Internship Goals, Objectives, and Outcomes

Goals, Objectives, Competencies and Outcomes of Internship Program
B.2. Required Table:
Goal #1: Develop skills and demonstrate competence as entry-level psychologists who
engage in ethical behaviors and exhibit professional identities.
Objective(s) for Goal #1:
1) Interns will exhibit knowledge, awareness, and behaviors consistent with APA’s ethical
principles and agency policies of professional conduct.
2) Interns will display awareness of strengths, limitations, and areas of growth as developing
3) Interns will exhibit a developmentally-appropriate professional identity sufficient to function
as a competent and ethical psychologist in a multicultural, multidisciplinary university setting.
4) Interns will actively participate in the supervision process.
5) Interns will integrate scholarly thinking and an understanding of science with their
professional practice.
Competencies Expected:
1) Interns will practice in accordance with APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code
of Conduct, Guidelines on Multicultural Education, Training, Research, Practice, and
Organizational Change, and Wisconsin State law.
2) Interns will demonstrate greater identification as a professional psychologist as their
internship training progresses.
3) Interns will identify complex ethical situations that challenge professional values and seek
guidance for addressing these situations in supervision and/or other appropriate venues.
4) Interns will consistently demonstrate respect for clients and concern about their welfare.
5) Interns will complete required case documentation promptly and accurately.
6) Interns will demonstrate awareness of the impact behavior has on clients, staff members, the
public, and the profession.
7) Interns will apply psychological science to their professional practice.
Appendix & Page Number for Evaluation Forms Used for Expected Competencies:
Intern Exit Criteria
Intern Quarterly Evaluation forms
Intern End-of-Year Goals Summary
How Outcomes are Measured:
1) Intern supervisors evaluate interns’ performance by watching/listening to recorded
assessment and therapy sessions. Apart from giving immediate verbal feedback to interns in
supervision sessions, intern supervisors integrate this feedback into interns’ Quarterly
Evaluation forms.
2) Intern supervisors review interns’ chart records (e.g., assessment reports, psychotherapy
notes). Apart from giving immediate verbal feedback to interns in supervision sessions,
performance feedback is integrated into interns’ Quarterly Evaluation forms.
3) Intern supervisors evaluate interns’ performance while discussing service provision and
professional development in supervision meetings. Performance feedback is integrated into
interns’ Quarterly Evaluation forms.
4) Intern supervisors will request qualitative feedback from C&CS staff members on a quarterly
basis. Intern supervisors will integrate this feedback into interns’ Quarterly Evaluation forms.
Minimum Thresholds for Achievement for Expected Competencies:
1) Interns must receive a “satisfactory” or better rating on Quarterly Evaluations as judged by
their supervisors. A score of “3” signifies the intern meets expectations for this stage of
2) Interns must receive a “satisfactory” rating on the relevant items from the Intern Exit Criteria
3) Interns must have a “Yes” under successful completion of Goal 1 in the End-of-the-Year
Intern Performance Evaluation.
Goal #2: Develop skills and demonstrate multicultural counseling competence (i.e.,
awareness, knowledge, & skills) as entry-level psychologists and engage in professional
practice with students from diverse cultural backgrounds.
Objective(s) for Goal #2:
1) Interns will promote an ongoing commitment to self-awareness and self-examination
regarding identity, values, and worldview as these factors relate to professional practice as
2) Interns will expand theoretical knowledge and clinical skills required to provide competent
and proficient services to culturally diverse populations.
3) Interns will understand how multicultural competence affects professional practice within
different roles and contexts at C&CS.
Competencies Expected:
1) Interns will explore personal biases, stereotypes, and cultural assumptions as they affect their
professional practice.
2) Interns will become more aware of how culture influences their worldview and professional
3) Interns will provide culturally-relevant and competent services to students from diverse
4) Interns will relate respectfully and appropriately to clients, peers, staff, trainees, and the
campus community as members of different cultural backgrounds.
5) Interns will display an ability to integrate multicultural theory into professional practice.
Appendix & Page Number for Evaluation Forms Used for Expected Competencies:
Intern Exit Criteria
Intern Quarterly Evaluation forms
Intern End-of-Year Goals Summary
How Outcomes are Measured:
1) Facilitators of the Multicultural Counseling Seminar observe and evaluate each intern’s
performance (e.g., level of participation). This information is integrated into interns’ Quarterly
Evaluation forms.
