1 14. Supporting Information 2 3 S1. Climate and geology of the Maritime Alps 4 At 2000 m.a.s.l., from December to March, air temperature is just below 0 °C (ranging 5 from -1 to -3°C), with an annual mean temperature of 3.7°C (Walter & Ribolini, 2001). 6 Precipitation is more frequent above 1200 m and thunderstorms are common in summer (70 7 to110 days per year). Winter and autumn are the two seasons with the heaviest precipitation in 8 the Maritime Alps. The greatest 5-day accumulations of precipitation (up to 250 mm) occur 9 mostly in autumn. During the last decades, the Maritime Alps experienced long summer droughts 10 with frequent forest fires as well as repeated floods, especially during autumn (Boroneant et al., 11 2006). Sunshine duration is particularly high and reaches approximately 2 700 h *y-1 (average 12 1971 - 2000). The dominant geological units are granite and gneiss but limestone can also be 13 found (e.g. NE part of Valle Stura). 14 15 S2. Details on the generation of the topo-climatic predictors 16 Digital elevation models 17 A 25-m digital elevation model (DEM) for France was obtained from IGN (Institut 18 Géographique National France, http.//www.ign.fr/) and for Italy, a 10-m DEM was provided by 19 SITAD (Sistema Informativo Territoriale Ambientale Diffuso, Italy, www.sistemapiemonte.it). 20 The Italian DEM was re-sampled using the Nearest Neighbour assignment algorithm (as in 21 Dullinger et al., 2012) to a 25m resolution in ArcMap (ESRI). Curvature and slope were directly 22 derived from the DEM (Table S2), whereas potential global solar radiation during the growing 23 season (June to September) was calculated using the ArcInfo custom codes as in Randin et al. 1 24 (2006; 2009). 25 Climatic variables 26 We calculated long-term monthly average temperature and the sum of precipitation for the 27 standard period 1971 - 2000. The selected climate stations provide at least ten years of records 28 within the standard period. For each 25 m cell of the landscape, we normalized the long-term 29 monthly temperature and precipitation values of the weather stations to 0 m a.s.l., using the lapse 30 rates of a linear model (monthly temperature or monthly sum of precipitation ~ elevation) for 31 each month and the digital elevation model (DEM). Residuals of the linear model were 32 interpolated on the wider region of the Maritime Alps (surface of 7720 km2) to avoid edge 33 effects, using inverse distance weighted interpolations (IDW; as in Randin et al., 2006) in 34 ArcGIS (ESRI) and then added to the normalized values (regression intercepts). Finally, the 35 spatially normalized and interpolated values of temperature and precipitation (representing 36 regression intercepts locally adjusted by the interpolated residuals) were re-projected to the 37 elevation using the 25 m DEM of the wider region of the Maritime Alps and the regression lapse 38 rates. The layers were then clipped to the size of the study area. 39 Custom ArcInfo codes (aml) are available for download at 40 http.//www.wsl.ch/staff/niklaus.zimmermann/programs/aml.html. (See also Table S2) 41 42 Monthly Potential Evapotranspiration (ETpTurc) was calculated using the formula of Turc 43 (1961). 44 ETpTurc (mm * day-1) = (0.4 * ((0.0239001* Rs ) + 50.) * (Ta / (Ta+15)) / 30) 45 Rs. daily global radiation (monthly avg) (kJ * mm-2 * day-1) 46 Ta. monthly average (daily) temperature (°C) 2 47 48 In ArcGIS raster calculator, ETpTurc was calculated as follows (e.g. for June). 49 ETpJune = Int((0.4 / 30) * ((0.0239001 * Float([RsJune])) + 50) * (Float([TaJune]) / 50 (Float([TaJune]) + 15)) * 30) 51 52 For the growing season (GS. June-September). ETpGS = [ETpJune] + [ETpJuly] + [ETpAugust] + [ETpSeptember] 53 Moisture index during the growing season (MINDGS) was a measure of the water balance of an 54 area in terms of gains from precipitation (P) and losses from potential evapotranspiration (ETp). 55 56 57 MINDGS = PGS - ETpGS (in mm per month) In ArcGIS raster calculator for the growing season . MINDGS = [MINDJune] + [MINDJuly] + [MINDAugust] + [MINDSeptember] 58 59 Growing degree days with a 0°C threshold (GDD0) are defined as the days during which the 60 average daily temperature Ta is high enough allowing the plant to grow and are defined as: 61 (Monthly averaged temperature Ta > 0 °C) * (number of days for a given month). 62 The geographic layers of the monthly averaged temperature (Ta) were first re-classed in Raster 63 Calculator for a 0°C threshold, and then multiplied by the number of days of the month. 