Final Report Off the Wire BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY – ECEN 490 2012 Authored by: James Smith, Jorge Conde, Bradford Law Final Report Off the Wire Executive Summary Freelinc, based in Orem, UT, is the sponsor of this ECE senior project. They design and produce magnetic inductance wireless systems for law enforcement and military use in on-body sensor networks. This approach to wireless communications that uses magnetic inductance is also known as NFC (near-field communication). NFC is an emerging area of research and development and is set to solve some of the problems that traditional wireless radio networks suffer from, such as security, bandwidth saturation, and signal degradation through solid objects. Freelinc’s existing products are limited to just a few channels and are used mainly to transmit audio signals which have a high tolerance to error. They hope to expand their product line, however, and develop a system based with much greater bandwidth and much lower bit error rates per channel. Having such a system would allow many on-body sensors to communicate simultaneously and allow high-bandwidth applications such as video streaming to be possible. Our purpose was to take the existing wireless system provided by Freelinc and the work of the project’s previous student contributors and improve those designs. Our goals were to significantly increase the bandwidth while keeping the power draw as low as possible. Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 Our first steps in achieving our goals were to construct prototype transmitting antennas that were tuned to two and three resonant frequencies respectively. We referred to these as “triple-tuned” and “double-tuned” and they will be identified by those names throughout this report. Our first prototypes were limited to one coil per ferrite rode, with our final product an extension of this design with each ferrite rod having a winding for each tuned frequency to make all channels available in each orientation. 1 We found that our initial prototypes of the triple and double-tuned antennas performed remarkably well, a huge improvement on the work of previous project contributors. We assumed that these improvements would transfer to the final prototypes with multiple windings per rod. Upon building the final prototypes, however, we found that our initial assumptions were wrong and the induced currents we thought would not be present were indeed present and made the entire antenna unusable. Progress, however, was made on another solution to increase bandwidth: a negative inductance circuit. We created a schematic and model that properly modeled negative inductance behavior. Unfortunately, we were unable to demonstrate a working physical circuit. Despite our failure to produce a working final prototype we made huge leaps in bandwidth and have uncovered a roadblock that future students and engineers will have to address. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................... 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................ 2 FIGURES AND TABLES ................................................................................................ 4 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................5 PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................... 6 TEST PLAN ............................................................................................................. 7 TEST DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 8 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ..................................................................................................9 DOUBLE-TUNED...................................................................................................9 TRIPLE-TUNED .................................................................................................. 10 NEGATIVE IMPEDANCE .......................................................................................... 12 ANALYSIS OF RESULTS.............................................................................................. 13 NEGATIVE IMPEDANCE .......................................................................................... 13 SINGLE-PORT RESULTS ......................................................................................... 13 THREE-PORT RESULTS.......................................................................................... 14 INDUCTIVE COUPLING....................................................................................... 14 POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS............................................................................................... 18 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................... 18 APPENDIX A: FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT........................................................ 1 CONCEPT GENERATION AND SELECTION ......................................................................1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................2 OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................2 PURPOSE ........................................................................................................2 MATRICES .......................................................................................................2 BODY OF FACTS ................................................................................................ 2 SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................ 2 KNOWN FACTS .................................................................................................2 ASSUMPTIONS...................................................................................................2 PROPOSED DESIGN ................................................................................................ 3 CRITICAL DESIGN AREAS ......................................................................................... 3 DIFFERENT CORES ............................................................................................. 3 MULTIPLE CORES .............................................................................................. 3 WIRE............................................................................................................. 4 CONCEPT SELECTION & SCORING .............................................................................. 