Research permit application form (DOCX

Application to conduct scientific research
in Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park
Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park
Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park
PO Box 119 YULARA NT 0872
08 8956 1105
Research in a Commonwealth reserve
Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park is a Commonwealth reserve under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park is Aboriginal land, jointly managed by
its traditional owners Anangu and the Director of National Parks. You will need to apply for a permit or
approval to carry out scientific research in this reserve.
Purpose of this application form
This application form can be used to apply to:
conduct scientific research in a Commonwealth reserve
take native biological material/specimens from a Commonwealth reserve
Depending on the location, nature and the type of research you may need additional permits. More information
on permit requirements is located at:
Do not use this form for research in:
state/territory reserves or waters—contact the relevant state or territory government agency regarding
their application requirements.
Lodging your application
Complete this application form and send the completed form (with all supporting documents) to:
 Email: or
 Post: Research Permit Administrator – Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park
PO Box 119 YULARA NT 0872
 Phone: 08 8956 1105
Applications that are illegible, incomplete, or are missing supporting documents cannot be assessed. If you need
more space to address any of the questions please attach additional pages (with reference to the question
Apply well in advance
You will need to submit your application well in advance of the date your proposed research is to start. If you are
applying for a permit in Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park or Kakadu National Park additional time is required to
consult with the traditional owners/the park’s Board of Management when assessing your application. Contact
the reserve for further information on the consultation process and priority research areas.
If you have an existing research permit and need more than the permitted time to complete the research, you will
need to reapply for another permit.
Conditions and reporting requirements
Please ensure you and any research participants understand and will be able to meet your obligations under the
permit. These are set out in the conditions, and in Part 3 and Part 5 of the application. We will contact you if
further permit conditions need to be added following assessment of your application. Failure to abide by these
conditions may lead to your permit being suspended or cancelled, or your approval being revoked, and may
affect future applications.
To conduct research in a Commonwealth reserve, you will also need to meet certain reporting requirements.
Details of these requirements are outlined in Part 3 and Part 5 of this application.
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Application assessment
The assessment process for permit applications includes consulting traditional owners, and takes into account
the following factors:
 the reserve’s research and monitoring priorities – these priorities are in section 8.4 (page 121-125) of
the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park Management Plan, which can be found at:
 the usefulness of the research to reserve management
 whether traditional owner concerns are satisfactorily addressed
 whether the activity threatens the conservation status of a species or ecological community
 whether the activity can reasonably be done outside of the reserve
 the level of impact on the reserve’s natural and cultural sites and values
 the scientific merit of the activity
 the level of logistical, community and funding support required from the reserve management
 ecological sustainability (where applicable)
Removal of native animals or plants from the wild must be ecologically sustainable (not threaten the species viability in
the wild, or threaten rare, restricted or localised populations). Research involving the removal of native species will
involve closer scrutiny than where collection of specimens is not required.
 institutional ethics approval (where applicable)
Animal Ethics Committee approval is required for any research involving death or any form of handling of vertebrate
animals. Human and Behavioural Research Ethics Committee clearance is required for any research which may impact
upon people. University based researchers will normally seek clearance through their University’s ethical approval
procedures. Independent researchers must arrange to obtain comparable ethics approval.
Successful applicants are issued with either a permit or an approval, depending on the management
arrangement for the reserve. Unless noted otherwise, the information on permits in this application is the same
for approvals.
Consultation with traditional owners
Traditional owners are consulted about all proposed research activities including the activities’ potential benefits
to, and impacts on, park management and traditional owners. Research projects are required to offer traditional
owners opportunities to be involved in the research project. You may need to ensure your research funding
encompasses this involvement (e.g. the employment of traditional owners as field assistants or advisors).
Work health and safety
The Director of National Parks ('the Director') is committed to and has an obligation under the Work Health and
Safety Act 2011 to provide and maintain a safe and healthy workplace for all of its employees and visitors. It is a
permit condition that you take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of your team when conducting research,
and ensure that your activities do not adversely affect the health and safety of others.
In the application you must specify measures you will take to minimise risks to safety, for example having
protective equipment or an emergency plan. You must also attach a copy of your institutions’ safety
procedures/risk assessment plan (if any) or complete and return the Risk assessment for remote fieldwork
template provided by the reserve (if applicable).
Privacy notice
The Director and the Department of the Environment (‘the Department’) are authorised to request personal
information from permit applicants under Part 17 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation
Regulations 2000 (EPBC Regulations). The personal information that you provide will be used to assess your
permit application and manage activities within reserves, including compliance with the EPBC Act and EPBC
Regulations. If you do not provide the requested information your permit application cannot be assessed.
