Gap Analysis of Marzano’s Administrator Rubric against Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards All Oregon districts are required to develop or adopt an Educator Evaluation System. This system must include an administrator rubric with four performance levels that is aligned to Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards. Staff at the Regional Northwest Comprehensive Center (NWRCC), conducted a match gap analyses of several rubrics already in use in Oregon districts for the purpose of determining their degree of alignment to the Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards. The organization of the results is as follows: 1. Performance indicators related to each of the Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards are listed in Column 1. 2. In Column 2, is text from the rubric that is comparable to the indicators from the Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards. Language from the rubric that describes a “proficient” teacher is used as evidence. Any indicator for which there is no evidence from the rubric is considered a gap. 3. The gap is summarized in column 3. It was not expected that every rubric would address every indicator listed. Rather, once the language from the rubric was inserted the result was viewed holistically to see whether the rubric met the overall goal for each standard. In the event that the majority of the indicators for a particular standard had no evidence, language describing a proficient administrator was inserted in the “Addressing the Gap” column. This language appears in red. Districts choosing to use a rubric with a standards gap would need to add the necessary language in their district rubric for every level for each of the gaps identified. January 2012 Page 1 of 14 Standard #1: Visionary Leadership An educational leader integrates principles of cultural competency and equitable practice and promotes the success of every student by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by stakeholders. Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards Educational Leaders: a) Collaboratively develop and implement a shared vision and mission; Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators 1.Providing a clear Vision for Instruction (p. 131) Addressing the Gaps Collaboratively develop/ Shared Implement Mission The school administrator ensures that a school-wide language or model of instruction is in place and continually refers to that model. b) Collect and use data to identify goals, assess organizational effectiveness, and promote organizational learning; None c) Create and implement plans to achieve goals; 1. Establishing Goals for Overall Student Achievement (p. 125) d) Promote continuous and sustainable improvement; and Identifying the Gaps The school administrator establishes written achievement goals at the school level and regularly refers to these goals and reminds faculty and staff of these goals. 3. Progress Monitoring for School Achievement (p. 127) e) Monitor and evaluate progress and revise plans. Use data to identify goals Assess organizational effectiveness Promote organizational learning Plans to achieve goals/Implement Promote continuous and sustainable improvement Revise plans The school administrator ensures that data are available for overall student achievement and that these data are regularly analyzed to determine student growth. January 2012 Page 2 of 14 Standard #2: Instructional Improvement An educational leader integrates principles of cultural competency and equitable practice and promotes the success of every student by sustaining a positive school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards Educational Leaders: a) Nurture and sustain a culture of collaboration, trust, learning and high expectations; Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators 1.Opportunities for Teachers to Observe and Discuss Effective Teaching The school administrator ensures that teachers have regular opportunities to interact regarding effective instructional practices and that they have opportunities to observe specific examples of effective teaching virtually or in person.(p. 141) Identifying the Gaps High expectations Addressing the Gaps h) Is aware of many of the most effective and appropriate technologies that support teaching and learning, funded purchase of these tools when possible, and promotes their use in many classrooms. 2.Teacher Roles in Decision-Making Processes For specific types of decisions, the school administrator ensures that formal processes are in place to collect data from all teachers regarding their preferences and that the manner in which those data are used to make decisions is made transparent.(p.142) 3. Teacher Collaboration About Common Issues The school administrator ensures that formal teams or collaborative groups of teachers and other relevant staff meet regularly and have specific goals relative to curriculum, assessment, and instruction that are designed to enhance student achievement. (p.143) January 2012 Page 3 of 14 Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators Identifying the Gaps Addressing the Gaps 2. Trust of Faculty and Staff Faculty and staff perceive the school administrator as an individual whose actions are guided by the desire to help all students learn and as a person who will follow through with his or her initiatives.(p. 148) 6.Acknowledging Success b) Create a comprehensive, rigorous and coherent curricular program; When appropriate, the school administrator acknowledges and celebrates the accomplishments of the school as a whole and the accomplishments of individuals within the school.(p. 152) 1. Curriculum Aligned to State and District Standards Comprehensive Rigorous curricular program The school administrator ensures that both the written curriculum and the curriculum that is delivered in the classroom (i.e., the taught curriculum) adhere to state and district standards. (p. 137) c) Create a personalized and motivating learning environment for students; 2. Establishing Goals for the Achievement of Individual Students The school administrator ensures that written achievement goals are established for each student and that faculty members are aware of the goals for those students within their realm of responsibility.(p. 126) January 2012 Page 4 of 14 Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators Identifying the Gaps Addressing the Gaps 5.Interventions to Help Students Meet Individual Achievement Goals The school administrator ensures that programs and practices are in place for individual students who are not making adequate progress and that students are successfully completing those programs.(p. 129) 5.Acknowledging Success When appropriate, the school administrator acknowledges and celebrates the accomplishments of the school as a whole and the accomplishments of individuals within the school.