4 COMPLEXITY....................................................................................................4 BANDWIDTH ....................................................................................................4 RESULTS ............................................................................................................5 DUAL TUNED ...................................................................................................6 APPENDIX B: CONCEPT GENERATION AND SELECTION DOCUMENT ..........................................1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................2 Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 Table of Contents 2 Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................2 BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................... 3 PROJECT REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................ 3 CUSTOMER NEEDS ............................................................................................. 3 ANALYSIS OF CUSTOMER NEEDS ............................................................................. 4 PROJECT SPECIFICATION ......................................................................................... 5 ANALYSIS OF METRICS ............................................................................................ 6 CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................6 APPENDIX C: PROJECT SCHEDULE ................................................................................. 1 APPENDIX D: NEGATIVE IMPEDANCE CALCULATIONS........................................................... 1 3 Figures and Tables Figure 1: Triple-Tuned Concept Antenna With Three Ports ......................................................... 5 Figure 2: Black Box Diagram ................................................................................................ 5 Figure 3: Test Bench Transmitter .......................................................................................... 7 Figure 4: Test Bench Receiver .............................................................................................. 7 Figure 5: Full Test Bench .................................................................................................... 8 Figure 6: Double-Tuned Prototype with One Port ..................................................................... 9 Figure 7: Antenna Response Measured by Network Analyzer ........................................................ 9 Figure 8: Double-Tuned Test Results for 13MHz Tuning ........................................................... 10 Figure 9: Double-Tuned Test Results for 13.75MHz Tuning ....................................................... 10 Figure 10: Triple-Tuned Prototype with One Port ................................................................... 11 Figure 11: Triple-Tuned Test Results for 12.75MHz ................................................................ 11 Figure 12: Network Analyzer Results for Triple-Tuned, Single-Port Antenna .................................. 11 Figure 13: Triple-Tune Test Results for 13.5MHz .................................................................... 12 Figure 14: Triple-Tune Test Results for 14.25MHz .................................................................. 12 Figure 15: Negative Impedance Schematic.............................................................................. 12 Figure 16: Negative Impedance PCB Layout ........................................................................... 12 Figure 17: Simulated Inductance For Negative Impedance .......................................................... 13 Figure 18: Double-Tuned, Triple-Port Antenna. ..................................................................... 14 Figure 19: S11, S22, S33 for Double-Tuned, Triple-Port Antenna ................................................ 15 Figure 20: S21, S12 for Double-Tuned, Triple-Port Antenna ...................................................... 15 Figure 21: S32, S23 for Double-Tuned, Triple-Port Antenna ...................................................... 16 Figure 22: S11, S22, S33 for Triple-Tuned, Triple-Port Antenna ................................................. 16 Figure 23: S21, S12 for Triple-Tuned, Triple-Port Antenna ........................................................ 17 Figure 24: S31, S13 for Triple-Tuned, Triple-Port Antenna ........................................................ 17 Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 Table 1: Project Specifications Provided by Freelinc ................................................................... 6 4 Introduction The initial project goal was to create a three port, three polarization system for the company Freelinc (see Error! Reference source not found.). The design consists of three orthogonal ferrite rods. Depending n the tuning of the antenna (tuned usually to two or three resonant frequencies, double-tuned and tripletuned respectively), each ferrite rod would have a winding for each tuned frequency. Our goal was to create the antenna with the most usable channels (assumed to be triple-tuned), with all channels available in each direction (each ferrite rod holding multiple windings). Error! Reference source not found. llustrates the final prototype we had in mind. Ultimately, our antenna would be a “black box” with three inputs and one output as illustrated in Figure 2. The team operated under the assumption that one signal would be sent through only one port at a time. As the other ports would be open circuited, it was believed that no unwanted currents would be generated through inductive coupling. In addition to the three port system, Freelinc requested our team work to build a matching system that modeled a negative inductor. Having such a system would theoretically allow an antenna to resonate at all frequencies and thus maximize BER and SNR H M L Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 L 5 1 2 L 3 M M H H F IGURE 1: T RIPLE -T UNED C ONCEPT A NTENNA W ITH T HREE P ORTS F IGURE 2: B LACK B OX D IAGRAM Output Project Specifications The specifications we received from Freelinc emphasized bandwidth and portability. We took the project specifications provided by Freelinc and prioritized them in order of importance (see Table 1Table 1). T ABLE 1: P ROJECT S PECIFICATIONS P ROVIDED BY F REELINC Description Importance 1 Bandwidth: 12-15MHz The wireless system should be capable of operating between 12 to 15 MHz 1 2 Channels: 250kHz stepping centered at 12.00, 12.25... MHz The device must be able to switch between 8 channel frequencies enabling multiple devices to communicate simultaneously. Regardless of orientation 2 3 Power Consumption: <40mA Device should be powered by a 3.7V battery and pull no more than 40mA. 2 4 Size: Highly portable The device must be portable and light. 