2) Intern supervisors evaluate interns’ performance by watching/listening to recorded
assessment and therapy sessions. Apart from giving immediate verbal feedback to interns in
supervision sessions, intern supervisors integrate this feedback into interns’ Quarterly
Evaluation forms.
3) Intern supervisors review interns’ chart records (e.g., assessment reports, psychotherapy
notes). Apart from giving immediate verbal feedback to interns in supervision sessions,
performance feedback is integrated into interns’ Quarterly Evaluation forms.
4) Intern supervisors evaluate interns’ performance while discussing service provision and
professional development in supervision meetings. Performance feedback is integrated into
interns’ Quarterly Evaluation forms.
Minimum Thresholds for Achievement for Expected Competencies:
1) Interns must receive a “satisfactory” or better rating on Quarterly Evaluations as judged by
their supervisors. A score of “3” signifies the intern meets expectations for this stage of
2) Interns must receive a “satisfactory” rating on the relevant items from the Intern Exit Criteria
3) Interns must have a “Yes” documented under successful completion of Goal 2 in the End-ofthe-Year Intern Performance Evaluation.
Goal #3: Develop skills and demonstrate competence as entry-level psychologists in a
brief, intermittent treatment model to a diverse client population.
Objective(s) for Goal #3:
1) Interns will provide individual counseling to clients with a variety of presenting concerns.
2) Interns will apply a theoretical orientation when providing brief therapy.
3) Interns will integrate psychological science, scholarly inquiry, and theory into practice.
Competencies Expected:
1) Interns will effectively deliver counseling services within a brief treatment model to clients
with a variety of presenting concerns and backgrounds.
2) Interns will establish and maintain rapport with a variety of clients.
3) Interns will write coherent case conceptualization reports and collaborative treatment plans
incorporating evidence-based practices.
4) Interns will evaluate and monitor treatment progress and outcomes.
5) Interns will develop skill, competency, and knowledge in the area of scholarly inquiry.
6) Interns will be members of CCS Research Team and participate in ongoing applied research.
Appendix & Page Number for Evaluation Forms Used for Expected Competencies:
Intern Exit Criteria
Intern Quarterly Evaluation forms
Intern End-of-Year Goals Summary
End-of-the-Year Intern Documentation of Hours
How Outcomes are Measured:
1) Facilitators of the brief treatment seminar observe and evaluate each intern’s performance
(e.g. level of participation). This information is integrated into interns’ Quarterly Evaluation
2) Intern supervisors review interns’ chart records (e.g., assessment reports, psychotherapy
notes). Apart from giving immediate verbal feedback to interns in supervision sessions, intern
supervisors integrate this feedback into interns’ Quarterly Evaluation forms.
3) Intern supervisors evaluate interns’ performance while discussing service provision and
professional development in supervision meetings. Performance feedback is integrated into
interns’ Quarterly Evaluation forms.
4) The Training Director tracks the number of direct service hours recorded by interns.
5) Intern supervisors evaluate interns’ performance in the area of intervention, including
empirically supported treatments by watching/listening to recorded assessment and therapy
sessions. Apart from giving immediate verbal feedback to interns in supervision sessions,
intern supervisors integrate this feedback into interns’ Quarterly Evaluation forms.
6) Facilitators of research projects will observe and evaluate each interns’ performance in
scholarly inquiry (e.g., level of participation). This information is integrated into interns’
Quarterly Evaluation forms.
Minimum Thresholds for Achievement for Expected Competencies:
1) Interns must receive a “satisfactory” or better rating on Quarterly Evaluations as judged by
their supervisors. A score of “3” signifies the intern meets expectations for this stage of
2) Interns must receive a “satisfactory” rating on the relevant items from the Intern Exit Criteria
3) Interns must have a “Yes” documented under successful completion of Goal 3 in the End-ofthe-Year Intern Performance Evaluation.
4) Interns must record a minimum of 500 direct service hours during the internship year.
5) Interns will participate in a minimum of one research project over the course of the internship
year and receive a score of “3” or better on quarterly evaluations. A score of “3” signifies the
intern meets expectations for this stage of development.
Goal #4: Develop skills and demonstrate competence as entry-level psychologists in cofacilitation of interpersonal process groups, first with a senior staff member, and then
with a fellow intern.
