples, in the required format. Label the CD clearly with your group name and Project Title. TO SUBMIT MANUSCRIPTS UPLOAD Portable Document Format (.pdf) preferred, (25) page maximum. MAIL/DELIVER Mail in or deliver three (3) copies of your manuscript, on white, 8.5x11" paper, in the required format. Do not punch holes or staple, paperclip only. TO SUBMIT VIDEO EXTERNAL UPLOAD You may submit up to three videos using Vimeo. Once you have uploaded video selections to Vimeo that you would like the selection panel to review, indicate the Vimeo URL (e.g. on the Work Sample Description sheet in the order in which you would like the videos reviewed. Work samples may not be submitted through other media sharing sites. All submissions must be publicly accessible (not private). MAIL/DELIVER Mail in or deliver One (1) DVD with a maximum of three (3) work samples in the order in which they are to be reviewed. DVDs must be self-executable and if possible, with chapters. DVDs must be clearly labeled with group name and project title. DVDs will be played on a DVD player, not a computer. Test your DVD on standalone players prior to submission. MOV, WMV and other file formats will not be accepted. PROGRAM TIMELINE AND REVIEW PROCESS Applications are due Wednesday, October 8, 2014. Through a committee/panel review process, 4Culture will select proposals and allocate funding awards. Temporary projects that reflect the unique physical and/or historic context of the site will be most desirable. The review panel will consider the creative quality of the project and the unique relevance of the project to Historic Site(s) Specific Guidelines Page 4 the site proposed. Approval and award notification will take place in late November 2014 and projects may contract and begin development in January 2015. ELIGIBILITY ELIGIBILITY WILL BE LIMITED TO HISTORIC SITES THAT ARE: Designated King County or Interlocal City Landmarks, or Designated City of Seattle Landmarks, or Included in 4Culture’s Destination Heritage Guide series, or Included in 4Culture’s Inventory of Historic Halls, or Managed by heritage museums or historical organizations, or Pre-determined by 4Culture to qualify as historically significant for the purposes of this program. Please contact program staff to discuss your potential site if unknown. Sites on the Historic Sites Roster are determined to be as historically significant by 4Culture for the purposes of this program. Please contact program staff to discuss your potential site if unknown. ELIGIBILITY FOR COLLABORATORS IS OPEN TO: Individuals and organizations residing in or located in King County, Washington. Creative projects of all artistic disciplines including but not limited to: theater, music, dance, film or media, literature, visual art, sculpture, design, or installation. Projects which have a dynamic relationship to the specific history and/or architecture of the site. EVALUATION AND AWARD CRITERIA The following criteria will be considered by the review committee in selecting proposals for the 2015 Historic Site(s) Specific Program. In addition to these criteria, the overall selection of proposals will include consideration of geographic, ethnic and discipline diversity. Demonstrated history of accomplishment and quality of artistic work Originality of project concept Readiness to collaborate as evidenced by the signed Memo of Understanding Community impact and potential to reach audiences Unique relationship of proposed project to the proposed site Demonstrated feasibility and ability of the collaborators to successfully realize project Appropriateness of concept to a public community setting Historic Site(s) Specific Guidelines Page 5 2014 Historic Site(s) Specific Application 4Culture 101 Prefontaine Place South, Seattle, WA 98104 Deadline: October 8, 2014 Instructions 206 296.7580 TTY 711 Online applications must be submitted electronically by 5:00 pm PSD on Wednesday, October 8, 2014. Read the Historic Site(s) Specific guidelines before submitting application. 1. Site Name: Historic Name (if different): 2. Physical Address: Primary Contact: Mr. 3. Site Management First Name: Contact Information Ms. Title: Last Name: Address: City: Area Code: Phone: e-mail: Area Code: Fax: http:// Zip: County Council District Number: .aspx 4. Creative Collaborator Individual/ Organization Information Org Name: Org Contact Name: Mr. First Name: Ms. Title: Last Name: Address: City: Area Code: Phone: e-mail: Area Code: Fax: http:// Zip: County Council District Number: .aspx 5. Application Checklist: This Application Cover Page One or two page project narrative One page project budget Memo of Understanding signed by both Site Steward and Creative Collaborator One page artist resume or bio Work Sample(s); CD/DVD, Writing sample, Website address Work Sample Description(s) Call for Historic Sites Application (if not included in the 2014 Roster of Historic Sites) [DATE] Application Attachment 4Culture Historic Site(s) Specific MEMO OF UNDERSTANDING The purpose of this Memo of Understanding is to help the historic site and creative collaborator to anticipate various issues that may arise throughout the course of planning, development and presentation of the project and to affirm that the site and collaborator have agreed to submit this as a joint application. Please allow this to document stand as a Memo of Understanding between [Creative Collaborator] and [Historic Site Manager] for [Historic Site]. The parties agree to collaborate on an application proposal to the 4Culture Historic Site(s) Specific Program and, if awarded funding, to share responsibility for the planning and public presentation of one or more events at [Historic Site]. The parties agree to review and discuss the following topics of consideration where applicable. This list is not intended to be all inclusive and may be updated or revised. After the award notification and throughout the development process the parties are encouraged to revisit this agreement and reaffirm their respective roles in the implementation of the project. Access to the site for project development rehearsal/staging and technical needs Staging area and/or onsite storage of equipment or production/set materials Known site access restrictions for collaborators or public Liability insurance for the site and/or event (will be required for all projects) Intellectual property rights for the use of original source material Event promotion, advertising, audience outreach Volunteer coordinator Ticket sales if applicable 4CULTURE PAGE 7 of 9 Concession sales Ticket or concession income Site security for equipment and public Onsite parking and signage Signed and agreed: Date: Site Management Date: Collaborator 4CULTURE PAGE 8 of 9 APPLICATION CHECKLIST After completing the checklist visit and follow the appropriate link under “To Apply” Application Cover Page with primary contact information for both the site and creative collaborator. One to two page written narrative describing the proposed project. One page anticipated project budget including all fees, production, promotion, and site expenses One page Memo of Understanding, signed by both site management and creative collaborator, outlining individual roles and responsibilities for implementing the project. One page artist applicant resume or bio of relevant work history Documentation of artist applicant’s relevant work history which may include a website, CD/DVD digital video, audio, visual artwork, or writing samples. One page work sample description including context for excerpted work and artist’s role Proposals for historic sites that are not already included in the 2015 Roster of Historic Sites must include the Site Roster Application with their application. 4CULTURE PAGE 9 of 9