(p. 152) Equal Opportunities for All Students The school administrator ensures that all students have access to the courses and classes that directly address the essential elements of the curriculum as well as access to the teachers and instructional practices that most strongly increase the chances that students will learn the essential elements. (p.139) d) Supervise and support instruction; 2. Encouraging Teachers to Enhance their Pedagogical Skills The school administrator ensures January 2012 Page 5 of 14 Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators Identifying the Gaps Addressing the Gaps that teachers establish growth goals regarding their pedagogical skills and tracks their individual progress.(p. 132) 4.Using Multiple Sources of Data for Teaching Evaluation The school administrator ensures that specific evaluation data are collected on each teacher regarding their pedagogical strengths and weaknesses and that these data are gathered from multiple sources.(p.134) 5.Providing teacher Professional Development Related to Growth Goals The school administrator ensures that job-embedded professional development is provided to teachers that is directly related to their growth goals.(p. 135) e) Develop assessment and accountability systems to monitor student progress; 3. Progress Monitoring for School Achievement Goals Assessment and accountability systems The school administrator ensures that data are available for overall student achievement and that these data are regularly analyzed to determine student growth.(p. 127) 5.Interventions to Help Students Meet Individual Achievement Goals The school administrator ensures that programs and practices are in place for individual students who are not making adequate progress January 2012 Page 6 of 14 Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators Identifying the Gaps Addressing the Gaps and that students are successfully completing those programs.(p. 129) f) Develop the instructional and leadership capacity of staff; 2. Encouraging Teachers to Enhance their Pedagogical Skills Leadership capacity The school administrator ensures that teachers establish growth goals regarding their pedagogical skills and tracks their individual progress.(p. 132) 5.Teacher and Staff Input The school administrator ensures that data are regularly collected from teachers and staff regarding their opinions about and suggestions for the optimal functioning of the school, and this information is an important part of deliberations about the school.(p.144) g) Maximize time spent on quality instruction; h) Promote the use of the most effective and appropriate technologies to support teaching and learning; and i) Monitor and evaluate the impact of instruction. January 2012 2.Curriculum Focused According to Time Available The school administrator ensures that the written curriculum has been unpacked in such a manner that essential elements have been identified and that these essential elements are few enough to allow adequate time for students to learn them.(p. 138) None Maximize Quality instruction Promote the use of the most effective and appropriate technologies to support teaching and learning; and 3. Progress Monitoring for School Achievement Goals Page 7 of 14 Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators Identifying the Gaps Addressing the Gaps The school administrator ensures that data are available for overall student achievement and that these data are regularly analyzed to determine student growth.(p. 127) 2. Encouraging Teachers to Enhance their Pedagogical Skills The school administrator ensures that teachers establish growth goals regarding their pedagogical skills and tracks their individual progress.(p. 132) Awareness of Predominant Instructional Practices in the School The school administrator ensures that information about predominant instructional practices in the school is available and regularly interacts with teachers about the effectiveness of these practices. (p. 133) Standard #3: Effective Management An educational leader integrates principles of cultural competency and equitable practice and promotes the success of every student by ensuring management of the organization, operation, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators Educational Leaders: a) Monitor and evaluate the management and operational systems; b) Obtain, allocate, align and efficiently use human, fiscal and technological resources; January 2012 5.Resource Management Identifying the Gaps Monitor and evaluate the management and operational systems Human resources Technological resources Addressing the Gaps a) Regularly monitors routines, processes, and procedures and regularly collects and analyzes a variety of data from multiple sources in order to gauge their effectiveness and to identify and Page 8 of 14 Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators The school administrator manages the fiscal resources of the school in such a way that faculty and staff have the materials necessary to teach effectively and manages time resources in such a way that faculty and staff can teach effectively.(p.151) c) Promote and protect the welfare and safety of students and staff; Identifying the Gaps Addressing the Gaps plan for areas of improvement. 4.Parent and School Perceptions of School Environment The school administrator ensures that faculty and staff perceive the school as a safe place and as a place that has well-defined routines and procedures that lead to orderly conduct from everyone.(p. 149) d) Develop the capacity for adaptive leadership; and 4.Teacher and Staff Input The school administrator ensures that data are regularly collected from teachers and staff regarding their opinions about and suggestions for the optimal functioning of the school, and this information is an important part of deliberations about the school.(p.144) e) Ensure teacher and organizational time is focused to support quality instruction and student learning. 5. Resource Management The school administrator manages the fiscal resources of the school in such a way that faculty and staff have the materials necessary to teach effectively and manages time resources in such a way that January 2012 Page 9 of 14 Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators faculty and staff can teach effectively. (p.151) Identifying the Gaps Addressing the Gaps Standard #4: Inclusive Practice An educational leader integrates principles of cultural competency and equitable practice and promotes the success of every student by collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources in order to demonstrate and promote ethical standards of democracy, equity, diversity, and excellence, and to promote communication among diverse groups. Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards Educational Leaders: a) Collect and analyze data pertinent to equitable outcomes; Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators 3. Progress Monitoring for School Achievement Goals. The school administrator ensures that data are available for overall student achievement and that these data are regularly analyzed to determine student growth.