Quantitative Information for Dr. José E. Andrade List of thesis (PhD

Quantitative Information for Dr. José E. Andrade
1. List of thesis (PhD and/or MS) supervised
Kirk Ellison, MS Thesis, Liquefaction modeling using finite element
procedures, Northwestern University, 2008
Priscilla Fonseca, PhD Thesis, Characterization and modeling of calcium
silicate hydrate, Northwestern University, 2009
Ivan Vlahinic, PhD Thesis, Poromechanical modeling of cement paste,
Northwestern University, 2009
Alfonso Ramos, PhD Thesis, Instabilities in sands, Universidad de los Andes,
Colombia, 2010
Waiching Sun, PhD Thesis, Multiscale framework for predicting coupling
between deformation and fluid diffusion in porous rocks, Northwestern
University, 2011
Qiushi Chen, PhD Thesis, Multiscale modeling of failure in granular materials,
Northwestern University, 2011
Plus 6 current PhD thesis in progress
2. List of publications (at least 100)
1. A. X. Jerves, and J. E. Andrade. A micro-mechanical study of peak strength and
critical state. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in
2. A. X. Jerves, R. Y. Kawamoto and J. E. Andrade. Effects of grain morphology on
critical state: A computational analysis. Acta Geotechnica, In review, 2015.
3. U. Mital and J. E. Andrade. Mechanics of origin of flow liquefaction instability
under triaxial loading. Acta Geotechnica, In review, 2015.
4. R. C. Hurley, K. W. Lim, G. Ravichandran, and J. E. Andrade. Dynamic inter-particle
force inference in granular materials: Method and application. Experimental
Mechanics, In press, EXME-D-14-00346R1, 2015.
5. K. W. Lim, R. Kawamoto, E. Ando, G. Viggiani and J. E. Andrade. Multiscale
characterization and modeling of granular materials through a computational
mechanics avatar: a case study with experiment. Acta Geotechnica, In press DOI
10.1007/s11440-015-0405-9, 2015.
6. R. Hurley, K. W. Lim, and J. E. Andrade. Grain-scale measurements during low
velocity impact in granular media. Book Chapter in Projectile Penetration into
Granular Media. ISBN: 9870128008683, 2015.
7. R. C. Hurley and J. E. Andrade. Friction in inertial granular flows: Competition
between dilation and grain-scale dissipation rates. Granular Matter, 17:287—295,
8. T. Mohammadnejad and J. E. Andrade. Flow liquefaction instability prediction
using finite elements. Acta Geotechnica, 10:83–100, 2015.
9. A. M. Booth, R. Hurley, M. P. Lamb, and J. E. Andrade. Force chains as the link
between particle and bulk friction angles in granular matter. Geophysical Research
Letters, 41:8862-8869, 2014.
10. K. W. Lim, K. Krabbenhoft and J. E. Andrade. On the contact treatment of nonconvex particles in the granular element method. Computational Particle Mechanics,
1 (3), 257-275, 2014.
11. R. Hurley, E. Marteau, G. Ravichandran, and J. E. Andrade. Extracting interparticle forces in opaque granular materials: Beyond photoelasticity. Journal of the
Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 63:154-166, 2014.
12. K.-W. Lim, K. Krabbenhoft, J. E. Andrade. A contact dynamics approach to the
Granular Element Method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering, 268:557-573, 2014.
13. K.-W. Lim and J. E. Andrade. Granular element method for three-dimensional
discrete element calculations. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical
Methods in Geomechanics, 38:167-188, 2014.
14. C. Senatore, M. Wulfmeier, I. Vlahinic, J. E. Andrade, K. Iagnemma. Design and
implementation of a particle image velocimetry method for analysis of running gearsoil interaction. Journal of Terramechanics, 50:311-326, 2013.
15. R. Hurley and J. E. Andrade. The origin of macroscopic friction and ratedependence in dense granular flows. In Proceedings of the ASCE’s Engineering
Mechanics Institute Conference, Evanston Illinois, August 2013.
16. A. Jerves and J. E. Andrade. Microscopic origin of macroscopic strength in
granular media: friction. In Proceedings of Engineering Mechanics Institute
Conference, Evanston, Illinois, August 2013.
17. J. E. Andrade, A. M. Ramos, A. Lizcano. Criterion for flow liquefaction instability.
Acta Geotechnica, 8:525-535, 2013.
