2016 Computer Science Undergraduate Student Handbook Undergraduate Student Handbook Cal State L.A. College of Engineering, Computer Science and Technology Table of Contents Undergraduate Student Handbook .......................................................................... 1 Contact Information .................................................................................................. 1 Welcome .................................................................................................................... 3 I. Advisement ........................................................................................................ 4 Department Undergraduate Advisement ............................................................. 4 College Undergraduate Advisement ................................................................... 5 II. Objectives and Learning Outcomes ................................................................ 6 Objectives ........................................................................................................... 6 Learning Outcomes ............................................................................................. 6 III. Useful Web Links .............................................................................................. 7 IV. General Education Requirements .................................................................... 6 Lower Division General Education Requirements ............................................... 6 Upper Division General Education Requirements ............................................... 7 University Requirements ..................................................................................... 8 V. Major Curricular Requirements .............................Error! Bookmark not defined. Core Course requirements and their prerequisites ............................................ 11 Prerequisite Flowchart ...................................................................................... 12 VI. Semester Conversion ................................................................................... 113 CS Major Requirements conversion table ......................................................... 14 CS course conversion table .............................................................................. 15 VII. Graduation Roadmaps .................................................................................. 116 Plan 1: Freshman Roadmaps (4 Year).............................................................. 17 Plan 3: Freshman Roadmaps (5 Year).............................................................. 16 Plan 3: Roadmap for Transfer Students ............................................................ 18 Plan 2: Roadmaps for Students Requiring Remedial Math and English ........... 18 Plan 4: Individualized Roadmap ........................................................................ 19 VIII. Blended BS+MS Integrated Program ............................................................. 21 IX. Applying for Graduation ................................................................................. 22 X. Academic Standards ....................................................................................... 23 Contact Information Department of Computer Science Engineering and Technology, Room A-322 California State University, Los Angeles 5151 State University Drive Los Angeles, CA 90032-8530 Department Chair Raj Pamula, Professor ET A-322 — (323) 343-6690 office — rpamula@calstatela.edu Department Coordinator Tricia Trejo ET A-322 — (323) 343-6690 office — (323) 343-6672 fax ttrejo@cslanet.calstatela.edu Undergraduate Advisor Eun-Young (Elaine) Kang, Professor ET A-316 — (323) 343-4513 -- eykang@calstatela.edu Graduate Advisor Behzad Parviz, Professor ET A-312 — (323) 343-6696 -- bparviz@calstatela.edu Assessment Coordinator Chengyu Sun, Associate Professor ET A-317 — csun@calstatela.edu Computer Science Undergraduate Handbook Page | 1 Full-time Faculty and their Research Interests Russell J. Abbott — rabbott@calstatela.edu Artificial intelligence, Web, Java, Complex Systems Vladimir Akis — vakis@calstatela.edu Computer Graphics, Topology, Dynamical Systems Jiang Guo — jguo@calstatela.edu Software Engineering, Networks, Operating Systems Huiping Guo — hpguo@calstatela.edu Computer Networks, Data Security Eun-Young (Elaine) Kang — eykang@calstatela.edu Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Image processing Raj Pamula, Professor — rpamula@calstatela.edu Parallel Processing, Distributed Computing, Fault Tolerant Computing Behzad Parviz — bparviz@calstatela.edu General Systems Methodology, Information Theory, Software Engineering Chengyu Sun — csun@calstatela.edu Database performance optimization, communication, network applications Zilong Ye — zye5@calstatela.edu Network architecture, Protocol design Yuqing Zhu — yuqing.zhu@calstatela.edu Distributed Computing, Complex Data Mining Computer Science Undergraduate Handbook Page | 2 Welcome Dear Students, Welcome to the Department of Computer Science! In choosing this course of study, you have selected an exciting and dynamic career that uses technology to make life better for everyone — and sometimes make it more fun! This handbook has the information and tools that you will need to navigate the requirements that will lead to graduation. I encourage you to read it and keep it handy for your reference. In addition, please know that the faculty and staff are here to help you and we encourage you to ask us for help when you need it. The curriculum is designed to give you a well-rounded education, with flexibility in your major so that you can focus on areas that most interest you. Becoming a computer scientist will require a lot of study time and hard work. Beyond learning the theories and technical skills, you will learn to collaborate with your fellow students, communicate with diverse audiences, become aware of your environmental and social responsibilities as they relate to your field, and nurture your innovative and creative spirit. We sincerely hope you will enjoy your time at Cal State L.A. and that you will also take advantage of all the wonderful resources available to you as a student. Sincerely, Raj Pamula Dr. Raj Pamula Department Chair and Professor Page | 3 I. Advisement All students must receive academic advisement to help them make informed academic choices. Computer Science majors can thus seek advisement both at the department and the college level as described below: Department Undergraduate Advisement The advisor and student go over the student’s degree progress data available on CSNS and GET. The advisor documents the visit on CSNS which are then accessible to the students and the remaining advising staff. Students are advised to formulate the Individualized Academic Plan (IAP) on GET. IAP maps out all the academic requirements term by term. The IAPs thus serve as a road map for a timely graduation and ensuring all the requirements are met. The IAP becomes a dynamic document that can be updated by the students during any future advisement visits with an academic advisor. Student advising in the department is facilitated in a number of ways. It can be categorized into two categories: Open Advisement and Mandatory Advisement. Open Advisement: i) Advisor/staff office visitation: Office hours for the Advisor and the Department chair are posted in the Department Office every quarter. Students meet with the faculty advisor to evaluate class work to date to, discuss issues (if any) impacting their present load, resolve any GPA issues, and revising IAPs. Students also seek the advice of any faculty in evaluating career choices. ii) Email advisor: Students can seek to get clarifications from the advisor or staff concerning any particular queries. Email is often used by students who need immediate clarification. iii) CSNS Advisement Forum: Various topics exist that help clarify generic questions posed by the students. These are replied to either by other students or the advisor and are monitored by the Department staff and advisor. Mandatory Advisement: Every student has to discuss academic plans with the advisor at least once a year. Students individually meet with the advisor to plan upcoming schedule and formulate a road map to complete all the remaining requirements. The mandatory visits are targeted at least once a year. Both the adviser and the student refer to “Academic Requirements” information on GET and the “Program” template on CSNS. i) Entering first term students: Admitted freshmen and transfer students attend university-sponsored advising sessions, which are attended by the Department chair and program advisors. Students are informed of the degree requirements, course pre-requisites, laboratory access, computer-related student clubs, and advising process. Students are given information about the program requirements that are posted on the online university catalog and the Department website. Students are also given information in the form of a Undergraduate Student Handbook, which is also posted on the Department website. ii) Freshmen level in CS1010: CS1010 is required to be taken by every student within the first terms as entering freshmen