Version Date: Applicant to complete version date ANIMALS (SCIENTIFIC PROCEDURES) ACT 1986 Application for a Personal Licence Use this form for new applications and/or amendments and/or reviews to licences. Guidance notes for the completion of this form are on the DHSSPS website. PART 1 To be completed by the personal licence applicant Please COMPLETE IN TYPESCRIPT 1 2 a. TITLE (e.g. MR. etc.) b. SURNAME c. FORENAMES If you have previously been known by another name please give that name a. SURNAME b. FORENAMES 3 a. PRIMARY AVAILABILITY ADDRESS FROM WHICH YOUR APPLICATION IS BEING MADE (Please note: Work under the personal licence will not be limited to this establishment) Title: Address: b. PROFESSIONAL EMAIL ADDRESS OF APPLICANT c. PROFESSIONAL TELEPHONE NUMBER (AND EXTENSION) OF APPLICANT d. 4 5 MOBILE PHONE NO. (optional) DATE OF BIRTH (Please complete in day, month, year order e.g. 01/02/1956) a. Have you previously held a personal licence ? YES NO TICK APPROPRIATE BOX b. If yes, please give (if known) the reference number and the year of expiry or revocation PIL YEAR Version Date: Applicant to complete version date 6 PERSONAL LICENCE APPLICATION FORM Have you completed an accredited course of training to meet DHSSPS requirements? YES NO YES NO (Tick appropriate box) 6a Have you enclosed copies of any Certificate(s) for the training modules successfully completed? (Tick appropriate box) 6b Which part(s) of modular training are you requesting exemption from? 6c Provide evidence to justify the exemption request from modular training. 7 Other relevant experience and training (see notes) Version Date: Applicant to complete version date Version Date: Applicant to complete version date 8 The procedures and animals for which you seek authority (Please continue on additional sheets if necessary) a. Procedure Category A Minor/minimally invasive procedures not requiring sedation, analgesia or general anaesthesia B Minor/minimally invasive procedures involving sedation, analgesia or brief general anaesthesia Plus - surgical procedures conducted under brief non-recovery general anaesthesia C Surgical procedures involving general anaesthesia. Plus – administration and maintenance of balanced or prolonged general anaesthesia D Use of neuromuscular blocking agents If YES, then please provide evidence of training, qualifications and experience (see also Home Office Guidance on the use of NMBA) E Procedures conducted in accordance with a project licence for education and training If YES, then please provide the project licence number under which authority you will be working (i) number……………… F Other (Please provide details) (i) details…… PERSONAL LICENCE APPLICATION FORM b. Animal(s) c. Tick if Requested (Tick Appropriate Box) Version Date: Applicant to complete version date PERSONAL LICENCE APPLICATION FORM 9 Declaration by the applicant a. I understand the terms and conditions under which I may hold a licence under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, and I have read all relevant Home Office Guidance on the operation of the legislation. b. I understand that I am guilty of an offence if for the purpose of obtaining a licence under this Act I furnish information which I know to be false or misleading in a material particular or recklessly furnish information which is false or misleading in a material particular. c. I understand that if the establishment shown on the licence ceases to be my sole or primary place of work then the holder of the establishment licence may on my behalf request the DHSSPS to revoke this licence. 10 SIGNATURE:________________________________ DATE: __________________ Version Date: Applicant to complete version date ANIMALS (SCIENTIFIC PROCEDURES) ACT 1986 Application for a PERSONAL Licence PART 2 To be completed by the NAMED TRAINING AND COMPETENCE OFFICER (for new applications only) PART 3 (overleaf) to be completed by the NAMED TRAINING AND COMPETENCE OFFICER (for amendment requests or reviews) Please COMPLETE IN TYPESCRIPT 11 12 a. TITLE b. SURNAME c. FORENAMES d. POSITION OR APPOINTMENT HELD a. ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE POSTCODE b. 13 TELEPHONE No AND EXTENSION Declaration by the Named Training and Competence Officer I endorse this application for a new personal licence a. I have knowledge of the education, training, experience and character of the applicant. b. I understand that I am guilty of an offence if for the purpose of assisting another person to obtain a licence under this Act I furnish information which I know to be false or misleading in a material particular or recklessly furnish information which is false or misleading in a material particular. c. The applicant has a command of English sufficient for him/her to understand the terms and conditions under which he/she may hold a licence under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, which have been explained to him/her. 14 SIGNATURE: __________________________________ DATE: _______________ Version Date: Applicant to complete version date ANIMALS (SCIENTIFIC PROCEDURES) ACT 1986 Application for a PERSONAL Licence PART 3 To be completed by the NAMED TRAINING AND COMPETENCE OFFICER (for amendment requests or reviews) Please COMPLETE IN TYPESCRIPT 15 16 a. TITLE b. SURNAME c. FORENAMES d. POSITION OR APPOINTMENT HELD a. ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE POSTCODE b. TELEPHONE No AND EXTENSION 17 a. I endorse this application for change(s) or continuation to hold a personal licence at the availability at Section 3. b. I confirm that the applicant has the necessary modular training and/or equivalent current personal licence authority that permits the conduct of regulated procedures and use of animals described in Section 8 of this form. c. I understand that I am guilty of an offence if for the purpose of assisting another person to obtain a licence under this Act I furnish information which I know to be false or misleading in a material particular or recklessly furnish information which is false or misleading in a material particular. 18 SIGNATURE: __________________________________ DATE: _______________ Version Date: Applicant to complete version date