18. E. Marteau and J. E. Andrade. Investigating the life cycle of an avalanche. In
Proceedings of Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Evanston, Illinois,
August 2013.
19. J. E. Andrade and KW Lim, Modeling failure at the grain scale: Critical State,
Complas XII, XII International Conference on Computational Plasticity,
Fundamentals and Applications, Barcelona, Spain, 3-5 September 2013.
20. KW Lim and JE Andrade, The granular element method: From tomographic data
to discrete computations, EMI 2013 Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference,
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA, August 4-7, 2013.
21. KW Lim and JE Andrade, The granular element method: From tomographic data
to discrete computations, SES 50th Annual Technical Meeting and ASME-AMD
Annual Summer Meeting, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA, July 28-31, 2013.
22. J. E. Andrade, R. Hurley, and E. Marteau. Experimental use of the Granular
Element Method in opaque 3D grains. In Proceedings of SES 50th Annual Technical
Meeting and ASME-AMD Annual Summer Meeting, Brown University, Providence,
RI, USA, July 28-31, 2013.
23. J. E. Andrade, U. Mital, T. Mohammadnejad. Micromechanical origin of static and
dynamic liquefaction in granular soils. Conference Proceedings, Published
Bibliography: Proceedings for Poromechanics 2013, Vienna, Austria, July 2013.
24. I. Vlahinić, J. Andrade, E. Ando, G. Viggiani. From tomography to physics-based
mechanics of porous media. ASCE Int. Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering,
Los Angeles, CA, July 2013.
25. KW Lim and JE Andrade, Granular Element Method for Computational Particle
Mechanics, ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA, June 23-25, 2013.
26. J. E. Andrade, I. Vlahinic, K.-W. Lim, and A. Jerves. Multiscale ‘tomography-tosimulation’ framework for granular matter: the road ahead. Geotechnique Letters,
2:135—139, 2012.
27. J. E. Andrade, K. W. Lim, C. F. Avila, and I. Vlahinic. Granular element method for
computational particle mechanics. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering, 241-244:262—274, 2012.
28. I. Vlahinic, J. J. Thomas, H. M. Jennings, J. E. Andrade. Transient creep effects and
the lubricating power of water in materials ranging from paper to concrete to
Kevlar. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 60:1350–1362, 2012.
29. K.-W. Lim and J. E. Andrade. Granular Element Method for Computational
Particle Mechanics. Society of Engineering Science 49th Annual Technical Meeting,
Georgia Tech, Georgia, 10-12 October 2012.
30. J. E. Andrade, I. Vlahinic, K.W. Lim, E. Marteau, A. Jerves. Multiscale Tomography
to Simulation Paradigm. Keynote Contribution. Society of Engineering Science 49th
Annual Technical Meeting, Georgia Tech, Georgia, 10-12 October 2012.
31. A. Jerves and J. E. Andrade. Microscopic origin of macroscopic strength in
granular media: friction. In Proceedings of the Society of Engineering Science (SES)
Congress, Atlanta, Georgia, October 2012.
32. E. Marteau and J. E. Andrade. Inter-particle forces in granular media inferred by
the granular element method (GEM). In Proceedings of the Society of Engineering
Science (SES) Congress, Atlanta, Georgia, October 2012.
33. K.-W. Lim and J. E. Andrade. Granular Element Method for Computational
Particle Mechanics. The 23th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, Beijing, China, 19-24 August 2012.
34. A. Jerves and J.E. Andrade. On a relation between micro and macro scales
through chain forces in granular materials. 10th World Congress on Computational
Mechanics (WCCM 2012), Sao Paulo, Brazil, 8-13 July 2012.
35. J. E. Andrade, K.-W. Lim, C. F. Avila, and I. Vlahinich. Granular Element Method
for Computational Particle Mechanics. 10th World Congress on Computational
Mechanics (WCCM 2012), Sao Paulo, Brazil, 8-13 July 2012.
36. J. E. Andrade, I. Vlahinic, K.-W. Lim and U. Mital. Two-scale Characterization and
Modeling of Porous Continua from Discrete Mechanics. 46th U.S. Rock Mechanics /
Geomechanics Symposium (American Rock Mechanics Association), Chicago,
Illinois, USA, June 2012.
37. J. E. Andrade, Q. Chen, P. H. Le, C. F. Avila, and T. M. Evans. On the rheology of
dilative granular media: bridging solid- and fluid-like behavior. Journal of the
Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 60:1122–1136, 2012.