or a first year transfer students. CS1010 gives Computer Science Undergraduate Handbook Page | 4 a comprehensive overview of higher education. Topics covered include: University rules and regulations; general education requirements; major requirements; evaluate transfer units; sample road maps; individualized quarterly planners; graduation checks. Instructional videos used in the CS1010 class are always accessible even after completion of the course. Students formulate the IAP on GET. iii) Sophomore level in CS2011: CS2011 is a required course usually taken as the first required course at the sophomore level. Students are then advised to keep pace with the Math and physics requirements along with CS requirements. Students IAPs are checked and given clearances to proceed with their roadmap. iv) Junior level in CS3112: CS3112 is usually taken as the first required course at the junior level. Students IAPs are checked to see if they are on pace to take the senor design next year. Students also make any adjustments to the planned electives. v) Senior level in CS4961. CS4961 is the front end of the senior design sequence. Students do a graduation check with the advisor to revise IAPs and ensure that they are on track to graduate by the end of the year. College Undergraduate Advisement The College of ECST Student Academic Support Services provides an array of services to incoming freshman and second year students in all majors. Advisement is mandatory every quarter for the first two years. These services include: academic advisement through professional staff and peer advisors, the engagement of freshman in learning communities and academic excellence workshops. Students must make an appointment in advance to guarantee advisement time with a Staff Advisor or Peer Advisor. To make an appointment: o Visit the office located in the Engineering and Technology building, A-127 or o Call the office front desk at 323-343-4574, or o Visit http://web.calstatela.edu/academic/ecst/student_services/ Students also get assistance with scholarship and internship opportunities. Students get information regarding career choices from job fairs (conducted by the college as a part of ECST week activities and a few times each year by the University Career Center) and guest speakers (conducted by ACM student chapter and ECST). Computer Science Undergraduate Handbook Page | 5 II. Objectives and Learning Outcomes Objectives Program Educational Objectives are broader statements that will describe what graduates are expected to attain within a few years of graduation. 1. Students who enter the workforce will have established themselves as effective professionals by having solved real problems through the use of their computer science knowledge and their communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. 2. Students who continue in academia will have been successful in pursuing advanced degrees and in demonstrating their ability to master advanced areas of computer science. 3. Students will have demonstrated their ability to adapt to a rapidly changing environment by having learned and applied new skills and new technologies. Learning Outcomes Student Learning Outcomes are specific skills that the students will possess on completion of the degree program. Students will: 1. be able to apply concepts and techniques from computing and mathematics to both theoretical and practical problems. 2. be able to demonstrate fluency in at least one programming language and acquaintance with at least three more. 3. have a strong foundation in the design, analysis, and application of many types of algorithms. 4. have a fundamental understanding of computer systems. 5. have the training to analyze problems and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to their solutions. 6. have the training to design, implement, and evaluate large software systems working both individually and collaboratively. 7. be able to communicate effectively orally and in writing. 8. have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes for lifelong self-development. 9. have the ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals and society. 