view details & Application Form - NC AWWA-WEA


The North Carolina Section of the American

Water Works Association (NC AWWA)

The North Carolina Member Association of the

Water Environment Federation (NC WEA)

2016-2017 Carol Bond Fund Scholarship for Middle and High School Environmental Educators

History of the Scholarship

The Carol Bond Fund is a memorial scholarship fund, which was created by the NC AWWA-WEA in cooperation with employees of the City of Raleigh,

NC. This scholarship fund commemorates the late Carol Bond and her lifelong devotion to environmental education. Carol was one of the first certified Environmental Educators in the state of North Carolina. Carol also served on many NC AWWA-WEA committees including the Public

Education Committee. This fund supporting this scholarship is channeled toward scholarships and grants that encourage interest in environmental education.

Who is Eligible

North Carolina educators/schools that support a variety of diverse clean water and environmental preservation educational initiatives including: development of environmental educational kits designed to support clean water education; financial assistance that supports development and implementation of clean water workshops to middle and high schools; field trips by middle and high school students to water and wastewater treatment facilities; production and/or purchase of videos focused on the clean water environment and the value of clean water; prizes to middle and high school students competing on clean water related environmental projects; training middle and high school teachers about issues related to clean water which in turn will be used in middle and high school classrooms, etc.

Awards will be made without regard to race, creed, color, sex, age or national origin. NC AWWA-WEA employees and their family members are not eligible.

Proof of employment as an educator;

Statement of qualifications of the applicant for performing the project; and

Two letters of recommendation from school officials, employers, or community leaders involved in the project (each letter shall be limited to one page, submitted in a sealed envelope with the referee’s signature on the flap, and included in the application envelope).

A written commitment to provide a report to NC AWWA-WEA at the end of the project. The report will be expected to provide details of the administration of the project and its accomplishments or outcomes.

All application materials (including enclosures) must be mailed to the address below, and RECEIVED by March 24, 2016. Applications sent to other addresses will not be considered.


2016 Carol Bond Fund Scholarship for Middle and High School

Environmental Educators

3725 National Drive, Suite 217

Raleigh, NC 27612

Please do not submit any additional materials with your application.

Materials that are not requested will not be reviewed with your application, nor will they be returned to you.

Selection Criteria

The NC AWWA-WEA Scholarship Selection Committee will evaluate each application carefully and consider the following criteria:

What Does the Scholarship Cover?

$1,000 will be awarded

The scholarship is awarded annually. Recipients can qualify for more than one year but must reapply for each subsequent year.

The Scholarship may be applied toward expenses for educational materials (books, video’s), travel for field trips, building materials specific to a project, enrollment fees for water related short courses for educators, and prizes for competitions.

Award recipients will qualify for free attendance to the Annual

NC AWWA-WEA Conference in the year in which they are awarded the scholarship.

Payments will be made to (school, teacher, or facilitator).

How to Apply

In ONE envelope, applicants must submit:

The completeness of the application and the care taken in completing the application.

The relevance of the project in enhancing the understanding of middle and high school students of environmental stewardship, environmental sustainability, and the value of water and other environmental resources.

The qualifications of the applicant in performing the project.


Scholarship Selection Committee

Applications are screened for form and relevance and evaluated for merit and award by an NC AWWA-WEA Scholarship Selection Committee of community leaders who are knowledgeable about and committed to environmental and water resource education and a majority of whom shall not be members or employees of NC AWWA-WEA. Eligibility and awards are determined at the sole discretion of the Scholarship Selection

Committee. All decisions made by the Scholarship Selection Committee are final.

A completed application form;

A detailed description of the project including total cost of the project and a budget, environmental education objectives, methodology, relevant drawings, materials to be used, estimated hours for development and completion of the initiative, and the completion date; there is an expectation that the project will be completed within one year after notification of the scholarship award;

Selection Notification

Letters of notification will be mailed to all applicants by June 20, 2016. If notification of the decision has not been received by July 1 st please contact

NC AWWA-WEA staff member Erin Mallis at (919) 784-9030 x 1001 or



2016-2017 Carol Bond Fund Scholarship for Middle and High School Environmental Educators Page 1 of 2

The North Carolina Section of the American

Water Works Association (NC AWWA)

The North Carolina Member Association of the

Water Environment Federation (NC WEA)

2016-2017 Carol Bond Fund Scholarship for Middle and High School Environmental Educators – Application Form

Applicant Information

Name: ____________________________________ _______________________ ___________________________________ Date of Birth: ________________

First Middle/Maiden Last

Permanent Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


_________________________________________ NC

City State


Zip code

Home/Work Phone: ________________________ Mobile Phone: ________________________ Email: ________________________________________________

Have you received this scholarship before? ______No ______Yes, date: ____________________

Qualifications for Middle and High School School/Educator

Name of School/Educator: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Complete School Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Street/P.O. Box

_________________________________________ NC

City State


Zip code

Detailed description of the project along with expected date of completion for project which funding is needed. Completed project verification will be required before final payment. Verification documentation will depend on what the award is for and may include receipts from purchases, pictures of completed projects or event attendance. If deadline cannot be met, a letter requesting extension must be made to the NC AWWA-WEA Carol Bond Fund Scholarship for Middle and

High School Educators.





_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use additional sheets if required.

List the name and your relationship to the persons you have asked to provide the required recommendations.

Name __________________________________________________________________ Relationship___________________________________________________

Name __________________________________________________________________ Relationship___________________________________________________

I certify that all information in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I also certify that I am not currently employed by NC AWWA-

WEA (employees and their families are not eligible).

Applicant Signature ________________________________________________________ Date __________________

Application Materials Checklist

All materials must be assembled in one envelope.

 Completed application form with signature

 Project description

 Proof of Employment

 Statement of qualifications to perform the project

 Two (2) recommendation letters in sealed envelopes and signed across seal by referee

 Written commitment to provide a written report at project end.

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