38. Vlahinic, J.E. Andrade, S. Moreland, K. Skonieczny, D. Wettergreen. Rover
mobility on granular soil: Marrying multi-scale modeling and high fidelity
experiments to infer stresses under the moving wheel. ASCE Earth and Space,
Pasadena, California, April 2012.
39. K.-W. Lim and J. E. Andrade. Granular Element Method for Computational
Particle Mechanics. 2012 Joint Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute
and the 11th ASCE Joint Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and
Structural Reliability, Notre Dame, Indiana, 17-20 June 2012.
40. J. E. Andrade and C. F. Avila. Granular element method (GEM): linking interparticle forces with macroscopic loading. Granular Matter, 14:51–61, 2012.
41. A. M. Ramos, J. E. Andrade, and A. Lizcano. Modeling diffuse instabilities in sands
under drained conditions. Geotechnique, 62:471–478, 2012.
42. Q. Chen, A Seifried, J. E. Andrade, and J. W. Baker. Characterization of random
fields and their impact on the mechanics of geosystems at multiple scales.
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics,
36:140–165, 2012.
43. Q. Chen, J. E. Andrade, and E. Samaniego. AES for multiscale localization
modeling in granular media. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering, 200:2473–2482, 2011.
44. W.-C. Sun, J. E. Andrade, J. W. Rudnicki, and P. Eichhubl. Connecting
microstructural attributes and permeability from 3D tomographic images of in situ
shear-enhanced compaction bands using multiscale computations. Geophysical Research Letters, 38:L10302, 2011.
45. J. E. Andrade. AES multiscale localization modeling in granular media. In
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Computational Geomechanics
(ComGeo II). Dubrovnik, Croatia, April 2011.
46. C. F. Avila and J. E. Andrade. Advances in Multiscale modeling and
characterization of granular matter. In Proceedings of the International Union of
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Edited By Dr. O. Cazacu. Pensacola, Florida, May
47. J. E. Andrade, C. F. Avila and P. Le. A GEM for measuring inter-particle forces.
Plenary Contribution in International Workshop for Bifurcations and Degradations
in Geomaterials, Porquerolles, France, May 2011.
48. J. E. Andrade, C. F. Avila, S. A. Hall, N. Lenoir, and G. Viggiani. Multiscale modeling
and characterization of granular matter: from grain kinematics to continuum
mechanics. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 59:237–250, 2011.
49. P. C. Fonseca, H. M. Jennings, and J. E. Andrade. A nanoscale numerical model to
predict macroscale properties of cement. Mechanics of Materials, 43:408–419, 2011.
50. J. E. Andrade. Multiscale measurement of states in granular media. In Plenary
Contribution in High Energy X-Ray Diffraction Experiments at Argonne National
Laboratory, Chicago, Illinois, October 2011.
51. J. E. Andrade, C. F. Avila and W. C. Sun. Multiscale characterization and modeling
of geomaterials. In Proceedings in American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San
Francisco, California, December 2011.
52. J. E. Andrade, C. F. Avila, and C. Mihalache. The lifecycle of avalanches: modeling
and simulations. In the 11th US National Congress in Computational Mechanics,
Minnesota, July, 2011.
53. J. E. Andrade and C. F. Avila. Experiment-based multiscale computations in
granular materials. In Geo-Frontiers: Advances in Geotechnical Engineering, Dallas,
Texas, March, 2011.
54. J. E. Andrade, C. F. Avila, and P. B. H. Le, "Granular element method (GEM):
inferring inter-particle contact forces from advanced experimentation", (2011).
Conference Proceedings, Published Bibliography: In proceedings Engineering
Mechanics Institute 2011 Conference. Boston, Massachusetts, June, 2011.
55. W.-C. Sun, J. E. Andrade, and J. W. Rudnicki. Multiscale method for
characterization of porous microstructures and their impact on macroscopic
effective permeability. International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering,
88:1260–1279, 2011.
56. I. Vlahinic, H. M. Jennings, J. E. Andrade, and J. J. Thomas. A novel and general
form of effective stress in a partially saturated porous material: the influence of
microstructure. Mechanics of Materials, 43:25–43, 2011.
57. J.E. Andrade and C. F. Avila. Multiscale modeling of granular matter: a
hierarchical scheme. In Proceedings of Modern Trends Geomechanics, Stanford,
California, June 2010.
58. J. E. Andrade. Hierarchical multiscale modeling of failure in granular materials.
In Proceedings of the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute 2010 Conference. Los
Angeles, California, August 2010.
