Draft Rubric: Pre/Post Assessment, Informative Essay CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. Essay Criteria CCSS.ELA 16-17 80-89% /105 Final Score: 14-15 70-79% 12-13 60-69% 11 or below Comments Introduction (20 pts) Score- Score- Score- Score- Score- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY. W.9-10.2.A A well-structured and engaging introduction includes a hook, introduces the subject, provides background information, and transitions into a strong and clear thesis that focuses the essay. The introduction is exemplary. The introduction includes a hook, introduces the subject, provides background information, and transitions into a strong and clear thesis. The introduction may be missing one of the criteria and/or it may lack organization and clarity. Includes a thesis statement. The introduction is missing two or more of the criteria, and/or it may lack organization and clarity. Includes a thesis statement. The introduction is missing three or more criteria and/or lacks a thesis statement. Score- Score- Score- Score- Score- Three concrete details per paragraph with commentary that supports the topic sentence and develops the thesis. The analysis goes beyond description and into examination and explanation. Analysis provided in each paragraph is exemplary. Two concrete details per paragraph with commentary that supports the topic sentence and develops the thesis. The analysis goes beyond description and into examination and explanation. Two concrete details and commentary; however, the analysis is incomplete and does not go beyond description and into examination and explanation. Lack of concrete detail, and/or little to no commentary. Score- Score- Score- Score- Score- Paragraph structure, including strong topic sentences, transitions, and concluding sentences, demonstrates mastery Paragraph structure, including strong topic sentences, transitions, and concluding sentences follows assigned format. One or more paragraphs is missing key criteria such as a strong topic sentence, transitions, and a concluding sentence. Two or more paragraphs are disorganized and lack unity. Lack of organization in paragraphs indicates minimal skill or effort in using assigned format. Score- Score- Score- Score- Score- Outstanding conclusion utilizes creativity and insight that stresses the importance of the thesis statement, gives the essay a sense of completeness, and leaves a final impression on the reader. The conclusion relates clearly to the thesis statement, gives the essay a sense of completeness, and leaves a final impression on the reader. The conclusion is missing some of the criteria. Learner writes a limited conclusion that does not meet the stated criteria. Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information to make important connections and distinctions; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. Body: Organization of Ideas (20 pts) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY. W.9-10.2.B CONTENT 18-20 90-100% Name: Develop the topic with well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic. Body: Flows Easily (20 pts) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.2.C Use appropriate and varied transitions to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships among complex ideas and concepts. Conclusion (20 pts) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY. W.9-10.2.F Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented (e.g., articulating implications or the significance of the topic). Essay Criteria 4 3 2 1 Score- Score- Score- Score- Without errors, varied sentence structure demonstrates mastery of grammar; strong and engaging word choice Varied sentence structure with minimal errors, demonstrates knowledge of grammar, strong word choice. Some variety in sentence structure, but there are grammatical mistakes throughout the essay (a pattern of run-on sentences, sentence fragments, etc.). Sentence structure does not vary. Most sentences are simple. Numerous errors in grammar, and word choice confuse or distract the reader from the content. Score- Score- Score- Score- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY. L.9-10.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. Minimal to no errors in capitalization, punctuation, and spelling rules 1 – 2 errors in capitalization, punctuation, spelling rules 3 – 4 errors in capitalization, punctuation, and spelling rules may cause confusion More than 4 errors in capitalization, punctuation, and spelling confuse or distract the reader from the content MLA Format (15 pts) Score- Score- Score- Score- Score- Page Layout Assigned format is followed without errors 1 – 2 errors in use of assigned format 3 – 4 errors in use of assigned format More than 4 errors in use of assigned format Numerous errors indicate minimal skill or effort in using assigned format. Internal Citations All citations are formatted as assigned for source material without errors 1 -2 errors in assigned citation format for source material 3 – 4 errors in assigned citation format for source material More than 4 errors in assigned citation format for source material No internal citations for source material Works Cited Assigned format is followed without errors 1 -2 errors in assigned format 3 – 4 errors in assigned format More than 4 errors in assigned format No Works Cited page Grammar (5 pts) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY. L.9-10.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Conventions (5 pts) CONVENTIONS 5 Page Layout: Essay is typed and double space (only) all lines Margin is one-inch from all sides Name, Teacher, Course, Due Date double-spaced at top left Title Centered Running head Paragraphs indented ½” (Two-sided pages ok) Internal Citations: Parenthesis appropriately used Punctuation is correct Content within citation is complete and accurate References a specific source in Works Cited page Score- Score- Works Cited Page: Each citation is formatted as assigned Running Head Works Cited centered at top of page All lines double-spaced Alphabetized list Hanging (Reverse) Indentation