If you are applying for a permit in Kakadu National Park, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park or Booderee National
Park your personal information may be provided to the park's Board of Management for the purpose of
assessing your application.
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Your personal information may be disclosed to other Commonwealth (and in some circumstances, state and
territory) government departments and agencies where it is required or authorised by or under law or where it is
reasonably necessary for law enforcement.
If you are issued with a permit to access biological resources, the Department is required under Part 8A of the
EPBC Regulations to publish a copy of your permit on a publicly accessible Register. The Register can be
accessed at
Privacy Policy
The collection, storage, use and disclosure of personal information is governed by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
and, in particular, by the Australian Privacy Principles. The Director's Privacy Policy is available at and the Department’s Privacy Policy is available at Privacy Policies detail how you can access and correct your personal
information, and who to contact if you have a concern about your personal information.
Further information
If you would like further information, you can find out more by:
visiting the Parks Australia website at
emailing or
calling the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park on (08) 8956 1105
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The permittee must comply with the EPBC Act, the EPBC
Regulations, the management plan, these permit
conditions, and any other signs, notices, information,
guidelines, codes of conduct, protocols or directions
issued by, or under the authority of, the Director relating to
the park.
The permittee must comply with all Commonwealth, State
or Territory laws relating to the permitted activity.
The permittee must hold all permits, licences and other
authorities required by law for the conduct of the permitted
The permittee must maintain relevant training,
qualifications and experience to competently conduct the
permitted activity.
The permittee must carry a copy of this permit and these
conditions or keep a copy in the permittee’s transport
(vehicle, vessel or aircraft) while conducting the permitted
activity, and must produce it for inspection when
requested by a ranger or warden.
The permittee must not, and must take all reasonable
steps to ensure that the permittee’s staff and authorised
participants do not, walk off track or use any road, track or
area that is permanently, temporarily or seasonally closed
or restricted by fences, gates or signs, unless specifically
authorised by this or another permit.
In these conditions, unless the contrary intention appears:
Act means the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation
Act 1999 and any Regulations, management plans and instruments
made under it, and includes any Act that amends or replaces it.
agreement means the agreement at Part 3 of this application.
authorised participants means all persons, other than the permittee
or the permittee’s staff, who take part in the permitted activity.
Director means the Director of National Parks, and includes any
statutory successor to the Director and the Director’s delegates.
management plan means the management plan in operation from
time to time for the park under the Act.
media means individual or company, including their agents,
representatives and employees, that publishes, broadcasts or
otherwise engages in communications to an audience as part of their
park means the named Commonwealth reserve(s) for which this
permit is issued.
park staff means persons employed by the Director and performing
duties in relation to the park.
permitted activity means the specified activity for which this permit is
permittee means each person (individual, company or other
commercial entity) to whom this permit is issued and includes, where
the context permits and the permittee’s staff.
permittee’s staff means the permittee’s employees, contractors and
other agents who take part in the permitted activity.
ranger means a person appointed as a ranger under s392 of the Act.
10. The permittee must not, and must take all reasonable
steps to ensure that the permittee’s staff and authorised
participants do not:
Regulations means the Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Regulations 2000 and includes any Regulations that
amend or replace them.
warden means a person appointed as a warden under s392 of the Act.
In these conditions:
The singular includes the plural and vice versa.
Where a word or phrase is defined, other grammatical forms of that
word or phrase have a corresponding meaning.
Where one of the words ‘include’, ‘including’ or ‘includes’ is used, the
words ‘without limitation’ are taken to immediately follow.
Where the word ‘must’ imposes an obligation on a person to do or not
do something, the obligation is taken to mean that the person must
take all reasonable steps to do or not do the thing (ie steps that ought
to be reasonable to a person who possesses the faculty of reason and
engages in conduct in accordance with community standards).
A reference to the permittee includes, where the context permits, the
permittee’s staff and the authorised participants involved in the
permitted activity.
The permittee must not conduct the permitted activity
before the commencement date or after the expiry date
shown on the permit.
The permittee must not conduct the permitted activity
unless the permittee has signed and submitted the
agreement with the park.