59. J. E. Andrade and C. F. Avila. Multiscale computations for the prediction of shear
bands in granular materials. In Proceedings for the 16th US National Congress of
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, State College, Pennsylvania, July, 2010.
60. Q. Chen and J. E. Andrade. Modeling post-localization behavior in granular
materials using a multiscale strong discontinuity approach. In Proceedings for the
16th US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, State College,
Pennsylvania, July, 2010.
61. J. E. Andrade and C. F. Avila. Capturing strain localization in granular matter with
multiscale computations. In the World Congress on Computational Mechanics
(keynote paper), Sidney, Australia, July, 2010.
62. W. C. Sun, J.E. Andrade. Capturing the effective permeability of field compaction
bands using hybrid lattice Boltzmann/finite element simulation. Proceedings of the
9th World Congress of Computational Mechanics, 2010; DOI: 10.1088/1757899X/10/012077.
63. J. E. Andrade. Multiscale modeling guided by experiments. In proceedings in
Particle Mechanics in Extreme Environments Workshop in Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory, Livermore, California, 2010.
64. N. Lenoir, J. E. Andrade, W. C. Sun, and J. W. Rudnicki. In situ permeability
measurements within compaction bands in sandstone using X-ray CT and lattice
Boltzmann calculations. In GeoX 2010: 3rd International Workshop on X-ray CT for
Geomaterials, New Orleans, LA, March, 2010.
65. X. Tu, J. E. Andrade, and Q. Chen. Return mapping for nonsmooth and multiscale
elastoplasticity. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
198:2286–2296, 2009.
66. J. E. Andrade and X. Tu. Multiscale framework for behavior prediction in
granular media. Mechanics of Materials, 41:652–669, 2009.
67. J. E. Andrade, N. Lenoir, W. C. Sun, and J. W. Rudnicki. X-ray aided permeability
computations inside compaction bands in sandstones. In 2009 AGU Fall Meeting,
San Francisco, CA, December, 2009.
68. J. E. Andrade. Modeling geomaterials across scales (keynote). In European Geosciences Union Congress, Vienna, Austria, April, 2009.
69. Q. Chen and J. E. Andrade. Multi-scale random fields on the mechanics of heterogenous media. In the 10th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics,
Columbus, Ohio, July, 2009.
70. J. E. Andrade and C. F. Avila. Predictive multiscale modeling of granular matter:
from discrete mechanics to continuum mechanics. In the 10th US National Congress
on Computational Mechanics, Columbus, Ohio, July, 2009.
71. K. C. Ellison and J. E. Andrade. Liquefaction mapping in finite element
simulations. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 135:1693–
1701, 2009.
72. W.C., Sun and J. E. Andrade. A unified framework for capturing material instabilities in fluid saturated porous media. In the 10th US National Congress on
Computational Mechanics, Columbus, Ohio, July, 2009.
73. J. E. Andrade and X. Tu. Multiscale modeling of granular media. In H.I. Ling, A.
Smith and R. Bette, editors, Poromechanics IV, pages 353–358, Destech Publications,
Inc., 2009.
74. J. E. Andrade, X. Tu and C. F. Avila. Multiscale modeling of granular matter:
connecting the continuum and granular scales. In E. Onate and D.R.J. Owen, editors,
COMPLAS X, Barcelona, Spain, September 2009.
75. J. E. Andrade and Q. Chen. Effects of random fields on mechanics of geosystems
at multiple scales. In Proceedings of the 2009 NSF Engineering Research and
Innovation Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June, 2009.
76. J. E. Andrade. A predictive framework for static liquefaction. Geotechnique,
59:673–682, 2009.
77. H. M. Jennings, J. W. Bullard, J. J. Thomas, J. E. Andrade, J. J. Chen, and G. W.
Sherer. Characterization and modeling of pores and surfaces in cement paste:
correlations to processing and properties. Journal of Advanced Concrete
Technology, 6:5–29, 2008.
78. X. Tu and J. E. Andrade. Multiscale framework for modeling mechanical behavior
of granular materials. In ANL Postdoctoral Research Symposium, Argonne, IL, 2008.