64 GDD0June = Int([TaJune > 0°C] * 30) 65 Then the sum of the growing degree days of the growing season was calculated as the sum of the 66 growing degree days of every month: 67 GDD0GS = [GDD0June] + [GDD0July] + [GDD0August] + [GDD0September] 68 69 Topographic variables Custom ArcInfo codes (aml) are available for download at 70 http.//www.wsl.ch/staff/niklaus.zimmermann/programs/aml.html. (See also Table S2) 3 71 Solar radiation (kJ * m-2 * day-1; Srad) was first calculated in ArcInfo for each month of the 72 growing season (GS; i.e. June to September), and then multiplied by the number of days for each 73 month to obtain a proxy of the total amount of energy during the entire growing season. 74 SRadGS = [SRadJune] * 30 + [SRadJuly] * 31 + [SRadAugust] * 31 + [SRadSeptember] * 30 75 76 Table S2.1 Summary of the geographic layers used as predictors in SDMs with units and 77 methods used to generate them. 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Table S2.2 Pearson correlation coefficients between the modelling variables. Most variables' 86 pairs have low correlation coefficients (i.e. r < 0.381). The highest was 0.806 between moisture 87 index and growing degree days but less than 0.85 (critical threshold based on Elith et al., 2006). 88 We finally decided to keep them because they are the most physiologically meaningful variables. 89 In bold, the r values for the selected variables. 4 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 *Abbreviations: Grow= growing season (usually June-September or defined by a threshold of at least 20 days of temperature above 0°C or 5°C depending on the species), ETP=potential evapotranspiration, DDEG=growing degree days, Solar_Rad= solar radiation of the growing season, MIND= moisture index of the growing season S3. Palaeoclimate reconstruction Downscaling of the Palaeoclimate Dataset The dataset was originally produced by Singarayer and Valdes (2010) from the HadCM3 100 atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM) developed at the Hadley Centre. A 101 temperature and precipitation dataset for the standard period 1971-2000 at a 10’ resolution was 102 obtained from the Climatic Research Unit (Mitchell et al. 2004) and used to derive past climate 103 anomalies from the palaeoclimate layers. These anomalies were then interpolated using a 104 regularised spline to derive a smooth surface at a final resolution of 25 m by using Spatial 105 Analyst in ArcGIS (ESRI). The interpolated anomalies were finally added to the 25-m 106 temperature and precipitation layers of current conditions. Growing degree days and moisture 107 index layers were then calculated for all time periods of the paleoclimate series. 108 109 S4. SDM calibration 110 Generealised Linear Models (GLM) 111 Up to second-order polynomials (linear and quadratic terms) were allowed for each 112 predictor in GLMs, using the R library rms (http.//CRAN.R-project.org/package=rms), with the 5 113 linear term being forced in the model each time the quadratic term was retained. All models were 114 fit using GLMs in R (R 2.9.2, R Development Core Team 2008) and associated packages 115 available in CRAN (http.//cran.r-project.org). 116 Similar to Vicente et al., (2010), we calibrated a set of competing models and applied 117 multi-model inference (MMI; Burnham & Anderson 2002). We used the corrected Akaike 118 information criterion of goodness to fit (AIC: Akaike 1973 and AICc: Shono 2000) to calculate 119 the Akaike weights. The ensemble of all model combinations including the five predictive 120 variables was calculated as the sum of the individual models’ predictions weighted by Akaike 121 weights (model averaging), in order to account for the uncertainty within the modelling selection 122 process. 123 124 125 Table S4. Number of pseudoabsences, methods used for selecting pseudoabsences and number 126 of models replication for each SDM technique. Choices of parameters followed tightly the 127 recommendation of Babet-Massin et al. (2012). 128 129 130 131 6 132 Table S5. Suitable land-cover types and their corresponding code in the CORINE Land Cover 133 database 134 http.//www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data#c12=corine+land+cover+version+13) (shapefile downloaded on 16th October 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 7 2011, available at. 157 Table S6. Number of suitable pixels and number of ka that have been predicted to be suitable by 158 the ensembles (consensus, majority and minority) of SDMs. (The number of ka does not 159 correspond to a chronological order and the pixels have not necessarily remained suitable for 160 consecutive ka, except for the ones suitable for all 22 ka). 