[permit only] This permit cannot be transferred to another
person, except in accordance with regulation 17.11 of the
[permit only] Note: If the permittee sells the business to which the
permit relates, the permittee may apply to transfer the permit to the
purchaser, in accordance with r17.11 of the Regulations, or the
purchaser may apply for a new permit.
behave contrary to the Regulations or any warning or
regulatory signs; or
pick fruits, flowers or branches, or otherwise damage
any native plants; or
interfere with, feed, handle or disturb any native
animal, or damage or disturb a nest or dwelling place
of a native animal; or
touch or interfere with any rock art, sacred site or
cultural artefact; or
impede public access to any part of the park.
Notes: This permit does not give the permittee any rights to the
exclusive use, enjoyment or occupancy of any area of the park
unless specifically authorised by this permit.
11. The permittee must notify the Director, in writing, within
7 days if:
[permit only] Note: The Director may vary or revoke these permit
conditions, or impose new conditions, in accordance with r17.09 of
the Regulations, and must do so where it is necessary to ensure that
the matters or circumstances about which the Director is required to
be satisfied when issuing the permit continue to apply.
General Permit Conditions (all activities)
the permittee sells any business to which the permit
relates to another person or group, or for any other
reason ceases to conduct the permitted activity; or
the permittee is a company and there is a change in
the owner(s) of the majority of issued shares in the
12. If the permittee is a company or other incorporated body
the permittee must not, without the approval of the
Director, have as a director or office holder a person who
has been convicted1 of an offence2 against the Act or the
Regulations within the previous 10 years.
A person is taken to have been convicted of an offence if, within five years, the person has
been charged with, and found guilty of, the offence but discharged without conviction or has
not been found guilty of the offence, but a court has taken the offence into account in passing
sentence on the person for another offence. Part VIIC of the Crimes Act 1914 includes
provisions that, in certain circumstances, relieve persons from the requirement to disclose
spent convictions and require persons aware of such convictions to disregard them.
Such an offence includes, for an offence under such a law, section 6 of the Crimes Act 1914
or sections 11.1, 11.4 or 11.5 of the Criminal Code (which deal with being an accessory after
the fact, attempting to commit offences, inciting to or urging the commission of offences by
other people and conspiring to commit offences) or an equivalent provision of a law of a State
or Territory.
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13. The permittee must not, without the approval of the
Director, use directly in the conduct of the activity to which
this permit relates (eg driver or tour guide) the services of
any person who has within the previous 10 years been
convicted of an offence against the Act or the Regulations
prior to the grant of the permit.
Note: The Director may keep a register of persons who have been
convicted of such an offence or who have been the subject of a
request by the Director for a permittee to cease using their services
within the park.
14. If any of the permittee’s staff contravene these permit
conditions the Director may:
notify the permittee of the contravention, and
direct the permittee to cease using the services of
that person within the park for a specified time, and
the permittee must forthwith comply with that request.
Note: In this situation the Director will give written notice to that
member of the permittee’s staff of the decision, stating that he or she
may apply to the Director to reconsider the decision and that, subject
to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975, he or she may
subsequently apply to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for review
of the reconsideration
15. The permittee must ensure that the permittee’s staff and
authorised participants are fully informed of and
understand these permit conditions before they
commence taking part in the permitted activity.
16. The permittee must ensure that the permittee's staff are
appropriately trained and/or accredited for any activity
they conduct in the park.
17. The permittee must ensure that appropriate risk
management systems, strategies and procedures are in
place to minimise foreseeable risks to the permittee’s staff,
authorised participants, other members of the public and
the environment and heritage values of the park, and must
produce evidence of such systems, strategies and
procedures upon request by the Director.
Note: Suitable templates for risk management systems are available
from Parks Australia. They represent the minimum acceptable
standard for a risk management system. Permittees are encouraged
to develop more detailed risk management systems.
18. The permittee is responsible for the safety, well being and
behaviour of the permittee’s staff and authorised
participants, and must take all reasonably practicable
steps to ensure that no person is exposed to risks to their
health or safety whilst in the park.
19. If the permittee or any of the authorised participants is
killed, injured, becomes ill, goes missing or is involved in a
dangerous incident while in the park, a member of park
staff must be notified as soon as possible and the
permittee and the authorised participant must comply with
any requests or directions from a member of park staff in
relation to the safety of that person or any other person.
Note: In this condition “dangerous incident” means an incident that
exposes a person to a serious risk to their health or safety
20. The permittee must ensure that its supervision of
authorised participants is reasonable in the circumstances
of the authorised participants’ differing levels of fitness,
experience and abilities.
21. The permittee must carry, and must ensure that each
authorised participant carries, sufficient potable water for
the conduct of the permitted activity.
