CNA School of Longview/Health Education Center Certified Nursing Assistant Training Program This school is licensed under Chapter 28C, 10 RCW. Inquiries or complaints regarding this private vocational school may be made to the: Workforce Board, 128 10th Ave. SW, Box 43105, Olympia, WA 98504 Web:, Ph: 360-753-5662, Email address: Program Outline 1. Understanding Health Care Systems 2. The Health Care Team 3. Legal and Ethical Issues 4. Communication/Cultural Diversity 5. Infection control 6. Safety and Body Mechanics 7. Emergency Care/Disaster Response 8. Human Needs and Development 9. Body Systems 10. Positioning and Moving 11. Admits/Discharges 12. The resident’s unit 13. Personal Care Skills 14. Basic Nursing Skills 15. Nutrition/Hydration 16. Bladder and Bowel Elimination 17. Acute and Chronic Conditions 18. Behavioral Care – Dementia, Confusion, Alzheimers 19. Mental Health and Illness 20. Death and Dying 21. Restorative Care 22. Self-Care Program Description and Required Hours This program requires a total of approximately 110 hours of instruction. 60 hours are spent in the classroom, learning nursing assistant theory from lecture, videos, possible special guest speaker, and skills practice. The remaining 50 hours are spent in the clinical setting including time at a local long-term care center. Scheduled days will be determined for each class. You must pass both parts of the instruction, both classroom and clinical, to complete the program. Homework is required. You can expect to spend time at home reading the textbook chapters that are assigned and completing the accompanying workbook chapters. This is an intensive 4 week theory/C N A skills class (not including the clinical portion), so please understand that effort will be required to learn the material. After completion of the program, you will receive a Certificate of Completion. You will then be able to schedule and take the State exam. There will be 2 parts to the test. One is a written test. The other will be based on skills demonstration. Details regarding these exams will be given in class. We will do all we can to help you pass the first time. Upon receiving your nursing assistant certification, you will be eligible to work in long-term care, hospitals, clinics, and a variety of other healthcare settings. Program Facilities The classroom is located at 5612 Ocean Beach Hwy, Suite 114, Longview, WA, 98632. Equipment used for training includes life-size mannequins, hospital beds, vital sign tools such as stethoscope and blood pressure cuffs, linen, wash basins, transfer belts, wheelchair, walker, and other items you will encounter as a CNA. Presently, the maximum number of students in the classroom can be up to 20. There will be a 10 student to 1 instructor ratio in the clinical setting. Admission Requirements All students will be required to take an “admissions test”. You must be able to read, write, and speak/understand English in order to enroll, and perform simple math calculations. You must also be able to pass a Washington State Patrol criminal background check. Program Costs Tuition: $650, payable at time of enrollment, or payment plan (see website) Books: $58.46 (Includes textbook and workbook) Available through school, if desired. Scrubs: Black or brown scrubs (available at Walmart, Uniform Express, other store, or online) Price varies. Comfortable, clean tennis shoes, clogs, or other. Check with instructor before purchase: price varies Blood pressure cuff & stethoscope: Available for purchase at the school, if desired $30+tax Other costs: CPR certification, if needed - $56 through school TB test – approx $18 – available at Workplace Wellness or your MD. State exam fee - $110 Certification fee upon passing exam - $48 Grading Description of evaluation methods and program requirements for passing: Theory: Methods of grading will include midterm, final examination, completion of workbook pages & completion of 7 hours HIV training w/ test. The student must achieve 75% or better in order to pass the course. Each evaluation piece is worth a certain number of points. They are compiled and divided at the end of the theory portion to achieve a grade status. A 94-100% A- 91-93% B+ 88-90% B 85-87% B- 82-84% C+ 79-81% C 75-78 Below C is not passing. You must attend all classes. A conference with the instructor will be required if this is not possible and may result in non-completion of the class. Clinical: Satisfactory rating in all areas of clinical competencies is required. An unsatisfactory rating in clinical will result in an incomplete or failing grade for the course. A student who does not pass the clinical portion may be given the opportunity to attend the next clinical class in order to achieve completion of the program. Each case will be looked at individually. For those students who are not passing the theory portion…we will work with you soon enough to help you succeed. The ability to communicate is vitally important to this profession. If you are having trouble, let us