1 5 Cost: Inexpensive The application is the United States military so the device scale of production will be huge. 3 Bandwidth was the primary focus of the project and, by extension, the number of usable channels. Increasing the bandwidth directly increased the number of usable channels. Our goal was to achieve at least eight channels, where channels were defined as 250kHz wide, starting at 12 MHz continuing to 15MHz having a bit error rate between 10-5 and 10-6. A total of 12 channels are possible between 12 MHz and 15 MHz. Power consumption was important, however we included that in our development and testing by using an amplifier designed and built under these specifications. The amplifier was powered by a battery similar to the battery Freelinc uses to ensure the results of our testing would accurately represent the performance of our antenna. The size of the antenna was important because of the potential applications, so all of our designs were limited to three ferrite rods. All of our designs were portable and met this specification. Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 Customer Specification 6 The cost is entirely out of our control. We have limited ourselves to basic materials that would be easily fabricated in the final product such as ferrite rods, capacitors, and wire. Test Plan Previous senior project teams as well as graduate students working on the project have developed an automated testing system that loads a sequence of random binary numbers onto an FPGA and transmits that bit sequence on each of the 12 channels that are tested. The receiving system is also hooked up to a computer with an FPGA where it samples the received signal and calculates the power for that channel. Data from this test can then be imported into Matlab where accurate analysis can be performed. Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 List of Equipment 7 Two Computers With FPGA’s Power Supply Network Analyzer Transmit Amplifier Transmit Antenna Receive Amplifier Receive Antenna Testing Apparatus Cables Automated Testing Program F IGURE 3: T EST B ENCH T RANSMITTER F IGURE 4: T EST B ENCH R ECEIVER Test Description 1. In order to start the test, we have to connect the computers to the network so that they can access the Automated Testing Program and can communicate with each other we also need to tune the antennas at certain frequencies using the network analyzer. 2. Once we have the computers connected to the network, we have to connect the amplifiers to the FPGAs. The transmitter amplifier will have a power supply of 3.7 V. according to our specification. The receiver amplifier will be connected to the other FPGA and will have a power supply of 15V. 3. Once both the receive and the transmit amplifiers are connected to the FPGAs and their power supply we connect the transmit and the receive antenna to the corresponding amplifier. This is done by positioning one of the polarizations of the double or triple tuned antennas parallel to a receive antenna tuned to the same frequency as the transmit polarization. This process will be repeated in order to test all the polarizations of the transmit antenna, retuning the receive antenna each time to resonate with the transmit polarization. 4. Next the antennas are placed 1 m from each other. 5. 5. The automated test is run by selecting it on the program. The software will ask the name of the antennas and the amplifiers and the distance that the antennas are from each other. This is key to maintaining consistent data and building a matrix of data that is easy to search through. The test will transmit frequencies starting at 12 MHz and increment 250 kHz until it tests the 15 MHz channel. 6. Several different tests are conducted at various orientations and positions are accumulated in order to accumulate a steady average indicative of the reliability of the antenna Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 F IGURE 5: F ULL T EST B ENCH 8 7. Finally, after running different tests, Matlab is used to compile the results and display the mean Bit Error Rate (BER) as well as Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and relative power of received signal and noise. Accomplishments During the course of this project we made a lot of progress in increasing the bandwidth of previous designs. We started with a simple double-tuned antenna with one input port and increased the complexity by making a triple-tuned antenna with one port. We hoped to eventually apply the breakthroughs we made with these single port antennas to the final three-port antennas. F IGURE 6: D OUBLE -T UNED P ROTOTYPE WITH O NE P ORT Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 Double-Tuned Our double-tuned antenna, picture in Error! Reference source not found., was the first antenna we uilt. It is a simple design with two ferrite rods, each with a single tuned winding. The different tunings are facilitated by the orange adjustable capacitors shown. After building our antenna, we measured the response using a network analyzer and compare it to our model for dual-tuned response using a special Matlab program we created for this purpose (shown in Figure 7). We used these results to finely tune our antennas and help them meet our model response. We found that our previous prototypes of a dual-tuned antenna had its ferrite rods too close together, which caused an unintended interaction between the magnetic fields which hurt the antenna’s performance. We also found that centering the windings on the ferrite rods served to help our antenna’s performance somewhat. Also, the number of turns in each winding was significant. We found that ten turns provided a good response. Finally, by using a lower-gauge F IGURE 7: A NTENNA R ESPONSE M EASURED BY N ETWORK A NALYZER 9 wire (22 ga.) than that provided by Freelinc we improved performance significantly. Our final doubletuned antenna (Error! Reference source not found.) incorporated all of these improvements and erformed surprisingly well. We were able to achieve considerable improvements in the number of channels as shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9. This antenna actually came close to meeting our requirements on the number of channels we hoped to obtain. Our next step was to build our triple-tune antenna based on the principles learned during the optimization of this antenna. Double Tuned 13.75 MHz 