Note: The Director recommends that, in hot weather, people carry
and drink one litre of water for every hour they will be active.
22. The permittee will make good any damage to the park, to
the extent that the damage was caused or contributed to
by the conduct of the permitted activity or a breach of the
permit conditions by the permittee.
Scientific Research Conditions
23. The permittee must take all reasonable steps to minimise
the permitted activity’s impact on the environment.
24. The permitted activity is to be conducted out of the view of
the general public where possible.
25. The permittee must notify the Director as soon as possible
after receiving any request for media comment about the
permitted activity. The permittee must consult the Director
prior to issuing any comment to the media regarding the
permitted activity.
26. The permittee must take all reasonable steps to clean
vehicles and other transport used in the conduct of the
permitted activity, before entering or moving around the
park, if they have been off sealed or graded roads, to
ensure they do not spread weed seeds or pathogens in
the park.
27. The permittee must ensure that all traps, nets and any
other devices used for capturing and securing animals,
and any devices that are to be attached to animals, are
thoroughly cleaned, and free of any pathogens that may
cause disease, before they are brought into the park or
moved between areas within the park.
28. The permittee must not enter areas to which entry is
prohibited or restricted under the EPBC Regulations,
unless specifically authorised by this permit or another
permit to do so.
29. If the permitted activity involves taking whole or part of any
organisms, the permittee record the name of each type of
organism, location, date and quantity taken at each
30. The permittee must ensure that all waste materials and
chemical substances relating to the permitted activity are
placed in appropriate containers designed to fully confine
material, removed from the park and disposed in an
environmentally responsible manner.
Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park Conditions
31. On each visit to the park and prior to conducting the
permitted activity, the permittee must provide the park with
details of all vehicles and authorised participants during
that visit and any further details the Director may
reasonably request.
32. The permittee must comply with any reasonable
instructions given by park staff, particularly regarding
buffel grass, Mossman River grass (innocent weed) or
other exotic grasses and weeds.
33. The permittee must only use the emergency call devices
(ECDs or radio alarms) that are located in the park to
request medical help or a search and rescue operation, or
to notify a member of park staff of a death, injury, missing
person or other incident.
Note: Emergency call devices are located at the Mala carpark,
Kuniya Piti, Kuniya walk carpark, Base walk (northeast track), the
Kata Tjuta Dune Viewing Area, the Walpa Gorge carpark, the Valley
of the Winds carpark and the T-intersection on the Valley of the
Winds track.
34. Archaeological research must comply with the Australian
Archaeological Association’s code of ethics.
35. If the permitted activity involves the participation of
Aboriginal people, the permittee must (with the use of an
interpreter whenever possible) obtain their written consent
and ensure the Aboriginal person understand what they
are consenting to.
Application for a permit to conduct scientific research in Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park
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Part 1 — Details of proposed permit holder
The Director of National Parks is authorised to collect the personal information requested in this form under the Environment
Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000. This information is used to assess permit applications and manage
activities within Commonwealth reserves. A full Privacy Notice, the Director's Privacy Policy and details on who to contact if you
have a concern about your personal information are available at
1. Details of proposed the permit holder
If the proposed research is carried out on behalf of a university or company, the permit holder should be the university or
company. The permit holder must be an individual, a company or another incorporated body. For additional permit holders,
please attach details on a separate sheet.
Other: (please specify):
Name of permit holder:
Business/Trading name:
Business address:
If a company, please list the full name of each of the directors of the company
2. Full name and contact details of person completing the application (if different to Question 1)
Full name:
Postal address:
3. Full name and contact details of primary researchers
Researcher 1 (Principal Investigator, Scientist or Project Manager)
Full name:
Postal address:
Researcher 2 (if required)
Full name:
Postal address:
4. Please provide the name and contact details of an emergency contact
Full name:
5. Provide details of two referees who can verify your qualifications and experience in your field of
Referee 1
Full name:
Postal address:
Referee 2
Full name:
Postal address:
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Part 2 — Details of proposed scientific research
6. What is the title of the proposed research project?
7. Have you previously held a permit for the proposed research in this
(a) Have you submitted all reports and information required under the previous permit?
(b) Is this application for a permit to replace an existing permit?
If yes, what was the reserve permit number?
If yes to (b), Is this proposed research exactly the same as the existing permit?
If you answered Yes to all of the questions above, complete only Questions 1 to 13, Part 3 Agreement, Part 4 Declaration;
and Part 5 Statutory Declaration (if applicable) and submit with a copy of your original application.