161 162 8 163 S7. Identification of potential core areas and identification of topo-climatic microrefugia 164 The microrefugium identification criteria were based on the framework of Ashcroft et al 165 (2012). In order to set a comparable scale between the three criteria, we used the standardised 166 residuals (z values), as in Ashcroft et al. (2012), for the average temperature of the growing 167 season. 168 (Value of a grid cell – Mean over the whole study area) / (Standard Deviation SD) (1) 169 170 (1) Isolation from the matrix (i.e. the surrounding area); calculation of the z values for the 171 averages of each climatic period. (Zmatrix 3pixels and Zmatrix 1km) 172 The z values of isolation from the matrix were calculated using a moving window 173 (hereafter MW) of 1 km (40-pixels radius) and at a finer scale with a moving window of 75 m 174 (3-pixels radius Zmatrix 175 is the maximum dispersal distance a species such as S.florulenta can reach within a 1000 years' 176 time frame, when considering a short-distance dispersal (SDD) kernel (Engler et al., 2009). The 177 75-m MW was chosen in contrast to detect very local variations of the climatic parameters due to 178 topographic complexity. Using different MW scales could also help in tracking microrefugia 179 enclosed in larger isolated areas of the study domain. Computations of MW were done with 180 Neighbour Focal statistics tool of Spatial Analyist in ArcGIS (ESRI). 181 (2) Extreme temperature values (Ztemp) 182 We located areas that had shown the highest and lowest mean values for temperature within a 183 given climatic period (Table S4) (5 and 95 percentiles of z scores corresponding to the coldest 184 and warmest areas respectively). 3pixels). We opted for these two scales based on the assumption that 1 km 185 9 186 187 (3) Stability of temperature conditions over time (Zvar interperiod and Zvar from current) 188 We used two different metrics. 189 a) The smallest changes compared to current conditions were calculated as the absolute values of 190 temperature change from the current conditions, for each of the time frames within a climatic 191 period (Zvar 192 whole, we summed the absolute values of the change of every time frame and then calculated Z- 193 scores based on this sum (1). The 5% percentiles of these Z-scores represent the locations with 194 the most stable (lower 5%) and unstable (upper 5%) temperature conditions (R.basic package, 195 http.//www.braju.com/R/). 196 b) The smallest changes between successive time frames (Zvar 197 similarly as above, but between one time frame and the next (e.g. 21 to 20 ka BP). We then 198 summed the absolute values of change of the corresponding time frames for a given period, and 199 calculated the corresponding z scores. 200 interperiod). In order to capture the amount of change within a climatic period as a from current) were calculated Finally, the Refugia Index (RI) was expressed as an average of the z values for each of 201 the three criteria above and was calculated separately for the two isolation scales (75-m and 202 1km): 203 204 RI = (Ztemp + sign(Zmatrix 3cells).((Zvar interperiod+ Zvar from current ) / 2) + Zmatrix) / 3 (Eq. 2a) 205 RI = (Ztemp + sign(Zmatrix 1km).((Zvar interperiod+ Zvar from current ) / 2) + Zmatrix) / 3 (Eq. 2b) 206 207 A negative RI represents a colder area than the surrounding landscape matrix, while a positive RI 208 a warmer one and hence potential cold and warm topo-climatic microrefugia. We then combined 10 209 the lowest and highest RI at the two isolation scales to select areas with the highest and lowest RI 210 for each climatic period. For Late Pre-Glacial that was particularly cold, we considered both cold 211 and warm microrefugia: we looked for warm microrefugia because they would be needed by the 212 species to survive the extremely cold temperatures of that cold period and the cold ones because 213 populations managing to persist in those patches could still further survive during the warmer 214 periods that followed. For the other climatic periods that were leading to a gradually warming 215 climate we considered only the cold ones before temperature became more stable (i.e. Atlantic 216 and Subboreal & Mid-Subatlantic periods). Finally, all topo-climatic microrefugia selected fell in 217 areas predicted to have been suitable for the species for each of the climatic periods within the 218 21,000 years. 