79. J. E. Andrade, X. Tu, and R. J. Finno. A multiscale framework for modeling
geomaterials. In S. E. Burns, P. W. Maine and J. C. Santamarina, editors,
Deformational Characteristics of Geomaterials, vol. 2, pages 671–677, IOS Press,
2008. Atlanta, GA, 2008.
80. K. C. Ellison and J. E. Andrade. Predictions of static liquefaction susceptibility. In
S. E. Burns, P. W. Mayne and J. C. Santamarina, editors, Deformational Characteristics
of Geomaterials, vol. 1, pages 349–356, IOS Press, 2008.
81. X. Tu and J. E. Andrade. Multiscale modeling of indenter penetration in granular
media. In Society of Engineering Science Forty-Fifth Annual Technical Meeting,
Urbana-Champaign, IL, 2008.
82. X. Tu and J. E. Andrade. Criteria for static equilibrium in particulate mechanics
computations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
75:1581–1606, 2008.
83. X. Tu, Q. Chen, and J. E. Andrade. A new strategy for implementing plasticity
models for cohesive-frictional materials. Proceedings for the Inaugural International
Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute, Minnesota, MN, 2008.
84. J. E. Andrade. Predicting behavior in granular materials via multiscale
computations. Proceedings for the XXII International Congress in Theoretical and
Applied Mechanics, Adelaide, Australia, in CD-ROM, 2008.
85. J. E. Andrade. Predictive framework for multiscale computations in granular
media. Proceedings for the 8th World Congress in Computational Mechanics, Venice,
Italy, in CD-ROM, 2008.
86. J. E. Andrade. A predictive model for static liquefaction. Proceedings for GeoCongress 2008, New Orleans, LA, March, in CD-ROM, 2008.
87. J. E. Andrade and K. C. Ellison. Evaluation of a predictive constitutive model for
sands. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 134:1825–1828,
88. J. E. Andrade, J. W. Baker and K. C. Ellison. Random porosity fields and their
influence on the stability of granular media. International Journal for Numerical and
Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 32:1147–1172, 2008.
89. J. E. Andrade and R. I. Borja. Modeling deformation banding in dense and loose
fluid-saturated sands. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 43:361–383, 2007.
90. X. Tu and J. E. Andrade. Criteria for static equilibrium in discrete element
method. ASME 2007 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition.
Seattle, WA, 2007.
91. J. E. Andrade. A predictive plasticity model for static liquefaction. Ninth
International Conference on Computational Plasticity COMPLAS 2007. Barcelona,
Spain, September, 2007.
92. J. E. Andrade, J. W. Baker, and K. C. Ellison. Random porosity in granular media.
Proceedings for the Ninth US Congress in Computational Mechanics, San Francisco,
CA, July, 2007.
93. J. E. Andrade and R. I. Borja. Meso-scale modeling of deformation banding in
saturated dense and loose sands. Proceedings for GeoCongress 2007, Denver, CO, in
CD-ROM, 2007.
94. J. E. Andrade and R. I. Borja. Capturing strain localization in dense sands with
random density. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
67:1531–1564, 2006.
95. R. I. Borja and J. E. Andrade. Critical state plasticity, Part VI: Meso-scale finite
element simulation of strain localization in discrete granular materials. Computer
Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 195:5115–5140, 2006.
96. J. E. Andrade and R. I. Borja. Meso-scale finite element simulation of strain
localization in fluid-saturated granular media. Proceedings for 7th World Congress
in Computational Mechanics, Los Angeles, CA, in CD-ROM, 2006.
97. J. E. Andrade and R. I. Borja. Finite element simulation of deformation bands in
saturated granular media with inhomogeneous porosities at the meso-scale. In C. A.
Mota Soares et al., editors, III European Conference on Computational Mechanics,
Lisbon, Portugal, in CD-ROM, 2006.
98. R. I. Borja and J. E. Andrade. Plastic deformation and instability in discrete
granular materials with spatially varying density (plenary lecture). In D. R. J. Owen,
E. Onate and B. Suarez, editors, Computational Plasticity VII, pages 86–89. CIMNE,
99. R. I. Borja and J. E. Andrade. Meso-scale modeling of strain localization in
granular soils (keynote). Proceedings for 8th US National Congress on
Computational Mechanics, Austin, TX, in CD-ROM, 2005.
100. J. E. Andrade and R. I. Borja. Fully implicit numerical integration of a
hyperelastoplastic model for sands based on critical state plasticity. In K. J. Bathe,
editor, Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2005, pages 52–54, Elsevier
Science Ltd., 2005.
101. R. I. Borja, J. E. Andrade and A. L. Rechenmacher. Meso-scale finite element
modeling of strain localization in dense sands. In G. Barla, editor, The 11th International Conference of IACMAG, vol. 1, pages 11–16, Patron Editore, 2005.