If you answered No to any of these questions, please complete the entire form.
8. When is the research proposed to start and to end?
Start date:
End date:
9. If multiple field trips are proposed state the number and duration of field trips
Number and duration of field trips:
Dates of field trips (if known):
Start date:
End date:
Start date:
End date:
Start date:
End date:
10. What is your satellite phone number? (if applicable)
11. Details of each person who will enter the Commonwealth reserve to carry out the proposed research
Researcher 1 – Full name:
Researcher 2 – Full name:
Researcher 3 – Full name:
12. Details of any transport to be used within the reserve
If you plan to use a hire vehicle or vessel, please advise details before entering the reserve. If using aircraft, please give full
details of landing locations and times:
Vehicle or aircraft
13. Describe the location(s) of the proposed research
Please attach a map identifying the proposed research site(s), together with geographic coordinates. Contact the reserve
for specific map requirements.
Location 1:
Coordinates (latitude/longitude):
Location 2:
Coordinates (latitude/longitude):
Location 3:
Coordinates (latitude/longitude):
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14. What are the objectives and key research questions of the proposed research?
Address the reserve’s priorities outlined in the management plan. Please attach a research proposal (if applicable).
15. Provide justification for the research project to be undertake in the reserve
Explain what is significant about the proposed research and reasons why the research will be undertaken in the reserve
rather than in other locations. Address the priorities in the reserve’s management plan, where applicable.
16. Outline the proposed research methods in plain English
Provide a detailed summary of the methods to be used for the proposed research including techniques, equipment and
sampling effort.
17. Details of any species to be the subject of the proposed research
Common name of
species or ecological
Scientific name of
status (use key
Example: Scented
Emu-bush/Narrowleaved Fuchsia-bush
5 / NA
number that
will be
5 plants
Type of
Quantity of
samples collected
(use key
Total of 5 voucher
specimens (incl.
leaves, flowers
and seed
To determine whether a species is listed under the EPBC Act refer to the: Species Profile and Threats Database
(1) For ecological communities provide an estimate of the area which will be affected.
Key to categories, conservation status and type of effect for listed species or ecological communities:
Conservation status under the EPBC Act
Type of effect
1. Listed Threatened Species
2. Listed Threatened Ecological
3. Listed Migratory
4. Listed Marine
5. Native species in a
Commonwealth reserve
6. Not listed
Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Conservation dependent
No status allocated
Taking (includes taking
specimens and samples of
biological material)
Keeping (in captivity)
Handling, moving
Damage to nest or dwelling place
18. What measures will be taken to minimise the impacts of the proposed research on listed or native
species and/or the reserve?
Provide details of specific measures that will be used to minimise impacts on individual species, populations or
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19. Will the proposed research:
threaten the conservation status of a listed species or ecological community?
adversely impact any cultural site or its values?
If yes, please describe these impacts
20. If chemicals will be used in the reserve, how will you manage their use and removal from the
List the chemicals to be used and details of specific measures to minimise the chemicals’ impact on the reserve.
21. How will you comply with the EPBC Regulations and minimise impact on the reserve?
I will ensure I know the relevant EPBC regulations and permit conditions.
I will explain these rules to those helping me conduct the proposed research.
I will remain on roads and marked tracks except as described in this application.
I will look out for animals on the road.
I will not interfere with rock art or other cultural or historic sites.
I will not feed or interfere with plants or animals except as described in this application.
I will thoroughly clean my vehicles, vessels and equipment before moving around the reserve.
I will dispose of food scraps, liquids and other waste responsibly.
I will manage risks to minimise impacts.
I will have contingency plans for emergencies or impacts that may begin to occur.
Other—please provide details:
22. Will the proposed research involve any of the following activities?
Bringing plants or animals into
the reserve
Filming and photography
Using traps and nets etc (other
than proposed in the application)
Off road driving
Accessing Aboriginal rock art or sacred
sites (other than proposed in the application)
If yes, please provide details.
23. What measures will be taken to minimise risks to safety?
Provide details of specific safety measures and attach a copy of your institutions’ safety procedures/risk assessment plan
(if any). In remote areas you may need to complete and return the risk assessment template provided by the reserve.
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24. Will you need assistance from reserve staff and/or traditional owners?
If yes, please provide details.
25. Will traditional owners be involved in the proposed research?
If yes, please provide details. You may need to ensure you have the funding to facilitate this involvement.
26. What other approvals, permits or licences related to the proposed research have been sought or
For example other government approvals, animal ethics committee approval or research synopsis. List and attach a copy.