219 The importance of regional to local topography as mentioned by Dobrowski (2011) was 220 incorporated by adding the tendency of an area to experience cold air pooling (CAP) to the 221 criteria of Ashcroft et al. (2012) but was not incorporated in the RI. It was only used to filter the 222 final selection based on the RI. Areas that favour the accumulation of cold air masses are 223 characterised by depressions and are relatively flat. We therefore considered as CAP prone areas 224 those with slope below 30° and curvature (i.e. slope of the slope) below 0 (i.e. concave), as 225 suggested by (Lundquist et al., 2008). We considered this as a more important variable for areas 226 isolated from the matrix for higher temperatures, especially during warmer periods (e.g. the 227 Atlantic). 228 229 11 230 231 12 232 233 Figure S7: Microrefugia formed during each climatic period under the limited dispersal scenario 234 (LD) and their support in the species range shifts, persistence and re-colonization; (a) 235 Microrefugia formed during Late Pre-Glacial, (b) Older Dryas, (d) Atlantic, (e) Subboreal & 236 Mid-Subatlantic and their distribution within the potential suitable areas of each climatic period. 237 On panel (c), the established microrefugia in Late Pre-Glacial and Oldest Dryas that potentially 238 allowed the persistence of S. florulenta during the first identified predicted extinction period after 239 Late Pre-Glacial. (c) The expansion to the next time frame was possible within the 1km 240 expansion buffer around the microrefugia. (f) Current potential distribution and microrefugia of 241 past climatic periods that formed it after the last predicted extinction phase (re-colonization 242 microrefugia). (g) All the potential microrefugia from all climatic periods and known 243 occurrences and (h) (same as g) on all the predicted suitable areas across all ka. (i) microrefugia 244 that have been re-formed or persisted in the same location for at least two climatic periods, 245 species known occurrences, and current potential distribution. 246 247 248 13 249 250 251 Figure S8. Frequency of patch sizes (in m2 ) of microrefugia formed in different climatic periods 252 that overlap (stable microrefugia) (a), (b) microrefugia assisting range shifts and expansion in 253 across the different climatic periods (stepping stones microrefugia), (c) microrefugia formed in 254 different climatic periods that shaped the current potential distribution (re-colonizing 255 microrefugia). 256 14 257 Table S9. Surface colonized by the contribution of macrorefugia and microrefugia under the 258 limited (LD) and unlimited (UD) dispersal scenarios and expressed as a percentage of the 259 suitable surface for each 1-ka time frames (-20 to 0ka) predicted by the consensus of SDM 260 projections. In the microrefugia model, the presence of active microrefugia (indicated by *) 261 allowed the persistence of S. florulenta during absence phases predicted by SDMs and does not 262 correspond to the percentage of the suitable SDMs habitats since the latter predicts 0% suitable 263 pixels. 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 15 273 S10. Model performance and predicted suitable pixels by ensemble of SDMs with two or one 274 climate variable. 275 Despite the fact that the Pearson correlation coefficient of the modelling variables was 276 lower than the standard set by Elith et al. (2006; Pearson correlation coefficient > 0.85 for 277 correlated variables) we wanted to exclude the effect potential collinearity of the climatic 278 variables (growing degree days and moisture index) in our models. The pattern of this version of 279 the projections during the extinction phases was similar to the previous version using both 280 climatic variables (see discussion). Regarding the models performance, GBM performed higher 281 (average TSS 0.934 with SD 0.009) compared to the previous version (average TSS = 0.832 with 282 SD = 0.010). MAXENT performed lower (average TSS 0.934 with SD 0.009) than the previous 283 version (TSS = 0.627 with SD = 0.019). The GLM projections in particular appeared more 284 restricted compared to the previous version and with slightly lower performance (average TSS = 285 0.53 with SD = 0.015 compared to TSS = 0.66 with SD = 0.011 of the previous version). 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 16 296 Table S10. 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