102. R. I. Borja, J. E. Andrade and R. J. Armstrong. Combined deterministic-stochastic
analysis of local site response. Proceedings for the 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, B.C., in CD-ROM, 2004.
103. J. E. Andrade, C. Menun and R. I. Borja. Combined stochastic-deterministic
analysis of local site response: A sensitivity study. In D. Doolin, A. Kammerer, T.
Nogami, R. B. Seed and I. Towhata, editors, 11th International Conference on Soil
Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering and 3rd International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 2, pages 76–81, Stallion Press, 2003.
104. J. E. Andrade and R. I. Borja. Quantifying sensitivity of local site response
models to statistical variations in soil properties. Acta Geotechnica, 1:3–14, 2006.
3. List of high-impact publications (at least 30)
1. R. Hurley, E. Marteau, G. Ravichandran, J. E. Andrade. Extracting inter-particle
forces in opaque granular materials: beyond photoelasticity. Journal of the
Mechanics and Physics of Solids, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmps.2013.09.013, 2013.
2. K.-W. Lim, Kristian Krabbenhoft, J. E. Andrade. A contact dynamics approach
to the Granular Element Method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics
and Engineering, 268:557-573, 2014.
3. K.-W. Lim and J. E. Andrade. Granular element method for three-dimensional
discrete element calculations. International Journal for Numerical and
Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, DOI: 10.1002/nag.2203, 2013.
4. C. Senatore, M. Wulfmeier, I. Vlahinic, J. E. Andrade, K. Iagnemma. Design and
implementation of a particle image velocimetry method for analysis of
running gear-soil interaction. Journal of Terramechanics, 50:311-326, 2013.
5. J. E. Andrade, A. M. Ramos, A. Lizcano. Criterion for flow liquefaction
instability. Acta Geotechnica, 8:525-535, 2013.
6. J. E. Andrade, I. Vlahinic, K.-W. Lim, and A. Jerves. Multiscale ‘tomography-tosimulation’ framework for granular matter: the road ahead. Geotechnique
Letters, 2:135—139, 2012.
7. J. E. Andrade, K. W. Lim, C. F. Avila, and I. Vlahinic. Granular element method
for computational particle mechanics. Computer Methods in Applied
Mechanics and Engineering, 241-244:262—274, 2012.
8. I. Vlahinic, J. J. Thomas, H. M. Jennings, J. E. Andrade. Transient creep effects
and the lubricating power of water in materials ranging from paper to
concrete to Kevlar. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 60:1350–
1362, 2012.
9. J. E. Andrade, Q. Chen, P. H. Le, C. F. Avila, and T. M. Evans. On the rheology of
dilative granular media: bridging solid- and fluid-like behavior. Journal of the
Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 60:1122–1136, 2012.
10. J. E. Andrade and C. F. Avila. Granular element method (GEM): linking interparticle forces with macroscopic loading. Granular Matter, 14:51–61, 2012.
11. A. M. Ramos, J. E. Andrade, and A. Lizcano. Modeling diffuse instabilities in
sands under drained conditions. Geotechnique, 62:471–478, 2012.
12. Q. Chen, J. E. Andrade, and E. Samaniego. AES for multiscale localization
modeling in granular media. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering, 200:2473–2482, 2011.
13. W.-C. Sun, J. E. Andrade, J. W. Rudnicki, and P. Eichhubl. Connecting
microstructural attributes and permeability from 3D tomographic images of
in situ shear-enhanced compaction bands using multiscale computations.
Geophysical Re- search Letters, 38:L10302, 2011.
14. W.-C. Sun, J. E. Andrade, and J. W. Rudnicki. Multiscale method for
characterization of porous microstructures and their impact on macroscopic
effective permeability. International Journal of Numerical Methods in
Engineering, 88:1260–1279, 2011.
15. J. E. Andrade, C. F. Avila, S. A. Hall, N. Lenoir, and G. Viggiani. Multiscale
modeling and characterization of granular matter: from grain kinematics to
continuum mechanics. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids,
59:237–250, 2011.
16. P. C. Fonseca, H. M. Jennings, and J. E. Andrade. A nanoscale numerical model
to predict macroscale properties of cement. Mechanics of Materials, 43:408–
419, 2011.