Objective(s) for Goal #4:
1) Interns will improve and expand group therapy skills.
2) Interns will apply group theory and research to professional practice.
Competencies Expected:
1) Interns will establish and maintain therapeutic relationships with the group members and the
group co-facilitator.
2) Interns will conduct group screening procedures.
3) Interns will use individual and group supervision to enhance their skills in facilitating groups.
4) Interns will demonstrate knowledge of ethical issues unique to group counseling.
5) Interns will demonstrate awareness of group development, process, and evaluation as well as
termination issues related to group therapy.
6) Interns will demonstrate appropriate documentation and record keeping as related to group
Appendix & Page Number for Evaluation Forms Used for Expected Competencies:
Intern Exit Criteria,
Intern Quarterly Evaluation forms
Intern End-of-Year Goals Summary
How Outcomes are Measured:
1) Intern performance (e.g., level of participation) is observed and evaluated by facilitators of
the group counseling seminar. This information is integrated into interns’ Quarterly Evaluation
2) Interns will read assigned journal articles and utilize research during seminar discussion and
the provision of group counseling.
3) Interns must provide satisfactory group counseling as judged by her/his co-facilitator.
4) Intern supervisors will review interns’ chart records and provide feedback.
5) Intern supervisors will request qualitative feedback from C&CS staff members on a quarterly
basis. Intern supervisors will integrate this feedback into interns’ Quarterly Evaluation forms.
6) Intern supervisors will evaluate interns’ performance in the area of group therapy, by
watching/listening to recorded group therapy sessions. Apart from giving immediate verbal
feedback to interns in supervision sessions, intern supervisors integrate this feedback into
interns’ Quarterly Evaluation forms.
Minimum Thresholds for Achievement for Expected Competencies:
1) Interns will facilitate a minimum of three groups.
2) Interns must receive a “satisfactory” or better rating on quarterly evaluations as judged by
their supervisors. A score of “3” signifies the intern meets expectations for this stage of
3) Interns must receive a “satisfactory” rating on the relevant items from the Intern Exit Criteria
4) Interns must have a “Yes” documented under successful completion of Goal 4 in the End-ofthe-Year Intern Performance Evaluation.
Goal #5: Establish and expand knowledge, skills, and abilities as entry-level psychologists
in triage and crisis services.
Objective(s) for Goal #5:
1) Interns will conduct risk assessments, implement risk management plans, and make client
triage decisions.
Competencies Expected:
1) Each intern will develop skills for crisis intervention by completing a minimum of 30 hours
of crisis training at the beginning of the internship year.
2) Interns will learn about mental health resources and crisis intervention services in the
3) Interns will demonstrate their crisis intervention skills when conducting intake appointments
and daytime crisis appointments through a triage system.
4) Interns will consult with other professionals (e.g., psychiatrist on-call) as necessary.
Appendix & Page Number for Evaluation Forms Used for Expected Competencies:
Intern Exit Criteria
Intern Quarterly Evaluation forms
Intern End-of-Year Goals Summary
How Outcomes are Measured:
1) At the beginning of the internship year, the Director of Clinical and Crisis Services observes
interns during a 30-hour crisis training that involves didactics and experiential exercises (e.g.,
role plays).
2) The Training Director reviews interns’ chart records for intake appointments and daytime
crisis appointments. Performance feedback is integrated into interns’ Quarterly Evaluation
3) Interns will consult with Clinical Director or other supervisors in high-risk situations.
Immediate feedback is provided to. Apart from getting immediate verbal feedback, feedback
is integrated into interns’ Quarterly Evaluation forms.
Minimum Thresholds for Achievement for Expected Competencies:
1) Interns must receive a “satisfactory” or better rating on Quarterly Evaluations as judged by
their supervisors. A score of “3” signifies the intern meets expectations for this stage of
2) Interns must receive a “satisfactory” rating on the relevant items from the Intern Exit Criteria
3) Interns must have a “Yes” documented under successful completion of Goal 5 in the End-ofthe-Year Intern Performance Evaluation.
Goal #6: Establish and expand knowledge, skills, and abilities as entry-level psychologists
in various areas of psychological assessment through clinical interviewing, testing, and
other methods.
Objective(s) for Goal #6:
1) Interns will formulate relevant assessment questions.
2) Interns will conduct diagnostic interviews.