50% of tests lie within error bars Double Tuned 13 MHz 50% of tests lie within error bars Bit Error Rate 0 -2 -2 10 Bit Error Rate Bit Error Rate 10 -4 10 -4 10 -6 -6 10 10 11.5 Bit Error Rate 0 10 10 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 Frequency Channel (MHz) 14.5 15 11.5 15.5 Received Signal Power & Noise Floor 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 Frequency Channel (MHz) Received Signal Power & Noise Floor 15 15.5 15 15.5 -40 -30 -35 -45 -40 -50 Power (dBm) Power (dBm) -45 -50 -55 -60 -55 -60 -65 -70 -65 -80 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 Frequency Channel (MHz) 14.5 15 15.5 F IGURE 8: D OUBLE -T UNED T EST R ESULTS FOR 13MH Z T UNING -70 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 Frequency Channel (MHz) F IGURE 9: D OUBLE -T UNED T EST R ESULTS T UNING 14.5 FOR 13.75MH Z Triple-Tuned After our success with the double-tuned antenna, we started work on the triple-tune variant. The main difference was a third ferrite rod for the third tuned coil. It is shown in Error! Reference source not ound.. This unit still had just a single input port, making this simply an interim step on our way to our final prototype with three input ports. Using the lessons learned from the double-tuned antenna, we spaced the ferrite rods well away from each other. The response recorded by our network analyzer was very encouraging, shown in Figure 11, Figure Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 -75 10 13, Triple Tuned 12.75 MHz 50% of tests lie within error bars Bit Error Rate 0 10 -2 Bit Error Rate 10 -4 10 -6 10 11.5 12 12.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 Frequency Channel (MHz) Received Signal Power & Noise Floor 15 15.5 15 15.5 -30 -35 F IGURE 10: T RIPLE -T UNED P ROTOTYPE WITH O NE P ORT Power (dBm) -40 -45 -50 -55 -60 -65 -70 11.5 13 13.5 14 Frequency Channel (MHz) 14.5 Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 and Figure 14 . Furthermore, after much F IGURE 11: T RIPLE -T UNED T EST R ESULTS FOR 12.75MH Z testing, our antenna seemed to match our project requirements, giving us between 8 and 10 channels, depending on the environment and orientation. This was better than expected, and so we moved on to the three-port antennas, assuming that the improvements and performance we observed with these single-port antennas would translate to the three-port prototypes. F IGURE 12: N ETWORK A NALYZER R ESULTS FOR T RIPLE -T UNED , S INGLE -P ORT A NTENNA 11 Triple Tuned 14.25 MHz 50% of tests lie within error bars Triple Tuned 13.5 MHz 50% of tests lie within error bars Bit Error Rate 0 Bit Error Rate 0 10 10 -2 10 -2 Bit Error Rate Bit Error Rate 10 -4 10 -4 10 -6 10 -6 10 11.5 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 Frequency Channel (MHz) 14.5 15 12 15.5 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 Frequency Channel (MHz) Received Signal Power & Noise Floor 15 15.5 -30 Received Signal Power & Noise Floor -35 -40 -40 -45 Power (dBm) Power (dBm) -45 -50 -55 -60 -50 -55 -60 -65 -70 -65 -75 -70 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 Frequency Channel (MHz) 14.5 15 F IGURE 13: T RIPLE -T UNE T EST R ESULTS FOR 13.5MH Z 15.5 -80 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 Frequency Channel (MHz) 14.5 15 15.5 F IGURE 14: T RIPLE -T UNE T EST R ESULTS FOR 14.25MH Z F IGURE 15: N EGATIVE I MPEDANCE S CHEMATIC F IGURE 16: N EGATIVE I MPEDANCE PCB L AYOUT Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 Negative Impedance At the request of our customer, Freelinc, we worked at building a negative inductance circuit. Though negative inductance is impossible to achieve with passive components, clever use of active components can result in the behavior of a negative inductor. Error! Reference source not found. shows a schematic of he negative impedance circuit. Mathematical derivations of the circuit can be found in Appendix D. 12 One of the difficulties in taking a step from ideal design to implementation was a working model. Using pSpice, we set out to build a circuit that could demonstrate the desired behavior with the non-ideal conditions modeled in PSpice. One of the difficulties we encountered in this situation was bandwidth. Because the behavior of amplifiers generally break down in the 1 MHz range it was difficult to find an amplifier that demonstrated stable negative inductance between 12 and 14 MHz. In the end, we found two amplifiers that fit the model. Negative Inductance Results 0.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.20E+00 1.40E+00 1.60E+00 frequency (MHz) 1.80E+00 2.00E+00 Inductance (H) -1.00E-06 -2.00E-06 -3.00E-06 -4.00E-06 -5.00E-06 F IGURE 17: S IMULATED I NDUCTANCE F OR N EGATIVE I MPEDANCE . N OTE THE CONSTANT INDUCTANCE ACROSS ALL RELEVANT FREQUENCIES Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 Analysis of Results 13 Negative Impedance Unfortunately we were not able to produce a working negative impedance circuit. Throughout testing there were several problems associated with oscillation, short and open circuitry, and added resistance. However, with a working simulation in PSpice, there is still hope that further debugging will lead to a working model. Single-Port Results Single port antennas were built as predecessors to triple port systems. Because coupling was assumed to be low in the triple tuned network, it was believed that the single port model would be an easy and efficient way to create functionality that would mirror the behavior of the triple port system. The antennas all had tuned frequencies attached to the port in parallel. All the single port antennas behaved according to our model. Furthermore, the single port antennas exhibited great bit error rate (BER) and SNR. The triple tuned antenna gave us especially outstanding results. The performance of these two antennas gave us the confidence to start working on the triple port antennas. Three-Port Results In theory, the double and triple tuned antennas with three ports should have given us great results with great bandwidth and multiple channels. We assumed that by connecting one port, the other port should not have had any interference since they were open circuited. When we connected one port to the network analyzer, it became obvious that something was wrong with the configuration. At first we Inductive Coupling Inductive coupling is a common phenomenon in circuits where the magnetic field of one coil passes through a separate coil and induces a current. This behavior can severely disrupt proper functionality or predicted behavior of a circuit as in the case of the three port antenna systems built during this project. In the case of the three port system, current going through an active antenna induces a current in an inactive coil that then travels to all of its parallel antenna partners. The resulting fields interact destructively to create low BER rates and unpredictable behavior. Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 thought there were mistakes in the wiring or F IGURE 18: D OUBLE -T UNED , T RIPLE -P ORT A NTENNA WITH unintentional shorts. After disconnecting all of D ISCONNECTED (G RAY ) P ORTS D ISPLAYING I NDUCED C URRENTS . T HE C ONNECTED P ORT (G OLD WITH G REEN W IRES ) H AS C URRENT the wires and testing each port, we found that W HICH I NDUCED C URRENT IN THE D ISCONNECTED P ORTS ' L OOPS . this was not the case. Furthermore, the results matched our model when the other ports and capacitors were disconnected; but, after connecting all the wires together, the same bad results were observed from before. After observing the S-parameters, we concluded that we were experiencing inductive coupling. We did not realize that current was being induced in the open ports from the connected port, as illustrated in the FIGURE. As shown from the matlab results, this behavior did not match our expected values. This proved to also be the case for the double-tuned, triple-input antenna. 14 Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 F IGURE 19: S11, S22, S33 FOR D OUBLE -T UNED , T RIPLE -P ORT A NTENNA 15 F IGURE 20: S21, S12 FOR D OUBLE -T UNED , T RIPLE -P ORT A NTENNA F IGURE 22: S11, S22, S33 FOR T RIPLE -T UNED , T RIPLE -P ORT A NTENNA Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 F IGURE 21: S32, S23 FOR D OUBLE -T UNED , T RIPLE -P ORT A NTENNA 16 Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 F IGURE 23: S21, S12 FOR T RIPLE -T UNED , T RIPLE -P ORT A NTENNA 17 F IGURE 24: S31, S13 FOR T RIPLE -T UNED , T RIPLE -P ORT A NTENNA Possible Solutions While the coupling is clearly heavily affecting our system, there are simple ways to eliminate a large portion of the coupling. One of the ways would be to simply have nine different input ports. This would effectively separate the antennas so that induced currents could not flow between them, and all antennas would be effectively open. Yet another solution would be to have 9 different antennas spaced a reasonable distance from one another and orthogonal to one another. This configuration could effectively lower the coupling while still having three input ports. While these are imperfect solutions, our work has identified a major obstacle to a multi-port, multi-tuned antenna that is important to recognize for further research on this project. Conclusion Although we were not able to construct the three port system we set out for, this project was very insightful and helpful. Above all we learned the importance of thoroughly checking all assumptions, no matter how obvious they seem. Had we figured out that the open port assumption discussed earlier was false, the project would have proceeded very differently. This could have been done by drawing up specific schematics for the end project and analyzing them before going forward. In summary, we were successful in demonstrating the specifications we set based off the open port assumption. With the unfortunate result of our initial assumption, our end product proved to be faulty. However, the models and progress made in negative impedance was a striking achievement that can result in great success in the future. Future projects that approach the issues we uncovered regarding inductive coupling could solve these issues and create a usable broadband pan-directional antenna. Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 This project also reinforced the importance of testing software and set up. Testing would have been extremely cumbersome without a network analyzer. Furthermore, our test bench and software were just as important as our antennas. The network analyzer was also pivotal in helping us identify the extent of the coupling and quantify it. 18 Appendix A: Functional Specification Document Concept Generation and Selection Freelinc Project Bradford Law, James Smith, Jorge Conde Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 2/7/2012 1 Introduction Overview Our team has been given the challenge to design a matching network for a short range wireless system that maximizes transmission efficiency. There are several possible designs and methods to accomplish this goal. Purpose The purpose of this document is to lay out all possible design concepts and decisions and to document the reasoning for our eventual concept selection. Critical design concepts are discussed at great length, and evaluated using the decision matrices. This document is designed to be easily understood and a powerful guide to anyone wishing to familiarize themselves with this project and the reasoning behind the critical decisions made. Matrices Decision matrices are the clearest way of illustrating the team design decision process. They show what we believe to be key factors in a good design, and the rationale behind critical decisions. The numbering system associated with these matrices also allows for easy changes in case new information or requirements are placed upon us. Above all these matrices are perfect for achieving the proposed goal of this document. Body of Facts The Freelinc group is a team working on building a system that will communicate with different sensors and devices on the human body without the use of wire to connect them together. Because of this and the sensitivity of the information that may be communicated, the system will be short ranged or nearfield. We will be working on creating a matching network that will allow the system to efficiently communicate over short distances. Specifications Needs to be able to function at a distance of one meter. Bit error rate of 10^-5 db. Functions with 3.7 V battery Consumes less than40 mW of power. The bandwidth needs to handle 8 channels (each channel bandwidth 250 kHz). Operate between 12-15 MHz Known Facts The system will broadcast at intervals of .25 MHz from 12- 15 MHz Previous work has reached very close to theoretical limits for single core antennas The design may be fabricated and thus able to be shrunk to a small space System ultimately will be used in harsh environment conditions and awkward orientations We will need to use Spice and Matlab to model our designs Assumptions Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 2 The previously built simulations system accurately measures how