(p. 127) 4.Progress Monitoring for Individual Achievement Goals. The school administrator ensures that achievement data are available for individual students and that these data are regularly analyzed to determine individual student growth. (p. 128) Trust of Faculty and Staff January 2012 Identifying the Gaps Addressing the Gaps b) Develops and implements adequate plans for building and sustaining relationships with all members of the school community (staff, students, families, and community partners) in order to understand and integrate the community’s diverse cultural, social, and intellectual resources and to more regularly communicate and implement the school’s vision. Systems and procedures were put in place for monitoring, evaluating, and maintaining existing community relationships and for identifying and establishing new ones that support school and district goals. d) Initiates and responds to many opportunities for schoolcommunity collaborations and partnerships. Systems and procedures put in place for monitoring, evaluating, and sustaining existing community relationships and for identifying Page 10 of 14 Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators Identifying the Gaps and establishing new ones that support school and district goals. Faculty and staff perceive the school administrator as an individual whose actions are guided by the desire to help all students learn and as a person who will follow through with his or her initiatives. (p. 148) b) Understand and integrate the community’s diverse cultural, social and intellectual resources; None c) Build and sustain positive relationships with families and caregivers; and 4.Parent and School Perceptions of School Environment Addressing the Gaps Understand and integrate the community’s diverse cultural, social and intellectual resources Sustain positive relationships The school administrator ensures that parents and students perceive the school as a safe place and as a place that has well-defined routines and procedures that lead to orderly conduct from everyone. (p. 150) 5.Student and Parent Input The school administrator ensures that data are regularly collected from students and parents regarding their opinions about and suggestions for the optimal functioning of the January 2012 Page 11 of 14 Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards d) Build and sustain productive relationships with community partners. Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators school, and this information is an important part of deliberations about the school. (p. 145) None Identifying the Gaps Addressing the Gaps Build and sustain productive relationships with community partners. Standard #5: Ethical Leadership An educational leader integrates principles of cultural competency and equitable practice and promotes the success of every student by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner. Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards Educational Leaders: a) Ensure a system of accountability for every student’s academic and social success; b) Model principles of self-awareness, reflective practice, transparency and ethical behavior; Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators 4.Progress Monitoring for Individual Achievement Goals. The school administrator ensures that achievement data are available for individual students and that these data are regularly analyzed to determine individual student growth. (p. 128) Teacher Roles in Decision Making Processes Identifying the Gaps Social success Models self-awareness Reflective practice Addressing the Gaps c) Collects and analyzes data that is varied and from multiple sources in order to gain adequate knowledge of the diverse school community and its needs and resources and used this analysis to safeguard the values of democracy, equity, and diversity. d) Evaluates the potential ethical and legal consequences of decisions made at administrative and classroom levels in the school. For specific types of decisions, the school administrator ensures that formal processes are in place to collect data from all teachers regarding their preferences and that the January 2012 Page 12 of 14 Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators manner in which those data are used to make decisions is made transparent. (p. 142) Identifying the Gaps Addressing the Gaps Recognition as Leader Faculty and staff perceive the school administrator as the leader of the school and generally feel confident about his or her leadership abilities. (p. 147) c) Safeguard the values of democracy, equity and diversity; None d) Evaluate the potential ethical and legal consequences of decision-making; and None e) Promote social justice and ensure that individual student needs inform all aspects of schooling. Interventions to Help Students Meet Individual Achievement Goals Safeguard the values of democracy, equity and diversity; Evaluate the potential ethical and legal consequences of decision-making; and Social aspects of schooling Inform The school administrator ensures that programs and practices are in place for individual students who are not making adequate progress and that students are successfully completing those programs. (p. 129) January 2012 Page 13 of 14 Standard #6: Socio-Political Context An educational leader integrates principles of cultural competency and equitable practice and promotes the success of every student by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards Educational Leaders: Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators Identifying the Gaps None Advocate for children, families and caregivers b) Act to influence local, district, state and national decisions affecting student learning; and None c) Assess, analyze and anticipate emerging trends and initiatives in order to adapt leadership strategies. None Act to influence local, district, state and national decisions affecting student learning; and Assess, analyze and anticipate emerging trends and initiatives in order to adapt leadership strategies. a) Advocate for children, families and caregivers; Addressing the Gaps a) Advocates for equity and adequacy in providing for students’ and families’/ caregivers’ educational, physical, emotional, social, cultural, legal, and economic needs while also training others to advocate for equity and appropriate provisions to ensure opportunities for success for every student. b) Actively develops relationships with and taught others the techniques for developing relationships across a range of individuals to identify and influence local, district, state, and national decisions affecting student learning. c) Consistently assesses analyzes, and collaborates with other educational leaders to anticipate emerging trends and initiatives in order to adapt leadership strategies. Note: On Marzano’s Rubric, #6 under “School Climate” (Domain 5): “Acknowledges Success,” is not in the Oregon standards. January 2012 Page 14 of 14