3) Interns will properly select, administer score, and interpret psychological test data.
Competencies Expected:
1) Interns will become more familiar with DSM-IV diagnoses and coding.
2) Interns will complete assessments that answer assessment questions within the context of
presenting complaints, history, and larger social, cultural, and environmental factors.
3) Interns will better understand their beliefs, attitudes, and assumptions about psychological
Appendix & Page Number for Evaluation Forms Used for Expected Competencies:
Intern Exit Criteria
Intern Quarterly Evaluation forms
Intern End-of-Year Goals Summary
How Outcomes are Measured:
1) Intern performance (e.g., level of participation) is observed and evaluated by facilitators of
the Assessment Seminar. This information is integrated into interns’ Quarterly Evaluation
2) Interns will prepare at least two psychological assessment reports in the each of three areas
(ADHD, AODA, and Eating Disorders). These will be integrated reports that will provide a
rationale for the use of selected instruments, include accurate scoring and interpretation of
results, and describe how assessment findings impact diagnosis and treatment planning.
Supervisors will review and co-sign reports. Verbal feedback is given directly to interns
regarding these reports and these reports must evidence competencies 1-3 listed above.
3) Interns must receive a satisfactory or better rating on Quarterly Evaluations and Intern Exit
Criteria form as judged by supervisors and seminar leader(s).
4) Intern supervisors will request qualitative feedback from C&CS staff members on a quarterly
basis. Intern supervisors will integrate this feedback into interns’ Quarterly Evaluation forms.
Minimum Thresholds for Achievement for Expected Competencies:
1) Interns will prepare at least two psychological assessment reports in each of these three areas
(ADHD, AODA, and Eating Disorders).
2) Interns will deliver at least three case presentations within the assessment seminar (one for
each assessment area).
3) Interns must receive a “satisfactory” or better rating on Quarterly Evaluations as judged by
their supervisors. A score of “3” signifies the intern meets expectations for this stage of
4) Interns must receive a “satisfactory” rating on the relevant items from the Intern Exit Criteria
5) Interns must have a “Yes” documented under successful completion of Goal 6 in the End-ofthe-Year Intern Performance Evaluation.
Goal #7: Establish and expand knowledge, skills, and abilities as entry-level psychologists
in liaison relationships and campus-based services.
Objective(s) for Goal #7:
1) Interns will understand the role of consultation and liaison services to a campus community.
2) Interns will design, deliver, and evaluate consultative services for campus groups and/or
Competencies Expected:
1) Interns will be knowledgeable about consultation and liaison relationships in general and
with particular regard to a college campus community.
2) Interns will assess an organization’s needs for consultation in collaboration with that
3) Interns will develop and present a minimum of two consultative activities over the course of
the internship year. Interns will evaluate these outreach presentations and make necessary
changes based on feedback from evaluation.
4) Interns will maintain their liaison relationship(s) throughout the academic year.
5) Interns will participate in supervision with the Multicultural Services Director.
Appendix & Page Number for Evaluation Forms Used for Expected Competencies:
Intern Exit Criteria, Appendix A
Intern Quarterly Evaluation forms
Intern End-of-Year Goals Summary, Appendix L
How Outcomes are Measured:
1) Interns may receive written evaluations of outreach presentations by participants as well as
feedback from their identified liaison.
2) Interns must receive a “satisfactory” or better rating on Quarterly Evaluations and Intern Exit
Criteria form as judged by Multicultural Services Director. This feedback is solicited from the
Director and is integrated into the Quarterly Evaluations.
Minimum Thresholds for Achievement for Expected Competencies:
1) Interns will develop and present a minimum of two consultative activities over the course of
the internship year. Interns will evaluate these outreach presentations and make necessary
changes based on the feedback received from participants.
2) Interns must receive a “satisfactory” or better rating on Quarterly Evaluations as judged by
their supervisors. A score of “3” signifies the intern meets expectations for this stage of
2) Interns must receive a “satisfactory” rating on the relevant items from the Intern Exit Criteria
3) Interns must have a “Yes” documented under successful completion of Goal 7 in the End-ofthe-Year Intern Performance Evaluation.
Goal #8: Develop skills and knowledge in providing supervision in a competent and
developmental manner, as appropriate for entry-level psychologists.