our system will work in real life application There are areas of BYU that will accurately reflect worse case scenarios for our antenna system Multiple tuned antennas can increase the bandwidth above that of a single tuned antenna Proposed Design Past teams and graduate students have developed a semi-functioning system, so our team objective is to improve this system. We are focusing primarily on building an extremely efficient matching network for the transmit antenna. Once we have reached our goals regarding power usage and bandwidth we will focus on the receive antenna. We have two teams, one team focused on developing a system based on negative impedance using active components and another team building and modeling using dual and tri-tune antenna systems. Following are some of the concepts and our analysis of them. F IGURE 1 T RANSMIT S YSTEM D ESIGN F IGURE 2 R ECEIVE S YSTEM D ESIGN Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 Figure one shows the transmit system design. Our project is focused primarily on the matching network and antenna portion of the system. 3 Figure two shows the receive network which will receive more attention upon optimizing the transmit system. Critical Design Areas Different Cores In a ferrite core coil antenna, the ferrite material used plays a significant role. Different ferrites add different impedances to the antenna and effectively increase or decrease the bandwidth. The size is also important as our design can only be so large. Multiple Cores As previous projects have reached theoretical limitations on single core antennas, it is now time to explore the effects of having multiple core antennas to achieve better bandwidth. By having different ferrite rods tuned to different frequencies, one can achieve a desired bandwidth by switching antennas based on the broadcasted frequency. Wire One of the keys to increasing the bandwidth of the system is to lower the Q of the circuit. Q is a function of resistance and inductance. By using a larger wire with fewer loops it is possible to decrease the resistance and inductance of the circuit and therefore lower the Q. This should increase our bandwidth and have a positive effect on the range because of a higher current transfer. As wire has a significant effect on the number of turns this is an important aspect in design. Concept Selection & Scoring Complexity Complexity is a very import of the design. We know that the single tuned will be the most simple design. Past projects, however, have reached theoretical limits, and our sponsor has specifically asked for multiple tuned antennas. As multiple tuned antennas as well as negative impedance designs are complicated it is important to decide on a design that can be created in the time allotted. Because of the complicated nature of the alternatives this is a pivotal point of reason and thus receives a weight of 25%. Cost While the majority of our designs will not require expensive parts, it is important to pay attention to cost regardless of the project. The negative inductance requires wide bandwidth active components and thus will cost significantly more than other projects. While cost does play a factor, it is not a large concern and thus receives a weight of 5%. Our customer Freelinc wishes to have a system whose bandwidth spans 12 different frequency channels. Past projects have only been able to achieve between 4 and 7. Our goal is to design a matching network that consistently reaches 8 channels in all environments and orientations. This is our most important consideration as we decide upon a design we have given it a weight of 50%. Reliability The term reliability is this context refers to the capability of the system to do its job right. Our end product will ideally be able to function in all environments at all orientations. It is important that it can reliably produce the desired result regardless of location and orientation. This is not quite as important as complexity but far more important than cost and thus is given a weight of 20%. The reason this is not given as much weight as complexity is that it would be more desirable to build a system in the right time than have it go over the time allotted but be more reliable Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 Bandwidth 4 Possible design selection Single Tuned Antenna- One way to go about building this network is to have one antenna with a matching capacitor. Double Tuned Antenna- Another possible solution would be to have two different antennas tuned to two different frequencies by their respective capacitors. Once we have a double tuned antenna with one coil on each ferrite, we will move to design the double tuned antenna with three ports. Triple Tuned Antenna- Another possibility is to have three orthogonal antennas tuned to separate frequencies to allow the transmitted bits to resonate at three different classes. Negative Impedance- Recent research has shown the possibility of achieving negative impedance which would result in an ideal matching network. Once we have the triple tuned antenna working. We will move to design the triple tuned antenna with three coils on each ferrate tuned to three different frequencies. Multi-Stage antennas-Using multiple stages, it is possible to create a matching network with wide bandwidth. Matching System Weight Single tuned Dual tuned triple tuned Negative Impedance Complexity 25 8 6 4 2 Cost 5 5 5 5 1 Bandwidth 50 2 4 6 7 8 8 Reliability Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 Total 5 20 100 2 4 365 455 585 565 Results After debating each of the designs, we gave a rating for each design in each of the critical design areas. We wanted to keep in mind what was really important. We used a weight system to help us rate what we felt to be truly important. Single Tuned Single tuned system is the most simple of the system. That is why way gave a 50 points for complexity. But this system will not provide with the bandwidth that the customer requested, and past projects have already reached theoretical limits. This was solely considered as a standard to compare the other designs to. The total score was 365. Dual Tuned This system is a little more complex. But it will give us a better bandwidth. Theory also states that this system will be more reliable in harsher conditions, and allows us to deal with orientation problems. The total score for the dual tuned was 455. Triple Tuned In considering multiple tuned antennas, the triple tune appears to be our best bet as far as the bandwidth that we can have. It is more complex and theoretically it will be reliable and meet