27. List the expected outcomes of the proposed research
This may include management recommendations, reports and/or publications that are expected to follow from this
28. What are the likely benefits of this research to the reserve, traditional owners and/or target species?
29. Will the proposed research use any Indigenous people’s knowledge?
If yes, outline the proposed use of knowledge. Include details of agreements (if any) surrounding such uses and attach a
copy of the agreements.
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30. Does the proposed research involve the collection of biological material/specimens from native
Biological material includes, for example, all specimens of native plants or animals (whole individuals or parts), microbes,
tissue samples, blood and feather samples.
Complete Questions 31 to 34 and ensure Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5 (Statutory Declaration) are signed and
A separate permit will be issued under Part 8A of the EPBC Regulations (to access biological resources from
Commonwealth areas). The Department is required under Part 8A of the EPBC Regulations to publish a copy
of your permit on a publicly accessible Register. The Register can be accessed at
Go to Part 3. Ensure Part 3 (Agreement) and Part 4 (Declaration) are signed and witnessed. You do not
need to complete Questions 31 to 34 or Part 5 (Statutory Declaration).
31. What is the purpose of the proposed research on the biological material/specimens?
The research is for non-commercial purposes
The research is for commercial or potentially commercial purposes (You will need to enter into an access and
benefit-sharing agreement. Please email for further information)
32. What will the biological materials/specimens be used for?
For example, genetic analysis, biodiscovery, taxonomic purposes or ecological research.
33. List the Australian public institution(s) where you propose to offer samples
You must offer duplicate samples of biological material collected to an Australian public institution that is a repository of
taxonomic specimens of the same order or genus as those collected, for permanent loan. For any newly described
specimens, you must take all reasonable steps to lodge a specimen with an Australian museum or herbarium of the state
or territory in which the species was found, or with an Australian museum or herbarium that is the leading authority on the
genus. A Guide to offering samples can be found at:
34. Do you wish to seek permission to provide the samples to a third party?
If yes, please list the name, organisation and contact details of the third party. Transfer of biological material to third parties
must be made under terms equivalent to those outlined in Part 5 – Statutory declaration.
Third Party 1
Full name:
Postal address:
Third Party 2
Full name:
Postal address:
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Part 3 — Agreement
WITNESS as follows:
THIS DEED, made the
day of
, 20
In consideration of the research permit or approval issued, the holder of the permit or approval (‘researcher’) agrees to:
a) release the Commonwealth of Australia, the Director of National Parks and their servants and agents from all and any
claims which the researcher might at any time hereafter have or have had against the Commonwealth of Australia, the
Director of National Parks and their servants and agents and in respect of any injury, loss or damage which may be
suffered by the researcher in the course of the activities authorised by the permit or approval (‘research activities’);
b) indemnify and keep indemnified the Commonwealth of Australia, the Director of National Parks and their servants and
agents (‘the indemnified parties’) against all actions, proceedings, claims or demands brought against the indemnified
parties in respect of any injury, loss or damage arising out of:
i. a breach of the permit or approval conditions by the researcher or the researcher’s staff; or
ii. an act or omission involving fault on the part of the researcher or the researcher’s staff in carrying out the
research activities;
except to the extent that any act or omission involving fault on the part of the indemnified parties contributed to the relevant
liability, loss or damage; and
c) comply with the permit or approval conditions, and take all reasonable steps to ensure the researcher’s staff comply with
these conditions at all times;
d) notify the Director of National Parks (‘the Director’) as soon as possible after receiving any request for media comment
about the research activities; and consult the Director prior to issuing any comment to the media regarding the research
e) when using any information or material owned by the Director, obtain approval from the Director before using or disclosing
any data owned by the Director to a third party;
f) if taking organisms (whole or part of), provide to the Director a list of all specimens taken in the course of the permit or
approval, including the name of the organism, location, date and quantity of each specimen taken at each location as soon
as possible, and no later than one (1) month after the date of expiry of the permit or approval to which this Agreement
relates. The Director will only use the information provided in this clause for purposes relating to the Director’s legal and
regulatory functions and may be published on a publicly accessible register;
g) if taking native species (whole or part of), offer duplicate samples of biological material collected to an Australian public
institution that is a repository of taxonomic specimens of the same order or genus as those collected, for permanent loan.