know right away. Withdrawal/Termination and Refund Policy The last day to withdraw, with a full refund, is the end of the second day after the class starts. If withdrawal/termination occurs after the second day, refunds will be calculated according to the following schedule: If the student completes this amount of training: The school may keep this percentage of the tuition cost: One week or up to 10%, whichever is less 10% More than one week or 10% whichever is less but less than 25% 25% 25% through 50% 50% More than 50% 100% lf withdrawal/termination occurs during the clinical portion, the students will be given the opportunity to complete the program during a later clinical class (within 3 months) at no additional cost. No refunds can be issued at this time. This will only be offered one time within 3 months from date of withdrawal/termination. For periods of absence greater than 3 months, the class may have to be repeated with a full tuition cost. If refund is due, it will be disbursed within 30 days from date of withdrawal/termination. Complaint/ Appeal Process Students who have a complaint or who would like to appeal a termination decision must request, in writing, an appointment for an interview with the school director. The written request should include the following: Student’s full name and current address A statement of the concern including dates, times, instructors, and if applicable, other students involved Date of complaint letter and signature of student Three dates in which the student would be available for a meeting with the school director. These dates should be within 10 business days of the complaint. The school director will notify the student, in writing, of the appointment date in which the concerns or appeal will be addressed. Every effort will be made to bring an amicable closure to the concern. Should it be necessary, a panel of instructors will hear the concerns and will be asked to assist in bringing a resolution to concerns and/or appeals. The student will be notified in writing, within five business days, of the outcome of the meetings. Should the contract be canceled by either the student or the school, the last date of attendance will be used as the date to calculate any refund in accordance with the school’s refund policy. Nothing in this policy prevents the student from contacting the Workforce Board (the state licensing agency) at 360.735.5662 at any time with the concern or a complaint. School Calendar and Class Schedules The following holidays will be observed and classes will not be held: New Years Day Memorial Day Independence Day Thanksgiving Christmas Hours of operation for Administrative office are 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 pm ( by phone). For class times, see website ( or call 360-747-7716 or 360 – 425-7770. New classes will be scheduled approximately every 7 weeks. Enrollment will be on a firstcome, first-serve basis. If class maximum is reached, then students will be encouraged to enroll in the following class session. Attendance Policy Attendance is required for all classes. If illness or an emergency occurs, please call the instructor and let that person know. If you must miss class, you will have to keep up with the required reading and workbook pages. This will be crucial to your goal of passing the state exam. Everyone is expected to attend all clinical days. If an emergency occurs or illness, again, please call your instructor immediately and let that person know that you will not be coming to clinical. An alternate day may be arranged, but not guaranteed, depending on class schedules. If 2 clinical days are missed, it will be necessary to withdraw from the scheduled class, unless other arrangements for completion are available. There are no guarantees of this. There will be no refunds at this point. Code of Conduct and Dress 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bring books to every class, including the little blue book. Please arrive on time. Breaks are scheduled per instructor decision. Bring food and drinks so that class can continue, as scheduled. Cell phones must be off and put away during class time. No texting allowed during class times. You may use your cell phone during breaks. 6. Smoking allowed in designated areas only. 7. Mature behavior is expected of all students. The content of this class will cover personal care and may be embarrassing for some. Your attitude must remain professional throughout the time you are enrolled and attending this program. If you think you may have a problem with this, please discuss with the program director prior to starting this class. Any instance of unsafe or inappropriate behavior may be grounds for immediate dismissal and possible failure of the course. 8. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Questions are always welcome. Please understand that this is a serious class and you are being trained to care for others who are ill and/or disabled. This is a very important responsibility. Your behavior in class will be reflective of your performance on the job. Do not enroll in this program if you cannot meet this requirement. 