the requirements. This is also optimal for dealing with orientation problems. For this System we had a total score of 585. Negative Impedance This system is very different that the other three. It does not require several different tunings but is based on the theory of negative impedance converters. Theoretically this will give us the best bandwidth, but cost the most and is clearly the most complex system of those considered here. Our customer, however, has asked us to look into this system in addition to whatever design we decide upon. This system had a score of 565 Summary Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 After scoring each of the system designs we found that the best system design was to build the triple tuned system, which had a total score of 585. A stepping stone in achieving the triple tuned antennas, however, is getting a double tuned antenna to work first. This document has helped us realize that we ultimately want to create a functional triple tuned system that achieves specifications for the Freelinc system. We will also be working on the negative impedance matching system as our sponsor requested it. As evidenced above, this document records and supports that decisions made by team Off the Wire. This document is also subject to change as the project progresses and other concepts come into play. 6 Appendix B: Concept Generation and Selection Document Near Field Wireless Communication System Functional Specification Document Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 26 January 2012 1 Presented by: James Smith Bradford Law Jorge Conde Introduction Overview Our team goal is to build a matching network for a near field communication system. Research has been already started on the this project. We are using some of the results from the research to implement them with the specification given by our sponsor FreeLinc and our adviser Dr Warnick. Our challenge for this project is to develop the best design to meet the requirements to satisfy our costumer’s need. Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 Background As military equipment continues to become more technologically advanced, soldiers find themselves to be covered in more and more wires. For example a common soldier could find himself with radios, bullet impact monitors, and other communication systems. The transfer of these systems is so sensitive and important that common wireless technology, which has a history of problems and malfunctions, just won’t cut it. If wireless technology is to be trusted it must be developed with very low error rates and able to transfer efficiently over short distances regardless of terrain orientation or circumstance. This was the birth of the Freelinc project. Our job is to build the wireless future of military equipment. 2 Product Description We will be working on designing a low-frequency high-bandwidth transceiver. It will have the operational parameters of performing within the 12-16 MHz spectrum and be capable of having multiple channels that operate at 250 kbps. In our design wants provide 1 to 1 ratio of frequency modulation to bandwidth. It will then stream the data through a waveform generator that will be sent to a matched antenna. This signal will then be transmitted and received by another antenna. This antenna will then pass the signal to an A/D converter that will then convert the information to a file. As part of the system we will develop a protocol for handshaking between the two antennas as well as error correction coding. The end product will allow the user to connect multiple devices to one master device that will allow instantaneous communication between the devices. Project Requirements Customer Needs The customer provided us with the following list of requirements. We have assigned a point-value system to the requirements with an associated key to sort them in order of importance. Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 1. 2. 3. 4. 3 Critical Very Important Important Optional Customer Specification Description Imp. 1 Bandwidth: 12-15MHz The wireless system should be capable of operating between 12 to 15 MHz with a Q factor large enough to ensure a good transmitted signal. 1 2 Channels: 250kHz stepping centered at 12.00, 12.25... MHz The device must be able to switch between 13 channel frequencies enabling multiple devices to communicate simultaneously. 3 3 Power Consumption: <40mA Device should be powered by a 3.7V battery and pull no more than 40mA. 2 4 Size: Highly portable The device must be highly portable and light. 1 5 Cost: Inexpensive The application is the United States military so the device scale of production will be huge. 3 Table 1 Freelinc, the customer, can currently only transmit using single frequency. Obviously this is a huge limitation as it limits the the number of concurrent signals to one. Our main emphasis is to increase the number of devices that can concurrently communicate. The ideal goal is to have 13 total channels spaced every 250kHz, however our first milestone is 6-8 different channel operations. Our top priorities of bandwidth and size will allow Freelinc to have many devices communicating simultaneously while remaining small enough that having many devices won’t introduce a significant burden on the people who will be carrying these devices. Power consumption is our second priority. The system should be run on a small 3.7V battery. The system needs to be efficient to keep the size (and weight) of the power supply down. If, however, the bandwidth Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 Analysis of Customer Needs The customer’s needs aren’t limited solely to the list they provided. The device must function properly and be reliable under extreme conditions. 4 and size requirements are met, this project will be considered a provisional success, regardless of the battery used. Further specifications provided by the customer include channelization (and by extension, number of channels), and cost. These requirements factor into the overall goals that Freelinc has for the device but are outside the scope of our involvement. Ultimately, the device will achieve 13 channels between 12 MHz and 15 MHz, spaced every 250 kHz. Since Freelinc currently has a model with only one channel, they would be satisfied with a working prototype that functioned on 4-6 channels (with more channels being added later). The implementation is also intended to be mass produced, implying the need for the device to be costeffective. Once again, this is a specification that would have but that could ultimately be added later on by replacing expensive parts on a working model with less expensive ones. Project Specification Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 The following metrics were set to help us have a quantitative measure of the advance of our project. These metrics go in accordance with the customer need and they are outlined on the table below. 