For any newly described species, the researcher agrees to take all reasonable steps to lodge a specimen with an Australian
museum or herbarium of the state or territory in which the species was found, or with an Australian museum or herbarium
that is the leading authority on the genus;
h) in publications arising from the research activities, identify all permit and approvals issued under the Environment Protection
and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) for the research activities, acknowledge any assistance received from Parks
Australia staff and traditional owners (as appropriate), and include a disclaimer stating that the views expressed in the
publication do not necessarily represent the views of the Director or the Australian Government;
i) provide to the Director a copy of:
i. any draft publication arising from the research activities, including scientific papers in journals, book chapters,
conference papers or technical reports, before submitting the paper for publication; and
ii. all publications and unpublished reports including management and research recommendations, arising from the
research activities within one (1) month of the report’s publication or finalisation.
j) provide to the Director, in electronic format and hard copy, an accurate report on the research activities, including a brief
plain English summary or a short DVD presentation suitable for distribution to traditional Aboriginal owners, park staff and
interested members of the public:
i. within 3 months after the date of expiry of the permit to which this Agreement relates; and
ii. if the permit is issued for a period greater than 12 months, on each anniversary of the permit’s
k) if requested by the Director, provide up to once per year and once after expiry of the permit, a presentation about the
research activities to the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park Board of Management, park staff or traditional Aboriginal owners of
land in the park, including the methods used in carrying out the research activities and the results of the research activities.
A copy of this agreement is to be signed by each proposed holder of the permit or approval in Question 1 or, if the proposed
holder is a company or other incorporated body, by its duly authorised officer.
Name of proposed holder
This agreement is signed in the presence of a witness aged 18 years or older:
Name of witness
Application for a permit to conduct scientific research in a Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park
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Part 4 — Declaration
, a person to whom this permit or approval is to be issued,
DECLARE THAT the information in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge AND that I have
read and understand all of the standard conditions enclosed AND that none of the proposed permit or approval
holders have been convicted1 of, or is presently subject to proceedings for, an offence under:
a) the EPBC Act or Regulations; or
b) another law of the Commonwealth or a State or Territory about the protection, conservation or
management of native species or ecological communities; or
c) section 62 of the Crimes Act 1914 or sections 11.1. 11.4 or 11.53 of the Criminal Code, in
relation to an offence under a law mentioned in a) or b) above; or
d) a provision of a law of a State or Territory that is equivalent to a provision mentioned in
c) above.
If you cannot make this declaration because a proposed permit or approval holder has been convicted of, or is
subject to proceedings for, a relevant type of offence, please contact the reserve for further advice. These
matters do not exclude a permit or approval from being issued but can be taken into account.
Part VIIC of the Crimes Act 1914 includes provisions that, in certain circumstances, relieve persons from the requirement to disclose
spent convictions and require persons aware of such convictions to disregard them.
The applicant is taken to have been convicted of an offence if, within five years before the application is made, the applicant:
a) has been charged with, and found guilty of, the offence but discharged without conviction; or
b) has not been found guilty of the offence, but a court has taken the offence into account in passing sentence on the applicant for
another offence.
Section 6 of the Crimes Act 1914 deals with being an accessory after the fact.
Sections 11.1, 11.4 and 11.5 of the Criminal Code deal with attempts to commit offences, inciting to or urging the commission of
offences by other people and conspiracy to commit offences.
Name of person to whom the permit or approval is to be issued
This declaration is signed in the presence of a witness aged 18 years or older:
Name of witness
In order to assist us in developing more efficient permit administration, please provide an estimate of the time
taken to complete this form, including the time spent by the applicant and any other persons in reading the
application form, collecting the information and answering the questions:
Permit reference number
Receipt date
Permits required
Part 12 – Commonwealth reserve
permit or approval under s359B
Part 13 approval – listed EPBC species, including
Cetaceans (
Part 8A permit – taking biological
resources (
Part 13A – import /export permit
Application for a permit to conduct scientific research in a Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park
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Part 5 — Statutory Declaration
(Complete only if you proposing to collect native biological material in a Commonwealth area – Part 8A permit applies)
Commonwealth of Australia
Statutory Declarations Act 1959
Insert the name,
address and
occupation of
person making
the declaration
Set out matter
declared to in
I, [Insert the name, address and occupation of person making the declaration]
make the following declaration under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959:
in relation to the application by [insert proponent institution/company and name/s of
principle researchers] for access to biological resources under Part 8A of the Environmental
Protection and Biodiversity Regulations 2000 entitled [insert title of proposed research] for
[insert proposed action]:
a) I am authorised to make this declaration for and on behalf of [insert proponent/s
institution/company] (referred to as ‘the applicant for the permit’); and
b) the applicant for the permit does not intend to use the biological resources, to which the
proposed action relates, for commercial purposes; and
c) the applicant for the permit undertakes to give a written report on the results of any
research on the biological resources to each access provider; and
d) the applicant for the permit undertakes to offer, on behalf of each access provider, a
taxonomic duplicate of each sample taken to an Australian public institution that is a
repository of taxonomic specimens of the same order or genus as those collected for
permanent loan; and
e) the applicant for the permit undertakes not to give the sample to any person, other
than the institution mentioned in paragraph (d) above, without permission of each
access provider; and
f) the applicant for the permit undertakes not to carry out, or allow others to carry out,
research or development for commercial purposes on any genetic resources or
biochemical compounds comprising or contained in the biological resources unless a
benefit-sharing agreement has been entered into with each access provider.