17. I. Vlahinic, H. M. Jennings, J. E. Andrade, and J. J. Thomas. A novel and general
form of effective stress in a partially saturated porous material: the influence
of microstructure. Mechanics of Materials, 43:25–43, 2011.
18. Q. Chen, A Seifried, J. E. Andrade, and J. W. Baker. Characterization of random
fields and their impact on the mechanics of geosystems at multiple scales.
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics,
36:140–165, 2012.
19. X. Tu, J. E. Andrade, and Q. Chen. Return mapping for nonsmooth and
multiscale elastoplasticity. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering, 198:2286–2296, 2009.
20. J. E. Andrade and X. Tu. Multiscale framework for behavior prediction in
granular media. Mechanics of Materials, 41:652–669, 2009.
21. K. C. Ellison and J. E. Andrade. Liquefaction mapping in finite element
simulations. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,
135:1693–1701, 2009.
22. J. E. Andrade. A predictive framework for static liquefaction. Geotechnique,
59:673–682, 2009.
23. H. M. Jennings, J. W. Bullard, J. J. Thomas, J. E. Andrade, J. J. Chen, and G. W.
Sherer. Characterization and modeling of pores and surfaces in cement paste:
correlations to processing and properties. Journal of Advanced Concrete
Technology, 6:5–29, 2008.
24. J. E. Andrade and K. C. Ellison. Evaluation of a predictive constitutive model
for sands. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,
134:1825–1828, 2008.
25. X. Tu and J. E. Andrade. Criteria for static equilibrium in particulate
mechanics computations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in
Engineering, 75:1581–1606, 2008.
26. J. E. Andrade, J. W. Baker and K. C. Ellison. Random porosity fields and their
influence on the stability of granular media. International Journal for
Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 32:1147–1172, 2008.
27. J. E. Andrade and R. I. Borja. Modeling deformation banding in dense and
loose fluid-saturated sands. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 43:361–
383, 2007.
28. J. E. Andrade and R. I. Borja. Capturing strain localization in dense sands with
random density. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
67:1531–1564, 2006.
29. R. I. Borja and J. E. Andrade. Critical state plasticity, Part VI: Meso-scale finite
element simulation of strain localization in discrete granular materials.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 195:5115–5140,
30. J. E. Andrade and R. I. Borja. Quantifying sensitivity of local site response
models to statistical variations in soil properties. Acta Geotechnica, 1:3–14,
4. List of research projects
Technologies for increasing landing accuracy, payload mass fraction, and landing
site evaluation. NASA-JPL. October 2013-October 2014.
Computational modeling and simulation for quantitative prediction of MSL
drilling multiphysics involved in imposition of measurement biases upon
geologic samples. NASA. August 2013-August 2014.
Finite element modeling of HP3 mole penetration into sand. NASA. April 2013April 2014.
Physics-based modeling and characterization of regolith at its interaction with
spacecraft. Keck Institute for Space Studies. Co-PI with R. Lindemann, B. Trease,
J. Castillo, M. Lamb, K. Iagnemma, G. Viggiani. October 2012-October 2014.
Inter-particle force inference under dynamic loading. Defense Threat Reduction
Agency. Co-PI with G. Ravichandran. June 2012-May 2015.
University Center of Excellence: High-rate deformation physics of
heterogeneous materials. Department of Defense’s Air Force Office of Scientific
Research. Co-PI with G. Ravichandran, K. Bhattacharya, M. Ortiz, C. Daraio.
February 2012-March 2017.
Earthquake source processes, debris flows, and soil liquefaction: physics-based
modeling of failure in granular materials. Terrestrial Hazard Observation and
Reporting, Caltech. Co-PI with N. Lapusta, P. Ampuero, M. Lamb. October 2011September 2013.
Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Program: Energyconsistent multiscale algorithms for granular flow. DoD AFOSR. January 2011December 2013.
CAREER Award: A multiscale computational paradigm for research and
education in geomaterials. National Science Foundation. September 2010-August
Characterization of random fields and their impact on the mechanics of
geosystems at multiple scales. National Science Foundation. September 2007August 2010.
Multi-scale prediction and simulation of localization banding in granular media.
Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Co-PI with T. Belytschko. October 2007September 2010.
Multiscale framework for predicting the coupling between deformation and fluid
diffusion in porous rocks. Department of Energy. Co-PI with J. Rudnicki.
September 2008-August 2011.
Modeling reactive transport in deformable porous media across scales. Initiative
for Sustainable Energy at Northwestern (ISEN). January 2010-December 2010.