10. have a fundamental understanding of social, professional, ethical, legal, and security issues in computing. Computer Science Undergraduate Handbook Page | 6 Useful Web Links III. DESCRIPTION WEB ADDRESS University home page http://www.calstatela.edu/ Department of Computer Science home page http://cs.calstatela.edu/ http://www.calstatela.edu/cs Golden Eagle Territory (GET) provides basic online student services. http://get.calstatela.edu Computer Science Network Services (CSNS) is used as a Learning Management System. http://csns.calstatela.edu Important student information http://www.calstatela.edu/student/ University online catalog http://catalog.calstatela.edu University Library http://www.calstatela.edu/library Student Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery http://acm.calstatela.edu IV. General Education Requirements Computer Science majors have a modified General Education program of 30 units as described below: General Education Requirements (48 units, of which 18 units are in the major) IHE - Introduction to Higher Education for Computer Science Majors – CS1010 (3) Oral Communication (3) Written Communication (3) American Institutions – US History (3) American Institutions - US Constitution and State/Local Govt. (3) Biological Sciences OR Interdisciplinary Physical-Biological Science (3) Arts and Humanities – Select 3 units from Arts (3) Social Science - Select 3 units from Social Science (3) Upper Division requirement –Arts & Humanities (3) Upper Division requirement - Social Science (3) Computer Science Undergraduate Handbook Page | 7 University Requirements A minimum 2.0 grade average is required in (i) Overall at CSULA (ii) Major requirements and (iii) Overall at CSULA. In addition, students must check on the course designations describe below: Cl d/re Wi WPE Computer Science students need to fulfill two GE courses with CL designation, one is IHE (CS1010), and the other is in Upper Division (Block C or D). Computer Science students need to take at least one diversity course (with d designation), and one race and ethnicity course (with re designation). They can fulfill these requirements by taking LD C1 course, Block D course, or UD Block C and UD Block D courses with such designations. Computer Science students need to take at least two courses with wi designation in addition to meeting A2 and A3 requirements. Students will take CS4961 & CS4962 (major courses with wi), and one writing intensive course in GE. Must take and pass the Writing Proficiency Examination (WPE) by registering for UNIV4000 prior to completing 90 semester units and before registering for CS4961. See the choice of General Education courses below: Computer Science Undergraduate Handbook Page | 8 Lower Division GE Requirement for Computer Science Majors Effective: Fall Semester 2016 A Basic Subjects 6 Units Total American Institutions 6 Units Total B Natural Sciences and Mathematics / Quantitative Reasoning 3 Units Total (B2 or B3) C Arts and Humanities 3 Units Total D Social Sciences 3 Units Total A1 ORAL COMM (3 units) U.S. HISTORY (3 units) B1 PHYSICAL C1 ARTS COMM 1100 AAAS 1500(re) Met in Major AAAS 2200(re) HNRS CHS 1200(re) ART 1011, 1012, 1013, 1500, A2 WRITTEN COMM (3 units) ENGL 1005B, 1010 HIST 1500(re), 2010(d), B2 BIOLOGICAL 1520, 1550, 1590, 2020(d), 2050(re) ANTH 2600 2090(d), 2100 ANTH 1500(d), 1700, 2300 A3 CRITICAL THINKING PAS 1510(re) BIOL 1010 1600(re), 2050(re), BUS 2500(d) AND COMPOSITION (0 unit) MICR 1010 U.S. CONSTITUTION STATE / LOCAL GOV'T ** (3 units) B3 INTERDISCIPLINARY 2060(re) CHDV 1400, 1410, 2250(d) ENGL 2070, 2260, 2800 CHS 1500(re), 2100(re), POLS PHYSICAL / BIOLOGICAL* HNRS 1200 NSS LBS 2340(re), 2666(d) MUS 1500, 1510, 1520, 1530, ECON 1500 1560, 1570 ENGL 2100 1100 Met in m ajor 1000 1100, 1200, 1300 CHS B4 MATHEMATICS / AAAS 1400(re), 1600(d), E Lifelong Understanding and Self-Development 3 Units Total CS 1010(IHE)(cl) 1700(d), 2000(d), 2100(re), 2630(re) 2200(d), 2300(re) COUN 2020(d) QUANTITATIVE REASONING PAS 2210(re), 2600(re) GEOG 1550(d) Met in Major PHIL 2400(d) HIST 1010(d), 1020(d), TVF 2260, 2666(d) 1600(d), C2 HUMANITIES HNRS 1300(cl), 2300 Met in Major LAS 1020(re), 1400(re), 1500(d), 2550(d) PAS 1020(re), 1400(re), 1800(re), 2500(re) POLS 2500 PSY 1500 SOC 2010(d), 2630(re) TVF 2500(d) URBA 1800 WGSS 2000(cl)(d), 2030(re) NOTES FOR GENERAL EDUCATION LOWER DIVISION COURSES • A minimum C grade in A1, A2, A3, and B4 classes is required. A ‘C-‘ grade is not acceptable. • AM requirement consists of 2 courses: 1 US History and 1 US Constitution/State & Local Govt. Transfer students that have completed the US Constitution requirement and not the State & Local Government requirement, may take POL 2000 in place of POL 1000. • A minimum C grade average in general education is required of all students follow ing the Fall 2016 or later catalog. • Students must pass the Writing Proficiency Exam (WPE). • Civic Learning/Community Engagement Requirement (6 semester units). One (cl) course must be completed at the upper division general education level. These courses are designated as (cl) after the course listing. • Diversity Requirement (6 semester units). Students must complete one race/ethnicity (re) course and one diversity (d) course or another race/ethnicity (re) course. These courses are designated as (re)and (d) after the course listing. • Writing Intensive Requirement (6 semester units). Students must complete tw o w riting intensive (w i) courses, w ith at least one in their major. These courses are designated as (w i) after the course listing. Page | 9 Computer Science Undergraduate Handbook Page | 10 V. Major Curricular Requirements The Computer Science core curriculum provides students with basic knowledge, training, discipline, and skills, as defined by the Computer Science Program Student Learning Outcomes. Through its lower division required courses, the curriculum provides students with the basic mathematical and science framework. Through its upper division required courses, the curriculum builds upon the fundamental principles of computer science for more advanced study. Through its upper division technical electives, students gain additional breadth and/or depth in computer science by an appropriate selection of courses. Requirements for the Major (90 units) A grade of "C" or better is required for all prerequisite courses in the major. Lower Division Required Courses (39 units) CS 1222 Introduction to Relational Databases(3) CS 2011 Introduction to Programming I (3) CS 2012 Introduction to Programming II (3) CS 2013 Programming with Data Structures (3) CS 2148 Discrete Structures (3) ENGL 2030 Introduction to Technical Writing (3) MATH 2110 Calculus I (4) MATH 2120 Calculus II (4) MATH 2550 Introduction to Linear Algebra (3) PHYS 2100 General Physics I (5) PHYS 2200 General Physics II (5) Upper Division Required Courses (33 units) CS 3035 Programming Language Paradigms (3) CS 3112 Analysis of Algorithms (3) CS 3186 Introduction to Automata Theory (3) CS 3220 Web and Internet Programming (3) CS 3337 Software Engineering (3) CS 3660 Complex social and economic systems (3) CS 3801 Societal and Ethical issues in Computing (3) EE 3445 Computer Organization (3) CS 4440 Introduction to Operating Systems (3) CS 4961 Software Design Laboratory I (2) CS 4962 Software Design Laboratory II (2) CS 4963 Computer Science Recapitulation (2) Electives (18 units) Mathematics Electives (3 units) Select 3 units of lower division or upper division course(s) in the Mathematics area with prior approval of the Computer Science undergraduate adviser. Computer Science Electives (15 units) Select 15 units of upper division Computer Science (CS3xxx/CS4xxx) courses. Page | 11 Prerequisite Flowchart The prerequisite flowchart for the B.S. in Computer Science curriculum is depicted in the figure on the next page. The courses are structured with the lower division requirements shown in Rows 1 – 3. The advanced required CS courses are shown in Rows 4 – 7. Elective courses should be scheduled between Rows 4 – 7. As a general rule, students are advised to finish the courses in a particular row before progressing to the next row. Computer Science Undergraduate Handbook Page | 12 VI. Semester Conversion This section pertains to students who have begun their academic programs before Fall 2016. California State University, Los Angeles will be fully converted from a Quarter system of three quarters per academic year (10 weeks of educational instruction per term), to a semester system of two semesters per academic year (15 weeks of educational instruction per term) beginning Fall semester 2016. Students who began their academic programs under the requirements of the quarter system (i.e., prior to Fall 2016) may choose to complete their requirements with semester course equivalents or they may switch to the new semester program requirements in place. See the program conversion table and the course conversion tables below. Students must make an appointment with the academic advisor to develop an Individualized Road Map that maps out their academic requirements for a timely graduation. Page | 13 Computer Science Undergraduate Handbook Page | 14 Computer Science Undergraduate Handbook Page | 15 VII. Graduation Roadmaps Graduation roadmaps are suggested academic plans designed to inform students about the sequence of courses needed to satisfy degree requirements. The roadmaps adhere strictly to the prerequisites and scheduling patterns of the courses. Plan 1: Freshman Roadmaps (4 Year completion taking 5 courses/term) This roadmap is described for students who enter Cal State LA directly from high school as freshman. It assumes that the freshmen students are ready to take