5 Metric # Need #(s) Metric Baseline Value Ideal Value 1 1 Bandwith 12-13.5MHz or 13.515MHz 12-15MH 2 5 Size <=6 cu in 3 cu in 3 4 Power Consumption (anything above 3.7 V) 3.7 V Battery and <=40mW 4 2,3 channels 4-6 channels spaced at 250 kH 13 channels spaced at 250 kHz 5 6 Cost <=$100 $1 Analysis of Metrics As mentioned before. Our metrics are in accordance with the needs of the customer. We arranged these metrics in order of priorities. The number one metric, bandwidth, corresponds to the number one customer need. In order for the system to function properly and in order to accommodate the number of desired channels while maintaining a low bit rate error rate, the signal must have a high enough bandwidth. This ideally will be achieved with a bandwidth from 12-15MHz. The second metric that we have established is the size of the device. Even though we did not receive specific dimensions for the device from Freelinc; we know that the device needs to be small enough to fit on the uniform of a soldier and lightweight enough to be carried around in combat. The third metric involves power consideration. Ideally we want the product to function on a 3.7 volt battery draw low current to prolong battery life. Freelinc would like the battery to last 10 hours and in order to do so the prototype should pull no more than 40mW. This is already a limitation that we have. we have decided that we might initiate testing with higher power sources. Ultimately, however, the 3.7V at 40mW is essential for the implementation of the product for its intended use with the military. Conclusion Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 To satisfy our customer’s needs we need to design and build a error proof ultra-efficient matching network for a near field communications antenna network. As ultra-efficient and low power often doesn’t go together these different will be the areas of focus for our project. We will be working on these areas concurrently in our simulation and designs for matching networks. 6 Appendix C: Project Schedule Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 Project Schedule 1 Duration 36 days? 36 days? 32 days? 64 hrs? 8 hrs? 2 hrs? 1 day? 1 hr? 1 hr? 1.25 days? 2.5 hrs? 2.5 hrs? 2 hrs? 15 days? 15 days? 1 day? 3 hr? 3 hr? 3 days? 2.5 hrs? 2.5 hrs? 2 hrs? 21.5 days? 21.5 days? 8.5 days? 8 hrs? 9 hrs? 2 hrs? 1 day? 1 hr? 1 hr? 2.5 days? 2.5 hrs? 2.5 hrs? 2 hrs? 15 days? 15 days? 1 day? 3 hr? 3 hr? Start 1/16/2012 1/16/2012 1/16/2012 1/16/2012 1/23/2012 1/30/2012 1/31/2012 1/31/2012 2/1/2012 3/8/2012 3/8/2012 3/8/2012 3/16/2012 3/17/2012 3/17/2012 3/19/2012 3/19/2012 3/19/2012 3/23/2012 3/23/2012 3/23/2012 4/9/2012 2/20/2012 2/20/2012 2/20/2012 2/20/2012 2/27/2012 3/19/2012 3/20/2012 3/20/2012 3/21/2012 3/21/2012 3/21/2012 3/23/2012 3/26/2012 3/17/2012 3/17/2012 3/19/2012 3/19/2012 3/19/2012 Finish 3/16/2012 3/16/2012 3/10/2012 3/10/2012 1/27/2012 1/30/2012 2/1/2012 1/31/2012 2/1/2012 3/9/2012 3/9/2012 3/9/2012 3/16/2012 4/9/2012 4/9/2012 3/20/2012 3/20/2012 3/20/2012 3/25/2012 3/25/2012 3/25/2012 4/9/2012 3/27/2012 3/27/2012 3/5/2012 2/24/2012 3/5/2012 3/19/2012 3/21/2012 3/20/2012 3/21/2012 3/26/2012 3/23/2012 3/26/2012 3/27/2012 4/9/2012 4/9/2012 3/20/2012 3/20/2012 3/20/2012 Names Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 Task Name Double-Tuned Antenna Medium-Core Simulate Simulate in Matlab Simulate in P-Spice Build Medium-Core Prototype Tune Tune Capacitors Tune Using Testing System Test Test Under Various Conditions Test in Various Orientations Compare Test Results Double-Tuned Antenna Three Ports Medium-Core Tune Tune Capacitors Tune Using Testing System Test Test Under Various Conditions Test in Various Orientations Compare Test Results Triple-Tuned Antenna Medium-Core Simulate Simulate in Matlab Simulate in P-Spice Build Medium-Core Prototype Tune Tune Capacitors Tune Using Testing System Test Test Under Various Conditions Test in Various Orientations Compare Test Results Triple-Tuned Antenna Three Ports Medium-Core Tune Tune Capacitors Tune Using Testing System 2 Test Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 Test Under Various Conditions Test in Various Orientations Compare Test Results Negative Impedance Circuit Simulate Designs in P-Spice Order Proper Amplifiers Board Design Design Board Layout in Altium Mill Board Solder Board Debug Board With Network Analyzer Board Design Design Board Layout in Altium Mill Board Solder Board Debug Board With Network Analyzer 3 3 days? 2.5 hrs? 2.5 hrs? 2 hrs? 43 days? 1 wk? 1 wk? 22.5 days? 2 days? 1.5 days? 21 hrs? 10 days? 13.5 days? 2 days? 1 day? 1 hr? 10 days? 3/23/2012 3/23/2012 3/23/2012 4/9/2012 1/9/2012 1/9/2012 1/16/2012 1/20/2012 1/20/2012 1/23/2012 1/24/2012 2/10/2012 2/29/2012 2/29/2012 3/2/2012 3/5/2012 3/6/2012 3/25/2012 3/25/2012 3/25/2012 4/9/2012 3/22/2012 1/13/2012 1/20/2012 2/28/2012 1/23/2012 1/24/2012 2/10/2012 2/28/2012 3/22/2012 3/2/2012 3/5/2012 3/5/2012 3/22/2012 Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James Jorge,Bradford,James James James James James James James James James James James James James James The first task we wanted to work on was the double tuned antenna. We had the plan to finish it in 36 days. We were able to get ahead of schedule and conducted a great amount of testing. After we had a working double tuned antenna we started to work on the triple tuned antenna. Even though this one was a little more complex than double tuned, we were able to get ahead of schedule as well since we gained experience building double tuned. Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 Our biggest trouble was building double tuned three ports in parallel with triple tuned three ports. We had to work on both antennas at the same time and we were able to finish it just in time. Something very important to understand is that while we working on double and triple tuned antennas, James was also working on the negative impedance circuit. Since negative impedance is a very complex circuit it took too much time to finish and when finished we found that there is still a lot of debugging to do. The same is the case for the double and triple antennas with the three ports. 4 Final Report: Off the Wire | 4/12/2012 Appendix D: Negative Impedance Calculations 1