5. List of patents filed
Provisional Patent: Granular Element Method (GEM). Serial No.: 61/586,604. Filed:
1/13/2012. CIT File No.: 6079-P. Inventors: J. E. Andrade; K.-W. Lim.
6. Track record of positions held
Teaching Assistant at Stanford University: 2002-2003
Liaison For the Center for Teaching and Learning at Stanford University: 20052006
Teaching Assistant Coordinator for Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department at Stanford University: 2005-2006
Graduate Research Assistant at Stanford University: 2001-2006
Assistant Professor at Northwestern University: 2006-2010
Associate Professor at California Institute of Technology: 2010-2013
Full Professor (with tenure) at California Institute of Technology: 2013-present
Director of the Geomechanics Laboratory at Caltech: 2010-present
Option Representative and Academic Officer for Mechanical and Civil
Engineering Department at Caltech: 2013-present
Editorial Board Member of four leading scientific journals: 2010-present
7. Fund raising capacity
Physics-based modeling and characterization of regolith at its interaction
with spacecraft. Keck Institute for Space Studies. Co-PI with R. Lindemann, B.
Trease, J. Castillo, M. Lamb, K. Iagnemma, G. Viggiani. October 2012-October
2014. $800,000
Inter-particle force inference under dynamic loading. Defense Threat
Reduction Agency. June 2012-May 2015. $1,050,000
University Center of Excellence: High-rate deformation physics of
heterogeneous materials. DoD AFOSR. February 2012-March 2017. $600,000
(Andrade’s portion)
Earthquake source processes, debris flows, and soil liquefaction: physicsbased modeling of failure in granular materials. Terrestrial Hazard
Observation and Reporting, Caltech. October 2011-September 2013.
$200,000 (Andrade’s portion)
AFOSR YIP: Energy-consistent multiscale algorithms for granular flow. DoD
AFOSR. January 2011-December 2013. $300,000
CAREER: A multiscale computational paradigm for research and education in
geomaterials. National Science Foundation. September 2010-August 2015.
Characterization of random fields and their impact on the mechanics of
geosystems at multiple scales. National Science Foundation. September
2007-August 2010. $150,000
Multi-scale prediction and simulation of localization banding in granular
media. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. October 2007-September 2010.
Multiscale framework for predicting the coupling between deformation and
fluid diffusion in porous rocks. Department of Energy. September 2008August 2011. $525,000
Modeling reactive transport in deformable porous media across scales.
Initiative for Sustainable Energy at Northwestern (ISEN). January 2010December 2010. $75,000
8. List of honors and awards
National Research Council Committee for on State of the Art & Practice for
Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction Assessment
Dr. Vicente Rocafuerte medal in science and research from the Republic of
Ecuador, 2011
ASCE’s Arthur Casagrande Career Development Award for contributions to
understanding of instabilities (e.g., liquefaction) via multiscale computation,
Department of Defense’s AFOSR Young Investigator (YIP) Award, 2011
NSF CAREER Award, CMMI Division, 2010
Outstanding Contribution Award, Geoscience Symposium, Department of
Energy, 2010
Natural National Science Foundation Young Researcher Fellowship to
establish international collaborative research with Tonjgi University, China,
Participant, U.S. National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering
Symposium. Top 100 U.S. engineers under 45 years old invited to attend.
New Mexico, 2008
USNC/TAM Fellowship, International Congress of Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, Adelaide, Australia, 2008
USACM Travel Award, 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics,
Venice, Italy, 2008
Zienkiewicz Medal 2006, awarded by the Institution of Civil Engineers of
London for best paper in numerical methods by a researcher under 35 years
ASCE’s 2007 New Face in Civil Engineering for academic achievement and
impact to society
Searle Center for Teaching Excellence Fellow, 2007
Young researcher grant, 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics,
Los Angeles, CA, 2006
3rd MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics Young
Researcher Fellowship Award, 2005
Shah Family Full Graduate Fellowship, Stanford University, 2003–2004
John A. Blume Full Graduate Fellowship, Stanford University, 2001–2003
Florida Tech Distinguished Scholar Award, awarded to two outstanding
students in department, Dept. Civil Eng., 2002
Outstanding Senior, Junior and Sophomore of the Year, awarded to best two
students in class (by department), Florida Tech, 1999–2001
All American Scholar, 2000, 2004
Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society, 2000
Chi Epsilon, Civil Engineering Honor Society, 2000
Florida Tech Scholarship, 1998–2001