MATH 2100 and ENGL 1010 and do not need to take any remedial mathematics or English courses. This ideal roadmap provides a pathway for students to complete their undergraduate requirements in four years. SUMMER FALL MATH 2100 ENGL 1010 COMM1500 GE B2/B3 CS 1010 YEAR 1 SUMMER FALL MATH Elective MATH 2550 PHYS 2100 CS 2012 GE C1 YEAR 2 SUMMER FALL CS 3035 CS 3112 CS 3220 CS 3337 EE 3445 YEAR 3 SUMMER YEAR 4 Computer Science Undergraduate Handbook FALL CS 4961 CS Elective CS Elective GE UD C SPRING MATH 2200 HIST 2020 POLS 1500 CS 1222 CS 2011 SPRING GE D1 ENGL 2030 PHYS 2200 CS 2013 CS 2148 SPRING CS 3186 CS 3660 CS 3801 CS 4440 CS Elective SPRING CS 4962 CS 4963 CS Elective CS Elective GE UD D Page | 16 Plan 2: Freshman Roadmaps (5 Year completion taking 4 courses/term) SUMMER FALL MATH 2100 ENGL 1010 COMM1500 CS 1010 YEAR 1 SUMMER FALL MATH Elective MATH 2550 CS 2011 GE C1 YEAR 2 SUMMER FALL CS 2013 CS 2148 GE UD C PHYS2100 YEAR 3 SUMMER FALL CS 3035 CS 3186 CS 4440 CS Elective YEAR 4 SUMMER YEAR 5 Computer Science Undergraduate Handbook FALL CS 4961 CS Elective CS Elective GE UD D SPRING MATH 2200 HIST 2020 POLS 1500 CS 1222 SPRING GE D1 ENGL 2030 CS 2012 GE B2/B3 SPRING CS 3112 CS 3801 EE 3445 PHYS2200 SPRING CS 3220 CS 3337 CS 3660 CS Elective SPRING CS 4962 CS 4963 CS Elective Page | 17 Plan 3: Roadmap for Transfer Students This roadmap is for students who transfer to Cal State LA directly from another institute of higher education. The plan assumes that the students have entered Cal State LA with completion of all lower division GE requirements and all lower division required math, computer science and physics PHYS courses. This ideal roadmap provides a pathway for students to complete their remaining upper division (300/400 level) undergraduate course requirements as laid out in either Plan1 or Plan2 above. Plan 4: Roadmaps for Students Requiring Remedial Math and English This roadmap is for freshmen students who need remedial MATH/ENGL. It is described for students who enter Cal State LA directly from high school as freshman and are placed into remedial mathematics and/or English courses. It indicates that the students should be able to complete all the remedial courses in a year along with some of the other major requirements indicated earlier. Students will then continue on and revise the roadmap in consultation with the advisor. SUMMER YEAR 1 Computer Science Undergraduate Handbook FALL MATH xxxx CS 1090 ENGL xxxx GE SPRING MATH xxxx CS 1010 ENGL xxxx GE Page | 18 Plan 4: Individualized Roadmap It is a fact that every student's situation is unique. Therefore, the roadmaps described above should be used as guides. Note the following two characteristics described in the roadmap plans above: The roadmaps describe the suggested plan of study (by year and semester term) for students assuming that a student plans for the regular fall, winter and spring quarters. These roadmaps do not include courses during the summer sessions. This leaves the option for students to take classes during the summer session to finish earlier or to reduce the number of units per semester. The roadmaps are designed for individuals who are devoting full-time to their studies and thus taking a full load of 12 to 15 units per semester. It is essential that every student should see a faculty academic advisor and complete an Individualized Advisement Plan (IAP).This should be updated if any situation changes down the road. The blank roadmap on the next page can be used as a draft to prepare the IAP. However, IAPs have to be documented on the GET. Computer Science Undergraduate Handbook Page | 19 CSULA — COMPUTER SCIENCE COURSE ROADMAP SUMMER FALL SPRING SUMMER FALL SPRING SUMMER FALL SPRING SUMMER FALL SPRING SUMMER FALL SPRING SUMMER FALL SPRING YEAR Date: 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR Student: 5 YEAR 6 Page | 20 Blended BS+MS Integrated Program VIII. The Blended BS/MS program (http://www.calstatela.edu/academic/ecst/cs/blended.php) in computer science provides an accelerated route for academically excellent upperdivision students in the BS degree program to complete the MS degree program while simultaneously completing the BS requirements. The main objectives of the program are: To provide an accelerated route to a graduate degree, with simultaneous awarding of both bachelor's and master's degrees. To provide a seamless process whereby a limited number of select students can progress from undergraduate to graduate status. Program Features Simplified application process BS and MS coursework can be taken concurrently Nine common elective units between BS and MS programs. Access to graduate student facilities TA appointments (if available) The scheduling flexibility provided by the program enables students to complete the BS and MS degrees efficiently. The eligibility requirements for admission to the Blended BS/MS program are: Students must have completed a minimum of 90 quarter units of coursework. Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the last 90 quarter units. Students must have completed all the six required CS 3000-level courses in the BS degree program with a minimum grade of "B". Students must have completed the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) Eligible and interested students should contact the Academic Advisor for further information. To apply, please submit: 1. Your application word doc format. [email to ttrejo@calstatela.edu] 2. Two letters of recommendations in word doc format. [Request two CS faculty members (at least one should be from a CS Full-Time faculty) to email recommendation letter to ttrejo@calstatela.edu] Page | 21 IX. Applying for Graduation Certifying that a student has met all graduation requirements is a simple but functional process (see http://www.calstatela.edu/academic/registrar/grad_off.php)as described below: 1. Students initiate this process by filling out an Application for Graduation (degree check) on a form available at the Cal State L.A. Graduation Office website, and Enrollment Services in Administration 146. These forms are available five days prior to the application filing period. (Filing periods are published in the Graduation information section of the Schedule of Classes.). The application fee is $30. ($20 for the application and $10 for the Diploma). 2. The application is to be filed two quarters prior to the end of the term of their graduation. Students are able to access their Academic Requirements Report at any time thorough their college career. The Academic Requirements Report (an audit report generated on GET) gives a visually clear picture of the requirements; completed requirements; transfer credits etc. Students thus have a general idea of the graduating quarter and discuss the program requirements with the advisor. 3. Students submit their completed application to the Department for processing. The undergraduate faculty advisor discusses the Academic Progress Report with the student which indicates clearly all the requirements that have been completed and flags the remaining requirements. The student and advisor draw up a plan to meet the remaining requirements in the coming two quarters. 4. The Department staff then forwards the graduation application to the Graduation Office for an official audit. 5. The Graduation Office of the University Registrar’s Office has the sole authority to audit and certify that a candidate for graduation has fulfilled her/his approved program requirements. Graduation check audit results are sent by surface mail to the students prior to their final anticipated quarter. If a student is enrolled in the quarter they expect to graduate but does not complete all degree requirements, then their graduation application will be automatically transferred to the following quarter. 6. Students who do not finish their requirements by the end of the second quarter must consult with their advisor and restart the graduation application procedure. 7. Degree dates are posted at the end of the quarter in which all requirements are met. On completion of the degree requirements, the transcripts on GET indicate the following: Degree: Bachelor of Science Confer Date: (date) Plan: Computer Science Computer Science Undergraduate Handbook Page | 22 X. Academic Standards As a student, you are now joining an academic community. The privilege of membership has certain obligations. Academic Integrity is very important. Cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating on any assignment or exam will be taken seriously. Failure to meet established standards may result in various penalties. In extreme cases this could result in expulsion from the University. Please visit the Cal State LA, Judicial Affairs Office website where you will find examples of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism so that you become familiar with the guidelines, and consequences of not following them: http://www.calstatela.edu/univ/stuaffrs/jao/doc/ah.pdf We hope that behavior standards never become and issue, but it is important that you prove worthy of the trust we place you in. Honesty is extremely important both for the operation of the University and for your personal development. Computer Science Undergraduate Handbook Page | 23