Objective(s) for Goal #8:
1) Interns will develop a theoretical orientation of supervision and apply their orientation with
their supervisee(s).
2) Interns will develop and expand supervision skills, awareness, and knowledge regarding the
provision of supervision.
Competencies Expected:
1) Interns will actively participate in the Supervision of Supervision Seminar.
2) Interns will establish a working relationship with their supervisee. This will include an
understanding of the roles of supervisor and supervisee in the supervision process as well as the
development of goals and tasks that reflect the supervisee’s development and growth.
3) Interns will evaluate and provide feedback to their supervisee and based on a developmental
model of supervisee growth.
4) Interns demonstrate an understanding of the ethical, legal, and contextual issues that impact
the supervision relationship.
5) Interns will increase their awareness of self and how it impacts the supervision relationship.
Appendix & Page Number for Evaluation Forms Used for Expected Competencies:
Intern Exit Criteria
Intern Quarterly Evaluation forms
Intern End-of-Year Goals Summary
How Outcomes are Measured:
1) The facilitator of the Supervision of Supervision Seminar evaluates interns’ performance by
watching/listening to recorded supervision sessions.
2) The facilitator of the Supervision of Supervision Seminar reviews interns’ supervision notes.
3) Interns receive written feedback from their supervisors twice a year.
4) Interns will participate in weekly Supervision of Supervision Seminar. Issues related to
supervision and review of tapes will occur with this supervisor.
Minimum Thresholds for Achievement for Expected Competencies:
1) Interns will provide two hours per week of individual tape based supervision to a master’s
level practicum student for two semesters.
2) Interns must receive a “satisfactory” rating or higher on their semester evaluations that are
completed by the supervisee.
3) Interns must receive a “satisfactory” or better rating on Quarterly Evaluations as judged by
their supervisors. A score of “3” signifies the intern meets expectations for this stage of
4) Interns must receive a “satisfactory” rating on the relevant items from the Intern Exit Criteria
3) Interns must have a “Yes” documented under successful completion of Goal 8 in the End-ofthe-Year Intern Performance Evaluation.
Goal #9: Develop skills and demonstrate competence as entry-level psychologists in
working in a multi-disciplinary, integrated student health care system.
Objective(s) for Goal #9:
1) Interns will exhibit knowledge, awareness, and behaviors consistent with working in a
multidisciplinary, integrated student health care system.
2) Interns will exhibit a developmentally-appropriate professional identity sufficient to function
within a multidisciplinary, integrated student health care system.
3) Interns will actively participate within a multidisciplinary, integrated student health care
Competencies Expected:
1) Intern will actively participate in the Behavioral Health Seminar.
2) Interns will be knowledgeable about a multidisciplinary, integrated student health care
3) Interns will be aware of the roles of providers of various disciplines within a
multidisciplinary, integrated student health care system (e.g., psychologists, psychiatrists, social
workers, physicians, dieticians).
4) Interns will display their knowledge through participation in multidisciplinary activities.
Appendix & Page Number for Evaluation Forms Used for Expected Competencies:
Intern Exit Criteria
Intern Quarterly Evaluation forms
Intern End-of-Year Goals Summary
How Outcomes are Measured:
1) Intern performance (e.g., level of participation) is observed and evaluated by facilitators of
the Behavioral Health Seminar. This information is integrated into interns’ Quarterly Evaluation
2) Intern supervisors evaluate interns’ performance while discussing interactions within the
multidisciplinary, integrated student health care system and professional development in
supervision meetings. Performance feedback is integrated into interns’ Quarterly Evaluation
3) Interns must receive a “satisfactory” or better rating on Quarterly Evaluations and Intern Exit
Criteria form as judged by their supervisor. This feedback is solicited form members of the
multidisciplinary team and is integrated into the Quarterly Evaluations (e.g., psychologists,
psychiatrists, social workers).
Minimum Thresholds for Achievement for Expected Competencies:
1) Interns will participate in a minimum of one interdisciplinary committee over the course of
the internship year.
2) Interns will participate in a minimum of one interdisciplinary clinical team over the course of
the internship year.
3) Interns must receive a “satisfactory” rating on Quarterly Evaluations as judged by their
supervisors. A score of “3” signifies the intern meets expectations for this stage of
4) Interns must have a “Yes” documented under successful completion of Goal 9 in the End-ofthe-Year Intern Performance Evaluation.