I understand that a person who intentionally makes a false statement in a statutory
declaration is guilty of an offence under section 11 of the Statutory Declarations
Act 1959, and I believe that the statements in this declaration are true in every
Signature of
person making
the declaration
Declared at 4
Month and year
on 5
of 6
Before me,
Signature of
person before
whom the
declaration is
made (see over)
Full name,
qualification and
address of
person before
whom the
declaration is
made (in printed
Note 1 A person who intentionally makes a false statement in a statutory declaration is guilty of an offence, the
punishment for which is imprisonment for a term of 4 years — see section 11 of the Statutory Declarations
Act 1959.
Note 2 Chapter 2 of the Criminal Code applies to all offences against the Statutory Declarations Act 1959 — see
section 5A of the Statutory Declarations Act 1959.
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A statutory declaration under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959 may be made before–
(1) a person who is currently licensed or registered under a law to practise in one of the following occupations:
Legal practitioner
Medical practitioner
Patent attorney
Trademarks attorney
Veterinary surgeon
(2) a person who is enrolled on the roll of the Supreme Court of a State or Territory, or the High Court of Australia, as a legal practitioner (however described); or
(3) a person who is in the following list:
Agent of the Australian Postal Corporation who is in charge of an office supplying postal services to the public
Australian Consular Officer or Australian Diplomatic Officer (within the meaning of the Consular Fees Act 1955)
Bank officer with 5 or more continuous years of service
Building society officer with 5 or more years of continuous service
Chief executive officer of a Commonwealth court
Clerk of a court
Commissioner for Affidavits
Commissioner for Declarations
Credit union officer with 5 or more years of continuous service
Employee of the Australian Trade Commission who is:
(a) in a country or place outside Australia; and
(b) authorised under paragraph 3 (d) of the Consular Fees Act 1955; and
(c) exercising his or her function in that place
Employee of the Commonwealth who is:
(a) in a country or place outside Australia; and
(b) authorised under paragraph 3 (c) of the Consular Fees Act 1955; and
(c) exercising his or her function in that place
Fellow of the National Tax Accountants’ Association
Finance company officer with 5 or more years of continuous service
Holder of a statutory office not specified in another item in this list
Judge of a court
Justice of the Peace
Marriage celebrant registered under Subdivision C of Division 1 of Part IV of the Marriage Act 1961
Master of a court
Member of Chartered Secretaries Australia
Member of Engineers Australia, other than at the grade of student
Member of the Association of Taxation and Management Accountants
Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Member of the Australian Defence Force who is:
(a) an officer; or
(b) a non-commissioned officer within the meaning of the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 with 5 or more years of continuous service; or
(c) a warrant officer within the meaning of that Act
Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants or the National Institute of
Member of:
(a) the Parliament of the Commonwealth; or
(b) the Parliament of a State; or
(c) a Territory legislature; or
(d) a local government authority of a State or Territory
Minister of religion registered under Subdivision A of Division 1 of Part IV of the Marriage Act 1961
Notary public
Permanent employee of the Australian Postal Corporation with 5 or more years of continuous service who is employed in an office supplying postal services
to the public
Permanent employee of:
(a) the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority; or
(b) a State or Territory or a State or Territory authority; or
(c) a local government authority;
with 5 or more years of continuous service who is not specified in another item in this list
Person before whom a statutory declaration may be made under the law of the State or Territory in which the declaration is made
Police officer
Registrar, or Deputy Registrar, of a court
Senior Executive Service employee of:
(a) the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority; or
(b) a State or Territory or a State or Territory authority
Sheriff’s officer
Teacher employed on a full-time basis at a school or tertiary education institution
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