9. Any student with a medical issue, such as pregnancy or back problems, will need to furnish the school with a doctor’s note that states your physical limitations. 10. Scrubs are to be worn to class. Clothing must not be low-cut or tight. Scrubs need to cover all cleavage, both front and back. If you need to wear an undergarment or Tshirt to cover up, please do so. When we begin learning vital signs, everyone will be asked to wear a tee-shirt to class, under the scrubs, for ease of placing a blood pressure cuff. 11. When attending clinical, any piercings, other than small earrings, will have to be removed. Make-up can be applied lightly. 12. Tatoos on arms will have to be covered during the clinical time while we are in the facility. 13. Professional behavior in the clinical setting will be expected and required at all times. Any unsafe or inappropriate behavior or actions may be grounds for immediate dismissal and possible failure of the class. The clinical instructor and the program director will make this decision. Conditions for Termination from Program Students may be terminated from the program for the following reasons: 1. Poor attendance without prior authorization or failing to inform instructor of absence. 2. Continued poor academic and skill performance in class, after repeated discussion and assistance from instructional personnel (greater than 2 times). 3. Continued disruptive behavior, to be determined by instructor, after repeated discussions with instructional personnel. 4. Failure to pay tuition and obtain required items for instruction. 5. Failure to observe and abide by policy directives, after being spoken to by instructor, either during class or clinical. 6. Any behavior that is considered unsafe or inappropriate related to direct patient care. If this behavior is observed and deemed unsafe or inappropriate, the student will be removed from the clinical setting immediately. A decision to issue a failing status will be made by the clinical instructor and the program director. The program director will notify the student in writing. The termination letter will contain the date and the reason for termination from the program. It is the responsibility of the student to inform appropriate lending parties, if applicable. Refunds will be disbursed according to the refund schedule. After Completion Practice Time After you complete the program and before your state test, there will be scheduled times during the week for practice of skills. This is encouraged but not required. It is in your best interest to take advantage of these times to reinforce the skills that you have learned, in preparation for taking your state test. Bring a partner with you. Your book, workbook pages, and handouts that you will receive in class will help you study for the written portion of the exam. Questions about these practice dates and times are encouraged. Contact your instructor either by email or phone, if you have any. During these open class times, you will need to focus on the skills practice. While interaction with your partner is encouraged, this will not be a social time. We are keeping the classroom open to give you the opportunity to reinforce what you learned so you can pass your state test. Please treat this as a serious endeavor. Again, if you have any questions regarding this time, contact the instructor. If you are not able to comply with these statements of conduct, you may be asked to leave and come back when you can. Names and Credentials of Instructional Personnel Marlene D Jones RN, MSN - Owner/Program Director/Classroom & Clinical Instructor Ehren Burright RN - Classroom & Clinical Instructor Julie Miralles RN – Classroom & Clinical Instructor Amy Newman – Instructional Aid Rhonda Davis – Instructional Aid Student Records Student records will be kept by the school for 50 years. Should the school close for any reason, student records will be forwarded to the Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board. A copy of a student’s record is available at any time to the requesting student free of charge. This request must be in writing. A request form will be available on the school’s website. Contact Information CNA School of Longview/Health Education Center LLC P.O. Box 2488 5612 Ocean Beach Hwy, Suite 114 Longview, WA 98632 Ph: 360-747-7716/360-425-7770 Student Agreement and verification of having read the contents of this catalog I have read the contents of the C N A School of Longview/Health Education Center Policies/Catalog and understand the expectations of this program and agree to abide by them. If I do not abide by the rules of conduct and attendance, I may be asked to withdraw from the program. I may or may not be entitled to a refund of tuition, depending on the date. Signed ___________________________________________________ Date______________________________________________________